
36 lines
1007 B
Executable File

$test_rom_file = "bin/m12test.gba"
$log_file = "bin/test.log"
$sleep_time = 300
$failure_text = "FAIL"
$end_text = "Done!"
$mgba_name = "mgba-rom-test"
If ($IsWindows) { $mgba_cmd = "bin/$mgba_name.exe" }
ElseIf ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) { $mgba_cmd = "bin/$mgba_name" }
"Building the test ROM..."
.\build.ps1 -t
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit -1 }
Remove-Item -Path $log_file
"Starting the emulator... And closing it after $sleep_time seconds if it hasn't finished by then"
& timeout --preserve-status $sleep_time $mgba_cmd -l 16 -C logLevel.gba.bios=0 -C logToStdout=0 -C logToFile=1 -C logFile=$log_file $test_rom_file
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit -1 }
$fails = Select-String -Path $log_file -Pattern $failure_text
if ($fails.count -ne 0) {
"Test failures:"
exit -1
$end_session = Select-String -Path $log_file -Pattern $end_text
if ($end_session.count -eq 0) {
"The tests did not run to completion!"
exit -1
"No failures!"
exit 0