
332 lines
6.9 KiB

// void print_string(char* str, int x, int y)
// In:
// r0: address of string to print
// r1: x (pixel)
// r2: y (pixel)
// Out:
// r0: number of characters printed
// r1: number of pixels printed
push {r2-r6,lr}
mov r5,0
mov r6,r1
mov r4,r0
ldrb r0,[r4,1]
cmp r0,0xFF
beq @@end
ldrb r0,[r4,0]
sub r0,0x50
push {r1-r3}
add sp,-4
mov r3,0xF
str r3,[sp]
mov r3,0
bl print_character
add sp,4
pop {r1-r3}
add r1,r0,r1
add r4,1
add r5,1
b @@prev
mov r0,r5
sub r1,r1,r6
pop {r2-r6,pc}
// void print_string_hlight_pixels(WINDOW* window, char* str, int x,
// int y, bool highlight)
// In:
// r0: window
// r1: address of string to print
// r2: x (pixel)
// r3: y (pixel)
// sp: highlight
// Out:
// r0: number of characters printed
// r1: number of pixels printed
// Copied from C96F0
// Basically it's the exact same subroutine, only in pixels instead of tiles
push {r4-r7,lr}
mov r7,r8
push {r7}
mov r6,r1
ldr r1,[sp,0x18]
lsl r1,r1,0x10
mov r7,0
ldr r5,=0x3005228
ldrh r4,[r5,0]
lsl r4,r4,0x10
asr r4,r4,0x1C
mov r8,r4
lsr r4,r1,0x10
mov r12,r4
asr r1,r1,0x10
add r1,r8
lsl r1,r1,0xC
strh r1,[r5,0]
ldrh r1,[r0,0x22]
lsl r1,r1,3
add r1,r1,r2
ldrh r2,[r0,0x24]
lsl r2,r2,3
add r2,r2,r3
mov r0,r6
bl print_string
mov r7,r0
ldrh r0,[r5,0]
lsl r0,r0,0x10
asr r0,r0,0x1C
mov r4,r12
lsl r3,r4,0x10
asr r3,r3,0x10
sub r0,r0,r3
lsl r0,r0,0xC
strh r0,[r5,0]
lsl r0,r7,0x10
asr r0,r0,0x10
pop {r3}
mov r8,r3
pop {r4-r7}
pop {r2}
bx r2
// void clear_window(WINDOW* window, int bgIndex)
// In:
// r0: window pointer
// r1: background index
// - clears all VWF-ified tiles in a window
push {r0-r3,lr}
add sp,-16
mov r3,r0
mov r0,sp
ldr r2,=0x30051EC
ldrh r2,[r2,0] // tile offset
strh r2,[r0,8]
ldr r2,=0x11111111
mul r1,r2
str r1,[r0,4] // empty row of pixels
ldrh r1,[r3,0x22] // window X
strh r1,[r0,0]
ldrh r1,[r3,0x24] // window Y
strh r1,[r0,2]
ldrh r1,[r3,0x26] // window width
strh r1,[r0,0xC]
ldrh r1,[r3,0x28] // window height
strh r1,[r0,0xE]
bl clear_rect
add sp,16
pop {r0-r3,pc}
// void clear_rect(CLEAR_RECT_STRUCT* data)
// In:
// r0: data pointer
// [r0+0x00]: x
// [r0+0x02]: y
// [r0+0x04]: empty row of pixels
// [r0+0x08]: tile offset
// [r0+0x0C]: width
// [r0+0x0E]: height
// - clears a rectangle
push {r0-r6,lr}
ldrh r1,[r0,0xC] // width
ldrh r2,[r0,0xE] // height
ldrh r6,[r0,0] // initial X
mov r3,0 // current row
cmp r3,r2
bge @@end
mov r4,0 // current col
cmp r4,r1
bge @@inner_end
bl clear_tile_internal
ldrh r5,[r0,0]
add r5,r5,1
strh r5,[r0,0]
add r4,r4,1
b @@prev
ldrh r5,[r0,2]
add r5,r5,1
strh r5,[r0,2]
mov r5,r6
strh r5,[r0,0]
add r3,r3,1
b @@outer_start
pop {r0-r6,pc}
// void clear_tile_internal(CLEAR_STRUCT* data)
// In:
// r0: data pointer
// [r0+0x00]: x
// [r0+0x02]: y
// [r0+0x04]: empty row of pixels
// [r0+0x08]: tile offset
// - clears a VWF tile at (x,y)
push {r0-r3,lr}
mov r3,r0
ldrh r0,[r3,0]
ldrh r1,[r3,2]
push {r1-r3}
bl get_tile_number
pop {r1-r3}
ldrh r1,[r3,8]
add r0,r0,r1
lsl r1,r0,5
mov r0,6
lsl r0,r0,24
add r1,r0,r1 // VRAM dest address
add r0,r3,4 // source address
ldr r2,=0x1000008 // set the fixed source address flag + copy 8 words
swi 0xC // CpuFastSet
pop {r0-r3,pc}
// void print_blankstr(int x, int y, int width)
// In:
// r0: x (tile)
// r1: y (tile)
// r2: width (tile)
// - prints a blank string at (x,y) of width tiles
push {r0-r5,lr}
add sp,-16
mov r4,r0
mov r0,sp
strh r4,[r0,0]
strh r1,[r0,2]
ldr r1,=0x44444444
str r1,[r0,4]
ldr r1,=0x30051EC
ldrh r1,[r1,0]
str r1,[r0,8]
strh r2,[r0,0xC]
mov r2,2
strh r2,[r0,0xE]
bl clear_rect
add sp,16
pop {r0-r5,pc}
// void print_space(WINDOW* window)
// In:
// r0: window pointer
// - prints a space character to window
push {r0-r1,lr}
add sp,-4
mov r1,0x50
str r1,[sp,0]
mov r1,sp
bl weld_entry
add sp,4
pop {r0-r1,pc}
// void copy_tile(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
// In:
// r0,r1: x1,y1
// r2,r3: x2,y2
// - copies a tile from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
push {r0-r4,lr}
// Get the source and dest tile numbers @@next offset
push {r1-r3}
bl get_tile_number
pop {r1-r3}
mov r4,r0
mov r0,r2
mov r1,r3
push {r1-r3}
bl get_tile_number
pop {r1-r3}
mov r3,r0
ldr r0,=0x30051EC
ldrh r1,[r0,0]
add r0,r1,r4 // source tile
add r1,r1,r3 // dest tile
// Get VRAM addresses
mov r2,6
lsl r2,r2,0x18 // VRAM tile base
lsl r0,r0,5
lsl r1,r1,5
add r0,r0,r2 // VRAM source address
add r1,r1,r2 // VRAM dest address
// Copy
mov r2,8
swi 0xC
pop {r0-r4,pc}
// void copy_tile_up(int x, int y)
// In:
// r0,r1: x,y
// - copies a tile upward by one line (16 pixels)
push {r2-r3,lr}
sub r3,r1,2
mov r2,r0
bl copy_tile
pop {r2-r3,pc}