
2363 lines
79 KiB

#include "window.h"
#include "vwf.h"
#include "number-selector.h"
#include "locs.h"
#include "custom_codes.h"
byte decode_character(byte chr)
int c = chr - CHAR_OFFSET;
if ((c < 0) || ((c >= CHAR_END) && (c < YOUWON_START)) || (c > ARROW))
return c;
byte encode_ascii(char chr)
return (byte)(chr + 48);
int get_tile_number(int x, int y)
return m2_coord_table[x + ((y >> 1) * 28)] + (y & 1) * 32;
int get_tile_number_buffer(int x, int y)
//Covers the alphabet-printing issues
if(y >= 0x10)
y -= 0xC;
int totalLenght = x + ((y >> 1) * 28);
int addedValue = (totalLenght >> 5) << 6;
return (totalLenght & 0x1F) + addedValue + (y & 1) * 32;
int get_tile_number_with_offset(int x, int y)
return get_tile_number(x, y) + *tile_offset;
int get_tile_number_with_offset_buffer(int x, int y)
return get_tile_number_buffer(x, y) + *tile_offset;
int get_tile_number_grid(int x, int y)
return x + (y * 32);
int expand_bit_depth(byte row, byte foreground)
foreground &= 0xF;
return m2_bits_to_nybbles[row + (foreground * 256)];
//The foregroundRow is given as a parameter in order to make this faster
byte reduce_bit_depth(int row, int foregroundRow)
row ^= foregroundRow;
int lower = m2_nybbles_to_bits[row & 0xFFFF];
int upper = m2_nybbles_to_bits[(row >> 16) & 0xFFFF];
return lower | (upper << 4);
//The order is swapped in order to make this faster
//Doing the bottom tile directly saves some cycles
void reduce_bit_depth_sp(int* TileRows, int* bufferValues, int* bottomBufferValues)
int* bottomTileRows = TileRows + (0x20 * 8);
const int andValue = 0x11111111;
//First value
unsigned int firstRow = *(TileRows++);
unsigned int secondRow = *(TileRows++);
unsigned int thirdRow = *(TileRows++);
unsigned int fourthRow = *(TileRows++);
firstRow &= andValue;
secondRow &= andValue;
thirdRow &= andValue;
fourthRow &= andValue;
unsigned int value = optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(fourthRow >> 0xF) + (fourthRow & 0xFFFF)];
value <<= 8;
value |= optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(thirdRow >> 0xF) + (thirdRow & 0xFFFF)];
value <<= 8;
value |= optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(secondRow >> 0xF) + (secondRow & 0xFFFF)];
value <<= 8;
value |= optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(firstRow >> 0xF) + (firstRow & 0xFFFF)];
*(bufferValues++) = value;
//Second value
firstRow = *(TileRows++);
secondRow = *(TileRows++);
thirdRow = *(TileRows++);
fourthRow = *(TileRows);
firstRow &= andValue;
secondRow &= andValue;
thirdRow &= andValue;
fourthRow &= andValue;
value = optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(fourthRow >> 0xF) + (fourthRow & 0xFFFF)];
value <<= 8;
value |= optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(thirdRow >> 0xF) + (thirdRow & 0xFFFF)];
value <<= 8;
value |= optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(secondRow >> 0xF) + (secondRow & 0xFFFF)];
value <<= 8;
value |= optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(firstRow >> 0xF) + (firstRow & 0xFFFF)];
*(bufferValues) = value;
//First value of bottom tile
firstRow = *(bottomTileRows++);
secondRow = *(bottomTileRows++);
thirdRow = *(bottomTileRows++);
fourthRow = *(bottomTileRows++);
firstRow &= andValue;
secondRow &= andValue;
thirdRow &= andValue;
fourthRow &= andValue;
value = optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(fourthRow >> 0xF) + (fourthRow & 0xFFFF)];
value <<= 8;
value |= optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(thirdRow >> 0xF) + (thirdRow & 0xFFFF)];
value <<= 8;
value |= optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(secondRow >> 0xF) + (secondRow & 0xFFFF)];
value <<= 8;
value |= optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(firstRow >> 0xF) + (firstRow & 0xFFFF)];
*(bottomBufferValues++) = value;
//Second value of bottom tile - Is not used by the game
firstRow = *(bottomTileRows++);
secondRow = *(bottomTileRows++);
thirdRow = *(bottomTileRows++);
fourthRow = *(bottomTileRows);
firstRow &= andValue;
secondRow &= andValue;
thirdRow &= andValue;
fourthRow &= andValue;
value = optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(fourthRow >> 0xF) + (fourthRow & 0xFFFF)];
value <<= 8;
value |= optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(thirdRow >> 0xF) + (thirdRow & 0xFFFF)];
value <<= 8;
value |= optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(secondRow >> 0xF) + (secondRow & 0xFFFF)];
value <<= 8;
value |= optimized_byte_4bpp_to_1bpp_table[(firstRow >> 0xF) + (firstRow & 0xFFFF)];
*(bottomBufferValues) = value;
byte getSex(byte character)
return character == 1 ? 1 : 0; //character 1 is Paula
void getPossessive(byte character, byte *str, int *index)
char his[] = "his";
char her[] = "her";
if(getSex(character) == 1)
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(her) - 1); i++)
str[(*index)++] = encode_ascii(her[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(his) - 1); i++)
str[(*index)++] = encode_ascii(his[i]);
void getPronoun(byte character, byte *str, int *index)
char he[] = "he";
char she[] = "she";
if(getSex(character) == 1)
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(she) - 1); i++)
str[(*index)++] = encode_ascii(she[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(he) - 1); i++)
str[(*index)++] = encode_ascii(he[i]);
void getCharName(byte character, byte *str, int *index)
copy_name(str, m2_ness_name, index, character * 7);
void copy_name(byte *str, byte *source, int *index, int pos)
while(source[pos + 1] != 0xFF)
str[(*index)++] = source[pos++];
int ascii_strlen(char *str)
int len = 0;
while (str[len] != 0)
return len;
int wrapper_count_pixels_to_tiles(byte *str, int length)
return count_pixels_to_tiles(str, length, 0);
int count_pixels_to_tiles(byte *str, int length, int startingPos)
int pixels = startingPos;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if((str[i] != 0xFF) && (str[i] != 0xFE)) //The latter one is not really needed
pixels += (m2_widths_table[0][decode_character(str[i])] & 0xFF);
else if(str[i] == 0xFE)
// Define 0xFE as a control code
byte cmd = str[++i];
switch (cmd)
pixels += str[++i];
pixels = str[++i];
int tiles = (pixels - startingPos)>> 3;
if((pixels & 7) != 0)
tiles +=1;
return tiles;
//For strings without any control code besides the 00 FF one
int count_pixels_to_tiles_normal_string(byte *str, int startingPos)
int pixels = startingPos;
for(int i = 0;; i++)
if((str[i + 1] != 0xFF)) //The latter one is not really needed
pixels += (m2_widths_table[0][decode_character(str[i])] & 0xFF);
int tiles = (pixels - startingPos)>> 3;
if(((pixels - startingPos) & 7) != 0)
tiles +=1;
return tiles;
byte print_character(byte chr, int x, int y)
return print_character_formatted(chr, x, y, 0, 0xF);
byte print_character_formatted(byte chr, int x, int y, int font, int foreground)
// 0x64 to 0x6C (inclusive) is YOU WON
if ((chr >= YOUWON_START) && (chr <= YOUWON_END))
print_special_character(chr + 0xF0, x, y);
return 8;
// 0x6D is an arrow ->
else if (chr == ARROW)
print_special_character(ARROW + 0x30, x, y);
return 8;
return print_character_with_callback(chr, x, y, font, foreground, vram, &get_tile_number_with_offset, *tilemap_pointer, 32, 0xC);
byte print_character_to_ram(byte chr, int *dest, int xOffset, int font, int foreground)
return print_character_with_callback(chr, xOffset, 0, font, foreground, dest, &get_tile_number_grid, NULL, 32, 0x10);
// Prints a special tile. Pixels are copied to the VWF buffer.
// x, y in pixels
void print_special_character(int tile, int x, int y)
// Special graphics must be tile-aligned
x >>= 3;
y >>= 3;
unsigned short sourceTileIndex = tile + *tile_offset;
unsigned short destTileIndex = get_tile_number(x, y) + *tile_offset;
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + (y * 32)] = destTileIndex | *palette_mask;
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + ((y + 1) * 32)] = (destTileIndex + 32) | *palette_mask;
cpufastset(&vram[sourceTileIndex * 8], &vram[destTileIndex * 8], 8);
cpufastset(&vram[(sourceTileIndex + 32) * 8], &vram[(destTileIndex + 32) * 8], 8);
// Prints a special tile. Pixels are not copied.
// x, y in pixels
void print_special_character_buffer(int tile, int x, int y)
// Special graphics must be tile-aligned
x >>= 3;
y >>= 3;
unsigned short sourceTileIndex = tile + *tile_offset;
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + (y * 32)] = sourceTileIndex | *palette_mask;
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + ((y + 1) * 32)] = (sourceTileIndex + 32) | *palette_mask;
// Maps a special character to the given tile coordinates. Only the tilemap is changed.
// x, y in tiles
void map_special_character(unsigned short tile, int x, int y)
tile = format_tile(tile, false, false);
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + (y * 32)] = tile;
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + ((y + 1) * 32)] = tile + 32;
// Maps a tile to the given tile coordinates. Only the tilemap is changed.
// x, y in tiles
void map_tile(unsigned short tile, int x, int y)
tile = format_tile(tile, false, false);
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + (y * 32)] = tile;
byte print_character_with_callback(byte chr, int x, int y, int font, int foreground,
int *dest, int (*getTileCallback)(int, int), unsigned short *tilemapPtr, int tilemapWidth, byte doubleTileHeight)
int tileWidth = m2_font_widths[font];
int tileHeight = m2_font_heights[font];
int widths = m2_widths_table[font][chr];
int paletteMask = *palette_mask;
byte *glyphRows = &m2_font_table[font][chr * tileWidth * tileHeight * 8];
int virtualWidth = widths & 0xFF;
int leftPortionWidth = 8 - (x & 7);
int tileX = x >> 3;
int tileY = y >> 3;
int offsetY = y & 7;
if((tileY & 1) == 0 && offsetY >= doubleTileHeight - 0x8)
offsetY -= (doubleTileHeight - 0x8);
int nextY = offsetY;
for (int dTileY = 0; dTileY < tileHeight; dTileY++) // dest tile Y
int dTileX = 0;
int renderedWidth = widths >> 8;
offsetY = nextY;
bool changed = false;
while (renderedWidth > 0)
// Glue the leftmost part of the glyph onto the rightmost part of the canvas
int tileIndex = getTileCallback(tileX + dTileX, tileY + dTileY); //get_tile_number(tileX + dTileX, tileY + dTileY) + tileOffset;
bool availableSwap = (dTileY != (tileHeight - 1));
int realTileIndex = tileIndex;
bool useful = false; //Maybe we go over the maximum tile height, let's make sure the extra tile is properly set IF it's useful
int tmpTileY = dTileY;
int limit = ((tmpTileY + tileY) & 1) == 0 ? doubleTileHeight - 8 - 1: 7;
int sumRemoved = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++)
int canvasRow = dest[(realTileIndex * 8) + ((row + offsetY - sumRemoved) & 7)];
byte glyphRow = glyphRows[row + (dTileY * 8 * tileWidth) + (dTileX * 8)] & ((1 << leftPortionWidth) - 1);
glyphRow <<= (8 - leftPortionWidth);
int expandedGlyphRow = expand_bit_depth(glyphRow, foreground);
int expandedGlyphRowMask = ~expand_bit_depth(glyphRow, 0xF);
int tmpCanvasRow = canvasRow;
canvasRow &= expandedGlyphRowMask;
canvasRow |= expandedGlyphRow;
if(!availableSwap && ((row + offsetY) >> 3) == 1 && canvasRow != tmpCanvasRow) //This changed the canvas, then it's useful... IF it's the extra vertical tile
useful = true;
dest[(realTileIndex * 8) + ((row + offsetY - sumRemoved) & 7)] = canvasRow;
if((row + offsetY - sumRemoved) == limit)
realTileIndex = getTileCallback(tileX + dTileX, tileY + tmpTileY + 1);
sumRemoved += limit + 1;
nextY = (nextY + limit + 1) & 7;
changed = true;
limit = ((tmpTileY + tileY) & 1) == 0 ? doubleTileHeight - 8 - 1: 7;
if (tilemapPtr != NULL)
tilemapPtr[tileX + dTileX + ((tileY + dTileY) * tilemapWidth)] = paletteMask | tileIndex;
tilemapPtr[tileX + dTileX + ((tileY + dTileY + 1) * tilemapWidth)] = paletteMask | realTileIndex;
if (renderedWidth - leftPortionWidth > 0 && leftPortionWidth < 8)
// Glue the rightmost part of the glyph onto the leftmost part of the next tile
// on the canvas
tileIndex = getTileCallback(tileX + dTileX + 1, tileY + dTileY); //get_tile_number(tileX + dTileX + 1, tileY + dTileY) + tileOffset;
availableSwap = (dTileY != (tileHeight - 1));
realTileIndex = tileIndex;
useful = false; //Maybe we go over the maximum tile height, let's make sure the extra tile is properly set IF it's useful
tmpTileY = dTileY;
limit = ((tmpTileY + tileY) & 1) == 0 ? doubleTileHeight - 8 - 1: 7;
sumRemoved = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++)
int canvasRow = dest[(realTileIndex * 8) + ((row + offsetY - sumRemoved) & 7)];
byte glyphRow = glyphRows[row + (dTileY * 8 * tileWidth) + (dTileX * 8)] >> leftPortionWidth;
int expandedGlyphRow = expand_bit_depth(glyphRow, foreground);
int expandedGlyphRowMask = ~expand_bit_depth(glyphRow, 0xF);
int tmpCanvasRow = canvasRow;
canvasRow &= expandedGlyphRowMask;
canvasRow |= expandedGlyphRow;
if(!availableSwap && ((row + offsetY) >> 3) == 1 && canvasRow != tmpCanvasRow) //This changed the canvas, then it's useful... IF it's the extra vertical tile
useful = true;
dest[(realTileIndex * 8) + ((row + offsetY - sumRemoved) & 7)] = canvasRow;
if((row + offsetY - sumRemoved) == limit)
realTileIndex = getTileCallback(tileX + 1 + dTileX, tileY + tmpTileY + 1);
sumRemoved += limit + 1;
nextY = (nextY + limit + 1) & 7;
changed = true;
limit = ((tmpTileY + tileY) & 1) == 0 ? doubleTileHeight - 8 - 1: 7;
if (tilemapPtr != NULL)
tilemapPtr[tileX + dTileX + 1 + ((tileY + dTileY) * tilemapWidth)] = paletteMask | tileIndex ;
tilemapPtr[tileX + dTileX + 1 + ((tileY + dTileY + 1) * tilemapWidth)] = paletteMask | realTileIndex;
renderedWidth -= 8;
return virtualWidth;
int convert_tile_address_buffer(int tile)
//Allows using tiles with different size to make the buffer smaller
tile -= *tile_offset;
int inner_line = tile & 0x3F;
int lines = (tile >> 6) << 5;
int returned_address = ((*tile_offset) * TILESET_OFFSET_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER) + (lines * DEFAULT_DOUBLE_TILE_HEIGHT);
if(inner_line >= 0x20)
return returned_address + (0x20 * 8) + ((inner_line & 0x1F) * (DEFAULT_DOUBLE_TILE_HEIGHT - 8));
return returned_address + (inner_line * 8);
byte print_character_with_callback_1bpp_buffer(byte chr, int x, int y, byte *dest, int (*getTileCallback)(int, int), int font,
unsigned short *tilemapPtr, int tilemapWidth, byte doubleTileHeight)
int tileWidth = m2_font_widths[font];
int tileHeight = m2_font_heights[font];
int widths = m2_widths_table[font][chr];
int paletteMask = *palette_mask;
byte *glyphRows = &m2_font_table[font][chr * tileWidth * tileHeight * 8];
int virtualWidth = widths & 0xFF;
int tileX = x >> 3;
int tileY = y >> 3;
int offsetY = y & 7;
int offsetX = x & 7;
if((tileY & 1) == 0 && offsetY >= doubleTileHeight - 0x8)
offsetY -= (doubleTileHeight - 0x8);
int nextY = offsetY;
for (int dTileY = 0; dTileY < tileHeight; dTileY++) // dest tile Y
int dTileX = 0;
int renderedWidth = widths >> 8;
offsetY = nextY;
bool changed = false;
while (renderedWidth > 0)
// Glue the leftmost part of the glyph onto the rightmost part of the canvas
int tileIndex = get_tile_number_with_offset_buffer(tileX + dTileX, tileY + dTileY);
int tileIndexRight = get_tile_number_with_offset_buffer(tileX + dTileX + 1, tileY + dTileY);
bool availableSwap = (dTileY != (tileHeight - 1));
int realTileIndex = tileIndex;
int realTileIndexRight = tileIndexRight;
bool useful = false; //Maybe we go over the maximum tile height, let's make sure the extra tile is properly set IF it's useful
int tmpTileY = dTileY;
int limit = ((tmpTileY + tileY) & 1) == 0 ? doubleTileHeight - 8 - 1: 7;
int sumRemoved = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++)
unsigned short canvasRow = dest[convert_tile_address_buffer(realTileIndex) + ((row + offsetY - sumRemoved) & 7)] + (dest[convert_tile_address_buffer(realTileIndexRight) + ((row + offsetY - sumRemoved) & 7)] << 8);
unsigned short glyphRow = glyphRows[row + (dTileY * 8 * tileWidth) + (dTileX * 8)] << offsetX;
unsigned short tmpCanvasRow = canvasRow;
canvasRow |= glyphRow;
if(!availableSwap && ((row + offsetY) >> 3) == 1 && canvasRow != tmpCanvasRow) //This changed the canvas, then it's useful... IF it's the extra vertical tile
useful = true;
dest[convert_tile_address_buffer(realTileIndex) + ((row + offsetY - sumRemoved) & 7)] = canvasRow;
dest[convert_tile_address_buffer(realTileIndexRight) + ((row + offsetY - sumRemoved) & 7)] = canvasRow >> 8;
if((row + offsetY - sumRemoved) == limit)
realTileIndex = get_tile_number_with_offset_buffer(tileX + dTileX, tileY + tmpTileY);
realTileIndexRight = get_tile_number_with_offset_buffer(tileX + 1 + dTileX, tileY + tmpTileY);
sumRemoved += limit + 1;
nextY = (nextY + limit + 1) & 7;
changed = true;
limit = ((tmpTileY + tileY) & 1) == 0 ? doubleTileHeight - 8 - 1: 7;
if (tilemapPtr != NULL)
tilemapPtr[tileX + dTileX + ((tileY + dTileY) * tilemapWidth)] = paletteMask | getTileCallback(tileX + dTileX, tileY + dTileY);
if(renderedWidth - 8 + offsetX > 0 && offsetX != 0)
tilemapPtr[tileX + dTileX + 1 + ((tileY + dTileY) * tilemapWidth)] = paletteMask | getTileCallback(tileX + dTileX + 1, tileY + dTileY);
tilemapPtr[tileX + dTileX + ((tileY + tmpTileY) * tilemapWidth)] = paletteMask | getTileCallback(tileX + dTileX, tileY + tmpTileY);
if(renderedWidth - 8 + offsetX > 0 && offsetX != 0)
tilemapPtr[tileX + dTileX + 1 + ((tileY + tmpTileY) * tilemapWidth)] = paletteMask | getTileCallback(tileX + dTileX + 1, tileY + tmpTileY);
renderedWidth -= 8;
return virtualWidth;
int print_window_header_string(int *dest, byte *str, int x, int y)
int pixelX = x & 7;
int *destOffset = dest + ((x & ~7) + (y * 32));
for (;;)
byte code = *(str + 1);
if (code == 0xFF)
if (*str == 0)
str += 2;
pixelX += print_character_to_ram(decode_character(*str++), destOffset, pixelX, 4, 0xF);
return pixelX - (x & 7);
void clear_window_header(int *dest, int length, int x, int y)
dest += (x + (y * 32)) * 8;
clear_rect_ram(dest, length, WINDOW_HEADER_BG);
//Prints the number header string in a tiny buffer and stores it in one go
int print_window_number_header_string(int *dest, byte *str, int x, int y)
int pixelX = x & 7;
int *destOffset = dest + ((x & ~7) + (y * 32));
int buffer[8 * 3];
for(int i = 0; i < 8 * 3; i++)
buffer[i] = 0x33333333;
for (;;)
byte code = *(str + 1);
if (code == 0xFF)
if (*str == 0)
str += 2;
pixelX += print_character_to_ram(decode_character(*str++), buffer, pixelX, 4, 0xF);
for(int i = 0; i < 8 * 3; i++)
destOffset[i] = buffer[i];
return pixelX - (x & 7);
unsigned short* print_equip_header(int type, unsigned short *tilemap, unsigned int *dest, WINDOW *window)
byte *str = 0;
switch (type)
case 3:
str = m12_other_str5; // Weapon
case 4:
str = m12_other_str6; // Body
case 5:
str = m12_other_str7; // Arms
case 6:
str = m12_other_str8; // Other
if (str != 0)
int startX = WINDOW_HEADER_X * 8;
int startY = WINDOW_HEADER_Y * 8;
int width = 0;
width += print_window_header_string(dest, str, startX + width, startY);
// Print (X)
if (window->cursor_x > 6)
int buffer[8 * 3];
int mask = WINDOW_HEADER_BG;
for(int i = 0; i < (width & 7); i++) //Saves only the important pixels and deletes the rest in the buffer
mask = (mask << 4) | 0xF;
int *destOffset = dest + (((startX + width) & ~7) + (startY * 32));
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
buffer[i] = destOffset[i] & mask;
for(int i = 0; i < 8 * 2; i++)
buffer[8 + i] = WINDOW_HEADER_BG;
int base = window->cursor_x_base;
str = m2_strlookup(m2_misc_offsets, m2_misc_strings, base + 0x8C);
width += print_window_header_string(buffer, str, width & 7, 0);
for(int i = 0; i < 8 * 3; i++) //Restore the vram
destOffset[i] = buffer[i];
// Update tilemap
int tiles = (width + 7) >> 3;
int tileIndex = WINDOW_HEADER_TILE + *tile_offset;
for (int i = 0; i < tiles; i++)
*tilemap++ = tileIndex++ | *palette_mask;
return tilemap;
// Returns a formatted tile value including the palette index, flip flags and
// tile offset.
unsigned short format_tile(unsigned short tile, bool flip_x, bool flip_y)
tile += *tile_offset;
tile |= *palette_mask;
if (flip_x)
tile |= (1 << 10);
if (flip_y)
tile |= (1 << 11);
return tile;
// Copy party character name to window header
// Assumes that the party character names have already been rendered
// to VRAM; this just copies the map data
void copy_name_header(WINDOW *window, int character_index)
// Coordinates of the name tiles
int x = window->window_x + 1;
int y = window->window_y - 1;
// Print the partial border tile before the name
(*tilemap_pointer)[x - 1 + (y * 32)] = format_tile(0xB3, false, false);
// Get name width in pixels
byte *name_str = pc_names + (character_index * 7);
unsigned short *widths_table = m2_widths_table[4]; // small font
int width = 0;
while (*(name_str + 1) != 0xFF)
width += widths_table[decode_character(*name_str)] & 0xFF;
// Print name
int num_tiles = (width + 7) >> 3;
int tile = name_header_tiles[character_index];
for (int i = 0; i < num_tiles; i++)
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + i + (y * 32)] = format_tile(tile, false, false);
// Print flipped partial border tile after name
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + num_tiles + (y * 32)] = format_tile(0xB3, true, false);
// Clears a window's name header by printing border tiles in the slots for the
// name, plus one tile on either side for the partial borders
void clear_name_header(WINDOW* window)
// We don't need to know how long the name is; just make a conservative
// estimate that it couldn't have been more than 4 tiles wide
int x = window->window_x; // start of partial border tile
int y = window->window_y - 1;
int tile = format_tile(0x96, false, true);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + (y * 32)] = tile;
// Draws the arrow tiles on a window
// The big flag controls what size to use
void draw_window_arrows(WINDOW *window, bool big)
int x = window->window_x + window->window_width - 3;
int y = window->window_y - 1;
unsigned short tile = format_tile(big ? 0x9B : 0xBB, false, false);
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + (y * 32)] = tile;
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + 1 + (y * 32)] = tile + 1;
// Replaces window arrow tiles with regular border tiles
void clear_window_arrows(WINDOW *window)
int x = window->window_x + window->window_width - 3;
int y = window->window_y - 1;
unsigned short tile = format_tile(0x96, false, true);
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + (y * 32)] = tile;
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + 1 + (y * 32)] = tile;
// Confirms the text breaks the boundaries
bool text_overflows_window(WINDOW* window)
return (window->text_x > window->window_width) || ((window->text_x == window->window_width) && (window->pixel_x > 0));
void weld_entry(WINDOW *window, byte *str)
weld_entry_custom(window, str, 0, 0xF);
int weld_entry_saturn(WINDOW *window, byte *str)
weld_entry_custom(window, str, 1, 0xF);
// TODO: figure out when the original routine at 80ED770 might return non-zero
// Looking at 80CA3A4, maybe 1 is returned if a non-saturn glyph is encountered?
// And looking at 80D2F24, that seems to be the case...
return 0;
void weld_entry_custom(WINDOW *window, byte *str, int font, int foreground)
int chr = decode_character(*str);
int x = window->pixel_x + (window->window_x + window->text_x) * 8;
int y = (window->window_y + window->text_y) * 8;
x += print_character_formatted(chr, x, y, font, foreground);
x += (m2_widths_table[font][chr] & 0xFF);
window->pixel_x = x & 7;
window->text_x = (x >> 3) - window->window_x;
if(window->inside_width_calc && text_overflows_window(window))
window->text_x = window->window_width + 1;
// Returns: ____XXXX = number of characters printed
// XXXX____ = number of pixels printed
// x, y: pixels
int print_string(byte *str, int x, int y)
if (str == NULL)
return 0;
byte chr;
int initial_x = x;
int charCount = 0;
while (str[1] != 0xFF)
x += print_character(decode_character(*str++), x, y);
int totalWidth = x - initial_x;
return (charCount & 0xFFFF) | (totalWidth << 16);
// Edited version which recognizes the 5F FF code
// Returns: ____XXXX = number of characters printed
// XXXX____ = number of pixels printed
// x, y: pixels
int print_string_edited(byte *str, int x, int y)
if (str == NULL)
return 0;
byte chr;
int initial_x = x;
int charCount = 0;
while (!(str[1] == 0xFF && str[0] == 0x00))
if(str[1] != 0xFF)
x += print_character(decode_character(*str++), x, y);
else if(str[0] == 0x5F)
x = initial_x + str[2];
str += 3;
int totalWidth = x - initial_x;
return (charCount & 0xFFFF) | (totalWidth << 16);
unsigned short printstr_hlight_edited(WINDOW* window, byte* str, unsigned short x, unsigned short y, bool highlight)
return printstr_hlight_pixels_edited(window, str, x << 3, y << 4, highlight);
unsigned short printstr_hlight_pixels_edited(WINDOW* window, byte* str, unsigned short x, unsigned short y, bool highlight)
unsigned short printX = x + ((window->window_x) << 3);
unsigned short printY = y + ((window->window_y) << 3);
unsigned short tmpPaletteMsk = (*palette_mask);
unsigned short palette_mask_highlight = tmpPaletteMsk;
palette_mask_highlight += 0x1000;
(*palette_mask) = palette_mask_highlight;
unsigned short printed_Characters = print_string_edited(str, printX, printY);
(*palette_mask) = tmpPaletteMsk;
return printed_Characters;
int print_menu_string(WINDOW* window)
byte *menu_text = window->menu_text;
if (menu_text == NULL)
return 0;
int x = window->window_x << 3;
int y = (window->window_y + window->text_y) << 3;
byte chr;
int initial_x = x;
int charCount = 0;
bool looping = true;
int set_count = 0;
byte first_set_value = 0;
while (looping)
if (menu_text[1] == 0xFF)
switch (menu_text[0])
byte set_value = menu_text[2];
x = set_value + initial_x;
menu_text += 3;
if (set_count == 1)
first_set_value = set_value;
else if (set_count == 2)
// If we're calling SET the second time, update the
// window cursor delta to be the difference between
// the two set values
window->cursor_x_delta = (set_value - first_set_value) >> 3;
x += menu_text[2];
menu_text += 3;
looping = false;
window->menu_text = NULL; //Otherwise it will keep printing indefinetly
x += print_character(decode_character(*menu_text++), x, y);
window->text_x = 0;
window->pixel_x = 0;
int totalWidth = x - initial_x;
return (charCount & 0xFFFF) | (totalWidth << 16);
// x,y: tile coordinates
void clear_tile(int x, int y, int pixels)
// Clear pixels
int tileIndex = get_tile_number(x, y) + *tile_offset;
cpufastset(&pixels, &vram[tileIndex * 8], CPUFASTSET_FILL | 8);
// Reset the tilemap (e.g. get rid of equip or SMAAAASH!! tiles)
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + (y * 32)] = tileIndex | *palette_mask;
// x,y: tile coordinates
void clear_rect(int x, int y, int width, int height, int pixels)
for (int tileY = 0; tileY < height; tileY++)
for (int tileX = 0; tileX < width; tileX++)
clear_tile(x + tileX, y + tileY, pixels);
void clear_rect_ram(int *dest, int tileCount, int pixels)
cpufastset(&pixels, dest, CPUFASTSET_FILL | (tileCount * 8));
void clear_window(WINDOW *window)
clear_rect(window->window_x, window->window_y,
window->window_width, window->window_height,
// x, y, width: tile coordinates
void print_blankstr(int x, int y, int width)
clear_rect(x, y, width, 2, WINDOW_AREA_BG);
// x, y, width: tile coordinates
void print_blankstr_window(int x, int y, int width, WINDOW* window)
print_blankstr(x + window->window_x, y + window->window_y, width);
// x,y: tile coordinates
void copy_tile(int xSource, int ySource, int xDest, int yDest)
int sourceTileIndex = get_tile_number(xSource, ySource) + *tile_offset;
int destTileIndex = get_tile_number(xDest, yDest) + *tile_offset;
cpufastset(&vram[sourceTileIndex * 8], &vram[destTileIndex * 8], 8);
// x,y: tile coordinates
void copy_tile_up(int x, int y)
copy_tile(x, y, x, y - 2);
void print_space(WINDOW *window)
byte space = SPACE;
weld_entry(window, &space);
// Prints the dollar sign, the zeroes, and (optionally if style == 1) the 00 symbol
void print_number_menu(WINDOW* window, int style)
// Print a $ sign (0x54) at (32, 32) pixels
int x = (window->window_x << 3) + 32;
int y = (window->window_y << 3) + 32;
print_character(decode_character(0x54), x, y);
x += 8;
// Print the zeroes (0x60)
for (int i = 0; i < window->cursor_x_delta; i++)
print_character(decode_character(0x60), x, y);
x += 8;
// Print the 00 symbol (0x56)
if (style == 1)
print_character(decode_character(0x56), x, y);
// Print the given digit for the number selection menu at the current cursor location
void print_number_menu_current(byte digit, WINDOW* window)
// Skip the 4 blank tiles
int x = (window->window_x + (window->cursor_x_delta - window->cursor_x) + 4) << 3;
// Skip the first two text rows
int y = (window->window_y + 4) << 3;
// Erase what was there before
print_blankstr(x >> 3, y >> 3, 1);
// Now print the digit
print_character(decode_character(digit + 0x60), x, y);
// Clears the number menu of a window
// More specifically, clear the 3rd row of text and reset the bottom window border
void clear_number_menu(WINDOW* window)
// Clear the text
print_blankstr_window(0, 4, window->window_width, window);
// Reset the border (6th tile row)
unsigned short border_tile = (*tile_offset + 0x96) | *palette_mask;
for (int i = 0; i < window->window_width; i++)
(*tilemap_pointer)[window->window_x + i + ((window->window_y + 6) * 32)] = border_tile;
// Prints a character to a window, and updates the window's text position
byte print_character_to_window(byte chr, WINDOW* window)
int x = ((window->window_x + window->text_x) << 3) + window->pixel_x;
int y = (window->window_y + window->text_y) << 3;
byte width = print_character(chr, x, y);
x += width;
window->pixel_x = x & 7;
window->text_x = (x >> 3) - window->window_x;
return width;
// Write the following, in sequence, to str:
// [5F FF xx] code to right-align the text to padding pixels
// Dollar sign (0x54)
// Digits
// 00 symbol (0x56)
// [00 FF] end code
void format_cash_window(int value, int padding, byte* str)
// Convert digits to BCD for easy parsing
int digit_count;
int bcd = bin_to_bcd(value, &digit_count);
// Dollar sign is 6 pixels wide, 00 symbol is 8
padding -= 14;
// Subtract 6 pixels for each digit
padding -= (6 * digit_count);
// Control code
*str++ = 0x5F;
*str++ = 0xFF;
*str++ = padding & 0xFF;
*str++ = 0x54;
// Write the digits
for (int i = 0; i < digit_count; i++)
byte digit = ((bcd >> ((digit_count - 1 - i) * 4)) & 0xF) + ZERO;
*str++ = digit;
*str++ = 0x56;
*str++ = 0;
*str++ = 0xFF;
int player_name_printing_registration(byte* str, WINDOW* window)
char String[26];
bool ended = false;
int total = 24;
for(int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
String[i] = 0x53;
else if((i < 23 && str[i + 1] == 0xFF && str[i] == 0) || (i == 23 && str[i] == 0))
String[i] = 0x70;
total = i;
ended = true;
String[i] = str[i];
String[24] = 0;
String[25] = 0xFF;
print_blankstr_window_buffer(0, 2, 24, window);
printstr_buffer(window, String, 0, 1, 0);
return total;
// The game draws windows lazily: no window will be drawn to the screen until
// a renderable token is encountered. So it's possible to have text that
// does stuff in the background without ever showing a window. Lots of doors
// and hotspots do this for example.
// When the game first encounters a renderable token, it checks two things:
// - If the flag at 0x30051F0 is 1, then call m2_resetwindow and set the flag to 0
// - If the window has flag 0x20 set, then call m2_drawwindow (which unsets the
// window flag)
// See 80CA2C2 for an example. We want to replicate this behaviour sometimes,
// e.g. for custom control codes that are considered renderable.
void handle_first_window(WINDOW* window)
if (*first_window_flag == 1)
m2_resetwindow(window, false);
*first_window_flag = 0;
else if (window->redraw)
//Returns in *String a string containing "Talk to" and "Goods"
void setupShortMainMenu_Talk_to_Goods(char *String)
char Talk_to[] = "Talk to";
char Goods[] = "Goods";
int index = 0;
String[index++] = 0x5F;
String[index++] = 0xFF;
String[index++] = 0x08;
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(Talk_to) - 1); i++)
String[index++] = encode_ascii(Talk_to[i]);
String[index++] = 0x5F;
String[index++] = 0xFF;
String[index++] = 0x30;
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(Goods) - 1); i++)
String[index++] = encode_ascii(Goods[i]);
String[index++] = 0;
String[index++] = 0xFF;
int get_pointer_jump_back(byte *character)
byte *address1 = ((byte*)0x3004F24);
byte *address2 = ((byte*)0x3005078);
byte val = (*address1);
byte val2 = (*address2);
if(val != 0 || val2 == 0)
return 0;
(*address2) = val2;
int *address3 = ((int*)0x3005080);
byte *str = (byte*)(*(address3 + val2));
return (str - character - 2);
void print_letter_in_buffer(WINDOW* window, byte* character, byte* dest)
m2_cstm_last_printed[0] = (*character);
weld_entry_custom_buffer(window, character, 0, 0xF, dest);
if(window->delay_between_prints == 0)
byte* address = (byte*)0x3005218;
byte counter = (*address);
if(counter == 1)
int print_window_with_buffer(WINDOW* window)
int delay = 0;
if((window->loaded_code != 0) && ((*script_readability) == 0))
if(window->delay_between_prints == 0)
delay = 0;
else if(!window->enable && window->flags_unknown1 == 1)
else if(window->enable && window->flags_unknown1 == 1)
return 0;
while(window->loaded_code !=0)
window->delay = delay;
print_character_with_codes(window, (byte*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER - ((*tile_offset) * TILESET_OFFSET_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER)));
return 0;
void scrolltext_buffer(WINDOW* window, byte* dest)
unsigned short empty_tile = ((*tile_offset) + 0x1FF) | (*palette_mask);
unsigned short *arrangementBase = (*tilemap_pointer);
int start = (window->window_y * 32) + window->window_x;
if(window->window_height <= 2)
if(window->window_area > 0)
for(int y = 0; y < window->window_height && y + window->window_y <= 0x1F; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < window->window_width && x + window->window_x <= 0x1F; x++)
arrangementBase[start + x + (y * 32)] = empty_tile;
clear_tile_buffer(x + window->window_x, y + window->window_y, dest);
if(window->window_area > 0)
for(int y = 2; y < window->window_height && y + window->window_y <= 0x1F; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < window->window_width && x + window->window_x <= 0x1F; x++)
if(arrangementBase[start + ((y - 2) * 32) + x] == empty_tile)
if(arrangementBase[start + (y * 32) + x] != empty_tile) //Non Blank to Blank
copy_tile_up_buffer(x, y, dest);
arrangementBase[start + ((y - 2) * 32) + x] = arrangementBase[start + (y * 32) + x];
if(arrangementBase[start + (y * 32) + x] == empty_tile) //Blank to Non Blank
arrangementBase[start + ((y - 2) * 32) + x] = empty_tile;
copy_tile_up_buffer(x, y, dest); //Non Blank to Non Blank
for(int y = window->window_height - 2; y >= 0 && y < window->window_height; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < window->window_width && x + window->window_x <= 0x1F; x++)
arrangementBase[start + x + (y * 32)] = empty_tile;
clear_tile_buffer(x + window->window_x, y + window->window_y, dest);
void properScroll(WINDOW* window, byte* dest)
scrolltext_buffer(window, dest);
window->text_y = window->text_y - 2;
window->text_x = 0;
window->pixel_x = 0;
void setStuffWindow_Graphics()
int *something = (int*)0x3005220;
unsigned short *address = (unsigned short*)((*something) + 0x4BA);
(*address) = 0;
(*(address + 2)) = 0;
(*(address - 2)) = (*(address - 2)) + 1;
if((*(address - 2)) >= 2)
(*(address + 2)) = 0;
byte print_character_with_codes(WINDOW* window, byte* dest)
int delay = window->delay--;
if(delay > 0)
return 0;
bool usingOffset2= false;
int offsetJump = 0;
int returnedLength = 0;
byte *character = window->text_start + window->text_offset;
int y = window->window_y + window->text_y;
int x = window->window_x + window->text_x;
unsigned short *tilesetDest = (unsigned short *)(*tilemap_pointer);
tilesetDest = tilesetDest + (y << 6) + (x << 1);
if((*(character + 1)) != 0xFF)
if(window->text_y >= window->window_height || y > 0x1F)
properScroll(window, dest);
return 0;
case 6:
case 7:
character = m2_ness_name + window->text_offset2; //Ness
usingOffset2 = true;
case 8:
character = (m2_ness_name + 7) + window->text_offset2; //Paula
usingOffset2 = true;
case 9:
character = (m2_ness_name + 14) + window->text_offset2; //Jeff
usingOffset2 = true;
case 10:
character = (m2_ness_name + 21) + window->text_offset2; //Poo
usingOffset2 = true;
case 11:
character = (m2_ness_name + 36) + window->text_offset2; //Food
usingOffset2 = true;
case 12:
character = (m2_ness_name + 44) + window->text_offset2; //Rockin
usingOffset2 = true;
case 20:
character = (m2_ness_name + 28) + window->text_offset2; //King
usingOffset2 = true;
case 13:
break; //User
case 14:
break; //Target
if((*(character + 1)) == 0xFF)
byte code = (*character);
case 1:
window->text_y += 2;
window->text_x = 0;
window->pixel_x = 0;
window->text_offset += 2;
window->text_offset2 += 2;
if(window->text_y >= window->window_height || window->text_y + window->window_y > 0x1F)
properScroll(window, dest);
case 2:
window->text_y += 2;
window->text_x = 0;
window->pixel_x = 0;
window->text_offset += 2;
window->text_offset2 += 2;
window->counter = 0;
window->loaded_code = 2;
return 2;
case 0xD:
case 0xE:
case 0xF:
case 0x10:
window->text_offset += 2;
window->text_offset2 = 0;
window->loaded_code = 7 + code - 0xD;
case 0:
if(window->loaded_code >= 6 && window->loaded_code <= 0x20)
window->loaded_code = 1;
return 1;
offsetJump = get_pointer_jump_back(character);
if(offsetJump != 0)
window->text_offset += 2 + offsetJump;
window->loaded_code = 0;
return 1;
if(code >= 0x60)
window->text_offset += m2_jump_to_offset(character);
returnedLength = custom_codes_parse_generic(code, character, window, dest);
if(returnedLength == 0)
returnedLength = 2;
else if(returnedLength < 0)
returnedLength = 0;
window->text_offset += returnedLength;
handle_first_window_buffer(window, (byte*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER - ((*tile_offset) * TILESET_OFFSET_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER)));
window->delay = window->delay_between_prints;
if(window->text_x >= window->window_width || (window->text_x + window->window_x) > 0x1F)
window->text_y += 2;
window->text_x = 0;
window->pixel_x = 0;
print_letter_in_buffer(window, character, dest);
window->text_offset += 1;
window->text_offset2 += 1;
return 0;
byte print_character_formatted_buffer(byte chr, int x, int y, int font, int foreground, byte *dest)
// 0x64 to 0x6C (inclusive) is YOU WON
if ((chr >= YOUWON_START) && (chr <= YOUWON_END))
print_special_character_buffer(chr + 0xF0, x, y);
return 8;
// 0x6D is an arrow ->
if (chr == ARROW)
print_special_character_buffer(ARROW + 0x30, x, y);
return 9;
return print_character_with_callback_1bpp_buffer(chr, x, y, dest, &get_tile_number_with_offset, font, *tilemap_pointer, 32, 0xC);
void weld_entry_custom_buffer(WINDOW *window, byte *str, int font, int foreground, byte* dest)
int chr = decode_character(*str);
int x = window->pixel_x + (window->window_x + window->text_x) * 8;
int y = (window->window_y + window->text_y) * 8;
x += print_character_formatted_buffer(chr, x, y, font, foreground, dest);
x += (m2_widths_table[font][chr] & 0xFF);
window->pixel_x = x & 7;
window->text_x = (x >> 3) - window->window_x;
if(window->inside_width_calc && text_overflows_window(window))
window->text_x = window->window_width + 1;
void handle_first_window_buffer(WINDOW* window, byte* dest)
if (*first_window_flag == 1)
buffer_reset_window(window, false, dest);
*first_window_flag = 0;
else if (window->redraw)
window->pixel_x = 0;
buffer_drawwindow(window, dest);
void clear_window_buffer(WINDOW *window, byte* dest)
clear_rect_buffer(window->window_x, window->window_y,
window->window_width, window->window_height,
// x,y: tile coordinates
void clear_rect_buffer(int x, int y, int width, int height, byte* dest)
for (int tileY = 0; tileY < height; tileY++)
for (int tileX = 0; tileX < width; tileX++)
clear_tile_buffer(x + tileX, y + tileY, dest);
int print_string_in_buffer(byte *str, int x, int y, byte *dest)
if (str == NULL)
return 0;
byte chr;
int initial_x = x;
int charCount = 0;
while (str[1] != 0xFF || str[0] != 0)
if(str[1] == 0xFF && str[0] == 1)
x = initial_x;
str += 2;
y+= 0x10;
else if(str[1] != 0xFF)
x += print_character_formatted_buffer(decode_character(*str++), x, y, 0, 0xF, dest);
int totalWidth = x - initial_x;
return (charCount & 0xFFFF) | (totalWidth << 16);
int printstr_buffer(WINDOW* window, byte* str, unsigned short x, unsigned short y, bool highlight)
int tmpOffset = window->text_offset;
int tmpOffset2 = window->text_offset2;
byte* tmpTextStart = window->text_start;
unsigned short tmpText_x = window->text_x;
unsigned short tmpText_y = window->text_y;
unsigned short tmpDelayPrints = window->delay_between_prints;
unsigned short tmpPaletteMsk = (*palette_mask);
unsigned short palette_mask_highlight = tmpPaletteMsk;
window->text_start = str;
window->text_offset = 0;
window->text_offset2 = 0;
window->text_x = x;
window->text_y = (y << 1);
palette_mask_highlight += 0x1000;
(*palette_mask) = palette_mask_highlight;
window->pixel_x = 0;
unsigned short output = 0;
while(output != 1)
window->delay = 0;
output = print_character_with_codes(window, (byte*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER - ((*tile_offset) * TILESET_OFFSET_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER)));
int retValue = (window->text_x << 3) + window->pixel_x;
window->text_start = tmpTextStart;
window->text_offset = tmpOffset;
window->text_offset2 = tmpOffset2;
window->text_x = tmpText_x;
window->text_y = tmpText_y;
window->delay_between_prints = tmpDelayPrints;
(*palette_mask) = tmpPaletteMsk;
return retValue;
//Instead of printing an highlighted version of the string, it just highlights the corresponding arrangements
int highlight_string(WINDOW* window, byte* str, unsigned short x, unsigned short y, bool highlight)
int retValue = 0;
unsigned short palette_mask_highlight = (*palette_mask) + (highlight == true ? 0x1000 : 0);
unsigned short* arrangementBase = (*tilemap_pointer) + window->window_x + x + ((window->window_y + (y << 1)) << 5);
int totalTiles = count_pixels_to_tiles_normal_string(str, 0);
for(int i = 0; i < totalTiles; i++)
arrangementBase[i] = (arrangementBase[i] & 0x0FFF) | palette_mask_highlight;
arrangementBase[i + 0x20] = (arrangementBase[i + 0x20] & 0x0FFF) | palette_mask_highlight;
retValue = (x + totalTiles) << 3;
return retValue;
//Highlights "Talk to"
void highlight_talk_to()
char Talk_to[] = "Talk to";
byte str[0xA];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < (sizeof(Talk_to) - 1); i++)
str[i] = encode_ascii(Talk_to[i]);
str[i++] = 0;
str[i] = 0xFF;
highlight_string(getWindow(0), str, 1, 0, true);
unsigned short printstr_hlight_buffer(WINDOW* window, byte* str, unsigned short x, unsigned short y, bool highlight)
return printstr_hlight_pixels_buffer(window, str, x << 3, y << 4, highlight);
unsigned short printstr_hlight_pixels_buffer(WINDOW* window, byte* str, unsigned short x, unsigned short y, bool highlight)
unsigned short printX = x + ((window->window_x) << 3);
unsigned short printY = y + ((window->window_y) << 3);
unsigned short tmpPaletteMsk = (*palette_mask);
unsigned short palette_mask_highlight = tmpPaletteMsk;
palette_mask_highlight += 0x1000;
(*palette_mask) = palette_mask_highlight;
unsigned short printed_Characters = print_string_in_buffer(str, printX, printY, (byte*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER - ((*tile_offset) * TILESET_OFFSET_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER)));
(*palette_mask) = tmpPaletteMsk;
return printed_Characters;
WINDOW* getWindow(int index)
return window_pointers[index];
int initWindow_buffer(WINDOW* window, byte* text_start, unsigned short delay_between_prints)
window->vwf_skip = false;
window->unknown3 = 0;
window->text_x = 0;
window->text_y = 0;
window->text_offset = 0;
window->text_start = text_start;
window->text_start2 = text_start;
window->delay_between_prints = delay_between_prints;
window->delay = 0;
window->loaded_code = 1;
window->enable = true;
window->flags_unknown1 |= 1;
window->redraw = true;
if(text_start == NULL)
buffer_drawwindow(window, (byte*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER - ((*tile_offset) * TILESET_OFFSET_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER)));
return 0;
//A different initWindow called by some windows
int initWindow_cursor_buffer(WINDOW* window, byte* text_start, unsigned short cursor_x_delta, unsigned short unknown7a, unsigned short cursor_x_base)
window->vwf_skip = false;
window->unknown3 = 0;
window->text_x = 0;
window->text_y = 0;
window->text_offset = 0;
window->text_start = text_start;
window->text_start2 = text_start;
window->delay_between_prints = 0;
window->delay = 0;
window->counter = 0;
window->loaded_code = 1;
window->cursor_y = 0;
window->unknown6 = 0;
window->unknown6a = 0;
window->unknown7 = 0;
window->unknown7a = unknown7a;
window->cursor_x = cursor_x_base;
window->cursor_x_base = cursor_x_base;
window->cursor_x_delta = cursor_x_delta;
window->enable = true;
window->flags_unknown1 |= 1;
window->redraw = true;
if(text_start == NULL)
buffer_drawwindow(window, (byte*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER - ((*tile_offset) * TILESET_OFFSET_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER)));
return 0;
void clearWindowTiles_buffer(WINDOW* window)
clear_window_buffer(window, (byte*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER - ((*tile_offset) * TILESET_OFFSET_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER)));
window->text_x = 0;
window->text_y = 0;
// x,y: tile coordinates
void clear_tile_buffer(int x, int y, byte* dest)
// Clear pixels
int tileIndex = get_tile_number_buffer(x, y) + *tile_offset;
int *destTileInt = (int*)&dest[convert_tile_address_buffer(tileIndex)];
destTileInt[0] = 0;
if(((tileIndex - *tile_offset) & 0x20) == 0)
destTileInt[1] = 0;
// Reset the tilemap (e.g. get rid of equip or SMAAAASH!! tiles)
(*tilemap_pointer)[x + (y * 32)] = (get_tile_number(x, y) + (*tile_offset)) | *palette_mask;
int buffer_reset_window(WINDOW* window, bool skip_redraw, byte* dest)
window->delay = 0;
byte code = window->loaded_code - 0xD;
if(code >= 1)
window->loaded_code = 1;
window->enable = true;
window->flags_unknown1 = 1;
window->redraw = true;
window->hold = true;
window->flags_unknown3a = window->flags_unknown3a && 0x1C; //The first byte is set to 0x23
buffer_drawwindow(window, dest);
return 0;
int buffer_drawwindow(WINDOW* window, byte* dest)
if((int*)dest == vram)
clear_window_buffer(window, dest);
unsigned short empty_tile = (0x1FF + (*tile_offset)) | (*palette_mask);
int baseOfWindow = ((window->window_y - 1) * 32) + window->window_x - 1;
unsigned short *arrangementBase = (*tilemap_pointer);
for(int y = 0; y < window->window_height && y + window->window_y <= 0x1F; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < window->window_width && x + window->window_x <= 0x1F; x++)
arrangementBase[baseOfWindow + 1 + x + ((y + 1) * 32)] = empty_tile;
window->counter = 0;
unsigned short void_tile = (0x1DF + (*tile_offset)) | (*palette_mask);
if((window->window_x - 1 < 0) || (window->window_x - 1 + window->window_width > 0x1F) || (window->window_y - 1 < 0) || (window->window_y - 1 + window->window_height > 0x1F))
return -1;
unsigned short bottom_right_corner_void = (0x93 + (*tile_offset)) | (*palette_mask);
unsigned short bottom_right_corner_full = (0x94 + (*tile_offset)) | (*palette_mask);
unsigned short bottom_left_corner_void = 0x400 | bottom_right_corner_void;
unsigned short bottom_left_corner_full = 0x400 | bottom_right_corner_full;
unsigned short top_right_corner_void = 0x800 | bottom_right_corner_void;
unsigned short top_right_corner_full = 0x800 | bottom_right_corner_full;
unsigned short top_left_corner_void = 0xC00 | bottom_right_corner_void;
unsigned short top_left_corner_full = 0xC00 | bottom_right_corner_full;
//Check which tiles to use for the corners
unsigned short current_top_left_tile = arrangementBase[baseOfWindow];
if(current_top_left_tile == void_tile) //Top left
arrangementBase[baseOfWindow] = top_left_corner_void;
else if(current_top_left_tile != top_left_corner_void)
arrangementBase[baseOfWindow] = top_left_corner_full;
unsigned short current_top_right_tile = arrangementBase[baseOfWindow + 1 + window->window_width];
if(current_top_right_tile == void_tile) //Top right
arrangementBase[baseOfWindow + 1 + window->window_width] = top_right_corner_void;
else if(current_top_right_tile != top_right_corner_void)
arrangementBase[baseOfWindow + 1 + window->window_width] = top_right_corner_full;
unsigned short current_bottom_left_tile = arrangementBase[baseOfWindow + ((window->window_height + 1) * 32)];
if(current_bottom_left_tile == void_tile) //Bottom left
arrangementBase[baseOfWindow + ((window->window_height + 1) * 32)] = bottom_left_corner_void;
else if(current_bottom_left_tile != bottom_left_corner_void)
arrangementBase[baseOfWindow + ((window->window_height + 1) * 32)] = bottom_left_corner_full;
unsigned short current_bottom_right_tile = arrangementBase[baseOfWindow + ((window->window_height + 1) * 32) + 1 + window->window_width];
if(current_bottom_right_tile == void_tile) //Bottom right
arrangementBase[baseOfWindow + ((window->window_height + 1) * 32) + 1 + window->window_width] = bottom_right_corner_void;
else if(current_bottom_right_tile != bottom_right_corner_void)
arrangementBase[baseOfWindow + ((window->window_height + 1) * 32) + 1 + window->window_width] = bottom_right_corner_full;
//Border tiles
unsigned short *address = (unsigned short*)0x3000A0E;
unsigned short bottom_horizontal = (0x96 + (*tile_offset)) | (*palette_mask);
unsigned short top_horizontal = 0x800 | bottom_horizontal;
unsigned short right_vertical = (0x95 + (*tile_offset)) | (*palette_mask);
unsigned short left_vertical = 0x400 | right_vertical;
for(int i = 0; i < window->window_width; i++)
arrangementBase[baseOfWindow + 1 + i] = top_horizontal;
arrangementBase[baseOfWindow + ((window->window_height + 1) * 32) + 1 + i] = bottom_horizontal;
for(int i = 0; i < window->window_height; i++)
arrangementBase[baseOfWindow + ((i + 1) * 32)] = left_vertical;
arrangementBase[baseOfWindow + ((i + 1) * 32) + 1 + window->window_width] = right_vertical;
window->redraw = false;
window->enable = true;
(*address) = 1;
return 0;
int setNumber_getLength(int value, byte *str, int maxLength)
if(value <= 0)
str[0] = ZERO;
return 1;
unsigned int *upperValuesTable = (unsigned int*)0x8B1C064;
unsigned int upperValue = *(upperValuesTable + maxLength);
if(value >= upperValue)
for(int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++)
str[i] = ZERO + 9;
return maxLength;
int pos = 0;
int tmpValue = value;
for(int i=0; i < maxLength + 1; i++)
if(value >= upperValue)
byte digit;
if(upperValue == 0)
digit = tmpValue;
digit = m2_div(tmpValue, upperValue);
tmpValue -= (digit * upperValue);
str[pos++] = ZERO + digit;
upperValue = *(upperValuesTable + maxLength - i - 1);
return pos;
unsigned short ailmentTileSetup(byte *ailmentBase, unsigned short defaultVal)
int value = defaultVal;
byte flagValue = 0;
if((*ailmentBase) == CONSCIOUS)
if((*(ailmentBase + 1)) != CONSCIOUS)
flagValue = (*(ailmentBase + 1));
value = 1;
else if((*(ailmentBase + 2)) != CONSCIOUS)
flagValue = (*(ailmentBase + 2));
value = 2;
else if((*(ailmentBase + 3)))
flagValue = (*(ailmentBase + 3));
value = 3;
else if((*(ailmentBase + 4)))
flagValue = (*(ailmentBase + 4));
value = 4;
else if((*(ailmentBase + 5)))
flagValue = (*(ailmentBase + 5));
value = 5;
else if((*(ailmentBase + 6)))
flagValue = (*(ailmentBase + 6));
value = 6;
return 0;
value = 0;
flagValue = (*(ailmentBase));
unsigned short *returnValues = (unsigned short*)0x8B1F2E4;
return (*(returnValues + (value * 7) + flagValue - 1));
void printTinyArrow(int x, int y)
print_special_character_buffer(0x9F, x, y);
void printCashWindow()
(*window_flags) |= 2;
byte *str = (*free_strings_pointers);
format_cash_window(*cash_on_hand, 0x30, str);
initWindow_buffer(getWindow(1), str, 0);
void eb_cartridge_palette_change(bool background)
unsigned short *paletteDest = (unsigned short*)0x5000040;
//Makes the game do the palette work. Copy the result in a bin file and use that instead in order to make the swap fast
unsigned short palettes[0x50];
cpuset(paletteDest, palettes, 0x50);
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
m12_dim_palette(&palettes[i * 0x10], 0x10, 0x800);
cpuset(palettes, paletteDest, 0x50);
cpuset(m12_cartridge_palettes_dimmed, paletteDest, 0x50);
cpuset(&m12_cartridge_palettes[0x20], paletteDest, 0x50);
// x, y, width: tile coordinates
void print_blankstr_buffer(int x, int y, int width, byte *dest)
clear_rect_buffer(x, y, width, 2, dest);
//Function called for printing the alphabet. Seems to be a trimmed down version of the normal script-reading function. Probably done in order to make this faster
int print_alphabet_buffer(WINDOW* window)
byte* dest = (byte*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER - ((*tile_offset) * TILESET_OFFSET_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER));
buffer_drawwindow(window, dest);
if(window->loaded_code == 0 || (*script_readability) != 0)
return 0;
window->delay = 0;
byte* str = window->text_start + window->text_offset;
unsigned short y = window->window_y + window->text_y;
while(window->text_y >= window->window_height || y > 0x1F)
properScroll(window, dest);
y = window->window_y + window->text_y;
if(str[1] == 0xFF)
byte returnedVal = custom_codes_parse_generic(str[0], str, window, dest);
if(returnedVal != 0)
window->text_offset += returnedVal;
str += returnedVal;
else if(str[0] == 1)
window->text_y += 2;
window->text_x = 0;
window->pixel_x = 0;
str += 2;
window->text_offset += 2;
else if(str[0] == 0)
window->loaded_code = 0;
return 0;
if(window->text_x >= window->window_width || (window->text_x + window->window_x) > 0x1F)
window->text_y += 2;
window->text_x = 0;
window->pixel_x = 0;
weld_entry_custom_buffer(window, str, 0, 0xF, dest);
int check_overworld_buffer()
int address = *((int*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER_POINTER));
if(address == 0)
int tmp_counter = m2_buffer_counter;
address = (int)m2_malloc(OVERWORLD_BUFFER_SIZE);
*((int*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER_POINTER)) = address;
m2_buffer_counter = tmp_counter;
return address;
void free_overworld_buffer()
int address = *((int*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER_POINTER));
if(address != 0)
int tmp_counter = m2_buffer_counter;
m2_buffer_counter = tmp_counter;
void load_pixels_overworld_buffer()
int tile = *tile_offset;
int* topBufferValues = (int*)(&buffer[tile * 8]);
int* bottomBufferValues = topBufferValues + 0x40;
int* topTilePointer;
int nextValue = 0x20;
int i = 0;
while(i < (0x1C * 8))
//Using pointers instead of values directly saves another 14k cycles. The total amount of cycles this routine now takes is about 92k
tile = m2_coord_table_fast_progression[i];
int remainingTiles = tile >> 0xB;
tile = (tile & 0x7FF) + (*tile_offset);
topTilePointer = &vram[(tile * 8)];
if(i == nextValue)
nextValue += 0x20;
topBufferValues = bottomBufferValues;
bottomBufferValues += 0x40;
//Using "reduce_bit_depth_sp" reduced the total amount of cycles from 300k to 162k
reduce_bit_depth_sp(topTilePointer, topBufferValues, bottomBufferValues);
topTilePointer += 8;
topBufferValues += 2;
while(remainingTiles > 0)
if(i == nextValue)
nextValue += 0x20;
topBufferValues = bottomBufferValues;
bottomBufferValues += 0x40;
reduce_bit_depth_sp(topTilePointer, topBufferValues, bottomBufferValues);
topTilePointer += 8;
topBufferValues += 2;
void store_pixels_overworld_buffer(int totalYs)
int tile = *tile_offset;
totalYs >>= 1;
int total = totalYs * 0x1C;
int* topBufferValues = (int*)(&buffer[tile * 8]);
int* bottomBufferValues = topBufferValues + 0x40;
int* topTilePointer;
int* bottomTilePointer;
int* bits_to_nybbles_pointer = m2_bits_to_nybbles_fast;
int bits_to_nybbles_array[0x100];
//It's convenient to copy the table in IWRAM (about 0x400 cycles) only if we have more than 0x55 total tiles to copy ((total * 0xC * 2) = total cycles used reading from EWRAM vs. (total * 0xC) + 0x400 = total cycles used writing to and reading from IWRAM)
//From a full copy it saves about 15k cycles
if(total >= 0x56)
cpufastset(bits_to_nybbles_pointer, bits_to_nybbles_array, 0x100);
bits_to_nybbles_pointer = bits_to_nybbles_array;
int nextValue = 0x20;
int i = 0;
while(i < total)
//Not using functions for the tile values saves about 30k cycles on average
//Using pointers + a way to keep track of subsequent tiles saves 50k cycles on average from a full copy
//m2_coord_table_fast_progression has the tile number and the number of tiles used without interruction after it in a single short
tile = m2_coord_table_fast_progression[i];
int remainingTiles = tile >> 0xB;
tile = (tile & 0x7FF) + (*tile_offset);
topTilePointer = &vram[(tile * 8)];
bottomTilePointer = topTilePointer + (0x20 * 8);
if(i == nextValue)
nextValue += 0x20;
topBufferValues += 0x20;
bottomBufferValues += 0x40;
unsigned int first_half = *(topBufferValues++);
unsigned int second_half = *(topBufferValues++);
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
first_half = *(bottomBufferValues++);
//second_half = *(bottomBufferValues++);
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
//Since those are unused
bottomTilePointer += 4;
/* The game doesn't use these
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
while(remainingTiles > 0)
if(i == nextValue)
nextValue += 0x20;
topBufferValues += 0x20;
bottomBufferValues += 0x40;
first_half = *(topBufferValues++);
second_half = *(topBufferValues++);
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
first_half = *(bottomBufferValues++);
//second_half = *(bottomBufferValues++);
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
//Since those are unused
bottomTilePointer += 4;
/* The game doesn't use these
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
void store_pixels_overworld_buffer_totalTiles(int totalTiles)
int tile = *tile_offset;
int* topBufferValues = (int*)(&buffer[tile * 8]);
int* bottomBufferValues = topBufferValues + 0x40;
int* topTilePointer;
int* bottomTilePointer;
int* bits_to_nybbles_pointer = m2_bits_to_nybbles_fast;
int bits_to_nybbles_array[0x100];
//It's convenient to copy the table in IWRAM (about 0x400 cycles) only if we have more than 0x55 total tiles to copy ((total * 0xC * 2) = total cycles used reading from EWRAM vs. (total * 0xC) + 0x400 = total cycles used writing to and reading from IWRAM)
//From a full copy it saves about 15k cycles
if(totalTiles >= 0x56)
cpufastset(bits_to_nybbles_pointer, bits_to_nybbles_array, 0x100);
bits_to_nybbles_pointer = bits_to_nybbles_array;
int nextValue = 0x20;
int i = 0;
while(i < totalTiles)
//Not using functions for the tile values saves about 30k cycles on average
//Using pointers + a way to keep track of subsequent tiles saves 50k cycles on average
//m2_coord_table_fast_progression has the tile number and the number of tiles used without interruction after it in a single short
tile = m2_coord_table_fast_progression[i];
int remainingTiles = tile >> 0xB;
tile = (tile & 0x7FF) + (*tile_offset);
topTilePointer = &vram[(tile * 8)];
bottomTilePointer = topTilePointer + (0x20 * 8);
if(i == nextValue)
nextValue += 0x20;
topBufferValues += 0x20;
bottomBufferValues += 0x40;
unsigned int first_half = *(topBufferValues++);
unsigned int second_half = *(topBufferValues++);
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
first_half = *(bottomBufferValues++);
//second_half = *(bottomBufferValues++);
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
//Since those are unused
bottomTilePointer += 4;
/* The game doesn't use these
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
while(remainingTiles > 0 && i < totalTiles)
if(i == nextValue)
nextValue += 0x20;
topBufferValues += 0x20;
bottomBufferValues += 0x40;
first_half = *(topBufferValues++);
second_half = *(topBufferValues++);
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(topTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
first_half = *(bottomBufferValues++);
//second_half = *(bottomBufferValues++);
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(first_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
//Since those are unused
bottomTilePointer += 4;
/* The game doesn't use these
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 8) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x10) & 0xFF];
*(bottomTilePointer++) = bits_to_nybbles_pointer[(second_half >> 0x18) & 0xFF];
// x, y, width: tile coordinates
void print_blankstr_window_buffer(int x, int y, int width, WINDOW* window)
print_blankstr_buffer(x + window->window_x, y + window->window_y, width, (byte*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER - ((*tile_offset) * TILESET_OFFSET_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER)));
// x,y: tile coordinates
void copy_tile_buffer(int xSource, int ySource, int xDest, int yDest, byte *dest)
int sourceTileIndex = get_tile_number_buffer(xSource, ySource) + *tile_offset;
int destTileIndex = get_tile_number_buffer(xDest, yDest) + *tile_offset;
int* sourceTile = (int*)&dest[convert_tile_address_buffer(sourceTileIndex)];
int* destTile = (int*)&dest[convert_tile_address_buffer(destTileIndex)];
//Copy the first part, no matter what
destTile[0] = sourceTile[0];
//Handle the 4 different cases
if(((sourceTileIndex - *tile_offset) & 0x20) == 0)
if(((destTileIndex - *tile_offset) & 0x20) == 0)
destTile[1] = sourceTile[1];
if(((destTileIndex - *tile_offset) & 0x20) == 0)
destTile[1] = 0;
// x,y: tile coordinates
void copy_tile_up_buffer(int x, int y, byte *dest)
copy_tile_buffer(x, y, x, y - 2, dest);