275 lines
8.7 KiB
275 lines
8.7 KiB
// Called from BCF00 (number selection menu)
// r0: window
// Returns -1 if cancelled, (value + 1) if confirmed, 0 otherwise (e.g. nothing pressed)
080C9444 push {r4-r7,r14}
080C9446 mov r6,r0
// Clear the cursor tile at the current cursor position
080C9448 ldr r1,=#0x3005270
080C944A mov r2,#0x24
080C944C ldsh r0,[r6,r2] // window Y
080C944E add r0,#0x6 // bottom border of the window (we're just assuming it's 6 tiles tall I guess)
080C9450 lsl r0,r0,#0x6
080C9452 ldr r1,[r1] // tilemap base
080C9454 add r1,r1,r0
080C9456 mov r2,#0x22
080C9458 ldsh r0,[r6,r2] // window X
080C945A lsl r0,r0,#0x1
080C945C add r1,r1,r0
080C945E mov r4,r6
080C9460 add r4,#0x42
080C9462 ldrb r0,[r4] // cursor delta
080C9464 lsl r0,r0,#0x1
080C9466 add r1,r1,r0
080C9468 mov r2,#0x34
080C946A ldsh r0,[r6,r2] // cursor X
080C946C lsl r0,r0,#0x1
080C946E sub r1,r1,r0
080C9470 ldr r0,=#0x30051EC
080C9472 ldrh r0,[r0] // tile offset
080C9474 add r0,#0x96
080C9476 lsl r0,r0,#0x10
080C9478 lsr r5,r0,#0x10
080C947A ldr r0,=#0x3005228
080C947C ldrh r0,[r0] // palette mask
080C947E orr r5,r0
080C9480 strh r5,[r1,#0x8] // store the default window border tile at X+4 (skip the 4 blank spaces at the start of the selection menu)
// Check for left button
080C9482 ldr r0,=#0x3002500
080C9484 ldrh r1,[r0]
080C9486 mov r0,#0x20
080C9488 and r0,r1
080C948A cmp r0,#0x0
080C948C beq #0x80C94AA
080C948E mov r0,#0x97
080C9490 lsl r0,r0,#0x1
080C9492 bl m2_soundeffect
080C9496 ldrh r0,[r6,#0x34]
080C9498 add r0,#0x1 // increment cursor X
080C949A strh r0,[r6,#0x34]
080C949C mov r1,#0x34
080C949E ldsh r0,[r6,r1]
080C94A0 ldrb r4,[r4]
080C94A2 cmp r0,r4
080C94A4 blt #0x80C94AA
080C94A6 mov r0,#0x0
080C94A8 strh r0,[r6,#0x34] // wrap around to 0 if we go too far
// Check for right button
080C94AA ldr r0,=#0x3002500
080C94AC ldrh r1,[r0]
080C94AE mov r0,#0x10
080C94B0 and r0,r1
080C94B2 mov r7,r6
080C94B4 add r7,#0x42
080C94B6 cmp r0,#0x0
080C94B8 beq #0x80C94D4
080C94BA mov r0,#0x97
080C94BC lsl r0,r0,#0x1
080C94BE bl m2_soundeffect
080C94C2 ldrh r0,[r6,#0x34]
080C94C4 sub r0,#0x1 // decrement cursor X
080C94C6 strh r0,[r6,#0x34]
080C94C8 lsl r0,r0,#0x10
080C94CA cmp r0,#0x0
080C94CC bge #0x80C94D4
080C94CE ldrb r0,[r7]
080C94D0 sub r0,#0x1
080C94D2 strh r0,[r6,#0x34] // wrap around to (delta - 1) if we go too far
// Check for up button
080C94D4 ldr r0,=#0x3002500
080C94D6 ldrh r1,[r0]
080C94D8 mov r0,#0x40
080C94DA and r0,r1
080C94DC cmp r0,#0x0
080C94DE beq #0x80C950A
080C94E0 ldr r0,=#0x12F
080C94E2 bl m2_soundeffect
080C94E6 ldr r1,[r6,#0x10]
080C94E8 mov r2,#0x34
080C94EA ldsh r0,[r6,r2]
080C94EC add r1,#0x12
080C94EE add r1,r1,r0
080C94F0 ldrb r0,[r1]
080C94F2 add r0,#0x1 // increment current digit
080C94F4 strb r0,[r1]
080C94F6 ldr r0,[r6,#0x10]
080C94F8 mov r2,#0x34
080C94FA ldsh r1,[r6,r2]
080C94FC add r0,#0x12
080C94FE add r1,r0,r1
080C9500 ldrb r0,[r1]
080C9502 cmp r0,#0x9
080C9504 bls #0x80C950A
080C9506 mov r0,#0x0
080C9508 strb r0,[r1] // wrap around to 0 if we go too far
// Check for down button
080C950A ldr r0,=#0x3002500
080C950C ldrh r1,[r0]
080C950E mov r0,#0x80
080C9510 and r0,r1
080C9512 cmp r0,#0x0
080C9514 beq #0x80C9540
080C9516 ldr r0,=#0x12F
080C9518 bl m2_soundeffect
080C951C ldr r1,[r6,#0x10]
080C951E mov r2,#0x34
080C9520 ldsh r0,[r6,r2]
080C9522 add r1,#0x12
080C9524 add r1,r1,r0
080C9526 ldrb r0,[r1]
080C9528 sub r0,#0x1 // decrement current digit
080C952A strb r0,[r1]
080C952C ldr r0,[r6,#0x10]
080C952E mov r2,#0x34
080C9530 ldsh r1,[r6,r2]
080C9532 add r0,#0x12
080C9534 add r1,r0,r1
080C9536 ldrb r0,[r1]
080C9538 cmp r0,#0xA
080C953A bls #0x80C9540
080C953C mov r0,#0x9
080C953E strb r0,[r1] // wrap around to 9 if we go too far
// Print the number under the cursor
080C9540 ldr r1,=#0x3005270
080C9542 mov r2,#0x24
080C9544 ldsh r0,[r6,r2]
080C9546 add r0,#0x4
080C9548 lsl r0,r0,#0x6
080C954A ldr r2,[r1]
080C954C add r2,r2,r0
080C954E mov r1,#0x22
080C9550 ldsh r0,[r6,r1]
080C9552 lsl r0,r0,#0x1
080C9554 add r2,r2,r0
080C9556 ldrb r0,[r7] // cursor delta
080C9558 lsl r0,r0,#0x1
080C955A add r2,r2,r0
080C955C mov r0,#0x34
080C955E ldsh r1,[r6,r0]
080C9560 lsl r0,r1,#0x1
080C9562 sub r2,r2,r0
080C9564 ldr r0,[r6,#0x10]
080C9566 add r0,#0x12
080C9568 add r0,r0,r1
080C956A ldrb r0,[r0] // digit
// Printing is done in here
080C956C mov r5,r0
080C956E add r5,#0xE0
080C9570 ldr r0,=#0x8B1B4B0
080C9572 lsl r1,r5,#0x1
080C9574 add r1,r1,r0
080C9576 ldr r4,=#0x30051EC
080C9578 ldrh r0,[r4]
080C957A ldrh r1,[r1]
080C957C add r0,r0,r1
080C957E lsl r0,r0,#0x10
080C9580 lsr r5,r0,#0x10
080C9582 ldr r3,=#0x3005228
080C9584 ldrh r1,[r3]
080C9586 mov r0,r5
080C9588 orr r0,r1
080C958A strh r0,[r2,#0x8]
080C958C mov r1,r2
080C958E add r1,#0x48
080C9590 mov r0,r5
080C9592 add r0,#0x20
080C9594 ldrh r3,[r3]
080C9596 orr r0,r3
080C9598 strh r0,[r1]
// Draw the cursor
080C959A add r2,#0x88
080C959C ldrh r0,[r4]
080C959E add r0,#0xB8
080C95A0 lsl r0,r0,#0x10
080C95A2 lsr r5,r0,#0x10
080C95A4 orr r5,r3
080C95A6 strh r5,[r2]
// Check for A/L button
080C95A8 ldr r0,=#0x3002500
080C95AA ldrh r1,[r0]
080C95AC ldr r0,=#0x201
080C95AE and r0,r1
080C95B0 cmp r0,#0x0
080C95B2 beq #0x80C9610
080C95B4 ldr r0,=#0x12D
080C95B6 bl m2_soundeffect
// Get the entire numeric value of the user's input into r4
080C95BA mov r4,#0x0
080C95BC mov r1,#0x1
080C95BE mov r5,#0x0
080C95C0 ldrb r2,[r7]
080C95C2 cmp r4,r2
080C95C4 bcs #0x80C95E4
080C95C6 ldr r0,[r6,#0x10]
080C95C8 mov r3,r0
080C95CA add r3,#0x12
080C95CC add r0,r3,r5
080C95CE ldrb r0,[r0]
080C95D0 mul r0,r1
080C95D2 add r4,r4,r0
080C95D4 add r0,r5,1
080C95D6 lsl r0,r0,#0x10
080C95D8 lsr r5,r0,#0x10
080C95DA lsl r0,r1,#0x2
080C95DC add r0,r0,r1
080C95DE lsl r1,r0,#0x1
080C95E0 cmp r5,r2
080C95E2 bcc #0x80C95CC
// Store result to window variable
080C95E4 mov r0,r4
080C95E6 bl #0x80A334C
// Return (value + 1)
080C95EA add r4,#0x1
080C95EC mov r0,r4
080C95EE b #0x80C962E
080C95F0 strh r0,[r6,r1]
080C95F2 lsl r0,r0,#0xC
080C95F4 str r4,[r5,r7]
080C95F6 lsl r0,r0,#0xC
080C95F8 strh r0,[r5,r0]
080C95FA lsl r0,r0,#0xC
080C95FC mov r5,#0x0
080C95FE lsl r0,r0,#0xC
080C9600 lsl r7,r5,#0x4
080C9602 lsl r0,r0,#0x0
080C9604 push {r4,r5,r7}
080C9606 lsr r1,r6,#0x2
080C9608 lsl r1,r0,#0x8
080C960A lsl r0,r0,#0x0
080C960C lsl r5,r5,#0x4
080C960E lsl r0,r0,#0x0
// Check for B/select button
080C9610 mov r0,#0x6
080C9612 and r0,r1
080C9614 cmp r0,#0x0
080C9616 bne #0x80C961C
// If not B/select, return 0 and don't write result to window variable
080C9618 mov r0,#0x0
080C961A b #0x80C962E
// If B/select, play sound effect, write 0 to window variable, and return -1
080C961C mov r0,#0x97
080C961E lsl r0,r0,#0x1
080C9620 bl m2_soundeffect
080C9624 mov r0,#0x0
080C9626 bl #0x80A334C
080C962A mov r0,#0x1
080C962C neg r0,r0
080C962E pop {r4-r7}
080C9630 pop {r1}
080C9632 bx r1