Add support for uploading images to Picasa

Most of the Picasa code was forked from BloggerAtomClient
This commit is contained in:
Will Duff 2015-12-16 00:00:26 -08:00
parent e9116e2ef3
commit 4308b18bb0
4 changed files with 356 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ namespace OpenLiveWriter.BlogClient.Clients
private void ShowPicasaSignupPrompt(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (DisplayMessage.Show(MessageId.PicasawebSignup, Credentials.Username) == DialogResult.Yes)
if (DisplayMessage.Show(MessageId.PicasawebSignup) == DialogResult.Yes)

View File

@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ using System.Globalization;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Google.Apis.Blogger.v3.Data;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using OpenLiveWriter.Controls;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace OpenLiveWriter.BlogClient.Clients
@ -34,6 +36,18 @@ namespace OpenLiveWriter.BlogClient.Clients
public static string PicasaServiceScope = "";
public static string BloggerServiceScope = BloggerService.Scope.Blogger;
public static Task<UserCredential> GetOAuth2AuthorizationAsync(string blogId, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken)
// This async task will either find cached credentials in the IDataStore provided, or it will pop open a
// browser window and prompt the user for permissions and then write those permissions to the IDataStore.
return GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(
new List<string>() { BloggerServiceScope, PicasaServiceScope },
private static Stream ClientSecretsStream
@ -44,21 +58,6 @@ namespace OpenLiveWriter.BlogClient.Clients
private IBlogClientOptions _clientOptions;
public IBlogClientOptions Options
return _clientOptions;
public bool IsSecure
get { return true; }
private static IDataStore GetCredentialsDataStoreForBlog(string blogId)
// The Google APIs will automatically store the OAuth2 tokens in the given path.
@ -125,17 +124,17 @@ namespace OpenLiveWriter.BlogClient.Clients
return new PageInfo(page.Id, page.Title, page.Published.GetValueOrDefault(DateTime.Now), string.Empty);
public static Task<UserCredential> GetOAuth2AuthorizationAsync(string blogId, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken)
// This async task will either find cached credentials in the IDataStore provided, or it will pop open a
// browser window and prompt the user for permissions and then write those permissions to the IDataStore.
return GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(
new List<string>() { BloggerServiceScope, PicasaServiceScope },
private const string ENTRY_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/atom+xml;type=entry";
private const string XHTML_NS = "";
private const string FEATURES_NS = "";
private const string MEDIA_NS = "";
private const string LIVE_NS = "";
private static readonly Namespace atomNS = new Namespace(AtomProtocolVersion.V10DraftBlogger.NamespaceUri, "atom");
private static readonly Namespace pubNS = new Namespace(AtomProtocolVersion.V10DraftBlogger.PubNamespaceUri, "app");
private IBlogClientOptions _clientOptions;
private XmlNamespaceManager _nsMgr;
public GoogleBloggerv3Client(Uri postApiUrl, IBlogCredentialsAccessor credentials)
: base(credentials)
@ -152,8 +151,28 @@ namespace OpenLiveWriter.BlogClient.Clients
clientOptions.SupportsKeywords = true;
clientOptions.SupportsGetKeywords = false;
clientOptions.SupportsPages = true;
_clientOptions = clientOptions;
_nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
_nsMgr.AddNamespace(atomNS.Prefix, atomNS.Uri);
_nsMgr.AddNamespace(pubNS.Prefix, pubNS.Uri);
_nsMgr.AddNamespace(AtomClient.xhtmlNS.Prefix, AtomClient.xhtmlNS.Uri);
_nsMgr.AddNamespace(AtomClient.featuresNS.Prefix, AtomClient.featuresNS.Uri);
_nsMgr.AddNamespace(AtomClient.mediaNS.Prefix, AtomClient.mediaNS.Uri);
_nsMgr.AddNamespace(AtomClient.liveNS.Prefix, AtomClient.liveNS.Uri);
public IBlogClientOptions Options
return _clientOptions;
public bool IsSecure
get { return true; }
private BloggerService GetService()
@ -247,7 +266,7 @@ namespace OpenLiveWriter.BlogClient.Clients
tc.Token = userCredential;
private HttpRequestFilter CreateAuthorizationFilter(string requestUri)
private HttpRequestFilter CreateAuthorizationFilter()
var transientCredentials = Login();
var userCredential = (UserCredential)transientCredentials.Token;
@ -429,17 +448,114 @@ namespace OpenLiveWriter.BlogClient.Clients
public bool? DoesFileNeedUpload(IFileUploadContext uploadContext)
throw new NotImplementedException();
return null;
public string DoBeforePublishUploadWork(IFileUploadContext uploadContext)
throw new NotImplementedException();
string albumName = ApplicationEnvironment.ProductName;
string path = uploadContext.GetContentsLocalFilePath();
if (Options.FileUploadNameFormat != null && Options.FileUploadNameFormat.Length > 0)
string formattedFileName = uploadContext.FormatFileName(uploadContext.PreferredFileName);
string[] chunks = StringHelper.Reverse(formattedFileName).Split(new char[] { '/' }, 2);
if (chunks.Length == 2)
albumName = StringHelper.Reverse(chunks[1]);
string EDIT_MEDIA_LINK = "EditMediaLink";
string srcUrl;
string editUri = uploadContext.Settings.GetString(EDIT_MEDIA_LINK, null);
if (editUri == null || editUri.Length == 0)
PostNewImage(albumName, path, out srcUrl, out editUri);
UpdateImage(editUri, path, out srcUrl, out editUri);
catch (Exception e)
if (e is WebException)
bool success = false;
srcUrl = null; // compiler complains without this line
// couldn't update existing image? try posting a new one
PostNewImage(albumName, path, out srcUrl, out editUri);
success = true;
if (!success)
throw; // rethrow the exception from the update, not the post
uploadContext.Settings.SetString(EDIT_MEDIA_LINK, editUri);
PicasaRefererBlockingWorkaround(uploadContext.BlogId, uploadContext.Role, ref srcUrl);
return srcUrl;
/// <summary>
/// "It looks like the problem with the inline image is due to referrer checking.
/// The thumbnail image being used is protected for display only on certain domains.
/// These domains include * and * This user is using a
/// feature in Blogger which allows him to display his blog directly on his own
/// domain, which will not pass the referrer checking.
/// "The maximum size of a thumbnail image that can be displayed on non-*
/// domains is 800px. (blogs don't actually appear at * However, if you
/// request a 800px thumbnail, and the image is less than 800px for the maximum
/// dimension, then the original image will be returned without the referrer
/// restrictions. That sounds like it will work for you, so feel free to give it a
/// shot and let me know if you have any further questions or problems."
/// -- Anonymous Google Employee
/// </summary>
private void PicasaRefererBlockingWorkaround(string blogId, FileUploadRole role, ref string srcUrl)
if (role == FileUploadRole.LinkedImage && Options.UsePicasaS1600h)
int lastSlash = srcUrl.LastIndexOf('/');
string srcUrl2 = srcUrl.Substring(0, lastSlash)
+ "/s1600-h"
+ srcUrl.Substring(lastSlash);
HttpWebRequest req = HttpRequestHelper.CreateHttpWebRequest(srcUrl2, true);
req.Method = "HEAD";
srcUrl = srcUrl2;
catch (WebException we)
Debug.Fail("Picasa s1600-h hack failed: " + we.ToString());
srcUrl += ((srcUrl.IndexOf('?') >= 0) ? "&" : "?") + "imgmax=800";
catch (Exception ex)
Trace.Fail("Unexpected error while doing Picasa upload: " + ex.ToString());
public void DoAfterPublishUploadWork(IFileUploadContext uploadContext)
throw new NotImplementedException();
// Nothing to do.
public string AddCategory(string blogId, BlogPostCategory category)
@ -454,12 +570,217 @@ namespace OpenLiveWriter.BlogClient.Clients
public HttpWebResponse SendAuthenticatedHttpRequest(string requestUri, int timeoutMs, HttpRequestFilter filter)
return BlogClientHelper.SendAuthenticatedHttpRequest(requestUri, filter, CreateAuthorizationFilter(requestUri));
return BlogClientHelper.SendAuthenticatedHttpRequest(requestUri, filter, CreateAuthorizationFilter());
public BlogInfo[] GetImageEndpoints()
throw new NotImplementedException();
#region Picasa image uploading - stolen from BloggerAtomClient
public string GetBlogImagesAlbum(string albumName)
const string FEED_REL = "";
const string GPHOTO_NS_URI = "";
Uri picasaUri = new Uri("");
Uri reqUri = picasaUri;
XmlDocument albumListDoc = AtomClient.xmlRestRequestHelper.Get(ref reqUri, CreateAuthorizationFilter(), "kind", "album");
foreach (XmlElement entryEl in albumListDoc.SelectNodes(@"/atom:feed/atom:entry", _nsMgr))
XmlElement titleNode = entryEl.SelectSingleNode(@"atom:title", _nsMgr) as XmlElement;
if (titleNode != null)
string titleText = AtomProtocolVersion.V10DraftBlogger.TextNodeToPlaintext(titleNode);
if (titleText == albumName)
XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr2 = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
nsMgr2.AddNamespace("gphoto", "");
XmlNode numPhotosRemainingNode = entryEl.SelectSingleNode("gphoto:numphotosremaining/text()", nsMgr2);
if (numPhotosRemainingNode != null)
int numPhotosRemaining;
if (int.TryParse(numPhotosRemainingNode.Value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out numPhotosRemaining))
if (numPhotosRemaining < 1)
string selfHref = AtomEntry.GetLink(entryEl, _nsMgr, FEED_REL, "application/atom+xml", null, reqUri);
if (selfHref.Length > 1)
return selfHref;
catch (WebException we)
HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = we.Response as HttpWebResponse;
if (httpWebResponse != null)
if (httpWebResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
throw new BlogClientOperationCancelledException();
XmlDocument newDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement newEntryEl = newDoc.CreateElement("atom", "entry", AtomProtocolVersion.V10DraftBlogger.NamespaceUri);
XmlElement newTitleEl = newDoc.CreateElement("atom", "title", AtomProtocolVersion.V10DraftBlogger.NamespaceUri);
newTitleEl.SetAttribute("type", "text");
newTitleEl.InnerText = albumName;
XmlElement newSummaryEl = newDoc.CreateElement("atom", "summary", AtomProtocolVersion.V10DraftBlogger.NamespaceUri);
newSummaryEl.SetAttribute("type", "text");
newSummaryEl.InnerText = Res.Get(StringId.BloggerImageAlbumDescription);
XmlElement newAccessEl = newDoc.CreateElement("gphoto", "access", GPHOTO_NS_URI);
newAccessEl.InnerText = "private";
XmlElement newCategoryEl = newDoc.CreateElement("atom", "category", AtomProtocolVersion.V10DraftBlogger.NamespaceUri);
newCategoryEl.SetAttribute("scheme", "");
newCategoryEl.SetAttribute("term", "");
Uri postUri = picasaUri;
XmlDocument newAlbumResult = AtomClient.xmlRestRequestHelper.Post(ref postUri, CreateAuthorizationFilter(), "application/atom+xml", newDoc, null);
XmlElement newAlbumResultEntryEl = newAlbumResult.SelectSingleNode("/atom:entry", _nsMgr) as XmlElement;
Debug.Assert(newAlbumResultEntryEl != null);
return AtomEntry.GetLink(newAlbumResultEntryEl, _nsMgr, FEED_REL, "application/atom+xml", null, postUri);
private void ShowPicasaSignupPrompt(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (DisplayMessage.Show(MessageId.PicasawebSignup) == DialogResult.Yes)
private void PostNewImage(string albumName, string filename, out string srcUrl, out string editUri)
string albumUrl = GetBlogImagesAlbum(albumName);
HttpWebResponse response = RedirectHelper.GetResponse(albumUrl, new RedirectHelper.RequestFactory(new UploadFileRequestFactory(this, filename, "POST").Create));
using (Stream s = response.GetResponseStream())
ParseMediaEntry(s, out srcUrl, out editUri);
private void UpdateImage(string editUri, string filename, out string srcUrl, out string newEditUri)
for (int retry = 5; retry > 0; retry--)
HttpWebResponse response;
bool conflict = false;
response = RedirectHelper.GetResponse(editUri, new RedirectHelper.RequestFactory(new UploadFileRequestFactory(this, filename, "PUT").Create));
catch (WebException we)
if (retry > 1
&& we.Response as HttpWebResponse != null
&& ((HttpWebResponse)we.Response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Conflict)
response = (HttpWebResponse)we.Response;
conflict = true;
using (Stream s = response.GetResponseStream())
ParseMediaEntry(s, out srcUrl, out newEditUri);
if (!conflict)
return; // success!
editUri = newEditUri;
Trace.Fail("Should never get here");
throw new ApplicationException("Should never get here");
private void ParseMediaEntry(Stream s, out string srcUrl, out string editUri)
srcUrl = null;
// First try <content src>
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement contentEl = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/atom:entry/atom:content", _nsMgr) as XmlElement;
if (contentEl != null)
srcUrl = XmlHelper.GetUrl(contentEl, "@src", _nsMgr, null);
// Then try media RSS
if (srcUrl == null || srcUrl.Length == 0)
contentEl = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/atom:entry/media:group/media:content[@medium='image']", _nsMgr) as XmlElement;
if (contentEl == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Picasa photo entry was missing content element");
srcUrl = XmlHelper.GetUrl(contentEl, "@url", _nsMgr, null);
editUri = AtomEntry.GetLink(xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/atom:entry", _nsMgr) as XmlElement, _nsMgr, "edit-media", null, null, null);
private class UploadFileRequestFactory
private readonly GoogleBloggerv3Client _parent;
private readonly string _filename;
private readonly string _method;
public UploadFileRequestFactory(GoogleBloggerv3Client parent, string filename, string method)
_parent = parent;
_filename = filename;
_method = method;
public HttpWebRequest Create(string uri)
// TODO: choose rational timeout values
HttpWebRequest request = HttpRequestHelper.CreateHttpWebRequest(uri, false);
request.ContentType = MimeHelper.GetContentType(Path.GetExtension(_filename));
request.Headers.Add("Slug", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_filename));
catch (ArgumentException)
request.Headers.Add("Slug", "Image");
request.Method = _method;
using (Stream s = request.GetRequestStream())
using (Stream inS = new FileStream(_filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
StreamHelper.Transfer(inS, s);
return request;

View File

@ -511,8 +511,7 @@
Title="Picasa Web Albums"
Text="In order to upload pictures to Blogger blogs, go to the Picasa Web Albums homepage, sign in as {0}, and agree to the Terms and Conditions.&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Would you like to go to the Picasa Web Albums homepage now?"
comment:Text="{0} - username, for example:"/>
Text="In order to upload pictures to Blogger blogs, go to the Picasa Web Albums homepage, sign in with your Blogger account, and agree to the Terms and Conditions.&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Would you like to go to the Picasa Web Albums homepage now?"/>

View File

@ -3040,7 +3040,7 @@ Type a title for your post, and try publishing it again.</value>
<value>Open Live Writer</value>
<data name="DisplayMessage.PicasawebSignup.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>In order to upload pictures to Blogger blogs, go to the Picasa Web Albums homepage, sign in as {0}, and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
<value>In order to upload pictures to Blogger blogs, go to the Picasa Web Albums homepage, sign in with your Blogger account, and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Would you like to go to the Picasa Web Albums homepage now?</value>
<comment>{0} - username, for example:</comment></data>