blogger/gphotos: remove Picasa workaround

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Nick Vella 2019-04-30 15:17:52 +10:00
parent bf382fe513
commit 5fe336f957
1 changed files with 0 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -662,58 +662,9 @@ namespace OpenLiveWriter.BlogClient.Clients
uploadContext.Settings.SetString(EDIT_MEDIA_LINK, editUri);
PicasaRefererBlockingWorkaround(uploadContext.BlogId, uploadContext.Role, ref srcUrl);
return srcUrl;
/// <summary>
/// "It looks like the problem with the inline image is due to referrer checking.
/// The thumbnail image being used is protected for display only on certain domains.
/// These domains include * and * This user is using a
/// feature in Blogger which allows him to display his blog directly on his own
/// domain, which will not pass the referrer checking.
/// "The maximum size of a thumbnail image that can be displayed on non-*
/// domains is 800px. (blogs don't actually appear at * However, if you
/// request a 800px thumbnail, and the image is less than 800px for the maximum
/// dimension, then the original image will be returned without the referrer
/// restrictions. That sounds like it will work for you, so feel free to give it a
/// shot and let me know if you have any further questions or problems."
/// -- Anonymous Google Employee
/// </summary>
private void PicasaRefererBlockingWorkaround(string blogId, FileUploadRole role, ref string srcUrl)
if (role == FileUploadRole.LinkedImage && Options.UsePicasaS1600h)
int lastSlash = srcUrl.LastIndexOf('/');
string srcUrl2 = srcUrl.Substring(0, lastSlash)
+ "/s1600-h"
+ srcUrl.Substring(lastSlash);
HttpWebRequest req = HttpRequestHelper.CreateHttpWebRequest(srcUrl2, true);
req.Method = "HEAD";
srcUrl = srcUrl2;
catch (WebException we)
Debug.Fail("Picasa s1600-h hack failed: " + we.ToString());
srcUrl += ((srcUrl.IndexOf('?') >= 0) ? "&" : "?") + "imgmax=800";
catch (Exception ex)
Trace.Fail("Unexpected error while doing Picasa upload: " + ex.ToString());
public void DoAfterPublishUploadWork(IFileUploadContext uploadContext)
// Nothing to do.