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// file: HelperInterface.m
// project: (open-source) installer
// description: interface for app installer comms
// created by Patrick Wardle
// copyright (c) 2018 Objective-See. All rights reserved.
@import OSLog;
#import "consts.h"
#import "utilities.h"
#import "HelperInterface.h"
#import <signal.h>
//script name
#define CONF_SCRIPT @"configure.sh"
//signing auth
#define SIGNING_AUTH @"Developer ID Application: Objective-See, LLC (VBG97UB4TA)"
//log handle
extern os_log_t logHandle;
//dispatch source for SIGTERM
dispatch_source_t dispatchSource = nil;
@implementation HelperInterface
// do uninstall logic and return result
-(void)uninstall:(NSString*)app prefs:(NSString*)prefs reply:(void (^)(NSNumber*))reply;
BOOL response = NO;
//dbg msg
os_log_debug(logHandle, "XPC-request: uninstall");
// pass in 'uninstall' flag
if(0 == [self configure:app arguments:@[CMD_UNINSTALL, prefs]])
response = YES;
//reply to client
reply([NSNumber numberWithBool:response]);
// install or uninstall
-(int)configure:(NSString*)app arguments:(NSArray*)args
int result = -1;
//valdiated (copy) of app
NSString* validatedApp = nil;
//validate app
validatedApp = [self validateApp:app];
if(nil == validatedApp)
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: failed to validate copy of app");
goto bail;
//dbg msg
os_log_debug(logHandle, "validated %@", app);
//exec script
result = [self execScript:validatedApp arguments:args];
if(noErr != result)
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: failed to execute config script %@ (%d)", CONF_SCRIPT, result);
goto bail;
result = 0;
//always try to remove validated app
if(YES != [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:validatedApp error:nil])
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: failed to remove validated app %@", validatedApp);
//set err
result = -1;
return result;
//cleanup by removing self
// since system install/launches us as root, client can't directly remove us
-(void)cleanup:(void (^)(NSNumber*))reply
__block BOOL response = NO;
__block BOOL noErrors = YES;
//helper plist
__block NSString* helperPlist = nil;
__block NSString* helperBinary = nil;
__block NSError* error = nil;
//dbg msg
os_log_debug(logHandle, "XPC-request: cleanup (removing self)");
//ignore sigterm
// handling it via GCD dispatch
//init dispatch source for SIGTERM
dispatchSource = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_SIGNAL, SIGTERM, 0, dispatch_get_main_queue());
//set handler
// deletes plist and self
dispatch_source_set_event_handler(dispatchSource, ^{
//dbg msg
os_log_debug(logHandle, "XPC: got SIGTERM, deleting plist & self!");
//init path to plist
helperPlist = [@"/Library/LaunchDaemons" stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.plist", CONFIG_HELPER_ID]];
//delete plist
if(YES != [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:helperPlist error:&error])
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: failed to delete %@ (%@)", helperPlist, error.description);
//set error
noErrors = NO;
//init path to binary
helperBinary = [@"/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools" stringByAppendingPathComponent:CONFIG_HELPER_ID];
//delete self
if(YES != [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:helperBinary error:&error])
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: failed to delete %@ (%@)", helperBinary, error.description);
//set error
noErrors = NO;
//no errors?
// display dbg msg
if(YES == noErrors)
response = YES;
//dbg msg
os_log_debug(logHandle, "removed %@ and %@", helperPlist, helperBinary);
//reply to client
reply([NSNumber numberWithBool:response]);
//init path to plist
helperPlist = [@"/Library/LaunchDaemons" stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.plist", CONFIG_HELPER_ID]];
// will trigger sigterm
execTask(LAUNCHCTL, @[@"unload", helperPlist], YES, NO);
//make copy of app and validate
//copy of app
NSString* appCopy = nil;
//file manager
NSFileManager* defaultManager = nil;
//path to (now) validated app
NSString* validatedApp = nil;
NSError* error = nil;
//grab default file manager
defaultManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
//init path to app copy
// *root-owned* tmp directory
appCopy = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:app.lastPathComponent];
//dbg msg
os_log_debug(logHandle, "validating %@", appCopy);
//delete if old copy is there
if(YES == [defaultManager fileExistsAtPath:appCopy])
if(YES != [defaultManager removeItemAtPath:appCopy error:&error])
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: failed to delete %@ (error: %@)", appCopy, error.description);
//copy app bundle to *root-owned* directory
if(YES != [defaultManager copyItemAtPath:app toPath:appCopy error:&error])
//err msg
2021-05-08 22:31:35 +01:00
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: failed to copy %{public}@ to %{public}@ (error: %@)", app, appCopy, error.description);
goto bail;
//set group/owner to root/wheel
if(YES != setFileOwner(appCopy, @0, @0, YES))
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: failed to set %@ to be owned by root", appCopy);
goto bail;
//verify app
// make sure it's signed, and by our signing auth
if(noErr != verifyApp(appCopy, SIGNING_AUTH))
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: failed to validate %@", appCopy);
goto bail;
validatedApp = appCopy;
return validatedApp;
//execute config script
-(int)execScript:(NSString*)validatedApp arguments:(NSArray*)arguments
int result = -1;
NSDictionary* results = nil;
NSString* script = nil;
//app bundle
NSBundle* appBundle = nil;
//file manager
NSFileManager* fileManager = nil;
//current working directory
NSString* currentWorkingDir = nil;
//init file manager
fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
//load app bundle
appBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:validatedApp];
if(nil == appBundle)
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: failed to load app bundle for %@", validatedApp);
goto bail;
//get path to config script
script = [[appBundle resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:CONF_SCRIPT];
if(nil == script)
//err msg
os_log_error(logHandle, "ERROR: failed to find config script %@", CONF_SCRIPT);
goto bail;
//get current working directory
currentWorkingDir = [fileManager currentDirectoryPath];
//change working directory
// set it to (validated) app path's resources
[fileManager changeCurrentDirectoryPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Contents/Resources/", validatedApp]];
//exec script
// wait, but don't grab output
results = execTask(script, arguments, YES, NO);
//exit code?
if(nil != results[EXIT_CODE])
result = [results[EXIT_CODE] intValue];
//(re)set current working directory
[fileManager changeCurrentDirectoryPath:currentWorkingDir];
return result;