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2016-09-12 01:21:14 +01:00
// AVMonitor.m
// OverSight
// Created by Patrick Wardle on 9/01/16.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Objective-See. All rights reserved.
//TODO: NSLOg -> logmSg
#import "Consts.h"
#import "Logging.h"
#import "Utilities.h"
#import "AVMonitor.h"
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "../Shared/XPCProtocol.h"
//TODO: make instance methods?!
//grab first apple camera
AVCaptureDevice* findAppleCamera()
//apple camera
// ->likely FaceTime camera
AVCaptureDevice* appleCamera = nil;
//list of cameras
NSArray *cameras = nil;
//get cameras
cameras = [AVCaptureDevice devicesWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
for(AVCaptureDevice* camera in cameras)
//check if apple
if(YES == [camera.manufacturer isEqualToString:@"Apple Inc."])
appleCamera = camera;
//exit loop
return appleCamera;
//grab built-in mic
AVCaptureDevice* findAppleMic()
//built-in mic
AVCaptureDevice* appleMic = nil;
//list of mics
NSArray *mics = nil;
//get mics
mics = [AVCaptureDevice devicesWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeAudio];
for(AVCaptureDevice* mic in mics)
//check if apple
// ->also check input source
if( (YES == [mic.manufacturer isEqualToString:@"Apple Inc."]) &&
(YES == [[[mic activeInputSource] inputSourceID] isEqualToString:@"imic"]) )
appleMic = mic;
//exit loop
return appleMic;
@implementation AVMonitor
@synthesize mic;
@synthesize camera;
@synthesize audioActive;
@synthesize videoActive;
@synthesize videoMonitorThread;
//init super
self = [super init];
if(nil != self)
return self;
//initialiaze AV notifcations/callbacks
//return var
BOOL bRet = NO;
//xpc connection
__block NSXPCConnection* xpcConnection = nil;
//device's connection id
unsigned int connectionID = 0;
//selector for getting device id
SEL methodSelector = nil;
//array for devices + status
NSMutableArray* devices = nil;
//wait semaphore
dispatch_semaphore_t waitSema = nil;
//alloc XPC connection
xpcConnection = [[NSXPCConnection alloc] initWithServiceName:@"com.objective-see.OverSightXPC"];
//alloc device array
devices = [NSMutableArray array];
//set remote object interface
xpcConnection.remoteObjectInterface = [NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol:@protocol(XPCProtocol)];
[xpcConnection resume];
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"telling XPC service to begin base-lining mach messages");
//init wait semaphore
waitSema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
//XPC service to begin baselining mach messages
// ->wait, since want this to compelete before doing other things!
[[xpcConnection remoteObjectProxy] initialize:^
//signal sema
//wait until XPC is done
// ->XPC reply block will signal semaphore
dispatch_semaphore_wait(waitSema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
//init selector
methodSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"connectionID");
//find (first) apple camera
self.camera = findAppleCamera();
//find built in mic
self.mic = findAppleMic();
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"found mic: %@", self.mic]);
//got camera
// ->grab connection ID and invoke helper functions
if( (nil != self.camera) &&
(YES == [self.camera respondsToSelector:methodSelector]) )
//ignore leak warning
// ->we know what we're doing via this 'performSelector'
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
//grab connection ID
connectionID = (unsigned int)[self.camera performSelector:methodSelector withObject:nil];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
//set status
// ->will set 'videoActive' iVar
[self setVideoDevStatus:connectionID];
//if video is already active
// ->start monitoring thread
if(YES == self.videoActive)
//tell XPC video is active
[[xpcConnection remoteObjectProxy] updateVideoStatus:self.videoActive reply:^{
//signal sema
//wait until XPC is done
// ->XPC reply block will signal semaphore
dispatch_semaphore_wait(waitSema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
videoMonitorThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(monitor4Procs) object:nil];
[self.videoMonitorThread start];
//save camera/status into device array
[devices addObject:@{EVENT_DEVICE:self.camera, EVENT_DEVICE_STATUS:@(self.videoActive)}];
//register for video events
if(YES != [self watchVideo:connectionID])
//err msg
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"registerd for video events");
//err msg
//err msg
logMsg(LOG_ERR, @"failed to find (apple) camera :(");
//watch mic
// ->grab connection ID and invoke helper function
if( (nil != self.mic) &&
(YES == [self.mic respondsToSelector:methodSelector]) )
//ignore leak warning
// ->we know what we're doing via this 'performSelector'
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
//grab connection ID
connectionID = (unsigned int)[self.mic performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(@"connectionID") withObject:nil];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
//save camera/status into device array
[devices addObject:@{EVENT_DEVICE:self.mic, EVENT_DEVICE_STATUS:@(self.audioActive)}];
//register for audio events
if(YES != [self watchAudio:connectionID])
//err msg
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"registerd for audio events");
//err msg
//err msg
logMsg(LOG_ERR, @"failed to find (apple) mic :(");
//send msg to status menu
// ->update menu to show devices & their status
[((AppDelegate*)[[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate]).statusBarMenuController updateStatusItemMenu:devices];
//no errors
bRet = YES;
//TODO: not needed?
//cleanup XPC
if(nil != xpcConnection)
//close connection
[xpcConnection invalidate];
//nil out
xpcConnection = nil;
return bRet;
//determine if video is active
// ->sets 'videoActive' iVar
//status var
OSStatus status = -1;
//running flag
UInt32 isRunning = -1;
//size of query flag
UInt32 propertySize = 0;
//property address struct
CMIOObjectPropertyAddress propertyStruct = {0};
//init size
propertySize = sizeof(isRunning);
//init property struct's selector
propertyStruct.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunningSomewhere;
//init property struct's scope
propertyStruct.mScope = kCMIOObjectPropertyScopeGlobal;
//init property struct's element
propertyStruct.mElement = 0;
//query to get 'kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunningSomewhere' status
status = CMIOObjectGetPropertyData(deviceID, &propertyStruct, 0, NULL, sizeof(kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunningSomewhere), &propertySize, &isRunning);
if(noErr != status)
//err msg
logMsg(LOG_ERR, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"getting status of video device failed with %d", status]);
//set error
isRunning = -1;
goto bail;
//set iVar
self.videoActive = isRunning;
//helper function
// ->determines if video went active/inactive then invokes notification generator method
-(void)handleVideoNotification:(CMIOObjectID)deviceID addresses:(const CMIOObjectPropertyAddress[]) addresses
//event dictionary
NSMutableDictionary* event = nil;
//xpc connection
__block NSXPCConnection* xpcConnection = nil;
//wait semaphore
dispatch_semaphore_t waitSema = nil;
//init dictionary
event = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
//TODO: is this a good idea?
@synchronized (self)
//set status
[self setVideoDevStatus:deviceID];
//send msg to status menu
// ->update menu to show (all) devices & their status
[((AppDelegate*)[[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate]).statusBarMenuController updateStatusItemMenu:@[@{EVENT_DEVICE:self.camera, EVENT_DEVICE_STATUS:@(self.videoActive)},@{EVENT_DEVICE:self.mic, EVENT_DEVICE_STATUS:@(self.audioActive)}]];
//add device
event[EVENT_DEVICE] = self.camera;
//set device status
event[EVENT_DEVICE_STATUS] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:self.videoActive];
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"got video change notification; is running? %x", self.videoActive]);
//alloc XPC connection
xpcConnection = [[NSXPCConnection alloc] initWithServiceName:@"com.objective-see.OverSightXPC"];
//set remote object interface
xpcConnection.remoteObjectInterface = [NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol:@protocol(XPCProtocol)];
[xpcConnection resume];
//init wait semaphore
waitSema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
//tell XPC about video status
// ->for example, when video is active, will stop baselining
[[xpcConnection remoteObjectProxy] updateVideoStatus:self.videoActive reply:^{
//signal sema
//wait until XPC is done
// ->XPC reply block will signal semaphore
dispatch_semaphore_wait(waitSema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
//if video just started
// ->ask for video procs from XPC
if(YES == self.videoActive)
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"querying XPC to get video process(s)");
//set allowed classes
[xpcConnection.remoteObjectInterface setClasses: [NSSet setWithObjects: [NSMutableArray class], [NSNumber class], nil]
forSelector: @selector(getVideoProcs:) argumentIndex: 0 ofReply: YES];
//invoke XPC service
[[xpcConnection remoteObjectProxy] getVideoProcs:^(NSMutableArray* videoProcesses)
//close connection
[xpcConnection invalidate];
//nil out
xpcConnection = nil;
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"video procs from XPC: %@", videoProcesses]);
//generate notification for each process
for(NSNumber* processID in videoProcesses)
//set pid
event[EVENT_PROCESS_ID] = processID;
//generate notification
[self generateNotification:event];
//signal sema
//wait until XPC is done
// ->XPC reply block will signal semaphore
dispatch_semaphore_wait(waitSema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
//video deactivated
// ->close XPC connection and alert user
//close connection
[xpcConnection invalidate];
//nil out
xpcConnection = nil;
//generate notification
[self generateNotification:event];
//poll for new video procs
// ->this thread will exit itself as its checks the 'videoActive' iVar
if(YES == self.videoActive)
//start monitor thread if needed
if(YES != videoMonitorThread.isExecuting)
videoMonitorThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(monitor4Procs) object:nil];
[self.videoMonitorThread start];
//register for video notifcations
// ->block will invoke method on event
//ret var
BOOL bRegistered = NO;
//status var
OSStatus status = -1;
//property struct
CMIOObjectPropertyAddress propertyStruct = {0};
//init property struct's selector
propertyStruct.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunningSomewhere;
//init property struct's scope
propertyStruct.mScope = kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal;
//init property struct's element
propertyStruct.mElement = kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster;
// ->invoked when video changes & just calls helper function
CMIOObjectPropertyListenerBlock listenerBlock = ^(UInt32 inNumberAddresses, const CMIOObjectPropertyAddress addresses[])
//invoke helper function
[self handleVideoNotification:deviceID addresses:addresses];
//register (add) property block listener
status = CMIOObjectAddPropertyListenerBlock(deviceID, &propertyStruct, dispatch_get_main_queue(), listenerBlock);
if(noErr != status)
//err msg
//TODO: add
goto bail;
bRegistered = YES;
return bRegistered;
//determine if audio is active
// ->sets 'audioActive' iVar
//status var
OSStatus status = -1;
//running flag
UInt32 isRunning = -1;
//size of query flag
UInt32 propertySize = 0;
//init size
propertySize = sizeof(isRunning);
//query to get 'kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunningSomewhere' status
status = AudioDeviceGetProperty(deviceID, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunningSomewhere, &propertySize, &isRunning);
if(noErr != status)
//err msg
logMsg(LOG_ERR, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"getting status of audio device failed with %d", status]);
//set error
isRunning = -1;
goto bail;
//set iVar
self.audioActive = isRunning;
//helper function
// ->determines if audio went active/inactive then invokes notification generator method
//event dictionary
NSMutableDictionary* event = nil;
//init dictionary
event = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
@synchronized (self)
//set status
[self setAudioDevStatus:deviceID];
//send msg to status menu
// ->update menu to show (all) devices & their status
[((AppDelegate*)[[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate]).statusBarMenuController updateStatusItemMenu:@[@{EVENT_DEVICE:self.mic, EVENT_DEVICE_STATUS:@(self.audioActive)},@{EVENT_DEVICE:self.camera, EVENT_DEVICE_STATUS:@(self.videoActive)}]];
//add device
event[EVENT_DEVICE] = self.mic;
//set device status
event[EVENT_DEVICE_STATUS] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:self.audioActive];
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"got audio change notification; is running? %x", self.audioActive]);
//generate notification
[self generateNotification:event];
//register for audio notifcations
// ->block will invoke method on event
//ret var
BOOL bRegistered = NO;
//property struct
AudioObjectPropertyAddress propertyStruct = {0};
//init property struct's selector
propertyStruct.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunningSomewhere;
//init property struct's scope
propertyStruct.mScope = kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal;
//init property struct's element
propertyStruct.mElement = kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster;
// ->invoked when audio changes & just calls helper function
AudioObjectPropertyListenerBlock listenerBlock = ^(UInt32 inNumberAddresses, const AudioObjectPropertyAddress *inAddresses)
[self handleAudioNotification:deviceID];
OSStatus ret = AudioObjectAddPropertyListenerBlock(deviceID, &propertyStruct, dispatch_get_main_queue(), listenerBlock);
if (ret)
abort(); // FIXME
bRegistered = YES;
return bRegistered;
//build and display notification
NSUserNotification* notification = nil;
NSMutableString* title = nil;
NSMutableString* details = nil;
//process name
NSString* processName = nil;
//alloc notificaiton
notification = [[NSUserNotification alloc] init];
//alloc title
title = [NSMutableString string];
//alloc details
details = [NSMutableString string];
//set title
// ->audio device
if(YES == [event[EVENT_DEVICE] isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"AVCaptureHALDevice")])
[title appendString:@"Audio Device"];
//add source
// ->video device
[title appendString:@"Video Device"];
//add action
// ->device went inactive
[title appendString:@" became inactive"];
//add action
// ->device went active
[title appendString:@" became active"];
//customize buttons
// ->for mic or inactive events, just say 'ok'
if( (YES == [event[EVENT_DEVICE] isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"AVCaptureHALDevice")]) ||
//set other button title
notification.otherButtonTitle = @"ok";
//remove action button
notification.hasActionButton = NO;
//customize buttons
// ->for activatated video; allow/block
//set other button title
notification.otherButtonTitle = @"allow";
//set action title
notification.actionButtonTitle = @"block";
//get process name
// TODO: see 'determineName' in BB (to get name from bundle, etc)
processName = [getProcessPath([event[EVENT_PROCESS_ID] intValue]) lastPathComponent];
//set pid in user info
// ->allows code to try kill proc (later) if user clicks 'block'
notification.userInfo = @{EVENT_PROCESS_ID:event[EVENT_PROCESS_ID]};
//set details
// ->name of process using it / icon too?
[notification setInformativeText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (%@)", processName, event[EVENT_PROCESS_ID]]];
//icon issues
//contentImage for process icon?
//custom icon?
//icon set automatically?
//[notification set]
//set title
[notification setTitle:title];
//set subtitle
[notification setSubtitle:((AVCaptureDevice*)event[EVENT_DEVICE]).localizedName];
//set details
// ->name of process using it / icon too?
//[notification setInformativeText:@"some process (1337)"];
//set notification
[[NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter] setDelegate:self];
//deliver notification
[[NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter] deliverNotification:notification];
//always present notifications
-(BOOL)userNotificationCenter:(NSUserNotificationCenter *)center shouldPresentNotification:(NSUserNotification *)notification
return YES;
//automatically invoked when user interacts w/ the notification popup
// ->only action we care about, is killing the process if they click 'block'
-(void)userNotificationCenter:(NSUserNotificationCenter *)center didActivateNotification:(NSUserNotification *)notification
//xpc connection
__block NSXPCConnection* xpcConnection = nil;
//process id
NSNumber* processID = nil;
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"use responded to notification: %@", notification]);
//for video
// ->kill process if user clicked 'block'
if( (YES == [notification.actionButtonTitle isEqualToString:@"block"]) &&
(notification.activationType == NSUserNotificationActivationTypeActionButtonClicked))
//extract process id
processID = notification.userInfo[EVENT_PROCESS_ID];
if(nil == processID)
//err msg
logMsg(LOG_ERR, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"failed to extract process id from notification, %@", notification.userInfo]);
goto bail;
//alloc XPC connection
xpcConnection = [[NSXPCConnection alloc] initWithServiceName:@"com.objective-see.OverSightXPC"];
//set remote object interface
xpcConnection.remoteObjectInterface = [NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol:@protocol(XPCProtocol)];
[xpcConnection resume];
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"invoking XPC method to kill: %@", processID]);
//invoke XPC method 'killProcess' to terminate
[[xpcConnection remoteObjectProxy] killProcess:processID reply:^(BOOL wasKilled)
//check for err
if(YES != wasKilled)
//err msg
logMsg(LOG_ERR, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"failed to kill/block: %@", processID]);
//close connection
[xpcConnection invalidate];
//nil out
xpcConnection = nil;
}//user clicked 'block'
//monitor for new procs (video only at the moment)
// ->runs until video is no longer in use (set elsewhere)
//xpc connection
NSXPCConnection* xpcConnection = nil;
//wait semaphore
dispatch_semaphore_t waitSema = nil;
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"video is active, so polling for new procs");
//alloc XPC connection
xpcConnection = [[NSXPCConnection alloc] initWithServiceName:@"com.objective-see.OverSightXPC"];
//set remote object interface
xpcConnection.remoteObjectInterface = [NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol:@protocol(XPCProtocol)];
//set classes
// ->arrays/numbers ok to vend
[xpcConnection.remoteObjectInterface setClasses: [NSSet setWithObjects: [NSMutableArray class], [NSNumber class], nil]
forSelector: @selector(getVideoProcs:) argumentIndex: 0 ofReply: YES];
[xpcConnection resume];
//poll while video is active
while(YES == self.videoActive)
//init wait semaphore
waitSema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"asking XPC for (new) video procs");
//invoke XPC service to get (new) video procs
// ->will generate user notifications for any new processes
[[xpcConnection remoteObjectProxy] getVideoProcs:^(NSMutableArray* videoProcesses)
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"new video procs: %@", videoProcesses]);
//generate a notification for each process
// ->double check video is still active though...
for(NSNumber* processID in videoProcesses)
//check video
if(YES != self.videoActive)
//exit loop
//generate notification
[self generateNotification:@{EVENT_DEVICE:self.camera, EVENT_DEVICE_STATUS:DEVICE_ACTIVE, EVENT_PROCESS_ID:processID}];
//signal sema
//wait until XPC is done
// ->XPC reply block will signal semaphore
dispatch_semaphore_wait(waitSema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:5.0f];
}//run until video (camera) is off
//close connection
[xpcConnection invalidate];
//nil out
xpcConnection = nil;
//dbg msg
logMsg(LOG_DEBUG, @"exiting monitor thread");