2012-03-15 17:14:32 +00:00
-- Pretend You're Xyzzy cards by Andy Janata is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
-- Based on a work at www.cardsagainsthumanity.com.
-- For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- This file contains the Black Cards and White Cards for Cards Against Humanity, as a script for importing into PostgreSQL. There should be a user named pyx.
-- This contains all of the official cards through Q3 2017, imported via pyx-importer from a spreadsheet provided by CAH.
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
-- PostgreSQL database dump
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Dumped from database version 9.6.7
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 10.1
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- Started on 2018-02-27 15:12:09
2012-03-20 22:48:44 +00:00
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
SET statement_timeout = 0 ;
2015-02-15 20:26:13 +00:00
SET lock_timeout = 0 ;
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0 ;
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
SET client_encoding = ' UTF8 ' ;
2012-12-08 02:48:42 +00:00
SET standard_conforming_strings = on ;
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
SET check_function_bodies = false ;
SET client_min_messages = warning ;
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
SET row_security = off ;
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
2013-04-02 03:24:21 +01:00
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- TOC entry 1 (class 3079 OID 12427)
2013-04-02 03:24:21 +01:00
-- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner:
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2201 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 1
2013-04-02 03:24:21 +01:00
-- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner:
COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS ' PL/pgSQL procedural language ' ;
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
SET search_path = public , pg_catalog ;
SET default_tablespace = ' ' ;
SET default_with_oids = false ;
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 185 (class 1259 OID 17734)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Name: black_cards; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
CREATE TABLE black_cards (
id integer NOT NULL ,
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
draw integer NOT NULL ,
pick integer NOT NULL ,
text character varying ( 255 ) ,
watermark character varying ( 255 )
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
) ;
2016-04-04 05:58:20 +01:00
ALTER TABLE black_cards OWNER TO pyx ;
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 186 (class 1259 OID 17742)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Name: card_set; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
CREATE TABLE card_set (
id integer NOT NULL ,
active boolean NOT NULL ,
2013-04-02 03:24:21 +01:00
base_deck boolean NOT NULL ,
2013-04-25 07:24:54 +01:00
description character varying ( 255 ) ,
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
name character varying ( 255 ) ,
weight integer NOT NULL
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
) ;
2016-04-04 05:58:20 +01:00
ALTER TABLE card_set OWNER TO pyx ;
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 187 (class 1259 OID 17750)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Name: card_set_black_card; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
CREATE TABLE card_set_black_card (
card_set_id integer NOT NULL ,
black_card_id integer NOT NULL
) ;
2016-04-04 05:58:20 +01:00
ALTER TABLE card_set_black_card OWNER TO pyx ;
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 188 (class 1259 OID 17755)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Name: card_set_white_card; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
CREATE TABLE card_set_white_card (
card_set_id integer NOT NULL ,
white_card_id integer NOT NULL
) ;
2016-04-04 05:58:20 +01:00
ALTER TABLE card_set_white_card OWNER TO pyx ;
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 190 (class 1259 OID 17788)
2016-04-04 05:58:20 +01:00
-- Name: hibernate_sequence; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2013-01-09 08:02:25 +00:00
CREATE SEQUENCE hibernate_sequence
2016-04-04 05:58:20 +01:00
ALTER TABLE hibernate_sequence OWNER TO pyx ;
2013-01-09 08:02:25 +00:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 189 (class 1259 OID 17760)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Name: white_cards; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
CREATE TABLE white_cards (
id integer NOT NULL ,
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
text character varying ( 255 ) ,
watermark character varying ( 255 )
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
) ;
2016-04-04 05:58:20 +01:00
ALTER TABLE white_cards OWNER TO pyx ;
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2189 (class 0 OID 17734)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Dependencies: 185
2016-04-04 05:58:20 +01:00
-- Data for Name: black_cards; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
COPY black_cards ( id , draw , pick , text , watermark ) FROM stdin ;
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
1 0 1 Here is the church Here is the steeple Open the doors And there is ____ . US
3 0 1 50 % of all marriages end in ____ . US
4 0 1 As the mom of five rambunctious boys , I ' m no stranger to ____. US
5 0 1 Next from J . K . Rowling : < i > Harry Potter and the Chamber of ____ . < / i > US
6 0 1 This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but with ____ . US
7 0 1 After four platinum albums and three Grammys , it ' s time to get back to my roots, to what inspired me to make music in the first place: ____. US
8 0 1 When Pharaoh remained unmoved , Moses called down a Plague of ____ . US
9 0 1 What ' s there a ton of in heaven? US
10 0 1 It ' s a pity that kids these days are all getting involved with ____. US
11 0 1 What ' s a girl ' s best friend ? US
12 0 1 ____ . High five , bro . US
13 0 2 Step 1 : ____ . Step 2 : ____ . Step 3 : Profit . US
14 0 1 Make a haiku . US
15 0 1 The class field trip was completely ruined by ____ . US
16 0 1 If you can ' t be with the one you love, love ____. US
17 0 1 When I am a billionaire , I shall erect a 50 - foot statue to commemorate ____ . US
18 0 1 I ' m LeBron James, and when I ' m not slamming dunks , I love ____ . US
19 0 1 Uh , hey guys , I know this was my idea , but I ' m having serious doubts about ____. US
20 0 1 Alternative medicine is now embracing the curative powers of ____ . US
21 0 2 I never truly understood ____ until I encountered ____ . US
22 0 1 I ' m sorry, Professor, but I couldn ' t complete my homework because of ____ . US
23 0 1 I drink to forget ____ . US
24 0 1 Next on ESPN2 : The World Series of ____ . US
25 0 1 Hey Reddit ! I ' m ____. Ask me anything. US
26 0 2 That ' s right, I killed ____. How, you ask? ____. US
27 0 1 How did I lose my virginity ? US
28 0 1 I ' m going on a cleanse this week. Nothing but kale juice and ____. US
29 0 1 Dear Abby , I ' m having some trouble with ____ and would like your advice. US
30 0 1 ____ . That was so metal . US
31 0 1 I got 99 problems but ____ ain ' t one. US
32 0 1 Why can ' t I sleep at night? US
33 0 1 Dude , < i > do not < / i > go in that bathroom . There ' s ____ in there. US
34 0 2 Lifetime & reg ; presents " ____: the Story of ____. " US
35 0 1 Hey guys , welcome to Chili ' s! Would you like to start the night off right with ____? US
36 0 1 Just once , I ' d like to hear you say "Thanks, Mom. Thanks for ____." US
37 0 1 Old Macdonald had ____ . E - I - E - I - O . US
38 0 1 What made my first kiss so awkward ? US
39 0 1 Just saw this upsetting video ! Please retweet ! ! #stop____ US
40 0 1 What never fails to liven up the party ? US
41 0 1 Kids , I don ' t need drugs to get high. I ' m high on ____ . US
42 0 2 When I was tripping on acid , ____ turned into ____ . US
43 0 1 Life for American Indians was forever changed when the White Man introduced them to ____ . US
44 0 1 Men ' s Wearhouse. You ' re gonna like ____ . I guarantee it . US
45 0 1 ____ . Betcha can ' t have just one! US
46 0 1 Instead of coal , Santa now gives the bad children ____ . US
47 0 1 The Chevy Tahoe . With the power and space to take ____ everywhere you go . US
48 0 1 Click here for ____ ! ! ! US
49 0 1 TSA guidelines now prohibit ____ on airplanes . US
50 0 1 What would grandma find disturbing , yet oddly charming ? US
51 0 1 What ' s that sound? US
52 0 1 What is Batman ' s guilty pleasure. US
53 0 1 After eight years in the White House , how is Obama finally letting loose ? US
54 0 1 This season at Steppenwolf , Samuel Beckett ' s classic existential play: Waiting for ____. US
55 0 1 A recent laboratory study shows that undergraduates have 50 % less sex after being exposed to ____ . US
56 0 2 Introducing the amazing superhero / sidekick duo ! It ' s ____ and ____! US
57 0 1 Mabe she ' s born with it. Maybe it ' s ____ . US
58 0 2 They said we were crazy . They said we couldn ' t put ____ inside of ____. They were wrong. US
59 0 1 Arby ' s: We Have ____. US
60 0 1 What will always get you laid ? US
61 0 1 My fellow Americans : Before this decade is out , we < i > will < / i > have ____ on the moon ! US
62 0 1 What ended my last relationship ? US
63 0 1 Why do I hurt all over ? US
64 0 1 When I am President , I will create the Department of ____ . US
65 0 1 But before I kill you , Mr . Bond , I must show you ____ . US
66 2 3 ____ + ____ = ____ . US
67 0 1 What ' s Teach For America using to inspire inner city students to succeed? US
68 0 1 War ! What is it good for ? US
69 0 2 In M . Night Shyamalan ' s new movie, Bruce Willis discovers that ____ had really been ____ all along. US
70 0 1 Military historians remember Alexander the Great for his brilliant use of ____ against the Persians . US
71 0 1 A romantic , candlelit dinner would be incomplete without ____ . US
72 0 1 Coming to Broadway this season , ____ : The Musical . US
73 0 1 Brought to you by Bud Light & reg ; , the official Beer of ____ . US
74 0 1 Check me out , yo ! I call this dance move " ____. " US
75 0 2 And the Academy Award for ____ goes to ____ . US
76 0 1 Introducing X - treme Baseball ! It ' s like baseball, but with ____! US
77 0 1 Fun tip ! When your man asks you to go down on him , try surprising him with ____ instead . US
78 0 1 I ' m no doctor but I ' m pretty sure what you ' re suffering from is called "____." US
79 0 1 Bravo ' s new reality show features eight washed-up celebrities living with ____. US
80 0 1 White people like ____ . US
81 0 1 ____ : kid - tested , mother - approved . US
82 0 1 IF you like ____ , YOU MIGHT BE A REDNECK . US
83 0 1 What gives me uncontrollable gas ? US
84 0 2 ____ is a slippery slope that leads to ____ . US
85 0 1 Today on < i > Maury < / i > : " Help! My son is ____! " US
86 0 1 What is George W . Bush thinking about right now ? US
87 0 2 For my next trick , I will pull ____ out of ____ . US
88 0 1 What ' s that smell? US
89 0 1 ____ . It ' s a trap! US
90 0 1 Well if you ' ll excuse me, gentlemen, I have a date with ____. US
91 0 1 & #x2605;☆☆☆☆ Do NOT go here! Found ____ in my Kung Pao chicken! US
92 0 1 Why am I sticky ? US
93 0 1 What makes life worth living ? US
94 0 1 In the Disney Channel Original Movie , Hannah Montana struggles with ____ for the first time . US
95 0 1 While the United States raced the Soviet Union to the moon , the Mexican government funneled millions of pesos into research on ____ . US
96 0 1 What ' s my secret power? US
97 0 1 What are my parents hiding from me ? US
98 0 1 Daddy , why is mommy crying ? US
99 0 1 During sex , I like to think about ____ . US
100 0 1 Mr . and Mrs . Diaz , we called you in because we ' re concerned about Cynthia. Are you aware that your daughter is ____? US
101 0 1 I get by with a little help from ____ . US
102 0 1 I ' m no doctor, but I ' m pretty sure what you ' re suffering from is called "____." CA
104 0 1 As the mom of five rambunctious boys , I ' m not stranger to ____. CA
105 0 2 CBC presents " ____: the Story of ____. " CA
106 0 1 Just once I ' d like to hear you say "Thanks, Mom. Thanks for ____." CA
107 0 1 Bravo ' s new reality show feature eight washed-up celebrities living with ____. CA
108 0 1 Air Canada guidelines now prohibit ____ on airplanes . CA
109 0 1 When I am Prime Minister of Canada , I will create the Ministry of ____ . CA
110 0 1 Coming to Broadway this season , ____ ; The Musical . CA
111 0 1 This season at the Princess of Wales Theatre , Samuel Beckett ' s classic existential play: <i>Waiting for ____.</i> CA
112 0 1 Here is church Here is the steeple Open the doors And there is ____ . CA
113 0 1 Penalty ! ____ : that ' s 5 minutes in the box! CA
114 0 1 Click Here for ____ ! ! ! CA
115 0 1 Hey guys , welcome to Boston Pizza ! Would you like to start the night off right with ____ ? CA
116 0 1 I know when that hotline bling , that can only mean one thing : ____ . CA
117 0 1 Dude , < i > do not < / i > go in that washroom . There ' s ____ in there. CA
118 0 1 Just saw this upsetting video ! Please retweet ! ! #stop ____ CA
119 0 1 Brought to you by Molson Canadian , the Official Beer of ____ . CA
120 0 1 Maybe she ' s born with it. Maybe it ' s ____ . CA
121 0 1 Next on TSN : The World Series of ____ . CA
122 0 1 A romantic , candlelit dinner would be incomplete without ____ . CA
123 0 1 O Canada , we stand on guard for ____ . CA
124 0 1 What is Batman ' s guilty pleasure? CA
125 0 1 Old MacDonald has ____ . E - I - E - I - O . CA
126 0 1 A recent laboratory study shows that undergraduates have 50 % less sex after being exposed to : ____ . CA
127 0 1 Dear Abby , I ' m having some trouble ____ and would like your advice. CA
128 0 1 In the new Disney Channel Original Movie , Hannah Montana struggles with ____ for the first time . CA
129 0 1 Skidamarink a dink a dink , skidamarink a doo , I love ____ . CA
130 0 1 But before I kill you , Mr . Bond , I must show you . CA
131 0 1 The new Chevy Tahoe . With the power and space to take ____ everywhere you go . CA
132 0 1 When I am a billionaire , I shall erect a 20 - metre statue to commemorate ____ . CA
133 0 1 Airport security guidelines now prohibit ____ on airplanes . UK
135 0 1 ____ ? Jim ' ll fix it! UK
136 0 1 Daddy , why is mummy crying ? UK
137 0 1 Today on < i > The Jeremy Kyle Show : < / i > " Help! My son is ____! " UK
138 0 1 What did I bring back from Amsterdam ? UK
139 0 1 Mate , < i > do not go < / i > in that bathroom . There ' s ____ in there. UK
140 0 1 ____ . Once you pop , the fun don ' t stop! UK
141 0 1 When I am Prime Minister of the United Kingdom , I will create the Ministry of ____ . UK
142 0 1 Instead of coal , Father Christmas now gives the bad children ____ . UK
143 0 1 Just once I ' d like to hear you say "Thanks, Mum. Thanks for ____." UK
144 0 1 UKIP : Putting ____ First ! UK
145 0 2 And the BAFTA for ____ goes to____ . UK
146 0 1 TFL apologizes for the delay in train service due to ____ . UK
147 0 1 Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition . Our chief weapons are fear , surprise , and ____ . UK
148 0 1 The school trip was completely ruined by ____ . UK
149 0 1 How am I maintaining my relationship status ? UK
150 0 1 As the mum of five rambunctious boys , I ' m not stranger to ____. UK
151 0 1 Next on Sky Sports : The World Champion of ____ . . UK
152 0 1 What ' s the next Happy Meal® toy? UK
153 0 1 The theme for next year ' s Eurovision Song Contest is "We are ____." UK
154 0 1 Next up on Channel 4 : Ramsay ' s ____ Nightmares. UK
155 0 1 In Belmarsh Prison , word is you can trade 200 cigarettes for ____ . UK
156 0 1 Now at the Natural History Museum : an interactive exhibit on ____ . UK
157 0 1 Hey guys , welcome to TGIF ! Would you like to start the night off right with ____ ? UK
158 0 1 Coming to the West End this year , ____ : The Musical . UK
159 0 2 In a world ravaged by ____ , our only solace is ____ . UK
160 0 1 This season at the Old Vic , Samuel Beckett ' s classic existential play: Waiting for ____. UK
161 0 1 Channel 5 ' s new reality show feature eight washed-up celebrities living with ____. UK
162 0 1 I ' m sorry, Sir, but I couldn ' t complete my homework because of ____ . UK
163 0 1 ____ . That ' s what mums go to Iceland. UK
164 0 2 Channel 4 presents " ____: the Story of ____. " UK
165 0 1 Dear Agony Aunt , I ' m having some trouble with ____ and would like your advice. UK
167 0 1 Oi ! Show us ____ ! AU
168 0 1 What did I bring back from Bali ? AU
169 0 1 MTV ' s new reality show features eight washed-up celebrities living with ____. AU
170 0 1 & #x2605;☆☆☆☆ Do NOT go here! Found ____ in my Mongolian chicken! AU
171 0 1 What broke up the original Wiggles ? AU
172 0 1 Today on < i > Jerry Springer : < / i > " Help! My son is ____! " AU
173 0 1 This season at the Sydney Opera House , Samuel Beckett ' s classic existential play: <i>Waiting for ____.</i> AU
174 0 1 Crikey ! I ' ve never seen ____ like this before! Let ' s get a bit closer . AU
175 0 1 What ' s there a tonne of in heaven? AU
176 0 1 What makes me a true blue Aussie ? AU
177 0 1 The school excursion was completely ruined by ____ . AU
178 0 1 Channel 9 is pleased to present its new variety show , " Hey Hey It's ____. " AU
179 0 1 Qantas now prohibits ____ on airplanes . AU
180 0 2 ABC presents " ____: the Story of ____. " AU
181 0 1 Next on Nine ' s Wide World of Sports: The World Series of ____. AU
182 0 1 Are you thinking what I ' m thinking, B1? I think I am, B2: it ' s ____ time ! AU
183 0 1 ____ ? Yeah , nah . AU
184 0 1 Life for Aboriginal people was forever changed when the white man introduced them to ____ . AU
185 0 1 Hey guys , welcome to Sizzler ! Would you like to start the night off right with ____ ? AU
186 0 1 Brought to you by XXXX Gold , the Official Beer of ____ . AU
187 0 1 Mate , < i > do not < / i > go in that toilet . There ' s ____ in there. AU
188 0 1 In Australia , ____ is twice as big and twice as deadly . AU
189 0 1 When I am Prime Minister , I will create the Department of ____ . AU
190 0 1 What brought the orgy to a grinding halt ? INTL
192 0 1 Lovin ' you is easy ' cause you ' re ____. INTL
193 0 1 Your persistence is admirable , my dear Prince . But you cannot win my heart with ____ alone . INTL
194 0 1 The blind date was going horrible until we discovered our shared interest in ____ . INTL
195 0 1 Science will never explain ____ . INTL
196 0 1 The Five Stages of Grief : denial , anger , bargaining , ____ , acceptance . INTL
197 0 1 What has been making life difficult at the nudist colony ? INTL
198 0 1 Charades was ruined for me forever when my mom had to act out ____ . INTL
199 0 1 Money can ' t buy me love, but it can buy me ____. INTL
200 0 1 During his midlife crisis , my dad got really into ____ . INTL
201 0 2 When you get right down to it , ____ is just ____ . INTL
202 0 1 This is your captain speaking . Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for ____ . INTL
203 0 1 Tonight ' s top story: What you don ' t know about ____ could kills you . INTL
204 0 1 Future historians will agree that ____ marked the beginning of America ' s decline. INTL
205 0 1 Coming this season , Samuel Beckett ' s classic existential play: <i>Waiting for ____.</i> INTL
206 0 1 When I pooped , what came out of my butt ? INTL
207 0 1 A successful job interview begins with a firm handshake and ends with ____ . INTL
208 0 1 Finally ! A service that delivers ____ right to your door . INTL
209 0 1 And what did < i > you < / i > bring for show and tell ? INTL
210 0 1 When I am a billionaire , I shall erect a 20 - meter statue to commemorate ____ . INTL
211 0 1 When all else fails , I can always masturbate to ____ . INTL
212 0 2 I spent my whole life working toward ____ , only to have it ruined by ____ . INTL
213 0 2 ____ would be woefully incomplete without ____ . INTL
214 0 1 Next on Eurosport : The World Championship of ____ . INTL
215 0 1 In his new self - produced album , Kanye West raps over the sounds of ____ . INTL
216 0 1 In Rome , there are whisperings that the Vatican has a secret room devoted to ____ . INTL
217 0 2 Having problems with ____ ? Try ____ ! INTL
218 0 1 The secret to a lasting marriage is communication , communication , and ____ . INTL
219 0 2 My mom freaked out when she looked at my browser history and found ____ . com / ____ . INTL
220 0 1 In the seventh circle of Hell , sinners must endure ____ for all eternity . INTL
221 0 1 ____ . Awesome in theory , kind of a mess in practice . INTL
222 0 1 My plan for world domination begins with ____ . INTL
223 0 1 I learned the hard way that you can ' t cheer up a grieving friend with ____. INTL
224 0 1 A remarkable new study shows that chimps have evolved their own primitive version of ____ . INTL
225 0 2 After months of practice with ____ , I think I ' m finally ready for ____. INTL
226 0 1 When I am Prime Minister , I will create the Ministry of ____ . INTL
227 0 1 Turns out that ____ - Man was neither the hero we needed nor wanted . INTL
228 0 2 With enough time and pressure , ____ will turn into ____ . INTL
229 0 1 What left this stain on my couch ? INTL
230 0 2 Dear Sir or Madam , We regret to inform you that the Office of ____ has denied your request for ____ . INTL
231 0 1 I ' m not like the rest of you. I ' m too rich and busy for ____ . INTL
232 0 1 The healing process began when I joined a support group for victims of ____ . INTL
233 0 1 Doctor , you ' ve gone too far! The human body wasn ' t meant to withstand that amount of ____ ! INTL
234 0 1 Only two things in life are certain : death and ____ . INTL
236 0 1 This month ' s Cosmo: "Spice up your sex life by bringing ____ into the bedroom." RED
237 0 1 Next time on Dr . Phil : How to talk to your child about ____ . RED
238 0 1 Tonight on 20 / 20 : What you don ' t know about ____ could kill you. RED
239 0 1 My new favorite porn star is Joey " ____ " McGee . RED
240 0 2 Michael Bay ' s new three-hour action epic pits ____ against ____. RED
241 0 2 Before ____ , all we had was ____ . RED
242 2 3 I went from ____ to ____ all thanks to ____ . RED
243 0 1 Aww , sick ! I just saw this skater do a 720 kickflip into ____ ! RED
244 0 1 What ' s harshing my mellow, man? RED
245 0 1 I love being a mom . But it ' s tough when my kids come home filthy from ____. That ' s why there ' s Tide®. RED
246 0 1 As part of his daily regimen , Anderson Cooper sets aside 15 minutes for ____ . RED
247 0 1 To prepare for his upcoming role , Daniel Day - Lewis immersed himself in the world of ____ . RED
248 0 1 Welcome to Se & ntilde ; or Frog ' s! Would you like to try our signature cocktail, "____ on the Beach"? RED
249 0 1 Hey baby , come back to my place and I ' ll show you ____. RED
250 0 2 You haven ' t truly lived until you ' ve experienced ____ and ____ at the same time . RED
251 0 1 Your persistence is admirable , my dear Prince , But you cannot win my heart with ____ alone . RED
252 0 2 In a pinch , ____ can be a suitable substitute for ____ . RED
253 0 1 During high school , I never really fit in until I found ____ club . RED
254 0 1 Little Miss Muffet < br > Sat on a tuffet , < br > Eating her curds < br > and ____ . RED
255 0 1 In its new tourism campaign , Detroit proudly proclaims that it has finally eliminated ____ . RED
256 0 1 My gym teacher got fired for adding ____ to the obstacle course . RED
257 0 1 The blind date was going horribly until we discovered our shared interest in ____ . RED
258 0 1 My country , ' tis of thee, sweet land of ____. RED
259 0 1 Call the law offices of Goldstein & amp ; Goldstein , because no one should have to tolerate ____ in the workplace . RED
260 0 1 Members of New York ' s social elite are paying thousands of dollars just to experience ____. RED
261 0 1 In his newest and most difficult stunt , David Blaine must escape from ____ . RED
262 0 2 Dear Sir or Madam , < br > We regret to inform you that the Office of ____ has denied your request for ____ . RED
263 0 2 ____ : Hours of fun . Easy to use . Perfect for ____ ! RED
264 0 2 Listen , son . If you want to get involved with ____ , I won ' t stop you. Just steer clear of ____. RED
265 0 1 Next week on the Discovery Channel , one man must survive in the depths of the Amazon with only ____ and his wits . RED
266 0 2 If God didn ' t want us to enjoy ____, he wouldn ' t have given us ____ . RED
267 0 2 My life is ruined by a vicious cycle of ____ and ____ . RED
268 0 1 And I would have gotten away with it , too , if it hadn ' t been for ____! RED
269 0 1 Legend has it Prince wouldn ' t perform without ____ in his dressing room. RED
270 0 1 Dear Leader Kim Jong - un , our village praises your infinite wisdom with a humble offering of ____ . BLUE
272 0 2 We never did find ____ , but along the way we sure learned a lot about ____ . BLUE
273 0 1 Do < i > not < / i > fuck with me ! I am literally ____ right now . BLUE
274 0 1 And would you like those buffalo wings mild , hot , or ____ ? BLUE
275 0 1 What ' s fun until it gets weird? BLUE
276 0 1 And today ' s soup is Cream of ____. BLUE
277 0 1 Come to Dubai , where you can relax in our world - famous spas , experience the nightlife , or simply enjoy ____ by the poolside . BLUE
278 0 1 She ' s up all night for good fun. I ' m up all night for ____ . BLUE
279 0 1 Hi MTV ! My name is Kendra , I live in Malibu , I ' m into ____, and I love to have a good time. BLUE
280 0 2 I am become ____ , destroyer of ____ ! BLUE
281 0 2 ____ may pass , but ____ will last forever . BLUE
282 0 2 In the beginning , there was ____ . And the Lord said , " Let there be ____. " BLUE
283 2 3 You guys , I saw this crazy movie last night . It opens on ____ , and then there ' s some stuff about ____, and then it ends with ____. BLUE
284 0 2 This year ' s hottest album is "____" by ____. BLUE
285 0 1 " This is madness! " < br > < br > " <i>No.</i> THIS IS ____! " BLUE
286 0 1 It lurks in the night . It hungers for flesh . This summer , no one is safe from ____ . BLUE
287 0 2 ____ will never be the same after ____ . BLUE
288 0 1 I don ' t mean to brag, but they call me the Michael Jordan of ____. BLUE
289 0 1 Don ' t forget! Beginning this week, Casual Friday will officially become "____ Friday." BLUE
290 0 1 Having the worst day EVER . #____ BLUE
291 0 1 Why am I broke ? BLUE
292 0 1 Wes Anderson ' s new film tells the story of a precocious child coming to terms with ____. BLUE
293 0 2 Adventure . Romance . ____ . From Paramount Pictures , " ____. " BLUE
294 0 2 Patient presents with ____ . Likely a result of ____ . BLUE
295 0 1 Yo ' mama so fat she ____! BLUE
296 0 1 Now in bookstores : " The Audacity of ____, " by Barack Obama . BLUE
297 0 1 In his new action comedy , Jackie Chan must fend off ninjas while also dealing with ____ . BLUE
298 0 1 Armani suit : $ 1 , 000 . Dinner for two at that swanky restaurant : $ 300 . The look on her face when you surprise her with ____ : priceless . BLUE
299 0 1 Behind every powerful man is ____ . BLUE
300 0 1 Life ' s pretty tough in the fast lane. That ' s why I never leave the house without ____ . BLUE
301 0 1 You are not alone . Millions of Americans struggle with ____ every day . BLUE
302 0 1 My grandfather worked his way up from nothing . When he came to this country , all he had was the shoes on his feet and ____ . BLUE
303 0 2 If you can ' t handle ____, you ' d better stay away from ____ . BLUE
304 0 1 Man , this is bullshit . Fuck ____ . BLUE
305 0 2 In return for my soul , the Devil promised me ____ , but all I got was ____ . BLUE
306 0 1 The Japanese have developed a smaller , more efficient version of ____ . BLUE
307 0 1 Do you lack energy ? Does it sometimes feel like the whole world is ____ ? Ask your doctor about Zoloft & reg ; . BLUE
308 0 1 I work my ass off all day for this family , and this is what I come home to ? ____ ! ? BLUE
309 0 1 This is America . If you don ' t work hard, you don ' t succeed . I don ' t care if you ' re black , white , purple , or ____ . BLUE
310 0 1 Dammit , Gary . You can ' t just solve every problem with ____. BLUE
311 0 1 James is a lonely boy . But when he discovers a secret door in his attic , he meets a magical new friend : ____ . BLUE
312 0 1 This is the prime of my life . I ' m young, hot, and full of ____. BLUE
313 0 2 Every step towards ____ gets me a little bit closer to ____ . BLUE
314 0 2 Well if ____ is good enough for ____ , it ' s good enough for me. BLUE
315 0 1 WHOOO ! God < i > damn < / i > I love ____ ! BLUE
316 0 1 You Won ' t Believe These 15 Hilarious ____ Bloopers! BLUE
317 0 1 You ' ve seen the bearded lady! You ' ve seen the ring of fire ! Now , ladies and gentlemen , feast your eyes upon ____ ! BLUE
318 0 1 When I was a kid , we used to play Cowboys and ____ . BLUE
319 0 1 Do the Dew & reg ; with our most extreme flavor yet ! Get ready for Mountain Dew ____ ! BLUE
320 0 2 Honey , I have a new role - play I want to try tonight ! You can be ____ , and I ' ll be ____. BLUE
321 0 2 Forget everything you know about ____ , because now we ' ve supercharged it with ____! BLUE
322 0 1 What ' s making things awkward in the sauna? BLUE
323 0 1 Listen , Gary , I like you . But if you want that corner office , you ' re going to have to show me ____. BLUE
324 0 1 Help me doctor , I ' ve got ____ in my butt. BLUE
325 0 2 Oprah ' s book of the month is "____ For ____: A Story of Hope." BLUE
326 0 2 You know , once you get past ____ , ____ ain ' t so bad. BLUE
327 0 1 In his farewell address , George Washington famously warned Americans about the dangers of ____ . BLUE
328 0 1 Well what do you have to say for yourself , Casey ? This is the third time you ' ve been sent to the principal ' s office for ____ . BLUE
329 0 1 Here at the Academy for Gifted Children , we allow students to explore ____ at their own pace . BLUE
330 0 1 Get ready for the movie of the summer ! One cop plays by the book . The other ' s only interested in one thing: ____. BLUE
331 0 2 Heed my voice , mortals ! I am the god of ____ , and I will not tolerate ____ ! BLUE
332 0 1 As king , how will I keep the peasants in line ? BLUE
333 0 1 I ' m sorry, sir, but we don ' t allow ____ at the country club . BLUE
334 0 1 2 AM in the city that never sleeps . The door swings open and < i > she < / i > walks in , legs up to here . Something in her eyes tells me she ' s looking for ____. BLUE
335 0 1 I have a strict policy . First date , dinner . Second date , kiss . Third date , ____ . BLUE
336 0 1 What killed my boner ? BLUE
337 0 1 Hi , this is Jim from accounting . We noticed a $ 1 , 200 charge labeled " ____. " Can you explain ? BLUE
338 0 1 I ' m pretty sure I ' m high right now , because I ' m absolutely mesmerized by ____. BLUE
339 0 1 Don ' t worry, kid. It gets better. I ' ve been living with ____ for 20 years . BLUE
340 0 1 How am I compensating for my tiny penis ? BLUE
341 0 1 Ooo , daddy like ____ . GREEN
343 0 1 As reparations for slavery , all African Americans will receive ____ . GREEN
344 0 1 What ' s about to take this dance floor to the next level? GREEN
345 0 1 What are all those whales singing about ? GREEN
346 0 1 I ' ve got rhythm, I ' ve got music , I ' ve got ____. Who could ask for anything more? GREEN
347 0 1 Then the princess kissed the frog , and all of a sudden the frog was ____ ! GREEN
348 0 1 What turned me into a Republican ? GREEN
349 0 1 If at first you don ' t succeed, try ____. GREEN
350 0 1 Poor Brandon , still living in his parents ' basement. I hear he never got over ____. GREEN
351 0 1 Coming to Red Lobster & reg ; this month , ____ . GREEN
352 0 1 Most Americans would not vote for a candidate who is openly ____ . GREEN
353 0 1 This Friday at the Liquid Lounge , it ' s ____ Night! Ladies drink free. GREEN
354 0 1 Well , shit . My eyes ain ' t so good, but I ' ll eat my own boot if that ain ' t ____! GREEN
355 0 1 CNN breaking news ! Scientists discover ____ . GREEN
356 0 1 She ' s a lady in the streets, ____ in the sheets. GREEN
357 0 1 There is no God . It ' s just ____ and then you die. GREEN
358 0 1 Best you go back where you came from , now . We don ' t take too kindly to ____ in these parts. GREEN
359 0 1 I ' ve had a horrible vision, father. I saw mountains crumbling, stars falling from the sky. I saw ____. GREEN
360 0 1 Oh no ! Siri , how do I fix ____ ? GREEN
361 0 1 Girls just wanna have ____ . GREEN
362 0 1 What ' s the gayest? GREEN
363 0 1 Son , take it from someone who ' s been around the block a few times. Nothin ' puts her in the mood like ____ . GREEN
364 0 1 Mom ' s to-do list:<br><br>Buy groceries<br>Clean up ____<br>Soccer practice GREEN
365 0 1 What will end racism once and for all ? GREEN
366 0 1 No , no , no , no , no , NO ! I will NOT let ____ ruin this wedding . GREEN
367 0 1 Summer lovin ' , had me a blast. ____, happened so fast. GREEN
368 0 1 I ' m sorry, sir, but your insurance plan doesn ' t cover injuries caused by ____ . GREEN
369 0 1 What sucks balls ? GREEN
370 0 1 Errbody in the club ____ . GREEN
371 0 1 I ' ll take the BBQ bacon burger with a fried egg and fuck it how about ____. GREEN
372 0 1 You won ' t believe what ' s in my pussy . It ' s ____. GREEN
373 0 1 The top Google auto - complete results for " Barack Obama " : < br > Barack Obama height . < br > Barack Obama net worth . < br > Barack Obama ____ . GREEN
374 0 1 I may not be much to look at , but I fuck like ____ . GREEN
375 0 1 LSD + ____ = really bad time . GREEN
376 0 1 Feeling so grateful ! #amazing #mylife #____ GREEN
377 0 1 Art isn ' t just a painting in a stuffy museum. Art is alive. Art is ____. GREEN
378 0 1 Why am I laughing and crying and taking off my clothes ? GREEN
379 0 1 Google Calendar alert : ____ in 10 minutes . GREEN
380 0 1 One more thing . Watch out for Big Mike . They say he killed a man with ____ . GREEN
381 0 1 Dance like there ' s nobody watching, love like you ' ll never be hurt , and live like you ' re ____. GREEN
382 0 2 ____ : Brought to you by ____ . GREEN
383 0 1 In the 1950 s , psychologists prescribed ____ as a cure for homosexuality . GREEN
384 0 1 Well if ____ is a crime , then lock me up ! GREEN
385 0 1 Run , run , as fast as you can ! You can ' t catch me, I ' m ____ ! GREEN
386 0 1 What ' s the most problematic? GREEN
387 0 1 With a one - time gift of just $ 10 , you can save this child from ____ . GREEN
388 0 2 ____ be all like ____ . GREEN
389 0 1 You know who else liked ____ ? Hitler . GREEN
390 0 1 What totally destroyed my asshole ? GREEN
391 0 1 I don ' t believe in God. I believe in ____. GREEN
392 0 1 She ' s just one of the guys, you know? She likes beer, and football, and ____. GREEN
393 0 1 Congratulations ! You have been selected for our summer internship program . While we are unable to offer a salary , we < i > can < / i > offer you ____ . GREEN
394 0 1 I tell you , it was a non - stop fuckfest . When it was over , my asshole looked like ____ . GREEN
395 0 1 We do not shake with our left hands in this country . That is the hand we use for ____ . GREEN
396 0 1 As Teddy Roosevelt said , the four manly virtues are honor , temperance , industry , and ____ . GREEN
397 0 1 How did Stella get her groove back ? 90 s
399 0 1 Siskel and Ebert have panned ____ as " poorly conceived " and " sloppily executed. " 90 s
400 0 1 Up next on Nickelodeon : " Clarissa Explains ____. " 90 s
401 0 1 It ' s Morphin ' Time ! Mastodon ! Pterodactyl ! Triceratops ! Sabertooth Tiger ! ____ ! 90 s
402 0 1 Believe it or not , Jim Carrey can do a dead - on impression of ____ . 90 s
403 0 1 I ' m a bitch, I ' m a lover , I ' m a child, I ' m ____ . 90 s
404 0 1 Tonight on SNICK : " Are You Afraid of ____? " 90 s
405 0 1 After blacking out during New Year ' s Eve, I was awoken by ____. ❄2012
407 0 1 What keeps me warm during the cold , cold winter ? ❄ 2012
408 0 1 Wake up , America . Christmas is under attack by secular liberals and their ____ . ❄ 2012
409 0 1 Every Christmas , my uncle gets drunk and tells the story about ____ . ❄ 2012
410 0 1 Jesus is ____ . ❄ 2012
411 0 1 This holiday season , Tim Allen must overcome his fear of ____ to save Christmas . ❄ 2012
412 0 1 On the third day of Christmas , my true love gave to me : three French hens , two turtle doves , and ____ . ❄ 2012
413 0 1 When you go to the polls on Tuesday , remember : a vote for me is a vote for ____ . V4HIL
415 0 1 Senator , I trust you enjoyed ____ last night . Now , can I count on your vote ? V4HIL
416 0 1 Trump ' s great! Trump ' s got ____ . I love that . V4 45
418 0 1 It ' s 3 AM. The red phone rings. It ' s ____ . Who do you want answering ? V4 45
419 0 1 According to Arizona ' s stand-your-ground law, you ' re allowed to shoot someone if they ' re ____. V4 45
420 0 1 I can ' t believe Netflix is using ____ to promote <i>House of Cards.</i> HCARD
422 0 1 A wise man said , " Everything is about sex. Except sex. Sex is about ____. " HCARD
423 0 1 I ' m not going to lie. I despise ____. There, I said it. HCARD
424 0 2 Corruption . Betrayal . ____ . Coming soon to Netflix , " House of ____. " HCARD
425 0 1 We ' re not like other news organizations. Here at Slugline, we welcome ____ in the office. HCARD
426 0 2 Because you enjoyed ____ , we thought you ' d like ____. HCARD
427 0 1 Cancel all my meetings . We ' ve got a situation with ____ that requires my immediate attention. HCARD
428 0 1 Our relationship is strictly professional . Let ' s not complicate things with ____. HCARD
429 0 1 My memory of last night is pretty hazy . I remember ____ and that ' s pretty much it. COLEG
431 0 1 Pledges ! Time to prove you ' re Delta Phi material. Chug this beer, take off your shirts, and get ready for ____. COLEG
432 0 1 All classes today are canceled due to ____ . COLEG
433 0 1 Did you know ? Our college was recently named the #1 school for ____! COLEG
434 0 1 The Department of Psychology is looking for paid research volunteers . Are you 18 - 25 and suffering from ____ ? COLEG
435 0 1 In this paper , I will explore ____ from a feminist perspective . COLEG
436 0 1 Because they are forbidden from masturbating , Mormons channel their repressed sexual energy into ____ . ❄ 2013
438 0 1 Revealed : Why He Really Resigned ! Pope Benedict ' s Secret Struggle with ____! ❄2013
439 0 1 Blessed are you , Lord our God , creator of the universe , who has granted us ____ . ❄ 2013
440 0 1 Kids these days with their iPods and their internet . In my day , we all needed to pass the time was ____ . ❄ 2013
441 0 1 GREETINGS < br > HUMANS < br > < br > I AM ____ BOT < br > < br > EXECUTING PROGRAM ❄ 2013
442 0 2 But wait , there ' s more! If you order ____ in the next 15 minutes, we ' ll throw in ____ absolutely free ! ❄ 2013
443 0 2 Here ' s what you can expect for the new year. Out: ____. In: ____. ❄2013
444 0 1 What ' s the one thing that makes an elf instantly ejaculate? ❄2013
445 0 1 I really hope my grandma doesn ' t ask me to explain ____ again. ❄2013
446 0 2 Critics are raving about HBO ' s new <i>Game of Thrones</i> spin-off, "____ of ____." FNTSY
448 0 1 Your father was a powerful wizard , Harry . Before he died , he left you something very precious : ____ . FNTSY
449 0 1 Having tired of poetry and music , the immortal elves now fill their days with ____ . FNTSY
450 0 1 And in the end , the dragon was not evil ; he just wanted ____ . FNTSY
451 0 1 Who blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity , whose name no lips dare speak aloud , and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable , unlighted chambers beyond time ? FNTSY
452 0 1 Legend tells of a princess who has been asleep for a thousand years and can only be awoken by ____ . FNTSY
453 0 1 Coming this spring from BioWare , < i > Mass Effect : ____ . < / i > MSFX
455 0 1 I ' m Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite place for ____ on the Citadel. MSFX
456 0 1 It turns out The Reapers didn ' t want to destroy the galaxy. They just wanted ____. MSFX
457 0 1 We were the best hand - to - hand combatants on the ship . I had reach , but she had ____ . MSFX
458 0 1 Behold the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ! War , Famine , Death , and ____ . ❄ 2014
460 0 1 Honey , Mommy and Daddy love you very much . But apparently Mommy loves ____ more than she loves Daddy . ❄ 2014
461 0 2 A curse upon thee ! Many years from now , just when you think you ' re safe, ____ shall turn into ____. ❄2014
462 0 1 Dear Mom and Dad , Camp is fun . I like capture the flag . Yesterday , one of the older kids taught me about ____ . I love you , Casey ❄ 2014
463 0 2 Today on Buzzfeed : 10 Pictures of ____ That Look Like ____ ! ❄ 2014
464 0 1 Why am I so tired ? ❄ 2014
465 0 1 Curiosity was put into safe mode after its hazcams detected ____ . NASA
467 0 1 NASA will spend 15 billion dollars on an unprecedented mission : ____ in space . NASA
468 0 1 It ' s not delivery. It ' s ____ . FOOD
470 0 1 Don ' t miss Rachel Ray ' s hit new show , < i > Cooking with ____ . < / i > FOOD
471 0 1 I ' m Bobby Flay, and if you can ' t stand ____ , get out of the kitchen ! FOOD
472 0 1 Now on Netflix : < i > Jiro Dreams of ____ . < / i > FOOD
473 0 1 Aw babe , your burps smell like ____ ! FOOD
474 0 1 Excuse me , waiter . Could you take this back ? This soup tastes like ____ . FOOD
475 0 1 You have been waylaid by ____ and must defend yourself . PE13A
477 0 1 I have an idea even better than Kickstarter , and it ' s called ____starter. PE13A
479 0 1 Donna , pick up my dry cleaning and get my wife something for christmas . I think she likes ____ . ❄
480 0 1 It ' s beginning to look a lot like ____. ❄
481 0 1 In the final round of this year ' s Omegathon, Omeganauts must face off in a game of ____. PE13B
483 0 1 Action stations ! Action stations ! Set condition one throughout the fleet and brace for ____ ! PE13B
484 0 1 Press & darr ; & darr ; & larr ; & rarr ; B to unleash ____ . PE13C
486 0 1 I don ' t know exactly how I got the PAX plague, but I suspect it had something to do with ____. PE13C
488 0 2 ____ is way better in ____ mode . GEEK
489 0 1 ____ : Achievement unlocked . GEEK
490 0 1 < i > ( Heavy breathing ) < / i > Luke , I am ____ . GEEK
491 0 1 What ' s the latest bullshit that ' s troubling this quaint fantasy town ? GEEK
492 0 1 What made Spock cry ? GEEK
493 0 1 What the hell ? ! They added a 6 / 6 with flying , trample , and ____ . PXE14
495 0 2 ____ is way better in ____mode . PXE14
496 0 1 Unfortunately , Neo , no one can be < i > told < / i > what ____ is . You have to see it for yourself . PXE14
497 0 1 You think you have defeated me ? Well , let ' s see how you handle ____! PXE14
498 0 1 What ' s so important right now that you can ' t call your mother ? JEW
500 0 1 According to Freud , all children progress through three stages of development : the oral stage , the anal stage , and the ____ stage . JEW
501 0 1 Oh , your daughter should meet my son ! He gives to charity , he loves ____ and did I mention he ' s a doctor? JEW
502 0 1 Coming to Broadway next season : " ____ on the Roof. " JEW
503 0 1 Can ' t you see? The Jews are behind everything--the banks, the media, even ____! JEW
504 0 1 In the new DLC for Mass Effect , Shepard must save the galaxy from ____ . 13 PAX
506 0 1 The most controversial game at PAX this year is an 8 - bit indie platformer about ____ . 13 PAX
507 0 1 There was a riot at the Gearbox panel when they gave the attendees ____ . 13 PAX
508 0 1 No Enforcer wants to manage the panel on ____ . 13 PAX
509 0 1 What gets me wet ? .
511 0 1 My body , my voice ! ____ , my choice ! .
512 0 1 My vagina ' s angry. My vagina ' s furious and it needs to talk . It needs to talk about ____ . .
513 0 1 Can a woman really have it all ? A career < i > and ____ ? < / i > .
514 0 1 Tampax & reg ; : Don ' t let your period ruin ____. .
515 0 1 New from Mattel , it ' s ____ Barbie! .
516 0 1 Donald Trump ' s first act as president was to outlaw ____. PST45
518 0 1 Donald Trump has nominated ____ for his VP . PST45
519 0 1 In 2019 , Donald Trump eliminated our national parks to make room for ____ . PST45
520 0 1 What are two cards in your hand that you want to get rid of ? RJECT
522 0 1 From WBEZ Chicago , it ' s <i>This American Life.</i> Today on our program, ____. Stay with us. RJECT
523 0 1 My name is Inigo Montoya . You killed my father . Prepare for ____ . RJECT
524 0 1 [ rorschach test ] What do you see ? RJECT
525 0 1 Sir , we found you passed out naked on the side of the road . What ' s the last thing you remember? RJECT
526 0 1 You can ' t wait forever. It ' s time to talk to your doctor about ____ . RJECT
527 0 1 The elders of the Ibo tribe of Nigeria recommend ____ as a cure for impotence . RJECT
528 0 1 The Westboro Baptist Church is now picketing soldiers ' funerals with signs that read ' GOD HATES ____ ! ' RJECT
529 0 1 Looking to earn big bucks ? Learn how to make ____ work for you ! RTAIL
531 0 1 How are the writers of Cards Against Humanity spending your $ 25 ? RTAIL
532 0 1 Fear leads to anger . Anger leads to hate . Hate leads to ____ . SCIFI
534 0 1 Computer ! Display ____ on screen . Enhance . SCIFI
535 0 1 You ' re not going to believe this, but I ' m you from the future ! You ' ve got to stop ____. SCIFI
536 0 1 This won ' t be like negotiating with the Vogons. Humans only respond to one thing: ____. SCIFI
537 0 1 Madam President , the asteroid is headed directly for Earth and there ' s one one thing that can stop it: ____. SCIFI
538 0 1 You have violated the Prime Directive ! You exposed an alien culture to ____ before they were ready . SCIFI
539 0 1 What is the answer to life , the universe , and everything ? SCIFI
540 0 1 Why did the chicken cross the road ? RJCT2
542 0 1 Some men aren ' t looking for anything logical, like money. They can ' t be bought , bullied , reasoned , or negotiated with . Some men just want ____ . RJCT2
543 0 1 America is hungry . America needs ____ . RJCT2
544 0 1 In bourgeois society , capital is independent and has individuality , while the living person is ____ . RJCT2
545 0 1 Housekeeping ! You want ____ ? RJCT2
546 0 1 BowWOW ! is the first pet hotel in LA that offers ____ for dogs . RJCT2
547 0 1 Astronomers have discovered that the universe consists of 5 % ordinary matter , 25 % dark matter , and 70 % ____ . RJCT2
548 0 1 Hey , whatever happened to Renee Zellweger ? RJCT2
549 0 1 What ' s wrong with these gorillas? RJCT2
550 0 1 You say tomato , I say ____ . RJCT2
551 0 1 A study published in < i > Nature < / i > this week found that ____ is good for you in small doses . SCI
553 0 1 What really killed the dinosaurs ? SCI
554 0 2 In line with our predictions , we find a robust correlation between ____ and ____ ( < i > p & lt ; . 05 ) . < / i > SCI
555 0 2 In an attempt to recreate conditions just after the Big Bang , physicists at the LHC are observing collisions between ____ and ____ . SCI
556 0 1 In what ' s being hailed as a major breakthrough, scientists have synthesized ____ in the lab. SCI
557 0 1 Hey there , Young Scientists ! Put on your labcoats and strap on your safety goggles , because today we ' re learning about ____! SCI
558 0 2 Today on < i > Mythbusters , < / i > we find out how long ____ can withstand ____ . SCI
559 0 1 Hold up . I gotta deal with ____ , then I ' mma smoke this. WEED
561 0 1 Okay here ' s the pitch. James Franco and Seth Rogen are trying to score some weed, and then ____ happens. WEED
562 0 1 You know what ' s like, really funny when you think about it? ____. WEED
563 0 1 Instead of playing a card this round , everyone must stare at the Card Czar while making a sound you ' d make after tasting something delicious. WEED
564 0 1 Everyone is staring at you because you ' re ____. WEED
565 0 1 Wait , I came here to buy socks . How did I wind up with ____ ? RTPRD
567 0 1 Hey , you guys want to try this awesome new game ? It ' s called ____. TBLTP
569 0 1 For my turn , I will spend four gold and allocate all three workers to ____ . TBLTP
570 0 1 Backers who supported Tabletop at the $ 25 , 000 level were astonished to receive ____ from Wil Wheaton himself . TBLTP
571 0 1 I ' m just gonna stay in tonight. You know, Netflix and ____. WWW
573 0 1 What did I nickname my genitals ? WWW
574 0 1 This app is basically Tinder , but for ____ . WWW
575 0 1 You guys , you can buy ____ on the dark web . WWW
576 0 1 Don ' t worry, Penny! Go Go Gadget ____! WWW
577 0 1 TRIGGER WARNING : ____ . WWW
578 0 2 I need you like ____ needs ____ . WWW
579 0 2 Such ____ . Very ____ . Wow . WWW
580 0 1 Nothing says " I love you " like ____ . WWW
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
\ .
2013-04-02 03:24:21 +01:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2190 (class 0 OID 17742)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Dependencies: 186
2016-04-04 05:58:20 +01:00
-- Data for Name: card_set; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
COPY card_set ( id , active , base_deck , description , name , weight ) FROM stdin ;
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
2 t f Base Game ( US ) Base Game ( US ) 1
103 t f Base Game ( Canada ) Base Game ( Canada ) 2
134 t f Base Game ( UK ) Base Game ( UK ) 3
166 t f Base Game ( Australia ) Base Game ( Australia ) 4
191 t f Base Game ( International ) Base Game ( International ) 5
235 t f Red Box Expansion Red Box Expansion 10
271 t f Blue Box Expansion Blue Box Expansion 10
342 t f Green Box Expansion Green Box Expansion 10
398 t f 90 s Nostalgia Pack 90 s Nostalgia Pack 30
406 t f Holiday Pack 2012 Holiday Pack 2012 80
414 t f Vote for Hillary Pack Vote for Hillary Pack 70
417 t f Vote for Trump Pack Vote for Trump Pack 71
421 t f House of Cards Pack House of Cards Pack 30
430 t f College Pack College Pack 30
437 t f Holiday Pack 2013 Holiday Pack 2013 80
447 t f Fantasy Pack Fantasy Pack 30
454 t f Mass Effect Pack Mass Effect Pack 101
459 t f Holiday Pack 2014 Holiday Pack 2014 80
466 t f NASA Pack NASA Pack 30
469 t f Food Pack Food Pack 30
476 t f PAX East 2013 Pack A PAX East 2013 Pack A 102
478 t f Season ' s Greetings Pack Season ' s Greetings Pack 83
482 t f PAX East 2013 Pack B PAX East 2013 Pack B 103
485 t f PAX East 2013 Pack C PAX East 2013 Pack C 104
487 t f Geek Pack Geek Pack 30
494 t f PAX East 2014 Pack PAX East 2014 Pack 106
499 t f Jew Pack Jew Pack 30
505 t f PAX Prime 2013 Pack PAX Prime 2013 Pack 105
510 t f Period Pack Period Pack 30
517 t f Post - Trump Pack Post - Trump Pack 72
521 t f Reject Pack Reject Pack 30
530 t f Retail Pack Retail Pack 30
533 t f Sci - Fi Pack Sci - Fi Pack 30
541 t f Reject Pack 2 Reject Pack 2 30
552 t f Science Pack Science Pack 30
560 t f Weed Pack Weed Pack 30
566 t f Retail Product Pack Retail Product Pack 30
568 t f Tabletop Pack Tabletop Pack 100
572 t f World Wide Web Pack World Wide Web Pack 30
2131 t f Box Expansion Pack Box Expansion Pack 30
2152 t f Hidden Compartment Pack Hidden Compartment Pack 30
2374 t f PAX Prime 2014 Pack PAX Prime 2014 Pack 107
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
\ .
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2191 (class 0 OID 17750)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Dependencies: 187
2016-04-04 05:58:20 +01:00
-- Data for Name: card_set_black_card; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
COPY card_set_black_card ( card_set_id , black_card_id ) FROM stdin ;
2 1
2 3
2 4
2 5
2 6
2 7
2 8
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
2 9
2 10
2 11
2 12
2 13
2 14
2 15
2 16
2 17
2 18
2 19
2 20
2 21
2 22
2 23
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2013-04-02 03:24:21 +01:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2192 (class 0 OID 17755)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Dependencies: 188
2016-04-04 05:58:20 +01:00
-- Data for Name: card_set_white_card; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
COPY card_set_white_card ( card_set_id , white_card_id ) FROM stdin ;
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
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2013-08-11 00:51:16 +01:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2193 (class 0 OID 17760)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Dependencies: 189
2016-04-04 05:58:20 +01:00
-- Data for Name: white_cards; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
COPY white_cards ( id , text , watermark ) FROM stdin ;
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
581 Throwing grapes at a man until he loses touch with reality . US
582 My Uber driver , Pavel . US
583 The Hamburglar . US
584 A stray pube . US
585 White privilege . US
586 Facebook . US
587 Pac - Man uncontrollably guzzling cum . US
588 Forced sterilization . US
589 An Oedipus complex . US
590 Scientology . US
591 My fat daughter . US
592 Active listening . US
593 Vigorous jazz hands . US
594 An M . Night Shyamalan plot twist . US
595 The rhythms of Africa . US
596 The homosexual agenda . US
597 Having big dreams but no realistic way to achieve them . US
598 A time travel paradox . US
599 Lactation . US
600 Dick fingers . US
601 Dying . US
602 My good bra . US
603 Me time . US
604 Smallpox blankets . US
605 J . D . Power and his associates . US
606 Seeing my father cry . US
607 Seppuku . US
608 Adderall . & reg ; US
609 Hot people . US
610 Dead babies . US
611 Not reciprocating oral sex . US
612 50 mg of Zoloft daily . US
613 A bleached asshole . US
614 Flesh - eating bacteria . US
615 Itchy pussy . US
616 Foreskin . US
617 Worshipping that pussy . US
618 How far I can get my own penis up my butt . US
619 World peace . US
620 Expecting a burp and vomiting on the floor . US
621 Kamikaze pilots . US
622 Anal beads . US
623 Being rich . US
624 The Three - Fifths Compromise . US
625 Shapeshifters . US
626 Lockjaw . US
627 Getting so angry that you pop a boner . US
628 Child beauty pageants . US
629 Breaking out into song and dance . US
630 Pretending to care . US
631 Waiting till marriage . US
632 The wifi password . US
633 Being a woman . US
634 The past . US
635 Catapults . US
636 A lifetime of sadness . US
637 Going an entire day without masturbating . US
638 Dwayne " The Rock " Johnson . US
639 A saxophone solo . US
640 Being marginalized . US
641 The penny whistle solo from " My Heart Will Go On. " US
642 A fart so powerful that it wakes the giants from their thousand - year slumber . US
643 My genitals . US
644 Little boy penises . US
645 Punching a congressman in the face . US
646 Some god damn peace and quiet . US
648 Ruth Bader Ginsburg brutally gaveling your penis . US
649 Preteens . US
650 More elephant cock than I bargained for . US
651 Smegma . US
652 A micropenis . US
653 My ugly face and bad personality . US
654 A good sniff . US
655 Explaining how vaginas work . US
656 Genuine human connection . US
657 An old guy who ' s almost dead. US
658 My cheating son - of - a - bitch husband . US
659 Fox News . US
660 Being a motherfucking sorcerer . US
661 The Red Hot Chili Peppers . US
662 Holding down a child and farting all over him . US
663 The KKK . US
664 Land mines . US
665 Centaurs . US
666 Seven dead and three in critical condition . US
667 My relationship status . US
668 A mating display . US
669 Auschwitz . US
670 Used panties . US
671 Alcoholism . US
672 Sexual peeing . US
673 A windmill full of corpses . US
674 Darth Vader . US
675 Daniel Radcliffe ' s delicious asshole. US
676 A good , strong gorilla . US
677 Huffing spray paint . US
678 Half - assed foreplay . US
679 Nipple blades . US
680 Being able to talk to elephants . US
681 Making a pouty face . US
682 Drowning the kids in the bathtub . US
683 Emerging from the sea and rampaging through Tokyo . US
684 Hospice care . US
685 Magnets . US
686 Touching a pug right on his penis . US
687 Vladimir Putin . US
688 Spontaneous human combustion . US
689 Leprosy . US
690 Seething with quiet resentment . US
691 Explosions . US
692 Licking things to claim them as your own . US
693 Consensual sex . US
694 Getting married , having a few kids , buying some stuff , retiring to Florida , and dying . US
695 Nickelback . US
696 The Boy Scouts of America . US
697 Bananas . US
698 Masturbating . US
699 All the dues I ' ve fucked. US
700 Famine . US
701 Hillary Clinton ' s emails. US
702 Executing a hostage every hour . US
703 Running out of semen . US
704 Jews , gypsies , and homosexuals . US
705 The arrival of the pizza . US
706 Goblins . US
707 Laying an egg . US
708 A bowl of mayonnaise and human teeth . US
709 A micropig wearing a tiny raincoat and booties . US
710 A bitch slap . US
711 Giving 110 % . US
712 Inserting a Mason jar into my anus . US
713 A man on the brink of orgasm . US
714 A much younger woman . US
715 10 , 000 Syrian refugees . US
716 A sad handjob . US
717 Police brutality . US
718 Throwing a virgin into a volcano . US
719 A sea of troubles . US
720 Multiple stab wounds . US
721 Filling my briefcase with business stuff . US
722 A tiny horse . US
723 The Kool - Aid Man . US
724 Grandma . US
725 A bag of magic beans . US
726 Doing the right thing . US
727 Emma Watson . US
728 Racism . US
729 Powerful thighs . US
730 Men . US
731 Farting and walking away . US
732 Pedophiles . US
733 German Chancellor Angela Merkel . US
734 Peeing a little bit . US
735 Viagra . & reg ; US
736 Ronald Reagan . US
737 Bisexuality . US
738 The clitoris . US
739 Soft , kissy missionary sex . US
740 Sitting on my face and telling me I ' m garbage. US
741 A balanced breakfast . US
742 Puberty . US
743 Poor people . US
744 Harry Potter erotica . US
745 Penis breath . US
746 Agriculture . US
747 Committing suicide . US
748 The heart of a child . US
749 Aaron Burr . US
750 Republicans . US
751 Justin Bieber . US
752 Concealing a boner . US
753 Not vaccinating my children because I am stupid . US
754 Judge Judy . US
755 Sex with animals . US
756 Men discussing their feelings in an emotionally healthy way . US
757 Dead birds everywhere . US
758 All - you - can - eat shrimp for $ 8 . 99 . US
759 My bright pink fuckhole . US
760 Having sex for the first time . US
761 An endless stream of diarrhea . US
762 Getting drugs off the street and into my body . US
763 German dungeon porn . US
764 Bingeing and purging . US
765 Kourtney , Kim , Khloe , Kendall , and Kylie . US
766 Mouth herpes . US
767 Seeing what happens when you lock people in a room with hungry seagulls . US
768 72 virgins . US
769 Not giving a shit about the Third World . US
770 Getting cummed on . US
771 Poor life choices . US
772 Firing a rifle into the air while balls deep in a squealing hog . US
773 Opposable thumbs . US
774 Geese . US
775 Being fat and stupid . US
776 Fancy Feast . & reg ; US
777 Serfdom . US
778 Teaching a robot to love . US
779 A Super Soaker & trade ; full of cat pee . US
780 NBA superstar LeBron James . US
781 Child abuse . US
782 Fucking my sister . US
783 Natural male enhancement . US
784 Science . US
785 < i > The Bachelorette < / i > season finale . US
786 The gays . US
787 Becoming a blueberry . US
788 Oprah . US
789 Three dicks at the same time . US
790 The wonders of the Orient . US
791 Puppies ! US
792 An unwanted pregnancy . US
793 Racially - biased SAT questions . US
794 The Holy Bible . US
795 Women of color . US
796 However much weed $ 20 can buy . US
797 Doing crimes . US
798 A whole thing of butter . US
799 Having anuses for eyes . US
800 Silence . US
801 Lumberjack fantasies . US
802 My balls on your face . US
803 Dead parents . US
804 Barack Obama . US
805 A snapping turtle biting the tip of your penis . US
806 A salad for men that ' s made of metal. US
807 African children . US
808 Fading away into nothingness . US
809 Illegal immigrants . US
810 Spaghetti ? Again ? US
811 The Amish . US
812 Wizard music . US
813 The miracle of childbirth . US
814 Eating a hard boiled egg out of my husband ' s asshole. US
815 Selling crack to children . US
816 Menstrual rage . US
817 Still being a virgin . US
818 Mike Pence . US
819 Shiny objects . US
820 Giving birth to the Antichrist . US
821 The entire Mormon Tabernacle Choir . US
822 The placenta . US
823 Count Chocula . US
824 Bees ? US
825 Drinking alone . US
826 Telling a shitty story that goes nowhere . US
827 Sunshine and rainbows . US
828 A little boy who won ' t shut the fuck up about dinosaurs. US
829 Finger painting . US
830 Hobos . US
831 Natural selection . US
832 An erection that lasts longer than four hours . US
833 Bubble butt bottom boys . US
834 My soul . US
835 A middle - aged man on roller skates . US
836 Being a dick to children . US
837 Mutually assured destruction . US
838 Eating the last known bison . US
839 A mopey zoo lion . US
840 The cool , refreshing taste of Pepsi . & reg ; US
841 Extremely tight pants . US
842 Queefing . US
843 A live studio audience . US
844 An oversized lollipop . US
845 Nicolas Cage . US
846 The Rapture . US
847 Daddy issues . US
848 Chunks of dead hitchhiker . US
849 Accepting the way things are . US
850 The Big Bang . US
851 Women ' s suffrage. US
852 Inappropriate yodeling . US
853 An older woman who knows her way around the penis . US
854 Raptor attacks . US
855 Sex with Patrick Stewart . US
856 The Patriarchy . US
857 Free samples . US
858 My ex - wife . US
859 The Pope . US
860 Covering myself with Parmesan cheese and chili flakes because I am pizza . US
861 White people . US
862 The unstoppable tide of Islam . US
863 Unfathomable stupidity . US
864 A bird that shits human turds . US
865 Your weird brother . US
866 Jobs . US
867 Former President George W . Bush . US
868 Estrogen . US
869 Donald J . Trump . US
870 An AR - 15 assault rifle . US
871 Casually suggesting a threesome . US
872 David Bowie flying in on a tiger made of lightning . US
873 Memes . US
874 A salty surprise . US
875 Balls . US
876 The Devil himself . US
877 Fucking the weatherman on live television . US
878 The female orgasm . US
879 Necrophilia . US
880 The magic of live theatre . US
881 Some punk kid who stole my turkey sandwich . US
882 Vomiting seafood and bleeding anally . US
883 Pulling out . US
884 Spectacular abs . US
885 Full frontal nudity . US
886 A tiny , gay guitar called a ukulele . US
887 Mansplaining . US
888 Poorly - timed Holocaust jokes . US
889 Sweet , sweet vengeance . US
890 How amazing it is to be on mushrooms . US
891 Lance Armstrong ' s missing testicle. US
892 Hope . US
893 The screams . . . the terrible screams . US
894 Gandhi . US
895 Only dating Asian women . US
896 Switching to Geico . & reg ; US
897 Getting fingered . US
898 Yeast . US
899 Emotions . US
900 Crumbs all over the god damn carpet . US
901 A brain tumor . US
902 Wet dreams . US
903 Dark and mysterious forces beyond our control . US
904 Shaking a baby until it stops crying . US
905 Being on fire . US
906 Huge biceps . US
907 My vagina . US
908 Bill Nye the Science Guy . US
909 My inner demons . US
910 Pooping in a laptop and closing it . US
911 Battlefield amputations . US
912 A fetus . US
913 Strong female characters . US
914 Dry heaving . US
915 Tentacle porn . US
916 The Jews . US
917 The South . US
918 Teenage pregnancy . US
919 A pangender octopus who roams the cosmos in search of love . US
920 Saying " I love you. " US
921 Doin ' it in the butt. US
922 Synergistic management solutions . US
923 50 , 000 volts straight to the nipples . US
924 Self - loathing . US
925 Erectile dysfunction . US
926 Poopy diapers . US
927 Friction . US
928 A sassy black woman . US
929 Liberals . US
930 Oompa - Loompas . US
931 Drinking out of the toilet and eating garbage . US
932 Fragile masculinity . US
933 Kissing grandma on the forehead and turning off her life support . US
934 Rap music . US
935 GoGurt . & reg ; US
936 The true meaning of Christmas . US
937 A pyramid of severed heads . US
938 Getting really high . US
939 Hot cheese . US
940 Incest . US
941 Elderly Japanese men . US
942 Announcing that I am about to cum . US
943 Invading Poland . US
944 RoboCop . US
945 Flying sex snakes . US
946 Slaughtering innocent civilians . US
947 Establishing dominance . US
948 Some guy . US
949 Girls . US
950 Italians . US
951 Shutting up so I can watch the game . US
952 Jennifer Lawrence . US
953 Blowing my boyfriend so hard he shits . US
954 A Mexican . US
955 The Underground Railroad . US
956 Penis envy . US
957 Repression . US
958 Cards Against Humanity . US
959 The Hustle . US
960 Jerking off into a pool of children ' s tears. US
961 Heteronormativity . US
962 A Bop It . & trade ; US
963 Heartwarming orphans . US
964 The Great Depression . US
965 A falcon with a cap on its head . US
966 AXE Body Spray . US
967 Prescription pain killers . US
968 Solving problems with violence . US
969 Gloryholes . US
970 A homoerotic volleyball montage . US
971 This month ' s mass shooting. US
972 Radical Islamic terrorism . US
973 Flightless birds . US
974 A disappointing birthday party . US
975 Assless chaps . US
976 Vehicular manslaughter . US
977 Permanent Orgasm - Face Disorder . US
978 Boogers . US
979 The Blood of Christ . US
980 Cuddling . US
981 Looking in the mirror , applying lipstick , and whispering " tonight, you will have sex with Tom Cruise. " US
982 Authentic Mexican cuisine . US
983 The American Dream . US
984 Pooping back and forth . Forever . US
985 The Force . US
986 The only gay person in a hundred miles . US
987 Ethnic cleansing . US
988 Exactly what you ' d expect. US
989 Getting crushed by a vending machine . US
990 A ball of earwax , semen , and toenail clippings . US
991 Brown people . US
992 Steve Bannon . US
993 Diversity . US
994 Pixelated bukkake . US
995 Tearing that ass up like wrapping paper on Christmas morning . US
996 Sideboob . US
997 Seeing Grandma naked . US
998 Women in yogurt commercials . US
999 Arnold Schwarzenegger . US
1000 The bombing of Nagasaki . US
1001 Chainsaws for hands . US
1002 Getting naked and watching Nickelodeon . US
1003 Fear itself . US
1004 The Trail of Tears . US
1005 Swooping . US
1006 Ghosts . US
1007 My neck , my back , my pussy , and my crack . US
1008 God . US
1009 Nazis . US
1010 MechaHitler . US
1011 My collection of Japanese sex toys . US
1012 One titty hanging out . US
1013 Crippling debt . US
1014 Passive aggressive Post - it notes . US
1015 Whipping it out . US
1016 Academy Award winner Meryl Streep . US
1017 Funky fresh rhymes . US
1018 How bad my daughter fucked up her dance recital . US
1019 Fellowship in Christ . US
1020 The violation of our most basic human rights . US
1021 Coat hanger abortions . US
1022 Morgan Freeman ' s voice. US
1023 Stalin . US
1024 8 oz . of sweet Mexican black - tar heroin . US
1025 Old - people smell . US
1026 Fake tits . US
1027 Sexual tension . US
1028 The inevitable heat death of the universe . US
1029 A fuck - ton of almonds . US
1030 Muhammad ( Peace Be Upon Him ) . US
1031 A really cool hat . US
1032 An octopus giving seven handjobs and smoking a cigarette . US
1033 These hoes . US
1034 Listening to her problems without trying to solve them . US
1035 The Russians . US
1036 Waking up half - naked in a Denny ' s parking lot. US
1037 Murder . US
1038 A crucifixion . US
1039 Her Majesty , Queen Elizabeth II . US
1040 Not wearing pants . US
1041 Man meat . US
1042 A gossamer stream of jizz that catches the light as it arcs through the morning air . US
1043 Lena Dunham . US
1044 Many bats . US
1045 Gay conversion therapy . US
1046 Horse meat . US
1047 The glass ceiling . US
1048 Dick pics . US
1049 Completely unwarranted confidence . US
1050 One trillion dollars . US
1051 Some of the best rappers in the game . US
1052 Black people . US
1053 Sperm whales . US
1054 My sex life . US
1055 Chemical weapons . US
1056 A Fleshlight . & reg ; US
1057 Pictures of boobs . US
1058 William Shatner . US
1059 AIDS . US
1060 Autocannibalism . US
1061 A horde of Vikings . US
1062 Danny DeVito . US
1063 My abusive boyfriend who really isn ' t so bad once you get to know him. US
1064 A three - way with my wife and Shaquille O ' Neal. US
1065 Fiery poops . US
1066 Lunchables . & trade ; US
1067 Meth . US
1068 Soup that is too hot . US
1069 Tap dancing like there ' s no tomorrow. US
1070 Stephen Hawking talking dirty . US
1071 Object permanence . US
1072 The milkman . US
1073 Braiding three penises into a Twizzler . US
1074 My black ass . US
1075 Kanye West . US
1076 Poverty . US
1077 Judging everyone . US
1078 PTSD . US
1079 Wondering if it ' s possible to get some of that salsa to go. US
1080 Bitches . US
1081 An icy handjob from an Edmonton hooker . CA
1082 An Evening with Michael Bubl & eacute ; . CA
1083 Getting a DUI on a Zamboni . CA
1084 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police . CA
1085 Oestrogen . CA
1086 Heritage minutes . CA
1087 An endless stream of diarrhoea . CA
1088 A hairless little shitstain named Caillou . CA
1089 A despondent Maple Leafs fan sitting all alone . CA
1090 Apologizing . CA
1091 Syrupy sex with a maple tree . CA
1092 An M16 assault rifle . CA
1093 Canadian Netflix . CA
1094 Punching an MP in the face . CA
1095 Burning down the White House . CA
1096 Newfies . CA
1097 A vastly superior healthcare system . CA
1098 Women of colour . CA
1099 Living in Yellowknife . CA
1100 A fuck - tonne of almonds . CA
1101 Clubbing baby seals . CA
1102 The only gay person in a hundred kilometers . CA
1103 The Official Languages Act . La Loi sur les langues officielles . CA
1104 Terry Fox ' s prosthetic leg. CA
1105 Mr . Dressup . CA
1106 Justin Trudeau . CA
1107 Germans on holiday . UK
1108 Sitting on my face . UK
1109 The Hillsborough Disaster . UK
1110 Queen Elizabeth ' s immaculate anus. UK
1111 Druids . UK
1112 The way James Bond treats women . UK
1113 Blowing up Parliament . UK
1114 A white van man . UK
1115 Wanking into a pool of children ' s tears. UK
1116 Benedict Cumberbatch . UK
1117 Shitting out a perfect Cumberland sausage . UK
1118 Shutting up so I can watch the match . UK
1119 Faffing about . UK
1120 Blood , toil , tears , and sweat . UK
1121 Dirty nappies . UK
1122 Catapult . UK
1123 Your mum . UK
1124 Dogging . UK
1125 Concealing an erection . UK
1126 Polish people . UK
1127 Waking up in Idris Elba ' s arms. UK
1128 A bleached arsehole . UK
1129 Braiding three penises into a Curly Wurly . UK
1130 Kissing nan on the forehead and turning off her life support . UK
1131 However much weed & pound ; 20 can buy . UK
1132 A Chelsea smile . UK
1133 The EDL . UK
1134 Being marginalised . UK
1135 Ecstasy . UK
1136 England . UK
1137 The Black Death . UK
1138 Jehovah ' s Witnesses. UK
1139 Egging an MP . UK
1140 The Scouts . UK
1141 The end of days . UK
1142 The North . UK
1143 Maureen of Blackpool , Reader ' s Wife of the Year 1988. UK
1144 Spaniards . UK
1145 Forced sterilisation . UK
1146 Some bloody peace and quiet . UK
1147 A brain tumour . UK
1148 Pikies . UK
1149 An entrenched class system . UK
1150 Just touching David Beckham ' s hair. UK
1151 Used knickers . UK
1152 A hen night in Slough . UK
1153 Waking up half - naked in a Little Chef car park . UK
1154 Paedophiles . UK
1155 Haggis . UK
1156 Anything that comes out of Prince Philip ' s mouth. UK
1157 The bloody Welsh . UK
1158 Mad cow disease . UK
1159 The sudden appearance of the Go Compare man . UK
1160 The smell of Primark . UK
1161 Theresa May . UK
1162 My mate Dave . UK
1163 Cottaging . UK
1164 Not wearing trousers . UK
1165 A nice cup of tea . UK
1166 Jimmy Savile . UK
1167 Drinking out of the toilet and eating rubbish . UK
1168 A posh wank . UK
1169 A foul mouth . UK
1170 Trench foot . UK
1171 An AK - 47 assault rifle . UK
1172 A foetus . UK
1173 Cheeky bum sex . UK
1174 The < i > Strictly Come Dancing < / i > season finale . UK
1175 Bogies . UK
1176 The Daily Mail . UK
1177 A fanny fart . UK
1178 Tories . UK
1179 Perfunctory foreplay . UK
1180 Slapping Nigel Farage over and over . UK
1181 Madeleine McCann . UK
1182 400 years of colonial atrocities . UK
1183 Queuing . UK
1184 Passive - aggressive Post - it notes . UK
1185 LYNX & reg ; Body Spray . UK
1186 9 oz . of sweet Mexican black - tar heroin . UK
1187 Crumbs all over the bloody carpet . UK
1188 Chivalry . UK
1189 Amputees . UK
1190 A bit of slap and tickle . UK
1191 Seeing Granny naked . UK
1192 Sniffing glue . UK
1193 The petty troubles of the landed gentry . UK
1194 Lads . UK
1195 The French . UK
1196 Ed Balls . UK
1197 A vindaloo poo . UK
1198 Scousers . UK
1199 Getting naked and watching CBeebies . UK
1200 Rubbing Boris Johnson ' s belly until he falls asleep. UK
1201 A sober Irishman who doesn ' t care for potatoes. UK
1202 Daddies & reg ; Brown Sauce . UK
1203 Brexit . UK
1204 Knife crime . UK
1205 Getting married , having a few kids , buying some stuff , retiring to the south of France , and dying . UK
1206 Africa children . UK
1207 Somali pirates . UK
1208 Hooning . AU
1209 Waking up half - naked in a Macca ' s car park. AU
1210 Half a kilo of pure China White heroin . AU
1211 100 % Pure New Zealand . AU
1212 Pauline Hanson . AU
1213 Skippy the Bush Kangaroo . AU
1214 A slab of VB and a pack of durries . AU
1215 Winking at old people . AU
1216 Getting married , having a few kids , buying some stuff , retiring to Queensland , and dying . AU
1217 Fiery poos . AU
1218 Having a Golden Gaytime . AU
1219 Total control of the media . AU
1220 All four prongs of an echidna ' s penis. AU
1221 The White Australia Policy . AU
1222 Making up for centuries of oppression with one day of apologising . AU
1223 Glassing a wanker . AU
1224 Dropping a baby down the dunny . AU
1225 A sick burnout . AU
1226 Rupert Murdoch . AU
1227 Women in yoghurt commercials . AU
1228 Tony Abbott in budgie smugglers . AU
1229 Contagious face cancer . AU
1230 Mr . Squiggle , the Man from the Moon . AU
1231 Taking a sheep - wife . AU
1232 Crazy hot cousin sex . AU
1233 Getting so angry that you pop a stiffy . AU
1234 Nothing but sand . AU
1235 A cute , fuzzy koala with chlamydia . AU
1236 Profound respect and appreciation for indigenous culture . AU
1237 John Howard ' s eyebrows. AU
1238 Selling ice to children . AU
1239 A sick wombat . AU
1240 A Halal Snack Pack . AU
1241 Braiding three penises into a licorice twist . AU
1242 The cool , refreshing taste of Coca - Cola . & reg ; AU
1243 Getting naked and watching < i > Play School . < / i > AU
1244 Women ' s undies. AU
1245 Nippers . AU
1246 Summoning Harold Holt from the sea in a time of great need . AU
1247 A didgeridildo . AU
1248 A five - litre goon bag . AU
1249 Vegemite . & trade ; AU
1250 Good - natured , fun - loving Aussie racism . AU
1251 A fair go . AU
1252 Cashed - up bogans . AU
1253 Inserting a jam jar into my anus . AU
1254 Doin ' it up the bum. AU
1255 A stingray barb through the chest . AU
1256 Pingers . AU
1257 The bush . AU
1258 Sorry , this content cannot be viewed in your region . AU
1259 A shark ! AU
1260 Americanization . AU
1261 Having a shag in the back of a ute . AU
1262 Australia . AU
1263 Massive , widespread drought . AU
1264 Millions of cane toads . AU
1265 Alcohol poisoning . AU
1266 Xenophobia . AU
1267 Ice . AU
1268 A decent fucking Internet connection . AU
1269 What ' s left of the Great Barrier Reef. AU
1270 The Hemsworth brothers . AU
1271 A literal tornado of fire . AU
1272 The Great Emu War . AU
1273 Chundering into a kangaroo ' s pouch. AU
1274 The big fucking hole in the ozone layer . AU
1275 My cheating prick of a husband . AU
1276 Denying climate change . AU
1277 Whiskas & reg ; Catmilk . AU
1278 Steve Irwin . AU
1279 Chunks of dead backpacker . AU
1280 The inevitable heath death of the universe . AU
1281 A six - point plan to stop the boats . AU
1282 Whoever the Prime Minister is these days . AU
1283 An ass disaster . INTL
1284 Disco fever . INTL
1285 Words . INTL
1286 Spending lots of money . INTL
1287 Mooing . INTL
1288 A cat video so cute that your eyes roll back and your spine slides out of your anus . INTL
1289 Michael Jackson . INTL
1290 Horrifying laser hair removal accidents . INTL
1291 Dying alone and in pain . INTL
1292 Shitting out a screaming face . INTL
1293 Literally eating shit . INTL
1294 A monkey smoking a cigar . INTL
1295 Rich people . INTL
1296 An evil man in evil clothes . INTL
1297 A low standard of living . INTL
1298 Wearing an octopus for a hat . INTL
1299 Whining like a little bitch . INTL
1300 Not having sex , INTL
1301 A fat bald man from the Internet . INTL
1302 Basic human decency . INTL
1303 How awesome it is to be white . INTL
1304 Nothing . INTL
1305 Doing it in the butt . INTL
1306 Moral ambiguity . INTL
1307 Dining with cardboard cutouts of the cast of < i > Friends . < / i > INTL
1308 A big black dick . INTL
1309 The arrival of pizza . INTL
1310 An unstoppable wave of fire ants . INTL
1311 Extremely tight jeans . INTL
1312 A web of lies . INTL
1313 Ominous background music . INTL
1314 My machete . INTL
1315 Multiple orgasms . INTL
1316 Daddy ' s belt. INTL
1317 Eating a hard boiled out of my husband ' s asshole. INTL
1318 Friendly fire . INTL
1319 The boners of the elderly . INTL
1320 The hiccups . INTL
1321 The crazy , ball - slapping sex your parents are having right now . INTL
1322 Going around punching people . INTL
1323 Letting everyone down . INTL
1324 Nunchuck moves . INTL
1325 The prunes I ' ve been saving for you in my armpits. INTL
1326 A PowerPoint presentation . INTL
1327 The entire Internet . INTL
1328 An AK - 47 . INTL
1329 Walking in on Dad peeing into Mom ' s mouth. INTL
1330 Dad ' s funny balls. INTL
1331 Flying robots that kill people . INTL
1332 Weapons - grade plutonium . INTL
1333 Sexy pillow fights . INTL
1334 Being white . INTL
1335 A slightly shittier parallel universe . INTL
1336 Having sex on top of a pizza . INTL
1337 Power . INTL
1338 Scrotum tickling . INTL
1339 An army of skeletons . INTL
1340 Actually getting shot , for real . INTL
1341 A cop who is also a dog . INTL
1342 A vagina that leads to another dimension . INTL
1343 A man in yoga pants with a ponytail and feather earrings . INTL
1344 Converting to Islam . INTL
1345 Me . INTL
1346 Tom Cruise . INTL
1347 Intimacy problems . INTL
1348 Leveling up . INTL
1349 That ass . INTL
1350 Kim Jong - un . INTL
1351 The Dalai Lama . INTL
1352 Ripping open a man ' s chest and pulling out his still-beating heart. INTL
1353 A sad fat dragon with no friends . INTL
1354 A surprising amount of hair . INTL
1355 Some really fucked - up shit . INTL
1356 Robert Downey Jr . INTL
1357 Ryan Gosling riding in on a white horse . INTL
1358 Sexual humiliation . INTL
1359 Fisting . INTL
1360 The human body . INTL
1361 A defective condom . INTL
1362 My father , who died when I was seven . INTL
1363 The economy . INTL
1364 Deflowering the princess . INTL
1365 A Chinese tourist who wants something very badly but cannot communicate it . INTL
1366 Graphic violence , adult language , and some sexual content . INTL
1367 Self - flagellation . INTL
1368 Shutting the fuck up . INTL
1369 FIlling my son with spaghetti . INTL
1370 The baby that ruined my pussy . INTL
1371 Buying the right clothes to be cool . INTL
1372 Being black . INTL
1373 All of this blood . INTL
1374 Edible underwear . INTL
1375 An oversized lollipop , INTL
1376 Stockholm Syndrome . INTL
1377 The World of Warcraft . INTL
1378 Grave robbing . INTL
1379 Gandalf . INTL
1380 Sneezing , farting , and cumming at the same time . INTL
1381 Running naked through a mall , pissing and shitting everywhere . INTL
1382 Blood farts . INTL
1383 Panda sex . INTL
1384 A thermonuclear detonation . INTL
1385 Destroying the evidence . INTL
1386 Vomiting mid - blowjob . INTL
1387 A pi & ntilde ; ata full of scorpions . INTL
1388 Miley Cyrus . INTL
1389 A Japanese toaster you can fuck . INTL
1390 Suicidal thoughts . INTL
1391 Grandpa ' s ashes. INTL
1392 Reverse cowgirl . INTL
1393 Keanu Reeves . INTL
1394 LIving in a trashcan . INTL
1395 My first kill . INTL
1396 Mom . INTL
1397 Children on leashes . INTL
1398 Double penetration . INTL
1399 Slave . INTL
1400 White power . INTL
1401 Indescribable loneliness . INTL
1402 Tongue . INTL
1403 Tiny nipples . INTL
1404 Being fabulous . INTL
1405 Homeless people . INTL
1406 My cheating - son - of - a - bitch - husband . INTL
1407 Screaming like a maniac . INTL
1408 Heroin . INTL
1409 Existing . INTL
1410 The pirate ' s life. INTL
1411 One Ring to rule them all . INTL
1412 The flute . INTL
1413 Being a busy adult with many important things to do . INTL
1414 Slapping a racist old lady . INTL
1415 Genetically engineered super - soldiers . INTL
1416 Pumping out a baby every nine months . INTL
1417 A mime having a stroke . INTL
1418 Women voting . INTL
1419 Gladiatorial combat . INTL
1420 Some kind of bird man . INTL
1421 Taking a man ' s eyes and balls out and putting his eyes where his balls go and then his balls in the eye holes. INTL
1422 Mild autism . INTL
1423 Rising from the grave . INTL
1424 Not contributing to society in any meaningful way . INTL
1425 Cock . INTL
1426 Some douche with an acoustic guitar . INTL
1427 Terrorists . INTL
1428 Overpowering your father . INTL
1429 Being a hideous beast that no one could love . INTL
1430 Samuel L . Jackson . INTL
1431 Making the penises kiss . INTL
1432 Being a dinosaur . INTL
1433 Staring at a painting and going " hmmmmmmm... " INTL
1434 A sweet spaceships . INTL
1435 Lady Gaga . INTL
1436 Tripping balls . INTL
1437 Eating an albino . INTL
1438 Our first chimpanzee Prime Minister . INTL
1439 Sudden Poop Explosion Disease . INTL
1440 The total collapse of the global financial system . INTL
1441 Loki , the trickster god . INTL
1442 Making a friend . INTL
1443 The Gulags . INTL
1444 Hipsters . INTL
1445 Wiping her butt . INTL
1446 All my friends dying . INTL
1447 The land of chocolate . INTL
1448 Jesus . INTL
1449 Another shot of morphine . INTL
1450 Bosnian chicken farmers . INTL
1451 How wet my pussy is . INTL
1452 Having shotguns for legs . INTL
1453 Bullshit . INTL
1454 Blowing my boyfriend so hard so he shits . INTL
1455 Cumming deep inside my best bro . INTL
1456 Being awesome at sex . INTL
1457 Santa Claus . INTL
1458 Having a penis . INTL
1459 Gay aliens . INTL
1460 Jafar . RED
1461 Jumping out at people . RED
1462 The mixing of the races . RED
1463 The Harlem Globetrotters . RED
1464 Scrotal frostbite . RED
1465 Statistically validated stereotypes . RED
1466 Pretty Pretty Princess Dress - Up Board Game . & reg ; RED
1467 Making shit up . RED
1468 Mufasa ' s death scene. RED
1469 Having $ 57 in the bank . RED
1470 A sales team of clowns and pedophiles . RED
1471 Survivor ' s guilt. RED
1472 The mere concept of Applebees . & reg ; RED
1473 Boris the Soviet Love Hammer . RED
1474 Not having sex . RED
1475 Indescribably loneliness . RED
1476 One thousand Slim Jims . RED
1477 A nuanced critique . RED
1478 A nautical theme . RED
1479 The black Power Ranger . RED
1480 Neil Patrick Harris . RED
1481 Bill Clinton , naked on a bearskin rug with a saxophone . RED
1482 The hose . RED
1483 Finding Waldo . RED
1484 Fuck Mountain . RED
1485 Unlimited soup , salad , and breadsticks . RED
1486 Syphilitic insanity . RED
1487 Oncoming traffic . RED
1488 Suicide bombers . RED
1489 Some kind of bird - man . RED
1490 Ryan Goslin riding in on a white horse . RED
1491 Living in a trash can . RED
1492 Historical revisionism . RED
1493 A passionate Latino lover . RED
1494 Roland the Farter , flatulist to the king . RED
1495 Consent . RED
1496 An unhinged Ferris wheel rolling toward the sea . RED
1497 A plunger to the face . RED
1498 Shaft . RED
1499 Big Bird ' s crown, crusty asshole. RED
1500 Filling every orifice with butterscotch pudding . RED
1501 A fortuitous turnip harvest . RED
1502 Buying the right pants to be cool . RED
1503 Getting hilariously gang - banged by the Blue Man Group . RED
1504 A phantasmagoria of anal delights . RED
1505 The new Radiohead album . RED
1506 24 - hour media coverage . RED
1507 Gargling jizz . RED
1508 A dollop of sour cream . RED
1509 Demonic possession . RED
1510 Chugging a lava lamp . RED
1511 Jeff Goldblum . RED
1512 The day the birds attacked . RED
1513 Subduing a grizzly bear and making her your wife . RED
1514 A sofa that says " I have style, but I like to be comfortable. " RED
1515 Dorito breath . RED
1516 The way white people is . RED
1517 Fetal alcohol syndrome . RED
1518 The Quesadilla Explosion Salad & trade ; from Chili ' s.® RED
1519 Racial profiling . RED
1520 Special musical guest , Cher . RED
1521 A crappy little hand . RED
1522 The systemic destruction of an entire people and their way of life . RED
1523 Clenched butt cheeks . RED
1524 Filing my son with spaghetti . RED
1525 Blowing some dudes in an alley . RED
1526 Words , words , words . RED
1527 Clams . RED
1528 Hot doooooooogs ! RED
1529 Andr & eacute ; the Giant ' s enormous, leathery scrotum. RED
1530 A greased - up Matthew McConaughey . RED
1531 A pile of squirming bodies . RED
1532 A bloody pacifier . RED
1533 Medieval Times & reg ; Dinner & amp ; Tournament . RED
1534 Just the tip . RED
1535 One ring to rule them all . RED
1536 The milk that comes out of a person . RED
1537 A sweet spaceship . RED
1538 Big ol ' floppy titties. RED
1539 A 55 - gallon drum of lube . RED
1540 Sorcery . RED
1541 Getting your dick stuck in a Chinese finger trap with another dick . RED
1542 Weapons grade plutonium . RED
1543 Mad hacky - sack skills . RED
1544 Emotional baggage . RED
1545 Insatiable bloodlust . RED
1546 Hillary Clinton . RED
1547 Catastrophic urethral trauma . RED
1548 Putting an entire peanut butter and jelly sandwich into the VCR . RED
1549 Crying into the pages of Sylvia Plath . RED
1550 A spontaneous conga line . RED
1551 A Japanese tourist who wants something very badly but cannot communicate it . RED
1552 A boo - boo . RED
1553 A black - owned and operated business . RED
1554 The moist , demanding chasm of his mouth . RED
1555 Velcro . & trade ; RED
1556 The shambling corpse of Larry King . RED
1557 Drinking my bro ' s pee-pee right out of his peen. RED
1558 Quiche . RED
1559 Some really fucked up shit . RED
1560 Warm , velvety muppet sex . RED
1561 The primal , ball - slapping sex your parents are having right now . RED
1562 A bigger , blacker dick . RED
1563 Crabapples all over the fucking sidewalk . RED
1564 Bosnian chick farmers . RED
1565 Sanding off a man ' s nose. RED
1566 The harsh light of day . RED
1567 Vietnam flashbacks . RED
1568 Savagely beating a mascot . RED
1569 Staring at a painting and going " hmmmmmm... " RED
1570 Nubile slave boys . RED
1571 Drinking ten 5 - hour ENERGYs & reg ; to get fifty continuous hours of energy . RED
1572 A sweaty , panting leather daddy . RED
1573 My manservant , Claude . RED
1574 Khakis . BLUE
1575 Bathing in moonsblood and dancing around the ancient oak . BLUE
1576 The passage of time . BLUE
1577 A one - way ticket to Gary , Indiana . BLUE
1578 The power of the Dark Side . BLUE
1579 A team of lawyers . BLUE
1580 Getting eaten alive by Guy Fieri . BLUE
1581 Figuring out how to have sex with a dolphin . BLUE
1582 Some sort of Asian . BLUE
1583 Vegetarian options . BLUE
1584 An inability to form meaningful relationships . BLUE
1585 One unforgettable night of passion . BLUE
1586 Important news about Taylor Swift . BLUE
1587 The all - new Nissan Pathfinder with 0 . 9 % APR financing ! BLUE
1588 Free ice cream , yo . BLUE
1589 My boyfriend ' s stupid penis. BLUE
1590 A mouthful of potato salad . BLUE
1591 Our new Buffalo Chicken Dippers & reg ; ! BLUE
1592 Crying and shitting and eat spaghetti . BLUE
1593 A fart . BLUE
1594 Actual mutants with medical conditions and no superpowers . BLUE
1595 Deez nuts . BLUE
1596 Africa . BLUE
1597 Finally finishing off the Indians . BLUE
1598 Owls , the perfect predator . BLUE
1599 A dance move that ' s just sex. BLUE
1600 Ass to mouth . BLUE
1601 Bouncing up and down . BLUE
1602 Walking into a glass door . BLUE
1603 Eating together like a god damn family for once . BLUE
1604 No longer finding any Cards Against Humanity card funny . BLUE
1605 Treasures beyond your wildest dreams . BLUE
1606 Ejaculating live bees and the bees are angry . BLUE
1607 Sucking all the milk out of a yak . BLUE
1608 Falling into the toilet . BLUE
1609 The color " puce. " BLUE
1610 An oppressed people with a vibrant culture . BLUE
1611 Out - of - this - world bazongas . BLUE
1612 Getting caught by the police and going to jail . BLUE
1613 The sweet song of sword against sword and the braying of mighty war beasts . BLUE
1614 A sex goblin with a carnival penis . BLUE
1615 Genghis Khan ' s DNA. BLUE
1616 A gender identity that can only be conveyed through slam poetry . BLUE
1617 The ghost of Marlon Brando . BLUE
1618 Immortality cream . BLUE
1619 Butt stuff . BLUE
1620 Getting offended . BLUE
1621 My dad ' s dumb fucking face. BLUE
1622 A bunch of idiots playing a card game instead of interacting like normal humans . BLUE
1623 Neil Diamond ' s Greatest Hits. BLUE
1624 Whatever a McRib & reg ; is made of . BLUE
1625 Total fucking chaos . BLUE
1626 Whispering all sexy . BLUE
1627 Calculating every mannerism so as not to suggest homosexuality . BLUE
1628 Some shit - hot guitar licks . BLUE
1629 No clothes on , penis in vagina . BLUE
1630 Sports . BLUE
1631 How awesome I am . BLUE
1632 The white half of Barack Obama . BLUE
1633 An overwhelming variety of cheeses . BLUE
1634 Ejaculating inside another man ' s wife. BLUE
1635 Getting shot by the police . BLUE
1636 Beloved television star Bill Cosby . BLUE
1637 The tiger that killed my father . BLUE
1638 Changing a person ' s mind with logic and facts. BLUE
1639 Child Protective Services . BLUE
1640 A peyote - fueled vision quest . BLUE
1641 Cute boys . BLUE
1642 A hopeless amount of spiders . BLUE
1643 The swim team , all at once . BLUE
1644 Whatever you wish , mother . BLUE
1645 A possible Muslim . BLUE
1646 All the single ladies . BLUE
1647 Letting out 20 years ' worth of farts. BLUE
1648 Being paralyzed from the neck down . BLUE
1649 The eight gay warlocks who dictate the rules of fashion . BLUE
1650 Shapes and colors . BLUE
1651 Seeing my village burned and my family slaughtered before my eyes . BLUE
1652 Filling a man ' s anus with concrete. BLUE
1653 Peeing into a girl ' s butt to make a baby. BLUE
1654 Meaningless sex . BLUE
1655 Wearing glasses and sounding smart . BLUE
1656 Setting my balls on fire and cartwheeling to Ohio . BLUE
1657 Child support payments . BLUE
1658 Being John Malkovich . BLUE
1659 Throwing stones at a man until he dies . BLUE
1660 A shiny rock that proves I love you . BLUE
1661 Kale . BLUE
1662 Stuffing a child ' s face with Fun Dip® until he starts having fun. BLUE
1663 A turd . BLUE
1664 Party Mexicans . BLUE
1665 Too much cocaine . BLUE
1666 Like a million alligators . BLUE
1667 Grammar nazis who are also regular Nazis . BLUE
1668 A face full of horse cum . BLUE
1669 Fresh dill from the patio . BLUE
1670 Boring vaginal sex . BLUE
1671 Crazy opium eyes . BLUE
1672 AIDS monkeys . BLUE
1673 Crippling social anxiety . BLUE
1674 Not believing in giraffes . BLUE
1675 An interracial handshake . BLUE
1676 Irrefutable evidence that God is real . BLUE
1677 A zero - risk way to make $ 2 , 000 from home . BLUE
1678 My sex dungeon . BLUE
1679 Being nine years old . BLUE
1680 Daddy . BLUE
1681 Unquestioning obedience . BLUE
1682 A bass drop so huge it tears the starry vault asunder to reveal the face of God . BLUE
1683 Sharks with legs . BLUE
1684 Generally having no idea what ' s going on. BLUE
1685 Bullets . BLUE
1686 An unforgettable quincea & ntilde ; era . BLUE
1687 Two whales fucking the shit out of each other . BLUE
1688 A whole lotta woman . BLUE
1689 A self - microwaving burrito . BLUE
1690 Snorting coke off a clown ' s boner. BLUE
1691 A buttload of candy . BLUE
1692 A thrilling chase over the rooftops of Rio de Janeiro . BLUE
1693 Dem titties . BLUE
1694 The amount of gay I am . BLUE
1695 My first period . BLUE
1696 Common - sense gun control legislation . BLUE
1697 Being a terrible mother . BLUE
1698 Being popular and good at sports . BLUE
1699 Never having sex again . BLUE
1700 A giant powdery manbaby . BLUE
1701 A crazy little thing called love . BLUE
1702 Stupid . BLUE
1703 The best taquito in the galaxy . BLUE
1704 Fucking a corpse back to life . BLUE
1705 A pizza guy who fucked up . BLUE
1706 Ennui . BLUE
1707 Injecting speed into one arm and horse tranquilizer into the other . BLUE
1708 Lots and lots of abortions . BLUE
1709 Eggs . BLUE
1710 My worthless son . BLUE
1711 Blowjobs for everyone . BLUE
1824 Critical thinking . GREEN
1712 Shitting all over the floor like a bad , bad girl . BLUE
1713 An uninterrupted history of imperialism and exploitation . BLUE
1714 The unbelievable world of mushrooms . BLUE
1715 A horse with no legs . BLUE
1716 Having been dead for a while . BLUE
1717 Drinking responsibly . BLUE
1718 Breastfeeding a ten - year - old . BLUE
1719 Going to a high school reunion on ketamine . BLUE
1720 Backwards knees . BLUE
1721 Gwyneth Paltrow ' s opinions. BLUE
1722 The basic suffering that pervades all of existence . BLUE
1723 Cutting off a flamingo ' s legs with garden shears. BLUE
1724 The secret formula for ultimate female satisfaction . BLUE
1725 Seeing things from Hitler ' s perspective. BLUE
1726 A constant need for validation . BLUE
1727 Jizz . BLUE
1728 What Jesus would do . BLUE
1729 A Ugandan warlord . BLUE
1730 Slowly easing down onto a cucumber . BLUE
1731 Smoking crack , for instance . BLUE
1732 A kiss on the lips . BLUE
1733 The haunting stare of an Iraqi child . BLUE
1734 A sex comet from Neptune that plunges the Earth into eternal sexiness . BLUE
1735 Giant sperm from outer space . BLUE
1736 The euphoric rush of strangling a drifter . BLUE
1737 Morpheus . BLUE
1738 Mom ' s new boyfriend. BLUE
1739 Blackface . BLUE
1740 Every ounce of charisma left in Mick Jagger ' s tired body. BLUE
1741 Sudden penis loss . BLUE
1742 Daddy ' s credit card. BLUE
1743 Ripping a dog in half . BLUE
1744 Angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of the night . BLUE
1745 Interspecies marriage . BLUE
1746 Cancer . BLUE
1747 The male gaze . BLUE
1748 Being worshipped as the one true God . BLUE
1749 All these decorative pillows . BLUE
1750 Unrelenting genital punishment . BLUE
1751 Exploding pigeons . BLUE
1752 A disappointing salad . BLUE
1753 The dentist . BLUE
1754 Moderate - to - severe joint pain . BLUE
1755 Getting drive - by shot . BLUE
1756 The black half of Barack Obama . BLUE
1757 Western standards of beauty . BLUE
1758 A reason not to commit suicide . BLUE
1759 40 acres and a mule . BLUE
1760 Such a big boy . BLUE
1761 10 Incredible Facts About the Anus . BLUE
1762 A manhole . BLUE
1763 The size of my penis . BLUE
1764 The complex geopolitical quagmire that is the Middle East . BLUE
1765 My dead son ' s baseball glove. BLUE
1766 Robots who just want to party . BLUE
1767 A whole new kind of porn . BLUE
1768 Ambiguous sarcasm . BLUE
1769 Russian super - tuberculosis . BLUE
1770 Prince Ali , fabulous he , Ali Ababwa . BLUE
1771 Doing the right stuff to her nipples . BLUE
1772 Ancient Athenian boy - fucking . BLUE
1773 The eighth graders . BLUE
1774 September 11 th , 2001 . BLUE
1775 The safe word . BLUE
1776 Doo - doo . BLUE
1777 Blackula . BLUE
1778 Anal fissures like you wouldn ' t believe. BLUE
1779 Texas . BLUE
1780 Going down on a woman , discovering that her vaginas is filled with eyeballs , and being totally into that . BLUE
1781 P . F . Chang himself . BLUE
1782 Almost giving money to a homeless person . BLUE
1783 Depression . BLUE
1784 Growing up chained to a radiator in perpetual darkness . BLUE
1785 Three consecutive seconds of happiness . BLUE
1786 Going inside at some point because of the mosquitoes . BLUE
1787 Pussy . BLUE
1788 Unsheathing my massive horse cock . BLUE
1789 A woman . BLUE
1790 Turning the rivers red with the blood of infidels . BLUE
1791 A woman who is so cool that he rides on a motorcycle . BLUE
1792 The peaceful and nonthreatening rise of China . BLUE
1793 A chimpanzee in sunglasses fucking your wife . BLUE
1794 Finding a nice elevator to poop in . GREEN
1795 An incurable homosexual . GREEN
1796 The body of a 46 - year - old man . GREEN
1797 Mixing M & amp ; Ms and Skittles like some kind of psychopath . GREEN
1798 Grunting for ten minutes and then peeing sand . GREEN
1799 Gay thoughts . GREEN
1800 When the big truck goes " Toot! Toot! " GREEN
1801 Water . GREEN
1802 Becoming the President of the United States . GREEN
1803 Hot lettuce . GREEN
1804 Rock - hard tits and a huge vagina . GREEN
1805 Meatloaf , the man . GREEN
1806 Smashing my balls at the moment of climax . GREEN
1807 A creature made of penises that must constantly arouse itself to survive . GREEN
1808 My brother ' s hot friends. GREEN
1809 You . GREEN
1810 Getting high with mom . GREEN
1811 Twisting my cock and balls into a balloon poodle . GREEN
1812 Loud , scary thunder . GREEN
1813 Whomsoever let the dogs out . GREEN
1814 Having a vagina . GREEN
1815 A man with the head of a goat and the body of a goat . GREEN
1816 Taking the form of a falcon . GREEN
1817 A hug . GREEN
1818 Putting more black people in jail . GREEN
1819 Trevor , the world ' s greatest boyfriend. GREEN
1820 Anal . GREEN
1821 Just now finding out about the Armenian Genocide . GREEN
1822 Getting the Dorito crumbs out of my pubes . GREEN
1823 A man in a suit with perfect hair who tells you beautiful lies . GREEN
1825 Quacking like a duck in lieu of a cogent argument . GREEN
1826 A long business meeting with no obvious purpose . GREEN
1827 Facilitating dialogue and deconstructing binaries . GREEN
1828 Getting killed and dragged up a tree by a leopard . GREEN
1829 Brunch . GREEN
1830 Child labor . GREEN
1831 Esmeralda , my most beautiful daughter . GREEN
1832 The feeling of going to McDonald ' s as a 6-year-old. GREEN
1833 Eating people . GREEN
1834 Art . GREEN
1835 Having sex with your mom . GREEN
1836 The hottest MILF in Dallas . GREEN
1837 Getting trapped in a conversation about Ayn Rand . GREEN
1838 Happy daddies with happy sandals . GREEN
1839 A dolphin that learns to talk and becomes the Dead of Harvard Law School . GREEN
1840 The graceful path of an autumn leaf as it falls to its earthen cradle . GREEN
1841 Meatloaf , the food . GREEN
1842 10 , 000 shrieking teenage girls . GREEN
1843 Chris Hemsworth . GREEN
1844 Straight blazin ' 24/7. GREEN
1845 Objectifying women . GREEN
1846 The mysterious fog rolling into town . GREEN
1847 Math . GREEN
1848 Restoring Germany to its former glory . GREEN
1849 Exploring each other ' s buttholes. GREEN
1850 An old dog full of tumors . GREEN
1851 Antidepressants . GREEN
1852 Having an awesome time drinking and driving . GREEN
1853 Jazz . GREEN
1854 Dumpster juice . GREEN
1855 Raising three kids on minimum wage . GREEN
1856 Going to bed at a reasonable hour . GREEN
1857 10 football players with erections barreling towards you at full speed . GREEN
1858 Working so hard to have muscles and then having them . GREEN
1859 Turning 32 . GREEN
1860 Albert Einstein but if he had a huge muscles and a rhinoceros cock . GREEN
1861 Assassinating the president . GREEN
1862 A woman ' s right to choose. GREEN
1863 Eternal screaming madness . GREEN
1864 Late - stage dementia . GREEN
1865 Consensual , nonreproductive incest . GREEN
1866 Swearing praise upon the Sultan ' s hideous daughters. GREEN
1867 A cheerfulness that belies a deep - seated self - loathing . GREEN
1868 An arrangement wherein I give a person money they have sex with me . GREEN
1869 A genetic predisposition for alcoholism . GREEN
1870 The wind . GREEN
1871 Getting pegged . GREEN
1872 Period poops . GREEN
1873 The chicken from Popeyes . & reg ; GREEN
1874 A massive collection of child pornography . GREEN
1875 A big , beautiful mouth packed to the brim with sparkling teeth . GREEN
1876 Pooping in the potty . GREEN
1877 Getting eaten out by a dog . GREEN
1878 Munchin ' puss. GREEN
1879 It being too late to stop having sex with a horse . GREEN
1880 One of those " blow jobs " I ' ve been hearing so much about. GREEN
1881 The lived experience of African Americans . GREEN
1882 Prematurely ejaculating like a total loser . GREEN
1883 Big , smart money boys tap - tapping on their keyboards . GREEN
1884 Homework . GREEN
1885 A finger up the butt . GREEN
1886 Tiny , rancid girl farts . GREEN
1887 The sweet , forbidden meat of the money . GREEN
1888 Farting all over my face with your tight little asshole . GREEN
1889 Doing a somersault and barfing . GREEN
1890 The government . GREEN
1891 How good lead paint taste . GREEN
1892 Every man ' s ultimate fantasy: a perfectly cylindrical vagina. GREEN
1893 Rubbing my bush all over your bald head . GREEN
1894 Feeling the emotion of anger . GREEN
1895 Gregor , my largest son . GREEN
1896 A strong horse and enough rations for thirty days . GREEN
1897 Getting aborted . GREEN
1898 Systems and policies designed to preserve centuries - old power structures . GREEN
1899 Overthrowing the democratically - elected government of Chile . GREEN
1900 A weird guy who says weird stuff and weirds me out . GREEN
1901 How strange it is to be anything at all . GREEN
1902 Twenty cheerleaders laughing at your tiny penis . GREEN
1903 Everything . GREEN
1904 The flaming wreckage of the International Space Station . GREEN
1905 A duffel bag full of lizards . GREEN
1906 Beyonc & eacute ; . GREEN
1907 The fear and hatred in men ' s hearts. GREEN
1908 One of them big - city Jew lawyers . GREEN
1909 An empowered woman . GREEN
1910 Tables . GREEN
1911 The amount of baby carrots I can fit up my ass . GREEN
1912 Farting a huge shit out of my pussy . GREEN
1913 Being sexually attracted to children . GREEN
1914 Participating . GREEN
1915 Blossoming into a beautiful young woman . GREEN
1916 Discovering that what I really want in life is to kill people and have sex with their corpses . GREEN
1917 Breastfeeding in public like a radiant earth goddess . GREEN
1919 All these people I ' ve killed. GREEN
1920 The full force of the American military . GREEN
1921 Eating ass . GREEN
1922 Who really did 9 / 11 . GREEN
1923 Condoleezza Rice . GREEN
1924 Content . GREEN
1925 Creamy slices of real , California avocado . GREEN
1926 How sad it will be when Morgan Freeman dies . GREEN
1927 A black friend . GREEN
1928 Whooping your ass at Mario Kart . GREEN
1929 Sudden and unwanted slam poetry . GREEN
1930 A cold and indifferent universe . GREEN
2041 < i > Pure Moods < / i > , Vol . 1 . 90 s
1931 The best , deepest quotes from The Dark Night . GREEN
1932 Salsa Night at Dave ' s Cantina. GREEN
1933 Dominating a man by peeing on his eldest son . GREEN
1934 Two shitty kids and a garbage husband . GREEN
1935 The Rwandan Genocide . GREEN
1936 The LGBT community . GREEN
1937 Founding a major world religion . GREEN
1938 Rolling so hard . GREEN
1939 My huge penis and substantial fortune . GREEN
1940 Forty - five minutes of finger blasting . GREEN
1941 How great my ass looks in these jeans . GREEN
1942 Pooping in a leotard and hoping no one notices . GREEN
1943 Guns . GREEN
1944 Getting this party started ! GREEN
1945 Twenty bucks . GREEN
1946 Getting laid like all the time . GREEN
1947 A big ol ' plate of fettuccine alfredo. GREEN
1948 Showing all the boys my pussy . GREEN
1949 Fucking me good and taking me to Red Lobster . & reg ; GREEN
1950 A terrified fat child who won ' t come out of the bushes. GREEN
1951 Doritos and a Fruit Roll - Up . GREEN
1952 Mommy and daddy fighting all the time . GREEN
1953 Holding the proper political beliefs of my time to attract a mate . GREEN
1954 Onions . GREEN
1955 Self - identifying as a DJ . GREEN
1956 Watching you die . GREEN
1957 Some real spicy shrimps . GREEN
1958 A burrito that ' s just sour cream. GREEN
1959 The bond between a woman and her horse . GREEN
1960 The secret to truly resilient hair . GREEN
1961 Mental illness . GREEN
1962 Gayle from HR . GREEN
1963 Informing you that I am a registered sex offender . GREEN
1964 A negative body image that is totally justified . GREEN
1965 Political correctness . GREEN
1966 The clown that followed me home from the grocery store . GREEN
1967 That bitch , Stacy . GREEN
1968 Ejaculating at the apex of a cartwheel . GREEN
1969 Gazpacho . GREEN
1970 Having sex with a man and then eating his head . GREEN
1971 An older man . GREEN
1972 An X - Man whose power is that he has sex with dogs and children . GREEN
1973 Out - of - control teenage blowjob parties . GREEN
1974 Tender chunks of all - white - meat chicken . GREEN
1975 Crushing the patriarchy . GREEN
1976 The full blown marginalization of ugly people . GREEN
1977 Aborting the shit out of a fetus . GREEN
1978 Film roles for actresses over 40 . GREEN
1979 Plowing that ass like a New England corn farmer . GREEN
1980 Huge big balls full of jizz . GREEN
1981 Some of that good dick . GREEN
1982 Being turned into sausages . GREEN
1983 Hating Jews . GREEN
1984 Crazy anal orgasms . GREEN
1985 Regurgitating a half - digested sparrow . GREEN
1986 The ol ' penis-in-the-popcorn surprise. GREEN
1987 A tiny fireman who puts out tiny fires . GREEN
1988 Dis bitch . GREEN
1989 Trees . GREEN
1990 Three hours of nonstop penetration . GREEN
1991 Slamming a dunk . GREEN
1992 Starting a shitty podcast . GREEN
1993 Gary . GREEN
1994 Feminism . GREEN
1995 Our baby . GREEN
1996 Falling into a pit of waffles . GREEN
1997 A woman ' s perspective. GREEN
1998 Chipotle . GREEN
1999 Scissoring , if that ' s a thing. GREEN
2000 Watching a hot person eat . GREEN
2001 Defeating a gorilla in single combat . GREEN
2002 Bad emotions I don ' t want. GREEN
2003 A creepy child singing a nursery rhyme . GREEN
2004 Comprehensive immigration reform . GREEN
2005 Denying the Holocaust . GREEN
2006 Two beautiful pig sisters . GREEN
2007 Catching a live salmon in your mouth . GREEN
2008 Daddy going away forever . GREEN
2009 A medium horchata . GREEN
2010 Libertarians . GREEN
2011 Picking up a glass of water and taking a sip and being the president . GREEN
2012 Waking up inside of a tornado . GREEN
2013 Making out and stuff . GREEN
2014 A slowly encroaching circle of wolves . GREEN
2015 Opening your mouth to talk and a big penis fops out . GREEN
2016 Eating too many Cinnabons and then vomiting and then eating the vomit . GREEN
2017 Seizing control of the means of production . GREEN
2018 Misogyny . GREEN
2019 Thinking about what eating even is . GREEN
2020 Dropping dead in a Sbarro ' s bathroom and not being found for 72 hours. GREEN
2021 Sucking each other ' s penises for hours on end. GREEN
2022 Awesome pictures of planets and stuff . GREEN
2023 Microaggressions . GREEN
2024 Pretending to be one of the guys but actually being the spider god . GREEN
2025 Fucking my therapist . GREEN
2026 Having sex with a beautiful person . GREEN
2027 Moon people . GREEN
2028 Jason , the teen mayor . GREEN
2029 Quinoa . GREEN
2030 China . GREEN
2031 Menopause . GREEN
2032 My dog dying . GREEN
2033 A gun that shoots cobras . GREEN
2034 Reaching an age where barbecue chips are better than sex . GREEN
2035 Going around pulling people ' s tampons out. GREEN
2036 Playing my asshole like a trumpet . GREEN
2037 Getting blasted in the face by a t - shirt cannon . GREEN
2038 Getting naked too soon . GREEN
2039 Pamela Anderson ' s boobs running in slow motion. 90s
2040 A bus that will explode if it goes under 50 miles per hour . 90 s
2042 Jerking off to a 10 - second RealMedia clip . 90 s
2043 Pizza in the morning , pizza in the evening , pizza at supper time . 90 s
2044 Stabbing the shit out of a Capri Sun . 90 s
2045 Angels interfering in an otherwise fair baseball game . 90 s
2046 Sucking the President ' s dick. 90s
2047 Sunny D ! Alright ! 90 s
2048 The Great Cornholio . 90 s
2049 Painting with all the colors of the wind . 90 s
2050 Cool 90 s up - in - the - front hair . 90 s
2051 The Y2K bug . 90 s
2052 A mulatto , an albino , a mosquito , and my libido . 90 s
2053 Liking big butts and not being able to lie about it . 90 s
2054 Deregulating the mortgage market . 90 s
2055 Kurt Cobain ' s death. 90s
2056 A threesome with 1996 Denise Richards and 1999 Denise Richards . 90 s
2057 Freeing Willy . 90 s
2058 Several Michael Keatons . 90 s
2059 Patti Mayonnaise . 90 s
2060 Wearing Nicolas Cage ' s face. 90s
2061 Log . & trade ; 90 s
2062 Santa ' s heavy sack. ❄2012
2063 Donald Trump holding his nose while he eats pussy . V4HIL
2064 Black lives mattering . V4HIL
2065 Kicking the middle class in the balls with a regressive tax code . V4HIL
2066 Slapping Ted Cruz over and over . V4HIL
2067 Eating the president ' s pussy. V4HIL
2068 Keeping the government out of my vagina . V4HIL
2069 The fact that Hillary Clinton is a woman . V4HIL
2070 Increasing economic inequality and political polarization . V4HIL
2071 The Bernie Sanders revolution . V4HIL
2072 A beautiful , ever - expanding circle of inclusivity that will never include Republicans . V4HIL
2073 Letting Bernie Sanders rest his world - weary head on your lap . V4HIL
2074 The systemic disenfranchisement of black voters . V4HIL
2075 Eating an entire snowman . ❄ 2013
2076 A Christmas stocking full of coleslaw . ❄ 2013
2077 Elf cum . ❄ 2013
2078 Giving money and personal information to strangers on the Internet . ❄ 2013
2079 The royal afterbirth . ❄ 2013
2080 A magical tablet containing a world of unlimited pornography . ❄ 2013
2081 A toxic family environment . ❄ 2013
2082 Breeding elves for their priceless semen . ❄ 2013
2083 Clearing a bloody path through Walmart with a scimitar . ❄ 2013
2084 Slicing a ham in icy silence . ❄ 2013
2085 A simultaneous nightmare and wet dream starring Sigourney Weaver . ❄ 2013
2086 A visually arresting turtleneck . ❄ 2013
2087 The shittier , Jewish version of Christmas . ❄ 2013
2088 Gift - wrapping a live hamster . ❄ 2013
2089 Moses gargling Jesus ' s balls while Shiva and the Buddha penetrate his divine hand holes. ❄2013
2090 Socks . ❄ 2013
2091 These low , low prices ! ❄ 2013
2092 Finding out that Santa isn ' t real. ❄2013
2093 The tiny , calloused hands of the Chinese children that made this card . ❄ 2013
2094 The Star Wars Holiday Special . ❄ 2013
2095 Rudolph ' s bright red balls. ❄2013
2096 Jizzing into Santa ' s beard. ❄2013
2097 Being blind and deaf and having no limbs . ❄ 2013
2098 My hot cousin . ❄ 2013
2099 Mall Santa . ❄ 2013
2100 The Hawaiian goddess Kapo and her flying detachable vagina . ❄ 2013
2101 Taking down Santa with a surface - to - air missile . ❄ 2013
2102 Pretending to be happy . ❄ 2013
2103 Fucking up " Silent Night " in front of 300 parents . ❄ 2013
2104 Krampus , the Austrian Christmas monster . ❄ 2013
2105 Several intertwining love stories featuring Hugh Grant . ❄ 2013
2106 Space Jam on VHS . ❄ 2013
2107 Swapping bodies with mom for a day . ❄ 2013
2108 Another shitty year . ❄ 2013
2109 Immaculate conception . ❄ 2013
2110 People with cake in their mouths talking about how good cake is . ❄ 2013
2111 Piece of shit Christmas cards with no money in them . ❄ 2013
2112 Congress ' s flaccid penises withering away beneath their suit pants. ❄2013
2113 Having a strong opinion about Obamacare . ❄ 2013
2114 Whatever Kwanzaa is supposed to be about . ❄ 2013
2115 A Hungry - Man & trade ; Frozen Christmas Dinner for One . ❄ 2013
2116 Making up for 10 years of shitty parenting with a PlayStation . ❄ 2013
2117 The Grinch ' s musty, cum-stained pelt. ❄2013
2118 Actually voting for Donald Trump to be President of the actual United States . V4 45
2119 Growing up and becoming a Republican . V4 45
2120 A liberal bias . V4 45
2121 Full - on socialism . V4 45
2122 Hating Hillary Clinton . V4 45
2123 Jeb ! V4 45
2124 Conservative talking points . V4 45
2125 Courageously going ahead with that racist comment . V4 45
2126 The good , hardworking people of Dubuque , Iowa . V4 45
2127 Dispelling with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn ' t know what he ' s doing . V4 45
2128 Shouting the loudest . V4 45
2129 Sound fiscal policy . V4 45
2130 Boxing up my feelings . BOX
2132 An alternate universe in which boxes store things inside of people . BOX
2133 Being a motherfucking box . BOX
2134 The Boxcar Children . BOX
2135 A box that is conscious and wishes it weren ' t a box. BOX
2136 A box within a box . BOX
2137 A man - shaped box . BOX
2138 A world without boxes . BOX
2139 A box of biscuits , a box of mixed biscuits , and a biscuit mixer . BOX
2140 Former President George W . Box . BOX
2141 A box without hinges , key , or lid , yet golden treasure inside is hid . BOX
2142 A box - shaped man . BOX
2143 The J15 Patriot Assault Box . BOX
2342 Temporary invincibility . 13 PAX
2144 A falcon with a box on its head . BOX
2145 Two midgets shitting into a box . BOX
2146 An outbreak of smallbox . BOX
2147 Something that looks like a box but turns out to be a crate . BOX
2148 Pandora ' s vagina. BOX
2149 A boxing match with a giant box . BOX
2150 A box . BOX
2151 Eight beautiful men jerking each other off in front of a fountain . HIDDN
2153 Ruth Bader Ginsberg brutally gaveling your penis . HIDDN
2154 A blind , quadriplegic AIDS survivor with face cancer and diarrhea . HIDDN
2155 Free ice cream forever , or getting fingered by Chris Hemsworth for five minutes . HIDDN
2156 Digging up Heath Ledger ' s corpse to reenact the prom scene from Ten Things I Hate About You. HIDDN
2157 Throwing your hands in the air and waving them despite caring deeply . HIDDN
2158 Chugging a gallon of milk and then vomiting a gallon of milk . HIDDN
2159 How wonderful it is when my master throws the ball and I go and get it for him . HIDDN
2160 Giving ISIS whatever they want so they leave us alone . HIDDN
2161 Throwing a baby dolphin back into the ocean with a perfect spiral . HIDDN
2162 Sitting in a jar of vinegar all night because I am pickle . HIDDN
2163 Hickory - fucked pork ribs smothered in hot garbage . HIDDN
2164 A homoerotic subplot . HCARD
2165 The sensitive European photographer who ' s fucking my wife. HCARD
2166 An origami swan that ' s some kind of symbol? HCARD
2167 Carbon monoxide poisoning . HCARD
2168 A childless marriage . HCARD
2169 Ribs so good they transcend race and class . HCARD
2170 25 shitty jokes about < i > House of Cards . < / i > HCARD
2171 Making it look like a suicide . HCARD
2172 Forcing a handjob on a dying man . HCARD
2173 Getting eaten out while on the phone with Dad . HCARD
2174 My constituents . HCARD
2175 Strangling a dog to make a point to the audience . HCARD
2176 Discharging a firearm in a residential area . HCARD
2177 Performative wokeness . COLEG
2178 The sound of my roommate masturbating . COLEG
2179 Rocking a 1 . 5 GPA . COLEG
2180 Pretending to have done the reading . COLEG
2181 Throw up . COLEG
2182 Uggs , leggings , and a North Face . COLEG
2183 Valuable leadership experience . COLEG
2184 Whichever one of you took a shit in the shower . COLEG
2185 Fucking the beat boxer from the a cappella group . COLEG
2186 Five morons signing a lease together . COLEG
2187 Googling how to eat pussy . COLEG
2188 Sucking a flaccid penis for 20 minutes . COLEG
2189 My high school boyfriend . COLEG
2190 A bachelor ' s degree in communications. COLEG
2191 Calling mom because it ' s just really hard and I miss her and I don ' t know anyone here . COLEG
2192 Wandering the streets in search of a party . COLEG
2193 Underage drinking . COLEG
2194 Young Republicans . COLEG
2195 A Yale man . COLEG
2196 An emergency all - floor meeting of inclusion . COLEG
2197 Going to college and becoming a new person , who has sex . COLEG
2198 How many Asians there are . COLEG
2199 A girl who is so interesting that she has blue hair . COLEG
2200 Falling in love with poetry . COLEG
2201 Being replaced by a robot . ❄ 2014
2202 The events depicted in James Cameron ' s <i>Avatar.</i> ❄2014
2203 Blockbuster late fees up the wazoo . ❄ 2014
2204 All the poop inside of my body . ❄ 2014
2205 A protracted siege . ❄ 2014
2206 The diminishing purity of the white race . ❄ 2014
2207 Trying to feel something , anything . ❄ 2014
2208 A cloud of ash that darkens the Earth for a thousand years . ❄ 2014
2209 A vague fear of something called ISIS . ❄ 2014
2210 200 years of slavery . ❄ 2014
2211 The transience of all things . ❄ 2014
2212 Ebola . ❄ 2014
2213 Small - town cops with M4 assault rifles . ❄ 2014
2214 Rising sea levels consistent with scientific predictions . ❄ 2014
2215 What remains of my penis . ❄ 2014
2216 Harnessing the miraculous power of the atom to slaughter 200 , 000 Japanese people . ❄ 2014
2217 This groovy new thing called LSD . ❄ 2014
2218 Building a ladder of hot dogs to the moon . ❄ 2014
2219 Rock music and premarital sex . ❄ 2014
2220 The Great Lizard Uprising of 2352 . ❄ 2014
2221 The dying breath of the last human . ❄ 2014
2222 Reading an entire book . ❄ 2014
2223 The 9 , 000 children who starved to death today . ❄ 2014
2224 The Bowflex Revolution . ❄ 2014
2225 Falling in actual love with a video game character . MSFX
2226 My complicated backstory that you will soon learn about . MSFX
2227 The Genophage . MSFX
2228 Totally fuckable aliens . MSFX
2229 Running a few errands before saving the galaxy . MSFX
2230 Bone - shattering sex with a metal woman . MSFX
2231 Space racism . MSFX
2232 An emergency induction port . MSFX
2233 An armored Krogan war - clitoris . MSFX
2234 An extremely long elevator ride . MSFX
2235 Forgetting to convert pound - seconds into newton - seconds . NASA
2236 Uranus . NASA
2237 A zero - g cumshot . NASA
2238 Seven minutes of terror . NASA
2239 A slow , shitty car that drives around Mars for no reason . NASA
2240 Discovering some bullshit microscopic life instead of anything cool . NASA
2241 Achieving escape velocity . NASA
2242 Dreaming of going to space , but being hopelessly fat . NASA
2243 Dinosaurs who wear armor and you ride them and they kick ass . FNTSY
2343 Full HD . 13 PAX
2244 Accidentally conjuring a legless horse that can ' t stop ejaculating. FNTSY
2245 Shitting in a wizard ' s spell book and jizzing in his hat. FNTSY
2246 A Hitachi Magic Wand . FNTSY
2247 Reading < i > The Hobbit < / i > under the covers while mom and dad scream at each other downstairs . FNTSY
2248 How hot Orlando Bloom was in < i > Lord of the Rings . < / i > FNTSY
2249 A mysterious , floating orb . FNTSY
2250 Shooting a wizard with a gun . FNTSY
2251 Hodor . FNTSY
2252 Make - believe stories for autistic white men . FNTSY
2253 A magical kingdom with dragons and elves and no black people . FNTSY
2254 The card Neil Gaiman wrote : " Three elves at a time. " FNTSY
2255 Gender equality . FNTSY
2256 Going on an epic adventure and learning a valuable lesson about friendship . FNTSY
2257 True love ' s kiss. FNTSY
2258 Eternal darkness . FNTSY
2259 The all - seeing Eye of Sauron . FNTSY
2260 Bathing naked in a moonlit grove . FNTSY
2261 Handcuffing a wizard to a radiator and dousing him with kerosene . FNTSY
2262 Kneeing a wizard in the balls . FNTSY
2263 A ghoul . FNTSY
2264 A weed elemental who gets everyone high . FNTSY
2265 A gay sorcerer who turns everyone gay . FNTSY
2266 A CGI dragon . FNTSY
2267 Freaky , pan - dimensional sex with a demigod . FNTSY
2268 A dwarf who won ' t leave you alone until you compare penis sizes. FNTSY
2269 How many drinks Aunt Deborah has had . ❄
2270 A snowman that contains the soul of my dead father . ❄
2271 A choir of angels descending from the sky and jizzing all over dad ' s sweater. ❄
2272 Probably Grandma ' s last Christmas, kids. ❄
2273 A frozen homeless man shattering on your doorstep . ❄
2274 Snow falling gently on the frozen body of an orphan boy . ❄
2275 My uncle who voted for Trump . ❄
2276 How great of a blowjob Jesus could give . ❄
2277 Starting to see where ISIS is coming from . ❄
2278 Fucking up < i > Silent Night < / i > in front of 300 parents . ❄
2279 How cool it is that I love Jesus and he loves me back . ❄
2280 An immediately regrettable $ 9 hot dog from the Boston Convention Center . PE13A
2281 Paying the iron price . PE13A
2282 Casting Magic Missile at a bully . PE13A
2283 Rotating shapes in mid - air so that they fit into other shapes when they fall . PE13A
2284 Firefly : Season 2 . PE13A
2285 Jiggle physics . PE13A
2286 Getting bitch slapped by Dhalsim . PE13A
2287 Running out of stamina . PE13A
2288 Sharpening a foam broadsword on a foam whetstone . PE13B
2289 The depression that ensues after catching ' em all. PE13B
2290 Loading from a previous save . PE13B
2291 The rocket launcher . PE13B
2292 Getting inside the Horadric Cube with a hot babe and pressing the transmute button . PE13B
2293 Spending the year ' s insulin budget on Warhammer 40k figurines. PE13B
2294 Punching a tree to gather wood . PE13B
2295 Violating the First Law of Robotics . PE13B
2296 Charging up all the way . PE13C
2297 Vespene gas . PE13C
2298 Wil Wheaton crashing an actual spaceship . PE13C
2299 The Klobb . PE13C
2300 Achieving 500 actions per minute . PE13C
2301 Smashing all the pottery in a Pottery Barn in search of rupees . PE13C
2302 Forgetting to eat , and consequently dying . PE13C
2303 Judging elves by the color of their skin and not by the content of their character . PE13C
2304 Kevin Bacon Bits . FOOD
2305 Being emotionally and physically dominated by Gordon Ramsay . FOOD
2306 A belly full of hard - boiled eggs . FOOD
2307 Kale farts . FOOD
2308 Clamping down on a gazelle ' s jugular and tasting its warm life waters. FOOD
2309 A table for one at The Cheesecake Factory . FOOD
2310 The hot dog I put in my vagina ten days ago . FOOD
2311 The Dial - A - Slice Apple Divider from Williams - Sonoma . FOOD
2312 Oreos for dinner . FOOD
2313 A joyless vegan patty . FOOD
2314 Soup that ' s better than pussy. FOOD
2315 The Hellman ' s Mayonnaise Corporation. FOOD
2316 Going vegetarian and feeling so great all the time . FOOD
2317 Not knowing what to believe anymore about butter . FOOD
2318 A sobering quantity of chili cheese fries . FOOD
2319 Licking the cake batter off of grandma ' s fingers. FOOD
2320 Real cheese flavor . FOOD
2321 Swishing the wine around and sniffing it like a big fancy man . FOOD
2322 Sucking down thousands of pounds of krill every day . FOOD
2323 The inaudible screams of carrots . FOOD
2324 Committing suicide at the Old Country Buffet . FOOD
2325 What to do with all of this chocolate on my penis . FOOD
2326 Father ' s forbidden chocolates. FOOD
2327 Jizz Twinkies . FOOD
2328 Tapping Serra Angel . 13 PAX
2329 The gravity gun . 13 PAX
2330 Never watching , discussing , or thinking about My Little Pony . 13 PAX
2331 Reading the comments . 13 PAX
2332 The Sarlacc . 13 PAX
2333 Unlocking a new sex position . 13 PAX
2334 Being an attractive elf trapped in an unattractive human ' s body. 13PAX
2335 Bowser ' s aching heart. 13PAX
2336 Charles Barkley Shut Up and Jam ! 13 PAX
2337 70 , 000 games sweating and farting inside an airtight steel dome . 13 PAX
2338 The collective wail of every < i > Magic < / i > player suddenly realizing that they ' ve spent hundreds of dollars on pieces of cardboard. 13PAX
2339 Legendary Creature -- Robert Khoo. 13PAX
2340 Allowing nacho cheese to curdle in your beard while you creep in League of Legends . 13 PAX
2341 Winning the approval of Cooking Mama that you never got from actual mama . 13 PAX
2344 The boner hatch in the Iron Man suit . 13 PAX
2345 Buying virtual clothes for a Sim family instead of real clothes for a real family . 13 PAX
2346 An angry stone head that stomps on the floor every three seconds . 13 PAX
2347 Offering sexual favors for an ore and a sheep . 13 PAX
2348 Turn - of - the - century - sky racists . 13 PAX
2349 Getting into a situation with an owlbear . 13 PAX
2350 Grand Theft Auto : Fort Lauderdale . 13 PAX
2351 Achieving the manual dexterity and tactical brilliance of a 12 - year - old Korean boy . 13 PAX
2352 The decade of legal inquests following a single hour of Grand Theft Auto . 13 PAX
2353 SNES cartridge cleaning fluid . 13 PAX
2354 Eating a pizza that ' s lying in the street to gain health. 13PAX
2355 Mario Kart rage . 13 PAX
2356 A homemade , cum - stained < i > Star Trek < / i > uniform . 13 PAX
2357 Google Glass + e - cigarette : Ultimate Combo ! 13 PAX
2358 Yoshi ' s huge egg-laying cloaca. 13PAX
2359 A fully - dressed female videogame character . 13 PAX
2360 Nude - modding Super Mario World . 13 PAX
2361 A madman who lives in a policebox and kidnaps women . 13 PAX
2362 Filling every pouch of a UtiliKilt & trade ; with pizza . 13 PAX
2363 The Cock Ring of Alacrity . 13 PAX
2364 Rolling a D20 to save a failing marriage . 13 PAX
2365 Getting bitten by a radioactive spider and then battling leukemia for 30 years . GEEK
2366 Separate drinking fountains for dark elves . GEEK
2367 Stuffing my balls into a Sega Genesis and pressing the power button . GEEK
2368 Ser Jorah Mormont ' s cerulean-blue balls. GEEK
2369 A grumpy old Harrison Ford who ' d rather be doing anything else. GEEK
2370 Taking 2 d6 emotional damage . GEEK
2372 Endless ninjas . GEEK
2373 Demons and shit . 14 PAX
2375 Collecting all seven power crystals . 14 PAX
2376 Xena , Warrior Princess . 14 PAX
2377 The old gods . 14 PAX
2378 The Star Wars Universe . 14 PAX
2379 The imagination of Peter Jackson . 14 PAX
2380 Lagging out . 14 PAX
2381 All of the good times and premium gaming entertainment available to you in the Kickstarter room . 14 PAX
2382 Attacking from Kamchatka . 14 PAX
2383 The pure , Zen - like state that exists between micro and macro . 14 PAX
2384 Mistakenly hitting on a < i > League of Legends < / i > statue . 14 PAX
2385 A giant mechanical bird with a tragic backstory . 14 PAX
2386 Whatever < i > Final Fantasy < / i > bullshit happened this year . 14 PAX
2387 Futuristic death sports . 14 PAX
2388 Resurrecting an army of six million Jews and conquering Germany . JEW
2389 The part of Anne Frank ' s diary where she talks about her vagina. JEW
2390 Sacrificing Isaac to the Lord . JEW
2391 The ethical implications of enjoying a Woody Allen film in light of the allegations against him . JEW
2392 Chopping off a bit of the penis . JEW
2393 Some kind of concentrated encampment for people . JEW
2394 Pork products . JEW
2395 Wandering the desert for 40 years . JEW
2396 What it means to be a Jewish woman in contemporary society . JEW
2397 Suddenly remembering that the Holocaust happened . JEW
2398 Thy neighbor ' s wife. JEW
2399 Holding up the line at Walgreens by trying to use an expired coupon . JEW
2400 Demolishing that ass like a Palestinian village . JEW
2401 Being chosen by God to win a free iPod Nano . JEW
2402 A little bit of schmutz right there . JEW
2403 Torturing Jews until they say they ' re not Jews anymore. JEW
2404 A lifetime of internalized guilt . JEW
2405 A three - foot - tall corned beef sandwich . JEW
2406 Usury . JEW
2407 Hiding from the Nazis . JEW
2408 Bags of money . JEW
2409 The blood of Christian babies . JEW
2410 A headache that ' s definitely cancer. JEW
2411 A big brain full of facts and sadness . JEW
2412 Whoopi Goldberg . JEW
2413 Whipping lower - class white men into a xenophobic frenzy . PST45
2414 Extra rations for my little girl . PST45
2415 Roaming through a wasteland of windblown trash and deserted highways . PST45
2416 Drinking urine to survive . PST45
2417 A legitimate reason to commit suicide . PST45
2418 Burying my only son . PST45
2419 Desperately hurling insults at Donald Trump as he absorbs them into his rapidly expanding body . PST45
2420 Trying to remember what music was . PST45
2421 Casual dismissiveness . PST45
2422 Finding out that democracy might not be such a great idea . PST45
2423 A father and son fighting each other over the last scrap of bread . PST45
2424 Mild amusement . PST45
2425 A back - alley abortion from a Mexican cyborg doctor . PST45
2426 Rage . PST45
2427 World Wards 3 through 5 . PST45
2428 President Donald Trump . PST45
2429 Making Islam illegal . PST45
2430 Trying to wake up from this nightmare . PST45
2431 The purging of the disloyal . PST45
2432 Nuclear winter . PST45
2433 Bringing millions of dangerous , low - paying manufacturing jobs back to America . PST45
2434 A gnawing sense of dread . PST45
2435 Period globs . .
2436 Always & reg ; Infinity Extra Heavy Overnight Pads with Wings . .
2437 Wringing out a sopping wet maxi pad in Donald Trump ' s mouth. .
2438 Playing with my pussy while I watch TV . .
2439 An emotionally draining friendship . .
2440 Post - partum depression . .
2441 Full bush . .
2442 Drinking Beyonce ' s DivaCup and becoming immortal. .
2443 Feeling lots of feelings . .
2444 Carrying a fetus to term . .
2445 Eating three sleeves of Chips Ahoy ! .
2446 Destroying a pair of underwear . .
2447 Masturbating with a Sonicare . .
2448 How bloody that dick ' s about to be. .
2449 The vagina hole . .
2450 Dancing carefree in white linen pants . .
2451 Pussy lips of all shapes and sizes . .
2452 Using a Smucker ' s Uncrustable™ as a maxi pad. .
2453 Pulling out a never - ending tampon . .
2454 Catching a whiff of my vag . .
2455 A diverse group of female friends casually discussing the side effects of birth control . .
2456 A woman president . .
2457 Driving my daughter to her abortion . .
2458 Feeling bloaty and crampy . .
2459 Caribbean Jesus . RJECT
2460 Corn . RJECT
2461 Super yoga . RJECT
2462 A sexy naked interactive theater thing . RJECT
2463 Actually believing that the Bible happened . RJECT
2464 A giant squid in a wedding gown . RJECT
2465 A heart that is two sizes too small and that therefore cannot pump an adequate amount of blood . RJECT
2466 Ejaculating a pound of tinsel . RJECT
2467 Crawling into a vagina . RJECT
2468 Faking a jellyfish sting so someone will pee on you . RJECT
2469 My dick in your mouth . RJECT
2470 Asshole pomegranates that are hard to eat . RJECT
2471 The John D . and Catherine T . MacArthur Foundation . RJECT
2472 Dividing by zero . RJECT
2473 Becoming so rich that you shed your body and turn into vapor . RJECT
2474 Playing an ocarina to summon Ultra - Congress from the sea . RJECT
2475 Feeding a man a pie made of his own children . RTAIL
2476 Ironically buying a trucker hat and then ironically being a trucker for 38 years . RTAIL
2477 A teenage boy gunning for a handjob . RTAIL
2478 Going too far with science and bad things happening . SCIFI
2479 Frantically writing equations on a chalkboard . SCIFI
2480 An alternate history where Hitler was gay but he still killed all those people . SCIFI
2481 A hazmat suit full of farts . SCIFI
2482 That girl from the Hungry Games . SCIFI
2483 Funkified aliens from the planet Groovius . SCIFI
2484 The ending of < i > Lost . < / i > SCIFI
2485 Vulcan sex - madness . SCIFI
2486 Three boobs . SCIFI
2487 A misty room full of glistening egg sacs . SCIFI
2488 Cheerful blowjob robots . SCIFI
2489 How great of a movie < i > Men in Black < / i > was . SCIFI
2490 A planet - devouring space worm named Rachel . SCIFI
2491 Beep beep boop beep boop . SCIFI
2492 Nine seasons of sexual tension with David Duchovny . SCIFI
2493 Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra . SCIFI
2494 A protagonist with no qualities . SCIFI
2495 The dystopia we ' re living in right now. SCIFI
2496 Cosmic bowling . SCIFI
2497 Masturbating Yoda ' s leathery turtle-penis. SCIFI
2498 Laying thousands of eggs in a man ' s colon. SCIFI
2499 Trimming poop out of Chewbacca ' s butt hair. SCIFI
2500 Sandwich . RJCT2
2501 At least three ducks . RJCT2
2502 Mushy tushy . RJCT2
2503 Saving the Rainforest Cafe . RJCT2
2504 Becoming engorged with social justice jelly and secreting a thinkpiece . RJCT2
2505 That one leftover screw . RJCT2
2506 Greg Kinnear ' s terrible lightning breath. RJCT2
2507 Sir Thomas More ' s Fruitopia.™ RJCT2
2508 Mr . and Mrs . Tambourine Man ' s jingle-jangle morning sex. RJCT2
2509 The spooky skeleton under my skin . RJCT2
2510 A double murder suicide barbeque . RJCT2
2511 Sweating it out on the streets of a runaway American Dream . RJCT2
2512 Disco Mussolini . RJCT2
2513 That thing politicians do with their thumbs when they talk . RJCT2
2514 These dolphins . RJCT2
2515 A dick so big and so black that not even light can escape its pull . RJCT2
2516 Being the absolute worst . RJCT2
2517 A primordial soup and salad bar . RJCT2
2518 Three hairs from the silver - golden head of Galadriel . RJCT2
2519 A stack of bunnies in a trenchcoat . RJCT2
2520 Mitt Romney ' s eight sons Kip, Sam, Trot, Fergis, Toolshed, Grisham, Hawkeye, and Thorp. RJCT2
2521 Ringo Starr & amp ; His All - Starr Band . RJCT2
2522 The token lesbian . RJCT2
2523 Water so cold it turned into a rock . RJCT2
2524 Being knowledgeable in a narrow domain that nobody understands or cares about . SCI
2525 A supermassive black hole . SCI
2526 A 0 . 7 waist - to - hip ratio . SCI
2527 The quiet majesty of the sea turtle . SCI
2528 Photosynthesis . SCI
2529 Getting really worried about global warming for a few seconds . SCI
2530 Infinity . SCI
2531 Reconciling quantum theory with general relativity . SCI
2532 Driving into a tornado to learn about tornadoes . SCI
2533 Explosive decompression . SCI
2534 Oxytocin release via manual stimulation of the nipples . SCI
2535 Developing secondary sex characteristics . SCI
2536 David Attenborough watching us mate . SCI
2537 Achieving reproductive success . SCI
2538 Electroejaculating a capuchin monkey . SCI
2539 Insufficient serotonin . SCI
2540 Slowly evaporating . SCI
2541 Failing the Turing test . SCI
2542 Evolving a labyrinthe vagina . SCI
2543 Fun and interesting facts about rocks . SCI
2544 The Sun engulfing the Earth . SCI
2545 3 . 7 billion years of evolution . SCI
2546 A Pringles & reg ; can full of screams . RTPRD
2547 A framed photocopy of an oil painting of Paris , France . RTPRD
2548 Buying the right toothbrush cup for my lifestyle . RTPRD
2549 Shiny gadgets for sadness distraction . RTPRD
2550 Saving 20 % or more on khakis . RTPRD
2551 How fun it is to eat Pringles & reg ; . RTPRD
2552 Refusing to go up a size . RTPRD
2553 An exclusive partnership with Taylor Swift . RTPRD
2554 An 800 - foot - long pool noodle . RTPRD
2555 Confusing possessions with accomplishments . RTPRD
2556 Blood Pringles & reg ; . RTPRD
2557 Crunchy snacks for my big flappy mouth . RTPRD
2558 A Pringle & reg ; . RTPRD
2559 Subsisting on tiny pizzas . RTPRD
2560 Extracting the maximum amount of money from naive consumers . RTPRD
2561 The obscene amount of money Cards Against Humanity is making by selling this game at Target . & reg ; RTPRD
2562 Gender - neutral toys that make children feel no emotions whatsoever . RTPRD
2563 Getting eaten out in the family fitting room . RTPRD
2564 Buying and returning clothes just to have someone to talk to . RTPRD
2565 A marriage - destroying game of < i > The Resistance < / i > . TBLTP
2567 Condensing centuries of economic exploitation into 90 minutes of gaming fun . TBLTP
2568 Spending 8 years in the Himalayas becoming a master of dice - rolling and resource allocation . TBLTP
2569 A disappointing season of Tabletop that ' s just about tables. TBLTP
2570 A zombie with a tragic backstory . TBLTP
2571 A Wesley Crusher blow - up doll . TBLTP
2572 The porn set that Tabletop is filmed on . TBLTP
2573 An owlbear . TBLTP
2574 The pooping position . TBLTP
2575 A German - style board game where you invade Poland . TBLTP
2576 Victory points . TBLTP
2577 How bright the sun is . WEED
2578 Grinning like an idiot . WEED
2579 Smoking a blunt butt - ass naked . WEED
2580 Forgetting to breathe and then dying . WEED
2581 Dank ass cancer weed . WEED
2582 Snoop Dogg . WEED
2583 A whole cheese pizza just for me . WEED
2584 Dicking around on the guitar for an hour . WEED
2585 Cheesy crunchies . WEED
2586 Whatever the fuck I was just talking about . WEED
2587 Ancient aliens . WEED
2588 Huge popcorn nugs of hairy alien weed . WEED
2589 Too much edibles . WEED
2590 An eight - foot man smoking a six - foot bong . WEED
2591 Unbelievably soft carpet . WEED
2592 Dropping stuff and knocking everything over . WEED
2593 My own fingers . WEED
2594 The banks , the media , the entire system , man . WEED
2595 A sandwich with Cheetos in it ! WEED
2596 A bong rip so massive it restores justice to the kingdom . WEED
2597 Being too high for airplane . WEED
2598 Hot tub . WEED
2599 Eating all the skin off a rotisserie chicken . WEED
2600 Smoking a joint with former President Barack Obama . WEED
2601 Getting high and watching < i > Planet Earth . < / i > WEED
2602 A fun , sexy time at the nude beach . WWW
2603 A complete inability to understand anyone else ' s perspective. WWW
2604 Three years of semen in a shoebox . WWW
2605 A respectful discussion of race and gender on the Internet . WWW
2606 Taking a shit while running at full speed . WWW
2607 A night of Taco Bell and anal sex . WWW
2608 Googling . WWW
2609 Smash Mouth . WWW
2610 A man from Craigslist . WWW
2611 My browser history . WWW
2612 Getting teabagged by a fifth grader in < i > Call of Duty . < / i > WWW
2613 My privileged white penis . WWW
2614 Internet porn analysis paralysis . WWW
2615 YouTube comments . WWW
2616 Pretending to be black . WWW
2617 That thing on the Internet everyone ' s talking about. WWW
2618 Goats screaming like people . WWW
2619 Destroying Dick Cheney ' s last horcrux. WWW
2620 Game of Thrones spoilers . WWW
2621 Cat massage . WWW
2622 Matching with Mom on Tinder . WWW
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
\ .
2013-08-11 00:51:16 +01:00
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2202 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 190
-- Name: hibernate_sequence; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2013-08-11 00:51:16 +01:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
SELECT pg_catalog . setval ( ' hibernate_sequence ' , 2622 , true ) ;
2013-04-02 03:24:21 +01:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2059 (class 2606 OID 17741)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Name: black_cards black_cards_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
ALTER TABLE ONLY black_cards
ADD CONSTRAINT black_cards_pkey PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ;
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2063 (class 2606 OID 17754)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Name: card_set_black_card card_set_black_card_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
ALTER TABLE ONLY card_set_black_card
ADD CONSTRAINT card_set_black_card_pkey PRIMARY KEY ( card_set_id , black_card_id ) ;
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2061 (class 2606 OID 17749)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Name: card_set card_set_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
ADD CONSTRAINT card_set_pkey PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ;
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2065 (class 2606 OID 17759)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Name: card_set_white_card card_set_white_card_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
ALTER TABLE ONLY card_set_white_card
ADD CONSTRAINT card_set_white_card_pkey PRIMARY KEY ( card_set_id , white_card_id ) ;
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2067 (class 2606 OID 17767)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Name: white_cards white_cards_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
ALTER TABLE ONLY white_cards
ADD CONSTRAINT white_cards_pkey PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ;
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2069 (class 2606 OID 17773)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Name: card_set_black_card fk513da45c3166b76a; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
ALTER TABLE ONLY card_set_black_card
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
ADD CONSTRAINT fk513da45c3166b76a FOREIGN KEY ( black_card_id ) REFERENCES black_cards ( id ) ;
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2068 (class 2606 OID 17768)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Name: card_set_black_card fk513da45c985dacea; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
ALTER TABLE ONLY card_set_black_card
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
ADD CONSTRAINT fk513da45c985dacea FOREIGN KEY ( card_set_id ) REFERENCES card_set ( id ) ;
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2071 (class 2606 OID 17783)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Name: card_set_white_card fkc248727257c340be; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
ALTER TABLE ONLY card_set_white_card
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
ADD CONSTRAINT fkc248727257c340be FOREIGN KEY ( white_card_id ) REFERENCES white_cards ( id ) ;
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- TOC entry 2070 (class 2606 OID 17778)
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
-- Name: card_set_white_card fkc2487272985dacea; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: pyx
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00
ALTER TABLE ONLY card_set_white_card
2018-02-26 06:04:33 +00:00
ADD CONSTRAINT fkc2487272985dacea FOREIGN KEY ( card_set_id ) REFERENCES card_set ( id ) ;
2013-01-09 08:02:25 +00:00
2018-02-27 22:58:17 +00:00
-- Completed on 2018-02-27 15:12:09
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
-- PostgreSQL database dump complete
2012-07-07 22:59:37 +01:00