2012-02-06 22:54:31 +00:00
-- Cards Against Humanity cards by Andy Janata is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
2012-02-02 07:20:34 +00:00
-- Based on a work at www.cardsagainsthumanity.com.
-- For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
-- This file contains the Black Cards and White Cards for Cards Against Humanity, as a script for importing into PostgreSQL. There should be a user named cah.
-- PostgreSQL database dump
SET statement_timeout = 0 ;
SET client_encoding = ' UTF8 ' ;
SET standard_conforming_strings = off ;
SET check_function_bodies = false ;
SET client_min_messages = warning ;
SET escape_string_warning = off ;
-- Name: cah; Type: DATABASE; Schema: -; Owner: cah
\ connect cah
SET statement_timeout = 0 ;
SET client_encoding = ' UTF8 ' ;
SET standard_conforming_strings = off ;
SET check_function_bodies = false ;
SET client_min_messages = warning ;
SET escape_string_warning = off ;
SET search_path = public , pg_catalog ;
SET default_tablespace = ' ' ;
SET default_with_oids = false ;
-- Name: black_cards; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE black_cards (
id integer NOT NULL ,
text character varying ( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
draw smallint DEFAULT 0 ,
pick smallint DEFAULT 1 ,
creator integer
) ;
ALTER TABLE public . black_cards OWNER TO cah ;
-- Name: COLUMN black_cards.creator; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: cah
COMMENT ON COLUMN black_cards . creator IS ' NULL for default card, non-NULL for user id ' ;
-- Name: black_cards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: cah
CREATE SEQUENCE black_cards_id_seq
ALTER TABLE public . black_cards_id_seq OWNER TO cah ;
-- Name: black_cards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: cah
ALTER SEQUENCE black_cards_id_seq OWNED BY black_cards . id ;
-- Name: black_cards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: cah
SELECT pg_catalog . setval ( ' black_cards_id_seq ' , 90 , true ) ;
-- Name: hibernate_sequence; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE hibernate_sequence
ALTER TABLE public . hibernate_sequence OWNER TO postgres ;
-- Name: hibernate_sequence; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog . setval ( ' hibernate_sequence ' , 3 , true ) ;
-- Name: white_cards; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE white_cards (
id integer NOT NULL ,
text character varying ( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
creator integer
) ;
ALTER TABLE public . white_cards OWNER TO cah ;
-- Name: COLUMN white_cards.creator; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: cah
COMMENT ON COLUMN white_cards . creator IS ' NULL for default, non-NULL for user id ' ;
-- Name: white_cards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: cah
CREATE SEQUENCE white_cards_id_seq
ALTER TABLE public . white_cards_id_seq OWNER TO cah ;
-- Name: white_cards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: cah
ALTER SEQUENCE white_cards_id_seq OWNED BY white_cards . id ;
-- Name: white_cards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: cah
SELECT pg_catalog . setval ( ' white_cards_id_seq ' , 460 , true ) ;
-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: cah
ALTER TABLE black_cards ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval ( ' black_cards_id_seq ' : : regclass ) ;
-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: cah
ALTER TABLE white_cards ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval ( ' white_cards_id_seq ' : : regclass ) ;
-- Data for Name: black_cards; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: cah
COPY black_cards ( id , text , draw , pick , creator ) FROM stdin ;
1 Why can ' t I sleep at night? 0 1 \N
2 I got 99 problems but _____ ain ' t one 0 1 \N
3 What ' s a girl ' s best friend ? 0 1 \ N
4 What ' s that smell? 0 1 \N
5 _____ ? There ' s an app for that 0 1 \N
7 What is Batman ' s guilty pleasure? 0 1 \N
8 TSA guidelines now prohibit _____ on airplanes . 0 1 \ N
9 What ended my last relationship ? 0 1 \ N
10 MTV ' s new reality show features eight washed-up celebrities living with _____ 0 1 \N
11 I drink to forget _____ 0 1 \ N
12 I ' m sorry, Professor, but I couldn ' t complete my homework because of _____ . 0 1 \ N
13 During Picasso ' s often-overlooked Brown Period, he produced hundreds of paintings of _____. 0 1 \N
14 Alternative medicine is now embracing the curative powers of _____ . 0 1 \ N
15 What ' s that sound? 0 1 \N
16 Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar ? 0 1 \ N
17 What ' s the next Happy Meal® toy? 0 1 \N
18 Anthropologists have recently discovered a primitive tribe that worships _____ . 0 1 \ N
19 It ' s a pity that kids these days are all getting involved with _____. 0 1 \N
20 _____ . That ' s how I want to die. 0 1 \N
21 In the new Disney Channel Original Movie , Hannah Montana struggles with _____ for the first time . 0 1 \ N
22 What does Dick Cheney prefer ? 0 1 \ N
23 I wish I hadn ' t lost the instruction manual for _____. 0 1 \N
24 Instead of coal , Santa now gives the bad children _____ . 0 1 \ N
25 What ' s the most emo? 0 1 \N
26 In 1 , 000 years , when paper money is but a distant memory , _____ will be our currency . 0 1 \ N
27 What ' s the next superhero? 0 1 \N
28 A romantic , candlelit dinner would be incomplete without _____ . 0 1 \ N
29 Next from J . K . Rowling : Harry Potter and the Chamber of _____ . 0 1 \ N
30 _____ . Betcha can ' t have just one! 0 1 \N
31 White people like _____ . 0 1 \ N
32 _____ . High five , bro . 0 1 \ N
33 During sex , I like to think about _____ . 0 1 \ N
34 War ! What is it good for ? 0 1 \ N
35 BILLY MAYS HERE FOR _____ . 0 1 \ N
36 What will always get you laid ? 0 1 \ N
37 When I ' m in prison, I ' ll have _____ smuggled in . 0 1 \ N
38 What did I bring back from Mexico ? 0 1 \ N
39 What are my parents hiding from me ? 0 1 \ N
40 What helps Obama unwind ? 0 1 \ N
41 What ' s there a ton of in heaven? 0 1 \N
42 What would grandma find disturbing , yet oddly charming ? 0 1 \ N
43 The US has begun airdropping _____ to the children of Afghanistan . 0 1 \ N
44 What ' s the new fad diet? 0 1 \N
45 When I am the President of the United States , I will create the Department of _____ . 0 1 \ N
46 Major League Baseball has banned _____ for giving players an unfair advantage . 0 1 \ N
47 When I am a billionare , I shall erect a 50 - foot statue to commemorate _____ . 0 1 \ N
48 What don ' t you want to find in your Chinese food? 0 1 \N
49 What will I bring back in time to convince people that I am a powerful wizard ? 0 1 \ N
50 How am I maintaining my relationship status ? 0 1 \ N
51 _____ . It ' s a trap! 0 1 \N
52 Coming to Broadway this season , _____ : The Musical . 0 1 \ N
53 While the United States raced the Soviet Union to the moon , the Mexican government funneled millions of pesos into research on _____ . 0 1 \ N
54 After Hurricane Katrina , Sean Penn brought _____ to all the people of New Orleans . 0 1 \ N
55 Due to a PR fiasco , Walmart no longer offers _____ . 0 1 \ N
56 What never fails to liven up the party ? 0 1 \ N
57 But before I kill you , Mr . Bond , I must show you _____ . 0 1 \ N
58 What gives me uncontrollable gas ? 0 1 \ N
59 What ' s my secret power? 0 1 \N
60 When Pharaoh remained unmoved , Moses called down a plague of _____ . 0 1 \ N
61 The class field trip was completely ruined by _____ . 0 1 \ N
62 What do old people smell like ? 0 1 \ N
63 What am I giving up for lent ? 0 1 \ N
64 In Michael Jackson ' s final moments, he thought about _____. 0 1 \N
65 In an attempt to reach a wider audience , the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History has opened an interactive exhibit on _____ . 0 1 \ N
66 Why do I hurt all over ? 0 1 \ N
67 Studies show that lab rats navigate mazes 50 % faster after being exposed to _____ . 0 1 \ N
68 I do not know with which weapons World War III will be fought , but World War IV will be fought with _____ . 0 1 \ N
69 Life was difficult for cavemen before _____ . 0 1 \ N
70 What ' s Teach for America using to inspire inner city students to succeed? 0 1 \N
71 What ' s the crustiest? 0 1 \N
72 _____ : Good to the last drop . 0 1 \ N
73 What did Vin Diesel eat for dinner ? 0 1 \ N
74 _____ : Kid - tested , Mother - approved 0 1 \ N
75 What gets better with age ? 0 1 \ N
76 Why am I sticky ? 0 1 \ N
77 What ' s my anti-drug? 0 1 \N
86 Make a haiku . 2 3 \ N
78 And the Academy Award for _____ goes to _____ . 0 2 \ N
89 That ' s right, I killed _____. How, you ask? _____. 0 2 \N
79 For my next trick , I will pull _____ out of _____ . 0 2 \ N
80 _____ is a slippery slope that leads to _____ . 0 2 \ N
83 In his new summer comedy , Rob Scheider is _____ trapped in the body of _____ . 0 2 \ N
85 I never truly understood _____ until I encountered _____ . 0 2 \ N
87 Lifetime ® presents _____ , the story of _____ . 0 2 \ N
88 When I was tripping on acid , _____ turned into _____ . 0 2 \ N
6 This is the way the world ends / This is the way the world ends / This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but with _____ 0 1 \ N
84 Rumor has it that Vladimir Putin ' s favorite dish is _____ stuffed with _____. 0 2 \N
82 In a world ravaged by _____ , our only solace is _____ . 0 2 \ N
90 _____ + _____ = _____ 2 3 \ N
81 In M . Night Shyamalan ' s new movie, Bruce Willis discovers that _____ had really been _____ all along. 0 2 \N
\ .
-- Data for Name: white_cards; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: cah
COPY white_cards ( id , text , creator ) FROM stdin ;
1 Coat hanger abortions . \ N
2 Man meat . \ N
3 Autocannibalism . \ N
4 Vigorous jazz hands . \ N
5 Flightless birds . \ N
6 Pictures of boobs . \ N
7 Doing the right thing . \ N
8 Hunting accidents . \ N
9 A cartoon camel enjoying the smooth , refreshing taste of a cigarette . \ N
10 The violation of our most basic human rights . \ N
11 Viagra ® . \ N
12 Self - loathing . \ N
13 Spectacular abs . \ N
14 An honest cop with nothing left to lose . \ N
15 Abstinence . \ N
16 A balanced breakfast . \ N
17 Mountain Dew Code Red . \ N
18 Concealing a boner . \ N
19 Roofies . \ N
20 Glenn Beck convulsively vomiting as a brood of crab spiders hatches in his brain and erupts from his tear ducts . \ N
21 Tweeting . \ N
22 The Big Bang . \ N
23 Amputees . \ N
25 Former President George W . Bush . \ N
26 Being marginalized . \ N
27 Smegma . \ N
28 Laying an egg . \ N
29 Cuddling . \ N
30 Aaron Burr . \ N
31 The Pope . \ N
32 A bleached asshole . \ N
33 Horse meat . \ N
34 Genital piercings . \ N
35 Fingering . \ N
36 Elderly Japanese men . \ N
37 Stranger danger . \ N
38 Fear itself . \ N
39 Science . \ N
40 Praying the gay away . \ N
41 Same - sex ice dancing . \ N
42 The terrorists . \ N
43 Making sex at her . \ N
44 German dungeon porn . \ N
45 Bingeing and purging . \ N
46 Ethnic cleansing . \ N
47 Cheating in the Special Olympics . \ N
48 Nickelback . \ N
49 Heteronormativity . \ N
50 William Shatner . \ N
51 Making a pouty face . \ N
52 Chainsaws for hands . \ N
53 The placenta . \ N
54 The profoundly handicapped . \ N
55 Tom Cruise . \ N
56 Object permanence . \ N
57 Goblins . \ N
58 An icepick lobotomy . \ N
59 Arnold Schwarzenegger . \ N
60 Hormone injections . \ N
61 A falcon with a cap on its head . \ N
62 Foreskin . \ N
63 Dying . \ N
64 Stunt doubles . \ N
65 The invisible hand . \ N
66 Jew - fros . \ N
67 A really cool hat . \ N
68 Flash flooding . \ N
69 Flavored condoms . \ N
70 Dying of dysentery . \ N
71 Sexy pillow fights . \ N
72 The Three - Fifths compromise . \ N
73 A sad handjob . \ N
74 Men . \ N
75 Historically black colleges . \ N
76 Sean Penn . \ N
77 Heartwarming orphans . \ N
78 Waterboarding . \ N
79 The clitoris . \ N
80 Vikings . \ N
81 Friends who eat all the snacks . \ N
82 The Underground Railroad . \ N
83 Pretending to care . \ N
84 Raptor attacks . \ N
85 A micropenis . \ N
86 A Gypsy curse . \ N
87 Agriculture . \ N
88 Bling . \ N
89 A clandestine butt scratch . \ N
90 The South . \ N
91 Sniffing glue . \ N
92 Consultants . \ N
93 My humps . \ N
94 Geese . \ N
95 Being a dick to children . \ N
96 Party poopers . \ N
97 Sunshine and rainbows . \ N
99 Mutually - assured destruction . \ N
100 Heath Ledger . \ N
101 Sexting . \ N
102 An Oedipus complex . \ N
103 Eating all of the cookies before the AIDS bake - sale . \ N
104 A sausage festival . \ N
105 Michael Jackson . \ N
106 Skeletor . \ N
107 Chivalry . \ N
108 Sharing needles . \ N
109 Being rich . \ N
110 Muzzy . \ N
111 Count Chocula . \ N
112 Spontaneous human combustion . \ N
113 College . \ N
114 Necrophilia . \ N
115 The Chinese gymnastics team . \ N
116 Global warming . \ N
117 Farting and walking away . \ N
118 Emotions . \ N
119 Uppercuts . \ N
120 Cookie Monster devouring the Eucharist wafers . \ N
121 Stifling a giggle at the mention of Hutus and Tutsis . \ N
122 Penis envy . \ N
123 Letting yourself go . \ N
124 White people . \ N
125 Dick Cheney . \ N
126 Leaving an awkward voicemail . \ N
127 Yeast . \ N
128 Natural selection . \ N
130 Twinkies ® . \ N
131 A LAN party . \ N
132 Opposable thumbs . \ N
133 A grande sugar - free iced soy caramel macchiato . \ N
134 Soiling oneself . \ N
135 A sassy black woman . \ N
136 Sperm whales . \ N
137 Teaching a robot to love . \ N
138 Scrubbing under the folds . \ N
139 A drive - by shooting . \ N
140 Whipping it out . \ N
141 Panda sex . \ N
142 Catapults . \ N
143 Will Smith . \ N
144 Toni Morrison ' s vagina. \N
145 Five - Dollar Foot - longs ™ . \ N
146 Land mines . \ N
147 A sea of troubles . \ N
148 A zesty breakfast burrito . \ N
24 Dr . Martin Luther King , Jr . \ N
149 Christopher Walken . \ N
150 Friction . \ N
151 Balls . \ N
152 AIDS . \ N
153 The KKK . \ N
154 Figgy pudding . \ N
155 Seppuku . \ N
156 Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch . \ N
157 Gandhi . \ N
158 Dave Matthews Band . \ N
159 Preteens . \ N
160 The token minority . \ N
161 Friends with benefits . \ N
162 Re - gifting . \ N
163 Pixelated bukkake . \ N
164 Substitute teachers . \ N
165 Take - backsies . \ N
166 A thermonuclear detonation . \ N
167 The Tempur - Pedic ® Swedish Sleep System ™ . \ N
168 Waiting ' til marriage. \N
169 A tiny horse . \ N
170 A can of whoop - ass . \ N
171 Dental dams . \ N
172 Feeding Rosie O ' Donnell. \N
173 Old - people smell . \ N
174 Genghis Khan . \ N
175 Authentic Mexican cuisine . \ N
176 Oversized lollipops . \ N
177 Garth Brooks . \ N
178 Keanu Reeves . \ N
179 Drinking alone . \ N
180 The American Dream . \ N
181 Taking off your shirt . \ N
182 Giving 110 % . \ N
183 Flesh - eating bacteria . \ N
184 Child abuse . \ N
185 A cooler full of organs . \ N
186 A moment of silence . \ N
187 The Rapture . \ N
188 Keeping Christ in Christmas . \ N
189 RoboCop . \ N
190 That one gay Teletubby . \ N
191 Sweet , sweet vengeance . \ N
192 Fancy Feast ® . \ N
194 Being a motherfucking sorceror . \ N
195 Jewish fraternities . \ N
196 Edible underpants . \ N
197 Poor people . \ N
198 All - you - can - eat shrimp for $ 4 . 99 . \ N
199 Britney Spears at 55 . \ N
200 That thing that electrocutes your abs . \ N
201 The folly of man . \ N
202 Fiery poops . \ N
203 Cards Against Humanity . \ N
204 A murder most foul . \ N
205 Me time . \ N
206 The inevitable heat death of the universe . \ N
207 Nocturnal emissions . \ N
208 Daddy issues . \ N
209 The hardworking Mexican . \ N
210 Natalie Portman . \ N
211 Waking up half - naked in a Denny ' s parking lot. \N
212 Nipple blades . \ N
213 Assless chaps . \ N
214 Full frontal nudity . \ N
215 Hulk Hogan . \ N
216 Passive - agression . \ N
217 Ronald Reagan . \ N
218 Vehicular manslaughter . \ N
219 Menstruation . \ N
220 Pulling out . \ N
221 Picking up girls at the abortion clinic . \ N
222 The homosexual agenda . \ N
223 The Holy Bible . \ N
224 World peace . \ N
225 Dropping a chandelier on your enemies and riding the rope up . \ N
226 Testicular torsion . \ N
227 The milk man . \ N
228 A time - travel paradox . \ N
229 Hot Pockets ® . \ N
230 Guys who don ' t call. \N
231 Eating the last known bison . \ N
232 Darth Vader . \ N
233 Scalping . \ N
234 Homeless people . \ N
235 The World of Warcraft . \ N
236 Gloryholes . \ N
237 Saxophone solos . \ N
238 Sean Connery . \ N
239 God . \ N
240 Intelligent design . \ N
241 The taint ; the grundle ; the fleshy fun - bridge . \ N
242 Friendly fire . \ N
243 Keg stands . \ N
244 Eugenics . \ N
245 A good sniff . \ N
246 Lockjaw . \ N
247 A neglected Tamagotchi ™ . \ N
248 The People ' s Elbow. \N
250 The heart of a child . \ N
251 Seduction . \ N
252 Smallpox blankets . \ N
253 Licking things to claim them as your own . \ N
254 A salty surprise . \ N
255 Poorly - timed Holocaust jokes . \ N
256 My soul . \ N
257 My sex life . \ N
258 Pterodactyl eggs . \ N
259 Altar boys . \ N
260 Forgetting the Alamo . \ N
261 72 virgins . \ N
262 Raping and pillaging . \ N
263 Pedophiles . \ N
264 Eastern European Turbo - Folk music . \ N
265 A snapping turtle biting the tip of your penis . \ N
266 Pabst Blue Ribbon . \ N
267 Domino ' s™ Oreo™ Dessert Pizza. \N
268 My collection of high - tech sex toys . \ N
269 A middle - aged man on roller skates . \ N
270 The Blood of Christ . \ N
271 Half - assed foreplay . \ N
272 Free samples . \ N
273 Douchebags on their iPhones . \ N
274 Hurricane Katrina . \ N
275 Wearing underwear inside - out to avoid doing laundry . \ N
276 Republicans . \ N
277 The glass ceiling . \ N
278 A foul mouth . \ N
279 Jerking off into a pool of children ' s tears. \N
280 Getting really high . \ N
281 The deformed . \ N
282 Michelle Obama ' s arms. \N
283 Explosions . \ N
284 The Ü bermensch . \ N
285 Donald Trump . \ N
286 Sarah Palin . \ N
287 Attitude . \ N
288 This answer is postmodern . \ N
289 Crumpets with the Queen . \ N
290 Frolicking . \ N
291 Team - building exercises . \ N
292 Repression . \ N
293 Road head . \ N
193 Pooping back and forth . Forever . \ N
294 A bag of magic beans . \ N
295 An asymmetric boob job . \ N
296 Dead parents . \ N
297 Public ridicule . \ N
298 A mating display . \ N
299 A mime having a stroke . \ N
300 Stephen Hawking talking dirty . \ N
301 African children . \ N
302 Mouth herpes . \ N
303 Overcompensation . \ N
304 Bill Nye the Science Guy . \ N
305 Bitches . \ N
306 Italians . \ N
307 Have some more kugel . \ N
308 A windmill full of corpses . \ N
309 Her Royal Highness , Queen Elizabeth II . \ N
310 Crippling debt . \ N
311 Adderall ™ . \ N
312 A stray pube . \ N
313 Shorties and blunts . \ N
314 Passing a kidney stone . \ N
315 Prancing . \ N
316 Leprosy . \ N
317 A brain tumor . \ N
318 Bees ? \ N
319 Puppies ! \ N
320 Cockfights . \ N
321 Kim Jong - il . \ N
322 Hope . \ N
323 8 oz . of sweet Mexican black - tar heroin . \ N
324 Incest . \ N
325 Grave robbing . \ N
326 Asians who aren ' t good at math. \N
327 Alcoholism . \ N
328 ( I am doing Kegels right now . ) \ N
329 Justin Bieber . \ N
330 The Jews . \ N
331 Bestiality . \ N
332 Winking at old people . \ N
333 Drum circles . \ N
334 Kids with ass cancer . \ N
335 Loose lips . \ N
336 Auschwitz . \ N
337 Civilian casualties . \ N
338 Inappropriate yelling . \ N
339 Tangled Slinkys . \ N
340 Being on fire . \ N
341 The Thong Song . \ N
342 A vajazzled vagina . \ N
343 Riding off into the sunset . \ N
344 Exchanging pleasantries . \ N
345 My relationship status . \ N
346 Shaquille O ' Neal ' s acting career . \ N
347 Being fabulous . \ N
348 Lactation . \ N
349 Not reciprocating oral sex . \ N
350 Sobbing into a Hungry - Man ® Frozen Dinner . \ N
351 My genitals . \ N
352 Date rape . \ N
353 Ring Pops ™ . \ N
354 GoGurt . \ N
355 Judge Judy . \ N
356 Lumberjack fantasies . \ N
357 The gays . \ N
358 Scientology . \ N
359 Estrogen . \ N
360 Police brutality . \ N
361 Passable transvestites . \ N
362 The Virginia Tech Massacre . \ N
363 Tiger Woods . \ N
364 Dick fingers . \ N
365 Racism . \ N
366 Glenn Beck being harried by a swarm of buzzards . \ N
368 Classist undertones . \ N
369 Booby - trapping the house to foil burglars . \ N
370 New Age music . \ N
371 PCP . \ N
372 A lifetime of sadness . \ N
373 Doin ' it in the butt. \N
374 Swooping . \ N
375 The Hamburglar . \ N
376 Tentacle porn . \ N
377 A hot mess . \ N
378 Too much hair gel . \ N
379 A look - see . \ N
380 Not giving a shit about the Third World . \ N
381 American Gladiators . \ N
382 The Kool - Aid Man . \ N
383 Mr . Snuffleupagus . \ N
384 Barack Obama . \ N
385 Golden showers . \ N
386 Wiping her butt . \ N
387 Queefing . \ N
388 Getting drunk on mouthwash . \ N
389 An M . Night Shyamalan plot twist . \ N
390 A robust mongoloid . \ N
391 Nazis . \ N
392 White privilege . \ N
393 An erection that lasts longer than four hours . \ N
394 A disappointing birthday party . \ N
395 Puberty . \ N
396 Two midgets shitting into a bucket . \ N
397 Wifely duties . \ N
398 The forbidden fruit . \ N
399 Getting so angry that you pop a boner . \ N
400 Sexual tension . \ N
401 Third base . \ N
402 A gassy antelope . \ N
403 Those times when you get sand in your vagina . \ N
404 A Super Soaker ™ full of cat pee . \ N
405 Muhammed ( Praise Be Unto Him ) . \ N
406 Racially - biased SAT questions . \ N
407 Porn stars . \ N
408 A fetus . \ N
409 Obesity . \ N
410 When you fart and a little bit comes out . \ N
411 Oompa - Loompas . \ N
412 BATMAN ! ! ! \ N
413 Black people . \ N
414 Tasteful sideboob . \ N
415 Hot people . \ N
416 Grandma . \ N
417 Copping a feel . \ N
418 The Trail of Tears . \ N
419 Famine . \ N
420 Finger painting . \ N
421 The miracle of childbirth . \ N
422 Goats eating coins . \ N
423 A monkey smoking a cigar . \ N
424 Faith healing . \ N
425 Parting the Red Sea . \ N
426 Dead babies . \ N
427 The Amish . \ N
428 Impotence . \ N
429 Child Beauty pageants . \ N
430 Centaurs . \ N
431 AXE Body Spray . \ N
432 Kanye West . \ N
433 Women ' s suffrage. \N
434 Children on leashes . \ N
435 Harry Potter erotica . \ N
436 The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy . \ N
437 Lance Armstrong ' s missing testicle. \N
438 Dwarf Tossing . \ N
439 Mathletes . \ N
440 Lunchables ™ . \ N
441 Women in yogurt commercials . \ N
442 John Wilkes Booth . \ N
443 Powerful thighs . \ N
444 Mr . Clean , right behind you . \ N
445 Multiple stab wounds . \ N
446 Cybernetic enhancements . \ N
447 Serfdom . \ N
448 Another goddamn vampire movie . \ N
450 A big hoopla about nothing . \ N
451 Peeing a little bit . \ N
452 The Hustle . \ N
453 Ghosts . \ N
454 Bananas in Pajamas . \ N
455 Active listening . \ N
456 Dry heaving . \ N
457 Kamikaze pilots . \ N
458 The Force . \ N
459 Anal beads . \ N
460 The Make - A - Wish ® Foundation . \ N
449 Glenn Beck catching his scrotum on a curtain hook . \ N
129 Masturbation . \ N
367 Surprise sex ! \ N
249 Robert Downey , Jr . \ N
\ .
-- Name: black_cards_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY black_cards
ADD CONSTRAINT black_cards_pkey PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ;
-- Name: black_cards_text_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY black_cards
ADD CONSTRAINT black_cards_text_key UNIQUE ( text ) ;
-- Name: white_cards_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY white_cards
ADD CONSTRAINT white_cards_pkey PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ;
-- Name: white_cards_text_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cah; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY white_cards
ADD CONSTRAINT white_cards_text_key UNIQUE ( text ) ;
-- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM postgres ;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres ;
-- Name: hibernate_sequence; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
REVOKE ALL ON SEQUENCE hibernate_sequence FROM postgres ;
GRANT ALL ON SEQUENCE hibernate_sequence TO postgres ;
GRANT ALL ON SEQUENCE hibernate_sequence TO cah ;
-- PostgreSQL database dump complete