Users can specify an identification code when they connect (8-100 characters), only if they are using HTTPS. This code is combined with their nickname and a server-side secret, hashed with SHA-256, and condensed down to 64 bits by XORing every 8th byte with each other, and finally converted to base64 (with the trailing = removed). This code is displayed in a tooltip when hovering over the user's chat (TODO: mobile way to view it).
Sigils have been added to be displayed before the user's name in the chat. Admins get @, users with an ID code get +, and normal users get nothing. The IS_ADMIN field is now deprecated, as this can be determined from the user's sigil. It will be removed eventually, but is still being included in events even though the official client should not be using it anymore.
Kicks and bans are now always displayed to all users, even if the server isn't transmitting quit events normally.
Fix removing cookies.
Add per-server instance unique IDs for games and users, which will not collide between servers or when servers restart.
Add GeoIP capability.
Add beginning of framework for logging card plays.
This is still a bit clunky, but it seems to be working. This supports running both with Jetty directly, and making a .war to throw at Tomcat. You will still need Postgres to run via Jetty; this is super useful for debugging in Eclipse.
mvn clean package war:exploded jetty:run
mvn clean package war:war
You will need to copy to and fill in the appropriate information.
Also, use correct date format in the cache filter, as Jetty is more strict.