This commit is contained in:
DavidXanatos 2024-11-05 13:23:18 +01:00
parent 662f953ca6
commit 702f5ae0ea
2 changed files with 1597 additions and 1918 deletions

View File

@ -1,121 +1,121 @@
"Description Text...": "Description Text...",
"Fix current issues": "Fix current issues",
"Fix issues with sandboxing": "Fix issues with sandboxing",
"An Application does not work properly when sandboxed": "An Application does not work properly when sandboxed",
"Issues with a web browser": "Issues with a web browser",
"Perform Sandbox maintenance": "Perform Sandbox maintenance",
"Fix issues with the UI or Shell": "Fix issues with the UI or Shell",
"Description Text...": "Leírás szövege...",
"Fix current issues": "Jelenlegi problémák javítása",
"Fix issues with sandboxing": "A homokozóval kapcsolatos problémák kijavítása",
"An Application does not work properly when sandboxed": "Egy alkalmazás nem működik megfelelően homokozóban",
"Issues with a web browser": "Böngészővel kapcsolatos problémák",
"Perform Sandbox maintenance": "Homokozó karbantartás elvégzése",
"Fix issues with the UI or Shell": "Felhasználói felülettel vagy a Shell-lel kapcsolatos problémák megoldása",
"Yes": "Yes",
"No": "No",
"\nPlease note that this required preset works only with a valid supporter certificate!": "\nPlease note that this required preset works only with a valid supporter certificate!",
"Yes": "Igen",
"No": "Nem",
"\nPlease note that this required preset works only with a valid supporter certificate!": "\nFelhívjuk figyelmét, hogy ez a szükséges előbeállítás csak érvényes támogatói tanúsítvánnyal működik!",
"App compatibility checker": "App compatibility checker",
"This script check which app compatibility templates needs to be enabled": "This script check which app compatibility templates needs to be enabled",
"Loaded %1 templates": "Loaded %1 templates",
"App compatibility checker": "Alkalmazás-kompatibilitás-ellenőrző",
"This script check which app compatibility templates needs to be enabled": "Ez a szkript ellenőrzi, hogy mely alkalmazáskompatibilitási sablonokat kell engedélyezni",
"Loaded %1 templates": "%1 sablon betöltve",
"Browser shortcut is missing from the desktop": "Browser shortcut is missing from the desktop",
"This procedure will add a browser shortcut to the desktop": "This procedure will add a browser shortcut to the desktop",
"Default Browser": "Default Browser",
"Another": "Another",
"Select Browser": "Select Browser",
"Select Sandbox": "Select Sandbox",
"Select which browser you want to create a shortcut for and in what box": "Select which browser you want to create a shortcut for and in what box",
"Select Browser Path": "Select Browser Path",
"Browser shortcut is missing from the desktop": "A böngésző parancsikonja hiányzik az asztalról",
"This procedure will add a browser shortcut to the desktop": "Ez az eljárás egy böngésző parancsikont ad hozzá az asztalhoz",
"Default Browser": "Alapértelmezett böngésző",
"Another": "Másik",
"Select Browser": "Böngésző kiválasztása",
"Select Sandbox": "Homokozó kiválasztása",
"Select which browser you want to create a shortcut for and in what box": "Válassza ki, hogy melyik böngészőhöz hoz létre parancsikont, és melyik homokozóban",
"Select Browser Path": "Böngésző útvonal kiválasztása",
"Explorer Context Menu extension does not work": "Explorer Context Menu extension does not work",
"This procedure will re install the shell integration": "This procedure will re install the shell integration",
"Add Run Sandboxed": "Add Run Sandboxed",
"Add Run Unsandboxed": "Add Run Unsandboxed",
"Install legacy shell extensions": "Install legacy shell extensions",
"Select which shell options should be reinstalled": "Select which shell options should be reinstalled",
"Explorer Context Menu extension does not work": "Az Intéző helyi menü kiterjesztése nem működik",
"This procedure will re install the shell integration": "Ez az eljárás újratelepíti a shell-integrációt",
"Add Run Sandboxed": "'Izolált futtatás' hozzáadása",
"Add Run Unsandboxed": "'Futtatás homokozón kívül' hozzáadása",
"Install legacy shell extensions": "Régebbi shell-bővítmények telepítése",
"Select which shell options should be reinstalled": "Válassza ki, hogy mely shell-beállításokat telepíti újra",
"Low FPS in sandboxed games": "Low FPS in sandboxed games",
"This procedure will optimize the box settings for gaming": "This procedure will optimize the box settings for gaming",
"Select which box to optimize.": "Select which box to optimize.",
"To apply recommended settings press NEXT. \n": "To apply recommended settings press NEXT. \n",
"The options has been applied please tryout your game in %1 and indicate if the issue has been resolved.": "The options has been applied please tryout your game in %1 and indicate if the issue has been resolved.",
"FPS optimization not successful": "FPS optimization not successful",
"Low FPS in sandboxed games": "Alacsony FPS homokozós játékokban",
"This procedure will optimize the box settings for gaming": "Ez az eljárás optimalizálja a homokozó beállításait a játékhoz",
"Select which box to optimize.": "Az optimizálandó homokozó kiválasztása.",
"To apply recommended settings press NEXT. \n": "Az ajánlott beállítások alkalmazásához nyomja meg a KÖVETKEZŐ gombot. \n",
"The options has been applied please tryout your game in %1 and indicate if the issue has been resolved.": "A beállításokat alkalmazásra kerültek. Kérjük, próbálja ki a játékot itt: %1, és jelezze, ha a probléma megoldódott.",
"FPS optimization not successful": "Az FPS optimizálása nem sikerült",
"Failed to install application into a sandbox": "Failed to install application into a sandbox",
"It helps troubleshoot issues related to installing applications in the sandbox": "It helps troubleshoot issues related to installing applications in the sandbox",
"Enter Installer Path": "Enter Installer Path",
"Select a sandbox to install into": "Select a sandbox to install into",
"This box has DropAdminRights enabled, preventing execution of installers. Do you want to disable this restriction, that will reduce the security level.": "This box has DropAdminRights enabled, preventing execution of installers. Do you want to disable this restriction, that will reduce the security level.",
"Disable DropAdminRights": "Disable DropAdminRights",
"Enable FakeAdminRights": "Enable FakeAdminRights",
"running installer, pid: %1 press NEXT once it finishes to continue": "running installer, pid: %1 press NEXT once it finishes to continue",
"Was the issue resolved?": "Was the issue resolved?",
"no mitigation worked": "no mitigation worked",
"Failed to install application into a sandbox": "Nem sikerült telepíteni az alkalmazást a homokozóba",
"It helps troubleshoot issues related to installing applications in the sandbox": "Segít az alkalmazások homokozóba telepítésével kapcsolatos problémák elhárításában",
"Enter Installer Path": "A telepítő útvonala",
"Select a sandbox to install into": "Homokozó kiválasztása a telepítéshez",
"This box has DropAdminRights enabled, preventing execution of installers. Do you want to disable this restriction, that will reduce the security level.": "Ebben a homokozóban engedélyezve van a 'Rendszergazdai jogok elvetése', ami megakadályozza a telepítők végrehajtását. Ha letiltja ezt a korlátozást, az csökkenti a biztonsági szintet.",
"Disable DropAdminRights": "Rendszergazdai jogok letiltása",
"Enable FakeAdminRights": "Rendszergazdai jogok engedélyezése",
"running installer, pid: %1 press NEXT once it finishes to continue": "A telepítő fut, PID: %1, ha végzett, nyomja meg a 'KÖVETKEZŐ' gombot a folytatáshoz",
"Was the issue resolved?": "Megoldódott a probléma?",
"no mitigation worked": "nincs hatáscsökkentés",
"Webcam or Sound does not work when sandboxed": "Webcam or Sound does not work when sandboxed",
"It helps troubleshoot webcam and audio issues in the sandbox": "It helps troubleshoot webcam and audio issues in the sandbox",
"To enable webcam support on Windows 11, the isolation level must be reduced. \nIf you want to proceed, please press NEXT and select a sandbox to modify. \n": "To enable webcam support on Windows 11, the isolation level must be reduced. \nIf you want to proceed, please press NEXT and select a sandbox to modify. \n",
"Select which box to turn into a reduced isolation app compartment box.": "Select which box to turn into a reduced isolation app compartment box.",
"The mitigation has been applied please try out the web cam in %1 and indicate if the issue has been resolved.": "The mitigation has been applied please try out the web cam in %1 and indicate if the issue has been resolved.",
"Webcam mitigation not successful": "Webcam mitigation not successful",
"Webcam or Sound does not work when sandboxed": "A webkamera vagy a hang nem működik a homokozóban",
"It helps troubleshoot webcam and audio issues in the sandbox": "Segít a webkamera- és hangproblémák elhárításában a homokozóban",
"To enable webcam support on Windows 11, the isolation level must be reduced. \nIf you want to proceed, please press NEXT and select a sandbox to modify. \n": "A webkamera támogatásának engedélyezéséhez a Windows 11 rendszeren csökkenteni kell az elkülönítési szintet. \nHa folytatni szeretné, nyomja meg a 'KÖVETKEZŐ' gombot, és válassza ki a módosítani kívánt homokozót. \n",
"Select which box to turn into a reduced isolation app compartment box.": "Válassza ki, hogy melyik homokozót alakítja át csökkentett izolációjú alkalmazásrekeszes homokozóvá.",
"The mitigation has been applied please try out the web cam in %1 and indicate if the issue has been resolved.": "Az átalakítás befejeződött. Kérjük, tesztelje a webkamerát itt: %1, és jelezze, hogy a probléma megoldódott-e.",
"Webcam mitigation not successful": "A webkamera hatáscsökkentése nem sikerült",
"Select affected sandbox": "Select affected sandbox",
"Enter Process Name": "Enter Process Name",
"Select affected sandbox": "Érintett homokozó kiválasztása",
"Enter Process Name": "Adja meg a folyamat nevét",
"SBIE1307: Program cannot access the Internet due to restrictions": "SBIE1307: Program cannot access the Internet due to restrictions",
"Program cannot access the Internet due to restrictions": "Program cannot access the Internet due to restrictions",
"Internet Access restrictions are in effect for the sandbox in which the program is running. The program is prohibited from accessing the Internet.": "Internet Access restrictions are in effect for the sandbox in which the program is running. The program is prohibited from accessing the Internet.",
"SBIE1307: Program cannot access the Internet due to restrictions": "SBIE1307: a program nem fér hozzá az internethez korlátozások miatt",
"Program cannot access the Internet due to restrictions": "A program korlátozások miatt nem tudja elérni az internetet",
"Internet Access restrictions are in effect for the sandbox in which the program is running. The program is prohibited from accessing the Internet.": "Internet-hozzáférési korlátozások vannak érvényben arra a homokozóra, amelyben a program fut. A programnak tilos az internet elérése.",
"SBIE1308: Program cannot start due to restrictions": "SBIE1308: Program cannot start due to restrictions",
"Program cannot start due to restrictions": "Program cannot start due to restrictions",
"Start/Run restrictions are in effect for the sandbox in which the program is running. The program is prohibited from starting or running.": "Start/Run restrictions are in effect for the sandbox in which the program is running. The program is prohibited from starting or running.",
"SBIE1308: Program cannot start due to restrictions": "SBIE1308: a program nem indul el korlátozások miatt",
"Program cannot start due to restrictions": "A program nem indul el korlátozások miatt",
"Start/Run restrictions are in effect for the sandbox in which the program is running. The program is prohibited from starting or running.": "Indítási/futtatási korlátozások vannak érvényben arra a homokozóra, amelyben a program fut. A program elindítása vagy futtatása tilos.",
"SBIE2102: File is too large to copy into sandbox": "SBIE2102: File is too large to copy into sandbox",
"File is too large to copy into sandbox": "File is too large to copy into sandbox",
"SBIE2102: File is too large to copy into sandbox": "SBIE2102: a fájl túl nagy a homokozóba másoláshozx",
"File is too large to copy into sandbox": "A fájl túl nagy a homokozóba másoláshoz",
"SBIE2113: File is too large to copy into sandbox, creating empty file": "SBIE2113: File is too large to copy into sandbox, creating empty file",
"File is too large to copy into sandbox, creating empty file": "File is too large to copy into sandbox, creating empty file",
"SBIE2113: File is too large to copy into sandbox, creating empty file": "SBIE2113: a fájl túl nagy a homokozóba másoláshoz, igy üres fájl jön létre",
"File is too large to copy into sandbox, creating empty file": "A fájl túl nagy a homokozóba másoláshoz, igy üres fájl jön létre",
"SBIE2114: File is too large to copy into sandbox, denying access": "SBIE2114: File is too large to copy into sandbox, denying access",
"File is too large to copy into sandbox, denying access": "File is too large to copy into sandbox, denying access",
"SBIE2114: File is too large to copy into sandbox, denying access": "SBIE2114: a fájl túl nagy a homokozóba másoláshoz, a hozzáférés megtagadódik",
"File is too large to copy into sandbox, denying access": "A fájl túl nagy a homokozóba másoláshoz, a hozzáférés megtagadódik",
"SBIE2115: File is too large to copy into sandbox, opening in read only": "SBIE2115: File is too large to copy into sandbox, opening in read only",
"File is too large to copy into sandbox, opening in read only": "File is too large to copy into sandbox, opening in read only",
"SBIE2115: File is too large to copy into sandbox, opening in read only": "SBIE2115: a fájl túl nagy a homokozóba másoláshoz, csak olvasható módban nyílik meg",
"File is too large to copy into sandbox, opening in read only": "A fájl túl nagy a homokozóba másoláshoz, csak olvasható módban nyílik meg",
"SBIE2181: Failed to load SbieDll.dll": "SBIE2181: Failed to load SbieDll.dll",
"Fix the DACLs of Sandboxie's home folder": "Fix the DACLs of Sandboxie's home folder",
"Failures to load SbieDll.dll when encountered by Chrome, or another software employing app containers, it is often caused by invalid DACL entries for the Sandboxie home directory. This mitigation measure will fix them, for this reason it will prompt for admin privileges which need to be granted for kmdutil.exe.": "Failures to load SbieDll.dll when encountered by Chrome, or another software employing app containers, it is often caused by invalid DACL entries for the Sandboxie home directory. This mitigation measure will fix them, for this reason it will prompt for admin privileges which need to be granted for kmdutil.exe.",
"The DACLs have been adjusted, please try to run your application again and indicate if the issue has been resolved.": "The DACLs have been adjusted, please try to run your application again and indicate if the issue has been resolved.",
"DACLs fix did not resolve the issue": "DACLs fix did not resolve the issue",
"SBIE2181: Failed to load SbieDll.dll": "SBIE2181: SbieDll.dll betöltése sikertelen",
"Fix the DACLs of Sandboxie's home folder": "A Sandboxie mappák DACL-jeinek kijavítása",
"Failures to load SbieDll.dll when encountered by Chrome, or another software employing app containers, it is often caused by invalid DACL entries for the Sandboxie home directory. This mitigation measure will fix them, for this reason it will prompt for admin privileges which need to be granted for kmdutil.exe.": "Ha a Chrome vagy más alkalmazástárolókat használó szoftver nem tudja betölteni az SbieDll.dll fájlt, azt gyakran a sandboxie könyvtár érvénytelen DACL-bejegyzései okozzák. Ez a művelet megoldja a DACL bejegyzéseket. Emiatt rendszergazdai jogokat kér a kmdutil.exe számára.",
"The DACLs have been adjusted, please try to run your application again and indicate if the issue has been resolved.": "A DACL-ek beállítása megtörtént. Kérjük, próbálja meg újra futtatni az alkalmazást, és jelezze, ha a probléma megoldódott.",
"DACLs fix did not resolve the issue": "A DACL-javítás nem oldotta meg a problémát",
"SBIE2204: Cannot start a specific sandboxed service": "SBIE2204: Cannot start a specific sandboxed service",
"Sandboxie failed to start a service in the sandbox": "Sandboxie failed to start a service in the sandbox",
"The message indicates that Sandboxie was unable to start one of the helper programs SandboxieRpcSs or SandboxieDcomLaunch. The name noted in the message can be rpcss or dcomlaunch.\n\nYou can submit an issue report on the next page to help us to analyze the issue.": "The message indicates that Sandboxie was unable to start one of the helper programs SandboxieRpcSs or SandboxieDcomLaunch. The name noted in the message can be rpcss or dcomlaunch.\n\nYou can submit an issue report on the next page to help us to analyze the issue.",
"SBIE2204: Cannot start a specific sandboxed service": "SBIE2204: Nem lehet elindítani egy adott homokozó szolgáltatást",
"Sandboxie failed to start a service in the sandbox": "A Sandboxie-nak nem sikerült elindítania a szolgáltatást a homokozóban",
"The message indicates that Sandboxie was unable to start one of the helper programs SandboxieRpcSs or SandboxieDcomLaunch. The name noted in the message can be rpcss or dcomlaunch.\n\nYou can submit an issue report on the next page to help us to analyze the issue.": "Az üzenet azt jelzi, hogy a Sandboxie nem tudta elindítani a SandboxieRpcSs vagy SandboxieDcomLaunch segédprogramok egyikét. Az üzenetben szereplő név lehet rpcss vagy dcomlaunch.\n\nHibajelentést küldhet a következő oldalon, hogy segítsen nekünk a probléma elemzésében.",
"SBIE2313: Could not execute specific process": "SBIE2313: Could not execute specific process",
"Sandboxie failed to start a process in the sandbox": "Sandboxie failed to start a process in the sandbox",
"Sandboxie was not able to execute one of its own programs. Check access permissions to the Sandboxie installation folder and/or reinstall Sandboxie.\n\nPossible Causes:\n1. Sandboxie was configured to block access to the folder containing its program files.\n2. A third-party (HIPS) security software was configured to block the execution of the program mentioned in the message.\n\nYou can submit an issue report on the next page to help us to analyze the issue.": "Sandboxie was not able to execute one of its own programs. Check access permissions to the Sandboxie installation folder and/or reinstall Sandboxie.\n\nPossible Causes:\n1. Sandboxie was configured to block access to the folder containing its program files.\n2. A third-party (HIPS) security software was configured to block the execution of the program mentioned in the message.\n\nYou can submit an issue report on the next page to help us to analyze the issue.",
"SBIE2313: Could not execute specific process": "SBIE2313: adott folyamat nem hajtható végre",
"Sandboxie failed to start a process in the sandbox": ""A Sandboxie-nak nem sikerült elindítania egy folyamatot a homokozóban",
"Sandboxie was not able to execute one of its own programs. Check access permissions to the Sandboxie installation folder and/or reinstall Sandboxie.\n\nPossible Causes:\n1. Sandboxie was configured to block access to the folder containing its program files.\n2. A third-party (HIPS) security software was configured to block the execution of the program mentioned in the message.\n\nYou can submit an issue report on the next page to help us to analyze the issue.": "A Sandboxie nem tudta végrehajtani egyik saját programját. Ellenőrizze a Sandboxie telepítési mappájához való hozzáférési jogosultságokat és/vagy telepítse újra a Sandboxie-t.\n\nLehetséges okok:\n1. A Sandboxie úgy lett beállítva, hogy blokkolja a hozzáférést a programfájljait tartalmazó mappához.\n2. Egy harmadik féltől származó (HIPS) biztonsági szoftvert úgy konfiguráltak, hogy blokkolja az üzenetben említett program végrehajtását.\n\nA következő oldalon küldhet be egy hibajelentést, hogy segítsen nekünk a probléma elemzésében.",
"open config": "open config",
"opens box config on a given page": "opens box config on a given page",
"Do you want to open the box option dialog to change this preset?": "Do you want to open the box option dialog to change this preset?",
"No, it is fine as it is": "No, it is fine as it is",
"No, but I want to report a bug": "No, but I want to report a bug",
"open config": "config megnyitása",
"opens box config on a given page": "megnyitja a homokozó konfigurációját egy adott oldalon",
"Do you want to open the box option dialog to change this preset?": "Megnyitja a homokozóbeállítások párbeszédpanelt az előre beállított beállítás módosításához?",
"No, it is fine as it is": "Nem, úgy jó, ahogy van",
"No, but I want to report a bug": "Nem, de bejelentek egy hibát",
"SBIE 2113/2114/2115 and 2102": "SBIE 2113/2114/2115 and 2102",
"handle migration error messages": "handle migration error messages",
"The message %1 is caused by the file migration limit being reached.": "The message %1 is caused by the file migration limit being reached.",
"SBIE 2113/2114/2115 and 2102": "SBIE 2113/2114/2115 és 2102",
"handle migration error messages": "kezeli a migrációs hibaüzeneteket",
"The message %1 is caused by the file migration limit being reached.": "%1 üzenetet a fájlmigrációs korlát elérése okozta.",
"fix parental controls breaking sandboxie": "fix parental controls breaking sandboxie",
"stops AppId driver and AppIdSvc service and disables the offending policy file": "stops AppId driver and AppIdSvc service and disables the offending policy file",
"It seems you are using a non-administrative user account on a system with enabled parental controls, this is known to be incompatible with Sandboxie.\nYou have the following options to resolve the issue.": "It seems you are using a non-administrative user account on a system with enabled parental controls, this is known to be incompatible with Sandboxie.\nYou have the following options to resolve the issue.",
"fix parental controls breaking sandboxie": "megavítjaa szülői felügyeletet, amely megszakítja a sandboxie-t",
"stops AppId driver and AppIdSvc service and disables the offending policy file": "leállítja az AppId illesztőprogramot és az AppIdSvc szolgáltatást, és letiltja a jogsértő házirendfájlt",
"It seems you are using a non-administrative user account on a system with enabled parental controls, this is known to be incompatible with Sandboxie.\nYou have the following options to resolve the issue.": "Úgy tűnik, nem adminisztrátori felhasználói fiókot használ egy olyan rendszeren, amelyen engedélyezett a szülői felügyelet, és ez köztudottan nem kompatibilis a Sandboxie-val.\nA következő lehetőségek közül választhat a probléma megoldására.",
"SBIEMSG, I'm getting a cryptic SBIExxxx message": "SBIEMSG, I'm getting a cryptic SBIExxxx message",
"Handle all sbie messages...": "Handle all sbie messages...",
"Sbie Message Code": "Sbie Message Code",
"Name affected process": "Name affected process",
"Please enter the SBIEMSG ID you have encountered.": "Please enter the SBIEMSG ID you have encountered.",
"There is no automated troubleshooting available for SBIE%1 yet.<br />": "There is no automated troubleshooting available for SBIE%1 yet.<br />",
"The full message text is: %1<br />": "The full message text is: %1<br />",
"Visit out <a href=\"%1\">online-documentation</a> to learn more about this, and other sbie messages.": "Visit out <a href=\"%1\">online-documentation</a> to learn more about this, and other sbie messages.",
"Would you like to collect some logs to help us resolve the issue.": "Would you like to collect some logs to help us resolve the issue.",
"Now please run your application again to trigger the Sbie message.<br /><br />": "Now please run your application again to trigger the Sbie message.<br /><br />",
"Press NEXT when you are done collecting logs.": "Press NEXT when you are done collecting logs."
"SBIEMSG, I'm getting a cryptic SBIExxxx message": "SBIEMSG, rejtélyes SBIExxxx üzenetet kapok",
"Handle all sbie messages...": "Minden sbie üzenet kezelése...",
"Sbie Message Code": "Sbie üzenet kód",
"Name affected process": "Érintett folyamat neve",
"Please enter the SBIEMSG ID you have encountered.": "Kérjük, adja meg a talált SBIEMSG azonosítót.",
"There is no automated troubleshooting available for SBIE%1 yet.<br />": "Az SBIE%1 számára még nem áll rendelkezésre automatikus hibaelhárítás.<br />",
"The full message text is: %1<br />": "Az üzenet teljes szövege: %1<br />",
"Visit out <a href=\"%1\">online-documentation</a> to learn more about this, and other sbie messages.": "Látogassa meg az <a href=\"%1\">online dokumentációt</a>, ha többet szeretne megtudni erről és más sbie-üzenetekről.",
"Would you like to collect some logs to help us resolve the issue.": "Összegyűjt néhány naplót a probléma megoldásához.",
"Now please run your application again to trigger the Sbie message.<br /><br />": "Most futtassa újra az alkalmazást a Sbie üzenet elindításához.<br /><br />",
"Press NEXT when you are done collecting logs.": "Nyomja meg a 'KÖVETKEZŐ' gombot, ha végzett a naplók összegyűjtésével."

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff