Sync SBIE Plus language files (lupdate)
This commit is contained in:
@ -2620,22 +2620,22 @@ Anders als der Vorschaukanal, enthält es keine ungetesteten, möglicherweise fe
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>Warte auf Ordner: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>Lösche Ordner: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>Führe Ordner zusammen: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>Beende Schnappschuss Zusammenführung...</translation>
@ -2718,22 +2718,22 @@ Anders als der Vorschaukanal, enthält es keine ungetesteten, möglicherweise fe
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus v%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>Spalten zurücksetzen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>Zelle kopieren</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>Spalte kopieren</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>Tafel kopieren</translation>
@ -3208,208 +3208,213 @@ Nein wählt: %2</translation>
<translation>Standard Sandbox nicht gefunden; erstelle: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>Die Box %1 ist konfiguriert Funktionen zu nutzen, welche exklusiv für Projektunterstützer verfügbar sind.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>Die Box %1 ist konfiguriert Funktionen zu nutzen, welche ein <b>erweitertes</b> Unterstützerzertifikat erfordern.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Upgraden Sie Ihr Zertifikat</a> um alle erweiterten Funktionen freizuschalten.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>Diese Funktion erfordert ein <b>erweitertes</b> Unterstützerzertifikat.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>Die ausgewählte(n) Funktion(en) ist/sind nur für Projektunterstützer verfügbar.<br /><a href="">Werden Sie ein Projektunterstützer</a>, und erhalten Sie ein <a href="">Unterstützerzertifikat</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>Die ausgewählte(n) Funktion(en) ist/sind nur für Projektunterstützer verfügbar. Prozesse, die in einer Box mit diesen Funktionen ohne Unterstützerzertifikat gestartet werden, werden nach 5 Minuten beendet.<br /><a href="">Werden Sie ein Projektunterstützer</a>, und erhalten Sie ein <a href="">Unterstützerzertifikat</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation>Das Zertifikat, das Sie zu verwenden versuchen, wurde gesperrt, was bedeutet, dass es aus gutem Grund für ungültig erklärt wurde. Jeder Versuch es zu verwenden, stellt einen Verstoß gegen die Nutzungsbedingungen dar!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation>Die Zertifikatssignatur ist ungültig!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation>Das Zertifikat ist für dieses Produkt nicht geeignet.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation>Das Zertifikat ist an ein anderes Gerät gebunden (node-locked).</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation>Das Unterstützerzertifikat ist nicht gültig.
Fehler: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation>Zukünftig nicht mehr fragen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation>Möchten Sie alle Prozesse in verschlüsselten Sandboxen beenden und diese aushängen?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>ACHTUNG: Ein anderer Agent (vermutlich SbieCtrl.exe) verwaltet diese Sandboxiesitzung bereits, bitte schließen Sie diesen zuerst und verbinden sich erneut, um zu übernehmen.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>Fehlerstatus: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<translation>Alle Prozesse in einer Sandbox müssen beendet werden, bevor diese umbenannt werden kann.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Konnte Boxabbild '%1' nicht nach '%2' verschieben</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>Das Konfigurationspasswort darf nicht länger als 64 Zeichen sein</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<translation>Der Inhalt einer nicht angeschlossenen Sandbox kann nicht gelöscht werden</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>Unbekannter Fehlerstatus: 0x%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation>Möchten Sie %1 in einem sandgeboxten oder nicht sandgeboxten Browser öffnen?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation>Nicht sandgeboxt</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translation>Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<translation>Regulärer Ausdruck (RegExp)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<translation>&Suchen ...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation>Alle Spalten</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<translation><h3>Über Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>Diese Kopie von Sandboxie+ ist zertifiziert für: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+ ist gratis für persönliche und nicht-kommerzielle Nutzung.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus ist eine Open-Source Fortsetzung von Sandboxie.<br />Besuchen Sie <a href=""></a> für mehr Informationen.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Treiberversion: %1<br />Funktionen: %2<br /><br />Icons von <a href=""></a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Das Unterstützerzertifikat ist für diese Version nicht gültig, bitte holen Sie sich ein aktuelles Zertifikat</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Das Unterstützerzertifikat ist abgelaufen%1, bitte holen Sie sich ein aktuelles Zertifikat</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, aber es bleibt für die aktuelle Version gültig</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Das Unterstützerzertifikat wird in %1 Tagen ablaufen, bitte holen Sie sich ein aktuelles Zertifikat</translation>
@ -3482,7 +3487,7 @@ Fehler: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>Über Sandboxie-Plus</translation>
@ -3541,12 +3546,12 @@ Möchten Sie die Bereinigung durchführen?</translation>
<translation>Automatisches Löschen des Inhalts von %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Konnte nicht alle Sandboxiekomponenten stoppen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Konnte nicht alle benötigten Sandboxiekomponenten starten</translation>
@ -3611,112 +3616,112 @@ Möchten Sie die Bereinigung durchführen?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>Möchten Sie alle Prozesse in allen Sandboxen beenden?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus wurde im portablen Modus gestartet, nun müssen die benötigten Dienste erzeugt werden, was Adminrechte benötigt.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>Möchten Sie auch die ausgeblendeten Mitteilungsboxen zurücksetzen (Ja) oder nur alle Protokollnachrichten (Nein)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>Die Änderungen werden automatisch angewendet, sobald die Datei gespeichert wird.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>Die Änderungen werden automatisch angewendet, sobald der Editor geschlossen wird.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>Kann keinen Schnappschuss von einer leeren Box erstellen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>Es existiert bereits eine Sandbox mit diesem Namen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>Fehler beim Ausführen von: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Fehler beim Kommunizieren mit Sandbox-Dienst: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Fehler beim Kopieren der Konfiguration von Sandbox %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>Es existiert bereits eine Sandbox mit dem Namen %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Fehler beim Löschen der Sandbox %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>Der Name der Sandbox darf nicht länger als 32 Zeichen sein.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>Der Name der Sandbox darf kein reservierter Gerätename (device name) sein.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>Der Name der Sandbox darf nur Buchstaben, Zahlen und Unterstriche, welche als Leerstellen angezeigt werden, enthalten.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>Konnte nicht alle Prozesse beenden</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>Löschschutz ist für diese Sandbox aktiviert</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>Fehler beim Löschen von Sandbox-Ordner: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>Eine Sandbox muss geleert werden, bevor sie umbenannt werden kann.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Konnte Ordner '%1' nicht nach '%2' verschieben</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>Der Schnappschuss kann nicht erstellt werden, während Prozesse in dieser Box laufen.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>Konnte den Ordner für den neuen Schnappschuss (Snapshot) nicht erstellen</translation>
@ -3818,32 +3823,32 @@ Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob es ein Update für Sandboxie gibt.</translation>
<translation>Möchten Sie den Einrichtungsassistenten auslassen?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<translation>Die Evaluierungsphase ist abgelaufen!!!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>Schnappschuss (Snapshot) nicht gefunden</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>Fehler beim Zusammenführen der Schnappschuss Ordner: '%1' mit '%2', der Schnappschuss wurde nicht vollständig zusammengeführt.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>Konnte alten Schnappschuss-Ordner '%1' nicht entfernen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>Sie sind nicht berechtigt die Konfiguration in Sektion '%1' zu aktualisieren</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>Fehler beim Setzen der Konfigurationsoption %1 in Sektion %2: %3</translation>
@ -3851,16 +3856,16 @@ Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob es ein Update für Sandboxie gibt.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>Diese Nachricht nicht mehr anzeigen.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - Fehler</translation>
@ -3892,20 +3897,20 @@ Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob es ein Update für Sandboxie gibt.</translation>
<translation>Datenordner: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>Das Programm %1 gestartet in Box %2 wird in 5 Minuten beendet, weil diese Box so konfiguriert ist Funktionen zu verwenden die exklusiv für Projektunterstützer sind.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>Die Box %1 ist so konfiguriert, dass sie exklusive Funktionen nutzt, die nur für Projektunterstützer verfügbar sind, diese Vorgaben werden ignoriert.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Werden Sie ein Projektunterstützer</a>, und erhalten Sie ein <a href="">Unterstützerzertifikat</a></translation>
@ -3915,154 +3920,154 @@ Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob es ein Update für Sandboxie gibt.</translation>
<translation>Stelle Datei %1 zu %2 wieder her</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>Nur Administratoren können die Konfiguration editieren.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>Bitte Konfigurationspasswort eingeben.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>Login fehlgeschlagen: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>Bitte geben Sie die Dauer, in Sekunden, ein, zum Pausieren der erzwungenen Programmregeln.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation>Keine Wiederherstellung</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation>Keine Nachrichten</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation><b>ERROR:</b> Der Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) verfügt nicht über eine gültige Signatur (SandMan.exe.sig). Bitte laden Sie eine vertrauenswürdige Version von der <a href="">offiziellen Downloadseite</a>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>Wartungsvorgang fehlgeschlagen (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation>Wartungsvorgang abgeschlossen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>Führe Wartungsvorgang aus, bitte warten...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>Im Plus-UI wurde diese Funktionalität in die Hauptlistenansicht der Sandboxen integriert.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation>Mit dem Box-/Gruppenkontextmenü können Sie Boxen und Gruppen zu anderen Gruppen bewegen. Sie können die Elemente auch per Ziehen und Loslassen bewegen. Alternativ können Sie die Pfeiltasten nutzen, während Sie ALT gedrückt halten, um die Elemente innerhalb ihrer Gruppe rauf und runter zu bewegen.<br />Sie können neue Boxen und Gruppen aus dem Sandboxmenü erstellen.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<translation>Sie sind im Begriff die Templates.ini zu bearbeiten, was grundsätzlich nicht empfohlen wird.
Diese Datei ist Teil von Sandboxie und alle vorgenommenen Änderungen an der Datei werden zurückgesetzt, wenn Sandboxie aktualisiert wird.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>Sandboxiekonfiguration wurde neu geladen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>Für diesen Vorgang werden Adminrechte benötigt.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>Fehler beim Verbinden mit dem Treiber</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>Eine inkompatible Version von Sandboxie %1 wurde gefunden. Kompatible Versionen: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>Kann Installationspfad von Sandboxie nicht finden.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>Alle Sandboxprozesse müssen beendet sein, bevor der Boxinhalt gelöscht werden kann</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation>Fehlschlag beim Kopieren der Boxdateien</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>Es kann kein Schnappschuss gelöscht werden der von mehreren späteren Schnappschüssen geteilt wird</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation>Fehlschlag beim Entfernen der alten Boxdateien</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation>Der Vorgang wurde durch den Nutzer abgebrochen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation>Import/Export nicht verfügbar, 7z.dll konnte nicht geladen werden</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation>Konnte Boxarchiv nicht erzeugen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation>Konnte das 7z-Archiv nicht öffnen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation>Konnte das Boxarchiv nicht entpacken</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation>Die ausgewählte 7z-Datei ist KEIN Boxarchiv</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>Vorgang für %1 Element(e) fehlgeschlagen.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>Die Auswahl für später merken.</translation>
@ -7815,27 +7820,27 @@ Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Werte aktuell nutzerspezifisch sind und global f
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2624,22 +2624,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
@ -2721,22 +2721,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
@ -2999,7 +2999,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
@ -3083,9 +3083,9 @@ Do you want to do the clean up?</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
@ -3175,19 +3175,19 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
@ -3224,7 +3224,7 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
@ -3279,153 +3279,153 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
@ -3659,27 +3659,27 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
@ -3716,116 +3716,121 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<oldsource>The evaluation periode has expired!!!</oldsource>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<oldsource>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, thsi is generally not recommeded.
@ -3833,225 +3838,225 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<oldsource>The supporter certificate is expired %1 days ago, please get an updated certificate</oldsource>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
@ -7807,27 +7812,27 @@ Please note that this values are currently user specific and saved globally for
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2848,22 +2848,22 @@ A diferencia del canal previo, no incluye cambios sin probar, potencialmente rom
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>Esperando a carpeta: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>Borrando carpeta: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>Fusionando carpetas: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>Terminando fusionado de instantánea...</translation>
@ -3002,22 +3002,22 @@ A diferencia del canal previo, no incluye cambios sin probar, potencialmente rom
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>Reestablecer Columnas</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>Copiar Celda</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>Copiar Fila</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>Copiar Panel</translation>
@ -3302,7 +3302,7 @@ A diferencia del canal previo, no incluye cambios sin probar, potencialmente rom
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>Sobre Sandboxie-Plus</translation>
@ -3509,150 +3509,155 @@ A diferencia del canal previo, no incluye cambios sin probar, potencialmente rom
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>La caja %1 está configurada para usar funciones exclusivas disponibles para patrociandores del proyecto.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>La caja %1 está configurada para usar funciones que requieren un certificado de patrocinador <b>avanzado</b>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Actualice su certificado</a> para desbloquear funciones avanzadas.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>La función seleccionada requiere un certificado de patrocinador <b>avanzado</b>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>El conjunto de características seleccionado solo está disponible para los patrocinadores del proyecto.<br /><a href="">Conviértete en un patrocinador del proyecto</a> y recibe un <a href="">certificado de patrocinador</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation>El certificado que está intentando usar ha sido bloqueado, lo que significa que ha sido invalidado por alguna causa. ¡Cualquier intento de usarlo constituye una violación de sus términos de uso!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation>¡La firma del certificado es inválida!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation>El certificado no es apto para este producto.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation>El certificado está bloqueado en el nodo.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation>El certificado de patrocinador es inválido.
Error: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation>No preguntar en el futuro</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation>¿Desea realmente finalizar todos los procesos en sandboxes encriptadas, y desmontarlos?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation><b>ERROR:</b> El Administrador de Sandboxie-Plus (SandMan.exe) no tiene una firma válida (SandMan.exe.sig). Por favor, descargue una versión de confianza de la <a href="">página oficial de Descargas</a>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<translation>Todos los procesos en una sandbox deben ser parados antes de que se pueda renombrar.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Error al mover imagen de caja '%1' a '%2'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<translation>Los contenidos de una sandbox desmontada no se pueden borrar</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation>¿Desea abrir %1 en un navegador web aislado o no aislado?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation>No aislado</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translation>Sensible a mayúsculas y minúsculas</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<translation>&Buscar ...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation>Todas las columnas</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation><h3>Sobre Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Versión %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 por DavidXanatos</p></translation>
@ -3722,9 +3727,9 @@ Desea hacer la limpieza?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>No motrar este mensaje nuevamente.</translation>
@ -3793,19 +3798,19 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<translation type="vanished">Auto eliminando %1 contenido</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Fallo al intentar detener todos los componentes de Sandboxie</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Fallo al intentar iniciar los componentes requerido por Sandboxie</translation>
@ -3818,22 +3823,22 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<translation type="vanished">Operación de mantenimiento Satisfactoria</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>El certificado de patrocinador no es valido para esta version, por favor obtenga una actualización de certificado</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>El certificado de patrocinador ha expirado%1, por favor obtenga una actualización de certificado</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, pero permanece valido para la actual version</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>El certificado de patrocinador expirará en %1 días, por favor obtenga una actualización de certificado</translation>
@ -3850,7 +3855,7 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<translation type="vanished">No hay ninguna actualización de certificado.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>La característica seleccionadad esta solo disponible a los patrocinadores del proyecto. Procesos comenzados en esta caja con esta característica habilitada sin un certificado de patrocinador serí terminada luego de 5 minutos.<br /><a href="">Conviertase en un patrocinador del proyecto</a>, y obtenga un <a href="">certificado de patrocinador</a></translation>
@ -3910,115 +3915,115 @@ Por favor, verifique si hay una actualización para Sandboxie.</translation>
<translation>¿Desea omitir el asistente de instalación?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<oldsource>The evaluation periode has expired!!!</oldsource>
<translation>¡El periodo de evaluación ha expirado!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>Por favor ingrese la duración, en segundos, para deshabilitar las reglas de programas forzados.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation>Sin Recuperación</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation>Sin Mensajes</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>Operación de mantenimiento falló (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation>Operación de mantenimiento completada</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>En la IU Plus, esta funcionalidad se ha integrado en el listado principal del sandbox.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation>Usando el menú contextual de caja/grupo, puedes mover cajas y grupos a otros grupos. También puedes usar arrastrar y soltar para mover los elementos. Además, puedes usar las teclas de flecha mientras mantienes presionada la tecla ALT para mover elementos hacia arriba y hacia abajo dentro de su grupo.<br />Puedes crear nuevas cajas y grupos desde el menú Sandbox.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<translation>Estás a punto de editar el archivo Templates.ini, esto generalmente no se recomienda.
Este archivo es parte de Sandboxie y todos los cambios realizados en él serán revertidos la próxima vez que se actualice Sandboxie.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>La configuración de Sandboxie se ha recargado</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>Error de estado: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>Todos los procesos de la sandbox deben ser detenidos antes de que el contenido pueda ser eliminado</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation>Fallo al copiar archivos de datos</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation>Fallo al remover archivos de datos antiguos</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation>La operación fue cancelada por el usuario</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation>Importar/Exportar no disponible, 7z.dll no se pudo cargar</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation>Error al crear el archivador de la caja</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation>Error al abrir el archivador 7z</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation>Error al desempaquetar el archivador de la caja</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation>El archivo 7z seleccionado NO es un archivo de caja</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>Esatdo de error desconocido: 0x%1</translation>
@ -4027,17 +4032,17 @@ Este archivo es parte de Sandboxie y todos los cambios realizados en él serán
<translation type="vanished"><h3>Sobre Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2022 by DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>Esta copia de Sandboxie+ esta certificada para: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+ es libre para uso personal y no comercial.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus es una continuación de Sandboxie.<br />Visite <a href=""></a> para mas informacion.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver versión: %1<br />Características: %2<br /><br />Íconos de <a href=""></a></translation>
@ -4117,20 +4122,20 @@ NO seleccionará: %2</translation>
<translation> - NO conectado</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>El programa%1 iniciado en la caja%2 será terminado en 5 minutos, la caja fue configurada para uso de características disponibles sólo para patrocinadores del proyecto.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>La caja %1 está configurado para usar características disponibles exclusivamente a los patrocinadores del proyecto, estos ajustes se ignorarán.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Conviértase en patrocinador</a>, y obtenga un <a href="">certificado de patrocinador</a></translation>
@ -4195,22 +4200,22 @@ NO seleccionará: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>Solo Administradores pueden cambiar la configuracion.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>Por favor ingrese la contraseña de configuracion.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>Login incorrecto: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>Desea terminar todos los procesos en todas las sandboxes?</translation>
@ -4223,32 +4228,32 @@ NO seleccionará: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Por favor ingrese la duración para deshabilitar los programas forzados.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus fue iniciado en modo portable y necesita crear los servicios requeridos. Esto pedira permisos administrativos.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>PELIGRO: otro agente (probablemente SbieCtrl.exe) ya está administrando esta sesión de sandbox, por favor cierrela primero y reconectese para tomar el control.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>Ejecutando operación de mantenimiento, por favor espere...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>Desea tambien reestablecer los mensajes ocultos (si), o solo todos los mensajes del log (no)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>Los cambios serán aplicados automaticamente cuando el archivo sea guardado.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>Los cambios seran aplicados automaticamente cuando cierre el editor.</translation>
@ -4257,77 +4262,77 @@ NO seleccionará: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Status Error: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>Permisos administrativos son necesarios para esta operacion.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>Fallo al ejecutar: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>Fallo al conectar al controlador</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Fallo al comunicarse con el Servicio Sandboxie: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>Una Sandboxie %1 incompatible fue encontrada. Versiones compatibles: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>No se puede encontrar la ruta de instalación de Sandboxie.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Fallo al copiar la configuracin de la sandbox %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>Una sandbox con el nombre %1 ya existe</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Fallo al eliminar la sandbox %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>El nombre de la sandbox no puede ser mas largo que 32 caracteres.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>El nombre de la sandbox no puede ser el nombre de un dispositivo.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>El nombre de la sandbox puede contener solo letras, digitos y guion bajo (se veran como espacios).</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>Fallo al terminar todos los procesos</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>Protección de eliminación esta habilitado para esta sandbox</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>Error borrando la carpeta sandbox: %1</translation>
@ -4336,42 +4341,42 @@ NO seleccionará: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Una sandbox debe ser vaciada antes de que pueda ser renombrada.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>Una sandbox debe ser vaciada antes de que pueda ser eliminada.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Fallo al mover el directorio '%1' to '%2'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>Esta operación de Instantanea no puede ser realizada mientras procesos estan aun ejecutandose en la sandbox.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>Fallo al crear el directorio para la nueva instantanea</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>Instantanea no fue encontrada</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>Error uniendo directorios de instantaneas '%1' with '%2', la instantanea no ha sido completamente unida.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>Fallo al remover viejo directorio de instantenea '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>No es posible remover una instantanea que es compartida por multiples instantaneas posteriores</translation>
@ -4380,27 +4385,27 @@ NO seleccionará: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Fallo al remover viejo RegHive</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>No estas autorizado a actualizar la configuración en la sección '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>Fallo al setear configuración %1 en sección %2: %3</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>No es posible crear instantanea de una sandbox vacia</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>La sandbox con ese nombre ya existe</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>La clave de configuración no debe ser mayor de 64 caracteres</translation>
@ -4409,7 +4414,7 @@ NO seleccionará: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Estado de Error Desconocido: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>La operación fallo para %1 item(s).</translation>
@ -4418,7 +4423,7 @@ NO seleccionará: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Desea abrir %1 en sandbox (si) o fuera de sandbox (no) navegador Web?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>Recordar selección para mas tarde.</translation>
@ -8622,27 +8627,27 @@ Por favor note que estos valores son especificos para usuario y guardados global
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2880,22 +2880,22 @@ Contrairement au canal des Aperçus, cela n'inclut pas les changements non
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>Dossier en attente : %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>Suppression du dossier : %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>Fusion des dossiers : %1 &gt;&gt; %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>Finalisation de la fusion des instantanés...</translation>
@ -3078,7 +3078,12 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation>Voulez-vous ignorer l'assistant d'installation ?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<oldsource>The evaluation periode has expired!!!</oldsource>
<translation>La période d'évaluation a expiré !!!</translation>
@ -3101,17 +3106,17 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Importation : %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation>Pas de récupération</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation>Pas de message</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<oldsource>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, thsi is generally not recommeded.
@ -3120,47 +3125,47 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
Ce fichier fait partie de Sandboxie et toute modification faite sur lui sera annulée la prochaine fois que Sandboxie sera mis à jour.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation>Importation/Exportation non disponible ; 7z.dll n'a pas pu être chargé</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation>Échec de création de l'archive du bac</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation>Échec d'ouverture de l'archive 7z</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation>Échec de décompression de l'archive du bac</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation>Le fichier 7z choisi n'est PAS une archive de bac</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>Réinitialiser les colonnes</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>Copier la cellule</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>Copier la rangée</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>Copier le tableau</translation>
@ -3468,7 +3473,7 @@ Ce fichier fait partie de Sandboxie et toute modification faite sur lui sera ann
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>À propos de Sandboxie-Plus</translation>
@ -3659,145 +3664,145 @@ Veuillez vérifier s'il y a une mise à jour pour Sandboxie.</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Votre version de Windows excède les capacités de prise en charge de votre version de Sandboxie. Par conséquent, Sandboxie essaiera d'utiliser les derniers offsets connus, ce qui peut entrainer une instabilité du système.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>Le bac %1 est configuré pour utiliser des fonctions disponibles exclusivement aux adhérents au projet.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>Le bac %1 est configuré pour utiliser des fonctions qui nécessitent un certificat d'adhérent <b>avancé</b>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Mettez à jour votre certificat</a> afin de débloquer les fonctions avancées.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>La fonction choisie nécessite un certificat d'adhérent <b>avancé</b>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>La fonction choisie est uniquement disponible aux adhérents au projet.<br /><a href="">Devenez un adhérent au projet</a>, et recevez un <a href="">certificat d'adhérent</a>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation>Le certificat que vous essayez d'utiliser a été bloqué, ce qui veut dire qu'il a été invalidé pour une bonne raison. Toute tentative de l'utiliser constitue une violation de ses conditions d'utilisation !</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation>La signature du certificat est invalide !</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation>Le certificat ne convient pas à ce produit.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation>Le certificat est verrouillé par nœud.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation>Le certificat d'adhérent est invalide.
Erreur : %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation>Ne plus demander</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation>Voulez-vous arrêter tous les processus dans les bacs à sable chiffrés, puis démonter ces derniers ?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation><b>ERREUR :</b> Le gestionnaire de Sandboxie-Plus (SandMan.exe) n'a pas une signature valide (SandMan.exe.sig). Veuillez télécharger une version fiable depuis la <a href="">page de téléchargement officielle</a>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<translation>Tous les processus du bac à sable doivent être arrêtés avant qu'il puisse être renommé.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Échec du déplacement de l'image du bac « %1 » vers « %2 »</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<translation>Le contenu d'un bac à sable non monté ne peut pas être supprimé</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation>Voulez-vous ouvrir %1 dans un navigateur web dans un bac à sable ou en dehors ?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<translation>Dans un bac à sable</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation>En dehors d'un bac à sable</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translation>Sensible à la casse</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation>Toutes les colonnes</translation>
@ -3864,9 +3869,9 @@ Voulez-vous faire la purge ?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>Ne plus afficher ce message</translation>
@ -3935,19 +3940,19 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<translation type="vanished">Supression automatisée du contenu de %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - Erreur</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Échec de l'arrêt de tous les composants de Sandboxie</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Impossible de démarrer les composants requis de Sandboxie</translation>
@ -4027,27 +4032,27 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
« Non » choisira : %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>Veuillez saisir la durée (en secondes) de suspension du forçage des programmes.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Le certificat d'adhérent n'est pas valide pour cette version, veuillez obtenir un certificat à jour</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Ce certificat d'adhérent a expiré%1, veuillez obtenir un certificat à jour</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, mais il reste valide pour la version actuelle</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Le certificat d'adhérent expirera dans %1 jour(s), veuillez obtenir un certificat mis à jour</translation>
@ -4078,20 +4083,20 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation> - NON connecté</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>Le programme %1 lancé dans le bac %2 sera arrêté dans 5 minutes car le bac a été configuré pour utiliser des fonctions uniquement disponibles aux adhérents du projet.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>Le bac %1 est configuré pour utiliser des fonctions uniquement disponibles aux adhérents du projet ; ces réglages seront donc ignorés.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Devenez un adhérent du projet</a>, et recevez un <a href="">certificat d'adhérent</a>.</translation>
@ -4108,7 +4113,7 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation type="vanished">%1 (%2) : </translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>La fonction sélectionnée n'est disponible qu'aux adhérents au projet. Les processus lancés dans un bac à sable avec cette fonction activée sans certificat d'adhérent seront arrêtés après 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Devenez un adhérent du projet</a>, et recevez un <a href="">certificat d'adhérent</a>.</translation>
@ -4171,22 +4176,22 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>Seuls les administrateurs peuvent modifier la configuration.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>Veuillez saisir le mot de passe de la configuration.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>Échec de la connexion : %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>Voulez-vous arrêter tous les processus dans tous les bacs à sable ?</translation>
@ -4199,92 +4204,92 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation type="vanished">Veuillez saisir la durée de désactivation du forçage des programmes.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus a été démarré en mode portable et doit maintenant créer les services nécessaires. Cela demandera des privilèges d'administrateur.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>ATTENTION : Un autre agent (probablement SbieCtrl.exe) gère déjà cette session de Sandboxie, veuillez le fermer d'abord et vous reconnecter pour prendre le contrôle.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>Échec de l'opération de maintenance (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation>Opération de maintenance terminée</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>Exécution de l'opération de maintenance, veuillez patienter...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>Dans l'interface utilisateur de la version Plus, cette fonction a été intégrée à l'affichage principal de la liste des bacs à sable.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation>En utilisant le menu contextuel Bac/Groupe, vous pouvez déplacer les bacs et les groupes vers d'autres groupes. Vous pouvez également utiliser le glisser-déposer pour déplacer les éléments. Alternativement, vous pouvez aussi utiliser les touches fléchées tout en maintenant ALT enfoncée pour déplacer les éléments vers le haut ou le bas au sein de leur groupe.<br />Vous pouvez créer de nouveaux bacs et groupes depuis le menu du bac à sable.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>Voulez-vous également réinitialiser les messages masqués des bacs (oui), ou seulement tous les messages du journal (non) ?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>Les changements seront appliqués automatiquement à chaque fois que le fichier sera enregistré.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>Les changements seront appliqués automatiquement dès que l'éditeur sera fermé.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>La configuration de Sandboxie a été rechargée</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>Statut de l'erreur : 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>Tous les processus du bac à sable doivent être arrêtés pour que le contenu du bac puisse être supprimé</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation>Échec de la copie des fichiers de données du bac</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation>Échec de la suppression des fichiers de données de l'ancien bac</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation>L'opération a été annulée par l'utilisateur</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>Code erreur inconnu : 0x%1</translation>
@ -4301,23 +4306,23 @@ Remarque : La recherche de mise à jour est souvent en retard par rapport à la
<translation type="vanished"><p>Une nouvelle version de Sandboxie-Plus a été téléchargée à l'emplacement suivant : </p><p><a href="%2">%1</a></p><p>Procéder à l'installation ? Si des programmes tournent dans les bacs à sable, ils seront arrêtés.</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation><h3>À propos de Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 par DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>Cette copie de Sanboxie+ est certifiée pour : %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+ est gratuit pour un usage personnel et non commercial.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus est la poursuite en code source ouvert de Sandboxie.<br />Visitez <a href=""></a> pour plus d'informations.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Version du pilote : %1<br />Fonctions : %2<br /><br />Icônes provenant de <a href=""></a></translation>
@ -4326,77 +4331,77 @@ Remarque : La recherche de mise à jour est souvent en retard par rapport à la
<translation type="vanished">Statut d'erreur : %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>Les droits d'administrateur sont nécessaires pour cette opération.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>Échec de l'exécution : %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>Échec de la connexion au pilote</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Échec de la communication avec le service Sandboxie : %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>Un bac à sable incompatible %1 a été trouvé. Versions compatibles : %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>Impossible de trouver le chemin d'installation de Sandboxie.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Échec de la copie de la configuration du bac à sable %1 : %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>Un bac à sable du nom de %1 existe déjà</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Échec de la suppression du bac à sable %1 : %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>Le nom du bac à sable ne peut pas comporter plus de 32 caractères.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>Le nom du bac à sable ne peut pas être un nom de périphérique.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>Le nom du bac à sable ne peut contenir que des lettres, des chiffres et des traits de soulignement qui seront affichés comme des espaces.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>Échec de l'arrêt de tous les processus.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>La protection contre la suppression est activée pour ce bac à sable.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>Erreur lors de la suppression du dossier du bac à sable : %1</translation>
@ -4405,22 +4410,22 @@ Remarque : La recherche de mise à jour est souvent en retard par rapport à la
<translation type="vanished">Un bac à sable doit être vidé avant de pouvoir être renommé.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>Un bac à sable doit être vidé avant de pouvoir être supprimé.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Impossible de déplacer le dossier « %1 » vers « %2 »</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>Cette opération d’instantané ne peut pas être effectuée lorsque des processus sont encore en cours dans le bac.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>Impossible de créer un répertoire pour le nouvel instantané</translation>
@ -4443,22 +4448,22 @@ Remarque : La recherche de mise à jour est souvent en retard par rapport à la
<translation>Configuration actuelle : %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>Instantané introuvable</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>Erreur de fusion des répertoires de l'instantané « %1 » avec « %2 », l'instantané n'a pas été entièrement fusionné.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>Impossible de supprimer l'ancien répertoire de l'instantané « %1 »</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>Impossible de supprimer un instantané qui est partagé par plusieurs autres instantanés</translation>
@ -4467,27 +4472,27 @@ Remarque : La recherche de mise à jour est souvent en retard par rapport à la
<translation type="vanished">Impossible de supprimer l'ancienne base de données</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à mettre à jour la configuration dans la section « %1 »</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>Échec de la définition du paramètre de configuration %1 dans la section %2 : %3</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>Impossible de créer un instantané d'un bac à sable vide.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>Un bac à sable portant ce nom existe déjà</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>Le mot de passe de la configuration ne doit pas comporter plus de 64 caractères</translation>
@ -4496,7 +4501,7 @@ Remarque : La recherche de mise à jour est souvent en retard par rapport à la
<translation type="vanished">Statut d'erreur inconnu : %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>L'opération a échoué pour %1 objet.</translation>
@ -4505,7 +4510,7 @@ Remarque : La recherche de mise à jour est souvent en retard par rapport à la
<translation type="vanished">Voulez-vous ouvrir %1 dans un navigateur web dans le bac à sable (oui) ou en dehors (non) ?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>Mémoriser ce choix pour plus tard.</translation>
@ -8770,27 +8775,27 @@ Ceci est fait pour empêcher les processus malveillants à l'intérieur du
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2712,22 +2712,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>Várakozás a mappára: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>Mappa törlése: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>Mappák egyesítése: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>Pillanatkép-egyesítés befejezése...</translation>
@ -2813,22 +2813,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus v%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>Oszlopok visszaállítása</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>Cella másolása</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>Sor másolása</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>Panel másolása</translation>
@ -3091,7 +3091,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus névjegye</translation>
@ -3177,9 +3177,9 @@ Elvégzi a takarítást?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>Ne jelenjen meg többet ez az üzenet.</translation>
@ -3285,45 +3285,45 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation type="unfinished">A jövőben ne kérdezzen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - Hiba</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Nem sikerült leállítani minden Sandboxie komponenst</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>A szükséges Sandboxie komponensek elindítása sikertelen</translation>
@ -3370,7 +3370,7 @@ Nem választás: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">%1 (%2): </translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>A kiválasztott funkciókészlet csak a projekt támogatói számára érhető el. A támogatói tanúsítvány nélkül engedélyezett funkciókészlettel elindított folyamatok 5 perc múlva leállnak.<br /><a href="">Legyen támogatónk</a>, és kap egy <a href="">támogatói tanúsítványt</a></translation>
@ -3429,22 +3429,22 @@ Nem választás: %2</translation>
<translation>Néhány fájlt nem sikerült helyreállítani: </translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>Csak a rendszergazda módosíthatja a konfigurációt.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>Kérjük, adja meg a konfigurációs jelszót.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>Belépés sikertelen: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>Leállít minden folyamatot az összes homokozóban?</translation>
@ -3453,133 +3453,133 @@ Nem választás: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Leállít mindent kérés nélkül</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>A Sandboxie-Plus hordozható módban indult, és létre kell hoznia a szükséges szolgáltatásokat. Ez adminisztrátori jogosultságokat kér.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>VIGYÁZAT: Egy másik ügynök (valószínűleg SbieCtrl.exe) már kezeli ezt a Sandboxie-munkamenetet. Kérjük, előbb zárja be, majd csatlakozzon újra, hogy átvegye az irányítást.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>Karbantartási művelet van folyamatban. Kérjük, várjon...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>Visszaállítja a rejtett üzenet mezőket (Igen) vagy csak az összes naplóüzenetet (Nem)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>A változtatások automatikusan érvénybe lépnek, amikor a fájl mentésre kerül.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>A módosítások automatikusan érvénybe lépnek, amikor a szerkesztő bezárul.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>Állapot hiba: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>A homokozót a törlés előtt ki kell üríteni.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation>A homokó adatfájljainak másolása sikertelen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation>A régi homokozó adatfájljainak eltávolítása sikertelen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>Ismeretlen hiba állapot: 0x%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<translation type="unfinished">Bezárás</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"><h3>Sandboxie-Plus névjegye</h3><p>Verzió %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>A Sandboxie+ ezen példánya a következőre van hitelesítve: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+ ingyenes személyes és nem kereskedelmi használatra.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>SandboxiePlus a nyilt forráskodú Sandboxie folytatása. <br />Keresse fel a <a href=""></a> weblapot több információért. <br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver verzió: %1<br />Funkciók: %2<br /><br />Ikonok: <a href=""></a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>Ehhez a művelethez rendszergazdai jogosultság szükséges.</translation>
@ -3829,69 +3829,74 @@ Nem választás: %2</translation>
<translation> – CSAK nem kereskedelmi használatra</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>%1 program, amely %2 homokozóban indult, 5 percen belül leáll, mert a homokozó úgy lett beállítva, hogy kizárólag a projekttámogatók számára elérhető szolgáltatásokat használja.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>%1 homokozó úgy van beállítva, hogy kizárólag a projekt támogatói számára elérhető szolgáltatásokat használja, ezeket az előre beállított értékeket figyelmen kívül hagyja.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Legyen támogatónk</a>, és kap egy <a href="">támogatói anúsítványt</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<oldsource>The evaluation periode has expired!!!</oldsource>
<translation>A próbaidőszak időszak lejárt!!!</translation>
@ -3914,47 +3919,47 @@ Error: %1</source>
<translation type="vanished">Importálás: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>Kérjük, adja meg a "Kényszerített programok" szabályainak letiltásához szükséges időtartamot másodpercben.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation>Nind hrlyreállítás</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation>Nincsenek üzenetek</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>Karbantartási művelet sikertelen (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation>A karbantartási művelet befejeződött</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>A Plus felhasználói felületen ez a funkció a fő sandbox listanézetbe integrálva lett.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation>A homokozó/csoport helyi menü használatával áthelyezhet homokozókat és csoportokat más csoportokba. A fogd és vidd módszerrel is mozgathatja az elemeket. Alternatív megoldásként használhatja a nyílbillentyűket, miközben lenyomva tartja az ALT billentyűt, hogy fel-le mozgassa az elemeket a csoporton belül.<br />Új homokozókat és csoportokat hozhat létre a Sandbox menüből.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<oldsource>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, thsi is generally not recommeded.
@ -3963,199 +3968,199 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
Ez a fájl a Sandboxie része, és minden rajta végzett módosítás vissza lesz állítva a Sandboxie következő frissítésekor.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>A Sandboxie konfigurációja újratöltve</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>Végrehajtás sikertelen: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>Kapcsolódás a driverhez sikertelen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Kommunikáció a homokozó szolgáltatással sikertelen: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>%1 nem-kompatibilis Sandboxie verzió található. Kompatibilis verziók: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie telepítési útvonala nem található.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Nem sikerült másolni a konfigurációt a %1 homokozóból: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>%1 néven már létezik egy homokozó</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>ínem sikerült törölni %1 homokozót: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>A homokozó neve nem lehet hosszabb 32 karakternél.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>A homokozó neve nem lehet egy eszköz neve.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>A homokozó neve csak betűket, számokat és aláhúzásokat tartalmazhat, amelyek szóközként jelennek meg.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>Nem sikerült minden folyamatot leállítani</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>A törlésvédelem engedélyezve van a homokozóban</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>Minden homokozói folyamatot le kell állítani a homokozó tartalmának törlése előtt</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>Hiba történt a homokozó mappa törlésekor: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>'%1' könyvtár átmozgatása sikertelen ide: '%2'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>Ez a pillanatkép nem hajtható végre, amíg a folyamat még fut a homokozóban.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>Könyvtár létrehozása az új pillanatkép részére sikertelen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>Pillanatkép nem található</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>Hiba történt a pillanatkép könyvtárak egyesítésekor: '%1' ezzel: '%2', a pillanatkép nincs teljesen összevonva.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>A régi '%1' pillanatkép könyvtár eltávolítása sikertelen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>Nem lehet eltávolítani azt a pillanatképet, amelyet több későbbi pillanatkép is megoszt</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>Nem jogosult a konfiguráció frissítésére '%1' szakaszban</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>%1 konfigurációs beállítások beállítása sikertelen %2 szakaszban: %3</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>Nem lehet pillanatképet készíteni egy üres homokozóról</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>Már létezik ilyen nevű homokozó</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>A konfigurációs jelszó nem lehet 64 karakternél hosszabb</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation>A műveletet a felhasználó törölte</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<translation type="unfinished">%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation>Az importálás/exportálás nem érhető el, a 7z.dll nem tölthető be</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation>Nem sikerült létrehozni a homokozó archívumot</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation>Nem sikerült megnyitni a 7z archívumot</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation>Nem sikerült kicsomagolni a homokozó archívumot</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation>A kiválasztott 7z fájl NEM egy homokozó archívum</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>%1 elemre vonatkozó művelet sikertelen.</translation>
@ -4164,28 +4169,28 @@ Ez a fájl a Sandboxie része, és minden rajta végzett módosítás vissza les
<translation type="vanished">Megnyitja a %1 weblapot egy homokozóban (Igen) vagy azon kívül (Nem)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>A választás megjegyzése.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>A támogatói tanúsítvány nem érvényes ehhez a buildhez, kérjük, szerezzen be frissített tanúsítványt</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<oldsource>The supporter certificate is expired %1 days ago, please get an updated certificate</oldsource>
<translation>A támogatói tanúsítvány %1 napja lejárt, kérjük, szerezzen be frissített tanúsítványt</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, de érvényes marad a jelenlegi buildre</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>A támogatói tanúsítvány %1 nap múlva lejár. Kérjük, hosszabítsa meg</translation>
@ -8078,27 +8083,27 @@ Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy ezek az értékek jelenleg felhasználóspecifikusak
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2760,22 +2760,22 @@ A differenza del canale di anteprima, non contiene modifiche non testate, potenz
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>In attesa della cartella: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>Eliminazione della cartella: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>Unione cartelle: %1 >> %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>Completamento unione istantanea...</translation>
@ -2871,22 +2871,22 @@ A differenza del canale di anteprima, non contiene modifiche non testate, potenz
<translation><a href="sbie://update/apply" style="color: red;">Un nuovo aggiornamento %1 di Sandboxie Plus è pronto da installare</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>Reimposta colonne</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>Copia cella</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>Copia riga</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>Copia riquadro</translation>
@ -3172,7 +3172,7 @@ A differenza del canale di anteprima, non contiene modifiche non testate, potenz
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>Informazioni su Sandboxie Plus</translation>
@ -3377,9 +3377,9 @@ Effettuare la pulizia?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>Non mostrare più questo messaggio.</translation>
@ -3414,19 +3414,19 @@ Effettuare la pulizia?</translation>
<translation>Configurazione corrente: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie Plus - Errore</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Impossibile fermare tutti i componenti di Sandboxie</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Impossibile avviare i componenti di Sandboxie richiesti</translation>
@ -3479,20 +3479,20 @@ Effettuare la pulizia?</translation>
<translation>Si desidera saltare la configurazione guidata?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>Il programma %1 avviato nell'area virtuale %2 verrà terminato tra 5 minuti poichè l'area virtuale utilizza funzioni disponibili esclusivamente ai sostenitori del progetto.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>L'area virtuale %1 utilizza funzioni disponibili esclusivamente ai sostenitori del progetto, pertanto le seguenti impostazioni verranno ignorate.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Diventa un sostenitore di Sandboxie Plus</a> per ricevere un <a href="">certificato di supporto</a></translation>
@ -3518,123 +3518,128 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation>La firma del certificato non è valida!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation>Il certificato non è adatto a questo prodotto.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translatorcomment>node-locked = hardware-locked</translatorcomment>
<translation>Il certificato è associato a un altro dispositivo.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation>Il certificato di supporto non è valido.
Errore: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<translation>Il periodo di valutazione è scaduto!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Non chiedere in futuro</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translatorcomment>Qui ho forzato di proposito un ritorno a capo per ragioni di lunghezza</translatorcomment>
<translation>Immettere l'intervallo in secondi per la disattivazione<br />delle regole dei programmi ad avvio forzato.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>Stato di errore: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation>Impossibile copiare i dati dell'area virtuale</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation>Impossibile rimuovere i dati obsoleti dell'area virtuale</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>Stato di errore sconosciuto: 0x%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"><h3>Informazioni su Sandboxie Plus</h3><p>Versione %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></translation>
@ -3778,9 +3783,9 @@ Scegliere No per selezionare: %2</translation>
<translation> - NON connesso</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation> (%1)</translation>
@ -3793,7 +3798,7 @@ Scegliere No per selezionare: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">%1 (%2): </translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translatorcomment>Qui ho forzato di proposito un ritorno a capo per ragioni di lunghezza</translatorcomment>
<translation>La funzionalità selezionata è disponibile solo ai sostenitori del progetto.<br />I processi avviati nell'area virtuale con questa funzione senza un valido certificato di supporto verranno terminati dopo 5 minuti.<br /><a href="">Diventa un sostenitore di Sandboxie Plus</a>, e ricevi un <a href="">certificato di supporto</a></translation>
@ -3851,17 +3856,17 @@ Scegliere No per selezionare: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>Solo gli amministratori possono cambiare la configurazione.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>Immettere la password di configurazione.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>Login non riuscito: %1</translation>
@ -3882,7 +3887,7 @@ Scegliere No per selezionare: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Importazione: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>Chiudere tutti i processi in tutte le aree virtuali?</translation>
@ -3891,281 +3896,281 @@ Scegliere No per selezionare: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Terminali tutti senza chiedere</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation>Sospensione recupero file in corso</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation>Sospensione messaggi popup in corso</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie Plus è stato avviato in modalità portatile e deve creare i servizi necessari. Questa operazione richiederà privilegi amministrativi.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>ATTENZIONE: Un altro processo (probabilmente SbieCtrl.exe) sta attualmente gestendo questa sessione Sandboxie, si prega di chiuderla e di riconnettersi.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation><b>ERRORE:</b> Sandboxie Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) non ha una firma digitale valida (SandMan.exe.sig). Si prega di scaricare una versione attendibile dalla <a href="">pagina ufficiale di download</a>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>Operazione di manutenzione non riuscita (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation>Operazione di manutenzione completata</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>Operazione di manutenzione in esecuzione, attendere...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>Nell'interfaccia utente Plus, questa funzionalità è stata integrata nell'elenco principale delle aree virtuali.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation>Utilizzando il menu contestuale dell'area virtuale/gruppo, è possibile spostare aree virtuali e gruppi in altri gruppi. È inoltre prevista la possibilità di utilizzare il trascinamento per spostare gli elementi. In alternativa, è possibile utilizzare i tasti freccia tenendo premuto ALT per spostare gli elementi in alto e in basso all'interno del gruppo.<br />È possibile creare nuove aree virtuali e gruppi dal menu Area virtuale.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>Vuoi reimpostare i messaggi nascosti (sì), o soltanto i log dei messaggi (no)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<translation>Si sta per modificare il file Templates.ini, operazione generalmente sconsigliata.
Questo file fa parte di Sandboxie e tutte le modifiche apportate ad esso saranno annullate al prossimo aggiornamento di Sandboxie.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>Le modifiche verranno applicate automaticamente ogni volta che il file viene salvato.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>Le modifiche verranno applicate automaticamente non appena l'editor viene chiuso.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>La configurazione di Sandboxie è stata aggiornata</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>Questa operazione richiede privilegi amministrativi.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>Impossibile eseguire: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>Impossibile collegarsi al driver</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Impossibile comunicare con Sandboxie Service: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>La versione di Sandboxie %1 risulta incompatibile. Versioni compatibili: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>Impossibile trovare il percorso di installazione di Sandboxie.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Impossibile copiare la configurazione dall'area virtuale %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>Un'area virtuale %1 è già presente</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Impossibile cancellare area virtuale %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>Il nome dell'area virtuale non può superare i 32 caratteri.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>Il nome dell'area virtuale non può essere quello di un dispositivo.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>Il nome dell'area virtuale può contenere solo lettere, cifre e trattini bassi che vengono visualizzati come spazi.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>Impossibile terminare tutti i processi</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>Blocco di eliminazione attivo per quest'area virtuale</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>Tutti i processi dell'area virtuale devono essere interrotti prima che il contenuto possa essere eliminato</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>Errore durante l'eliminazione della cartella: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<translation>Tutti i processi dell'area virtuale devono essere interrotti prima che possa essere rinominata.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>Occorre svuotare il contenuto dell'area virtuale prima di poterla rimuovere.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Impossibile spostare directory '%1' in '%2'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Impossibile spostare l'immagine dell'area virtuale '%1' in '%2'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>Questa istantanea non può essere eseguita mentre i processi sono ancora in esecuzione nell'area virtuale.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>Impossibile creare directory su nuova istantanea</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>Istantanea non trovata</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>Errore durante l'unione delle directory '%1' con '%2': unione delle istantanee non riuscita.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>Impossibile rimuovere directory di istantanea '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>Impossibile rimuovere un'istantanea condivisa da istantanee successive</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>Non sei autorizzato ad aggiornare la configurazione nel punto '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>Salvataggio dell'impostazione di configurazione %1 fallito nel punto %2: %3</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>Impossibile creare istantanea di un'area virtuale vuota</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>Un'area virtuale con quel nome è già presente</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>La password non può superare i 64 caratteri</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation>Operazione annullata dall'utente</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<translation>Il contenuto di un'area virtuale non montata non può essere eliminato</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation>Importazione/esportazione non disponibile, 7z.dll non può essere caricato</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation>Impossibile creare l'archivio dell'area virtuale</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation>Impossibile aprire l'archivio 7z</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation>Impossibile estrarre l'archivio dell'area virtuale</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation>Il file 7z selezionato NON è un archivio relativo a un'area virtuale</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>Operazione fallita per %1 elemento(i).</translation>
@ -4174,72 +4179,72 @@ Questo file fa parte di Sandboxie e tutte le modifiche apportate ad esso saranno
<translation type="vanished">Aprire %1 nel browser dell'area virtuale (sì) o all'esterno (no)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>Ricorda la scelta per dopo.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<translation>Espressione regolare</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<translation>&Trova ...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation>Tutte le colonne</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>Questa copia di Sandboxie+ è certificata per: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+ è gratuito per uso personale e non commerciale.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie Plus è la continuazione open source di Sandboxie.<br />Visita <a href=""></a> per informazioni.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Versione driver: %1<br />Funzioni attive: %2<br /><br />Icone by <a href=""></a><br /><br />Traduzione italiana a cura di <a href="">Eng2ita</a><br /></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Il certificato non è valido per questa build, si prega di ottenere un certificato aggiornato</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Il certificato è scaduto%1, si prega di ottenere un certificato aggiornato</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, ma resta valido per la build corrente</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Il certificato scadrà fra %1 giorni, si prega di ottenere un certificato aggiornato</translation>
@ -8164,27 +8169,27 @@ area virtuale</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2575,22 +2575,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -2819,7 +2819,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus について</translation>
@ -3198,9 +3198,9 @@ Do you want to do the clean up?</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -3373,554 +3373,559 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>Forced Programs ルールを一時的に無効化する時間を秒単位で入力してください。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>Sandboxie 構成は再読み込みされました</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation>%1 をサンドボックス化した、または、していないブラウザで開きますか?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<translation type="unfinished">閉じる</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -7715,27 +7720,27 @@ Please note that this values are currently user specific and saved globally for
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<translation type="unfinished">キャンセル</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -2873,22 +2873,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>폴더 대기 중: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>폴더 삭제 중: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>폴더 병합: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>스냅샷 병합을 완료하는 중...</translation>
@ -2974,22 +2974,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus v%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>열 초기화</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>셀 복사</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>행 복사</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>패널 복사</translation>
@ -3265,7 +3265,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus 정보</translation>
@ -3352,9 +3352,9 @@ Do you want to do the clean up?</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>이 메시지를 다시 표시하지 않습니다.</translation>
@ -3456,45 +3456,45 @@ Sandboxie에 대한 업데이트가 있는지 확인 부탁드립니다.</transl
<translation>Windows 빌드 %1이 현재 알려진 Sandboxie 버전의 지원 기능을 초과합니다. Sandboxie는 시스템 불안정을 유발할 수 있는 마지막으로 알려진 오프셋을 사용하려고 합니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>선택한 기능에는 <b>고급</b> 지원자 인증서가 필요합니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>선택한 기능 세트는 프로젝트 후원자만 사용할 수 있습니다.<br /><a href="">프로젝트 후원자 되기</a>, 및 <a href="">후원자 인증서 받기</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation>사용하려는 인증서가 차단되었습니다. 이는 해당 인증서가 원인으로 인해 무효화되었음을 의미합니다. 이 인증서를 사용하려는 시도는 사용 약관 위반에 해당합니다!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation>앞으로 묻지 않기</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation>암호화된 샌드박스의 모든 프로세스를 종료하고 마운트 해제하시겠습니까?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - 오류</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>모든 Sandboxie 구성 요소를 중지하지 못했습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>필수 Sandboxie 구성 요소를 시작하지 못했습니다</translation>
@ -3584,7 +3584,7 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation type="vanished">%1 (%2): </translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>선택한 기능 세트는 프로젝트 후원자만 사용할 수 있습니다. 후원자 인증서 없이 이 기능 세트가 활성화된 박스에서 시작된 프로세스는 5분 후에 종료됩니다.<br /><a href="">프로젝트 후원자가 되어</a>, <a href="">후원 인증서</a>를 받습니다</translation>
@ -3644,22 +3644,22 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>관리자만 구성을 변경할 수 있습니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>구성 암호를 입력하십시오.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>로그인 실패: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>모든 sandboxes의 모든 프로세스를 종료하시겠습니까?</translation>
@ -3668,133 +3668,133 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation type="vanished">묻지 않고 모두 종료</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus는 휴대용 모드로 시작되었으며 필요한 서비스를 만들어야 합니다. 관리 권한을 묻는 메시지가 나타납니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>주의: 다른 에이전트 (아마도 SbieCtrl.exe)가 이미 이 Sandboxie 세션을 관리하고 있습니다. 먼저 이 세션을 닫은 후 다시 연결하여 작업을 수행하십시오.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>유지 보수 작업을 실행하는 중입니다. 잠시 기다려 주십시오...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>숨겨진 메시지 박스 (예)를 재설정하시겠습니까, 아니면 모든 로그 메시지 (아니오)만 재설정하시겠습니까?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>파일이 저장될 때마다 변경 내용이 자동으로 적용됩니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>편집기가 닫히는 즉시 변경 내용이 자동으로 적용됩니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>오류 상태: 0x%1(%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<translation>알 수 없음</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>샌드박스를 삭제하려면 먼저 비워야 합니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation>박스 데이터 파일을 복사하지 못했습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation>이전 박스 데이터 파일을 제거하지 못했습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>알 수 없는 오류 상태: 0x%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation>샌드박스한 웹 브라우저 또는 샌드박스 안 한 웹 브라우저에서 %1을(를) 여시겠습니까?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation>샌드박스 안 함</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translation>대소문자 구분</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation>모든 열</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation><h3>Sandboxie-Plus 정보 - 한국어: VenusGirl</h3><p>버전 %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+의 이 사본은 다음에 대해 인증되었습니다: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+는 개인 및 비상업적인 사용에 대해 무료입니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus는 Sandboxie의 오픈 소스 연속입니다.<br />더 많은 정보는 <a href=""></a>를 방문하세요.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />드라이버 버전: %1<br />기능: %2<br /><br />아이콘 제공은 <a href=""></a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>이 작업을 수행하려면 관리자 권한이 필요합니다.</translation>
@ -4037,70 +4037,75 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation>설치 마법사를 생략하시겠습니까?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>%1 박스는 프로젝트 후원자들만 사용할 수 있는 기능을 사용하도록 구성되어 있습니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>%1 박스는 <b>고급</b> 지원자 인증서가 필요한 기능을 사용하도록 구성되어 있습니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation><br /><a href="">인증서를 업그레이드</a> 하여 고급 기능의 잠금을 해제합니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>%2 박스에서 시작한 프로그램 %1은 프로젝트 후원자가 독점적으로 사용할 수 있는 기능을 사용하도록 구성되었기 때문에 5분 후에 종료됩니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>%1 박스는 프로젝트 후원자가 독점적으로 사용할 수 있는 기능을 사용하도록 구성되었으며, 이러한 사전 설정은 무시됩니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href="">프로젝트 후원자가 되어</a>, <a href="">후원자 인증서</a>를 받습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation>인증서 서명이 잘못되었습니다!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation>인증서가 이 제품에 적합하지 않습니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation>인증서가 노드 잠금 상태입니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation>지원 인증서가 잘못되었습니다.
오류: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<oldsource>The evaluation periode has expired!!!</oldsource>
<translation>평가 기간이 만료되었습니다!!!</translation>
@ -4123,47 +4128,47 @@ Error: %1</source>
<translation type="vanished">가져오기: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>강제 프로그램 규칙을 비활성화하는 기간을 초로 입력하십시오.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation>복구 안 함</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation>메시지 없음</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation><b>오류:</b> Sandboxie-Plus Manager(SandMan.exe)에 유효한 서명(SandMan.exe.sig)이 없습니다. <a href="">공식 다운로드 페이지</a>에서 신뢰할 수 있는 릴리스를 다운로드하십시오.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>유지 관리 작업에 실패했습니다 (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation>유지 보수 작업이 완료되었습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>Plus UI에서 이 기능은 기본 샌드박스 목록 보기에 통합되었습니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation>박스/그룹의 상황에 맞는 메뉴를 사용하여 박스와 그룹을 다른 그룹으로 이동할 수 있습니다. 끌어서 놓기를 사용하여 항목을 이동할 수도 있습니다. 또는 ALT를 누른 상태에서 화살표 키를 사용하여 그룹 내에서 항목을 위아래로 이동할 수도 있습니다.<br />.샌드박스 메뉴에서 새 박스 및 그룹을 생성할 수 있습니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<oldsource>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, thsi is generally not recommeded.
@ -4172,199 +4177,199 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
이 파일은 Sandboxie의 일부이며 다음에 Sandboxie가 업데이트될 때 변경된 모든 내용이 되돌아갑니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>Sandboxie 구성을 다시 불러왔습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>실행하지 못했습니다: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>드라이버에 연결하지 못했습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Sandboxie Service와 통신하지 못했습니다: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>호환되지 않는 Sandboxie %1이(가) 발견되었습니다. 호환 버전: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie 설치 경로를 찾을 수 없습니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>%1에서 구성을 복사하지 못했습니다: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>%1 이름의 샌드박스가 이미 있습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>샌드박스 %1을(를) 삭제하지 못했습니다: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>샌드박스 이름은 32자를 초과할 수 없습니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>샌드박스 이름은 장치 이름이 될 수 없습니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>샌드박스 이름에는 공백으로 표시되는 문자, 숫자 및 밑줄만 포함될 수 있습니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>모든 프로세스를 종료하지 못했습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>샌드박스에 대해 삭제 보호가 활성화되었습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>박스 내용을 삭제하려면 먼저 모든 샌드박스 프로세스를 중지해야 합니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>샌드박스 폴더 삭제 중 오류 발생: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<translation>샌드박스의 모든 프로세스를 중지해야 이름을 바꿀 수 있습니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>'%1' 디렉터리를 '%2'로 이동하지 못했습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>박스 이미지 '%1'을(를) '%2'(으)로 이동하지 못했습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>프로세스가 박스에서 실행 중인 동안에는 이 스냅샷 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>새 스냅샷에 대한 디렉터리를 생성하지 못했습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>스냅샷을 찾을 수 없음</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>'%1' 스냅샷 디렉터리를 '%2'과(와) 병합하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 스냅샷이 완전히 병합되지 않았습니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>이전 스냅샷 디렉터리 '%1'을(를) 제거하지 못했습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>이후 여러 스냅샷이 공유하는 스냅샷을 제거할 수 없습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>'%1' 섹션의 구성을 업데이트할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>%2 섹션에서 구성 설정 %1을 설정하지 못했습니다: %3</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>빈 샌드박스의 스냅샷을 생성할 수 없습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>같은 이름의 샌드박스가 이미 있습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>구성 암호는 64자를 초과할 수 없습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation>사용자가 작업을 취소했습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<translation>마운트 해제된 샌드박스의 내용을 삭제할 수 없습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation>가져오기/내보내기 기능을 사용할 수 없습니다, 7z.dll을 불러올 수 없습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation>박스 압축파일을 만들지 못했습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation>7z 압축파일을 열지 못했습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation>박스 압축파일의 압축을 풀지 못했습니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation>선택한 7z 파일이 박스 압축파일이 아닙니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>%1 항목에 대한 작업에 실패했습니다.</translation>
@ -4373,28 +4378,28 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
<translation type="vanished">샌드박스에서 (예) 또는 샌드박스가 없는 (아니오) 웹 브라우저에서 %1을 여시겠습니까?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>나중을 위해 선택을 기억합니다.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>후원자 인증서가 이 빌드에 유효하지 않습니다. 업데이트된 인증서를 받으십시오</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<oldsource>The supporter certificate is expired %1 days ago, please get an updated certificate</oldsource>
<translation>후원자 인증서가 %1일 전에 만료되었습니다. 업데이트된 인증서를 받으십시오</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, 하지만 현재 빌드에 대해서는 유효합니다</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>후원자 인증서가 %1일 후에 만료됩니다. 업데이트된 인증서를 받으십시오</translation>
@ -8474,27 +8479,27 @@ Please note that this values are currently user specific and saved globally for
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2751,22 +2751,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>Wachten op map: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>Map verwijderen: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>Mappen samenvoegen: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>Samenvoegen van snapshot afwerken...</translation>
@ -2922,22 +2922,22 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>Kolommen herstellen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>Cel kopiëren</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>Rij kopiëren</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>Deelvenster kopiëren</translation>
@ -3232,7 +3232,7 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>Over Sandboxie-Plus</translation>
@ -3471,9 +3471,9 @@ Wilt u het opruimen uitvoeren?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>Dit bericht niet meer weergeven</translation>
@ -3544,19 +3544,19 @@ Deze box verhindert de toegang tot alle gegevenslocaties van gebruikers, behalve
<translation type="vanished">Inhoud van %1 automatisch verwijderen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - Fout</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Stoppen van alle Sadboxie-onderdelen mislukt</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Starten van vereiste Sandboxie-onderdelen mislukt</translation>
@ -3614,7 +3614,7 @@ Nee zal %2 kiezen</translation>
<translation type="vanished">%1 (%2): </translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>De geselecteerde functieset is alleen beschikbaar voor projectondersteuners. Processen die gestart zijn in een box met deze functieset ingeschakeld zonder ondersteunerscertificaat worden na 5 minuten beëindigd.<br /><a href="">Word een projectondersteuner</a> en ontvang een <a href="">ondersteunerscertificaat</a></translation>
@ -3670,22 +3670,22 @@ Nee zal %2 kiezen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>Alleen administrators kunnen de config wijzigen.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>Voer het configuratiewachtwoord in</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>Aanmelden mislukt: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>Wilt u alle processen in alle sandboxen beëindigen?</translation>
@ -3694,133 +3694,133 @@ Nee zal %2 kiezen</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Alles beëindigen zonder vragen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus is gestart in portable modus en moet de nodige services aanmaken. Dit zal om administratieve rechten vragen.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>LET OP: een andere agent (waarschijnlijk SbieCtrl.exe) beheert deze Sandboxie-sessie al. Sluit deze eerst en maak opnieuw verbinding om over te nemen.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>Onderhoudsbewerking uitvoeren. Even geduld...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>Wilt u ook de verborgen berichtvensters herstellen (ja) of alleen alle logberichten (nee)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>De wijzigingen worden automatisch toegepast wanneer het bestand opgeslagen wordt.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>De wijzigingen worden automatisch toegepast van zodra de editor gesloten wordt.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>Foutstatus: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>Een sandbox moet leeggemaakt worden voordat hij kan verwijderd worden.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation>Kopiëren van gegevensbestanden van box mislukt</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation>Verwijderen van oude gegevensbestanden van box mislukt</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>Onbekende foutstatus: 0x%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<translation type="unfinished">Sluiten</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"><h3>Over Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Versie %1</p><p>Auteursrecht (c) 2020-2022 door DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>Deze kopie van Sandboxie+ is gecertificeerd voor %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+ is gratis voor persoonlijk en niet-commercieel gebruik.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus is een open source verderzetting van Sandboxie.<br />Bezoek <a href=""></a> voor meer informatie.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver-versie: %1<br />Functies: %2<br /><br />Pictogrammen van <a href=""></a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>Administratorrechten zijn nodig voor deze bewerking</translation>
@ -3858,27 +3858,27 @@ Nee zal %2 kiezen</translation>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>Het programma %1 gestart in box %2 wordt over 5 minuten beëindigd omdat de box geconfigureerd was om functies te gebruiken die alleen beschikbaar zijn voor projectondersteuners.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>Box %1 is geconfigureerd om functies te gebruiken die uitsluitend beschikbaar zijn voor projectondersteuners. Deze voorinstellingen zullen worden genegeerd.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Word projectondersteuner</a> en ontvang een <a href="">ondersteunerscertificaat</a></translation>
@ -3915,116 +3915,121 @@ Nee zal %2 kiezen</translation>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<oldsource>The evaluation periode has expired!!!</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>Geef de duur op, in seconden, voor het uitschakelen van regels voor geforceerde programma's.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>Onderhoudsbewerking mislukt (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<oldsource>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, thsi is generally not recommeded.
@ -4032,199 +4037,199 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>Uitvoeren mislukt: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>Verbinden met de driver mislukt</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Communiceren met Sandboxie-service mislukt: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>Er is een incompatibele Sandboxie %1 gevonden. Compatibele versies: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>Kan het Sandboxie-installatiepad niet vinden</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Configuratie kopiëren uit sandbox %1 mislukt: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>Er bestaat al een sandbox met de naam %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Verwijderen van sandbox %1 mislukt: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>De sandbox-naam mag niet langer zijn dan 32 tekens.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>De sandbox-naam mag geen apparaatnaam zijn.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>De sandbox-naam mag alleen letters, cijfers en underscores bevatten. Underscores worden als spaties weergegeven.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>Beëindigen van alle processen mislukt</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>Beveiliging tegen verwijdering is ingeschakeld voor de sandbox</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>Alle sandbox-processen moeten worden gestopt voordat de inhoud van de box kan worden verwijderd</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>Fout bij het verwijderen van de sandbox-map: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Verplaatsen van map '%1' naar '%2' mislukt</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>Deze snapshot-bewerking kan niet uitgevoerd worden terwijl processen actief zijn in de box.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>Aanmaken van map voor nieuwe snapshot mislukt</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>Snapshot niet gevonden</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>Fout bij samenvoegen van snapshot-map '%1' met '%2'. De snapshot is niet volledig samengevoegd.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>Verwijderen van oude snapshot-map '%1' mislukt</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>Kan geen snapshot verwijderen die gedeeld is door meerdere latere snapshots</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>U hebt geen toestemming om de configuratie bij te werken in sectie '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>Instellen van configuratie-instelling %1 in sectie %2 mislukt: %3</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>Kan geen snapshot aanmaken van een lege sandbox</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>Er bestaat al een sandbox met die naam</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>Het configuratiewachtwoord mag niet langer zijn dan 64 tekens</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation>De bewerking is geannuleerd door de gebruiker</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<translation type="unfinished">%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>Bewerking mislukt voor %1 item(s).</translation>
@ -4233,7 +4238,7 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
<translation type="vanished">Wilt u %1 openen in een gesandboxte (ja) of niet-gesandboxte (nee) webbrowser?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>Keuze onthouden voor later.</translation>
@ -4290,23 +4295,23 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
<translation type="vanished"><p>De nieuwe Sandboxie-Plus is naar de volgende locatie gedownload:</p><p><a href="%2">%1</a></p><p>Wilt u de installatie starten? Als er gesandboxte programma's draaien, worden die beëindigd.</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Het ondersteunerscertificaat is niet geldig voor deze build. Haal een bijgewerkt certificaat op</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<oldsource>The supporter certificate is expired %1 days ago, please get an updated certificate</oldsource>
<translation>Het ondersteunerscertificaat is vervallen%1. Haal een bijgewerkt certificaat op.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, maar het blijft geldig voor de huidige build</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Het ondersteunerscertificaat vervalt over %1 dagen. Haal een bijgewerkt certificaat op.</translation>
@ -8300,27 +8305,27 @@ Merk op dat deze waarden momenteel gebruikersspecifiek zijn en globaal worden op
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2837,22 +2837,22 @@ W przeciwieństwie do kanału podglądu nie zawiera niesprawdzonych, potencjalni
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>Oczekiwanie na folder: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>Usuwanie folderu: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>Scalanie folderów: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>Kończenie scalania migawek...</translation>
@ -2998,37 +2998,37 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation>Czy chcesz pominąć kreatora konfiguracji?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>Zresetuj kolumny</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>Skopiuj komórkę</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>Skopiuj linijkę</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>Skopiuj wszystko</translation>
@ -3484,37 +3484,37 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<translation>Bieżąca konfiguracja: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>Wybrany zestaw funkcji jest dostępny tylko dla sponsorów projektu. Procesy rozpoczęte w boksie z włączonym zestawem funkcji bez certyfikatu wsparcia zostaną zakończone po 5 minutach.<br /><a href=" cert">Zostań sponsorem</a> i otrzymaj <a href="">certyfikat wsparcia</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>Proszę wpisać czas (w sekundach) wyłączenia reguł Programów wymuszonych.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>Kod błędu: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation>Błąd przy kopiowaniu plików danych boksu</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation>Błąd przy usuwaniu starych plików danych boksu</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>Nieznany kod błędu: 0x%1</translation>
@ -3523,23 +3523,23 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<translation type="vanished"><p>Pobrano aktualizację Sandboxie-Plus do następującej lokalizacji:</p><p><a href="%2">%1</a></p><p>Czy chcesz rozpocząć instalację? Jeśli jakieś programy działają w trybie piaskownicy, zostaną zakończone.</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"><h3>O Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Wersja %1</p><p>Prawo autorskie (c) 2020-2022 DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>Ta kopia Sandboxie+ jest certyfikowana dla: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Program Sandboxie+ jest bezpłatny do użytku osobistego i niekomercyjnego.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus to kontynuacja Sandboxie o otwartym kodzie źródłowym.<br />Odwiedź stronę <a href=""></a>, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.<br />< br />%3<br /><br />Wersja sterownika: %1<br />Funkcje: %2<br /><br />Ikony z <a href=""></a></translation>
@ -3634,7 +3634,7 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>O Sandboxie-Plus</translation>
@ -3674,9 +3674,9 @@ Do you want to do the clean up?</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>Nie pokazuj ponownie tej wiadomości.</translation>
@ -3751,95 +3751,100 @@ Do you want to do the clean up?</source>
<translation> - TYLKO do użytku niekomercyjnego</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<oldsource>The evaluation periode has expired!!!</oldsource>
<translation>Upłynął okres oceny!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Nie pytaj w przyszłości</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - Błąd</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Błąd przy zatrzymywaniu komponentów Sandboxie</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Błąd w inicjacji komponentów Sandboxie</translation>
@ -3927,20 +3932,20 @@ Nie, wybierze: %2</translation>
<translation> - NIE połączone</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>Program %1 uruchomiony w boksie %2 zostanie zakończony za 5 minut, ponieważ boks został skonfigurowanya do korzystania z funkcji dostępnych wyłącznie dla sponsorów projektu.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>Boks %1 jest skonfigurowany do używania funkcji dostępnych wyłącznie dla sponsorów projektu, te wstępne ustawienia będą ignorowane.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Zostań sponsorem projektu</a>, i otrzymaj <a href="">certyfikat wsparcia</a></translation>
@ -4011,17 +4016,17 @@ Nie, wybierze: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>Tylko administratorzy mogą zmieniać ustawienia piaskownicy.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>Proszę wpisać hasło konfiguracji.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>Nieudane logowanie: %1</translation>
@ -4043,7 +4048,7 @@ Nie, wybierze: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Importowanie: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>Czy chcesz zakończyć wszystkie procesy ww wszystkich piaskowniach?</translation>
@ -4052,62 +4057,62 @@ Nie, wybierze: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">W przyszłości zakańczaj bez pytania</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation>Brak odzyskiwania</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation>Brak wiadomości</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus został uruchomiony w trybie przenośnym i musi utworzyć niezbędne usługi. Spowoduje to wyświetlenie pytania o uprawnienia administracyjne.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>UWAGA: Inny agent (prawdopodobnie SbieCtrl.exe) już zarządza tą sesją Sandboxie, proszę go najpierw zamknąć i połączyć się ponownie, aby przejąć kontrolę.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation><b>BŁĄD:</b> Menedżer Sandboxie-Plus (SandMan.exe) nie ma prawidłowego podpisu (SandMan.exe.sig). Pobierz zaufaną wersję z <a href="">oficjalnej strony pobierania</a>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>Operacja konserwacji nie powiodła się (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation>Zakończono operację konserwacji</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>Wykonywanie operacji zarzadzania, proszę czekać…</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>W interfejsie SB+, funkcjonalność ta została zintegrowana z głównym widokiem listy piaskownicy.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation>Korzystając z menu kontekstowego boksu/grupy, możesz przenosić boksy i grupy do innych grup. Możesz także użyć przeciągania i upuszczania, aby przenosić elementy. Możesz także użyć klawiszy strzałek, przytrzymując klawisz ALT, aby przenosić elementy w górę iw dół w ramach ich grupy.<br />Możesz tworzyć nowe boksy i grupy z menu piaskownicy.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>Czy chcesz również zresetować ukrywany komunikat boksów (tak) czy tylko wszystkie komunikaty dziennika (nie)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<oldsource>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, thsi is generally not recommeded.
@ -4116,219 +4121,219 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
Ten plik jest częścią Sandboxie i wszystkie zmiany w nim dokonane zostaną cofnięte przy następnej aktualizacji Sandboxie.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>Zmiany będą zastosowane automatycznie jak tylko plik zostanie zapisany.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>Zmiany będą zastosowane automatycznie jak tylko edytor zostanie zakończony.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>Konfiguracja piaskownicy została ponownie załadowana</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>Ta operacja wymaga uprawnień administratora.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>Błąd przy wykonywaniu: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>Błąd przy połączeniu ze sterownikiem</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Błąd przy komunikacji z usługą: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>Znaleziono niekompatybilną piaskownicę %1. Kompatybilne wersje: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>Nie można znaleźć ścieżki instalacji Sandboxie.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Błąd przy kopiowaniu konfiguracji piaskownicy %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>Piaskownica o nazwie %1 już istnieje</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Błąd przy usuwaniu piaskownicy %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>Nazwy piaskownicy nie mogą być dłuższe niż 32 znaki.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>Nazwy piaskownicy nie mogą być nazwami urządzeń.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>Nazwa piaskownicy może zawierać tylko litery, cyfry i podkreślenia, które są wyświetlane jako spacje.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>Błąd przy zakańczaniu wszystkich procesów</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>Ochrona przed usunięciem jest aktywna dla tej piaskownicy</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>Przed usunięciem zawartości skrzynki wszystkie procesy piaskownicy muszą zostać zatrzymane</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>Błąd usuwania foldera piaskownicy: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<translation>Wszystkie procesy w piaskownicy muszą zostać zatrzymane przed zmianą jej nazwy.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>Przed usunięciem piaskownicy należy ją opróżnić.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Błąd przy przenoszeniu foldera %1 do %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Nie udało się przenieść obrazu skrzynki '%1' do '%2'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>Tej operacji migawki nie można wykonać, gdy procesy są nadal uruchomione w boksie.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>Błąd przy tworzeniu foldera dla nowej migawki</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>Nie znaleziono migawki</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>Błąd podczas łączenia katalogów migawek „%1” z „%2”, migawka nie została w pełni scalona.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>Błąd przy usuwaniu starego foldera migawki '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>Nie można usunąć migawki, która jest używana przez inne migawki</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>Brak autoryzacji do zmian konfiguracji w tej sekcji '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>Błąd przy zmianie ustawienia %1 w sekcji %2: %3</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>Nie można utworzyć migawki pustej piaskownicy</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>Piaskownica o tej nazwie już istnieje</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>Hasło konfiguracyjne nie może być dłuższe niż 64 znaki</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation>Operacja została anulowana przez użytkownika</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<translation>Zawartość niezamontowanej piaskownicy nie może zostać usunięta</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation>Import/Export nie jest dostępny, 7z.dll nie może być załadowany</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation>Nie udało się utworzyć archiwum boksu</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation>Nie udało się otworzyć archiwum 7z</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation>Nie udało się rozpakować archiwum boksu</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation>Wybrany plik 7z NIE jest archiwum boksu</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>Błąd przy wykonywaniu %1 operacji.</translation>
@ -4337,38 +4342,38 @@ Ten plik jest częścią Sandboxie i wszystkie zmiany w nim dokonane zostaną co
<translation type="vanished">Czy przeglądarka WWW z %1 ma być otwarta w piaskownicy (tak), czy poza piaskownicą (nie)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>Zapamiętaj wybór na później.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translatorcomment>I don't know what it's for</translatorcomment>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation>Wszystkie kolumny</translation>
@ -4433,22 +4438,22 @@ Uwaga: Sprawdzanie aktualizacji często pomija najnowsze wydania GitHub, aby zap
<translation type="vanished"><p>Nowa wersja Sandboxie-Plus zostanie pobrana z:</p><p><a href="%2">%1</a></p><p>Czy chcesz rozpocząć instalację? Jeśli jakieś programy działają w trybie piaskownicy, zostaną zakończone.</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Certyfikat wsparcia jest nieważny dla tej kompilacji, proszę o zaktualizowanie certyfikatu</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>%1Wygasł certyfikat wsparcia, proszę o zaktualizowanie certyfikatu</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, ale zachowuje ważność dla obecnej kompilacji</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Certyfikat wsparcia wygaśnie za %1 dni, proszę o zaktualizowanie certyfikatu</translation>
@ -8577,27 +8582,27 @@ Należy pamiętać, że te wartości są obecnie specyficzne dla użytkownika i
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2832,17 +2832,17 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>Aguardando pela pasta: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>Excluíndo pasta: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>Mesclando pastas: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</translation>
@ -2851,7 +2851,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation type="vanished">Mesclando pastas: %1 >> %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>Mesclagem de Instantâneo Finalizada...</translation>
@ -2992,69 +2992,69 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Não perguntar no futuro</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>Redefinir Colunas</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>Copiar Célula</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>Copiar Linha</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>Copiar Painel</translation>
@ -3349,7 +3349,7 @@ Error: %1</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>Sobre o Sandboxie-Plus</translation>
@ -3612,23 +3612,23 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<translation type="vanished">Versão do Sbie+: %1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>O certificado de suporte não é válido para essa compilação, obtenha um certificado atualizado</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<oldsource>The supporter certificate is expired %1 days ago, please get an updated certificate</oldsource>
<translation>O certificado de suporte expirou %1, por favor obtenha um certificado atualizado</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, mas permanece válido para a compilação atual</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>O certificado de suporte irá expirar em %1 dias, obtenha um certificado atualizado</translation>
@ -3641,12 +3641,12 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<translation type="vanished">O programa %1 iniciado na caixa %2 será terminado em 5 minutos, porque a caixa foi configurada para usar recursos exclusivamente disponíveis para projetos suportados.<br /><a href="">Torne-se um defensor do projeto</a>, e receba um <a href="">certificado de suporte</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>O conjunto de recursos selecionados só estaram disponíveis para apoiadores do projeto. Os processos iniciados em uma caixa com esse conjunto de recursos sem um certificado de suporte serão encerrados após 5 minutos.<br /><a href="">Tornar-se um apoiador do projeto</a>, e receba um <a href="">certificado de suporte</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<oldsource>The evaluation periode has expired!!!</oldsource>
<translation>O período de avaliação expirou!!!</translation>
@ -3669,47 +3669,47 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<translation type="vanished">Importando: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>Insira a duração, em segundos, para desativar as regras de Programas Forçados.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation>Sem recuperação</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation>Sem mensagens</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation><b>ERRO:</b> O Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) não possui uma assinatura válida (SandMan.exe.sig). Faça o download de uma versão confiável da <a href="">página de download oficial</a>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>Falha na operação de manutenção (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation>Operação de manutenção concluída</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>Na Interface Plus, essa funcionalidade foi integrada à exibição principal da lista de caixa.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation>Usando o menu de contexto de caixa/grupo, você pode mover caixas e grupos para outros grupos. Você também pode usar arrastar e soltar para mover os itens. Como alternativa, você também pode usar as teclas de seta enquanto mantém ALT pressionada para mover itens para cima e para baixo dentro de seu grupo.<br />Poderá criar novas caixas e grupos no menu do Sandbox.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<oldsource>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, thsi is generally not recommeded.
@ -3718,150 +3718,150 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
Este arquivo faz parte do Sandboxie e todas as alterações feitas nele serão revertidas na próxima vez que o Sandboxie for atualizado.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>A configuração do Sandboxie foi recarregada</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>Status do Erro: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation>Falha ao copiar os arquivos de dados da caixa</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation>Falha ao remover arquivos de dados de caixas antigas</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation>A operação foi cancelada pelo usuário</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<translation type="unfinished">%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation>Importação/Exportação não disponível, 7z.dll não pôde ser carregada</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation>Falha ao criar o arquivo da caixa</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation>Falha ao abrir o arquivo 7z</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation>Falha ao descompactar o arquivo da caixa</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation>O arquivo 7z selecionado NÃO é um arquivo de caixa</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>Status de Erro Desconhecido: 0x%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Maiúsculas e minúsculas</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<translation>&Localizar ...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation>Todas as colunas</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"><h3>Sobre Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Versão %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>Essa cópia do Sandboxie+ é certificada para: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+ é gratuito para uso pessoal e não comercial.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus é uma continuação de código aberto do Sandboxie.<br />Visite <a href=""></a> para mais informações.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Versão do driver: %1<br />Recursos: %2<br /><br />Ícones de <a href=""></a></translation>
@ -3883,9 +3883,9 @@ Você quer fazer a limpeza?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>Não mostrar essa mensagem novamente.</translation>
@ -3910,19 +3910,19 @@ Você quer fazer a limpeza?</translation>
<translation>Excluindo automaticamente o conteúdo %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - Erro</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Falha ao parar todos os componentes do Sandboxie</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Falha ao iniciar os componentes exigidos do Sandboxie</translation>
@ -4069,43 +4069,48 @@ Não vou escolher: %2</translation>
<translation> - NÃO conectado</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation type="unfinished">O programa %1 iniciado na caixa %2 será encerrado em 5 minutos porque a caixa foi configurada para usar recursos disponíveis exclusivamente para apoiadores do projeto.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation type="unfinished">A caixa %1 está configurada para usar recursos disponíveis exclusivamente para apoiadores do projeto, essas predefinições serão ignoradas.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"><br /><a href="">Torne-se um apoiador do projeto</a>, e receba um <a href="">certificado de apoiador</a></translation>
@ -4173,22 +4178,22 @@ Não vou escolher: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>Apenas administradores podem alterar a configuração.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>Por favor, insira a senha de configuração.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>Falha no Login: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>Você deseja encerrar todos os processos em todas as caixas?</translation>
@ -4201,32 +4206,32 @@ Não vou escolher: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Insira a duração para desabilitar programas forçados.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus foi iniciado no modo portable é preciso criar os serviços necessários. Isso solicitará privilégios administrativos.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>CUIDADO: Outro agente (provavelmente SbieCtrl.exe) já está gerenciando essa sessão de sandboxie, por favor, feche-o primeiro e reconecte para assumir o controle.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>Executando operação de manutenção, por favor aguarde...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>Você também deseja redefinir as caixas de mensagens ocultas (sim) ou apenas todas as mensagens de log (não)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>As alterações serão aplicadas automaticamente sempre que o arquivo for salvo.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>As alterações serão aplicadas automaticamente assim que o editor for fechado.</translation>
@ -4235,82 +4240,82 @@ Não vou escolher: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Status de Erro: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>Direitos de administrador são necessários para essa operação.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>Falha ao executar: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>Falha ao se conectar com o driver</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Falha ao se comunicar com o serviço Sandboxie: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>Um Sandboxie %1 incompatível foi encontrado. Versões compatíveis: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>Não é possível encontrar o caminho de instalação do Sandboxie.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Falha ao copiar a configuração do sandbox %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>Uma caixa de areia com o nome %1 já existe</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Falha ao excluir sandbox %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>O nome da caixa de área não pode ter mais de 32 caracteres.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>O nome da caixa de areia não pode ser um nome de dispositivo.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>O nome da caixa de areia pode conter apenas letras, números e sublinhados que são exibidos como espaços.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>Falha ao terminar todos os processos</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>A proteção de exclusão está ativada para a caixa de areia</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>Todos os processos do sandbox devem ser interrompidos antes que o conteúdo da caixa possa ser excluído</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>Erro ao excluir a pasta da caixa de areia: %1</translation>
@ -4319,42 +4324,42 @@ Não vou escolher: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Uma caixa de areia deve ser esvaziada antes de ser renomeada.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>Uma caixa de areia deve ser esvaziada antes de ser excluída.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Falha ao mover diretório '%1' para '%2'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>Essa operação de instantâneo não pode ser executada enquanto os processos ainda estiverem em execução na caixa.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>Falha ao criar diretório para novo instantâneo</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>Instantâneo não encontrado</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>Erro ao mesclar os diretórios de instantâneo '%1' com '%2', o instantâneo não foi totalmente mesclado.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>Falha ao remover diretório de instantâneo antigo '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>Não é possível remover instantâneos compartilhado por vários instantâneos posteriores</translation>
@ -4363,27 +4368,27 @@ Não vou escolher: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Falha ao remover RegHive antigo</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>Você não está autorizado a atualizar a configuração na seção '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>Falha ao definir a definição de configuração %1 na seção %2: %3</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>Não é possível criar instantâneo de uma caixa de areia vazia</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>Uma caixa de areia com esse nome já existe</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>A senha de configuração não deve ter mais de 64 caracteres</translation>
@ -4392,7 +4397,7 @@ Não vou escolher: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Status de erro desconhecido: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>A operação falhou para %1 item(ns).</translation>
@ -4401,7 +4406,7 @@ Não vou escolher: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Deseja abrir %1 em um Navegador web na caixa de areia (sim) ou fora da caixa de areia (não)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>Lembrar escolha mais tarde.</translation>
@ -8629,27 +8634,27 @@ Por favor, note que esse valores são atualmente para o usuário específico e s
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2832,17 +2832,17 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>A aguar pela pasta: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>A apagar pasta: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>A fundir pastas: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</translation>
@ -2851,7 +2851,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation type="vanished">A fundir pastas: %1 >> %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>A fundir Instantâneo Finalizada...</translation>
@ -2992,69 +2992,69 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Não perguntar no futuro</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>Repor Colunas</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>Copiar Célula</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>Copiar Linha</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>Copiar Painel</translation>
@ -3349,7 +3349,7 @@ Error: %1</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>Acerca do Sandboxie-Plus</translation>
@ -3612,23 +3612,23 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<translation type="vanished">Versão do Sbie+: %1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>O certificado de suporte não é válido para esta compilação, obtenha um certificado actualizado</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<oldsource>The supporter certificate is expired %1 days ago, please get an updated certificate</oldsource>
<translation>O certificado de suporte expirou %1, por favor obtenha um certificado actualizado</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, mas permanece válido para a compilação actual</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>O certificado de suporte irá expirar em %1 dias, obtenha um certificado actualizado</translation>
@ -3646,12 +3646,12 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<translation type="vanished">O programa %1 iniciado na caixa %2 será terminado em 5 minutos, porque a caixa foi configurada para utilizar recursos exclusivamente disponíveis para projetos suportados.<br /><a href="">Torne-se um defensor do projeto</a>, e receba um <a href="">certificado de suporte</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>O conjunto de recursos selecionado só está disponível para apoiadores do projetar. Os processos iniciados em uma caixa com este conjunto de recursos são ativados sem um certificado de suporte serão rescindidos após 5 minutos.<br /><a href="">Tornar-se um apoiador do projeto</a>, e receba um <a href="">certificado de suporte</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<oldsource>The evaluation periode has expired!!!</oldsource>
<translation>O período de avaliação expirou!!!</translation>
@ -3674,47 +3674,47 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<translation type="vanished">Importando: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>Introduza a duração, em segundos, para desactivar as regras de Programas Forçados.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation>Sem recuperação</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation>Sem mensagens</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation><b>ERRO:</b> O Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) não possui uma assinatura válida (SandMan.exe.sig). Faça o download de uma versão confiável da <a href="">página de download oficial</a>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>Falha na operação de manutenção (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation>Operação de manutenção concluída</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Na Interface Plus, esta funcionalidade foi integrada à vista principal da lista do sandbox.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Usando o menu de contexto de caixa/grupo, você pode mover caixas e grupos para outros grupos. Você também pode utilizar arrastar e soltar para mover os itens. Como alternativa, você também pode utilizar as teclas de seta enquanto mantém ALT pressionada para mover itens para cima e para baixo dentro de seu grupo.<br />Poderá criar novas caixas e grupos no menu do Sandbox.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<oldsource>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, thsi is generally not recommeded.
@ -3723,150 +3723,150 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
Este ficheiro faz parte do Sandboxie e todas as alterações feitas nele serão revertidas na próxima vez que o Sandboxie for atualizado.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation type="unfinished">A definição do Sandboxie foi recarregada</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>Estado do Erro: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Falha ao copiar os ficheiros de dados da caixa</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Falha ao remover ficheiros de dados de caixa antigas</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation type="unfinished">A operação foi cancelada pelo utilizador</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<translation type="unfinished">%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Importação/Exportação não disponível, 7z.dll não pôde ser carregada</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Falha ao criar o ficheiro da caixa</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Falha ao abrir o ficheiro 7z</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Falha ao descompactar o ficheiro da caixa</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished">O ficheiro 7z selecionado NÃO é um ficheiro de caixa</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>Estado do Erro Desconhecido: 0x%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Maiúsculas e minúsculas</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<translation type="unfinished">Fechar</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<translation>&Localizar ...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation>Todas as colunas</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"><h3>Acerca do Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Versão %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2022 by DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>Esta cópia do Sandboxie+ é certificada para: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+ é gratuito para uso pessoal e não comercial.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus é uma continuação de código aberto do Sandboxie.<br />Visite <a href=""></a> para mais informações.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Versão do controlador: %1<br />Recursos: %2<br /><br />Ícones de <a href=""></a></translation>
@ -3888,9 +3888,9 @@ Você quer fazer a limpeza?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>Não mostrar esta mensagem novamente.</translation>
@ -3915,19 +3915,19 @@ Você quer fazer a limpeza?</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">A apagar automaticamente o conteúdo %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - Erro</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Falha ao parar todos os componentes do Sandboxie</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Falha ao iniciar os componentes exigidos do Sandboxie</translation>
@ -4074,43 +4074,48 @@ Não vou definir: %2</translation>
<translation> - NÃO conectado</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation type="unfinished">O programa %1 iniciado na caixa %2 será encerrado em 5 minutos porque a caixa foi configurada para utilizar recursos disponíveis exclusivamente para apoiadores do projeto.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation type="unfinished">A caixa %1 está configurada para utilizar recursos disponíveis exclusivamente para apoiadores do projeto, essas predefinições serão ignoradas.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"><br /><a href="">Torne-se um apoiador do projeto</a>, e receba um <a href="">certificado de apoiador</a></translation>
@ -4178,22 +4183,22 @@ Não vou definir: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>Apenas administradores podem mudar a definição.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>Por favor, introduza a palavra-passe de definição.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>Falha no Login: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>Você deseja encerrar todos os processos em todas as caixas?</translation>
@ -4206,32 +4211,32 @@ Não vou definir: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Introduza a duração para desactivar programas forçados.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus foi iniciado no modo portable é preciso construir os serviços necessários. Isso solicitará privilégios administrativos.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>CUIDADO: Outro agente (provavelmente SbieCtrl.exe) já está a gerir esta sessão do sandboxie, por favor, feche-o primeiro e reconecte para assumir o controlo.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>A executar operação de manutenção, por favor aguarde...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>Você também deseja repor as caixas de mensagens ocultas (sim) ou apenas todas as mensagens de registro (não)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>As alterações serão aplicadas automaticamente sempre que o ficheiro for salvo.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>As alterações serão aplicadas automaticamente assim que o editor for fechado.</translation>
@ -4240,82 +4245,82 @@ Não vou definir: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Estado do Erro: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>Direitos de administrador são necessários para esta operação.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>Falha ao rodar: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>Falha ao se conectar com o controlador</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Falha ao se comunicar com o serviço Sandboxie: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>Um Sandboxie %1 incompatível foi encontrado. Versões compatíveis: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>Não é possível encontrar o localização de instalação do Sandboxie.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Falha ao copiar a definição do sandbox %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>Uma caixa de areia com o nome %1 já existe</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Falha ao apagar sandbox %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>O nome da caixa de área não pode ter mais de 32 caracteres.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>O nome da caixa de areia não pode ser um nome de dispositivo.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>O nome da caixa de areia pode conter apenas letras, números e sublinhados que são exibidos como espaços.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>Falha ao terminar todos os processos</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>A proteção ao apagar está ativada para a caixa de areia</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>Todos os processos do sandbox devem ser interrompidos antes que o conteúdo da caixa possa ser excluído</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>Erro ao apagar a pasta da caixa de areia: %1</translation>
@ -4324,42 +4329,42 @@ Não vou definir: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Uma caixa de areia deve ser esvaziada antes de ser renomeada.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>Uma caixa de areia deve ser esvaziada antes de ser eliminada.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Falha ao mover pasta '%1' para '%2'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>Esta operação de instantâneo não pode ser executada enquanto os processos ainda estiverem em execução na caixa.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>Falha ao construir pasta para novo instantâneo</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>Instantâneo não encontrado</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>Erro ao fundir os diretórios de instantâneo '%1' com '%2', o instantâneo não foi totalmente mesclado.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>Falha ao remover pasta de instantâneo antigo '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>Não é possível remover instantâneos compartilhado por vários instantâneos posteriores</translation>
@ -4368,27 +4373,27 @@ Não vou definir: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Falha ao remover RegHive antigo</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>Você não está concedido a atualizar a definição na seção '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>Falha ao definir a definição de definição %1 na seção %2: %3</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>Não é possível construir instantâneo de uma caixa de areia vazia</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>Uma caixa de areia com este nome já existe</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>A palavra-passe de definição não deve ter mais de 64 caracteres</translation>
@ -4397,7 +4402,7 @@ Não vou definir: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Estado de erro desconhecido: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>A operação falhou para %1 item(ns).</translation>
@ -4406,7 +4411,7 @@ Não vou definir: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Deseja abrir %1 num Navegador web na caixa de areia (sim) ou fora da caixa de areia (não)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>Lembrar escolha mais tarde.</translation>
@ -8629,27 +8634,27 @@ Por favor, note que este valores são atualmente para o utilizador específico e
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2613,22 +2613,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>Ожидание папки: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>Удаление папки: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>Слияние папок: %1 и %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>Завершение слияния снимков...</translation>
@ -2710,22 +2710,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus v%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>Сбросить столбцы</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>Копировать ячейку</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>Копировать строку</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>Копировать панель</translation>
@ -2962,7 +2962,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>О Sandboxie-Plus</translation>
@ -3022,9 +3022,9 @@ Do you want to do the clean up?</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>Больше не показывать это сообщение.</translation>
@ -3075,19 +3075,19 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation>Вы хотите, чтобы мастер установки был пропущен?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - Ошибка</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Не удалось остановить все компоненты Sandboxie</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Не удалось запустить необходимые компоненты Sandboxie</translation>
@ -3111,27 +3111,27 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
Нет, выберет: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>Песочницу необходимо очистить, прежде чем ее можно будет удалить.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Сертификат сторонника недействителен для этой сборки, получите обновленный сертификат</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Срок действия сертификата сторонника истек%1, пожалуйста получите обновленный сертификат</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, но остается действительным для текущей сборки</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Срок действия сертификата сторонника истекает через %1 дн., получите обновленный сертификат</translation>
@ -3166,7 +3166,7 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation> - НЕ подключено</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>Выбранный набор функций доступен только сторонникам проекта. Процессы, запущенные в песочнице с этим набором функций без сертификата сторонника, будут прекращены через 5 минут.<br /><a href="">Станьте сторонником проекта</a>, и получите <a href="">сертификат сторонника</a></translation>
@ -3223,148 +3223,148 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>Только администраторы могут изменять конфигурацию.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>Пожалуйста, введите пароль конфигурации.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>Ошибка входа: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>Вы хотите завершить все процессы во всех песочницах?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus запущен в портативном режиме, и ему нужно создать необходимые службы. Это потребует административных привилегий.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>ВНИМАНИЕ: другой агент (вероятно, SbieCtrl.exe) уже управляет этим сеансом Sandboxie, пожалуйста, сначала закройте его и подключитесь повторно, чтобы взять на себя управление.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>Выполняется операция обслуживания, подождите...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>Вы также хотите сбросить скрытые окна сообщений (да) или только все сообщения журнала (нет)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>Изменения будут применяться автоматически при сохранении файла.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>Изменения вступят в силу автоматически после закрытия редактора.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>Состояние ошибки: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation>Не удалось скопировать файлы данных песочницы</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation>Не удалось удалить старые файлы данных песочницы</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>Неизвестный статус ошибки: 0x%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation>Хотите ли вы открыть %1 в изолированном или не изолированном веб-браузере?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<translation>В песочнице</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation>Без песочницы</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translation>Чувствительный к регистру</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<translation>Регулярное выражение</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<translation>Найти (&) ...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation>Все столбцы</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"><h3>О Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Версия %1</p><p> Авторское право (c) 2020-2023 DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>Эта копия Sandboxie+ сертифицирована для: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+ бесплатен для личного и некоммерческого использования.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - это продолжение Sandboxie с открытым исходным кодом.<br />Посетите <a href=""></a> для получения дополнительной информации.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Версия драйвера: %1<br />Возможности: %2<br /><br />Иконки взяты с <a href=""></a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>Для этой операции требуются права администратора.</translation>
@ -3517,25 +3517,25 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation>Каталог данных: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>Программа %1, запущенная в песочнице %2, будет завершена через 5 минут, поскольку песочница была настроена на использование функций, доступных исключительно для сторонников проекта.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>Песочница %1 настроена на использование функций, доступных исключительно для сторонников проекта, эти предустановки будут игнорироваться.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Стань сторонником проекта</a>, и получи <a href="">сертификат сторонника</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>Введите продолжительность в секундах, для отключения правил принудительных программ.</translation>
@ -3723,320 +3723,325 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation> - ТОЛЬКО для некоммерческого использования</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>Песочница %1 настроена на использование функций, доступных исключительно сторонникам проекта.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>Песочница %1 настроена на использование функций, требующих <b>расширенного</b> сертификата сторонника.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Обновите свой сертификат</a>, чтобы разблокировать расширенные функции.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>Для выбранной функции требуется <b>расширенный</b> сертификат сторонника.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>Выбранный набор функций доступен только сторонникам проекта.<br /><a href="">Станьте сторонником проекта</a > и получите <a href="">сертификат сторонника</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation>Сертификат, который вы пытаетесь использовать, заблокирован, то есть он признан недействительным по определенной причине. Любая попытка его использования является нарушением условий его использования!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation>Подпись сертификата недействительна!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation>Сертификат не подходит для этого продукта.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation>Сертификат заблокирован на узле.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation>Сертификат сторонника недействителен.
Ошибка: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<translation>Период оценки истек!!!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation>Не спрашивать в будущем</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation>Вы хотите завершить все процессы в зашифрованных песочницах и размонтировать их?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation>Нет файлов для восстановления</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation>Нет сообщений</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation><b>ОШИБКА:</b> Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) не имеет действительной подписи (SandMan.exe.sig). Загрузите надежную версию с <a href="">официальной страницы загрузки</a>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>Операция обслуживания не удалась (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation>Операция технического обслуживания завершена</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>В интерфейсе Plus, эта функция была интегрирована в основное представление списка песочницы.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation>Используя контекстное меню песочницы/группы, вы можете перемещать песочницы и группы в другие группы. Вы также можете использовать перетаскивание для перемещения элементов. В качестве альтернативы вы также можете использовать клавиши со стрелками, удерживая нажатой клавишу ALT, чтобы перемещать элементы вверх и вниз в пределах группы.<br />Вы можете создавать новые песочницы и группы из меню "Песочница".</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<translation>Вы собираетесь редактировать Templates.ini, обычно это не рекомендуется.
Этот файл является частью Sandboxie, и все внесенные в него изменения будут отменены при следующем обновлении Sandboxie.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>Конфигурация Sandboxie перезагружена</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>Не удалось выполнить: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>Не удалось подключиться к драйверу</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Не удалось связаться со службой Sandboxie: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>Обнаружена несовместимая песочница %1. Совместимые версии: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>Не удается найти путь установки Sandboxie.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Не удалось скопировать конфигурацию из песочницы %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>Песочница с именем %1 уже существует</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Не удалось удалить песочницу %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>Имя песочницы не может быть длиннее 32 символов.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>Имя песочницы не может быть именем устройства.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>Имя песочницы может содержать только буквы, цифры и символы подчеркивания, которые отображаются как пробелы.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>Не удалось завершить все процессы</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>Для этой песочницы включена защита от удаления</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>Все процессы песочницы должны быть остановлены, перед удалением ее содержимого</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>Ошибка при удалении папки песочницы: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<translation>Все процессы в песочнице должны быть остановлены, прежде чем ее можно будет переименовать.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Не удалось переместить каталог '%1' в '%2'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Не удалось переместить образ контейнера '%1' в '%2'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>Операция снимка не может быть выполнена, пока в песочнице еще выполняются процессы.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>Не удалось создать каталог для нового снимка</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>Снимок не найден</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>Ошибка при объединении каталогов снимков '%1' с '%2', снимок не был объединен полностью.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>Не удалось удалить старый каталог снимков '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>Невозможно удалить снимок, который используется несколькими более поздними снимками</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>У вас нет прав для обновления конфигурации в разделе '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>Не удалось установить параметр конфигурации %1 в секции %2: %3</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>Невозможно создать снимок пустой песочницы</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>Песочница с таким именем уже существует</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>Пароль конфигурации не должен быть длиннее 64 символов</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation>Операция отменена пользователем</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<translation>Содержимое несмонтированной песочницы нельзя удалить</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation>Импорт/экспорт недоступен, не удалось загрузить 7z.dll</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation>Не удалось создать архив контейнера</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation>Не удалось открыть 7z архив</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation>Не удалось распаковать архив контейнера</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation>Выбранный 7z файл НЕ является архивом контейнера</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>Операция не удалась для %1 элемента(ов).</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>Запомнить выбор.</translation>
@ -7798,27 +7803,27 @@ Please note that this values are currently user specific and saved globally for
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<translation>Да (&Y)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
<translation>Нет (&N)</translation>
@ -2903,22 +2903,22 @@ Till skillnad från preview-kanalen, inkluderar den inte otestade eller experime
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>Väntar på mapp: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>Raderar mapp: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>Sammanför mappar: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>Slutför sammanförande av ögonblicksbilder...</translation>
@ -3039,7 +3039,7 @@ Till skillnad från preview-kanalen, inkluderar den inte otestade eller experime
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<translation>Utvärderingsperioden har utgått!</translation>
@ -3053,52 +3053,52 @@ Till skillnad från preview-kanalen, inkluderar den inte otestade eller experime
<translation type="vanished">Importerar :%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation>Inget återställande</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation>Inga meddelanden</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation>Underhållsoperation avklarad</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte skapa lådarkivet</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte packa upp lådarkivet</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation>Den valda 7z-filen är INTE ett lådarkiv</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>Återställ kolumner</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>Kopiera cellen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>Kopiera raden</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>Kopiera panelen</translation>
@ -3385,7 +3385,7 @@ Till skillnad från preview-kanalen, inkluderar den inte otestade eller experime
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>Om Sandboxie-Plus</translation>
@ -3555,9 +3555,9 @@ Vill du göra rensningen?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>Visa inte detta meddelande igen.</translation>
@ -3699,20 +3699,20 @@ Nej väljer: %2</translation>
<translation> - INTE ansluten</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>Programmet %1 startad i låda %2 kommer att avslutas om 5 minuter för att lådan konfigurerades att använda funktioner exklusivt tillgängliga för projektsupportrar.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>Låda %1 är konfigurerad att använda funktioner exklusivt tillgängliga för projektsupportrar, dessa inställningar kommer ignoreras.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Bli en projektsupporter</a>, och få ett <a href="">supportercertifikat</a></translation>
@ -3725,7 +3725,7 @@ Nej väljer: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">%1 (%2): </translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>Den valda funktionsuppsättningen är endast tillgänglig för projektsupportrar. Processer startade i en låda med denna funktionsuppsättning aktiverad utan ett supportercertifikat kommer att avslutas efter 5 minuter.<br /><a href="">Bli en projektsupporter</a>, och få ett <a href="">supportercertifikat</a></translation>
@ -3734,22 +3734,22 @@ Nej väljer: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Evalueringsperioden har utgått!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Supportercertifikatet är inte giltigt för detta bygge, vänligen skaffa ett uppdaterat certifikat</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Supportercertifikatet har utgått%1, vänligen skaffa ett uppdaterat certifikat</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, men det förblir giltigt för nuvarande bygge</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Supportercertifikatet utgår om %1 dagar, vänligen skaffa ett uppdaterat certifikat</translation>
@ -3809,17 +3809,17 @@ Nej väljer: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>Endast administratörer kan ändra konfigurationen.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>Vänligen för in konfigurationslösenordet.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>Inloggning misslyckades: %1</translation>
@ -3832,7 +3832,7 @@ Nej väljer: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">7-zip arkiv (*.7z)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>Vill du avsluta alla processer i alla sandlådor?</translation>
@ -3841,39 +3841,39 @@ Nej väljer: %2</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Avsluta alla utan att fråga</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>Vänligen för in varaktigheten, i sekunder, för inaktivering av tvingade programs regler.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus startades i portabelt läge och det behöver skapa nödvändiga tjänster. Detta ger förfrågan om administrativa rättigheter.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>FÖRSIKTIG: En annan agent (troligen SbieCtrl.exe) hanterar redan denna Sandboxie-session, vänligen stäng den först och återanslut för att ta över.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - Fel</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte stoppa alla Sandboxie-komponenter</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte starta krävda Sandboxie-komponenter</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>Underhållsoperationen misslyckades (%1)</translation>
@ -4040,103 +4040,108 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>Lådan %1 är konfigurerad att använda egenskaper exklusivt tillgängliga till projektsupportrar.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>Lådan %1 är konfigurerad att använda egenskaper som kräver ett <b>avancerat<b> supportercertifikat.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Uppgradera ditt certifikat</a> för att låsa upp avancerade egenskaper.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>Den valda egenskapen kräver ett <b>avancerat<b> supportercertifikat.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>De valda egenskaperna är endast tillgängliga för projektsupportrar.<br /><a href="">bli en projektsupporter</a>, och mottag ett <a href="">supportercertifikat</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation>Certifikatet du försöker använda har blockerats, vilket menas att det har blivit ogiltigt av en orsak. Varje försök att använda det innebär ett brytande av dess användarvillkor!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation>Certifikatssignaturen är ogiltig!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation>Certifikatet är inte tillämpligt för denna produkt.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation>Certifikatet är nod-låst.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation>Supportcertifikatet är inte giltigt.
Fel: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation>Fråga inte i framtiden</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation>Vill du avsluta alla processer i krypterade sandlådor, och avmontera dem?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation><b>FEL:</b> Sandboxie-Plus hanterare (SandMan.exe) har inte en giltig signatur (SandMan.exe.sig). Vänligen nedladda en betrodd utgåva från den <a href="">officiella nedladdningssidan</a>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>Verkställer underhållsoperationen, vänligen vänta...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>I användargränssnittet i Plus, har denna funktion integrerats in i huvudsandlådans listöversikt.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation>Vid användning av låd-/gruppsnabbmenyn, kan du flytta lådor och grupper till andra grupper. Du kan också dra och släppa för att flytta omkring poster. Alternativt, du kan också använda piltangenterna medans du håller ner ALT för flytta poster upp och ner inom dess grupp.<br />Du kan skapa nya lådor och grupper från menyn Sandlåda.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>Vill du också återställa dolda meddelandelådor (Ja), eller bara alla loggmeddelanden (Nej)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<oldsource>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, thsi is generally not recommeded.
@ -4145,259 +4150,259 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
Denna fil är en del av Sandboxie och alla ändringar gjorda i den återställs nästa gång Sandboxie uppdateras.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>Ändringarna tillämpas automatiskt närhelst filen sparas.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>Ändringarna tillämpas automatiskt så fort som redigeraren stängs.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-konfigurationen har laddats om</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>Felstatus: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>Administratörsrättigheter krävs för denna operation.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte verkställa: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte ansluta till drivrutinen</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte kommunicera med Sandboxies tjänst: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>En inkompatibel Sandboxie %1 hittades. Kompatibla versioner: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>Kan inte finna Sandboxies installationssökväg.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte kopiera konfigurationen från sandlåda %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>En sandlåda med namnet %1 existerar redan</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte radera sandlåda %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>Sandlådenamnet kan inte vara längre än 32 tecken.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>Sandlådenamnet kan inte vara ett enhetsnamn.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>Sandlådenamnet kan bara innehålla bokstäver, siffror och understrykningar vilka visas som utrymmen.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte avsluta alla processer</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>Raderingsskydd är aktiverat för sandlådan</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>Alla sandlådeprocesser måste stoppas innan lådinnehållet kan raderas</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>Fel vid radering av sandlådemapp: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<translation>Alla processer i en sandlåda behöver stoppas innan den kan namnändras.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>En sandlåda måste tömmas innan den kan raderas.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte flytta katalog '%1' till '%2'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte flytta lådavbild %1 till %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>Denna ögonblicksbildoperation kan inte utföras medan processer fortfarande kör i lådan.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte skapa katalog för ny ögonblicksbild</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte kopiera låddatafiler</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>Ögonblicksbild hittades inte</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>Fel vid sammanförande av ögonblicksbildkataloger '%1' med '%2'. Ögonblicksbilden har inte blivit helt sammanförd.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte ta bort gammal ögonblicksbildkatalog '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>Kan inte ta bort en ögonblicksbild som delas av flera senare ögonblicksbilder</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte ta bort gamla låddatafiler</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>Du är inte berättigad att uppdatera konfigurationen i sektion '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte ange konfigurationsinställning %1 i sektion %2: %3</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>Kan inte skapa ögonblicksbild av en tom sandlåda</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>En sandlåda med det namnet existerar redan</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>Konfigurationslösenordet får inte vara längre än 64 tecken</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation>Operationen avbröts av användaren</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<translation>Innehållet i en omonterad sandlåda kan inte raderas</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation>Importera/Exportera ej tillgängligt, 7z.dll kunde ej laddas</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation>Vill du öppna %1 i en sandlådad eller osandlådad webbläsare?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<translation>&Hitta ...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation>Alla kolumner</translation>
@ -4406,7 +4411,7 @@ Denna fil är en del av Sandboxie och alla ändringar gjorda i den återställs
<translation type="vanished">Misslyckades att skapa lådarkiv</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation>Lyckades inte öppna 7z-arkivet</translation>
@ -4419,12 +4424,12 @@ Denna fil är en del av Sandboxie och alla ändringar gjorda i den återställs
<translation type="vanished">Den valda 7z-filen är INTE ett lådarkiv</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>Okänd felstatus: 0x%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>Operationen misslyckades för %1 post(er).</translation>
@ -4433,7 +4438,7 @@ Denna fil är en del av Sandboxie och alla ändringar gjorda i den återställs
<translation type="vanished">Vill du öppna %1 i en sandlådad (Ja) eller osandlådad (Nej) webbläsare?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>Kom ihåg valet till senare.</translation>
@ -4494,23 +4499,23 @@ Notera: Uppdateringskollen är ofta bakom senaste GitHub-utgivningen för att s
<translation type="vanished"><p>En Sandboxie-Plus uppdatering har nerladdats till följande plats:</p><p><a href="%2">%1</a></p><p>Vill du påbörja installationen? Om några program körs sandlådade, kommer de avslutas.</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation><h3>Om Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Upphovsrättigheter (c) 2020-2024 av DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>Denna kopia av Sandboxie-Plus är certifierad för: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus är gratis för personlig och icke-kommersiell användning.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus är en öppen källa fortsättning av Sandboxie.<br />Besök <a href=""></a> för mer information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Drivrutinsversion: %1<br />Funktioner: %2<br /><br />Ikoner från <a href=""></a></translation>
@ -8667,27 +8672,27 @@ istället för "*".</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2613,22 +2613,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>Klasör bekleniyor: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>Klasör siliniyor: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>Klasörler birleştiriliyor: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>Anlık Görüntü Birleştirme Tamamlanıyor...</translation>
@ -2710,7 +2710,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus taşınabilir modda başlatıldı ve gerekli hizmetleri oluşturması gerekiyor. Bunun için yönetici ayrıcalıkları isteyecektir.</translation>
@ -2731,13 +2731,13 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>Korumalı alan klasörü silinirken hata: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus Hakkında</translation>
@ -2773,7 +2773,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Destek Forumu'nu Ziyaret Et</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>%1 korumalı alanından yapılandırma kopyalaması başarısız oldu: %2</translation>
@ -2783,7 +2783,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Basit Görünüm</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>Giriş başarısız: %1</translation>
@ -2796,9 +2796,9 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>Bu mesajı bir daha gösterme.</translation>
@ -2818,12 +2818,12 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Hizmeti Yükle</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>Eski anlık görüntü dizini kaldırılamadı '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>Düzenleyici kapatılır kapatılmaz değişiklikler otomatik olarak uygulanacaktır.</translation>
@ -2833,7 +2833,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Sandboxie Yöneticisi'ni kapatmak istiyor musunuz?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>Yeni anlık görüntü için dizin oluşturulamadı</translation>
@ -2884,7 +2884,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>'%1' dizini, '%2' dizinine taşınamadı</translation>
@ -2899,9 +2899,9 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Çevrimiçi Belgeler</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - Hata</translation>
@ -2921,12 +2921,12 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>Bir korumalı alan, silinmeden önce boşaltılmalıdır.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>Korumalı alan adı yalnızca harf, rakam ve alt çizgi içerebilir.</translation>
@ -2936,12 +2936,12 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>Korumalı alan adı bir cihaz adı olamaz.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>%1 öge için işlem başarısız oldu.</translation>
@ -2975,12 +2975,12 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>Yalnızca Yöneticiler yapılandırmayı değiştirebilir.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>Anlık görüntü bulunamadı</translation>
@ -2990,7 +2990,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Tümünü Durdur</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>Korumalı alan için silme koruması etkinleştirilmiş</translation>
@ -3000,7 +3000,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>Bakım işlemi yapılıyor, lütfen bekleyin...</translation>
@ -3017,7 +3017,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Yeni Alan Oluştur</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>Tüm işlemler sonlandırılamadı</translation>
@ -3027,7 +3027,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Gelişmiş Görünüm</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>%1: %2 Korumalı alanı silinemedi</translation>
@ -3038,17 +3038,17 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Tüm İşlemleri Sonlandır</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>Lütfen yapılandırma parolasını girin.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>Bölümdeki yapılandırmayı güncelleme yetkiniz yok '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>'%1' ve '%2' anlık görüntü dizinleri birleştirilirken hata oluştu, anlık görüntü tam olarak birleştirilmedi.</translation>
@ -3068,12 +3068,12 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Sonlandırılmışları Tut</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>%1 adında bir korumalı alan zaten var</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>%2: %3 bölümünde %1 yapılandırma parametresi ayarlanamadı</translation>
@ -3196,237 +3196,242 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation> - Bağlı DEĞİL</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>%1 alanı, yalnızca proje destekçilerine sunulan özellikleri kullanacak şekilde yapılandırılmıştır.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>%1 alanı, <b>gelişmiş</b> destekçi sertifikası gerektiren özellikleri kullanacak şekilde yapılandırılmıştır.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation>Gelişmiş özelliklerin kilidini açmak için <br /><a href="">Sertifikanızı yükseltin</a>.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>Seçilen özellik, <b>gelişmiş</b> bir destekçi sertifikası gerektiriyor.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>Seçilen özellik seti yalnızca proje destekçileri tarafından kullanılabilir. <br /><a href="">Proje destekçisi olmak</a> için bir <a href="">destekçi sertifikası</a> edinin</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation>Kullanmaya çalıştığınız sertifika engellendi, yani geçersiz kılındı. Bunu kullanmaya yönelik herhangi bir girişim, kullanım şartlarının ihlali anlamına gelir!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation>Sertifika İmzası geçersiz!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation>Sertifika bu ürün için uygun değildir.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation>Sertifika düğüm kilitli.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation>Destek sertifikası geçerli değil.
Hata: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<translation>Değerlendirme süresi dolmuştur!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation>Gelecekte sorma</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation>Şifreli korumalı alanlardaki tüm işlemleri sonlandırmak ve bağlantılarını kaldırmak istiyor musunuz?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation>Kurtarma Yok</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation>Mesaj Yok</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation><b>HATA:</b> Sandboxie-Plus Yöneticisi (SandMan.exe) geçerli bir imzaya sahip değil (SandMan.exe.sig). Lütfen <a href="">resmî indirme sayfasından</a> güvenilir bir sürüm indirin.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation>Bakım işlemi tamamlandı</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>Bu işlevsellik, Plus kullanıcı arayüzünde korumalı alan liste görünümüne entegre edilmiştir.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation>Alan/grup bağlam menüsünü kullanarak alanları ve grupları diğer gruplara taşıyabilirsiniz. Öğeleri hareket ettirmek için sürükle ve bırak özelliğini de kullanabilirsiniz. Alternatif olarak, öğeleri grupları içinde yukarı ve aşağı taşımak için ALT tuşunu basılı tutarken ok tuşlarını da kullanabilirsiniz.<br />Korumalı Alan menüsünden yeni alanlar ve gruplar oluşturabilirsiniz.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>Gizlenmiş mesaj kutuları dahil her şeyi (evet) veya yalnızca tüm günlük mesajlarını (hayır) sıfırlamak mı istiyorsunuz?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<translation>Templates.ini dosyasını düzenlemek üzeresiniz, bu genellikle önerilmez. Bu dosya Sandboxie'nin bir parçasıdır ve üzerinde yapılan tüm değişiklikler Sandboxie güncellendiğinde kaybolacaktır.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>Dosya her kaydedildiğinde değişiklikler otomatik olarak uygulanacaktır.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>Bu işlem için yönetici hakları gereklidir.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>%1 çalıştırılamadı</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>Sürücüye bağlanılamadı</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Sandboxie Hizmeti ile iletişim kurulamadı: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>Uyumsuz bir Sandboxie %1 bulundu. Uyumlu sürümler: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie kurulum yolu bulunamıyor.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>Korumalı alan adı 32 karakterden uzun olamaz.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<translation>Bir korumalı alanın yeniden adlandırılabilmesi için oradaki tüm işlemlerin durdurulması gerekir.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>'%1' kutu görüntüsü '%2' konumuna taşınamadı</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>Bu Anlık Görüntü işlemi, alan içinde işlemler çalışırken gerçekleştirilemez.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>Birden çok anlık görüntü tarafından paylaşılan bir anlık görüntü kaldırılamaz</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<translation>Bağlanmamış bir korumalı alanın içeriği silinemez</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation>İçe/Dışa Aktarma kullanılamıyor, 7z.dll yüklenemedi</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation>Alan arşivi oluşturulamadı</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation>7z arşivi açılamadı</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation>Alan arşivi açılamadı</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation>Seçilen 7z dosyası bir alan arşivi DEĞİLDİR</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>Seçimi sonrası için hatırla.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>Hücreyi Kopyala</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>Satırı Kopyala</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>Paneli Kopyala</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Tüm Sandboxie bileşenleri durdurulamadı</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Gerekli Sandboxie bileşenleri başlatılamadı</translation>
@ -3452,17 +3457,17 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next t
<translation>Kaldırılan şablonlar temizlendi...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>Boş bir korumalı alanın anlık görüntüsü oluşturulamaz</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>Bu adda bir korumalı alan zaten var</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>Sütunları Sıfırla</translation>
@ -3477,7 +3482,7 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next t
<translation>Bazı uyumluluk şablonları (%1) eksik, büyük olasılıkla silinmiş, bunları tüm alanlardan kaldırmak istiyor musunuz?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>Tüm korumalı alanlardaki tüm işlemleri sonlandırmak istiyor musunuz?</translation>
@ -3527,12 +3532,12 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next t
<translation>Bilinmeyen işlem '%1' komut satırı aracılığıyla istendi</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>DİKKAT: Bu Sandboxie oturumunu başka bir aracı (muhtemelen SbieCtrl.exe) zaten yönetiyor, lütfen önce onu kapatın ve devralmak için yeniden bağlanın.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>Yapılandırma parolası 64 karakterden uzun olmamalıdır</translation>
@ -3552,17 +3557,17 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next t
<translation>Tüm Oturumları Göster</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>Hata Durumu: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>Bilinmeyen Hata Durumu: 0x%1</translation>
@ -3615,22 +3620,22 @@ Evet şunları seçer: %1
Hayır şunları seçer: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>Seçilen özellik seti yalnızca proje destekçileri tarafından kullanılabilir. Bu özellik setinin destekçi sertifikası olmadan etkinleştirildiği bir alanda başlatılan işlemler 5 dakika sonra sonlandırılacaktır.<br /><a href="">Proje destekçisi olmak</a> için bir <a href="">destekçi sertifikası</a> edinin</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+'nın bu kopyası şu kişiler için sertifikalandırılmıştır: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+, kişisel ve ticari olmayan kullanım için ücretsizdir.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus, Sandboxie'nin açık kaynaklı bir devamıdır.<br />Daha fazla bilgi için <a href=""></a> adresini ziyaret edin.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Sürücü versiyonu: %1<br />Özellikler: %2<br /><br />Simgeler için <a href=""></a></translation>
@ -3865,27 +3870,27 @@ Hayır şunları seçer: %2</translation>
<translation>Veri Dizini: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>%2 korumalı alanında başlatılan programlar 5 dakika içinde sonlandırılacaktır. Çünkü bu korumalı alan yalnızca proje destekçilerine sunulan %1 özelliğini kullanacak şekilde yapılandırılmış.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>%1 alanı, yalnızca proje destekçilerine sunulan özellikleri kullanacak şekilde yapılandırılmıştır, bu ön ayarlar yok sayılacaktır.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Proje destekçisi olmak</a> için bir <a href="">destekçi sertifikası</a> edinebilirsiniz</translation>
@ -3907,103 +3912,103 @@ Lütfen Sandboxie için bir güncelleme olup olmadığını kontrol edin.</trans
<translation>Windows derlemeniz %1, Sandboxie sürümünüzün bilinen mevcut destek yeteneklerini aşıyor; Sandboxie bilinen son ofsetleri kullanmaya çalışacak ve bu da sistem kararsızlığına neden olabilir.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>Lütfen Zorunlu Programlar kurallarını devre dışı bırakmak için süreyi saniye cinsinden girin.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>Bakım işlemi başarısız oldu (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>Alan içeriği silinmeden önce tüm korumalı alan işlemleri durdurulmalıdır</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation>Alan veri dosyaları kopyalanamadı</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation>Eski alan veri dosyaları kaldırılamadı</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation>İşlem kullanıcı tarafından iptal edildi</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation>%1 bağlantısını korumalı alanda veya korumasız olarak Web tarayıcısında açmak istiyor musunuz?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translation>Harfe Duyarlı</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<translation>&Bul ...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation>Tüm Sütunlar</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation><h3>Sandboxie-Plus hakkında</h3><p>Sürüm %1</p><p>Telif hakkı (c) 2020-2024, DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Bu destekçi sertifikası bu derleme için geçerli değildir, lütfen yenilenmiş bir sertifika edinin</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Bu destekçi sertifikasının süresi dolmuş %1, lütfen yenilenmiş bir sertifika edinin</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, ancak mevcut derleme için geçerli kalır</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Destekçi sertifikasının süresi %1 gün içinde dolacak, lütfen yenilenmiş bir sertifika edinin</translation>
@ -4061,7 +4066,7 @@ Lütfen Sandboxie için bir güncelleme olup olmadığını kontrol edin.</trans
<translation>Geçerli Yapılandırma: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>Sandboxie yapılandırması yeniden yüklendi</translation>
@ -7800,27 +7805,27 @@ The process match level has a higher priority than the specificity and describes
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2745,22 +2745,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>Очікування папки: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>Видалення папки: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>Злиття папок: %1 та %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>Завершення злиття знімків...</translation>
@ -2866,37 +2866,37 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>Скинути налаштування стовців</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>Скопіювати клітинку</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>Скопіювати рядок</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>Скопіювати панель</translation>
@ -3185,7 +3185,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>Про Sandboxie-Plus</translation>
@ -3279,9 +3279,9 @@ Do you want to do the clean up?</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>Не показувати це повідомлення знову.</translation>
@ -3409,19 +3409,19 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - Помилка</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Не вдалося зупинити всі компоненти Sandboxie</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Не вдалося запустити потрібні для Sandboxie компоненти</translation>
@ -3480,27 +3480,27 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
Ні, Sandboxie-Plus обере: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>Перед видаленням пісочницю необхідно очистити.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Цей сертифікат спонсора не є дійсним для цієї збірки, будь ласка, оновіть сертифікат</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Термін дії сертифіката підтримки закінчився%1, будь ласка, отримайте оновлений сертифікат</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, але він залишається дісним для поточної збірки</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Цей сертифікат спонсора буде вичерпаний через %1 днів, будь ласка, отримайте новий сертифікат</translation>
@ -3535,7 +3535,7 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation type="vanished">%1 (%2): </translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>Ця функція доступна лише для спонсорів проєкту. Процеси, які працюють з цією функцією без сертифіката спонсора, будуть завершені через 5 хвилин.<br /><a href="">Станьте спонсором проєкту</a>, та отримайте <a href="">сертифікат спонсора</a></translation>
@ -3591,22 +3591,22 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>Тільки адміністратор може змінити конфігурацію.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>Будь ласка, введіть пароль конфігурації.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>Не вдалося увійти: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>Ви дійсно хочете завершити всі процеси в всіх пісочницях?</translation>
@ -3615,57 +3615,57 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation type="vanished">Завершити без запитань</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Програму Sandboxie-Plus було запущено в портативному режимі та для цього режиму потрібно сторити необхідні служби. Це може потребувати права адміністратора.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>УВАГА: Ще один агент (можливо, SbieCtrl.exe) вже керує цим сеаносом Sandboxie, будь ласка, завершіть інший сеанс та повторно підключиться.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>Виконання операції для технічного обслуговування, зачекайте...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>Ви дійсно хочете скинути сховані вікна повідомлень (так), або тількі всі повідомлення журналу (ні)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>Зміни будуть застосовані автоматично, коли файл буде збережений.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>Зміни будуть застосовані автоматично, коли текстовий редактор буде закритий.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>Код помилки: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation>Не вдалося скопіювати файли пісочниці</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation>Не вдалося видалити старі файли пісочниці</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>Невідома помилка: 0x%1</translation>
@ -3682,28 +3682,28 @@ Note: The update check is often behind the latest GitHub release to ensure that
<translation type="vanished"><p>Оновлення Sandboxie-Plus завантажено в таке розташування:</p><p><a href="%2">%1</a></p><p>Ви хочете почати встановлення? Якщо будь-які програми запущені у пісочниці, вони будуть зупинені.</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"><h3>Про Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Версія %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2022 by DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>Ця копія Sandboxie+ зарестрована для: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+ безкоштовний для персонального та некомерційного викоростання.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - це продовження Sandboxie з відкритим кодом.<br />Відвідайте <a href=""></a> для більш детальної інформації.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Версія драйвера: %1<br />Особливості: %2<br /><br />Зображення з <a href=""></a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>Для цієї дії потрібні права адміністратора.</translation>
@ -3854,27 +3854,27 @@ Note: The update check is often behind the latest GitHub release to ensure that
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>Програма %1, яка працює в пісочниці %2, буде завершена через 5 хвилин, тому що пісочниця має в своїй конфігурації функції, які доступні лише для спонсорів.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>Контейнер %1 налаштовано на використання функцій, доступних виключно для спонсорів проекту, ці попередні налаштування будуть ігноровані.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href="">Стань спонсором проекту</a>, та отримай <a href="">сертифікат спонсора</a></translation>
@ -3911,116 +3911,121 @@ Note: The update check is often behind the latest GitHub release to ensure that
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<oldsource>The evaluation periode has expired!!!</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>Будь ласка, введіть тривалість вимкнення правил примусових програм у секундах.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>Помилка технічного обслуговування (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>В інтерфейсі Plus цю функцію інтегровано в головний список ізольованого програмного середовища.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation>Використовуючи контекстне меню пісочниці/групи, ви можете переміщувати пісочниці та групи в інші групи. Ви також можете використовувати перетягування для переміщення елементів. Крім того, ви також можете використовувати клавіші зі стрілками, утримуючи натиснутою клавішу ALT, щоб переміщувати елементи вгору та вниз у їхній групі.<br />Ви можете створювати нові поля та групи з меню "Пісочниці".</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<oldsource>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, thsi is generally not recommeded.
@ -4028,199 +4033,199 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>Конфігурацію Sandboxie перезавантажено</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>Не вдалося виконати: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>Не вдалося підключитись до драйвера</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Не вдалося підключитись до служби Sandboxie: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>Була знайдена несумісна версія Sandboxie %1. Сумістима версія: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>Не вдалося знайти місце інсталяції Sandboxie.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Не вдалося скопіювати конфігурацію пісочниці %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>Пісочниця з назвою %1 вже існує</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Не вдалося видалити пісочницю %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>Назва пісочниці має не більше 32 символів.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>Назва пісочниці не повина містити назву пристроя.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>Назва пісочниці має містити тільки літери, цифри та символи підкреслення, які будуть відображатись, як пробіли.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>Не вдалося завершити всі процеси</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>Захист від видалення увімкнен для пісочниці</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>Усі процеси пісочниці необхідно зупинити, перш ніж вміст контейнера можна буде видалити</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>Помилка під час видалення папки пісочниці: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Не вдалося перемістити папку '%1' до '%2'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>Ця операція зі знимком не може виконатись, коли процеси працюють в пісочниці.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>Не вдалося створити папку для нового знімку</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>Знімок не знайдено</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>Помилка під час злиття папок знімків '%1' та '%2', знімок був створений неповністю.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>Не вдалося видалити папку старого знімку '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>Не можливо видалити знімок, який використовується в інших знімках</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>Ви не маєте прав змінювати конфігурацію в розділі '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>Не вдалося застосвувати параметр %1 конфігурації в розділі %2: %3</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>Не можливо створити знімок у порожній пісочниці</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>Пісочниця з такою назвою вже існує</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>Пароль конфігурації не повинен містити більше 64 символів</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation>Операцію скасував користувач</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<translation type="unfinished">%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>Дія не вдалась для %1 елемента(ів).</translation>
@ -4229,37 +4234,37 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
<translation type="vanished">Ви хочете відкрити %1 у веб-браузері із пісочниці (так) чи ззовні (ні)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>Запам'ятати цей вибір.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<translation type="unfinished">Закрити</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -8277,27 +8282,27 @@ Please note that this values are currently user specific and saved globally for
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<translation>Так (&Y)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
<translation>Ні (&N)</translation>
@ -2725,22 +2725,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>Đang đợi thư mục: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>Xóa thư mục: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>Hợp nhất các thư mục: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
<translation>Kết thúc Hợp nhất Bản Ghi chụp nhanh...</translation>
@ -2826,22 +2826,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus v%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<translation>Đặt lại cột</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<translation>Sao chép ô</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<translation>Sao chép hàng</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
<translation>Sao chép bảng điều khiển</translation>
@ -3117,7 +3117,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>Về Sandboxie-Plus</translation>
@ -3192,9 +3192,9 @@ Bạn có muốn dọn dẹp không?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
<translation>Không hiển thị lại thông báo này.</translation>
@ -3281,19 +3281,19 @@ Sandbox này ngăn quyền truy cập vào tất cả các vị trí dữ liệu
<translation>Cấu hình hiện tại: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - Lỗi</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Không dừng được tất cả các thành phần Sandboxie</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>Không thể khởi động các thành phần Sandboxie bắt buộc</translation>
@ -3400,7 +3400,7 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation type="vanished">%1 (%2): </translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>Bộ tính năng đã chọn chỉ có sẵn cho những người ủng hộ dự án. Các quá trình bắt đầu trong một Sandbox có bật bộ tính năng này mà không có chứng chỉ hỗ trợ sẽ bị chấm dứt sau 5 phút.<br /><a href="">Trở thành người hỗ trợ dự án</a>, và nhận được một <a href="">giấy chứng nhận người ủng hộ</a></translation>
@ -3456,22 +3456,22 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<translation>Chỉ Quản trị viên mới có thể thay đổi cấu hình.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<translation>Vui lòng nhập mật khẩu cấu hình.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>Đăng nhập thất bại: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
<translation>Bạn có muốn chấm dứt tất cả các quy trình trong tất cả các hộp cát không?</translation>
@ -3480,133 +3480,133 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation type="vanished">Chấm dứt tất cả mà không cần hỏi</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus đã được khởi động ở chế độ Portable và nó cần tạo ra các dịch vụ cần thiết. Điều này sẽ nhắc nhở các đặc quyền quản trị.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>THẬN TRỌNG: Một tác nhân khác (có thể là SbieCtrl.exe) đã quản lý phiên Sandboxie này, vui lòng đóng nó trước và kết nối lại để tiếp quản.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<translation>Đang thực hiện hoạt động bảo trì, vui lòng đợi...</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>Bạn cũng muốn đặt lại các hộp thông báo ẩn (có), hay chỉ tất cả các thông báo nhật ký (không)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<translation>Các thay đổi sẽ được áp dụng tự động bất cứ khi nào tệp được lưu.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<translation>Các thay đổi sẽ được áp dụng tự động ngay khi đóng trình chỉnh sửa.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>Tình trạng lỗi: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<translation>Không xác định</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<translation>Sandbox phải được làm trống trước khi có thể bị xóa.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<translation>Không sao chép được tệp dữ liệu từ Sandbox</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<translation>Không xóa được các tệp dữ liệu Sandbox cũ</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>Trạng thái lỗi không xác định: 0x%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<translation type="unfinished">Đóng</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"><h3>Về Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Phiên bản %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2022 by DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>Bản sao Sandboxie + này được chứng nhận cho: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie + miễn phí cho mục đích sử dụng cá nhân và phi thương mại.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus là phần tiếp theo mã nguồn mở của Sandboxie.<br />Ghé thăm <a href=""></a> để biết thêm thông tin.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Phiên bản trình điều khiển: %1<br />Đặc trưng: %2<br /><br />Biểu tượng từ <a href=""></a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<translation>Quyền quản trị viên được yêu cầu cho hoạt động này.</translation>
@ -3812,27 +3812,27 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation> - CHỈ sử dụng cho mục đích phi thương mại</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>Chương trình %1 bắt đầu trong Sandbox %2 sẽ kết thúc sau 5 phút vì Sandbox đã được định cấu hình để sử dụng các tính năng dành riêng cho những người ủng hộ dự án.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>Sandbox %1 được định cấu hình để sử dụng các tính năng dành riêng cho những người ủng hộ dự án, các giá trị đặt trước này sẽ bị bỏ qua.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href=""> Trở thành người hỗ trợ dự án</a>, và nhận được một <a href="">giấy chứng nhận người ủng hộ</a></translation>
@ -3869,116 +3869,121 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<oldsource>The evaluation periode has expired!!!</oldsource>
<translation>Thời hạn đánh giá đã hết!!!</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Không hỏi trong tương lai</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>Vui lòng nhập thời lượng, tính bằng giây, để tắt các quy tắc Chương trình bắt buộc.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<translation>Không có phục hồi</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<translation>Không có tin nhắn</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>Hoạt động bảo trì không thành công (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<translation>Hoạt động bảo trì đã hoàn thành</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>Trong giao diện người dùng Plus, chức năng này đã được tích hợp vào chế độ xem danh sách Sandbox chính. </translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation>Sử dụng menu ngữ cảnh Sandbox/nhóm, bạn có thể di chuyển các Sandbox và nhóm sang các nhóm khác. Bạn cũng có thể sử dụng kéo và thả để di chuyển các mục xung quanh. Ngoài ra, bạn cũng có thể sử dụng các phím mũi tên trong khi giữ ALT để di chuyển các mục lên và xuống trong nhóm của chúng.<br />Bạn có thể tạo các Sandbox và nhóm mới từ menu Sandbox.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<oldsource>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, thsi is generally not recommeded.
@ -3986,199 +3991,199 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>Cấu hình Sandboxie đã được tải lại</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>Không thực hiện được: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<translation>Không kết nối được với trình điều khiển</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>Không kết nối được với Dịch vụ Sandboxie: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>Không tương thích Sandboxie %1 đã được tìm thấy. Các phiên bản tương thích: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>Không thể tìm thấy đường dẫn cài đặt Sandboxie.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Không sao chép được cấu hình từ Sandbox %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>Sandbox tên %1 đã tồn tại</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>Không xóa được Sandbox %1: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>Tên Sandbox không được dài hơn 32 ký tự.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<translation>Tên Sandbox không được là tên thiết bị.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<translation>Tên Sandbox chỉ có thể chứa các chữ cái, chữ số và dấu gạch dưới được hiển thị dưới dạng dấu cách. </translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<translation>Không thể chấm dứt tất cả các tiến trình</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<translation>Xóa bảo vệ được bật cho Sandbox</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<translation>Tất cả các quá trình Sandbox phải được dừng lại trước khi có thể xóa nội dung Sandbox</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>Lỗi khi xóa thư mục Sandbox: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>Không di chuyển được thư mục '%1' to '%2'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<translation>Không thể thực hiện thao tác Bản ghi nhanh này trong khi các quy trình vẫn đang chạy trong Sandbox.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<translation>Không tạo được thư mục cho Bản ghi nhanh mới</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<translation>Bản ghi nhanh không tìm thấy</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>Lỗi khi hợp nhất các thư mục bản ghi nhanh '%1' với '%2', bản ghi nhanh chưa được hợp nhất hoàn toàn.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>Không xóa được thư mục bản ghi nhanh cũ '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<translation>Không thể xóa bản ghi nhanh được nhiều bản ghi nhanh sau này chia sẻ</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>Bạn không được phép cập nhật cấu hình trong phần '%1'</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>Không đặt được cài đặt cấu hình %1 trong phần %2: %3</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<translation>Không thể tạo ảnh chụp nhanh của một Sandbox trống</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<translation>Một Sandbox có tên đó đã tồn tại</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>Mật khẩu cấu hình không được dài hơn 64 ký tự</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<translation>Thao tác đã bị người dùng hủy bỏ</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<translation type="unfinished">%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>Thao tác không thành công cho %1 mục.</translation>
@ -4187,28 +4192,28 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
<translation type="vanished">Bạn muốn mở %1 trong trình duyệt Web có Sandbox (có) hay không có Sandbox (không)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<translation>Hãy nhớ lựa chọn cho sau này.</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Chứng chỉ hỗ trợ không hợp lệ cho bản dựng này, vui lòng nhận chứng chỉ cập nhật</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<oldsource>The supporter certificate is expired %1 days ago, please get an updated certificate</oldsource>
<translation>Chứng chỉ người hỗ trợ đã hết hạn %1, vui lòng nhận chứng chỉ cập nhật</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<translation>, nhưng nó vẫn có giá trị cho bản dựng hiện tại</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>Chứng chỉ người hỗ trợ sẽ hết hạn sau %1 ngày, xin vui lòng nhận được một chứng chỉ cập nhật</translation>
@ -8120,27 +8125,27 @@ Xin lưu ý rằng các giá trị này hiện là dành riêng cho người dù
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<translation>Áp dụng</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<translation>Hủy bỏ</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2826,22 +2826,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>正在等待文件夹: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>正在删除文件夹: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>正在合并文件夹: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
@ -2947,22 +2947,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
@ -3249,7 +3249,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>关于 Sandboxie-Plus</translation>
@ -3458,9 +3458,9 @@ Do you want to do the clean up?</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
@ -3560,49 +3560,49 @@ This box <a href="sbie://docs/privacy-mode">prevents access to a
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - 错误</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>停止全部的 Sandboxie 组件失败</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>启动所需的 Sandboxie 组件失败</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>此赞助者凭据将在 %1 天后过期,请获取可用的新凭据</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>选定的特性只对项目赞助者可用。如果没有赞助者凭据,在启用该特性的沙盒里启动的进程,将在 5 分钟后被终止。<br /><a href="">成为项目赞助者</a>,以获得<a href="">赞助者凭据</a></translation>
@ -3631,93 +3631,93 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</oldsource>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>错误状态: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>未知错误状态: 0x%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation>是否打开链接 %1?您可以选择是否使用沙盒中的浏览器打开。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation><h3>关于 Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>版本 %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>此 Sandboxie+ 副本已授权给: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+ 可免费用于个人和其他非商业用途</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus 是知名程序 Sandboxie 自开源以来的一个延续。<br />访问 <a href=""></a> 来了解更多信息<br /><br />%3<br /><br />驱动版本: %1<br />特性: %2<br /><br />图标来源: <a href=""></a></translation>
@ -3774,20 +3774,20 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation> - 未连接</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>在沙盒 %2 中启动的程序 %1 将在 5 分钟之后自动终止,因为使用此沙盒被配置为项目赞助者的特供功能</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>沙盒 %1 被配置为使用项目赞助者专有的沙盒类型,这些预设选项将被忽略</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href="">成为项目赞助者</a>,以获得<a href="">赞助者凭据</a></translation>
@ -3858,17 +3858,17 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
@ -3890,7 +3890,7 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation type="vanished">正在导入:%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
@ -3899,59 +3899,59 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation type="vanished">终止所有且不再询问</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus 正以便携模式启动,需要创建所需的服务,这将会寻求管理员权限</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>警告:另一代理程序 (可能是 SbieCtrl.exe) 已接管当前 Sandboxie 会话,请将其关闭,然后尝试重新连接以接管控制</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation><b>错误:</b>Sandboxie Plus管理器(SandMan.exe)没有有效的签名(SandMan.exe.sig)。请从<a href="">官方下载</a>。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>在 Plus 视图,此功能已被整合到主沙盒列表中</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
同时,你也可以通过 Alt + 方向键或鼠标拖动来整理列表
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<oldsource>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, thsi is generally not recommeded.
@ -3960,123 +3960,123 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
因为该文件是 Sandboxie 的一部分并且所有的更改会在下次更新时被重置</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>无法与 Sandboxie 服务通信:%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>发现不兼容的 Sandboxie %1,其它兼容的版本:%2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>无法找到 Sandboxie 的安装路径</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>复制沙盒配置 %1: %2 失败</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>名为 %1 的沙盒已存在</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>删除沙盒 %1: %2 失败</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>沙盒名称不能超过 32 个字符</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>移动目录 '%1' 到 '%2' 失败</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
@ -4127,180 +4127,185 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
<translation> - 仅用于非商业用途</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>沙盒 %1 被指定为仅对项目赞助者开放的功能。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>沙盒 %1 被指定为需要更高级赞助许可证的功能。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation><br /><a href="">升级您的许可证</a> 以解锁高级功能。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>您所选择的特性仅适用于项目赞助者。<br /><a href="">成为项目赞助者</a>, 获取一份 <a href="">赞助者凭据</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<oldsource>The evaluation periode has expired!!!</oldsource>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>请输入「停用必沙程序规则」的持续时间 (单位: 秒)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>维护作业执行失败 (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>合并快照目录 '%1' 和 '%2' 出错,快照没有被完全合并</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>移除旧快照的目录 '%1' 失败</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>您未被授权在 '%1' 更新配置</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>在 %2: %3 中设定配置设置 %1 失败</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>配置保护密码长度不能超过 64 个字符</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation>导入/导出不可用,无法加载 7z.dll</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation>无法打开 7z 备份</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation>所选的 7z 文件不是沙盒备份</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>%1 项操作失败</translation>
@ -4309,7 +4314,7 @@ Error: %1</source>
<translation type="vanished">是否在沙盒中的浏览器打开链接 %1 ?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
@ -8266,27 +8271,27 @@ Sandboxie 提供了针对这些情况的处理选项,可以在此页面进行
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
@ -2825,22 +2825,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4334"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4349"/>
<source>Waiting for folder: %1</source>
<translation>正在等待資料夾: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4335"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4350"/>
<source>Deleting folder: %1</source>
<translation>正在刪除資料夾: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4336"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4351"/>
<source>Merging folders: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</source>
<translation>正在合併資料夾: %1 &gt;&gt; %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4337"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4352"/>
<source>Finishing Snapshot Merge...</source>
@ -2926,22 +2926,22 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus v%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4188"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4203"/>
<source>Reset Columns</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4189"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4204"/>
<source>Copy Cell</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4190"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4205"/>
<source>Copy Row</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4191"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4206"/>
<source>Copy Panel</source>
@ -3204,7 +3204,7 @@ Unlike the preview channel, it does not include untested, potentially breaking,
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="499"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4272"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4287"/>
<source>About Sandboxie-Plus</source>
<translation>關於 Sandboxie-Plus</translation>
@ -3290,9 +3290,9 @@ Do you want to do the clean up?</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1360"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="1862"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2357"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3242"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3684"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3700"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3257"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3715"/>
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
@ -3399,19 +3399,19 @@ Please check if there is an update for sandboxie.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3959"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3974"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus - Error</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus - 錯誤</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3378"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3393"/>
<source>Failed to stop all Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>停止所有 Sandboxie 元件失敗</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3380"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3395"/>
<source>Failed to start required Sandboxie components</source>
<translation>啟動所需 Sandboxie 元件失敗</translation>
@ -3458,7 +3458,7 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation type="vanished">%1 (%2): </translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2950"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters. Processes started in a box with this feature set enabled without a supporter certificate will be terminated after 5 minutes.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>選取的功能只對專案贊助者可用。如果沒有贊助者憑證,在啟用此功能的沙箱內啟動的處理程序,將在 5 分鐘後自動終止。<br /><a href="">成為專案贊助者</a>,以取得<a href="">贊助者憑證</a></translation>
@ -3518,22 +3518,22 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3113"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3128"/>
<source>Only Administrators can change the config.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3123"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3138"/>
<source>Please enter the configuration password.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3131"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3146"/>
<source>Login Failed: %1</source>
<translation>登入失敗: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3160"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3175"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in all sandboxes?</source>
@ -3542,133 +3542,133 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation type="vanished">終止全部並不再詢問</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3241"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3256"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus was started in portable mode and it needs to create necessary services. This will prompt for administrative privileges.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus 已於便攜模式中啟動,需建立必要的服務。這將需要管理員權限。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3275"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3290"/>
<source>CAUTION: Another agent (probably SbieCtrl.exe) is already managing this Sandboxie session, please close it first and reconnect to take over.</source>
<translation>注意: 另一個代理 (可能是 SbieCtrl.exe) 已經在管理這個 Sandboxie 工作階段,請先關閉其他代理並重新連線進行接管控制。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3407"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3422"/>
<source>Executing maintenance operation, please wait...</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3597"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3612"/>
<source>Do you also want to reset hidden message boxes (yes), or only all log messages (no)?</source>
<translation>請確認是否要重設已隱藏的訊息框 (選「是」),或者僅重設所有日誌訊息 (選「否」)?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3698"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3713"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically whenever the file gets saved.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3699"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3714"/>
<source>The changes will be applied automatically as soon as the editor is closed.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3889"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<source>Error Status: 0x%1 (%2)</source>
<translation>錯誤程式碼: 0x%1 (%2)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3890"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<source>A sandbox must be emptied before it can be deleted.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3930"/>
<source>Failed to copy box data files</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<source>Failed to remove old box data files</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3952"/>
<source>Unknown Error Status: 0x%1</source>
<translation>未知錯誤狀態: 0x%1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4028"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4043"/>
<source>Do you want to open %1 in a sandboxed or unsandboxed Web browser?</source>
<translation>是否在沙箱化或非沙箱化網路瀏覽器中開啟 %1?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4032"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4047"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4033"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4048"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4192"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4207"/>
<source>Case Sensitive</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4193"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4208"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4194"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4209"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4195"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4210"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4196"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4211"/>
<source>&Find ...</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4197"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4212"/>
<source>All columns</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4245"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4260"/>
<source><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></source>
<oldsource><h3>About Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>Version %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2023 by DavidXanatos</p></oldsource>
<translation><h3>關於 Sandboxie-Plus</h3><p>版本 %1</p><p>Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by DavidXanatos</p></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4253"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4268"/>
<source>This copy of Sandboxie+ is certified for: %1</source>
<translation>此 Sandboxie+ 複本已授權給: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4255"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4270"/>
<source>Sandboxie+ is free for personal and non-commercial use.</source>
<translation>Sandboxie+ 可免費用於個人和非商業用途。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4258"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4273"/>
<source>Sandboxie-Plus is an open source continuation of Sandboxie.<br />Visit <a href=""></a> for more information.<br /><br />%3<br /><br />Driver version: %1<br />Features: %2<br /><br />Icons from <a href=""></a></source>
<translation>Sandboxie-Plus 是著名程式 Sandboxie 自開源以來的一個延續。<br />造訪 <a href=""></a> 來了解更多資訊。<br /><br />%3<br /><br />驅動版本: %1<br />功能: %2<br /><br />圖示來源 <a href=""></a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3892"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<source>Administrator rights are required for this operation.</source>
@ -3890,27 +3890,27 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation type="vanished">是否略過設定精靈?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2741"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2745"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2747"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2756"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2760"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2762"/>
<source> (%1)</source>
<translation> (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2852"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2867"/>
<source>The program %1 started in box %2 will be terminated in 5 minutes because the box was configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>在沙箱 %2 中啟動的程式 %1 將在 5 分鐘之後自動終止,因為此沙箱被設定為使用專案贊助者的專有功能。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2869"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters, these presets will be ignored.</source>
<translation>沙箱 %1 被設定為使用專案贊助者專有的沙箱類型,這些預設選項將被忽略。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2835"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2843"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2855"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2850"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2858"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2870"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2939"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation><br /><a href="">成為專案贊助者</a>,以取得<a href="">贊助者憑證</a></translation>
@ -3947,117 +3947,122 @@ No will choose: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2834"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2670"/>
<source>Failed to configure hotkey %1, error: %2</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2849"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features exclusively available to project supporters.</source>
<translation>沙箱 %1 之組態設定為使用專案贊助者獨有的功能。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2839"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2854"/>
<source>The box %1 is configured to use features which require an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<translation>沙箱 %1 之組態設定為使用需要<b>進階</b>贊助者憑證的功能。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2841"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2856"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2937"/>
<source><br /><a href="">Upgrade your Certificate</a> to unlock advanced features.</source>
<translation><br /><a href="">升級憑證</a>以解鎖進階功能。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2920"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2935"/>
<source>The selected feature requires an <b>advanced</b> supporter certificate.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2947"/>
<source>The selected feature set is only available to project supporters.<br /><a href="">Become a project supporter</a>, and receive a <a href="">supporter certificate</a></source>
<translation>所選功能集僅供專案贊助者使用。<br /><a href="">成為專案贊助者</a >,並取得<a href="">贊助者憑證</a></translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2970"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2985"/>
<source>The certificate you are attempting to use has been blocked, meaning it has been invalidated for cause. Any attempt to use it constitutes a breach of its terms of use!</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2982"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2997"/>
<source>The Certificate Signature is invalid!</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2983"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2998"/>
<source>The Certificate is not suitable for this product.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2984"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2999"/>
<source>The Certificate is node locked.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="2988"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3003"/>
<source>The support certificate is not valid.
Error: %1</source>
錯誤: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3061"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3076"/>
<source>The evaluation period has expired!!!</source>
<oldsource>The evaluation periode has expired!!!</oldsource>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3161"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3177"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3192"/>
<source>Don't ask in future</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3176"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3191"/>
<source>Do you want to terminate all processes in encrypted sandboxes, and unmount them?</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3202"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<source>Please enter the duration, in seconds, for disabling Forced Programs rules.</source>
<translation>請輸入「停用強制沙箱程式規則」的持續時間 (單位:秒)。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3217"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3232"/>
<source>No Recovery</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3223"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3238"/>
<source>No Messages</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3279"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3294"/>
<source><b>ERROR:</b> The Sandboxie-Plus Manager (SandMan.exe) does not have a valid signature (SandMan.exe.sig). Please download a trusted release from the <a href="">official Download page</a>.</source>
<translation><b>錯誤:</b> Sandboxie-Plus 管理員 (SandMan.exe) 沒有有效的數位簽章 (SandMan.exe.sig)。請從<a href="">官方下載頁面</a>下載可信賴的版本。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3382"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3397"/>
<source>Maintenance operation failed (%1)</source>
<translation>維護作業執行失敗 (%1)</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3387"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3402"/>
<source>Maintenance operation completed</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3528"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3543"/>
<source>In the Plus UI, this functionality has been integrated into the main sandbox list view.</source>
<translation>在 Plus UI 中,此功能已被整合到主沙箱清單檢視中。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3529"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3544"/>
<source>Using the box/group context menu, you can move boxes and groups to other groups. You can also use drag and drop to move the items around. Alternatively, you can also use the arrow keys while holding ALT down to move items up and down within their group.<br />You can create new boxes and groups from the Sandbox menu.</source>
<translation>使用「沙箱/群組」右鍵選單,您可以將沙箱在沙箱群組之間移動。同時,您也可以透過 Alt + 方向鍵或滑鼠拖曳來整理清單。<br />另外,您可以透過右鍵選單來新增「沙箱/群組」。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3682"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3697"/>
<source>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, this is generally not recommended.
This file is part of Sandboxie and all change done to it will be reverted next time Sandboxie is updated.</source>
<oldsource>You are about to edit the Templates.ini, thsi is generally not recommeded.
@ -4066,199 +4071,199 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
因為該檔案是 Sandboxie 的一部分並且所有的變更會在下次 Sandboxie 更新時被還原。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3762"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3777"/>
<source>Sandboxie config has been reloaded</source>
<translation>已重新載入 Sandboxie 組態</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3893"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<source>Failed to execute: %1</source>
<translation>執行失敗: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3894"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3909"/>
<source>Failed to connect to the driver</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3895"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3910"/>
<source>Failed to communicate with Sandboxie Service: %1</source>
<translation>無法與 Sandboxie 服務建立聯絡: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3896"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<source>An incompatible Sandboxie %1 was found. Compatible versions: %2</source>
<translation>已發現不相容的 Sandboxie %1。相容版本為: %2</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3897"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<source>Can't find Sandboxie installation path.</source>
<translation>無法找到 Sandboxie 安裝路徑。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3898"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<source>Failed to copy configuration from sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>複製沙箱組態 %1: %2 失敗</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3899"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<source>A sandbox of the name %1 already exists</source>
<translation>沙箱名稱 %1 已存在</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3900"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3915"/>
<source>Failed to delete sandbox %1: %2</source>
<translation>刪除沙箱 %1: %2 失敗</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3901"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be longer than 32 characters.</source>
<translation>沙箱名稱不能超過 32 個字元。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3902"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<source>The sandbox name can not be a device name.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3903"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<source>The sandbox name can contain only letters, digits and underscores which are displayed as spaces.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3904"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<source>Failed to terminate all processes</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3905"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3920"/>
<source>Delete protection is enabled for the sandbox</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3906"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<source>All sandbox processes must be stopped before the box content can be deleted</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3907"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<source>Error deleting sandbox folder: %1</source>
<translation>刪除沙箱資料夾錯誤: %1</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3908"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<source>All processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</source>
<oldsource>A all processes in a sandbox must be stopped before it can be renamed.</oldsource>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3911"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<source>Failed to move directory '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>移動目錄 '%1' 到 '%2' 失敗</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3912"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<source>Failed to move box image '%1' to '%2'</source>
<translation>移動沙箱映像 '%1' 至 '%2' 失敗</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3913"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3928"/>
<source>This Snapshot operation can not be performed while processes are still running in the box.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3914"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<source>Failed to create directory for new snapshot</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3916"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<source>Snapshot not found</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3917"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<source>Error merging snapshot directories '%1' with '%2', the snapshot has not been fully merged.</source>
<translation>合併快照目錄 '%1' 和 '%2' 錯誤,快照沒有被完全合併。</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3918"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<source>Failed to remove old snapshot directory '%1'</source>
<translation>移除舊快照的目錄 '%1' 失敗</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3919"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<source>Can't remove a snapshot that is shared by multiple later snapshots</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3921"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3936"/>
<source>You are not authorized to update configuration in section '%1'</source>
<translation>您未被授權在 '%1' 更新組態</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3922"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3937"/>
<source>Failed to set configuration setting %1 in section %2: %3</source>
<translation>在 %2: %3 中設定組態選項 %1 失敗</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3923"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3938"/>
<source>Can not create snapshot of an empty sandbox</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3924"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3939"/>
<source>A sandbox with that name already exists</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3925"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3940"/>
<source>The config password must not be longer than 64 characters</source>
<translation>組態密碼不得超過 64 個字元</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3926"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3941"/>
<source>The operation was canceled by the user</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3927"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3942"/>
<source>The content of an unmounted sandbox can not be deleted</source>
<oldsource>The content of an un mounted sandbox can not be deleted</oldsource>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3929"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3944"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3931"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3946"/>
<source>Import/Export not available, 7z.dll could not be loaded</source>
<translation>匯入/匯出無法使用,無法載入 7z.dll</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3932"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3947"/>
<source>Failed to create the box archive</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3933"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3948"/>
<source>Failed to open the 7z archive</source>
<translation>無法開啟 7z 封存檔案</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3934"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3949"/>
<source>Failed to unpack the box archive</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3935"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3950"/>
<source>The selected 7z file is NOT a box archive</source>
<translation>所選的 7z 檔案不是沙箱封存檔案</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3961"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3976"/>
<source>Operation failed for %1 item(s).</source>
<translation>%1 項操作失敗。</translation>
@ -4267,28 +4272,28 @@ This file is part of Sandboxie and all changed done to it will be reverted next
<translation type="vanished">是否在沙箱化網頁瀏覽器開啟連結 %1 ?</translation>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4029"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4044"/>
<source>Remember choice for later.</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3066"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3081"/>
<source>The supporter certificate is not valid for this build, please get an updated certificate</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3069"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3084"/>
<source>The supporter certificate has expired%1, please get an updated certificate</source>
<oldsource>The supporter certificate is expired %1 days ago, please get an updated certificate</oldsource>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3070"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3085"/>
<source>, but it remains valid for the current build</source>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3072"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="3087"/>
<source>The supporter certificate will expire in %1 days, please get an updated certificate</source>
<translation>此贊助者憑證將在 %1 天後逾期,請取得更新的憑證</translation>
@ -8207,27 +8212,27 @@ Please note that this values are currently user specific and saved globally for
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4324"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4339"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4325"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4340"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4326"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4341"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4327"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4342"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4328"/>
<location filename="SandMan.cpp" line="4343"/>
Reference in New Issue