
1795 lines
48 KiB

* Copyright 2004-2020 Sandboxie Holdings, LLC
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Box
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MyApp.h"
#include "Box.h"
#include "SbieIni.h"
#include "AppPage.h"
// Variables
static const CString _ConfigLevel(L"ConfigLevel");
static const CString _AlertProcess(L"AlertProcess");
static const CString _AutoRecover(L"AutoRecover");
static const CString _AutoDelete(L"AutoDelete");
static const CString _NeverDelete(L"NeverDelete");
static const CString _DeleteCommand(L"DeleteCommand");
static const CString _CopyLimitKb(L"CopyLimitKb");
static const CString _CopyLimitSilent(L"CopyLimitSilent");
static const CString _BoxNameTitle(L"BoxNameTitle");
static const CString _BorderColor(L"BorderColor");
static const CString _BlockDrivers(L"BlockDrivers");
static const CString _BlockFakeInput(L"BlockFakeInput");
static const CString _BlockSysParam(L"BlockSysParam");
static const CString _BlockPassword(L"BlockPassword");
static const CString _BlockNetParam(L"BlockNetParam");
static const CString _DropAdminRights(L"DropAdminRights");
static const CString _BlockeNetworkFiles(L"BlockNetworkFiles");
static const CString _AllowSpoolerPrintToFile(L"AllowSpoolerPrintToFile");
static const CString _InternetAccessDevices(L"InternetAccessDevices");
static const CString _AfdX(L"\\Device\\Afd*");
static const CString _TcpX(L"\\Device\\Tcp*");
static const CString _IpX(L"\\Device\\Ip*");
static const CString _Ip(L"\\Device\\Ip");
static const CString _Tcp(L"\\Device\\Tcp");
static const CString _Udp(L"\\Device\\Udp");
static const CString _RawIp(L"\\Device\\RawIp");
static const CString _Ip6(L"\\Device\\Ip6");
static const CString _Tcp6(L"\\Device\\Tcp6");
static const CString _Udp6(L"\\Device\\Udp6");
static const CString _RawIp6(L"\\Device\\RawIp6");
static const CString _Nsi(L"\\Device\\Nsi");
static const CString _Http(L"\\Device\\Http\\*");
static const CString _Star(L"*");
static const CString _NotifyInternetAccessDenied(
static const CString _NotifyStartRunAccessDenied(
//static const WCHAR *BorderColor_off = L",off";
//static const WCHAR *BorderColor_ttl = L",ttl";
// Public Variables
const CString CBox::_Enabled (L"Enabled");
const CString CBox::_ProcessGroup (L"ProcessGroup");
const CString CBox::_InternetAccessGroup(L"InternetAccess");
const CString CBox::_StartRunAccessGroup(L"StartRunAccess");
const CString CBox::_AutoRecoverIgnore (L"AutoRecoverIgnore");
const CString CBox::_ForceFolder (L"ForceFolder");
const CString CBox::_ForceProcess (L"ForceProcess");
const CString CBox::_LeaderProcess (L"LeaderProcess");
const CString CBox::_LingerProcess (L"LingerProcess");
const CString CBox::_RecoverFolder (L"RecoverFolder");
const CString CBox::_ClosedFilePath (L"ClosedFilePath");
const CString CBox::_ClosedIpcPath (L"ClosedIpcPath");
const CString CBox::_ClosedKeyPath (L"ClosedKeyPath");
const CString CBox::_OpenClsid (L"OpenClsid");
const CString CBox::_OpenFilePath (L"OpenFilePath");
const CString CBox::_OpenIpcPath (L"OpenIpcPath");
const CString CBox::_OpenKeyPath (L"OpenKeyPath");
const CString CBox::_OpenPipePath (L"OpenPipePath");
const CString CBox::_OpenWinClass (L"OpenWinClass");
const CString CBox::_ReadFilePath (L"ReadFilePath");
const CString CBox::_ReadKeyPath (L"ReadKeyPath");
const CString CBox::_WriteFilePath (L"WriteFilePath");
const CString CBox::_WriteKeyPath (L"WriteKeyPath");
// Constructor
CBox::CBox(const CString &name)
m_name = name;
m_BoxProc = NULL;
m_BoxFile = NULL;
if (m_name.IsEmpty()) {
m_expandedView = TRUE;
} else {
m_expandedView = FALSE;
m_TemporarilyDisableQuickRecover = FALSE;
// Destructor
if (m_BoxProc)
delete m_BoxProc;
if (m_BoxFile)
delete m_BoxFile;
// GetBoxProc
CBoxProc &CBox::GetBoxProc()
if (! m_BoxProc)
m_BoxProc = new CBoxProc(m_name);
return *m_BoxProc;
// GetBoxFile
CBoxFile &CBox::GetBoxFile()
if (! m_BoxFile)
m_BoxFile = new CBoxFile(m_name);
return *m_BoxFile;
// GetName
const CString &CBox::GetName() const
return m_name;
// IsExpandedView
BOOL CBox::IsExpandedView() const
return m_expandedView;
// SetExpandedView
void CBox::SetExpandedView(BOOL view)
m_expandedView = view;
// SetDefaultSettings
void CBox::SetDefaultSettings()
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
int cfglvl;
ini.GetNum(m_name, _ConfigLevel, cfglvl);
if (cfglvl >= 10)
if (cfglvl >= 1) {
ok = ini.SetNum(m_name, _ConfigLevel, 10);
if (ok) {
if (cfglvl == 9) {
else if (cfglvl == 8) {
else if (cfglvl == 7) {
else if (cfglvl == 6) {
} else {
goto done;
ok = ini.SetNum(m_name, _ConfigLevel, 9);
if (ok)
ok = ini.SetBool(m_name, _AutoRecover, TRUE);
ok = ini.SetBool(m_name, L"BlockNetworkFiles", TRUE);
if (ok)
if (ok)
ok = AddOrRemoveQuickRecoveryFolder(L"%Desktop%", TRUE);
//if (ok)
// ok = AddOrRemoveQuickRecoveryFolder(L"%Favorites%", TRUE);
if (ok)
ok = AddOrRemoveQuickRecoveryFolder(L"%Personal%", TRUE);
if (ok && CMyApp::m_WindowsVista) {
ok = AddOrRemoveQuickRecoveryFolder(
L"%{374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}%", TRUE);
if (ok)
ok = SetBorder(TRUE, RGB(255,255,0), TRUE, 6);
if (! ok) {
CMyMsg msg(MSG_3314, m_name);
CMyApp::MsgBox(NULL, msg, MB_OK);
// SetEnabled
void CBox::SetEnabled(const CString &BoxName)
CSbieIni::GetInstance().SetBool(BoxName, _Enabled, TRUE);
// GetSetProcessSetting
BOOL CBox::GetProcessSetting(WCHAR type, const CString &image)
if (image.IsEmpty())
return FALSE;
if (image.GetAt(0) == L'[')
return FALSE;
const CString *pName = &m_name;
const CString *pSetting;
if (type == L'A') {
pName = &_GlobalSettings;
pSetting = &_AlertProcess;
} else if (type == L'O')
pSetting = &_ForceFolder;
else if (type == L'F')
pSetting = &_ForceProcess;
else if (type == L'L')
pSetting = &_LingerProcess;
else if (type == L'R')
pSetting = &_LeaderProcess;
pSetting = NULL;
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
BOOL oldval = FALSE;
CStringList list;
ini.GetTextList(*pName, *pSetting, list);
POSITION pos = list.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos) {
CString &text = list.GetNext(pos);
if (text.CompareNoCase(image) == 0)
oldval = TRUE;
return oldval;
// SetProcessSetting
BOOL CBox::SetProcessSetting(WCHAR type, const CString &image, BOOL newval)
if (image.IsEmpty())
return TRUE;
if (image.GetAt(0) == L'[')
return TRUE;
const CString *pName = &m_name;
const CString *pSetting;
if (type == L'A') {
pName = &_GlobalSettings;
pSetting = &_AlertProcess;
} else if (type == L'O')
pSetting = &_ForceFolder;
else if (type == L'F')
pSetting = &_ForceProcess;
else if (type == L'L')
pSetting = &_LingerProcess;
else if (type == L'R')
pSetting = &_LeaderProcess;
pSetting = NULL;
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
if (newval == TRUE)
ok = ini.InsertText(*pName, *pSetting, image);
if (newval == FALSE)
ok = ini.DelText(*pName, *pSetting, image);
return ok;
// GetProcessList
void CBox::GetProcessList(WCHAR type, CStringList &list, BOOL withBrackets)
const CString *pName = &m_name;
const CString *pSetting;
if (type == L'A') {
pName = &_GlobalSettings;
pSetting = &_AlertProcess;
} else if (type == L'O')
pSetting = &_ForceFolder;
else if (type == L'F')
pSetting = &_ForceProcess;
else if (type == L'L')
pSetting = &_LingerProcess;
else if (type == L'R')
pSetting = &_LeaderProcess;
pSetting = NULL;
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
ini.GetTextList(*pName, *pSetting, list, withBrackets);
// GetProcessGroupsInBox
void CBox::GetProcessGroupsInBox(CStringList &names)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
CStringList list1;
ini.GetTextList(m_name, _ProcessGroup, list1, TRUE);
POSITION pos1 = list1.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos1) {
CString &text = list1.GetNext(pos1);
int idxOpen = text.Find(L'<');
int idxClose = text.Find(L'>');
if (idxOpen != -1 && idxClose != -1 && idxClose > idxOpen) {
CString name = text.Mid(idxOpen, idxClose + 1 - idxOpen);
bool found = false;
POSITION pos2 = names.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos2) {
CString &name2 = names.GetNext(pos2);
if (name2.CompareNoCase(name) == 0) {
found = true;
if (! found)
// GetProcessGroupName
void CBox::GetProcessGroupName(
const CString &GroupName,
CString &LocalGroupName, CString &GlobalGroupName)
LocalGroupName = L"<" + GroupName;
GlobalGroupName = LocalGroupName + L"_" + m_name + L">";
LocalGroupName = LocalGroupName + L">";
// GetProcessGroup
CString CBox::GetProcessGroup(const CString &GroupName)
CString value;
// collect all ProcessGroup settings from both the GlobalSettings
// section and the sandbox section
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
CStringList list;
ini.GetTextList(_GlobalSettings, _ProcessGroup, list, TRUE);
for (int i = 0; i < list.GetCount(); ++i) {
CString str = list.RemoveHead();
str = L"[" + str + L"]";
CStringList list2;
ini.GetTextList(m_name, _ProcessGroup, list2, TRUE);
CString LocalGroupName, GlobalGroupName;
if (GroupName.GetAt(0) == L'<') {
LocalGroupName = GroupName;
GlobalGroupName = GroupName;
} else
GetProcessGroupName(GroupName, LocalGroupName, GlobalGroupName);
// scan each ProcessGroup setting, check if group name matches
POSITION pos = list.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos) {
CString &text = list.GetNext(pos);
bool withBrackets = false;
if (text.GetLength() > 2 && text.GetAt(0) == L'[') {
withBrackets = true;
text = text.Mid(1, text.GetLength() - 2);
int comma = text.Find(L',');
if (comma != -1 && (
text.Mid(0, comma) == LocalGroupName ||
text.Mid(0, comma) == GlobalGroupName)) {
// collect the comma-separated list of processes
if (withBrackets && text.Mid(0, comma) == GlobalGroupName)
withBrackets = false;
int len = text.GetLength();
while (1) {
while (comma < len && text.GetAt(comma) == L',')
if (comma == len)
int comma2 = text.Find(L',', comma);
if (value.GetLength())
value += L",";
if (withBrackets)
value += L"[";
if (comma2 == -1)
value += text.Mid(comma);
else {
value += text.Mid(comma, comma2 - comma);
comma = comma2 + 1;
if (withBrackets)
value += L"]";
if (comma2 == -1)
return value;
// SetProcessGroup
void CBox::SetProcessGroup(const CString &GroupName, const CString &value)
// collect all ProcessGroup settings from both the GlobalSettings
// section and the sandbox section
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
CStringList list;
ini.GetTextList(_GlobalSettings, _ProcessGroup, list);
CStringList list2;
ini.GetTextList(m_name, _ProcessGroup, list2);
CString LocalGroupName, GlobalGroupName;
if (GroupName.GetAt(0) == L'<') {
LocalGroupName = GroupName;
GlobalGroupName = CString(); // do not delete from global
} else
GetProcessGroupName(GroupName, LocalGroupName, GlobalGroupName);
// scan each ProcessGroup setting, check if group name matches
POSITION pos = list.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos) {
CString &text = list.GetNext(pos);
int comma = text.Find(L',');
if (comma != -1 && (
text.Mid(0, comma) == LocalGroupName ||
text.Mid(0, comma) == GlobalGroupName)) {
// delete matching setting
ini.DelText(m_name, _ProcessGroup, text);
if (text.Mid(0, comma) == GlobalGroupName)
ini.DelText(_GlobalSettings, _ProcessGroup, text);
// Add new setting
if (value.GetLength()) {
CString text = LocalGroupName + L"," + value;
CSbieIni::GetInstance().InsertText(m_name, _ProcessGroup, text);
// GetInternetProcess
CString CBox::GetInternetProcess(BOOL *pNotify)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
if (pNotify)
ini.GetBool(m_name, _NotifyInternetAccessDenied, *pNotify, TRUE);
// check if the Internet resource is blocked unconditionally,
// without a qualifying program name or process group names
CStringList list;
ini.GetTextList(m_name, _ClosedFilePath, list);
POSITION pos = list.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos) {
CString &text = list.GetNext(pos);
int comma = text.Find(L',');
if (comma == -1 &&
text == _AfdX || text == _InternetAccessDevices)
return _Star;
// otherwise check for program name or process group name
CString LocalGroupName, GlobalGroupName;
_InternetAccessGroup, LocalGroupName, GlobalGroupName);
pos = list.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos) {
CString &text = list.GetNext(pos);
int comma = text.Find(L',');
if (comma != -1 && (
text.Mid(comma + 1) == _AfdX ||
text.Mid(comma + 1) == _InternetAccessDevices)) {
CString retval = text.Mid(0, comma);
if ((! retval.IsEmpty()) && retval.Mid(0, 1) == L'!')
retval = retval.Mid(1);
if (retval == LocalGroupName || retval == GlobalGroupName)
retval = GetProcessGroup(_InternetAccessGroup);
return retval;
return CString();
// SetInternetProcess
BOOL CBox::SetInternetProcess(const CString &image, BOOL *pNotify)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
if (pNotify)
ini.SetBool(m_name, _NotifyInternetAccessDenied, *pNotify);
// remove old settings
CString LocalGroupName, GlobalGroupName;
_InternetAccessGroup, LocalGroupName, GlobalGroupName);
SetProcessGroup(_InternetAccessGroup, L"");
BOOL ok = ini.DelText2(m_name, _ClosedFilePath,
_InternetAccessDevices, LocalGroupName);
// remove old settings coded in the old style
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText2(
m_name, _ClosedFilePath, _AfdX, GlobalGroupName);
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText2(
m_name, _ClosedFilePath, _TcpX, GlobalGroupName);
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText2(
m_name, _ClosedFilePath, _IpX, GlobalGroupName);
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText2(
m_name, _ClosedFilePath, _Ip, GlobalGroupName);
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText2(
m_name, _ClosedFilePath, _Tcp, GlobalGroupName);
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText2(
m_name, _ClosedFilePath, _Udp, GlobalGroupName);
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText2(
m_name, _ClosedFilePath, _RawIp, GlobalGroupName);
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText2(
m_name, _ClosedFilePath, _Ip6, GlobalGroupName);
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText2(
m_name, _ClosedFilePath, _Tcp6, GlobalGroupName);
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText2(
m_name, _ClosedFilePath, _Udp6, GlobalGroupName);
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText2(
m_name, _ClosedFilePath, _RawIp6, GlobalGroupName);
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText2(
m_name, _ClosedFilePath, _Nsi, GlobalGroupName);
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText2(
m_name, _ClosedFilePath, _Http, GlobalGroupName);
// add new settings
if (! image.IsEmpty()) {
CString pfx;
if (image.Compare(_Star) != 0) {
SetProcessGroup(_InternetAccessGroup, image);
pfx = L"!" + LocalGroupName + L",";
if (ok)
ok = ini.InsertText(m_name, _ClosedFilePath,
pfx + _InternetAccessDevices);
return ok;
// GetStartRunProcess
CString CBox::GetStartRunProcess(BOOL *pNotify)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
if (pNotify)
ini.GetBool(m_name, _NotifyStartRunAccessDenied, *pNotify, TRUE);
// check if the Start/Run resource is blocked unconditionally,
// without a qualifying program name or process group names
CStringList list;
ini.GetTextList(m_name, _ClosedIpcPath, list);
POSITION pos = list.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos) {
CString &text = list.GetNext(pos);
int comma = text.Find(L',');
if (comma == -1 && text == _Star)
return _Star;
// otherwise check for program name or process group name
CString LocalGroupName, GlobalGroupName;
_StartRunAccessGroup, LocalGroupName, GlobalGroupName);
pos = list.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos) {
CString &text = list.GetNext(pos);
int comma = text.Find(L',');
if (comma != -1 && text.Mid(comma + 1) == _Star) {
CString retval = text.Mid(0, comma);
if ((! retval.IsEmpty()) && retval.Mid(0, 1) == L'!')
retval = retval.Mid(1);
if (retval == LocalGroupName || retval == GlobalGroupName)
retval = GetProcessGroup(_StartRunAccessGroup);
return retval;
return CString();
// SetStartRunProcess
BOOL CBox::SetStartRunProcess(const CString &image, BOOL *pNotify)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
if (pNotify)
ini.SetBool(m_name, _NotifyStartRunAccessDenied, *pNotify);
// remove old settings
CString LocalGroupName, GlobalGroupName;
_StartRunAccessGroup, LocalGroupName, GlobalGroupName);
SetProcessGroup(_StartRunAccessGroup, L"");
BOOL ok = ini.DelText2(m_name, _ClosedIpcPath, _Star, LocalGroupName);
// remove old settings coded in the old style
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText2(m_name, _ClosedIpcPath, _Star, GlobalGroupName);
// add new settings
if (! image.IsEmpty()) {
CString pfx;
if (image.Compare(_Star) != 0) {
SetProcessGroup(_StartRunAccessGroup, image);
pfx = L"!" + LocalGroupName + L",";
if (ok)
ok = ini.InsertText(m_name, _ClosedIpcPath, pfx + _Star);
return ok;
// AddOrRemoveQuickRecoveryFolder
BOOL CBox::AddOrRemoveQuickRecoveryFolder(const CString &folder, BOOL add)
if (folder.IsEmpty())
return TRUE;
if (folder.GetAt(0) == L'[')
return TRUE;
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
CString str = folder;
while (1) {
int len = str.GetLength();
if (len > 1 && str.GetAt(len - 1) == L'\\')
str = str.Left(len - 1);
CString folder2 = ini.MakeGenericPath(str);
BOOL ok = ini.DelText(m_name, _RecoverFolder, folder);
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText(m_name, _RecoverFolder, folder + L"\\");
if (ok) {
if (add)
ok = ini.InsertText(m_name, _RecoverFolder, folder2);
else {
ini.DelText(m_name, _RecoverFolder, folder2);
ini.DelText(m_name, _RecoverFolder, folder2 + L"\\");
if (m_BoxFile)
return ok;
// GetQuickRecoveryFolders
void CBox::GetQuickRecoveryFolders(CStringList &list, BOOL withBrackets)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
ini.GetTextList(m_name, _RecoverFolder, list, withBrackets);
POSITION pos = list.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos) {
POSITION oldpos = pos;
CString str = list.GetNext(pos);
withBrackets = CSbieIni::StripBrackets(str);
while (1) {
int len = str.GetLength();
if (len > 1 && str.GetAt(len - 1) == L'\\')
str = str.Left(len - 1);
if (withBrackets)
str = CSbieIni::AddBrackets(str);
list.SetAt(oldpos, str);
// AddOrRemoveAutoRecoveryIgnores
BOOL CBox::AddOrRemoveAutoRecoveryIgnores(const CString &item, BOOL add)
if (item.IsEmpty())
return TRUE;
if (item.GetAt(0) == L'[')
return TRUE;
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
CString str = item;
while (1) {
int len = str.GetLength();
if (len > 1 && str.GetAt(len - 1) == L'\\')
str = str.Left(len - 1);
CString item2 = ini.MakeGenericPath(str);
BOOL ok = ini.DelText(m_name, _AutoRecoverIgnore, item);
if (ok)
ok = ini.DelText(m_name, _AutoRecoverIgnore, item + L"\\");
if (ok) {
if (add)
ini.InsertText(m_name, _AutoRecoverIgnore, item2);
else {
ini.DelText(m_name, _AutoRecoverIgnore, item2);
ini.DelText(m_name, _AutoRecoverIgnore, item2 + L"\\");
return ok;
// GetAutoRecoveryIgnores
void CBox::GetAutoRecoveryIgnores(CStringList &list, BOOL withBrackets)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
ini.GetTextList(m_name, _AutoRecoverIgnore, list, withBrackets);
POSITION pos = list.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos) {
POSITION oldpos = pos;
CString str = list.GetNext(pos);
withBrackets = CSbieIni::StripBrackets(str);
while (1) {
int len = str.GetLength();
if (len > 1 && str.GetAt(len - 1) == L'\\')
str = str.Left(len - 1);
if (withBrackets)
str = CSbieIni::AddBrackets(str);
list.SetAt(oldpos, str);
// GetImmediateRecoveryState
BOOL CBox::GetImmediateRecoveryState() const
BOOL value;
if (m_TemporarilyDisableQuickRecover)
value = FALSE;
else {
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
ini.GetBool(m_name, _AutoRecover, value, FALSE);
return value;
// SetImmediateRecoveryState
void CBox::SetImmediateRecoveryState(BOOL enabled, BOOL temporarily)
if (temporarily)
m_TemporarilyDisableQuickRecover = ! enabled;
else {
m_TemporarilyDisableQuickRecover = FALSE;
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
if (enabled)
ini.SetBool(m_name, _AutoRecover, enabled);
ini.SetText(m_name, _AutoRecover, L"");
// GetAutoDelete
BOOL CBox::GetAutoDelete() const
BOOL value;
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
ini.GetBool(m_name, _AutoDelete, value, FALSE);
return value;
// SetAutoDelete
void CBox::SetAutoDelete(BOOL enabled)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
if (enabled)
ini.SetBool(m_name, _AutoDelete, enabled);
ini.SetText(m_name, _AutoDelete, L"");
// GetNeverDelete
BOOL CBox::GetNeverDelete() const
BOOL value;
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
ini.GetBool(m_name, _NeverDelete, value, FALSE);
return value;
// SetNeverDelete
void CBox::SetNeverDelete(BOOL enabled)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
ini.SetBool(m_name, _NeverDelete, enabled);
// GetDeleteCommand
CString CBox::GetDeleteCommand() const
CString cmd;
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
ini.GetText(m_name, _DeleteCommand, cmd);
return cmd;
// SetDeleteCommand
void CBox::SetDeleteCommand(const CString &cmd) const
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
ini.SetText(m_name, _DeleteCommand, cmd);
// GetSetCopyLimit
ULONG CBox::GetSetCopyLimit(BOOL set, ULONG newval)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
int value = 0;
if (set)
value = ini.SetNum(m_name, _CopyLimitKb, newval);
ini.GetNum(m_name, _CopyLimitKb, value, (48 * 1024));
return value;
// GetSetCopySilent
BOOL CBox::GetSetCopySilent(BOOL set, BOOL newval)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
BOOL value = FALSE;
if (set) {
if (newval)
ini.SetBool(m_name, _CopyLimitSilent, newval);
ini.SetText(m_name, _CopyLimitSilent, L"");
} else
ini.GetBool(m_name, _CopyLimitSilent, value);
return value;
// GetBoxNameTitle
UCHAR CBox::GetBoxNameTitle() const
CString value;
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
ini.GetText(m_name, _BoxNameTitle, value);
if (! value.IsEmpty()) {
WCHAR ch = value.GetAt(0);
if (ch == L'y' || ch == L'Y')
return 'y';
if (ch == L'-')
return '-';
return 'n';
// SetBoxNameTitle
BOOL CBox::SetBoxNameTitle(UCHAR enabled)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
CString value;
if (enabled == '-')
value = L'-';
else if (enabled != L'y')
value = L'n';
value = L'y';
CString strEnabled;
strEnabled = (char)enabled;
return ini.SetText(m_name, _BoxNameTitle, strEnabled);
// GetBorder
BOOL CBox::GetBorder(COLORREF *color, BOOL *title, int* width)
/*color = RGB(255,255,0);
*title = FALSE;
CString text;
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
ini.GetText(m_name, _BorderColor, text);
if (text.GetLength() < 7 || text.GetAt(0) != L'#')
return FALSE;
WCHAR *endptr;
CString text_1_6 = text.Mid(1, 6);
*color = wcstol(text_1_6, &endptr, 16);
if (*endptr != L'\0') {
*color = RGB(255,255,0);
return FALSE;
if (text.Mid(7, 4).CompareNoCase(BorderColor_ttl) == 0) {
*title = TRUE;
if (text.Mid(11).CompareNoCase(BorderColor_off) == 0)
return FALSE;
} else if (text.Mid(7).CompareNoCase(BorderColor_off) == 0)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;*/
return SbieDll_GetBorderColor(m_name, color, title, width);
// SetBorder
BOOL CBox::SetBorder(BOOL enabled, COLORREF color, BOOL title, int width)
WCHAR text[32];
swprintf(text, L"#%06X,%s,%d", color, !enabled ? L"off" : (title ? L"ttl" : L"on"), width);
/*swprintf(text, L"#%06X", color);
if (title)
wcscat(text, BorderColor_ttl);
if (! enabled)
wcscat(text, BorderColor_off);*/
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
return ini.SetText(m_name, _BorderColor, text);
// GetSetBlock
BOOL CBox::GetSetBlock(WCHAR type, BOOL set, BOOL newval)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
const CString *pSetting;
if (type == L'D')
pSetting = &_BlockDrivers;
else if (type == L'K')
pSetting = &_BlockFakeInput;
else if (type == L'P')
pSetting = &_BlockSysParam;
else if (type == L'W')
pSetting = &_BlockPassword;
else if (type == L'N')
pSetting = &_BlockNetParam;
pSetting = NULL;
BOOL value = FALSE;
if (set)
ini.SetBool(m_name, *pSetting, newval);
ini.GetBool(m_name, *pSetting, value, TRUE);
return value;
// GetXxxPathList
void CBox::GetXxxPathList(ULONG type, CStringList &list, BOOL withBrackets)
const CString *pSetting;
if (type == 'fo')
pSetting = &_OpenFilePath;
else if (type == 'po')
pSetting = &_OpenPipePath;
else if (type == 'fc')
pSetting = &_ClosedFilePath;
else if (type == 'fr')
pSetting = &_ReadFilePath;
else if (type == 'fw')
pSetting = &_WriteFilePath;
else if (type == 'ko')
pSetting = &_OpenKeyPath;
else if (type == 'kc')
pSetting = &_ClosedKeyPath;
else if (type == 'kr')
pSetting = &_ReadKeyPath;
else if (type == 'kw')
pSetting = &_WriteKeyPath;
else if (type == 'io')
pSetting = &_OpenIpcPath;
else if (type == 'ic')
pSetting = &_ClosedIpcPath;
else if (type == 'wo')
pSetting = &_OpenWinClass;
else if (type == 'co')
pSetting = &_OpenClsid;
pSetting = NULL;
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
ini.GetTextList(m_name, *pSetting, list, withBrackets);
// GetXxxPathListForPgm
void CBox::GetXxxPathListForPgm(
ULONG type, CStringList &list, const CString &pgm, BOOL withBrackets)
CStringList list1;
GetXxxPathList(type, list1, withBrackets);
CString xpgm = pgm;
if (xpgm == L'*')
xpgm = CString();
while (! list1.IsEmpty()) {
CString val = list1.RemoveHead();
withBrackets = CSbieIni::StripBrackets(val);
CString valpgm;
int index = val.Find(L',');
if (index >= 1) {
valpgm = val.Left(index);
if (index + 1 < val.GetLength())
val = val.Mid(index + 1);
val = CString();
if (valpgm == L'*')
valpgm = CString();
if (valpgm.CompareNoCase(xpgm) == 0) {
if (withBrackets)
val = CSbieIni::AddBrackets(val);
// SetXxxPathListForPgm
void CBox::SetXxxPathListForPgm(
ULONG type, const CStringList &list, const CString &pgm)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
const CString *pSetting;
if (type == 'fo')
pSetting = &_OpenFilePath;
else if (type == 'po')
pSetting = &_OpenPipePath;
else if (type == 'fc')
pSetting = &_ClosedFilePath;
else if (type == 'fr')
pSetting = &_ReadFilePath;
else if (type == 'fw')
pSetting = &_WriteFilePath;
else if (type == 'ko')
pSetting = &_OpenKeyPath;
else if (type == 'kc')
pSetting = &_ClosedKeyPath;
else if (type == 'kr')
pSetting = &_ReadKeyPath;
else if (type == 'kw')
pSetting = &_WriteKeyPath;
else if (type == 'io')
pSetting = &_OpenIpcPath;
else if (type == 'ic')
pSetting = &_ClosedIpcPath;
else if (type == 'wo')
pSetting = &_OpenWinClass;
else if (type == 'co')
pSetting = &_OpenClsid;
pSetting = NULL;
CStringList listOld;
GetXxxPathList(type, listOld);
CString xpgm = pgm;
if (xpgm == L'*')
xpgm = CString();
while (! listOld.IsEmpty()) {
CString val = listOld.RemoveHead();
CString valpgm;
int index = val.Find(L',');
if (index >= 1) {
valpgm = val.Left(index);
if (valpgm == L'*')
valpgm = CString();
if (valpgm.CompareNoCase(xpgm) == 0)
ini.DelText(m_name, *pSetting, val);
POSITION pos = list.GetTailPosition();
while (pos) {
CString val = list.GetPrev(pos);
if (val.IsEmpty())
if (val.GetAt(0) == L'[')
if (! xpgm.IsEmpty())
val = xpgm + L"," + val;
ini.InsertText(m_name, *pSetting, val);
// GetSetDropAdminRights
BOOL CBox::GetSetDropAdminRights(BOOL set, BOOL newval)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
BOOL value = FALSE;
if (set) {
if (newval)
value = ini.SetBool(m_name, _DropAdminRights, newval);
value = ini.SetText(m_name, _DropAdminRights, L"");
} else
ini.GetBool(m_name, _DropAdminRights, value, FALSE);
return value;
// GetBlockNetworkFiles
BOOL CBox::GetSetBlockNetworkFiles(BOOL set, BOOL newval)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
BOOL value = FALSE;
if (set) {
if (newval)
value = ini.SetBool(m_name, _BlockeNetworkFiles, newval);
value = ini.SetText(m_name, _BlockeNetworkFiles, L"");
ini.GetBool(m_name, _BlockeNetworkFiles, value, FALSE);
return value;
// GetSetAllowSpoolerPrintToFile
BOOL CBox::GetSetAllowSpoolerPrintToFile(BOOL set, BOOL newval)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
BOOL value = FALSE;
if (set) {
if (newval)
value = ini.SetBool(m_name, _AllowSpoolerPrintToFile, newval);
value = ini.SetText(m_name, _AllowSpoolerPrintToFile, L"");
ini.GetBool(m_name, _AllowSpoolerPrintToFile, value, FALSE);
return value;
// GetSetUserAccounts
void CBox::GetSetUserAccounts(
const CString &BoxName, BOOL set, CStringList &list)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
if (set) {
CString text = L"y";
while (! list.IsEmpty()) {
CString user = list.RemoveHead();
text += L"," + user;
ini.SetText(BoxName, _Enabled, text);
} else {
while (! list.IsEmpty())
CString text;
ini.GetText(BoxName, _Enabled, text);
if (text.GetLength() &&
(text.GetAt(0) == L'y' || text.GetAt(0) == L'Y')) {
int index = text.Find(L',');
while (index != -1 && (index + 1 < text.GetLength())) {
int index2 = text.Find(L',', index);
if (index2 == -1)
index2 = text.GetLength();
CString user = text.Mid(index, index2 - index);
if (user.GetLength())
index = index2;
// GetSetUserAccounts
void CBox::GetSetUserAccounts(BOOL set, CStringList &list)
GetSetUserAccounts(m_name, set, list);
// IsTemplateEnabled
BOOL CBox::IsTemplateEnabled(const WCHAR *TemplateName)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
// check easy case: if box (or global settings, for the null box)
// includes the setting Template=TemplateName
CString SectionName = m_name.IsEmpty() ? _GlobalSettings : m_name;
CStringList values;
ini.GetTextList(SectionName, ini.m_Template, values);
POSITION pos1 = values.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos1) {
CString value = values.GetNext(pos1);
if (value.CompareNoCase(TemplateName) == 0)
return TRUE;
// don't check for harder case if this is the null box / global settings
if (m_name.IsEmpty())
return FALSE;
// harder case: box includes all the settings for the template
CString TemplateSectionName = ini.m_Template_ + TemplateName;
CStringList tmpl_names;
ini.GetSettingsNames(TemplateSectionName, tmpl_names);
BOOL at_least_one = FALSE;
pos1 = tmpl_names.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos1) {
CString name = tmpl_names.GetNext(pos1);
if (name.Left(5).CompareNoCase(ini.m_Tmpl_) == 0)
while (! values.IsEmpty())
ini.GetTextList(m_name, name, values, TRUE);
CStringList tmpl_values;
ini.GetTextList(TemplateSectionName, name, tmpl_values);
POSITION pos2 = tmpl_values.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos2) {
CString tmpl_value = tmpl_values.GetNext(pos2);
BOOL tmpl_value_found_in_box = FALSE;
POSITION pos3 = values.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos3) {
CString value = values.GetNext(pos3);
if (value.CompareNoCase(tmpl_value) == 0) {
tmpl_value_found_in_box = TRUE;
if (! tmpl_value_found_in_box)
return FALSE;
at_least_one = TRUE;
return at_least_one;
// EnableTemplate
BOOL CBox::EnableTemplate(const WCHAR *TemplateName, BOOL enable)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
// first, remove any settings from the template that appear for the box
if (! m_name.IsEmpty()) {
CString TemplateSectionName = ini.m_Template_ + TemplateName;
CStringList tmpl_names;
ini.GetSettingsNames(TemplateSectionName, tmpl_names);
POSITION pos1 = tmpl_names.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos1 && ok) {
CString name = tmpl_names.GetNext(pos1);
if (name.Left(5).CompareNoCase(ini.m_Tmpl_) == 0)
CStringList tmpl_values;
ini.GetTextList(TemplateSectionName, name, tmpl_values);
POSITION pos2 = tmpl_values.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos2 && ok) {
CString tmpl_value = tmpl_values.GetNext(pos2);
ok = ini.DelText(m_name, name, tmpl_value);
// second, either set or remove the setting Template=TemplateName
if (ok) {
CString SectionName = m_name.IsEmpty() ? _GlobalSettings : m_name;
if (enable)
ok = ini.InsertText(SectionName, ini.m_Template, TemplateName);
ok = ini.DelText(SectionName, ini.m_Template, TemplateName);
// third, update quick recovery folders, in case the template
// contains RecoverFolder settings
if (m_BoxFile)
return ok;
// IsTemplateRejected
BOOL CBox::IsTemplateRejected(const WCHAR *TemplateName)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
CString SectionName = m_name.IsEmpty() ? _GlobalSettings : m_name;
CString SettingName = ini.m_Template + L"Reject";
CStringList values;
ini.GetTextList(SectionName, SettingName, values);
POSITION pos1 = values.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos1) {
CString value = values.GetNext(pos1);
if (value.CompareNoCase(TemplateName) == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// RejectTemplate
BOOL CBox::RejectTemplate(const WCHAR *TemplateName, BOOL reject)
CSbieIni &ini = CSbieIni::GetInstance();
CString SectionName = m_name.IsEmpty() ? _GlobalSettings : m_name;
CString SettingName = ini.m_Template + L"Reject";
BOOL ok;
if (reject)
ok = ini.InsertText(SectionName, SettingName, TemplateName);
ok = ini.DelText(SectionName, SettingName, TemplateName);
return ok;