
1710 lines
43 KiB

* Copyright 2004-2020 Sandboxie Holdings, LLC
* Copyright 2020-2024 David Xanatos,
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Sandboxie Low Level code injection mechanism moved here from SbieSvc
#include "dll.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "common/my_version.h"
#include "core/low/lowdata.h"
#include "common/win32_ntddk.h"
#include "core/drv/api_defs.h"
#include "common/dllimport.h"
#include "common/arm64_asm.h"
// Defines
// Structures and Types
typedef struct _MY_TARGETS {
unsigned long long entry;
unsigned long long data;
unsigned long long detour;
#ifdef _M_ARM64
HANDLE hProcess,
USHORT* pProcessMachine,
USHORT* pNativeMachine
HANDLE hProcess,
LPVOID ProcessInformation,
DWORD ProcessInformationSize
typedef PVOID (*P_VirtualAlloc2)(
HANDLE Process,
PVOID BaseAddress,
SIZE_T Size,
ULONG AllocationType,
ULONG PageProtection,
ULONG ParameterCount
// Functions
SBIEDLL_EXPORT HANDLE SbieDll_InjectLow_SendHandle(HANDLE hProcess);
void *SbieDll_InjectLow_CopyCode(
HANDLE hProcess, SIZE_T total_size, SIZE_T lowLevel_size, const void* lowLevel_ptr
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, BOOLEAN use_arm64ec
BOOLEAN SbieDll_InjectLow_BuildTramp(
BOOLEAN long_diff, UCHAR *code, ULONG_PTR addr
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, BOOLEAN use_arm64ec
void *SbieDll_InjectLow_CopySyscalls(HANDLE hProcess, BOOLEAN is_wow64
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, BOOLEAN use_arm64ec
void* InjectLow_AllocMemory(HANDLE hProcess, SIZE_T size, BOOLEAN executable
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, BOOLEAN use_arm64ec
BOOLEAN SbieDll_InjectLow_CopyData(
HANDLE hProcess, void *remote_addr, void *local_data);
#ifdef _WIN64
BOOLEAN SbieDll_Has32BitJumpHorizon(void * target, void * detour);
void * SbieDll_InjectLow_getPage(HANDLE hProcess, void *remote_addr);
BOOLEAN SbieDll_InjectLow_WriteJump(
HANDLE hProcess, void *remote_addr, BOOLEAN long_diff
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, BOOLEAN use_arm64ec
#if defined(_M_ARM64) || defined(_M_ARM64EC)
ULONG Hook_GetSysCallFunc(ULONG* aCode, void** pHandleStubHijack);
// Variables
void *m_sbielow_ptr = NULL;
ULONG m_sbielow_len = 0;
//adding two offsets variables to replace the "head" and "tail" dependency
ULONG m_sbielow_start_offset = 0;
ULONG m_sbielow_data_offset = 0;
#ifdef _WIN64
void *m_sbielow32_ptr = NULL;
ULONG m_sbielow32_len = 0;
ULONG m_sbielow32_detour_offset = 0;
ULONG *m_syscall_data = NULL;
ULONG_PTR m_LdrInitializeThunk = 0;
#ifdef _M_ARM64
ULONG *m_syscall_ec_data = NULL;
ULONG_PTR m_LdrInitializeThunkEC = 0;
P_VirtualAlloc2 __sys_VirtualAlloc2 = NULL;
// SbieDll_InjectLow_LoadLow
_FX ULONG SbieDll_InjectLow_LoadLow(BOOLEAN arch_64bit, void **sbielow_ptr, ULONG *sbielow_len, ULONG *start_offset, ULONG* data_offset, ULONG* detour_offset)
// lock the SbieLow resource (embedded within the SbieSvc executable,
// see lowlevel.rc) and find the offset to executable code, and length
IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dos_hdr = 0;
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *nt_hdrs = 0;
IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *data_dirs = 0;
ULONG_PTR imageBase = 0;
MY_TARGETS *targets = 0;
ULONG errlvl = 0x11;
HRSRC hrsrc = FindResource(Dll_Instance, arch_64bit ? L"LOWLEVEL64" : L"LOWLEVEL32", RT_RCDATA);
if (! hrsrc)
return errlvl;
ULONG binsize = SizeofResource(Dll_Instance, hrsrc);
if (! binsize)
return errlvl;
HGLOBAL hglob = LoadResource(Dll_Instance, hrsrc);
if (! hglob)
return errlvl;
UCHAR *bindata = (UCHAR *)LockResource(hglob);
if (! bindata)
return errlvl;
errlvl = 0x22;
dos_hdr = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)bindata;
if (dos_hdr->e_magic == 'MZ' || dos_hdr->e_magic == 'ZM') {
nt_hdrs = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)((UCHAR *)dos_hdr + dos_hdr->e_lfanew);
if (nt_hdrs->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) // 'PE\0\0'
return errlvl;
if (nt_hdrs->OptionalHeader.Magic != (arch_64bit ? IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC : IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC))
return errlvl;
if (!arch_64bit) {
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *nt_hdrs_32 = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *)nt_hdrs;
IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32 *opt_hdr_32 = &nt_hdrs_32->OptionalHeader;
data_dirs = &opt_hdr_32->DataDirectory[0];
imageBase = opt_hdr_32->ImageBase;
else {
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 *nt_hdrs_64 = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 *)nt_hdrs;
IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 *opt_hdr_64 = &nt_hdrs_64->OptionalHeader;
data_dirs = &opt_hdr_64->DataDirectory[0];
imageBase = (ULONG_PTR)opt_hdr_64->ImageBase;
ULONG zzzzz = 1;
#ifdef _M_ARM64
if (arch_64bit)
zzzzz = 4; // ARM64 only
if (imageBase != 0) // x64 or x86
return errlvl;
section = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(nt_hdrs);
if (nt_hdrs->FileHeader.NumberOfSections < 2) return errlvl;
if (strncmp((char *)section[0].Name, SBIELOW_INJECTION_SECTION, strlen(SBIELOW_INJECTION_SECTION)) ||
strncmp((char *)section[zzzzz].Name, SBIELOW_SYMBOL_SECTION, strlen(SBIELOW_SYMBOL_SECTION))) {
return errlvl;
targets = (MY_TARGETS *)& bindata[section[zzzzz].PointerToRawData];
if(start_offset) *start_offset = (ULONG)(targets->entry - imageBase - section[0].VirtualAddress);
if(data_offset) *data_offset = (ULONG)(targets->data - imageBase - section[0].VirtualAddress);
if(detour_offset) *detour_offset = (ULONG)(targets->detour - imageBase - section[0].VirtualAddress);
*sbielow_ptr = bindata + section[0].PointerToRawData; //Old version: head;
*sbielow_len = section[0].SizeOfRawData; //Old version: (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)(tail - head);
return 0;
// InjectLow_InitHelper
_FX ULONG SbieDll_InjectLow_InitHelper()
#ifdef _WIN64
ULONG errlvl = SbieDll_InjectLow_LoadLow(TRUE, &m_sbielow_ptr, &m_sbielow_len, &m_sbielow_start_offset, &m_sbielow_data_offset, NULL);
errlvl = SbieDll_InjectLow_LoadLow(FALSE, &m_sbielow32_ptr, &m_sbielow32_len, NULL, NULL, &m_sbielow32_detour_offset);
ULONG errlvl = SbieDll_InjectLow_LoadLow(FALSE, &m_sbielow_ptr, &m_sbielow_len, &m_sbielow_start_offset, &m_sbielow_data_offset, NULL);
if (errlvl)
return errlvl;
// record information about ntdll and the virtual memory system
errlvl = 0x33;
m_LdrInitializeThunk = (ULONG_PTR) GetProcAddress(Dll_Ntdll, "LdrInitializeThunk");
if (! m_LdrInitializeThunk)
return errlvl;
#ifdef _M_ARM64
// for x64 on arm64 we need the EC version of LdrInitializeThunk as well as VirtualAlloc2,
// if those are missing we will only fail SbieDll_InjectLow for x64 processes on arm64
if (! GetSystemDirectory(path, MAX_PATH))
wcscpy(path, L"C:\\Windows\\System32");
wcscat(path, L"\\ntdll.dll");
m_LdrInitializeThunkEC = (ULONG_PTR)Dll_Ntdll + FindDllExportFromFile(path, "#LdrInitializeThunk");
__sys_VirtualAlloc2 = (P_VirtualAlloc2)GetProcAddress(Dll_KernelBase, "VirtualAlloc2");
#elif _WIN64
if (Dll_Windows >= 10) {
unsigned char * code;
code = (unsigned char *)m_LdrInitializeThunk;
if (*(ULONG *)&code[0] == 0x24048b48 && code[0xa] == 0x48) {
m_LdrInitializeThunk += 0xa;
return 0;
#if defined(_M_ARM64) || defined(_M_ARM64EC)
// SbieDll_FindFirstSysCallFunc
_FX ULONG* SbieDll_FindFirstSysCallFunc(ULONG* aCode, void** pHandleStubHijack)
// Scan the ntdll.dll/win32u.dll from its base up to 16mb max
// in search of the first ec syscall wrapper function
__try {
for (ULONG pos = 0; pos < 16 * 1024 * 1024; aCode++, pos += 4) {
if (Hook_GetSysCallFunc(aCode, pHandleStubHijack) != -1)
return aCode;
return NULL;
// SbieDll_GetEcExitThunkPtr
_FX void* SbieDll_GetEcExitThunkPtr(void* HandleStubHijack)
UCHAR* ptr = (UCHAR*)HandleStubHijack;
// Analyze the HandleStubHijack function to find the address of
// __os_arm64x_dispatch_call_no_redirect which points to
// xtajit64.dll!#BinaryTranslatorEcExitThunkCallX64 in EC processes
for (ULONG i = 0; i < 0x40; i += 4, ptr += 4) {
ADRP adrp;
adrp.OP = *(ULONG*)ptr;
if (IS_ADRP(adrp) && adrp.Rd == 16) { // adrp x16, 0x180379000
LDR ldr;
ldr.OP = *(ULONG*)(ptr + 4);
if (IS_LDR(ldr) && ldr.Rn == 16 && ldr.Rt == 16) { // ldr x16, [x16, #0xae0]
LONG delta = (adrp.immHi << 2 | adrp.immLo) << 12;
delta += (ldr.imm12 << ldr.size);
// Note: ADRP clears the lower 12 bits of the PC
return (void*)(((ULONG_PTR)ptr & ~0xFFF) + delta);
return NULL;
// SbieDll_GetSysCallOffset
_FX ULONG SbieDll_GetSysCallOffset(const ULONG *SyscallPtr, ULONG syscall_index)
ULONG SyscallNum;
while (SyscallPtr[0] || SyscallPtr[1]) {
SyscallNum = SyscallPtr[0];
SyscallNum &= 0xFFFF; // clear the not needed param count
if (SyscallNum == syscall_index)
return SyscallPtr[1];
SyscallPtr += 2;
return 0;
// InjectLow_InitSyscalls
_FX ULONG SbieDll_InjectLow_InitSyscalls(BOOLEAN drv_init)
const WCHAR *_SbieDll = L"\\" SBIEDLL L".dll";
WCHAR sbie_home[512];
ULONG status;
ULONG len;
WCHAR *ptr;
ULONG *syscall_data;
#ifdef _M_ARM64
ULONG *syscall_ec_data;
// Get the SbieDll Location
/*if (1) {
GetSystemDirectory(sbie_home, 512);
else */
if (drv_init)
status = SbieApi_GetHomePath(NULL, 0, sbie_home, 512);
if (status != 0)
return status;
GetModuleFileName(Dll_Instance, sbie_home, 512);
ptr = wcsrchr(sbie_home, L'\\');
if (ptr)
*ptr = L'\0';
#define ULONG_DIFF(b,a) ((ULONG)((ULONG_PTR)(b) - (ULONG_PTR)(a)))
// get the list of syscall from the driver
if (!m_syscall_data) {
syscall_data = (ULONG *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, 8192);
if (!syscall_data)
*syscall_data = 0;
syscall_data = m_syscall_data;
if (drv_init)
// Get a full sys call list from the driver
status = SbieApi_Call(API_QUERY_SYSCALLS, 1, (ULONG_PTR)syscall_data);
if (status != 0)
return status;
len = *syscall_data;
if ((!len) || (len & 3) || (len > 4096))
// Create a minimalistic driverless data
*syscall_data = sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(ULONG); // + 248; // total_size 4, extra_data_offset 4, work area sizeof(INJECT_DATA)
const char* NtdllExports[] = NATIVE_FUNCTION_NAMES;
for (ULONG i = 0; i < NATIVE_FUNCTION_COUNT; ++i) {
void* func_ptr = GetProcAddress(Dll_Ntdll, NtdllExports[i]);
memcpy((void*)((ULONG_PTR)syscall_data + (sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(ULONG)) + (NATIVE_FUNCTION_SIZE * i)), func_ptr, NATIVE_FUNCTION_SIZE);
len = *syscall_data;
struct SYS_CALL_DATA {
ULONG size_of_buffer;
ULONG offset_to_extra_data;
struct _CODE {
ULONG number;
ULONG offset;
} sys_call_list[n + 1];
// the above is provided by the driver, the below we have to construct
ULONG64 EcExitThunkPtr;
// ...
} extra_data; // 52 bytes
char LdrLoadDll_str[16] = "LdrLoadDll";
char LdrGetProcAddr_str[28] = "LdrGetProcedureAddress";
char NtRaiseHardError_str[20] = "NtRaiseHardError";
char RtlFindActCtx_str[44] = "RtlFindActivationContextSectionString";
wchar_t KernelDll_str[13] = L"kernel32.dll";
wchar_t NativeSbieDll_str[] = L"...\\SbieDll.dll";
wchar_t Arm64ecSbieDll_str[] = L"...\\64\\SbieDll.dll";
wchar_t Wow64SbieDll_str[] = L"...\\32\\SbieDll.dll";
struct INJECT_DATA {
// ...
} InjectData;
// the second ULONG in syscall_data points to extra data appended
// by us here on top of what the driver returned
extra = (SBIELOW_EXTRA_DATA *)((ULONG_PTR)syscall_data + len);
syscall_data[1] = len;
// write an ASCII string for LdrLoadDll (see core/low/inject.c)
ptr = (WCHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)extra + sizeof(SBIELOW_EXTRA_DATA));
strcpy((char *)ptr, "LdrLoadDll");
extra->LdrLoadDll_offset = ULONG_DIFF(ptr, extra);
ptr += 16 / sizeof(WCHAR);
// write an ASCII string for LdrGetProcedureAddress
strcpy((char *)ptr, "LdrGetProcedureAddress");
extra->LdrGetProcAddr_offset = ULONG_DIFF(ptr, extra);
ptr += 28 / sizeof(WCHAR);
// write an ASCII string for NtProtectVirtualMemory
strcpy((char *)ptr, "NtProtectVirtualMemory");
extra->NtProtectVirtualMemory_offset = ULONG_DIFF(ptr, extra);
ptr += 28 / sizeof(WCHAR);
// write an ASCII string for NtRaiseHardError
strcpy((char *)ptr, "NtRaiseHardError");
extra->NtRaiseHardError_offset = ULONG_DIFF(ptr, extra);
ptr += 20 / sizeof(WCHAR);
// write an ASCII string for NtDeviceIoControlFile
strcpy((char *)ptr, "NtDeviceIoControlFile");
extra->NtDeviceIoControlFile_offset = ULONG_DIFF(ptr, extra);
ptr += 28 / sizeof(WCHAR);
// write an ASCII string for RtlFindActivationContextSectionString
strcpy((char *)ptr, "RtlFindActivationContextSectionString");
extra->RtlFindActCtx_offset = ULONG_DIFF(ptr, extra);
ptr += 44 / sizeof(WCHAR);
#ifdef _M_ARM64
// write an ASCII string for LdrQueryImageFileExecutionOptionsEx
strcpy((char *)ptr, "LdrQueryImageFileExecutionOptionsEx");
extra->RtlImageOptionsEx_offset = ULONG_DIFF(ptr, extra);
ptr += 40 / sizeof(WCHAR);
// ntdll loads kernel32 without a path, we will do the same
// in our hook for RtlFindActivationContextSectionString,
// see entry.asm
wcscpy(ptr, L"kernel32.dll");
len = wcslen(ptr);
extra->KernelDll_offset = ULONG_DIFF(ptr, extra);
extra->KernelDll_length = len * sizeof(WCHAR);
ptr += len + 1;
// append paths for native and wow64 SbieDll to the syscall buffer
wcscpy(ptr, sbie_home);
wcscat(ptr, _SbieDll);
len = (ULONG)wcslen(ptr);
extra->NativeSbieDll_offset = ULONG_DIFF(ptr, extra);
extra->NativeSbieDll_length = len * sizeof(WCHAR);
ptr += len + 1;
#ifdef _M_ARM64
wcscpy(ptr, sbie_home);
wcscat(ptr, L"\\64");
wcscat(ptr, _SbieDll);
len = (ULONG)wcslen(ptr);
extra->Arm64ecSbieDll_offset = ULONG_DIFF(ptr, extra);
extra->Arm64ecSbieDll_length = len * sizeof(WCHAR);
ptr += len + 1;
#ifdef _WIN64
wcscpy(ptr, sbie_home);
wcscat(ptr, L"\\32");
wcscat(ptr, _SbieDll);
len = (ULONG)wcslen(ptr);
extra->Wow64SbieDll_offset = ULONG_DIFF(ptr, extra);
extra->Wow64SbieDll_length = len * sizeof(WCHAR);
ptr += len + 1;
#endif _WIN64
// Note: the work area was now moved after the extra area
// hence the syscall_data is no longer overwritten
extra->InjectData_offset = ULONG_DIFF(ptr, extra);
extra->Init_Lock = 0;
// adjust size of syscall buffer to include path strings
*syscall_data = ULONG_DIFF(ptr, syscall_data) + sizeof(INJECT_DATA);
m_syscall_data = syscall_data;
#ifdef _M_ARM64
// create m_syscall_ec_data for arm64 ec
if (!m_syscall_ec_data) {
syscall_ec_data = (ULONG *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, 8192);
if (!syscall_ec_data)
*syscall_ec_data = 0;
syscall_ec_data = m_syscall_ec_data;
if (drv_init)
// Search the ntdll.dll for the unexported syscall wrapper functions
void* HandleStubHijack = NULL;
ULONG* aCode = SbieDll_FindFirstSysCallFunc((ULONG*)Dll_Ntdll, &HandleStubHijack);
if (aCode == NULL) {
SbieApi_Log(2303, L"syscall, wrappers not found");
return STATUS_SUCCESS; // we will fail process creation for ec processes later
void* EcExitThunkPtr = SbieDll_GetEcExitThunkPtr(HandleStubHijack);
// create the syscall EC data from the ntdll.sll's syscall wrapper functions
const ULONG* SyscallPtr = (ULONG*)((ULONG64)syscall_data + sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(ULONG) + (NATIVE_FUNCTION_SIZE * NATIVE_FUNCTION_COUNT));
ULONG* SyscallPtrEC = (ULONG*)((ULONG64)syscall_ec_data + sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(ULONG) + (NATIVE_FUNCTION_SIZE * NATIVE_FUNCTION_COUNT));
for (ULONG pos = 0; pos < 128; aCode++, pos += 4) {
ULONG SyscallNum = Hook_GetSysCallFunc(aCode, NULL);
if (SyscallNum == -1)
if (SbieDll_GetSysCallOffset(SyscallPtr, SyscallNum)) {
SyscallPtrEC[0] = SyscallNum;
SyscallPtrEC[1] = ULONG_DIFF(aCode, Dll_Ntdll);
SyscallPtrEC += 2;
//if (aCode[13] != 0 || aCode[14] != 0 || aCode[15] != 0 || aCode[16] != 0)
// break;
//aCode += (13 + 3 + 3 + 1);
aCode += 16;
pos = 0; // reset
// end marker
SyscallPtrEC[0] = 0;
SyscallPtrEC[1] = 0;
SyscallPtrEC += 2;
// put the EcExitThunkPtr at (extra_data_offset - 8)
*(ULONG64*)SyscallPtrEC = (ULONG64)EcExitThunkPtr;
SyscallPtrEC += sizeof(ULONG64) / sizeof(ULONG);
*syscall_ec_data = ULONG_DIFF(SyscallPtrEC, syscall_ec_data);
*syscall_ec_data = sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(ULONG); // +248; // total_size 4, extra_data_offset 4, work area sizeof(INJECT_DATA)
// copy the required functions duplicates to the ec data
memcpy(syscall_ec_data + 2, syscall_data + 2, NATIVE_FUNCTION_SIZE * NATIVE_FUNCTION_COUNT);
// copy the extra data section
len = *syscall_ec_data;
ULONG extra_len = syscall_data[0] - syscall_data[1];
memcpy((UCHAR*)syscall_ec_data + len, extra, extra_len);
// adjust length and extra offset
syscall_ec_data[1] = len;
syscall_ec_data[0] = len + extra_len;
m_syscall_ec_data = syscall_ec_data;
// InjectLow
_FX ULONG SbieDll_InjectLow(HANDLE hProcess, ULONG init_flags, BOOLEAN dup_drv_handle)
ULONG errlvl = 0;
memset(&lowdata, 0, sizeof(lowdata));
lowdata.flags.init_flags = init_flags;
#ifdef _M_ARM64
USHORT ProcessMachine = 0xFFFF;
if (Dll_OsBuild >= 22000) { // Win 11
if(GetProcessInformation(hProcess, (PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS)ProcessMachineTypeInfo, &info, sizeof(info)))
ProcessMachine = info.ProcessMachine;
else { // Win 10
IsWow64Process2(hProcess, &ProcessMachine, NULL);
if (ProcessMachine != 0xFFFF) {
// Currently 32-bit ARM processes are not supported,
// there doesn't seam to be a significant amount of these out there anyways
if (ProcessMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT) {
lowdata.flags.is_wow64 = 1;
errlvl = -1;
goto finish;
else if (ProcessMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64) {
lowdata.flags.is_arm64ec = 1;
lowdata.flags.is_xtajit = 1;
else if (ProcessMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) {
lowdata.flags.is_wow64 = 1;
lowdata.flags.is_xtajit = 1;
else {
errlvl = 0xCC;
goto finish;
// verify all aspects of initialization were successful
if ((!m_sbielow_ptr) || (!m_syscall_data)
#ifdef _M_ARM64
|| (lowdata.flags.is_arm64ec && ((!m_LdrInitializeThunkEC) || (!__sys_VirtualAlloc2) || (!m_syscall_ec_data)))
) {
errlvl = 0xFF;
goto finish;
// prepare the lowdata parameters area to copy into target process
lowdata.ntdll_base = (ULONG64)(ULONG_PTR)Dll_Ntdll;
#ifdef _WIN64
static const WCHAR *_Ntdll32 = L"\\syswow64\\ntdll.dll"; // 19 chars
#ifdef _M_ARM64
static const WCHAR *_NChpe32 = L"\\SyChpe32\\ntdll.dll"; // 19 chars
// Sandboxie requires CHPE to be disabled for x86 applications
// for simplicity and compatibility with forced processes we disable CHPE globally using the Wow64\x86\xtajit key
// alternatively we can hook LdrQueryImageFileExecutionOptionsEx from LowLevel.dll
// and return 0 for the L"LoadCHPEBinaries" option
// HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Wow64\x86\xtajit -> LoadCHPEBinaries = 0
// HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\{image_name} -> LoadCHPEBinaries = 0
// HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers -> {full_image_path} = "~ ARM64CHPEDISABLED"
if (lowdata.flags.is_wow64) {
lowdata.ntdll_wow64_base = FindDllBase64(hProcess, _Ntdll32);
#ifdef _M_ARM64
if (!lowdata.ntdll_wow64_base) {
//lowdata.ntdll_wow64_base = FindDllBase64(hProcess, _NChpe32);
//if (lowdata.ntdll_wow64_base)
// lowdata.flags.is_chpe32 = 1;
//else {
errlvl = -2;
goto finish;
lowdata.RealNtDeviceIoControlFile = (ULONG64)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)lowdata.ntdll_base, "NtDeviceIoControlFile");
lowdata.NativeNtProtectVirtualMemory = (ULONG64)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)lowdata.ntdll_base, "NtProtectVirtualMemory");
lowdata.NativeNtRaiseHardError = (ULONG64)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)lowdata.ntdll_base, "NtRaiseHardError");
// on 64-bit Windows 8, there might be a difference of more than
// 2GB bytes between ntdll and the injected SbieLow, which requires
// use of longer jump sequences than the 5-byte 0xE9 relative jump
if (Dll_Windows >= 10) {
lowdata.flags.is_win10 = 1;
#ifdef _M_ARM64
// Windows on Arm64 offers only 16 bytes per syscall for our detour,
// not enough to store the syscall number (4), load (4) a 64 bit address (8) and jump to it (4).
// Hence we allocate the memory containing SystemServiceAsm in the lower 4 GB's
// this way we save 4 bytes on the address and can fit in the 16 bytes available
// An alternative aproche is to use the jump table as 16 bytes are just enough for
// a 64 bit detour, and in the jump table we have as much space per syscall as we need.
SIZE_T lowLevel_size;
#ifdef _WIN64
BOOLEAN use_jump_Table = FALSE;
lowLevel_size = m_sbielow_len + sizeof(SBIELOW_J_TABLE) + 0x400;
lowLevel_size = m_sbielow_len;
void *remote_addr = SbieDll_InjectLow_CopyCode(hProcess, lowLevel_size, m_sbielow_len, m_sbielow_ptr
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, (BOOLEAN)lowdata.flags.is_arm64ec
if (remote_addr) {
void* pLdrInitializeThunk = (void*)m_LdrInitializeThunk;
#ifdef _M_ARM64
if (lowdata.flags.is_arm64ec)
pLdrInitializeThunk = (void*)m_LdrInitializeThunkEC;
// copy code at LdrInitializeThunk from new process
SIZE_T len1 = sizeof(lowdata.LdrInitializeThunk_tramp);
SIZE_T len2 = 0;
sprintf(buffer,"CopyCode: copy ldr size %d\n",code_len);
BOOL vm_ok = ReadProcessMemory(
hProcess, pLdrInitializeThunk, lowdata.LdrInitializeThunk_tramp,
len1, &len2);
if (!vm_ok || len1 != len2) {
remote_addr = NULL;
if (!remote_addr) {
errlvl = 0x33;
goto finish;
#ifdef _WIN64
void *remote_addr32 = NULL;
if (lowdata.flags.is_wow64) {
// when this is a 32 bit process running under WoW64, we need to inject also some 32 bit code
remote_addr32 = SbieDll_InjectLow_CopyCode(hProcess, m_sbielow32_len, m_sbielow32_len, m_sbielow32_ptr
#ifdef _M_ARM64
if (remote_addr32) {
ULONG protect;
BOOL vm_ok = VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, remote_addr32, m_sbielow32_len,
if (vm_ok) {
lowdata.ptr_32bit_detour = (ULONG64)((UCHAR*)remote_addr32 + m_sbielow32_detour_offset);
if (!lowdata.ptr_32bit_detour) {
errlvl = 0x88;
goto finish;
#ifndef _M_ARM64
#ifdef _WIN64
lowdata.flags.long_diff = 1;
if (SbieDll_Has32BitJumpHorizon((void *)m_LdrInitializeThunk, remote_addr)) {
lowdata.flags.long_diff = 0;
lowdata.flags.long_diff = 0;
if (dup_drv_handle)
// duplicate the SbieDrv API file device handle into target process
lowdata.api_device_handle = (ULONG64)(ULONG_PTR)
if (!lowdata.api_device_handle) {
errlvl = 0x22;
goto finish;
lowdata.api_sbiedrv_ctlcode = API_SBIEDRV_CTLCODE;
lowdata.api_invoke_syscall = API_INVOKE_SYSCALL;
// the driver sent us a copy of some functions from ntdll in the
// syscall_data buffer, copy that code to SbieLow through the
// lowdata area (see also core/drv/syscall.c and core/low/lowdata.h)
memcpy(lowdata.NtDelayExecution_code, &m_syscall_data[2], (NATIVE_FUNCTION_SIZE * NATIVE_FUNCTION_COUNT));
// lowdata.NtDelayExecution_code
// lowdata.NtDeviceIoControlFile_code
// lowdata.NtFlushInstructionCache_code
// lowdata.NtProtectVirtualMemory_code
// allocate space for and write the lowlevel (SbieLow) code
// and copy code at LdrInitializeThunk from target process
#ifdef _WIN64
lowdata.Sbie64bitJumpTable = (SBIELOW_J_TABLE *)((ULONG_PTR)remote_addr + m_sbielow_len + 0x400); //(0x400 - (m_sbielow_len & 0x3ff))+ m_sbielow_len;
// remove hard coded data block offset
ULONG_PTR tramp_remote_addr = // calculate address in remote process
+ m_sbielow_data_offset // offset of args area
+ FIELD_OFFSET(SBIELOW_DATA, LdrInitializeThunk_tramp);
if (!SbieDll_InjectLow_BuildTramp(lowdata.flags.long_diff == 1,
lowdata.LdrInitializeThunk_tramp, tramp_remote_addr
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, (BOOLEAN)lowdata.flags.is_arm64ec
)) {
//UCHAR *code = lowdata.LdrInitializeThunk_tramp;
//SbieApi_LogEx(msg->session_id, 2335,
// L"%S [%02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X"
// L" %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X]",
// msg->process_name,
// code[0], code[1], code[2], code[3], code[4], code[5],
// code[6], code[7], code[8], code[9], code[10], code[11]);
errlvl = 0x44;
goto finish;
// copy the syscall data buffer (m_syscall_data) to target process
void* remote_syscall_data = SbieDll_InjectLow_CopySyscalls(hProcess, (BOOLEAN)lowdata.flags.is_wow64
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, (BOOLEAN)lowdata.flags.is_arm64ec
if (!remote_syscall_data) {
errlvl = 0x55;
goto finish;
lowdata.syscall_data = (ULONG64)(ULONG_PTR)remote_syscall_data;
// write lowdata parameter area, including the converted trampoline
// code, into target process, and make it execute-read
if (!SbieDll_InjectLow_CopyData(hProcess, remote_addr, &lowdata)) {
errlvl = 0x66;
goto finish;
// overwrite the top of LdrInitializeThunk to jump to injected code
// note that we have to skip the 8-byte signature (.HEAD.00)
// Removed hard coded dependency on (.HEAD.00). No longer need to add 8 to
// the remote_addr
if (!SbieDll_InjectLow_WriteJump(hProcess, (UCHAR *)remote_addr + m_sbielow_start_offset, lowdata.flags.long_diff == 1
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, (BOOLEAN)lowdata.flags.is_arm64ec
)) {
errlvl = 0x77;
goto finish;
// finish
return errlvl;
// InjectLow_AllocMemory
_FX void* InjectLow_AllocMemory(HANDLE hProcess, SIZE_T size, BOOLEAN executable
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, BOOLEAN use_arm64ec
) {
SIZE_T region_size = size;
void *remote_addr = NULL;
#ifdef _M_ARM64
if (use_arm64ec && executable) {
Parameter.Type = MemExtendedParameterAttributeFlags;
for (UINT_PTR base_addr = 0x10000; !remote_addr; base_addr <<= 1) {
remote_addr = __sys_VirtualAlloc2(hProcess, (void*)base_addr, region_size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &Parameter, 1);
return remote_addr;
// allocate virtual memory somewhere in the process. to force an
// address in the low 24-bits of the address space, we have to use
// NtAllocateVirtalMemory and specify ZeroBits = 8 (32 - 8 = 24)
//for (int i = 8; !remote_addr && i > 2; i--) {
for (int i = 8; !remote_addr && i >= 0; i--) {
NTSTATUS status = NtAllocateVirtualMemory(hProcess, &remote_addr, i, &region_size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, executable ? PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE : PAGE_READWRITE);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
remote_addr = NULL;
region_size = size;
return remote_addr;
// InjectLow_SendHandle
_FX HANDLE SbieDll_InjectLow_SendHandle(HANDLE hProcess)
NTSTATUS status;
HANDLE HandleLocal, HandleRemote;
// open the Sandboxie driver API file handle
RtlInitUnicodeString(&uni, API_DEVICE_NAME);
status = NtOpenFile(
&HandleLocal, FILE_GENERIC_READ, &objattrs, &MyIoStatusBlock,
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// duplicate opened handle into new process
BOOL ok = DuplicateHandle(NtCurrentProcess(), HandleLocal,
hProcess, &HandleRemote, 0, FALSE,
if (ok) {
return HandleRemote;
return NULL;
// InjectLow_CopyCode
_FX void *SbieDll_InjectLow_CopyCode(HANDLE hProcess, SIZE_T total_size, SIZE_T lowLevel_size, const void* lowLevel_ptr
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, BOOLEAN use_arm64ec
) {
void* remote_addr = InjectLow_AllocMemory(hProcess, total_size, TRUE
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, use_arm64ec
if (remote_addr) {
// copy SbieLow into the allocated region in the new process
SIZE_T len1 = lowLevel_size;
SIZE_T len2 = 0;
BOOL vm_ok = WriteProcessMemory(
hProcess, remote_addr, lowLevel_ptr,
len1, &len2);
if (vm_ok && len1 == len2) {
return remote_addr;
return NULL;
// InjectLow_BuildTramp
_FX BOOLEAN SbieDll_InjectLow_BuildTramp(
BOOLEAN long_diff, UCHAR *code, ULONG_PTR addr
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, BOOLEAN use_arm64ec
) {
#ifdef _M_ARM64
// code contains already a copy of LdrInitializeThunk (48 bytes)
// here we need to add the jump to the original at the right location
ULONG code_len = 16; // the length of the jump to detour code
ULONG* aCode = (ULONG*)(code + code_len);
*aCode++ = 0x58000048; // ldr x8, 8
*aCode++ = 0xD61F0100; // br x8
*(DWORD64*)aCode = (use_arm64ec ? m_LdrInitializeThunkEC : m_LdrInitializeThunk) + code_len;
#define IS_1BYTE(a) ( code[offset + 0] == (a))
#define IS_2BYTE(a,b) (IS_1BYTE(a) && code[offset + 1] == (b))
#define IS_3BYTE(a,b,c) (IS_2BYTE(a,b) && code[offset + 2] == (c))
// skip past several bytes in the code copied from the top of the
// LdrInitializeThunk function, where we will inject a jmp sequence.
// a simple E9 relative JMP five byte instruction in most cases,
// a slightly longer seven byte version in case there is a long
// distance between ntdll and SbieLow, i.e. on 64-bit Windows 8
ULONG code_len = (long_diff ? 7 : 5);
ULONG offset = 0;
while (offset < code_len) {
ULONG inst_len = 0;
if (0)
// push ebp
else if (IS_1BYTE(0x55))
inst_len = 1;
// mov ebp, esp
else if (IS_2BYTE(0x8B, 0xEC))
inst_len = 2;
// mov edi, edi
else if (IS_2BYTE(0x8B, 0xFF))
inst_len = 2;
// push ebx
else if (IS_2BYTE(0xFF, 0xF3))
inst_len = 2;
// push rbx (Windows 8.1)
else if (IS_2BYTE(0x40, 0x53))
inst_len = 2;
// mov dword ptr [esp+imm8],eax
else if (IS_3BYTE(0x89, 0x44, 0x24))
inst_len = 4;
// lea eax, esp+imm8
else if (IS_3BYTE(0x8D, 0x44, 0x24))
inst_len = 4;
// sub rsp, imm8
else if (IS_3BYTE(0x48, 0x83, 0xEC))
inst_len = 4;
// mov rbx, rcx
else if (IS_3BYTE(0x48, 0x8B, 0xD9))
inst_len = 3;
else if (IS_3BYTE(0x48, 0x8B, 0x04))
inst_len = 4;
// abort if we don't recognize the instruction
if (!inst_len) {
return FALSE;
offset += inst_len;
#undef IS_3BYTE
#undef IS_2BYTE
#undef IS_1BYTE
// append a jump instruction at the bottom of our trampoline for
// LdrInitializeThunk, which jumps back to the real LdrInitializeThunk
// note that on Windows 8 the difference between the address of
// LdrInitializeThunk in the 64-bit ntdll and where SbieLow was copied
// may be greater than 32-bit, so we use JMP QWORD rather than the
// 5-byte 0xE9 relative JMP
#ifdef _WIN64
if (!long_diff) {
if (Dll_Windows >= 10) {
code[offset] = 0x48;
code[offset + 1] = 0xE9; // jmp
*(ULONG *)&code[offset + 2] = (ULONG)
(m_LdrInitializeThunk + offset - (addr + offset + 6));
else {
code[offset] = 0xe9;
*(ULONG *)&code[offset + 1] = (ULONG)
(m_LdrInitializeThunk + offset - (addr + offset + 5));
else {
*(USHORT *)&code[offset] = 0x25FF; // jmp qword ptr
*(ULONG *)&code[offset + 2] = 0;
*(ULONG64 *)&code[offset + 6] = m_LdrInitializeThunk + offset;
code[offset] = 0xE9; // jmp
*(ULONG *)&code[offset + 1] = (ULONG)
(m_LdrInitializeThunk + offset - (addr + offset + 5));
return TRUE;
// InjectLow_CopySyscalls
_FX void *SbieDll_InjectLow_CopySyscalls(HANDLE hProcess, BOOLEAN is_wow64
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, BOOLEAN use_arm64ec
) {
void *remote_addr = NULL;
ULONG* data;
#ifdef _M_ARM64
data = m_syscall_ec_data;
data = m_syscall_data;
SIZE_T region_size = *data;
remote_addr = InjectLow_AllocMemory(hProcess, region_size , FALSE
#ifdef _M_ARM64
if (remote_addr) {
// copy the syscall data buffer into the new process
SIZE_T len1 = *data;
SIZE_T len2 = 0;
BOOL vm_ok = WriteProcessMemory(
hProcess, remote_addr, data, len1, &len2);
if (vm_ok && len1 == len2) {
return remote_addr;
return NULL;
// InjectLow_CopyData
_FX BOOLEAN SbieDll_InjectLow_CopyData(
HANDLE hProcess, void *remote_addr, void *local_data)
// copy SBIELOW_DATA data into the area reserved within SbieLow
// (i.e. at offset SBIELOW_DATA_OFFSET) in the new process
void *data_addr = (void *)((ULONG_PTR)remote_addr + m_sbielow_data_offset);
SIZE_T len1 = sizeof(SBIELOW_DATA);
SIZE_T len2 = 0;
BOOL vm_ok = WriteProcessMemory(
hProcess, data_addr, local_data, len1, &len2);
if (vm_ok && len1 == len2) {
ULONG protect;
vm_ok = VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, remote_addr, m_sbielow_len,
if (vm_ok) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
#ifndef _M_ARM64
#ifdef _WIN64
_FX BOOLEAN SbieDll_Has32BitJumpHorizon(void * target, void * detour)
long long delta;
diff = (ULONG_PTR)((ULONG_PTR)target - (ULONG_PTR)detour);
delta = diff;
delta < 0 ? delta *= -1 : delta;
//is DetourFunc in 32bit jump range
if (delta < 0x80000000) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
_FX void * SbieDll_InjectLow_getPage(HANDLE hProcess, void *remote_addr)
SIZE_T mySize;
ULONG_PTR tempAddr;
void * myTable = 0;
UCHAR *func;
ULONG myProtect;
short myBuffer[1024];
SIZE_T readSize;
HANDLE myKernel32;
//HANDLE myTestDll;
func = (UCHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)m_LdrInitializeThunk);
myKernel32 = GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll");
myNtDll = GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll");
// myTestDll = 0;
if(myTestDll) {
//for testing remove this code!
sprintf(buffer,"Dll Collision Test: address %p\n",myTestDll);
myTable = VirtualAllocEx(hProcess,myTestDll,0x100, MEM_COMMIT|MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
else {
tempAddr = ((ULONG_PTR)myNtDll < (ULONG_PTR)myKernel32 ? (ULONG_PTR)myNtDll : (ULONG_PTR)myKernel32) - 0x10000;
myTable = VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, (void *)tempAddr, 0x100, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
// }
else {
//use hack if all else fails
//OutputDebugStringA("Unable to allocate page!\n");
max_attempts = 0;
if (myTable) {
mySize = 0;
if (SbieDll_Has32BitJumpHorizon(myTable, func)) {
WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, myTable, &remote_addr, 8, &mySize);
sprintf(buffer,"myPage = %p, kernel32 = %p, ntdll = %p\n",myTable,myKernel32,myNtDll);
if (mySize == 8) {
return myTable;
sprintf(buffer,"Failed to find table for target address %p, func = %p\n",myTable,func);
readSize = 1;
tempAddr = (ULONG_PTR)func - 8;
ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (void *)((ULONG_PTR)tempAddr), &myBuffer, 8, &readSize);
// if hot patch area
if (*((ULONG_PTR *)&myBuffer) == 0x9090909090909090 || *((ULONG_PTR *)&myBuffer) == 0xcccccccccccccccc) {
//OutputDebugStringA("Using hotpatch area\n");
myTable = (void *)tempAddr;
else { //not hot patch area: This is a hack
//patch area in .rdata section of ntdll
ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (void *)((ULONG_PTR)tempAddr + 0x100000), myBuffer, sizeof(myBuffer), &readSize);
if (readSize != sizeof(myBuffer)) {
//OutputDebugStringA("Error reading Memory\n");
return NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(myBuffer) && !myTable; i++) {
if (*((ULONG_PTR*)&myBuffer[i]) == 0x9090909090909090 ||
*((ULONG_PTR*)&myBuffer[i]) == 0xcccccccccccccccc) {
myTable = (void *)((ULONG_PTR)tempAddr + i);
sprintf(buffer,"HACK: table found at %p, index %x\n",myTable, i);
if (!myTable) {
//OutputDebugStringA("Table not found\n");
return NULL;
} //end else not hotpatch area
myVM = VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, myTable, sizeof(void *), PAGE_READWRITE, &myProtect);
if (myVM) {
SIZE_T len2 = 0;
myVM = WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, myTable, &remote_addr, 8, &len2);
if (myVM && 8 == len2) {
myVM = VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, myTable, 8, myProtect, &myProtect);
if (myVM) {
return myTable;
return NULL;
#endif //#ifdef _WIN64
#endif //#ifndef _M_ARM64
// InjectLow_WriteJump
_FX BOOLEAN SbieDll_InjectLow_WriteJump(HANDLE hProcess, void *remote_addr, BOOLEAN long_diff
#ifdef _M_ARM64
, BOOLEAN use_arm64ec
) {
// prepare a short prolog code that jumps to the injected SbieLow
UCHAR jump_code[20];
void * detour = (void *)remote_addr;
UCHAR *func = (UCHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)m_LdrInitializeThunk);
SIZE_T len1;
ULONG myProtect;
#ifdef _M_ARM64
func = (UCHAR *)((ULONG_PTR)m_LdrInitializeThunkEC);
ULONG* aCode = (ULONG*)jump_code;
//*aCode++ = 0xD43E0000; // brk #0xF000
*aCode++ = 0x58000048; // ldr x8, 8
*aCode++ = 0xD61F0100; // br x8
*(DWORD64*)aCode = (DWORD64)detour; aCode += 2;
len1 = (UCHAR*)aCode - jump_code;
#elif _WIN64
if (!long_diff) {
if (Dll_Windows >= 10) {
len1 = 6;
jump_code[0] = 0x48; //jump to entry code in entry.asm
jump_code[1] = 0xE9; //jump to entry code in entry.asm
*(ULONG *)(jump_code + 2) = (ULONG)((ULONG_PTR)detour - (m_LdrInitializeThunk + 6));
//remote_addr = (void *)m_LdrInitializeThunk;
else {
len1 = 5;
jump_code[0] = 0xe9; //jump to entry code in entry.asm
*(ULONG *)(jump_code + 1) = (ULONG)((ULONG_PTR)detour - (m_LdrInitializeThunk + 5));
else {
void * myTable = 0;
if (!((ULONG_PTR)remote_addr & 0xffffffff00000000)) {
len1 = 7;
jump_code[0] = 0xB8;
*(ULONG *)(jump_code + 1) = (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)remote_addr;
*(USHORT *)(jump_code + 5) = 0xE0FF; // jmp rax
else {
ULONG_PTR target;
len1 = 6;
target = (ULONG_PTR)&func[6];
myTable = SbieDll_InjectLow_getPage(hProcess, remote_addr);
if (!myTable) {
//OutputDebugStringA("Error: Table not set!\n");
return FALSE;
diff = (ULONG_PTR) &((ULONG_PTR *)myTable)[0];
diff = diff - target;
*(USHORT *)&jump_code[0] = 0x25ff;
*(ULONG *)&jump_code[2] = (ULONG)diff;
len1 = 5;
jump_code[0] = 0xE9; //jump to entry code in entry.asm
*(ULONG *)(jump_code + 1) = (ULONG)((ULONG_PTR)detour - (m_LdrInitializeThunk + 5));
//remote_addr = (void *)m_LdrInitializeThunk;
// modify the bytes at LdrInitializeThunk with the prolog code
myVM = VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, func, len1, PAGE_READWRITE, &myProtect);
if (myVM) {
SIZE_T len2 = 0;
myVM = WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, func, jump_code, len1, &len2);
sprintf(buffer,"WriteJump: len2 = %d\n",len2);
if (myVM && len1 == len2) {
myVM = VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, func, len1, myProtect, &myProtect);
if (myVM) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;