
219 lines
6.3 KiB

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SandMan.h"
#include <QtWidgets/QApplication>
#include "../QSbieAPI/SbieAPI.h"
#include "../QtSingleApp/src/qtsingleapplication.h"
#include "../QSbieAPI/SbieUtils.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Common/Common.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "./Windows/SettingsWindow.h"
#include "./Wizards/SetupWizard.h"
CSettings* theConf = NULL;
QString g_PendingMessage;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
wchar_t szPath[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, szPath, ARRAYSIZE(szPath));
*wcsrchr(szPath, L'\\') = L'\0';
QString AppDir = QString::fromWCharArray(szPath);
if (QFile::exists(AppDir + "\\Certificate.dat"))
CSettingsWindow::LoadCertificate(AppDir + "\\Certificate.dat");
// use AppFolder/PlusData when present, else fallback to AppFolder
QString ConfDir = AppDir + "\\PlusData";
ConfDir = AppDir;
// use a shared setting location when used in a business environment for easier administration
theConf = new CSettings(ConfDir, "Sandboxie-Plus");
#ifndef _DEBUG
InitMiniDumpWriter(QString("SandMan-v%1").arg(CSandMan::GetVersion()).toStdWString().c_str() , QString(theConf->GetConfigDir()).replace("/", "\\").toStdWString().c_str());
// this must be done before we create QApplication
int DPI = theConf->GetInt("Options/DPIScaling", 1);
if (DPI == 1) {
typedef DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT(WINAPI* P_SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext)(DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT dpiContext);
P_SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext pSetThreadDpiAwarenessContext = (P_SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(L"user32.dll"), "SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext");
if(pSetThreadDpiAwarenessContext) // not present on windows 7
else if (DPI == 2) {
//else {
// QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_DisableHighDpiScaling);
QtSingleApplication app(argc, argv);
bool IsBoxed = GetModuleHandle(L"SbieDll.dll") != NULL;
if (!IsBoxed) {
SB_STATUS Status = CSbieUtils::DoAssist();
if (Status.GetStatus()) {
if (Status.GetStatus() != ERROR_OK)
return Status.GetStatus();
return 0;
QStringList Args = QCoreApplication::arguments();
int CmdPos = Args.indexOf("/OpenReg", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if (CmdPos != -1) {
if (Args.count() > CmdPos + 2) {
QProcess::startDetached( + 2));
ShellOpenRegKey( + 1));
return 0;
CmdPos = Args.indexOf("/ShellUninstall", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if (CmdPos != -1) {
return 0;
CmdPos = Args.indexOf("-op", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if (CmdPos != -1) {
QString Op;
if (Args.count() > CmdPos)
Op = + 1);
g_PendingMessage = "Op:" + Op;
// Context Menu invocations
int BoxPos = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < Args.size(); i++) {
if (Args[i].left(5).compare("/box:", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
BoxPos = i;
int DfpPos = Args.indexOf("/disable_force", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
int AfpPos = Args.indexOf("/add_force", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
int AOPos = Args.indexOf("/add_open", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
//Add_Force has the highest priority.
if (AfpPos != -1) {
DfpPos = -1;
BoxPos = -1;
else if (AOPos != -1)
DfpPos = -1;
BoxPos = -1;
// the first argument wins
else if (BoxPos != -1 && DfpPos != -1) {
if (BoxPos < DfpPos) DfpPos = -1;
else BoxPos = -1;
// run sandboxed
if (BoxPos != -1)
// Note: a escaped command ending with \" will fail and unescape "
//QString CommandLine;
//for (int i = BoxPos + 1; i < Args.count(); i++)
// CommandLine += "\"" + Args[i] + "\" ";
//g_PendingMessage = "Run:" + CommandLine.trimmed();
LPWSTR cmdLine0 = wcsstr(GetCommandLineW(), L"/box:");
if (!cmdLine0) return -1;
LPWSTR cmdLine = wcschr(cmdLine0 + 5, L' ');
if (!cmdLine) return -2;
if (IsBoxed) {
ShellExecute(NULL, L"open", cmdLine + 1, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
return 0;
g_PendingMessage = "Run:" + QString::fromWCharArray(cmdLine + 1);
g_PendingMessage += "\nFrom:" + QDir::currentPath();
QString BoxName = QString::fromWCharArray(cmdLine0 + 5, cmdLine - (cmdLine0 + 5));
if(BoxName != "__ask__")
g_PendingMessage += "\nIn:" + BoxName;
// run un sandboxed
if (DfpPos != -1)
LPWSTR cmdLine0 = wcsstr(GetCommandLineW(), L"/disable_force");
if (!cmdLine0) return -1;
LPWSTR cmdLine = cmdLine0 + 14;
if (IsBoxed) {
ShellExecute(NULL, L"open", cmdLine + 1, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
return 0;
g_PendingMessage = "Run:" + QString::fromWCharArray(cmdLine + 1);
g_PendingMessage += "\nFrom:" + QDir::currentPath();
g_PendingMessage += "\nIn:*DFP*";
if (AfpPos != -1) {
LPWSTR cmdLine0 = wcsstr(GetCommandLineW(), L"/add_force");
if (!cmdLine0) return -1;
LPWSTR cmdLine = cmdLine0 + 10;
g_PendingMessage = "AddForce:" + QString::fromWCharArray(cmdLine + 1);
if (AOPos != -1) {
LPWSTR cmdLine0 = wcsstr(GetCommandLineW(), L"/add_open");
if (!cmdLine0) return -1;
LPWSTR cmdLine = cmdLine0 + 9;
g_PendingMessage = "AddOpen:" + QString::fromWCharArray(cmdLine + 1);
if (IsBoxed) {
QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "Sandboxie-Plus", CSandMan::tr("Sandboxie Manager can not be run sandboxed!"));
return -1;
if (!g_PendingMessage.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
app.disableSingleApp(); // we start to do one job and exit, don't interfere with starting a regular instance
else {
if (app.arguments().contains("-autorun") && app.isRunning())
return 0;
if (app.sendMessage("ShowWnd"))
return 0;
//QThreadPool::globalInstance()->setMaxThreadCount(theConf->GetInt("Options/MaxThreadPool", 10));
CSandMan* pWnd = new CSandMan();
QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(messageReceived(const QString&)), pWnd, SLOT(OnMessage(const QString&)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
int ret = app.exec();
delete pWnd;
delete theConf;
theConf = NULL;
return ret;