353 lines
9.2 KiB
353 lines
9.2 KiB
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#ifndef WIN32 // vswprintf
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
int vswprintf_l(wchar_t * _String, size_t _Count, const wchar_t * _Format, va_list _Ap)
wchar_t _Format_l[1025];
ASSERT(wcslen(_Format) < 1024);
wcscpy(_Format_l, _Format);
for(int i=0; i<wcslen(_Format_l); i++)
if(_Format_l[i] == L'%')
case L's': _Format_l[i+1] = 'S'; break;
case L'S': _Format_l[i+1] = 's'; break;
return vswprintf(_String, _Count, _Format_l, _Ap);
// Time Functions
time_t GetTime()
QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
time_t time = dateTime.toTime_t(); // returns time in seconds (since 1970-01-01T00:00:00) in UTC !
return time;
struct SCurTick
SCurTick() {Timer.start();}
quint64 Get(){return Timer.elapsed();}
QElapsedTimer Timer;
} g_CurTick;
quint64 GetCurTick()
return g_CurTick.Get();
QString UnEscape(QString Text)
QString Value;
bool bEsc = false;
for(int i = 0; i < Text.size(); i++)
QChar Char = Text.at(i);
case L'\\': Value += L'\\'; break;
case L'\'': Value += L'\''; break;
case L'\"': Value += L'\"'; break;
case L'a': Value += L'\a'; break;
case L'b': Value += L'\b'; break;
case L'f': Value += L'\f'; break;
case L'n': Value += L'\n'; break;
case L'r': Value += L'\r'; break;
case L't': Value += L'\t'; break;
case L'v': Value += L'\v'; break;
default: Value += Char.unicode();break;
bEsc = false;
else if(Char == L'\\')
bEsc = true;
Value += Char;
return Value;
// Other Functions
quint64 GetRand64()
quint64 Rand64;
int Ret = RAND_bytes((byte*)&Rand64, sizeof(uint64));
ASSERT(Ret == 1); // An error occurs if the PRNG has not been seeded with enough randomness to ensure an unpredictable byte sequence.
//CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool rng;
//rng.GenerateBlock((byte*)&Rand64, sizeof(quint64));
Rand64 = QRandomGenerator::system()->generate64();
return Rand64;
QString GetRand64Str(bool forUrl)
quint64 Rand64 = GetRand64();
QString sRand64 = QByteArray((char*)&Rand64,sizeof(quint64)).toBase64();
return sRand64.replace("=","");
int GetRandomInt(int iMin, int iMax)
return QRandomGenerator::system()->bounded(iMin, iMax);
StrPair Split2(const QString& String, QString Separator, bool Back)
int Sep = Back ? String.lastIndexOf(Separator) : String.indexOf(Separator);
if(Sep != -1)
return qMakePair(String.left(Sep).trimmed(), String.mid(Sep+Separator.length()).trimmed());
return qMakePair(String.trimmed(), QString());
QStringList SplitStr(const QString& String, QString Separator)
QStringList List = String.split(Separator);
for(int i=0; i < List.count(); i++)
List[i] = List[i].trimmed();
return List;
QString FormatSize(quint64 Size, int Precision)
double Div;
if(Size > (quint64)(Div = 1.0*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024))
return QString::number(double(Size)/Div, 'f', Precision) + " EB";
if(Size > (quint64)(Div = 1.0*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024))
return QString::number(double(Size)/Div, 'f', Precision) + " PB";
if(Size > (quint64)(Div = 1.0*1024*1024*1024*1024))
return QString::number(double(Size)/Div, 'f', Precision) + " TB";
if(Size > (quint64)(Div = 1.0*1024*1024*1024))
return QString::number(double(Size)/Div, 'f', Precision) + " GB";
if(Size > (quint64)(Div = 1.0*1024*1024))
return QString::number(double(Size)/Div, 'f', Precision) + " MB";
if(Size > (quint64)(Div = 1.0*1024))
return QString::number(double(Size)/Div, 'f', Precision) + " KB";
return QString::number(double(Size)) + "B";
QString FormatRate(quint64 Size, int Precision)
return FormatSize(Size, Precision) + "/s";
QString FormatUnit(quint64 Size, int Precision)
double Div;
if(Size > (quint64)(Div = 1.0*1000*1000*1000*1024*1000*1000))
return QString::number(double(Size)/Div, 'f', Precision) + " E";
if(Size > (quint64)(Div = 1.0*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000))
return QString::number(double(Size)/Div, 'f', Precision) + " P";
if(Size > (quint64)(Div = 1.0*1000*1000*1000*1000))
return QString::number(double(Size)/Div, 'f', Precision) + " T";
if(Size > (quint64)(Div = 1.0*1000*1000*1000))
return QString::number(double(Size)/Div, 'f', Precision) + " G";
if(Size > (quint64)(Div = 1.0*1000*1000))
return QString::number(double(Size)/Div, 'f', Precision) + " M";
if(Size > (quint64)(Div = 1.0*1000))
return QString::number(double(Size)/Div, 'f', Precision) + " K";
return QString::number(double(Size));
QString FormatTime(quint64 Time, bool ms)
int miliseconds = 0;
if (ms) {
miliseconds = Time % 1000;
Time /= 1000;
int seconds = Time % 60;
Time /= 60;
int minutes = Time % 60;
Time /= 60;
int hours = Time % 24;
int days = Time / 24;
if(ms && (minutes == 0) && (hours == 0) && (days == 0))
return QString().sprintf("%02d.%04d", seconds, miliseconds);
if((hours == 0) && (days == 0))
return QString().sprintf("%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds);
if (days == 0)
return QString().sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds);
return QString().sprintf("%dd%02d:%02d:%02d", days, hours, minutes, seconds);
QString FormatNumber(quint64 Number)
QString String = QString::number(Number);
for (int i = String.length() - 3; i > 0; i -= 3)
String.insert(i, QString::fromWCharArray(L"\u202F")); // L"\u2009"
return String;
QString FormatAddress(quint64 Address, int length)
return "0x" + QString::number(Address, 16).rightJustified(length, '0');
bool ReadFromDevice(QIODevice* dev, char* data, int len, int timeout)
while (dev->bytesAvailable() < len) {
if (!dev->waitForReadyRead(timeout))
return false;
return dev->read(data, len) == len;
void GrayScale (QImage& Image)
if (Image.depth () == 32)
uchar* r = (Image.bits ());
uchar* g = (Image.bits () + 1);
uchar* b = (Image.bits () + 2);
uchar* end = (Image.bits() + Image.byteCount ());
while (r != end)
*r = *g = *b = (((*r + *g) >> 1) + *b) >> 1; // (r + b + g) / 3
r += 4;
g += 4;
b += 4;
for (int i = 0; i < Image.colorCount (); i++)
uint r = qRed (Image.color (i));
uint g = qGreen (Image.color (i));
uint b = qBlue (Image.color (i));
uint gray = (((r + g) >> 1) + b) >> 1;
Image.setColor (i, qRgba (gray, gray, gray, qAlpha (Image.color (i))));
QIcon MakeNormalAndGrayIcon(QIcon Icon)
QImage Image = Icon.pixmap(Icon.availableSizes().first()).toImage();
Icon.addPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(Image), QIcon::Normal);
Icon.addPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(Image), QIcon::Disabled);
return Icon;
QIcon MakeActionIcon(const QString& IconFile)
QImage Image(IconFile);
QIcon Icon;
Icon.addPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(Image), QIcon::Normal);
Icon.addPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(Image), QIcon::Disabled);
return Icon;
QAction* MakeAction(QToolBar* pParent, const QString& IconFile, const QString& Text)
QAction* pAction = new QAction(Text, pParent);
return pAction;
QMenu* MakeMenu(QMenu* pParent, const QString& Text, const QString& IconFile)
QImage Image(IconFile);
QIcon Icon;
Icon.addPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(Image), QIcon::Normal);
Icon.addPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(Image), QIcon::Disabled);
return pParent->addMenu(Icon, Text);
return pParent->addMenu(Text);
QAction* MakeAction(QMenu* pParent, const QString& Text, const QString& IconFile)
QAction* pAction = new QAction(Text, pParent);
QImage Image(IconFile);
QIcon Icon;
Icon.addPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(Image), QIcon::Normal);
Icon.addPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(Image), QIcon::Disabled);
return pAction;
QAction* MakeAction(QActionGroup* pGroup, QMenu* pParent, const QString& Text, const QVariant& Data)
QAction* pAction = new QAction(Text, pParent);
return pAction;
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
bool InitConsole(bool bCreateIfNeeded)
if (!bCreateIfNeeded)
return false;
freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout);
return true;
#endif |