
942 lines
28 KiB

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "OptionsWindow.h"
#include "SandMan.h"
#include "SettingsWindow.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Common/Settings.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Common/Common.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Common/ComboInputDialog.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Common/SettingsWidgets.h"
#include "Helpers/WinAdmin.h"
void COptionsWindow::CreateNetwork()
//connect(ui.chkBlockINet, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnBlockINet()));
connect(ui.cmbBlockINet, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnBlockINet()));
connect(ui.btnAddINetProg, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAddINetProg()));
connect(ui.btnDelINetProg, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnDelINetProg()));
connect(ui.chkINetBlockPrompt, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnINetBlockChanged()));
connect(ui.chkINetBlockMsg, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnINetBlockChanged()));
connect(ui.treeINet, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)), this, SLOT(OnINetItemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)));
connect(ui.treeINet, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(OnINetSelectionChanged()));
connect(ui.treeINet, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)), this, SLOT(OnINetChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)));
connect(ui.btnAddFwRule, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAddNetFwRule()));
connect(ui.btnDelFwRule, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnDelNetFwRule()));
connect(ui.treeNetFw, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)), this, SLOT(OnNetFwItemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)));
connect(ui.treeNetFw, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(OnNetFwSelectionChanged()));
connect(ui.treeNetFw, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)), this, SLOT(OnNetFwChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)));
connect(ui.chkShowNetFwTmpl, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnShowNetFwTmpl()));
connect(ui.txtProgFwTest, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(OnTestNetFwRule()));
connect(ui.txtPortFwTest, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(OnTestNetFwRule()));
connect(ui.txtIPFwTest, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(OnTestNetFwRule()));
connect(ui.cmbProtFwTest, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnTestNetFwRule()));
ui.cmbProtFwTest->addItem(tr("Any"), (int)eAny);
ui.cmbProtFwTest->addItem(tr("TCP"), (int)eTcp);
ui.cmbProtFwTest->addItem(tr("UDP"), (int)eUdp);
ui.cmbProtFwTest->addItem(tr("ICMP"), (int)eIcmp);
connect(ui.btnClearFwTest, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnClearNetFwTest()));
void COptionsWindow::LoadINetAccess()
m_IsEnabledWFP = m_pBox->GetAPI()->GetGlobalSettings()->GetBool("NetworkEnableWFP", false);
// check if we are blockign globaly and if so adapt the behavioure accordingly
m_WFPisBlocking = !m_pBox->GetAPI()->GetGlobalSettings()->GetBool("AllowNetworkAccess", true);
ui.lblNoWfp->setVisible(!m_IsEnabledWFP); // warn user that this is only user mode
ui.cmbBlockINet->addItem(tr("Allow access"), 0);
if (m_IsEnabledWFP) ui.cmbBlockINet->addItem(tr("Block using Windows Filtering Platform"), 1);
ui.cmbBlockINet->addItem(tr("Block by denying access to Network devices"), 2);
m_INetBlockChanged = false;
void COptionsWindow::SaveINetAccess()
int Mode = ui.cmbBlockINet->currentData().toInt();
if (Mode == 1) m_pBox->InsertText("AllowNetworkAccess", "!<InternetAccess>,n");
else m_pBox->DelValue("AllowNetworkAccess", "!<InternetAccess>,n");
if (Mode != 0) m_pBox->DelValue("AllowNetworkAccess", "y");
else if (m_WFPisBlocking) m_pBox->InsertText("AllowNetworkAccess", "y");
WriteAdvancedCheck(ui.chkINetBlockPrompt, "PromptForInternetAccess", "y", "");
WriteAdvancedCheck(ui.chkINetBlockMsg, "NotifyInternetAccessDenied", "", "n");
m_INetBlockChanged = false;
int COptionsWindow::GroupToINetMode(const QString& Mode)
if ("<InternetAccess>", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return 0;
if ("<BlockNetAccess>", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return 1;
if ("<BlockNetDevices>", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return 2;
if ("<InternetAccessDisabled>", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return 0 | 0x10;
if ("<BlockNetAccessDisabled>", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return 1 | 0x10;
if ("<BlockNetDevicesDisabled>", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return 2 | 0x10;
return -1;
QString COptionsWindow::INetModeToGroup(int Mode)
switch (Mode)
case 0: return "<InternetAccess>";
case 1: return "<BlockNetAccess>";
case 2: return "<BlockNetDevices>";
case 0 | 0x10: return "<InternetAccessDisabled>";
case 1 | 0x10: return "<BlockNetAccessDisabled>";
case 2 | 0x10: return "<BlockNetDevicesDisabled>";
return "";
void COptionsWindow::LoadBlockINet()
if (GetAccessEntry(eFile, "!<InternetAccess>", eClosed, "InternetAccessDevices") != NULL)
else if (m_IsEnabledWFP && (FindEntryInSettingList("AllowNetworkAccess", "!<InternetAccess>,n")
|| (m_WFPisBlocking && !FindEntryInSettingList("AllowNetworkAccess", "y"))))
ui.chkINetBlockPrompt->setEnabled(ui.cmbBlockINet->currentIndex() != 0);
ui.chkINetBlockPrompt->setChecked(m_pBox->GetBool("PromptForInternetAccess", false));
ui.chkINetBlockMsg->setEnabled(ui.cmbBlockINet->currentIndex() != 0);
ui.chkINetBlockMsg->setChecked(m_pBox->GetBool("NotifyInternetAccessDenied", true));
for (int i = 0; i < ui.treeGroups->topLevelItemCount(); i++)
QTreeWidgetItem* pGroupItem = ui.treeGroups->topLevelItem(i);
int Mode = GroupToINetMode(pGroupItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString());
if (Mode == -1)
for (int j = 0; j < pGroupItem->childCount(); j++)
QString Value = pGroupItem->child(j)->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString();
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();
pItem->setCheckState(0, (Mode & 0x10) != 0 ? Qt::Unchecked : Qt::Checked);
SetProgramItem(Value, pItem, 0);
pItem->setData(1, Qt::UserRole, Mode);
if (!m_IsEnabledWFP && Mode == 1) Mode = -1; // this mode is not available
pItem->setText(1, GetINetModeStr(Mode));
QString COptionsWindow::GetINetModeStr(int Mode)
switch (Mode)
case 0: return tr("Allow");
case 1: return tr("Block (WFP)"); // Windows Filtering Platform
case 2: return tr("Block (NDev)"); // Network Devices
return tr("");
void COptionsWindow::OnINetItemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem, int Column)
QString Program = pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString();
//QWidget* pProgram = new QWidget();
//QHBoxLayout* pLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
//QComboBox* pCombo = new QComboBox(pProgram);
QComboBox* pCombo = new QComboBox();
for (int i = 0; i < ui.treeGroups->topLevelItemCount(); i++) {
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = ui.treeGroups->topLevelItem(i);
pCombo->addItem(tr("Group: %1").arg(pItem->text(0)), pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString());
foreach(const QString & Name, m_Programs)
pCombo->addItem(Name, Name);
int Index = pCombo->findData(Program);
if(Index == -1)
//ui.treeINet->setItemWidget(pItem, 0, pProgram);
ui.treeINet->setItemWidget(pItem, 0, pCombo);
QComboBox* pMode = new QComboBox();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (!m_IsEnabledWFP && i == 1) continue; // this mode is not available
pMode->addItem(GetINetModeStr(i), i);
pMode->setCurrentIndex(pMode->findData(pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole)));
ui.treeINet->setItemWidget(pItem, 1, pMode);
void COptionsWindow::OnINetChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem, int Column)
if (Column != 0)
if (pItem->checkState(0) == Qt::Checked) {
QString Program = pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString();
int Mode = pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
Mode |= 0x10;
if (DelProgramFromGroup(Program, INetModeToGroup(Mode))) {
Mode &= ~0x10;
AddProgramToGroup(Program, INetModeToGroup(Mode));
else {
QString Program = pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString();
int Mode = pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
Mode &= ~0x10;
if (DelProgramFromGroup(Program, INetModeToGroup(Mode))) {
Mode |= 0x10;
AddProgramToGroup(Program, INetModeToGroup(Mode));
void COptionsWindow::CloseINetEdit(bool bSave)
for (int i = 0; i < ui.treeINet->topLevelItemCount(); i++)
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = ui.treeINet->topLevelItem(i);
CloseINetEdit(pItem, bSave);
void COptionsWindow::CloseINetEdit(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem, bool bSave)
QWidget* pProgram = ui.treeINet->itemWidget(pItem, 0);
if (!pProgram)
if (bSave)
//QHBoxLayout* pLayout = (QHBoxLayout*)pProgram->layout();
//QComboBox* pCombo = (QComboBox*)pLayout->itemAt(0)->widget();
QComboBox* pCombo = (QComboBox*)pProgram;
QComboBox* pMode = (QComboBox*)ui.treeINet->itemWidget(pItem, 1);
QString OldProgram = pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString();
int OldMode = pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
if (pItem->checkState(0) == Qt::Unchecked)
OldMode |= 0x10;
DelProgramFromGroup(OldProgram, INetModeToGroup(OldMode));
QString NewProgram = pCombo->currentText();
int NewMode = pMode->currentData().toInt();
if (pItem->checkState(0) == Qt::Unchecked)
NewMode |= 0x10;
AddProgramToGroup(NewProgram, INetModeToGroup(NewMode));
SetProgramItem(NewProgram, pItem, 0);
pItem->setText(1, GetINetModeStr(NewMode));
pItem->setData(1, Qt::UserRole, NewMode);
ui.treeINet->setItemWidget(pItem, 0, NULL);
ui.treeINet->setItemWidget(pItem, 1, NULL);
void COptionsWindow::OnBlockINet()
if (m_HoldChange)
//bool Enable = ui.chkBlockINet->isChecked();
int Mode = ui.cmbBlockINet->currentData().toInt();
ui.chkINetBlockPrompt->setEnabled(Mode != 0);
ui.chkINetBlockMsg->setEnabled(Mode != 0);
if (Mode == 2)
SetAccessEntry(eFile, "!<InternetAccess>", eClosed, "InternetAccessDevices");
DelAccessEntry(eFile, "!<InternetAccess>", eClosed, "InternetAccessDevices");
m_INetBlockChanged = true;
void COptionsWindow::OnAddINetProg()
QString Value = SelectProgram();
if (Value.isEmpty())
int Mode = 0;
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();
SetProgramItem(Value, pItem, 0);
pItem->setText(1, GetINetModeStr(Mode));
pItem->setData(1, Qt::UserRole, Mode);
pItem->setCheckState(0, Qt::Checked);
AddProgramToGroup(Value, INetModeToGroup(Mode));
//m_INetBlockChanged = true;
void COptionsWindow::OnDelINetProg()
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = ui.treeINet->currentItem();
if (!pItem)
QString OldProgram = pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString();
int OldMode = pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
if (pItem->checkState(0) == Qt::Unchecked)
OldMode |= 0x10;
DelProgramFromGroup(OldProgram, INetModeToGroup(OldMode));
delete pItem;
//m_INetBlockChanged = true;
bool COptionsWindow::FindEntryInSettingList(const QString& Name, const QString& Value)
QStringList Settings = m_pBox->GetTextList(Name, false);
foreach(const QString & Setting, Settings) {
if (, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
return true;
return false;
void COptionsWindow::CheckINetBlock()
SetAccessEntry(eFile, "<BlockNetDevices>", eClosed, "InternetAccessDevices");
if (m_IsEnabledWFP && !FindEntryInSettingList("AllowNetworkAccess", "<BlockNetAccess>,n"))
m_pBox->InsertText("AllowNetworkAccess", "<BlockNetAccess>,n");
void COptionsWindow::LoadNetFwRules()
foreach(const QString & Value, m_pBox->GetTextList("NetworkAccess", m_Template))
foreach(const QString & Value, m_pBox->GetTextList("NetworkAccessDisabled", m_Template))
ParseAndAddFwRule(Value, true);
m_NetFwRulesChanged = false;
void COptionsWindow::LoadNetFwRulesTmpl(bool bUpdate)
if (ui.chkShowNetFwTmpl->isChecked())
foreach(const QString& Template, m_pBox->GetTemplates())
foreach(const QString& Value, m_pBox->GetTextListTmpl("NetworkAccess", Template))
ParseAndAddFwRule(Value, false, Template);
else if (bUpdate)
for (int i = 0; i < ui.treeNetFw->topLevelItemCount(); )
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = ui.treeNetFw->topLevelItem(i);
int Type = pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
if (Type == -1) {
delete pItem;
continue; // entry from template
// Firewall
COptionsWindow::ENetWfAction COptionsWindow::GetFwRuleAction(const QString& Value)
if ("Allow", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
return eAllow;
//if ("Block", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
return eBlock;
QString COptionsWindow::GetFwRuleActionStr(ENetWfAction Action)
switch (Action)
case eAllow: return "Allow";
case eBlock: return "Block";
return "";
COptionsWindow::ENetWfProt COptionsWindow::GetFwRuleProt(const QString& Value)
if ("TCP", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
return eTcp;
if ("UDP", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
return eUdp;
if ("ICMP", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
return eIcmp;
return eAny;
void COptionsWindow::ParseAndAddFwRule(const QString& Value, bool disabled, const QString& Template)
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();
QString FirstStr;
TArguments Tags = GetArguments(Value, L';', L'=', &FirstStr, true);
StrPair ProgAction = Split2(FirstStr, ",", true);
QString Program = ProgAction.second.isEmpty() ? "" : ProgAction.first;
QString Action = ProgAction.second.isEmpty() ? ProgAction.first : ProgAction.second;
pItem->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, Program);
bool bAll = Program.isEmpty() || Program == "*";
if (bAll)
Program = tr("All Programs");
bool Not = Program.left(1) == "!";
if (Not)
Program.remove(0, 1);
if (Program.left(1) == "<")
Program = tr("Group: %1").arg(Program.mid(1, Program.length() - 2));
else if(!bAll)
pItem->setText(0, (Not ? "NOT " : "") + Program);
pItem->setText(1, Action + (Template.isEmpty() ? "" : " (" + Template + ")"));
pItem->setData(1, Qt::UserRole, Template.isEmpty() ? (int)GetFwRuleAction(Action) : -1);
QString Port = Tags.value("port");
pItem->setText(2, Port);
pItem->setData(2, Qt::UserRole, Port);
QString IP = Tags.value("address");
pItem->setText(3, IP);
pItem->setData(3, Qt::UserRole, IP);
QString Prot = Tags.value("protocol");
pItem->setText(4, Prot);
pItem->setData(4, Qt::UserRole, (int)GetFwRuleProt(Prot));
pItem->setCheckState(0, disabled ? Qt::Unchecked : Qt::Checked);
void COptionsWindow::SaveNetFwRules()
QList<QString> Rules;
QList<QString> RulesDisabled;
for (int i = 0; i < ui.treeNetFw->topLevelItemCount(); i++)
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = ui.treeNetFw->topLevelItem(i);
int Type = pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
if (Type == -1)
continue; // entry from template
QString Program = pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString();
ENetWfAction Action = (ENetWfAction)pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
QString Port = pItem->data(2, Qt::UserRole).toString();
QString IP = pItem->data(3, Qt::UserRole).toString();
QString Prot = pItem->text(4);
QString Temp = GetFwRuleActionStr(Action);
//if (Program.contains("=") || Program.contains(";") || Program.contains(",")) // todo: make sbie parse this proeprly
// Program = "\'" + Program + "\'";
if (Program.isEmpty())
Program = "*";
Temp.prepend(Program + ",");
QStringList Tags = QStringList(Temp);
if (!Port.isEmpty()) Tags.append("Port=" + Port);
if (!IP.isEmpty()) Tags.append("Address=" + IP);
if (!Prot.isEmpty()) Tags.append("Protocol=" + Prot);
if(pItem->checkState(0) == Qt::Checked)
WriteTextList("NetworkAccess", Rules);
WriteTextList("NetworkAccessDisabled", RulesDisabled);
m_NetFwRulesChanged = false;
void COptionsWindow::OnNetFwItemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem, int Column)
int Action = pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
if (Action == -1) {
QMessageBox::warning(this, "SandboxiePlus", tr("Template values can not be edited."));
QString Program = pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString();
QWidget* pProgram = new QWidget();
QHBoxLayout* pLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
QToolButton* pNot = new QToolButton(pProgram);
if (Program.left(1) == "!"){
Program.remove(0, 1);
QComboBox* pCombo = new QComboBox(pProgram);
pCombo->addItem(tr("All Programs"), "");
for (int i = 0; i < ui.treeGroups->topLevelItemCount(); i++) {
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = ui.treeGroups->topLevelItem(i);
pCombo->addItem(tr("Group: %1").arg(pItem->text(0)), pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString());
foreach(const QString & Name, m_Programs)
pCombo->addItem(Name, Name);
int Index = pCombo->findData(Program);
if(Index == -1)
ui.treeNetFw->setItemWidget(pItem, 0, pProgram);
QComboBox* pMode = new QComboBox();
pMode->addItem(tr("Allow"), (int)eAllow);
pMode->addItem(tr("Block"), (int)eBlock);
pMode->setCurrentIndex(pMode->findData(pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole)));
ui.treeNetFw->setItemWidget(pItem, 1, pMode);
QLineEdit* pPort = new QLineEdit();
pPort->setText(pItem->data(2, Qt::UserRole).toString());
ui.treeNetFw->setItemWidget(pItem, 2, pPort);
QLineEdit* pIP = new QLineEdit();
pIP->setText(pItem->data(3, Qt::UserRole).toString());
ui.treeNetFw->setItemWidget(pItem, 3, pIP);
QComboBox* pProt = new QComboBox();
pProt->addItem(tr("Any"), (int)eAny);
pProt->addItem(tr("TCP"), (int)eTcp);
pProt->addItem(tr("UDP"), (int)eUdp);
pProt->addItem(tr("ICMP"), (int)eIcmp);
pProt->setCurrentIndex(pProt->findData(pItem->data(4, Qt::UserRole)));
ui.treeNetFw->setItemWidget(pItem, 4, pProt);
void COptionsWindow::OnNetFwChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem, int Column)
if (Column != 0)
m_NetFwRulesChanged = true;
void COptionsWindow::CloseNetFwEdit(bool bSave)
for (int i = 0; i < ui.treeNetFw->topLevelItemCount(); i++)
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = ui.treeNetFw->topLevelItem(i);
CloseNetFwEdit(pItem, bSave);
void COptionsWindow::CloseNetFwEdit(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem, bool bSave)
QWidget* pProgram = ui.treeNetFw->itemWidget(pItem, 0);
if (!pProgram)
if (bSave)
QHBoxLayout* pLayout = (QHBoxLayout*)pProgram->layout();
QToolButton* pNot = (QToolButton*)pLayout->itemAt(0)->widget();
QComboBox* pCombo = (QComboBox*)pLayout->itemAt(1)->widget();
QComboBox* pAction = (QComboBox*)ui.treeNetFw->itemWidget(pItem, 1);
QLineEdit* pPort = (QLineEdit*)ui.treeNetFw->itemWidget(pItem, 2);
QLineEdit* pIP = (QLineEdit*)ui.treeNetFw->itemWidget(pItem, 3);
QComboBox* pProt = (QComboBox*)ui.treeNetFw->itemWidget(pItem, 4);
QString Program = pCombo->currentText();
int Index = pCombo->findText(Program);
if (Index != -1)
Program = pCombo->itemData(Index, Qt::UserRole).toString();
pItem->setText(0, (pNot->isChecked() ? "NOT " : "") + pCombo->currentText());
pItem->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, (pNot->isChecked() ? "!" : "") + Program);
pItem->setText(1, pAction->currentText());
pItem->setData(1, Qt::UserRole, pAction->currentData());
pItem->setText(2, pPort->text());
pItem->setData(2, Qt::UserRole, pPort->text());
pItem->setText(3, pIP->text());
pItem->setData(3, Qt::UserRole, pIP->text());
pItem->setText(4, pProt->currentText());
pItem->setData(4, Qt::UserRole, pProt->currentData());
m_NetFwRulesChanged = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
ui.treeNetFw->setItemWidget(pItem, i, NULL);
void COptionsWindow::OnAddNetFwRule()
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();
pItem->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, "");
pItem->setText(0, tr("All Programs"));
pItem->setText(1, GetFwRuleActionStr(eBlock));
pItem->setData(1, Qt::UserRole, (int)eBlock);
pItem->setCheckState(0, Qt::Checked);
m_NetFwRulesChanged = true;
void COptionsWindow::OnDelNetFwRule()
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = ui.treeNetFw->currentItem();
if (!pItem)
delete pItem;
m_NetFwRulesChanged = true;
void COptionsWindow__SetRowColor(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem, bool bMatch, bool bConflict = false, bool bBlock = false, bool bActive = false)
for (int i = 0; i < pItem->columnCount(); i++)
if (!bMatch)
pItem->setBackground(i, Qt::white); // todo dark mode
else if(bConflict)
pItem->setBackground(i, QColor(255, 255, 0)); // yellow
else if (!bBlock)
if (bActive)
pItem->setBackground(i, QColor(128, 255, 128)); // dark green
pItem->setBackground(i, QColor(224, 240, 224)); // light green
if (bActive)
pItem->setBackground(i, QColor(255, 128, 128)); // dark red
pItem->setBackground(i, QColor(240, 224, 224)); // light red
struct SFirewallRule
enum EMatch
eNone = 0,
EMatch MatchProg(const QString& TestProg)
if (Program.isEmpty())
return eGlobal;
QString Test = Program;
bool bNot = false;
if (Test.left(1) == "!") {
Test.remove(0, 1);
bNot = true;
// ToDo: match groups and wildcards
if (TestProg.isEmpty() || ((, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) != bNot))
return bNot ? eByNot : eExact;
return eNone;
void SetPorts(const QString& Ports)
QStringList PortList = SplitStr(Ports, ",");
foreach(const QString & Port, PortList)
StrPair BeginEnd = Split2(Port, "-");
quint16 Begin = BeginEnd.first.toInt();
quint16 End = BeginEnd.second.isEmpty() ? Begin : BeginEnd.second.toInt();
PortMap.insert(End, Begin);
EMatch MatchPort(quint16 TestPort)
if (PortMap.isEmpty())
return eGlobal;
if (TestPort == 0)
return eExact;
auto I = PortMap.lowerBound(TestPort);
if (I == PortMap.end())
return eNone;
if (I.key() < TestPort)
return eNone;
if (TestPort < I.value())
return eNone;
return I.key() == I.value() ? eExact : eByRange;
void SetAddresses(const QString& Addresses)
QStringList AddressList = SplitStr(Addresses, ",");
foreach(const QString & Address, AddressList)
StrPair BeginEnd = Split2(Address, "-");
QHostAddress Begin = QHostAddress(BeginEnd.first);
QHostAddress End = BeginEnd.second.isEmpty() ? Begin : QHostAddress(BeginEnd.second);
AddressMap.insert(End, Begin);
EMatch MatchAddress(const QHostAddress& TestAddress)
if (AddressMap.isEmpty())
return eGlobal;
if (TestAddress.isNull())
return eExact;
auto I = AddressMap.lowerBound(TestAddress);
if (I == AddressMap.end())
return eNone;
if (I.key() < TestAddress)
return eNone;
if (TestAddress < I.value())
return eNone;
return I.key() == I.value() ? eExact : eByRange;
EMatch MatchProtocol(COptionsWindow::ENetWfProt TestProt)
if (Protocol == COptionsWindow::eAny)
return eGlobal;
if (TestProt == COptionsWindow::eAny)
return eExact;
if (Protocol == TestProt)
return eExact;
return eNone;
struct SMatch
SMatch() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(SMatch)); }
EMatch ByProg;
EMatch ByPort;
EMatch ByAddress;
EMatch ByEndPoint;
EMatch ByProtocol;
COptionsWindow::ENetWfAction Action;
bool MatchRule(const QString& TestProg, quint16 TestPort, const QHostAddress& TestAddress, COptionsWindow::ENetWfProt TestProt, SMatch* Match)
//SMatch Dummy;
//if (!Match) Match = &Dummy;
if (!(Match->ByProg = MatchProg(TestProg)))
return false;
if (!(Match->ByPort = MatchPort(TestPort)))
return false;
if (!(Match->ByAddress = MatchAddress(TestAddress)))
return false;
if (!(Match->ByProtocol = MatchProtocol(TestProt)))
return false;
if (Match->ByAddress > eGlobal && Match->ByPort > eGlobal)
Match->ByEndPoint = Max(Match->ByAddress, Match->ByPort);
Match->Action = Action;
return true;
#define COMPARE_AND_RETURN(x, y) if(x != y) return x > y
static bool IsBetterMatch(SMatch MyMatch, SMatch OtherMatch)
// 1. A rule for a specified program trumps a rule for all programs except a given one, trumps a rule for all programs
COMPARE_AND_RETURN(MyMatch.ByProg, OtherMatch.ByProg);
// 2. a rule with a Port or IP trumps a rule without
// 2a. a rule with ip and port trums a rule with ip or port only
// 2b. a rule with one ip trumps a rule with an ip range that is besides that on the same level
COMPARE_AND_RETURN(MyMatch.ByEndPoint, OtherMatch.ByEndPoint);
COMPARE_AND_RETURN(MyMatch.ByPort, OtherMatch.ByPort);
COMPARE_AND_RETURN(MyMatch.ByAddress, OtherMatch.ByAddress);
// 3. block rules trump allow rules
if(MyMatch.Action == COptionsWindow::eBlock && OtherMatch.Action != COptionsWindow::eBlock)
return true;
// 4. a rule without a protocol means all protocols, a rule with a protocol trumps a rule without if its the only difference
COMPARE_AND_RETURN(MyMatch.ByProtocol, OtherMatch.ByProtocol);
return false;
QString Program;
COptionsWindow::ENetWfAction Action;
QMap<quint16, quint16> PortMap;
QMap<QHostAddress, QHostAddress> AddressMap;
COptionsWindow::ENetWfProt Protocol;
void COptionsWindow::OnTestNetFwRule()
QString TestProg = ui.txtProgFwTest->text();
quint16 TestPort = ui.txtPortFwTest->text().toInt();
QHostAddress TestAddress = QHostAddress(ui.txtIPFwTest->text());
ENetWfProt TestProt = (ENetWfProt)ui.cmbProtFwTest->currentData().toInt();
QTreeWidgetItem* pBestItem = NULL;
SFirewallRule BestRule;
SFirewallRule::SMatch BestMatch;
bool test1 = BestRule.MatchPort(500);
bool test2 = BestRule.MatchPort(450);
bool test3 = BestRule.MatchPort(350);*/
bool test1 = BestRule.MatchAddress(QHostAddress(""));
bool test2 = BestRule.MatchAddress(QHostAddress(""));
bool test3 = BestRule.MatchAddress(QHostAddress(""));
bool test4 = BestRule.MatchAddress(QHostAddress(""));*/
for (int i = 0; i < ui.treeNetFw->topLevelItemCount(); i++)
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = ui.treeNetFw->topLevelItem(i);
int Type = pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
if (Type == -1)
continue; // entry from template
SFirewallRule Rule;
Rule.Program = pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString();
Rule.Action = (ENetWfAction)pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
Rule.SetPorts(pItem->data(2, Qt::UserRole).toString());
Rule.SetAddresses(pItem->data(3, Qt::UserRole).toString());
Rule.Protocol = (ENetWfProt)pItem->data(4, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
SFirewallRule::SMatch Match;
if (Rule.MatchRule(TestProg, TestPort, TestAddress, TestProt, &Match))
if (!pBestItem || SFirewallRule::IsBetterMatch(Match, BestMatch)) {
BestRule = Rule;
BestMatch = Match;
pBestItem = pItem;
else if(!SFirewallRule::IsBetterMatch(BestMatch, Match)) // if this is not true we have a conflict
COptionsWindow__SetRowColor(pItem, true, true);
COptionsWindow__SetRowColor(pBestItem, true, true);
pBestItem = NULL;
COptionsWindow__SetRowColor(pItem, true, false, Rule.Action == eBlock, false);
COptionsWindow__SetRowColor(pItem, false);
COptionsWindow__SetRowColor(pBestItem, true, false, BestRule.Action == eBlock, true);
// rule merging
// if the rule is for the same prog and has the same action
// merge all rules with ip only together
// merge all rules with ports only together
void COptionsWindow::OnClearNetFwTest()
for (int i = 0; i < ui.treeNetFw->topLevelItemCount(); i++)
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = ui.treeNetFw->topLevelItem(i);
COptionsWindow__SetRowColor(pItem, false);