
750 lines
25 KiB

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "OptionsWindow.h"
#include "SandMan.h"
#include "SettingsWindow.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Common/Settings.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Common/Common.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Common/ComboInputDialog.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Common/SettingsWidgets.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Common/CheckableMessageBox.h"
#include "Helpers/WinAdmin.h"
void COptionsWindow::CreateAccess()
// Resource Access
connect(ui.chkPrivacy, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAccessChangedEx()));
connect(ui.chkUseSpecificity, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAccessChangedEx()));
connect(ui.chkBlockWMI, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAccessChangedEx()));
connect(ui.chkCloseForBox, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAccessChangedEx()));
connect(ui.chkNoOpenForBox, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAccessChangedEx()));
connect(ui.btnAddFile, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAddFile()));
QMenu* pFileBtnMenu = new QMenu(ui.btnAddFile);
pFileBtnMenu->addAction(tr("Browse for File"), this, SLOT(OnBrowseFile()));
pFileBtnMenu->addAction(tr("Browse for Folder"), this, SLOT(OnBrowseFolder()));
connect(ui.chkShowFilesTmpl, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnShowFilesTmpl()));
connect(ui.btnDelFile, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnDelFile()));
connect(ui.btnAddKey, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAddKey()));
connect(ui.chkShowKeysTmpl, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnShowKeysTmpl()));
connect(ui.btnDelKey, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnDelKey()));
connect(ui.btnAddIPC, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAddIPC()));
connect(ui.chkShowIPCTmpl, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnShowIPCTmpl()));
connect(ui.btnDelIPC, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnDelIPC()));
connect(ui.btnAddWnd, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAddWnd()));
connect(ui.chkShowWndTmpl, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnShowWndTmpl()));
connect(ui.btnDelWnd, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnDelWnd()));
connect(ui.btnAddCOM, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAddCOM()));
connect(ui.chkShowCOMTmpl, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnShowCOMTmpl()));
connect(ui.btnDelCOM, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnDelCOM()));
//connect(ui.chkShowAccessTmpl, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnShowAccessTmpl()));
//connect(ui.btnDelAccess, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnDelAccess()));
QTreeWidget* pTrees[] = { ui.treeFiles, ui.treeKeys , ui.treeIPC, ui.treeWnd, ui.treeCOM, NULL};
for (QTreeWidget** pTree = pTrees; *pTree; pTree++) {
//connect(*pTree, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)), this, SLOT(OnAccessItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)));
connect(*pTree, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)), this, SLOT(OnAccessItemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)));
connect(*pTree, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(OnAccessSelectionChanged()));
connect(*pTree, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)), this, SLOT(OnAccessChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)));
connect(ui.tabsAccess, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnAccessTab()));
void COptionsWindow::OnAccessChangedEx()
if (sender() == ui.chkPrivacy || sender() == ui.chkUseSpecificity) {
if (ui.chkPrivacy->isChecked() || (ui.chkUseSpecificity->isEnabled() && ui.chkUseSpecificity->isChecked()))
if ((sender() == ui.chkPrivacy || sender() == ui.chkRestrictDevices) && !(ui.chkPrivacy->isChecked() || ui.chkRestrictDevices->isChecked())) {
ui.chkUseSpecificity->setChecked(m_pBox->GetBool("UseRuleSpecificity", false));
void COptionsWindow::OnAccessChanged()
m_AccessChanged = true;
void COptionsWindow::UpdateAccessPolicy()
ui.chkUseSpecificity->setEnabled(!(ui.chkPrivacy->isChecked() || ui.chkRestrictDevices->isChecked()));
if (ui.chkPrivacy->isChecked() || ui.chkRestrictDevices->isChecked()) {
QTreeWidgetItem* COptionsWindow::GetAccessEntry(EAccessType Type, const QString& Program, EAccessMode Mode, const QString& Path)
QTreeWidget* pTree = GetAccessTree(Type);
for (int i = 0; i < pTree->topLevelItemCount(); i++)
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = pTree->topLevelItem(i);
if (pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toInt() == Type
&& pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toString().compare(Program, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0
&& pItem->data(2, Qt::UserRole).toInt() == Mode
&& pItem->data(3, Qt::UserRole).toString().compare(Path, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
return pItem;
return NULL;
bool COptionsWindow::IsAccessEntrySet(EAccessType Type, const QString& Program, EAccessMode Mode, const QString& Path)
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = GetAccessEntry(Type, Program, Mode, Path);
return pItem && pItem->checkState(0) == Qt::Checked;
void COptionsWindow::SetAccessEntry(EAccessType Type, const QString& Program, EAccessMode Mode, const QString& Path)
if (GetAccessEntry(Type, Program, Mode, Path) != NULL)
return; // already set
AddAccessEntry(Type, Mode, Program, Path);
void COptionsWindow::DelAccessEntry(EAccessType Type, const QString& Program, EAccessMode Mode, const QString& Path)
if(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = GetAccessEntry(Type, Program, Mode, Path))
delete pItem;
QString COptionsWindow::AccessTypeToName(EAccessEntry Type)
switch (Type)
case eNormalFilePath: return "NormalFilePath";
case eOpenFilePath: return "OpenFilePath";
case eOpenPipePath: return "OpenPipePath";
case eClosedFilePath: return "ClosedFilePath";
case eReadFilePath: return "ReadFilePath";
case eWriteFilePath: return "WriteFilePath";
case eNormalKeyPath: return "NormalKeyPath";
case eOpenKeyPath: return "OpenKeyPath";
case eOpenConfPath: return "OpenConfPath";
case eClosedKeyPath: return "ClosedKeyPath";
case eReadKeyPath: return "ReadKeyPath";
case eWriteKeyPath: return "WriteKeyPath";
case eNormalIpcPath: return "NormalIpcPath";
case eOpenIpcPath: return "OpenIpcPath";
case eClosedIpcPath: return "ClosedIpcPath";
case eReadIpcPath: return "ReadIpcPath";
case eOpenWinClass: return "OpenWinClass";
case eNoRenameWinClass: return "NoRenameWinClass";
case eOpenCOM: return "OpenClsid";
case eClosedCOM: return "ClosedClsid";
case eClosedCOM_RT: return "ClosedRT";
return "Unknown";
void COptionsWindow::LoadAccessList()
ui.chkPrivacy->setChecked(m_pBox->GetBool("UsePrivacyMode", false));
ui.chkUseSpecificity->setChecked(m_pBox->GetBool("UseRuleSpecificity", false));
ui.chkCloseForBox->setChecked(m_pBox->GetBool("AlwaysCloseForBoxed", true));
ui.chkNoOpenForBox->setChecked(m_pBox->GetBool("DontOpenForBoxed", true));
QTreeWidget* pTrees[] = { ui.treeFiles, ui.treeKeys , ui.treeIPC, ui.treeWnd, ui.treeCOM, NULL};
for (QTreeWidget** pTree = pTrees; *pTree; pTree++)
(*pTree )->clear();
for (int i = 0; i < eMaxAccessEntry; i++)
foreach(const QString& Value, m_pBox->GetTextList(AccessTypeToName((EAccessEntry)i), m_Template))
ParseAndAddAccessEntry((EAccessEntry)i, Value);
foreach(const QString& Value, m_pBox->GetTextList(AccessTypeToName((EAccessEntry)i) + "Disabled", m_Template))
ParseAndAddAccessEntry((EAccessEntry)i, Value, true);
m_AccessChanged = false;
void COptionsWindow::LoadAccessListTmpl(bool bUpdate)
for (int i = 0; i < eMaxAccessType; i++) {
QCheckBox* pCheck = NULL;
switch (i)
case eFile: pCheck = ui.chkShowFilesTmpl; break;
case eKey: pCheck = ui.chkShowKeysTmpl; break;
case eIPC: pCheck = ui.chkShowIPCTmpl; break;
case eWnd: pCheck = ui.chkShowWndTmpl; break;
case eCOM: pCheck = ui.chkShowCOMTmpl; break;
LoadAccessListTmpl((EAccessType)i, pCheck->isChecked(), bUpdate);
QTreeWidget* COptionsWindow::GetAccessTree(EAccessType Type)
QTreeWidget* pTree = NULL;
switch (Type)
case eFile: pTree = ui.treeFiles; break;
case eKey: pTree = ui.treeKeys; break;
case eIPC: pTree = ui.treeIPC; break;
case eWnd: pTree = ui.treeWnd; break;
case eCOM: pTree = ui.treeCOM; break;
return pTree;
void COptionsWindow::LoadAccessListTmpl(EAccessType Type, bool bChecked, bool bUpdate)
if (bChecked)
foreach(EAccessMode Mode, GetAccessModes((EAccessType)Type))
foreach(const QString & Template, m_pBox->GetTemplates())
foreach(const QString & Value, m_pBox->GetTextListTmpl(MakeAccessStr(Type, Mode), Template))
ParseAndAddAccessEntry(Type, Mode, Value, false, Template);
else if (bUpdate)
QTreeWidget* pTree = GetAccessTree(Type);
for (int i = 0; i < pTree->topLevelItemCount(); )
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = pTree->topLevelItem(i);
int Type = pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
if (Type == -1) {
delete pItem;
continue; // entry from template
QPair<COptionsWindow::EAccessType, COptionsWindow::EAccessMode> COptionsWindow::SplitAccessType(EAccessEntry EntryType)
EAccessType Type = eMaxAccessType;
EAccessMode Mode = eMaxAccessMode;
switch (EntryType)
case eNormalFilePath: Type = eFile; Mode = eNormal; break;
case eOpenFilePath: Type = eFile; Mode = eOpen; break;
case eOpenPipePath: Type = eFile; Mode = eOpen4All; break;
case eClosedFilePath: Type = eFile; Mode = eClosed; break;
case eReadFilePath: Type = eFile; Mode = eReadOnly; break;
case eWriteFilePath: Type = eFile; Mode = eBoxOnly; break;
case eNormalKeyPath: Type = eKey; Mode = eNormal; break;
case eOpenKeyPath: Type = eKey; Mode = eOpen; break;
case eOpenConfPath: Type = eKey; Mode = eOpen4All; break;
case eClosedKeyPath: Type = eKey; Mode = eClosed; break;
case eReadKeyPath: Type = eKey; Mode = eReadOnly; break;
case eWriteKeyPath: Type = eKey; Mode = eBoxOnly; break;
case eNormalIpcPath: Type = eIPC; Mode = eNormal; break;
case eOpenIpcPath: Type = eIPC; Mode = eOpen; break;
case eClosedIpcPath: Type = eIPC; Mode = eClosed; break;
case eReadIpcPath: Type = eIPC; Mode = eReadOnly; break;
case eOpenWinClass: Type = eWnd; Mode = eOpen; break;
case eNoRenameWinClass: Type = eWnd; Mode = eNoRename; break;
case eOpenCOM: Type = eCOM; Mode = eOpen; break;
case eClosedCOM: Type = eCOM; Mode = eClosed; break;
case eClosedCOM_RT: Type = eCOM; Mode = eClosedRT; break;
return qMakePair(Type, Mode);
void COptionsWindow::ParseAndAddAccessEntry(EAccessEntry EntryType, const QString& Value, bool disabled, const QString& Template)
QPair<EAccessType, EAccessMode> Type = SplitAccessType(EntryType);
if (Type.first == eMaxAccessType || Type.first == eMaxAccessMode)
ParseAndAddAccessEntry(Type.first, Type.second, Value, disabled, Template);
void COptionsWindow::ParseAndAddAccessEntry(EAccessType Type, EAccessMode Mode, const QString& Value, bool disabled, const QString& Template)
// Mind this special cases
// OpenIpcPath=$:program.exe <- full access into the address space of a target process running outside the sandbox.
// OpenWinClass=$:program.exe <- permits to use the PostThreadMessage API to send a message directly to a thread running outside the sandbox.
// This form of the setting does not support wildcards.
QStringList Values = Value.split(",");
if (Type == eWnd && Mode == eOpen) {
int pos = Values.count() >= 2 ? 1 : 0;
if (Values[pos].right(11).compare("/IgnoreUIPI", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
Mode = eIgnoreUIPI;
Values[pos].truncate(Values[pos].length() - 11);
if (Values.count() >= 2)
AddAccessEntry(Type, Mode, Values[0], Values[1], disabled, Template);
else // all programs
AddAccessEntry(Type, Mode, "", Values[0], disabled, Template);
QString COptionsWindow::GetAccessModeStr(EAccessMode Mode)
switch (Mode)
case eNormal: return tr("Normal");
case eOpen: return tr("Open");
case eOpen4All: return tr("Open for All");
case eNoRename: return tr("No Rename");
case eClosed: return tr("Closed");
case eClosedRT: return tr("Closed RT");
case eReadOnly: return tr("Read Only");
case eBoxOnly: return tr("Box Only (Write Only)");
case eIgnoreUIPI: return tr("Ignore UIPI");
return tr("Unknown");
QString COptionsWindow::GetAccessModeTip(EAccessMode Mode)
switch (Mode)
case eNormal: return tr("Regular Sandboxie behavior - allow read and also copy on write.");
case eOpen: return tr("Allow write-access outside the sandbox.");
case eOpen4All: return tr("Allow write-access outside the sandbox, also for applications installed inside the sandbox.");
case eNoRename: return tr("Don't rename window classes.");
case eClosed: return tr("Deny access to host location and prevent creation of sandboxed copies.");
case eClosedRT: return tr("Block access to WinRT class.");
case eReadOnly: return tr("Allow read-only access only.");
case eBoxOnly: return tr("Hide host files, folders or registry keys from sandboxed processes.");
case eIgnoreUIPI: return tr("Ignore UIPI restrictions for processes.");
return tr("Unknown");
QString COptionsWindow::GetAccessTypeStr(EAccessType Type)
switch (Type)
case eFile: return tr("File/Folder");
case eKey: return tr("Registry");
case eIPC: return tr("IPC Path");
case eWnd: return tr("Wnd Class");
case eCOM: return tr("COM Object");
return tr("Unknown");
void COptionsWindow::OnBrowseFile()
QString Value = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select File"), "", tr("All Files (*.*)")).replace("/", "\\");
if (Value.isEmpty())
AddAccessEntry(eFile, eOpen, "", Value);
void COptionsWindow::OnBrowseFolder()
QString Value = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Select Directory")).replace("/", "\\");
if (Value.isEmpty())
AddAccessEntry(eFile, eOpen, "", Value);
QString COptionsWindow::ExpandPath(EAccessType Type, const QString& Path)
QString sPath = Path;
if (CSandBox* pBox = qobject_cast<CSandBox*>(
sPath = theAPI->Nt2DosPath(pBox->Expand(sPath));
if ((Type == eFile || Type == eKey) && !sPath.isEmpty()) {
if (sPath.left(1) == "|")
return sPath.mid(1);
else if (!sPath.contains("*") && sPath.right(1) != "*")
return sPath + "*";
return sPath;
void COptionsWindow::AddAccessEntry(EAccessType Type, EAccessMode Mode, QString Program, const QString& Path, bool disabled, const QString& Template)
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();
pItem->setText(0, GetAccessTypeStr(Type) + (Template.isEmpty() ? "" : " (" + Template + ")"));
pItem->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, !Template.isEmpty() ? -1 : (int)Type);
pItem->setData(1, Qt::UserRole, Program);
bool bAll = Program.isEmpty();
if (bAll)
Program = tr("All Programs");
bool Not = Program.left(1) == "!";
if (Not)
Program.remove(0, 1);
if (Program.left(1) == "<")
Program = tr("Group: %1").arg(Program.mid(1, Program.length() - 2));
else if(!bAll)
pItem->setText(1, (Not ? "NOT " : "") + Program);
pItem->setText(2, GetAccessModeStr(Mode));
pItem->setData(2, Qt::UserRole, (int)Mode);
// File and Registry entries auto append a '*' wildcard
// when they don't contain any.
// Prepending '|' disables this behaviour
pItem->setText(3, ExpandPath(Type, Path));
pItem->setData(3, Qt::UserRole, Path);
pItem->setCheckState(0, disabled ? Qt::Unchecked : Qt::Checked);
QTreeWidget* pTree = GetAccessTree(Type);
QString COptionsWindow::MakeAccessStr(EAccessType Type, EAccessMode Mode)
switch (Type)
case eFile:
switch (Mode)
case eNormal: return "NormalFilePath";
case eOpen: return "OpenFilePath";
case eOpen4All: return "OpenPipePath";
case eClosed: return "ClosedFilePath";
case eReadOnly: return "ReadFilePath";
case eBoxOnly: return "WriteFilePath";
case eKey:
switch (Mode)
case eNormal: return "NormalKeyPath";
case eOpen: return "OpenKeyPath";
case eOpen4All: return "OpenConfPath";
case eClosed: return "ClosedKeyPath";
case eReadOnly: return "ReadKeyPath";
case eBoxOnly: return "WriteKeyPath";
case eIPC:
switch (Mode)
case eNormal: return "NormalIpcPath";
case eOpen: return "OpenIpcPath";
case eClosed: return "ClosedIpcPath";
case eReadOnly: return "ReadIpcPath";
case eWnd:
switch (Mode)
case eOpen: return "OpenWinClass";
case eNoRename: return "NoRenameWinClass";
case eCOM:
switch (Mode)
case eOpen: return "OpenClsid";
case eClosed: return "ClosedClsid";
case eClosedRT: return "ClosedRT";
return "Unknown";
/*void COptionsWindow::OnAccessItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem, int Column)
if (Column != 0)
void COptionsWindow::CloseAccessEdit(bool bSave)
QTreeWidget* pTrees[] = { ui.treeFiles, ui.treeKeys , ui.treeIPC, ui.treeWnd, ui.treeCOM, NULL};
for (QTreeWidget** pTree = pTrees; *pTree; pTree++) {
for (int i = 0; i < (*pTree)->topLevelItemCount(); i++)
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = (*pTree)->topLevelItem(i);
CloseAccessEdit(pItem, bSave);
void COptionsWindow::CloseAccessEdit(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem, bool bSave)
QTreeWidget* pTree = pItem->treeWidget();
QWidget* pProgram = pTree->itemWidget(pItem, 1);
if (!pProgram)
if (bSave)
QHBoxLayout* pLayout = (QHBoxLayout*)pProgram->layout();
QToolButton* pNot = (QToolButton*)pLayout->itemAt(0)->widget();
QComboBox* pCombo = (QComboBox*)pLayout->itemAt(1)->widget();
QComboBox* pMode = (QComboBox*)pTree->itemWidget(pItem, 2);
QLineEdit* pPath = (QLineEdit*)pTree->itemWidget(pItem, 3);
QString Program = pCombo->currentText();
int Index = pCombo->findText(Program);
if (Index != -1)
Program = pCombo->itemData(Index, Qt::UserRole).toString();
if (!Program.isEmpty() && Program.left(1) != "<")
EAccessMode Mode = (EAccessMode)pMode->currentData().toInt();
QString Path = pPath->text();
if (pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toInt() == eCOM && !Path.isEmpty())
bool isGUID = Path.length() == 38 && Path.left(1) == "{" && Path.right(1) == "}";
switch (Mode)
case eOpen:
case eClosed:
if (!isGUID) {
QMessageBox::critical(this, "SandboxiePlus", tr("COM objects must be specified by their GUID, like: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"));
case eClosedRT:
if (isGUID) {
QMessageBox::critical(this, "SandboxiePlus", tr("RT interfaces must be specified by their name."));
if (pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toInt() == eIPC && Mode == eOpen
&& ((Path == "*" && pItem->data(3, Qt::UserRole).toString() != "*")
|| (Path == "\\*" && pItem->data(3, Qt::UserRole).toString() != "\\*"))
&& !m_BoxTemplates.contains("BoxedCOM"))
if (theConf->GetInt("Options/WarnOpenCOM", -1) == -1) {
bool State = false;
if (CCheckableMessageBox::question(this, "Sandboxie-Plus", tr("Opening all IPC access also opens COM access, do you still want to restrict COM to the sandbox?")
, tr("Don't ask in future"), &State, QDialogButtonBox::Yes | QDialogButtonBox::No, QDialogButtonBox::Yes) == QDialogButtonBox::Yes)
SetTemplate("BoxedCOM", true); // Normal overrides Open even without rule specificity :D
if (State)
theConf->SetValue("Options/WarnOpenCOM", 1);
if (pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toInt() == eWnd && Mode == eOpen && Path == "#" && !Program.isEmpty())
QMessageBox::warning(this, "Sandboxie-Plus", tr("'OpenWinClass=program.exe,#' is not supported, use 'NoRenameWinClass=program.exe,*' instead"));
Mode = eNoRename;
Path = "*";
EAccessType Type = (EAccessType)pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
pItem->setText(1, (pNot->isChecked() ? "NOT " : "") + pCombo->currentText());
pItem->setData(1, Qt::UserRole, (pNot->isChecked() ? "!" : "") + Program);
pItem->setText(2, GetAccessModeStr(Mode));
pItem->setData(2, Qt::UserRole, (int)Mode);
pItem->setText(3, ExpandPath(Type, Path));
pItem->setData(3, Qt::UserRole, Path);
pTree->setItemWidget(pItem, 1, NULL);
pTree->setItemWidget(pItem, 2, NULL);
pTree->setItemWidget(pItem, 3, NULL);
QList<COptionsWindow::EAccessMode> COptionsWindow::GetAccessModes(EAccessType Type)
switch (Type)
case eFile: return QList<EAccessMode>() << eNormal << eOpen << eOpen4All << eClosed << eReadOnly << eBoxOnly;
case eKey: return QList<EAccessMode>() << eNormal << eOpen << eOpen4All << eClosed << eReadOnly << eBoxOnly;
case eIPC: return QList<EAccessMode>() << eNormal << eOpen << eClosed << eReadOnly;
case eWnd: return QList<EAccessMode>() << eOpen << eNoRename << eIgnoreUIPI;
case eCOM: return QList<EAccessMode>() << eOpen << eClosed << eClosedRT;
return QList<EAccessMode>();
void COptionsWindow::OnAccessItemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem, int Column)
//if (Column == 0)
// return;
QTreeWidget* pTree = (QTreeWidget*)sender();
int Type = pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
if (Type == -1) {
QMessageBox::warning(this, "SandboxiePlus", tr("Template values can not be edited."));
QString Program = pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toString();
QWidget* pProgram = new QWidget();
QHBoxLayout* pLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
QToolButton* pNot = new QToolButton(pProgram);
if (Program.left(1) == "!"){
Program.remove(0, 1);
QComboBox* pCombo = new QComboBox(pProgram);
pCombo->addItem(tr("All Programs"), "");
foreach(const QString Group, GetCurrentGroups()){
QString GroupName = Group.mid(1, Group.length() - 2);
pCombo->addItem(tr("Group: %1").arg(GroupName), Group);
foreach(const QString & Name, m_Programs)
pCombo->addItem(Name, Name);
int Index = pCombo->findData(Program);
if(Index == -1)
pTree->setItemWidget(pItem, 1, pProgram);
QComboBox* pMode = new QComboBox();
foreach(EAccessMode Mode, GetAccessModes((EAccessType)Type)) {
pMode->addItem(GetAccessModeStr(Mode), (int)Mode);
pMode->setItemData(pMode->count() - 1, GetAccessModeTip(Mode), Qt::ToolTipRole);
pMode->setCurrentIndex(pMode->findData(pItem->data(2, Qt::UserRole)));
pTree->setItemWidget(pItem, 2, pMode);
QLineEdit* pPath = new QLineEdit();
pPath->setText(pItem->data(3, Qt::UserRole).toString());
pTree->setItemWidget(pItem, 3, pPath);
void COptionsWindow::OnAccessChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem, int Column)
if (Column != 0)
void COptionsWindow::DeleteAccessEntry(QTreeWidgetItem* pItem, int Column)
if (!pItem)
if (pItem->data(Column, Qt::UserRole).toInt() == -1) {
QMessageBox::warning(this, "SandboxiePlus", tr("Template values can not be removed."));
delete pItem;
void COptionsWindow::SaveAccessList()
WriteAdvancedCheck(ui.chkPrivacy, "UsePrivacyMode", "y", "");
WriteAdvancedCheck(ui.chkUseSpecificity, "UseRuleSpecificity", "y", "");
SetTemplate("BlockAccessWMI", ui.chkBlockWMI->isChecked());
WriteAdvancedCheck(ui.chkCloseForBox, "AlwaysCloseForBoxed", "", "n");
WriteAdvancedCheck(ui.chkNoOpenForBox, "DontOpenForBoxed", "", "n");
QStringList Keys = QStringList()
<< "NormalFilePath" << "OpenFilePath" << "OpenPipePath" << "ClosedFilePath" << "ReadFilePath" << "WriteFilePath"
<< "NormalKeyPath" << "OpenKeyPath" << "OpenConfPath" << "ClosedKeyPath" << "ReadKeyPath" << "WriteKeyPath"
<< "NormalIpcPath"<< "OpenIpcPath" << "ClosedIpcPath" << "ReadIpcPath"
<< "OpenWinClass" << "NoRenameWinClass"
<< "OpenClsid" << "ClosedClsid" << "ClosedRT";
QMap<QString, QList<QString>> AccessMap;
QTreeWidget* pTrees[] = { ui.treeFiles, ui.treeKeys , ui.treeIPC, ui.treeWnd, ui.treeCOM, NULL};
for (QTreeWidget** pTree = pTrees; *pTree; pTree++)
for (int i = 0; i < (*pTree)->topLevelItemCount(); i++)
QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = (*pTree)->topLevelItem(i);
int Type = pItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
if (Type == -1)
continue; // entry from template
int Mode = pItem->data(2, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
QString Program = pItem->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toString();
QString Value = pItem->data(3, Qt::UserRole).toString();
if (!Program.isEmpty())
Value.prepend(Program + ",");
if (Type == eWnd && Mode == eIgnoreUIPI) {
Mode = eOpen;
QString AccessStr = MakeAccessStr((EAccessType)Type, (EAccessMode)Mode);
if (pItem->checkState(0) == Qt::Unchecked)
AccessStr += "Disabled";
foreach(const QString & Key, Keys) {
WriteTextList(Key, AccessMap[Key]);
WriteTextList(Key + "Disabled", AccessMap[Key + "Disabled"]);
m_AccessChanged = false;