303 lines
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303 lines
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#include "stdafx.h"
#include "TraceModel.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Common/Common.h"
#include "../SbiePlusAPI.h"
CTraceModel::CTraceModel(QObject* parent)
m_Root = MkNode(QVariant());
m_LastCount = 0;
/*QList<QVariant> CTraceModel::MakePath(const CTraceEntryPtr& pEntry, const QList<CTraceEntryPtr>& EntryList)
quint64 ParentID = pEntry->GetParentWnd();
CTraceEntryPtr pParent = EntryList.value(ParentID);
QList<QVariant> Path;
if (!pParent.isNull() && ParentID != pEntry->GetHWnd())
Path = MakeWndPath(pParent, EntryList);
return Path;
bool CTraceModel::TestPath(const QList<QVariant>& Path, const CTraceEntryPtr& pEntry, const QList<CTraceEntryPtr>& EntryList, int Index)
quint64 ParentID = pEntry->GetParentWnd();
CTraceEntryPtr pParent = EntryList.value(ParentID);
if (!pParent.isNull() && ParentID != pEntry->GetHWnd())
if (Index >= Path.size() || Path[Path.size() - Index - 1] != ParentID)
return false;
return TestWndPath(Path, pParent, EntryList, Index + 1);
return Path.size() == Index;
QList<QVariant> CTraceModel::Sync(const QVector<CTraceEntryPtr>& EntryList, int (*Filter)(const CTraceEntryPtr&, void*), void* params)
QList<QVariant> Added;
QMap<QList<QVariant>, QList<STreeNode*> > New;
QHash<QVariant, STreeNode*> Old = m_Map;
// Note: since this is a log and we ever always only add entries we save cpu time by always skipping the already know portion of the list
int i = 0;
if (EntryList.count() >= m_LastCount && m_LastCount > 0)
i = m_LastCount - 1;
if (m_LastID == EntryList.at(i)->GetUID())
i = 0;
for (; i < EntryList.count(); i++)
CTraceEntryPtr pEntry = EntryList.at(i);
int iFilter = Filter(pEntry, params);
if (!iFilter)
quint64 ID = pEntry->GetUID();
QModelIndex Index;
QHash<QVariant, STreeNode*>::iterator I = Old.find(ID);
STraceNode* pNode = I != Old.end() ? static_cast<STraceNode*>(I.value()) : NULL;
if (!pNode /*|| (m_bTree ? !TestPath(pNode->Path, pEntry, EntryList) : !pNode->Path.isEmpty())*/)
pNode = static_cast<STraceNode*>(MkNode(ID));
if (m_bTree) {
if (pEntry->GetProcessName().isEmpty())
pNode->Path.append(tr("Process %1").arg(pEntry->GetProcessId()));
pNode->Path.append(tr("%1 (%2)").arg(pEntry->GetProcessName()).arg(pEntry->GetProcessId()));
pNode->Path.append(QString("Thread %1").arg(pEntry->GetThreadId()));
//pNode->Path = MakePath(pEntry, EntryList);
pNode->pEntry = pEntry;
//SetProcessName(pEntry->GetProcessName(), pEntry->GetProcessId(), pEntry->GetThreadId());
I.value() = NULL;
Index = Find(m_Root, pNode);
//if(Index.isValid()) // this is to slow, be more precise
// emit dataChanged(createIndex(Index.row(), 0, pNode), createIndex(Index.row(), columnCount()-1, pNode));
int Col = 0;
bool State = false;
int Changed = 0;
if (pNode->bHighLight != (iFilter == 2)) {
pNode->bHighLight = (iFilter == 2);
pNode->Color = pNode->bHighLight ? Qt::yellow : QColor();
Changed = -1;
for (int section = 0; section < columnCount(); section++)
if (!m_Columns.contains(section))
continue; // ignore columns which are hidden
QVariant Value;
switch (section)
//case eProcess: Value = pEntry->GetProcessId(); break;
//case eTimeStamp: Value = pEntry->GetUID(); break;
case eProcess: Value = pEntry->GetUID(); break;
case eType: Value = pEntry->GetTypeStr(); break;
case eStatus: Value = pEntry->GetStautsStr(); break;
case eValue: {
QString sValue = pEntry->GetName();
if (!sValue.isEmpty() && !pEntry->GetMessage().isEmpty())
sValue += " ";
sValue += pEntry->GetMessage();
Value = sValue;
STraceNode::SValue& ColValue = pNode->Values[section];
if (ColValue.Raw != Value)
if (Changed == 0)
Changed = 1;
ColValue.Raw = Value;
switch (section)
/*case eProcess:
CBoxedProcessPtr pProcess = theAPI->GetProcessById(pEntry->GetProcessId());
ColValue.Formated = QString("%1 (%2, %3)").arg(pProcess.isNull() ? tr("Unknown") : pProcess->GetProcessName()).arg(pEntry->GetProcessId()).arg(pEntry->GetThreadId());
case eTimeStamp: ColValue.Formated = pEntry->GetTimeStamp().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz"); break;*/
case eProcess:
if(!m_bTree) {
QString Name = pEntry->GetProcessName();
ColValue.Formated = QString("%1 (%2, %3) - %4").arg(Name.isEmpty() ? tr("Unknown") : Name)
} else
ColValue.Formated = pEntry->GetTimeStamp().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz");
//case eType: ColValue.Formated = ; break;
//case eValue: ColValue.Formated = ; break;
if (State != (Changed != 0))
if (State && Index.isValid())
emit dataChanged(createIndex(Index.row(), Col, pNode), createIndex(Index.row(), section - 1, pNode));
State = (Changed != 0);
Col = section;
if (Changed == 1)
Changed = 0;
if (State && Index.isValid())
emit dataChanged(createIndex(Index.row(), Col, pNode), createIndex(Index.row(), columnCount() - 1, pNode));
m_LastCount = EntryList.count();
m_LastID = EntryList.last()->GetUID();
CTreeItemModel::Sync(New, Old, &Added);
return Added;
void CTraceModel::Clear()
m_LastCount = 0;
/*foreach(quint32 pid, m_PidMap.uniqueKeys()) {
SProgInfo& Info = m_PidMap[pid];
Info.Dirty = true;
void CTraceModel::SetProcessName(const QString& Name, quint32 pid, quint32 tid)
SProgInfo& Info = m_PidMap[pid];
Info.Name = Name;
if (!Info.Threads.contains(tid)) {
Info.Dirty = true;
if (Info.Dirty) {
Info.Dirty = false;
emit NewBranche();
QString CTraceModel::GetProcessName(quint32 pid)
SProgInfo& Info = m_PidMap[pid];
return Info.Name;
void CTraceModel::LogThreadId(quint32 pid, quint32 tid)
SProgInfo& Info = m_PidMap[pid];
if (!Info.Threads.contains(tid)) {
emit NewBranche();
CTraceModel::STreeNode* CTraceModel::MkVirtualNode(const QVariant& Id, STreeNode* pParent)
STreeNode* pNode = CTreeItemModel::MkVirtualNode(Id, pParent);
/*StrPair typeId = Split2(Id.toString(), "_");
if (typeId.first == "pid")
quint32 pid = typeId.second.toUInt();
QString Name = GetProcessName(pid);
pNode->Values[0].Raw = pid;
pNode->Values[0].Formated = tr("%1 (%2)").arg(Name).arg(pid);
pNode->Values[0].Formated = tr("Process %1").arg(pid);
else if (typeId.first == "tid")
quint32 tid = typeId.second.toUInt();
quint32 pid = Split2(pParent->ID.toString(), "_").second.toUInt();
LogThreadId(pid, tid);
pNode->Values[0].Raw = tid;
pNode->Values[0].Formated = tr("Thread %1").arg(tid);
pNode->Values[0].Raw = pNode->Values[0].Formated = Id;
return pNode;
CTraceEntryPtr CTraceModel::GetEntry(const QModelIndex& index) const
if (!index.isValid())
return CTraceEntryPtr();
STraceNode* pNode = static_cast<STraceNode*>(index.internalPointer());
return pNode->pEntry;
int CTraceModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const
return eCount;
QVariant CTraceModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && role == Qt::DisplayRole)
switch (section)
case eProcess: return tr("Process");
//case eTimeStamp: return tr("Time Stamp");
case eType: return tr("Type");
case eStatus: return tr("Status");
case eValue: return tr("Value");
return QVariant();
} |