252 lines
9.0 KiB
252 lines
9.0 KiB
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ScriptManager.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Common/Common.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Common/OtherFunctions.h"
#include "../SandMan.h"
#include "../OnlineUpdater.h"
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include "SysObject.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Common/OtherFunctions.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Archive/Archive.h"
#include "../MiscHelpers/Archive/ArchiveFS.h"
#include "../Wizards/BoxAssistant.h"
QList<StrPair> ReadCommentHeader(const QString& Header)
QList<StrPair> HeaderFields;
QStringList HeaderLines = Header.split("\n");
foreach(QString Line, HeaderLines)
Line = Line.trimmed();
if(Line.left(1) == "*")
Line = Line.trimmed();
StrPair Field = Split2(Line, ":");
if(Field.first.isEmpty() || Field.first.contains(" "))
return HeaderFields;
CScriptManager::CScriptManager(QObject* parent)
QString CScriptManager::GetScript(const QString& Name)
C7zFileEngineHandler IssueFS("issue");
QString Root = GetIssueDir(IssueFS);
foreach(const QString &Path, ListDir(Root, QStringList() << "*.js")) {
if (Path.right(Name.length() + 3) == Name + ".js") {
return ReadFileAsString(Root + "/" + Path);
return QString();
void CScriptManager::LoadIssues()
// Load Issues, when the user has an own troubleshooting folder, don't load the 7z or online
C7zFileEngineHandler IssueFS("issue");
LoadIssues(GetIssueDir(IssueFS, &m_IssueDate));
if (m_IssueDate.isValid()) {
if (theConf->GetInt("Options/CheckForIssues", 2) == 1) {
QVariantMap Data = theGUI->m_pUpdater->GetUpdateData();
if (!Data.isEmpty() && Data.contains("issues") && theGUI->m_pUpdater->GetLastUpdateTime() > QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays(-1))
OnUpdateData(Data, QVariantMap());
theGUI->m_pUpdater->GetUpdates(this, SLOT(OnUpdateData(const QVariantMap&, const QVariantMap&)));
void CScriptManager::LoadIssues(const QString& IssueDir)
QVariantMap Issues = QJsonDocument::fromJson(ReadFileAsString(IssueDir + "layout.json").toUtf8()).toVariant().toMap();
QVariantList Entries = Issues.value("entries").toList();
if (Entries.isEmpty()) {
QMessageBox::critical(theGUI, "Sandboxie-Plus", tr("Fatal error, failed to load troubleshooting instructions!"));
quint32 OsBuild = JSysObject::GetOSVersion()["build"].toUInt();
//QDir Dir(IssueDir);
//foreach(const QFileInfo & Info, Dir.entryInfoList(QStringList() << "*.js", QDir::Files)) {
foreach(const QString & FileName, ListDir(IssueDir, QStringList() << "*.js")) {
QFileInfo Info(IssueDir + FileName);
QString Script = ReadFileAsString(Info.filePath());
int HeaderBegin = Script.indexOf("/*");
int HeaderEnd = Script.indexOf("*/");
if(HeaderBegin == -1 || HeaderEnd == -1)
continue; // Header is mandatory
if(HeaderBegin != 0) {
qDebug() << "Bad Header of" << Info.fileName();
QVariantMap Issue;
Issue["id"] = Info.fileName().left(Info.fileName().length() - 3);
Issue["type"] = "issue";
foreach(const StrPair& KeyValue, ReadCommentHeader(Script.mid(HeaderBegin + 2, HeaderEnd - (HeaderBegin + 2))))
Issue[KeyValue.first] = KeyValue.second;
if (Issue["group"] == "system" || Issue["group"] == "library")
Issue["script"] = Script;
bool NotApplicable = false;
if (Issue.contains("versions")) {
NotApplicable = true;
foreach(const QString & V, SplitStr(Issue["versions"].toString(), ",")) {
StrPair VV = Split2(V, "-");
if ((VV.second.isEmpty() && COnlineUpdater::VersionToInt(VV.first) == COnlineUpdater::CurrentVersion()) || // exact version match
(!VV.second.isEmpty() && (COnlineUpdater::VersionToInt(VV.first) <= COnlineUpdater::CurrentVersion() && COnlineUpdater::VersionToInt(VV.second) >= COnlineUpdater::CurrentVersion()))) { // inside version range
NotApplicable = false;
if (!NotApplicable && Issue.contains("os_builds")) {
NotApplicable = true;
foreach(const QString & V, SplitStr(Issue["os_builds"].toString(), ",")) {
StrPair VV = Split2(V, "-");
if ((VV.second.isEmpty() && VV.first.toUInt() == OsBuild) || // exact version match
(!VV.second.isEmpty() && (VV.first.toUInt() <= OsBuild && VV.second.toUInt() >= OsBuild))) { // inside version range
NotApplicable = false;
if (NotApplicable)
foreach(const QVariant & vIssue, Entries) {
QVariantMap Issue = vIssue.toMap();
QList<QVariantMap>& Group = m_GroupedIssues[Issue["group"].toString()];
// Note: This way we can define order in the layout json and have the issue scripts loaded at the right place
QString ID = Issue["id"].toString();
auto I = std::find_if(Group.begin(), Group.end(), [ID](const QVariantMap& cur)->int { return cur["id"] == ID; });
if (I == Group.end())
else {
if (I->contains("script")) {
QMessageBox::warning(theGUI, "Sandboxie-Plus", tr("Error, troubleshooting instructions duplicated %1 (%2 <-> %3)!")
for(auto J = Issue.begin(); J != Issue.end(); ++J)
I->insert(J.key(), J.value());
// Load Translations
QString Translation = ReadFileAsString(IssueDir + "lang_" + theGUI->m_Language + ".json");
if (Translation.isEmpty()) {
QString LangAux = theGUI->m_Language; // Short version as fallback
Translation = ReadFileAsString(IssueDir + "lang_" + LangAux + ".json");
if (!Translation.isEmpty()) {
QJsonParseError error;
m_Translation = QJsonDocument::fromJson(Translation.toUtf8(), &error).toVariant().toMap();
if (m_Translation.isEmpty())
qDebug() << error.errorString() << Translation.mid(error.offset, 100);
QString CScriptManager::GetIssueDir(C7zFileEngineHandler& IssueFS, QDateTime* pDate)
QString IssueDir = theConf->GetConfigDir() + "/troubleshooting/";
if (!QFile::exists(IssueDir)) {
QFileInfo Installed(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/troubleshooting.7z");
QFileInfo Latest(theConf->GetConfigDir() + "/troubleshooting.7z");
quint64 latest = Latest.lastModified().toSecsSinceEpoch();
quint64 installed = Installed.lastModified().toSecsSinceEpoch();
if (latest >= installed && IssueFS.Open(theConf->GetConfigDir() + "/troubleshooting.7z")) {
IssueDir = IssueFS.Prefix() + "/";
if(pDate) *pDate = Latest.lastModified();
else if (IssueFS.Open(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/troubleshooting.7z")) {
IssueDir = IssueFS.Prefix() + "/";
if(pDate) *pDate = Installed.lastModified();
return IssueDir;
void CScriptManager::OnUpdateData(const QVariantMap& Data, const QVariantMap& Params)
if (Data.isEmpty() || Data["error"].toBool())
QVariantMap Issues = Data["issues"].toMap();
quint64 Date = Issues["date"].toULongLong();
if (Date >= m_IssueDate.toSecsSinceEpoch()) {
QString Download = Issues["download"].toString();
QVariantMap Params;
Params["path"] = theConf->GetConfigDir() + "/troubleshooting.tmp";
Params["setDate"] = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(Date);
Params["signature"] = Issues["signature"];
theGUI->m_pUpdater->DownloadFile(Download, this, SLOT(OnDownload(const QString&, const QVariantMap&)), Params);
extern "C" long VerifyFileSignatureImpl(const wchar_t* FilePath, void* Signature, unsigned long SignatureSize);
void CScriptManager::OnDownload(const QString& Path, const QVariantMap& Params)
QByteArray Signature = QByteArray::fromBase64(Params["signature"].toByteArray());
if (VerifyFileSignatureImpl(QString(Path).replace("/","\\").toStdWString().c_str(), Signature.data(), Signature.size()) < 0) { // !NT_SUCCESS
QString FinalPath = theConf->GetConfigDir() + "/troubleshooting.7z";
QFile::rename(Path, FinalPath);
QString IssueDir;
C7zFileEngineHandler IssueFS("issue");
if (!IssueFS.Open(FinalPath)) {
QMessageBox::critical(theGUI, "Sandboxie-Plus", tr("Downloaded troubleshooting instructions are corrupted!"));
LoadIssues(IssueFS.Prefix() + "/");
emit IssuesUpdated();
} |