
124 lines
4.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include "../mischelpers_global.h"
#ifndef WIN32
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT int vswprintf_l(wchar_t * _String, size_t _Count, const wchar_t * _Format, va_list _Ap);
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT __time64_t GetTimeMs();
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT quint64 GetCurTick();
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT quint64 GetRand64();
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QString GetRand64Str(bool forUrl = true);
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT int GetRandomInt(int iMin, int iMax);
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT typedef QPair<QString,QString> StrPair;
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT StrPair Split2(const QString& String, QString Separator = "=", bool Back = false);
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QStringList SplitStr(const QString& String, QString Separator);
typedef MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QMultiMap<QString,QString> TArguments;
TArguments MISCHELPERS_EXPORT GetArguments(const QString& Arguments, QChar Separator = L';', QChar Assigner = L'=', QString* First = NULL, bool bLowerKeys = false, bool bReadEsc = false);
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QString UnEscape(QString Text);
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QString FormatSize(quint64 Size, int Precision = 2);
__inline QString FormatSizeEx(quint64 Size, bool bEx) { return bEx && (Size == 0) ? QString() : FormatSize(Size); }
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QString FormatRate(quint64 Size, int Precision = 2);
__inline QString FormatRateEx(quint64 Size, bool bEx) { return bEx && (Size == 0) ? QString() : FormatRate(Size); }
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QString FormatUnit(quint64 Size, int Precision = 0);
//MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QString FormatTime(quint64 Time, bool ms = false);
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QString FormatNumber(quint64 Number);
__inline QString FormatNumberEx(quint64 Number, bool bEx) { return bEx && (Number == 0) ? QString() : FormatNumber(Number); }
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QString FormatAddress(quint64 Address, int length = 16);
inline bool operator < (const QHostAddress &key1, const QHostAddress &key2)
// Note: toIPv6Address also works for IPv4 addresses
Q_IPV6ADDR ip1 = key1.toIPv6Address();
Q_IPV6ADDR ip2 = key2.toIPv6Address();
return memcmp(&ip1, &ip2, sizeof(Q_IPV6ADDR)) < 0;
template <typename T>
QVariantList toVariantList( const QList<T> &list )
QVariantList newList;
foreach( const T &item, list )
newList << item;
return newList;
template <typename T>
QList<T> reversed( const QList<T> & in ) {
QList<T> result;
result.reserve( in.size() ); // reserve is new in Qt 4.7
std::reverse_copy( in.begin(), in.end(), std::back_inserter( result ) );
return result;
template <class T>
class CScoped
CScoped(T* Val = NULL) {m_Val = Val;}
~CScoped() {delete m_Val;}
CScoped<T>& operator=(const CScoped<T>& Scoped) {ASSERT(0); return *this;} // copying is explicitly forbidden
CScoped<T>& operator=(T* Val) {ASSERT(!m_Val); m_Val = Val; return *this;}
inline T* Val() const {return m_Val;}
inline T* &Val() {return m_Val;}
inline T* Detache() {T* Val = m_Val; m_Val = NULL; return Val;}
inline T* operator->() const {return m_Val;}
inline T& operator*() const {return *m_Val;}
inline operator T*() const {return m_Val;}
T* m_Val;
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT bool ReadFromDevice(QIODevice* dev, char* data, int len, int timeout = 5000);
typedef struct {
double r; // a fraction between 0 and 1
double g; // a fraction between 0 and 1
double b; // a fraction between 0 and 1
} my_rgb;
typedef struct {
double h; // angle in degrees
double s; // a fraction between 0 and 1
double v; // a fraction between 0 and 1
} my_hsv;
my_hsv MISCHELPERS_EXPORT rgb2hsv(my_rgb in);
my_rgb MISCHELPERS_EXPORT hsv2rgb(my_hsv in);
QRgb MISCHELPERS_EXPORT change_hsv_c(QRgb rgb, float fHue, float fSat, float fVal);
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT void GrayScale (QImage& Image);
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QIcon MakeNormalAndGrayIcon(QIcon Icon);
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QIcon MakeActionIcon(const QString& IconFile);
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QAction* MakeAction(QToolBar* pParent, const QString& IconFile, const QString& Text = "");
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QMenu* MakeMenu(QMenu* pParent, const QString& Text, const QString& IconFile = "");
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QAction* MakeAction(QMenu* pParent, const QString& Text, const QString& IconFile = "");
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT QAction* MakeAction(QActionGroup* pGroup, QMenu* pParent, const QString& Text, const QVariant& Data);
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT void SetPaleteTexture(QPalette& palette, QPalette::ColorRole role, const QImage& image);
#ifdef WIN32
MISCHELPERS_EXPORT bool InitConsole(bool bCreateIfNeeded = true);
//MISCHELPERS_EXPORT void SafeShow(QWidget* pWidget);
template <typename T>
QSet<T> ListToSet(const QList<T>& qList) { return QSet<T>(qList.begin(), qList.end()); }
template <typename T>
QList<T> SetToList(const QSet<T>& qSet) { return QList<T>(qSet.begin(), qSet.end()); }