mirror of https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota.git
619 lines
25 KiB
619 lines
25 KiB
* Berry class `Leds`
#include "be_constobj.h"
#ifdef USE_WS2812
** Solidified function: get_pixel_color
be_local_closure(get_pixel_color, /* name */
6, /* nstack */
2, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("call_native", 1389147405, 11),
(be_nested_const_str("get_pixel_color", 337490048, 15)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[ 5]) { /* code */
0x8C080100, // 0000 GETMET R2 R0 K0
0x5412000A, // 0001 LDINT R4 11
0x5C140200, // 0002 MOVE R5 R1
0x7C080600, // 0003 CALL R2 3
0x80040400, // 0004 RET 1 R2
** Solidified function: pixels_buffer
be_local_closure(pixels_buffer, /* name */
4, /* nstack */
1, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("call_native", 1389147405, 11),
(be_nested_const_str("pixels_buffer", 1229555807, 13)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */
0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0
0x540E0005, // 0001 LDINT R3 6
0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2
0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1
** Solidified function: clear
be_local_closure(clear, /* name */
4, /* nstack */
1, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 3]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("clear_to", -766965166, 8),
/* K1 */ be_const_int(0),
/* K2 */ be_nested_string("show", -1454906820, 4),
(be_nested_const_str("clear", 1550717474, 5)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[ 6]) { /* code */
0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0
0x580C0001, // 0001 LDCONST R3 K1
0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2
0x8C040102, // 0003 GETMET R1 R0 K2
0x7C040200, // 0004 CALL R1 1
0x80000000, // 0005 RET 0
** Solidified function: init
be_local_closure(init, /* name */
9, /* nstack */
4, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[11]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("gamma", -802614262, 5),
/* K1 */ be_nested_string("pin", 1866532500, 3),
/* K2 */ be_nested_string("WS2812", -755226078, 6),
/* K3 */ be_const_int(0),
/* K4 */ be_nested_string("valuer_error", -1727020191, 12),
/* K5 */ be_nested_string("no GPIO specified for neopixelbus", 42078528, 33),
/* K6 */ be_nested_string("ctor", 375399343, 4),
/* K7 */ be_nested_string("_p", 1594591802, 2),
/* K8 */ be_nested_string("internal_error", -1775809127, 14),
/* K9 */ be_nested_string("couldn't not initialize noepixelbus", -1758476484, 35),
/* K10 */ be_nested_string("begin", 1748273790, 5),
(be_nested_const_str("init", 380752755, 4)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[31]) { /* code */
0x50100200, // 0000 LDBOOL R4 1 0
0x90020004, // 0001 SETMBR R0 K0 R4
0x4C100000, // 0002 LDNIL R4
0x1C100404, // 0003 EQ R4 R2 R4
0x78120008, // 0004 JMPF R4 #000E
0x8C100501, // 0005 GETMET R4 R2 K1
0x88180502, // 0006 GETMBR R6 R2 K2
0x7C100400, // 0007 CALL R4 2
0x28100903, // 0008 GE R4 R4 K3
0x78120003, // 0009 JMPF R4 #000E
0x8C100501, // 000A GETMET R4 R2 K1
0x88180502, // 000B GETMBR R6 R2 K2
0x7C100400, // 000C CALL R4 2
0x5C080800, // 000D MOVE R2 R4
0x4C100000, // 000E LDNIL R4
0x1C100404, // 000F EQ R4 R2 R4
0x78120000, // 0010 JMPF R4 #0012
0xB0060905, // 0011 RAISE 1 K4 K5
0x8C100106, // 0012 GETMET R4 R0 K6
0x5C180200, // 0013 MOVE R6 R1
0x5C1C0400, // 0014 MOVE R7 R2
0x5C200600, // 0015 MOVE R8 R3
0x7C100800, // 0016 CALL R4 4
0x88100107, // 0017 GETMBR R4 R0 K7
0x4C140000, // 0018 LDNIL R5
0x1C100805, // 0019 EQ R4 R4 R5
0x78120000, // 001A JMPF R4 #001C
0xB0061109, // 001B RAISE 1 K8 K9
0x8C10010A, // 001C GETMET R4 R0 K10
0x7C100200, // 001D CALL R4 1
0x80000000, // 001E RET 0
** Solidified function: set_pixel_color
be_local_closure(set_pixel_color, /* name */
12, /* nstack */
4, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("call_native", 1389147405, 11),
/* K1 */ be_nested_string("to_gamma", 1597139862, 8),
(be_nested_const_str("set_pixel_color", 1275248356, 15)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[ 9]) { /* code */
0x8C100100, // 0000 GETMET R4 R0 K0
0x541A0009, // 0001 LDINT R6 10
0x5C1C0200, // 0002 MOVE R7 R1
0x8C200101, // 0003 GETMET R8 R0 K1
0x5C280400, // 0004 MOVE R10 R2
0x5C2C0600, // 0005 MOVE R11 R3
0x7C200600, // 0006 CALL R8 3
0x7C100800, // 0007 CALL R4 4
0x80000000, // 0008 RET 0
** Solidified function: begin
be_local_closure(begin, /* name */
4, /* nstack */
1, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("call_native", 1389147405, 11),
/* K1 */ be_const_int(1),
(be_nested_const_str("begin", 1748273790, 5)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */
0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0
0x580C0001, // 0001 LDCONST R3 K1
0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2
0x80000000, // 0003 RET 0
** Solidified function: to_gamma
be_local_closure(to_gamma, /* name */
12, /* nstack */
3, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 7]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("tasmota", 424643812, 7),
/* K1 */ be_nested_string("scale_uint", -1204156202, 10),
/* K2 */ be_const_int(0),
/* K3 */ be_const_int(16711680),
/* K4 */ be_nested_string("gamma", -802614262, 5),
/* K5 */ be_nested_string("light", -493019601, 5),
/* K6 */ be_nested_string("gamma8", -492123466, 6),
(be_nested_const_str("to_gamma", 1597139862, 8)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[67]) { /* code */
0x4C0C0000, // 0000 LDNIL R3
0x200C0403, // 0001 NE R3 R2 R3
0x780E0001, // 0002 JMPF R3 #0005
0x5C0C0400, // 0003 MOVE R3 R2
0x70020000, // 0004 JMP #0006
0x540E0063, // 0005 LDINT R3 100
0x5C080600, // 0006 MOVE R2 R3
0xB80E0000, // 0007 GETNGBL R3 K0
0x8C0C0701, // 0008 GETMET R3 R3 K1
0x5C140400, // 0009 MOVE R5 R2
0x58180002, // 000A LDCONST R6 K2
0x541E0063, // 000B LDINT R7 100
0x58200002, // 000C LDCONST R8 K2
0x2C240303, // 000D AND R9 R1 K3
0x542A000F, // 000E LDINT R10 16
0x3C24120A, // 000F SHR R9 R9 R10
0x7C0C0C00, // 0010 CALL R3 6
0xB8120000, // 0011 GETNGBL R4 K0
0x8C100901, // 0012 GETMET R4 R4 K1
0x5C180400, // 0013 MOVE R6 R2
0x581C0002, // 0014 LDCONST R7 K2
0x54220063, // 0015 LDINT R8 100
0x58240002, // 0016 LDCONST R9 K2
0x542AFEFF, // 0017 LDINT R10 65280
0x2C28020A, // 0018 AND R10 R1 R10
0x542E0007, // 0019 LDINT R11 8
0x3C28140B, // 001A SHR R10 R10 R11
0x7C100C00, // 001B CALL R4 6
0xB8160000, // 001C GETNGBL R5 K0
0x8C140B01, // 001D GETMET R5 R5 K1
0x5C1C0400, // 001E MOVE R7 R2
0x58200002, // 001F LDCONST R8 K2
0x54260063, // 0020 LDINT R9 100
0x58280002, // 0021 LDCONST R10 K2
0x542E00FE, // 0022 LDINT R11 255
0x2C2C020B, // 0023 AND R11 R1 R11
0x7C140C00, // 0024 CALL R5 6
0x88180104, // 0025 GETMBR R6 R0 K4
0x781A0013, // 0026 JMPF R6 #003B
0xB81A0A00, // 0027 GETNGBL R6 K5
0x8C180D06, // 0028 GETMET R6 R6 K6
0x5C200600, // 0029 MOVE R8 R3
0x7C180400, // 002A CALL R6 2
0x541E000F, // 002B LDINT R7 16
0x38180C07, // 002C SHL R6 R6 R7
0xB81E0A00, // 002D GETNGBL R7 K5
0x8C1C0F06, // 002E GETMET R7 R7 K6
0x5C240800, // 002F MOVE R9 R4
0x7C1C0400, // 0030 CALL R7 2
0x54220007, // 0031 LDINT R8 8
0x381C0E08, // 0032 SHL R7 R7 R8
0x30180C07, // 0033 OR R6 R6 R7
0xB81E0A00, // 0034 GETNGBL R7 K5
0x8C1C0F06, // 0035 GETMET R7 R7 K6
0x5C240A00, // 0036 MOVE R9 R5
0x7C1C0400, // 0037 CALL R7 2
0x30180C07, // 0038 OR R6 R6 R7
0x80040C00, // 0039 RET 1 R6
0x70020006, // 003A JMP #0042
0x541A000F, // 003B LDINT R6 16
0x38180606, // 003C SHL R6 R3 R6
0x541E0007, // 003D LDINT R7 8
0x381C0807, // 003E SHL R7 R4 R7
0x30180C07, // 003F OR R6 R6 R7
0x30180C05, // 0040 OR R6 R6 R5
0x80040C00, // 0041 RET 1 R6
0x80000000, // 0042 RET 0
** Solidified function: pixel_count
be_local_closure(pixel_count, /* name */
4, /* nstack */
1, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("call_native", 1389147405, 11),
(be_nested_const_str("pixel_count", -1855836553, 11)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */
0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0
0x540E0007, // 0001 LDINT R3 8
0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2
0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1
** Solidified function: can_show
be_local_closure(can_show, /* name */
4, /* nstack */
1, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("call_native", 1389147405, 11),
/* K1 */ be_const_int(3),
(be_nested_const_str("can_show", 960091187, 8)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */
0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0
0x580C0001, // 0001 LDCONST R3 K1
0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2
0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1
** Solidified function: pixel_size
be_local_closure(pixel_size, /* name */
4, /* nstack */
1, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("call_native", 1389147405, 11),
(be_nested_const_str("pixel_size", -2085831511, 10)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */
0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0
0x540E0006, // 0001 LDINT R3 7
0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2
0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1
** Solidified function: dirty
be_local_closure(dirty, /* name */
4, /* nstack */
1, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("call_native", 1389147405, 11),
(be_nested_const_str("dirty", -1627386213, 5)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */
0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0
0x540E0004, // 0001 LDINT R3 5
0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2
0x80000000, // 0003 RET 0
** Solidified function: show
be_local_closure(show, /* name */
4, /* nstack */
1, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("call_native", 1389147405, 11),
/* K1 */ be_const_int(2),
(be_nested_const_str("show", -1454906820, 4)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */
0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0
0x580C0001, // 0001 LDCONST R3 K1
0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2
0x80000000, // 0003 RET 0
** Solidified function: clear_to
be_local_closure(clear_to, /* name */
10, /* nstack */
3, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("call_native", 1389147405, 11),
/* K1 */ be_nested_string("to_gamma", 1597139862, 8),
(be_nested_const_str("clear_to", -766965166, 8)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[ 8]) { /* code */
0x8C0C0100, // 0000 GETMET R3 R0 K0
0x54160008, // 0001 LDINT R5 9
0x8C180101, // 0002 GETMET R6 R0 K1
0x5C200200, // 0003 MOVE R8 R1
0x5C240400, // 0004 MOVE R9 R2
0x7C180600, // 0005 CALL R6 3
0x7C0C0600, // 0006 CALL R3 3
0x80000000, // 0007 RET 0
** Solidified function: is_dirty
be_local_closure(is_dirty, /* name */
4, /* nstack */
1, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("call_native", 1389147405, 11),
(be_nested_const_str("is_dirty", 418034110, 8)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */
0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0
0x540E0003, // 0001 LDINT R3 4
0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2
0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1
** Solidified function: ctor
be_local_closure(ctor, /* name */
10, /* nstack */
4, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("call_native", 1389147405, 11),
/* K1 */ be_const_int(0),
(be_nested_const_str("ctor", 375399343, 4)),
((bstring*) &be_const_str_input),
( &(const binstruction[16]) { /* code */
0x4C100000, // 0000 LDNIL R4
0x1C100604, // 0001 EQ R4 R3 R4
0x78120005, // 0002 JMPF R4 #0009
0x8C100100, // 0003 GETMET R4 R0 K0
0x58180001, // 0004 LDCONST R6 K1
0x5C1C0200, // 0005 MOVE R7 R1
0x5C200400, // 0006 MOVE R8 R2
0x7C100800, // 0007 CALL R4 4
0x70020005, // 0008 JMP #000F
0x8C100100, // 0009 GETMET R4 R0 K0
0x58180001, // 000A LDCONST R6 K1
0x5C1C0200, // 000B MOVE R7 R1
0x5C200400, // 000C MOVE R8 R2
0x5C240600, // 000D MOVE R9 R3
0x7C100A00, // 000E CALL R4 5
0x80000000, // 000F RET 0
** Solidified class: Leds
extern const bclass be_class_Leds_ntv;
( (struct bmapnode*) &(const bmapnode[]) {
{ be_nested_key("get_pixel_color", 337490048, 15, -1), be_const_closure(get_pixel_color_closure) },
{ be_nested_key("pixels_buffer", 1229555807, 13, -1), be_const_closure(pixels_buffer_closure) },
{ be_nested_key("clear", 1550717474, 5, 13), be_const_closure(clear_closure) },
{ be_nested_key("init", 380752755, 4, 8), be_const_closure(init_closure) },
{ be_nested_key("set_pixel_color", 1275248356, 15, -1), be_const_closure(set_pixel_color_closure) },
{ be_nested_key("begin", 1748273790, 5, -1), be_const_closure(begin_closure) },
{ be_nested_key("to_gamma", 1597139862, 8, -1), be_const_closure(to_gamma_closure) },
{ be_nested_key("pixel_count", -1855836553, 11, -1), be_const_closure(pixel_count_closure) },
{ be_nested_key("can_show", 960091187, 8, -1), be_const_closure(can_show_closure) },
{ be_nested_key("pixel_size", -2085831511, 10, -1), be_const_closure(pixel_size_closure) },
{ be_nested_key("gamma", -802614262, 5, -1), be_const_var(0) },
{ be_nested_key("dirty", -1627386213, 5, -1), be_const_closure(dirty_closure) },
{ be_nested_key("show", -1454906820, 4, -1), be_const_closure(show_closure) },
{ be_nested_key("clear_to", -766965166, 8, -1), be_const_closure(clear_to_closure) },
{ be_nested_key("is_dirty", 418034110, 8, 5), be_const_closure(is_dirty_closure) },
{ be_nested_key("ctor", 375399343, 4, 1), be_const_closure(ctor_closure) },
(be_nested_const_str("Leds", -1585722021, 4))
void be_load_Leds_class(bvm *vm) {
be_pushntvclass(vm, &be_class_Leds);
be_setglobal(vm, "Leds");
be_pop(vm, 1);
#endif // USE_WS2812