2024-01-06 16:54:23 +00:00
xdrv_121_gpioviewer.ino - GPIOViewer for Tasmota
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Theo Arends
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
* GPIOViewer support
* Open webpage <device_ip_address>:8080 and watch realtime GPIO states
#define XDRV_121 121
#define GV_PORT 8080
const char *GVRelease = "1.0.5";
#define GV_BASE_URL "https://thelastoutpostworkshop.github.io/microcontroller_devkit/gpio_viewer/assets/"
#ifdef ESP32
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const int GVMaxGPIOPins = 49;
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// Global variables to capture PMW pins
const int GVMaxChannels = 64;
#endif // ESP32
#ifdef ESP8266
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const int GVMaxGPIOPins = 18;
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// Global variables to capture PMW pins
const int GVMaxChannels = MAX_PWMS;
#endif // ESP8266
const char HTTP_GV_PAGE[] PROGMEM =
"<title>Tasmota GPIO State</title>"
"<base href='" GV_BASE_URL "'>"
"<link id='defaultStyleSheet' rel='stylesheet' href=''>"
"<link id='boardStyleSheet' rel='stylesheet' href=''>"
"<link rel='icon' href='favicon.ico' type='image/x-icon'>"
"<script src='script/webSocket.js'></script>"
"<script src='script/boardSwitcher.js'></script>"
"var serverPort=" STR(GV_PORT) ";"
"var ip='%s';" // WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str()
"var source=new EventSource('http://%s:" STR(GV_PORT) "/events');" // WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str()
"var sampling_interval='" STR(GV_SAMPLING_INTERVAL) "';"
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"var freeSketchSpace='%d';" // GV.freeRAM
2024-01-06 16:54:23 +00:00
"<div class='grid-container'>"
"<header class='header'></header>"
// Image
"<div class='image-container'>"
"<div id='imageWrapper' class='image-wrapper'>"
"<img id='boardImage' src='' alt='Board Image'>"
"<div id='indicators'></div>"
enum GVPinTypes {
digitalPin = 0,
PWMPin = 1,
analogPin = 2
struct {
WiFiClient WebClient;
ESP8266WebServer *WebServer;
int freeHeap;
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uint32_t lastPinStates[GVMaxGPIOPins];
2024-01-06 16:54:23 +00:00
int ledcChannelPin[GVMaxChannels][2];
int ledcChannelPinCount;
int ledcChannelResolution[GVMaxChannels][2];
int ledcChannelResolutionCount;
2024-01-06 20:35:08 +00:00
bool first;
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bool active;
} GV;
String GVFormatBytes(size_t bytes) {
if (bytes < 1024) {
return String(bytes) + " B";
else if (bytes < (1024 * 1024)) {
return String(bytes / 1024.0, 2) + " KB";
else {
return String(bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0, 2) + " MB";
void GVPrintPWNTraps(void) {
#ifdef ESP32
for (uint32_t pin = 0; pin < GVMaxChannels; pin++) {
int32_t channel = analogGetChannel2(pin);
if (channel > -1) {
GV.ledcChannelPin[GV.ledcChannelPinCount][0] = pin;
GV.ledcChannelPin[GV.ledcChannelPinCount++][1] = channel;
uint8_t resolution = ledcReadResolution(channel);
GV.ledcChannelResolution[GV.ledcChannelResolutionCount][0] = channel;
GV.ledcChannelResolution[GV.ledcChannelResolutionCount++][1] = resolution;
#endif // ESP32
#ifdef ESP8266
uint32_t pwm_range = Settings->pwm_range + 1;
uint32_t resolution = 0;
while (pwm_range) {
pwm_range >>= 1;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_PWMS; i++) { // Basic PWM control only
if (PinUsed(GPIO_PWM1, i)) {
int32_t channel = i;
GV.ledcChannelPin[GV.ledcChannelPinCount][0] = Pin(GPIO_PWM1, i);
GV.ledcChannelPin[GV.ledcChannelPinCount++][1] = channel;
GV.ledcChannelResolution[GV.ledcChannelResolutionCount][0] = channel;
GV.ledcChannelResolution[GV.ledcChannelResolutionCount++][1] = resolution;
#endif // ESP8266
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "IOV: %d pins are PWM", GV.ledcChannelPinCount);
for (int i = 0; i < GV.ledcChannelPinCount; i++) {
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "IOV: pin %d is using channel %d", GV.ledcChannelPin[i][0], GV.ledcChannelPin[i][1]);
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "IOV: %d channels are used", GV.ledcChannelResolutionCount);
for (int i = 0; i < GV.ledcChannelResolutionCount; i++) {
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "IOV: channel %d resolution is %d bits", GV.ledcChannelResolution[i][0], GV.ledcChannelResolution[i][1]);
int GVGetLedcChannelForPin(int pin) {
for (int i = 0; i < GV.ledcChannelPinCount; i++) {
if (GV.ledcChannelPin[i][0] == pin) {
return GV.ledcChannelPin[i][1];
return -1; // Pin not found, return -1 to indicate no channel is associated
int GVGetChannelResolution(int channel) {
for (int i = 0; i < GV.ledcChannelResolutionCount; i++) {
if (GV.ledcChannelResolution[i][0] == channel) {
return GV.ledcChannelResolution[i][1];
return -1; // Pin not found, return -1 to indicate no channel is associated
int GVMapLedcReadTo8Bit(int channel, uint32_t *originalValue) {
uint32_t maxDutyCycle = (1 << GVGetChannelResolution(channel)) - 1;
#ifdef ESP32
*originalValue = ledcRead(channel);
#endif // ESP32
#ifdef ESP8266
if (17 == channel) {
maxDutyCycle = (1 << 10) - 1; // 10 = ANALOG_RESOLUTION
*originalValue = AdcRead(channel, 2);
} else {
*originalValue = (channel < MAX_PWMS_LEGACY) ? Settings->pwm_value[channel] : Settings->pwm_value_ext[channel - MAX_PWMS_LEGACY];
return map(*originalValue, 0, maxDutyCycle, 0, 255);
int GVReadGPIO(int gpioNum, uint32_t *originalValue, uint32_t *pintype) {
int channel = GVGetLedcChannelForPin(gpioNum);
int value;
if (channel != -1) {
// This is a PWM Pin
value = GVMapLedcReadTo8Bit(channel, originalValue);
*pintype = PWMPin;
return value;
#ifdef ESP32
uint8_t analogChannel = analogGetChannel2(gpioNum);
if (analogChannel != 0 && analogChannel != 255) {
#endif // ESP32
#ifdef ESP8266
uint8_t analogChannel = gpioNum;
if (17 == analogChannel) {
#endif // ESP8266
// This is an analog pin
// Serial.printf("A Pin %d value=%d,channel=%d\n", gpioNum, value,analogChannel);
value = GVMapLedcReadTo8Bit(analogChannel, originalValue);
*pintype = analogPin;
return value;
else {
// This is a digital pin
*pintype = digitalPin;
value = digitalRead(gpioNum);
*originalValue = value;
if (value == 1) {
return 256;
return 0;
void GVResetStatePins(void) {
uint32_t originalValue;
uint32_t pintype;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "IOV: GPIOViewer Connected, sampling interval is " STR(GV_SAMPLING_INTERVAL) "ms");
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for (int i = 0; i < GVMaxGPIOPins; i++) {
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GV.lastPinStates[i] = GVReadGPIO(i, &originalValue, &pintype);
//void GVEventsSend(const char *message, const char *event=NULL, uint32_t id=0, uint32_t reconnect=0);
void GVEventsSend(const char *message, const char *event, uint32_t id) {
if (GV.WebClient.connected()) {
// generateEventMessage() in AsyncEventSource.cpp
// GV.WebClient.printf_P(PSTR("retry: 0\r\nid: %u\r\nevent: %s\r\ndata: %s\r\n\r\n"), id, event, message);
GV.WebClient.printf_P(PSTR("id: %u\r\nevent: %s\r\ndata: %s\r\n\r\n"), id, event, message);
// Monitor GPIO Values
void GVMonitorTask(void) {
uint32_t originalValue;
uint32_t pintype;
String jsonMessage = "{";
bool hasChanges = false;
2024-01-06 20:35:08 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < GVMaxGPIOPins; i++) {
2024-01-06 16:54:23 +00:00
int currentState = GVReadGPIO(i, &originalValue, &pintype);
if (originalValue != GV.lastPinStates[i]) {
if (hasChanges) {
jsonMessage += ", ";
jsonMessage += "\"" + String(i) + "\": {\"s\": " + currentState + ", \"v\": " + originalValue + ", \"t\": " + pintype + "}";
GV.lastPinStates[i] = currentState;
hasChanges = true;
jsonMessage += "}";
if (hasChanges) {
// events->send(jsonMessage.c_str(), "gpio-state", millis());
GVEventsSend(jsonMessage.c_str(), "gpio-state", millis());
uint32_t heap = ESP_getFreeHeap();
if (heap != GV.freeHeap) {
GV.freeHeap = heap;
// events->send(GVFormatBytes(GV.freeHeap).c_str(), "free_heap", millis());
GVEventsSend(GVFormatBytes(GV.freeHeap).c_str(), "free_heap", millis());
void GVBegin(void) {
GV.WebServer = new ESP8266WebServer(GV_PORT);
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// GV.WebServer->setContentLength(CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN); // the payload can go on forever
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// Set CORS headers for global responses
GV.WebServer->sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
GV.WebServer->sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, OPTIONS");
GV.WebServer->sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type");
2024-01-06 20:35:08 +00:00
2024-01-06 16:54:23 +00:00
GV.WebServer->on("/events", GVHandleEvents);
GV.WebServer->on("/", GVHandleRoot);
GV.WebServer->on("/release", GVHandleRelease);
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2024-01-06 16:54:23 +00:00
void GVHandleEvents(void) {
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if (!GV.first) {
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2024-01-06 20:35:08 +00:00
GV.first = true;
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GV.WebClient = GV.WebServer->client();
// GV.WebClient.setSync(true);
GV.WebServer->setContentLength(CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN); // The payload can go on forever
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GV.WebServer->sendContent_P(PSTR("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/event-stream;\nConnection: keep-alive\nCache-Control: no-cache\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\n\n"));
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void GVHandleRoot(void) {
char* content = ext_snprintf_malloc_P(HTTP_GV_PAGE,
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2024-01-06 16:54:23 +00:00
if (content == nullptr) { return; } // Avoid crash
GV.WebServer->send_P(200, "text/html", content);
void GVHandleRelease(void) {
String jsonResponse = "{\"release\": \"" + String(GVRelease) + "\"}";
GV.WebServer->send(200, "application/json", jsonResponse);
* Interface
bool Xdrv121(uint32_t function) {
bool result = false;
if (GV.active) {
switch (function) {
if (GV.WebServer) { GV.WebServer->handleClient(); }
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if (GV.first) { GVMonitorTask(); }
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result = true;
} else {
switch (function) {
if (!TasmotaGlobal.global_state.network_down) {
GV.active = true;
return result;