intSendRtpPacket(unsignedconstchar*jpeg,intjpegLen,intfragmentOffset,BufPtrquant0tbl=NULL,BufPtrquant1tbl=NULL);// returns new fragmentOffset or 0 if finished with frame
UDPSOCKETm_RtpSocket;// RTP socket for streaming RTP packets to client
UDPSOCKETm_RtcpSocket;// RTCP socket for sending/receiving RTCP packages
uint16_tm_RtpClientPort;// RTP receiver port on client (in host byte order!)
uint16_tm_RtcpClientPort;// RTCP receiver port on client (in host byte order!)
IPPORTm_RtpServerPort;// RTP sender port on server
IPPORTm_RtcpServerPort;// RTCP sender port on server