2019-11-22 21:44:38 +00:00
# I2C devices
2022-01-29 22:02:12 +00:00
Tasmota supports several I2C devices. To use them I2C and the device need to be enabled at compile time. I2C and some devices are supported also in the official releases. Devices can be de/-actived on runtime to solve possible address conflicts. (e.g. address 0x27 is used by multiple devices)
2019-11-03 14:37:33 +00:00
2019-11-03 17:03:32 +00:00
Using command ``I2cDriver`` individual drivers can be enabled or disabled at runtime allowing duplicate I2C addresses at compile time. Use the Index from the table below to control I2C drivers like ``I2cDriver10 0`` for disabling BMP support.
2019-11-03 14:37:33 +00:00
## Supported I2C devices
The following table lists the supported I2C devices
2022-10-09 18:11:43 +01:00
Index | Define | Driver | Device | Address(es) | Description
1 | USE_PCA9685 | xdrv_15 | PCA9685 | 0x40 - 0x47 | 16-channel 12-bit pwm driver
2022-12-29 20:55:28 +00:00
2 | USE_PCF8574 | xdrv_28 | PCF8574 | 0x20 - 0x26 | 8-bit I/O expander (address range overridable)
2 | USE_PCF8574 | xdrv_28 | PCF8574A | 0x39 - 0x3F | 8-bit I/O expander (address range overridable)
2022-10-09 18:11:43 +01:00
3 | USE_DISPLAY_LCD | xdsp_01 | | 0x27, 0x3F | LCD display
4 | USE_DISPLAY_SSD1306 | xdsp_02 | SSD1306 | 0x3C - 0x3D | Oled display
5 | USE_DISPLAY_MATRIX | xdsp_03 | HT16K33 | 0x70 - 0x77 | 8x8 led matrix
6 | USE_DISPLAY_SH1106 | xdsp_07 | SH1106 | 0x3C - 0x3D | Oled display
7 | USE_ADE7953 | xnrg_07 | ADE7953 | 0x38 | Energy monitor
8 | USE_SHT | xsns_07 | SHT1X | Any | Temperature and Humidity sensor
9 | USE_HTU | xsns_08 | HTU21 | 0x40 | Temperature and Humidity sensor
9 | USE_HTU | xsns_08 | SI7013 | 0x40 | Temperature and Humidity sensor
9 | USE_HTU | xsns_08 | SI7020 | 0x40 | Temperature and Humidity sensor
9 | USE_HTU | xsns_08 | SI7021 | 0x40 | Temperature and Humidity sensor
10 | USE_BMP | xsns_09 | BMP085 | 0x76 - 0x77 | Pressure and temperature sensor
10 | USE_BMP | xsns_09 | BMP180 | 0x76 - 0x77 | Pressure and temperature sensor
10 | USE_BMP | xsns_09 | BMP280 | 0x76 - 0x77 | Pressure and temperature sensor
10 | USE_BMP | xsns_09 | BME280 | 0x76 - 0x77 | Pressure, temperature and humidity sensor
10 | USE_BMP | xsns_09 | BME680 | 0x76 - 0x77 | Pressure, temperature, humidity and gas sensor
11 | USE_BH1750 | xsns_10 | BH1750 | 0x23, 0x5C | Ambient light intensity sensor
12 | USE_VEML6070 | xsns_11 | VEML6070 | 0x38 - 0x39 | Ultra violet light intensity sensor
13 | USE_ADS1115 | xsns_12 | ADS1115 | 0x48 - 0x4B | 4-channel 16-bit A/D converter
14 | USE_INA219 | xsns_13 | INA219 | 0x40 - 0x41, 0x44 - 0x45 | Low voltage current sensor
15 | USE_SHT3X | xsns_14 | SHT3X | 0x44 - 0x45 | Temperature and Humidity sensor
15 | USE_SHT3X | xsns_14 | SHT4X | 0x44 - 0x45 | Temperature and Humidity sensor
15 | USE_SHT3X | xsns_14 | SHTCX | 0x70 | Temperature and Humidity sensor
16 | USE_TSL2561 | xsns_16 | TSL2561 | 0x29, 0x39, 0x49 | Light intensity sensor
17 | USE_MGS | xsns_19 | Grove | 0x04 | Multichannel gas sensor
18 | USE_SGP30 | xsns_21 | SGP30 | 0x58 | Gas (TVOC) and air quality sensor
19 | USE_SI1145 | xsns_24 | SI1145 | 0x60 | Ultra violet index and light sensor
19 | USE_SI1145 | xsns_24 | SI1146 | 0x60 | Ultra violet index and light sensor
19 | USE_SI1145 | xsns_24 | SI1147 | 0x60 | Ultra violet index and light sensor
20 | USE_LM75AD | xsns_26 | LM75AD | 0x48 - 0x4F | Temperature sensor
21 | USE_APDS9960 | xsns_27 | APDS9960 | 0x39 | Proximity ambient light RGB and gesture sensor
22 | USE_MCP230xx | xsns_29 | MCP23008 | 0x20 - 0x26 | 8-bit I/O expander
22 | USE_MCP230xx | xsns_29 | MCP23017 | 0x20 - 0x26 | 16-bit I/O expander
23 | USE_MPR121 | xsns_30 | MPR121 | 0x5A - 0x5D | Proximity capacitive touch sensor
24 | USE_CCS811 | xsns_31 | CCS811 | 0x5A | Gas (TVOC) and air quality sensor
2023-01-09 12:55:06 +00:00
24' | USE_CCS811_V2 | xsns_31 | CCS811 | 0x5A - 0x5B | Gas (TVOC) and air quality sensor
2022-10-09 18:11:43 +01:00
25 | USE_MPU6050 | xsns_32 | MPU6050 | 0x68 - 0x69 | 3-axis gyroscope and temperature sensor
26 | USE_DS3231 | xsns_33 | DS3231 | 0x68 | Real time clock
27 | USE_MGC3130 | xsns_36 | MGC3130 | 0x42 | Electric field sensor
28 | USE_MAX44009 | xsns_41 | MAX44009 | 0x4A - 0x4B | Ambient light intensity sensor
29 | USE_SCD30 | xsns_42 | SCD30 | 0x61 | CO2 sensor
30 | USE_SPS30 | xsns_44 | SPS30 | 0x69 | Particle sensor
31 | USE_VL53L0X | xsns_45 | VL53L0X | 0x29 | Time-of-flight (ToF) distance sensor
32 | USE_MLX90614 | xsns_46 | MLX90614 | 0x5A | Infra red temperature sensor
33 | USE_CHIRP | xsns_48 | CHIRP | 0x20 | Soil moisture sensor
34 | USE_PAJ7620 | xsns_50 | PAJ7620 | 0x73 | Gesture sensor
35 | USE_INA226 | xsns_54 | INA226 | 0x40 - 0x41, 0x44 - 0x45 | Low voltage current sensor
36 | USE_HIH6 | xsns_55 | HIH6130 | 0x27 | Temperature and Humidity sensor
37 | USE_24C256 | xdrv_10 | 24C256 | 0x50 | Scripter EEPROM storage
38 | USE_DISPLAY_ILI9488 | xdsp_08 | FT6236 | 0x38 | Touch panel controller
39 | USE_DISPLAY_RA8876 | xdsp_10 | FT5316 | 0x38 | Touch panel controller
2023-02-07 12:52:33 +00:00
40 | USE_TSL2591 | xsns_57 | TSL2591 | 0x29 | Light intensity sensor
2022-10-09 18:11:43 +01:00
41 | USE_DHT12 | xsns_58 | DHT12 | 0x5C | Temperature and humidity sensor
42 | USE_DS1624 | xsns_59 | DS1621 | 0x48 - 0x4F | Temperature sensor
42 | USE_DS1624 | xsns_59 | DS1624 | 0x48 - 0x4F | Temperature sensor
43 | USE_AHT1x | xsns_63 | AHT10/15 | 0x38 - 0x39 | Temperature and humidity sensor
43 | USE_AHT2x | xsns_63 | AHT20 | 0x38 | Temperature and humidity sensor
43 | USE_AHT2x | xsns_63 | AM2301B | 0x38 | Temperature and humidity sensor
44 | USE_WEMOS_MOTOR_V1 | xdrv_34 | | 0x2D - 0x30 | WEMOS motor shield v1.0.0 (6612FNG)
45 | USE_HDC1080 | xsns_65 | HDC1080 | 0x40 | Temperature and Humidity sensor
46 | USE_IAQ | xsns_66 | IAQ | 0x5a | Air quality sensor
47 | USE_DISPLAY_SEVENSEG| xdsp_11 | HT16K33 | 0x70 - 0x77 | Seven segment LED
48 | USE_AS3935 | xsns_67 | AS3935 | 0x03 | Franklin Lightning Sensor
49 | USE_VEML6075 | xsns_70 | VEML6075 | 0x10 | UVA/UVB/UVINDEX Sensor
50 | USE_VEML7700 | xsns_71 | VEML7700 | 0x10 | Ambient light intensity sensor
51 | USE_MCP9808 | xsns_72 | MCP9808 | 0x18 - 0x1F | Temperature sensor
52 | USE_HP303B | xsns_73 | HP303B | 0x76 - 0x77 | Pressure and temperature sensor
53 | USE_MLX90640 | xdrv_43 | MLX90640 | 0x33 | IR array temperature sensor
54 | USE_VL53L1X | xsns_77 | VL53L1X | 0x29 | Time-of-flight (ToF) distance sensor
55 | USE_EZOPH | xsns_78 | EZOPH | 0x61 - 0x70 | pH sensor
55 | USE_EZOORP | xsns_78 | EZOORP | 0x61 - 0x70 | ORP sensor
55 | USE_EZORTD | xsns_78 | EZORTD | 0x61 - 0x70 | Temperature sensor
55 | USE_EZOHUM | xsns_78 | EZOHUM | 0x61 - 0x70 | Humidity sensor
55 | USE_EZOEC | xsns_78 | EZOEC | 0x61 - 0x70 | Electric conductivity sensor
55 | USE_EZOCO2 | xsns_78 | EZOCO2 | 0x61 - 0x70 | CO2 sensor
55 | USE_EZOO2 | xsns_78 | EZOO2 | 0x61 - 0x70 | O2 sensor
55 | USE_EZOPRS | xsns_78 | EZOPRS | 0x61 - 0x70 | Pressure sensor
55 | USE_EZOFLO | xsns_78 | EZOFLO | 0x61 - 0x70 | Flow meter sensor
55 | USE_EZODO | xsns_78 | EZODO | 0x61 - 0x70 | Disolved Oxygen sensor
55 | USE_EZORGB | xsns_78 | EZORGB | 0x61 - 0x70 | Color sensor
55 | USE_EZOPMP | xsns_78 | EZOPMP | 0x61 - 0x70 | Peristaltic Pump
56 | USE_SEESAW_SOIL | xsns_81 | SEESOIL | 0x36 - 0x39 | Adafruit seesaw soil moisture sensor
57 | USE_TOF10120 | xsns_84 | TOF10120 | 0x52 | Time-of-flight (ToF) distance sensor
58 | USE_MPU_ACCEL | xsns_85 | MPU_ACCEL| 0x68 | MPU6886/MPU9250 6-axis MotionTracking sensor from M5Stac k
59 | USE_BM8563 | xdrv_56 | BM8563 | 0x51 | BM8563 RTC from M5Stack
60 | USE_AM2320 | xsns_88 | AM2320 | 0x5C | Temperature and Humidity sensor
61 | USE_T67XX | xsns_89 | T67XX | 0x15 | CO2 sensor
62 | USE_SCD40 | xsns_92 | SCD40 | 0x62 | CO2 sensor Sensirion SCD40/SCD41
63 | USE_HM330X | xsns_93 | HM330X | 0x40 | Particule sensor
64 | USE_HDC2010 | xsns_94 | HDC2010 | 0x40 | Temperature and Humidity sensor
65 | USE_ADE7880 | xnrg_23 | ADE7880 | 0x38 | Energy monitor
66 | USE_PCF85363 | xsns_99 | PCF85363 | 0x51 | Real time clock
67 | USE_DS3502 | xdrv_61 | DS3502 | 0x28 - 0x2B | Digital potentiometer
68 | USE_HYT | xsns_97 | HYTxxx | 0x28 | Temperature and Humidity sensor
69 | USE_SGP40 | xsns_98 | SGP40 | 0x59 | Gas (TVOC) and air quality
70 | USE_LUXV30B | xsns_99 | LUXV30B | 0x4A | DFRobot SEN0390 V30B lux sensor
71 | USE_QMC5883L | xsns_33 | QMC5883L | 0x0D | Magnetic Field Sensor
72 | USE_INA3221 | xsns_100 | INA3221 | 0x40-0x43 | 3-channels Voltage and Current sensor
2022-11-14 19:20:04 +00:00
73 | USE_HMC5883L | xsns_101 | HMC5883L | 0x1E | 3-channels Magnetic Field Sensor
2022-12-31 08:19:53 +00:00
74 | USE_DISPLAY_TM1650 | xdsp_20 | TM1650 | 0x24 - 0x27, 0x34 - 0x37 | Four-digit seven-segment LED controller
2023-01-01 13:29:41 +00:00
75 | USE_PCA9632 | xdrv_64 | PCA9632 | 0x60 | 4-channel 4-bit pwm driver
2023-01-29 07:06:25 +00:00
76 | USE_SEN5X | xsns_103 | SEN5X | 0x69 | Gas (VOC/NOx index) and air quality (PPM < 1 , < 2 . 5 , < 4 , < 10 )