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2019-11-02 11:21:18 +00:00
/* Copyright 2019 David Conran
* This example code demonstrates how to use the "Common" IRac class to control
* various air conditions. The IRac class does not support all the features
* for every protocol. Some have more detailed support that what the "Common"
* interface offers, and some only have a limited subset of the "Common" options.
* This example code will:
* o Try to turn on, then off every fully supported A/C protocol we know of.
* o It will try to put the A/C unit into Cooling mode at 25C, with a medium
* fan speed, and no fan swinging.
* Note: Some protocols support multiple models, only the first model is tried.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRac.h>
#include <IRutils.h>
const uint16_t kIrLed = 4; // The ESP GPIO pin to use that controls the IR LED.
IRac ac(kIrLed); // Create a A/C object using GPIO to sending messages with.
void setup() {
// Set up what we want to send.
// See state_t, opmode_t, fanspeed_t, swingv_t, & swingh_t in IRsend.h for
// all the various options.
ac.next.protocol = decode_type_t::DAIKIN; // Set a protocol to use.
ac.next.model = 1; // Some A/Cs have different models. Try just the first.
ac.next.mode = stdAc::opmode_t::kCool; // Run in cool mode initially.
ac.next.celsius = true; // Use Celsius for temp units. False = Fahrenheit
ac.next.degrees = 25; // 25 degrees.
ac.next.fanspeed = stdAc::fanspeed_t::kMedium; // Start the fan at medium.
ac.next.swingv = stdAc::swingv_t::kOff; // Don't swing the fan up or down.
ac.next.swingh = stdAc::swingh_t::kOff; // Don't swing the fan left or right.
ac.next.light = false; // Turn off any LED/Lights/Display that we can.
ac.next.beep = false; // Turn off any beep from the A/C if we can.
ac.next.econo = false; // Turn off any economy modes if we can.
ac.next.filter = false; // Turn off any Ion/Mold/Health filters if we can.
ac.next.turbo = false; // Don't use any turbo/powerful/etc modes.
ac.next.quiet = false; // Don't use any quiet/silent/etc modes.
ac.next.sleep = -1; // Don't set any sleep time or modes.
ac.next.clean = false; // Turn off any Cleaning options if we can.
ac.next.clock = -1; // Don't set any current time if we can avoid it.
ac.next.power = false; // Initially start with the unit off.
Serial.println("Try to turn on & off every supported A/C type ...");
void loop() {
// For every protocol the library has ...
for (int i = 1; i < kLastDecodeType; i++) {
decode_type_t protocol = (decode_type_t)i;
// If the protocol is supported by the IRac class ...
if (ac.isProtocolSupported(protocol)) {
Serial.println("Protocol " + String(protocol) + " / " +
typeToString(protocol) + " is supported.");
ac.next.protocol = protocol; // Change the protocol used.
ac.next.power = true; // We want to turn on the A/C unit.
Serial.println("Sending a message to turn ON the A/C unit.");
ac.sendAc(); // Have the IRac class create and send a message.
delay(5000); // Wait 5 seconds.
ac.next.power = false; // Now we want to turn the A/C off.
Serial.println("Send a message to turn OFF the A/C unit.");
ac.sendAc(); // Send the message.
delay(1000); // Wait 1 second.
Serial.println("Starting from the begining again ...");