
2541 lines
90 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Tasmota lib
* To use: `import tasmota`
#include "be_object.h"
#include "be_string.h"
#include "be_gc.h"
extern int l_getFreeHeap(bvm *vm);
extern int l_publish(bvm *vm);
extern int l_cmd(bvm *vm);
extern int l_getoption(bvm *vm);
extern int l_millis(bvm *vm);
extern int l_timereached(bvm *vm);
2021-04-27 21:54:53 +01:00
extern int l_rtc(bvm *vm);
extern int l_time_dump(bvm *vm);
2021-02-14 17:50:43 +00:00
extern int l_yield(bvm *vm);
2021-03-07 18:37:18 +00:00
extern int l_delay(bvm *vm);
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
extern int l_scaleuint(bvm *vm);
extern int l_logInfo(bvm *vm);
extern int l_save(bvm *vm);
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
extern int l_respCmnd(bvm *vm);
extern int l_respCmndStr(bvm *vm);
extern int l_respCmndDone(bvm *vm);
extern int l_respCmndError(bvm *vm);
extern int l_respCmndFailed(bvm *vm);
2021-03-03 07:34:38 +00:00
extern int l_resolveCmnd(bvm *vm);
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
extern int l_respAppend(bvm *vm);
extern int l_webSendDecimal(bvm *vm);
2021-03-07 18:37:18 +00:00
extern int l_getlight(bvm *vm);
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
extern int l_getpower(bvm *vm);
extern int l_setlight(bvm *vm);
extern int l_setpower(bvm *vm);
2021-03-07 18:37:18 +00:00
2021-03-20 17:44:35 +00:00
extern int l_i2cenabled(bvm *vm);
// add `chars_in_string(s:string,c:string) -> int``
// looks for any char in c, and return the position of the first char
// or -1 if not found
// inv is optional and inverses the behavior, i.e. look for chars not in the list
"def chars_in_string(s,c,inv) "
"var inverted = inv ? true : false "
"for i:0..size(s)-1 "
"var found = false "
"for j:0..size(c)-1 "
"if s[i] == c[j] found = true end "
"end "
"if inverted != found return i end "
"end "
"return -1 "
"end "
** Solidified function: chars_in_string
be_define_local_const_str(chars_in_string_str_name, "chars_in_string", -1146182164, 0, 15, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(chars_in_string_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(chars_in_string_str_2, "stop_iteration", -121173395, 0, 14, 0);
static const bvalue chars_in_string_ktab[3] = {
{ { .i=0 }, BE_INT},
{ { .i=1 }, BE_INT},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(chars_in_string_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t chars_in_string_code[44] = {
0x780E0001, // 0000 JMPF R3 #0003
0x50100200, // 0001 LDBOOL R4 1 0
0x70020000, // 0002 JMP #0004
0x50100000, // 0003 LDBOOL R4 0 0
0x60140000, // 0004 GETGBL R5 G0
0x60180012, // 0005 GETGBL R6 G18
0x5C1C0200, // 0006 MOVE R7 R1
0x7C180200, // 0007 CALL R6 1
0x4180D01, // 0008 SUB R6 R6 R257
0x401A0006, // 0009 CONNECT R6 R256 R6
0x7C140200, // 000A CALL R5 1
0xA802001A, // 000B EXBLK 0 #0027
0x5C180A00, // 000C MOVE R6 R5
0x7C180000, // 000D CALL R6 0
0x501C0000, // 000E LDBOOL R7 0 0
0x60200000, // 000F GETGBL R8 G0
0x60240012, // 0010 GETGBL R9 G18
0x5C280400, // 0011 MOVE R10 R2
0x7C240200, // 0012 CALL R9 1
0x4241301, // 0013 SUB R9 R9 R257
0x40260009, // 0014 CONNECT R9 R256 R9
0x7C200200, // 0015 CALL R8 1
0xA8020007, // 0016 EXBLK 0 #001F
0x5C241000, // 0017 MOVE R9 R8
0x7C240000, // 0018 CALL R9 0
0x94280206, // 0019 GETIDX R10 R1 R6
0x942C0409, // 001A GETIDX R11 R2 R9
0x1C28140B, // 001B EQ R10 R10 R11
0x782A0000, // 001C JMPF R10 #001E
0x501C0200, // 001D LDBOOL R7 1 0
0x7001FFF7, // 001E JMP #0017
0x58200002, // 001F LDCONST R8 K2
0xAC200200, // 0020 CATCH R8 1 0
0xB0080000, // 0021 RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x20200807, // 0022 NE R8 R4 R7
0x78220001, // 0023 JMPF R8 #0026
0xA8040001, // 0024 EXBLK 1 1
0x80040C00, // 0025 RET 1 R6
0x7001FFE4, // 0026 JMP #000C
0x58140002, // 0027 LDCONST R5 K2
0xAC140200, // 0028 CATCH R5 1 0
0xB0080000, // 0029 RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x5415FFFE, // 002A LDINT R5 -1
0x80040A00, // 002B RET 1 R5
static const bproto chars_in_string_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
12, // nstack
0, // nupvals
4, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &chars_in_string_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &chars_in_string_code, // code
be_local_const_str(chars_in_string_str_name), // name
44, // codesize
3, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(chars_in_string_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
const bclosure chars_in_string_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &chars_in_string_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// find a key in map, case insensitive, return actual key or nil if not found
def find_key_i(m,keyi)
import string
var keyu = string.toupper(keyi)
if classof(m) == map
for k:m.keys()
if string.toupper(k)==keyu || keyi=='?'
return k
** Solidified function: find_key_i
be_define_local_const_str(find_key_i_str_name, "find_key_i", 850136726, 0, 10, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(find_key_i_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(find_key_i_str_0, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(find_key_i_str_1, "toupper", -602983720, 0, 7, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(find_key_i_str_2, "keys", -112588595, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(find_key_i_str_3, "?", 973910158, 0, 1, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(find_key_i_str_4, "stop_iteration", -121173395, 0, 14, 0);
static const bvalue find_key_i_ktab[5] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(find_key_i_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(find_key_i_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(find_key_i_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(find_key_i_str_3) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(find_key_i_str_4) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t find_key_i_code[31] = {
0xA40E0000, // 0000 IMPORT R3 R256
0x8C100701, // 0001 GETMET R4 R3 R257
0x5C180400, // 0002 MOVE R6 R2
0x7C100400, // 0003 CALL R4 2
0x60140004, // 0004 GETGBL R5 G4
0x5C180200, // 0005 MOVE R6 R1
0x7C140200, // 0006 CALL R5 1
0x6018000B, // 0007 GETGBL R6 G11
0x1C140A06, // 0008 EQ R5 R5 R6
0x78160013, // 0009 JMPF R5 #001E
0x60140000, // 000A GETGBL R5 G0
0x8C180302, // 000B GETMET R6 R1 R258
0x7C180200, // 000C CALL R6 1
0x7C140200, // 000D CALL R5 1
0xA802000B, // 000E EXBLK 0 #001B
0x5C180A00, // 000F MOVE R6 R5
0x7C180000, // 0010 CALL R6 0
0x8C1C0701, // 0011 GETMET R7 R3 R257
0x5C240C00, // 0012 MOVE R9 R6
0x7C1C0400, // 0013 CALL R7 2
0x1C1C0E04, // 0014 EQ R7 R7 R4
0x741E0001, // 0015 JMPT R7 #0018
0x1C1C0503, // 0016 EQ R7 R2 R259
0x781E0001, // 0017 JMPF R7 #001A
0xA8040001, // 0018 EXBLK 1 1
0x80040C00, // 0019 RET 1 R6
0x7001FFF3, // 001A JMP #000F
0x58140004, // 001B LDCONST R5 K4
0xAC140200, // 001C CATCH R5 1 0
0xB0080000, // 001D RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x80000000, // 001E RET 0 R0
static const bproto find_key_i_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
10, // nstack
0, // nupvals
3, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &find_key_i_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &find_key_i_code, // code
be_local_const_str(find_key_i_str_name), // name
31, // codesize
5, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(find_key_i_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
const bclosure find_key_i_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &find_key_i_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// # split the item when there is an operator, returns a list of (left,op,right)
// # ex: "Dimmer>50" -> ["Dimmer",tasmota_gt,"50"]
"def find_op(item) "
"import string "
"var op_chars = '=<>!' "
"var pos = self.chars_in_string(item, op_chars) "
"if pos >= 0 "
"var op_split = string.split(item,pos) "
"var op_left = op_split[0] "
"var op_rest = op_split[1] "
"pos = self.chars_in_string(op_rest, op_chars, true) "
"if pos >= 0 "
"var op_split2 = string.split(op_rest,pos) "
"var op_middle = op_split2[0] "
"var op_right = op_split2[1] "
"return [op_left,op_middle,op_right] "
"end "
"end "
"return [item, nil, nil] "
"end "
** Solidified function: find_op
be_define_local_const_str(find_op_str_name, "find_op", -528253920, 0, 7, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(find_op_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(find_op_str_0, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(find_op_str_1, "=<>!", -1630497019, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(find_op_str_2, "chars_in_string", -1146182164, 0, 15, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(find_op_str_4, "split", -2017972765, 0, 5, 0);
static const bvalue find_op_ktab[6] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(find_op_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(find_op_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(find_op_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .i=0 }, BE_INT},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(find_op_str_4) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .i=1 }, BE_INT},
static const uint32_t find_op_code[42] = {
0xA40A0000, // 0000 IMPORT R2 R256
0x580C0001, // 0001 LDCONST R3 K1
0x8C100102, // 0002 GETMET R4 R0 R258
0x5C180200, // 0003 MOVE R6 R1
0x5C1C0600, // 0004 MOVE R7 R3
0x7C100600, // 0005 CALL R4 3
0x28140903, // 0006 GE R5 R4 R259
0x78160019, // 0007 JMPF R5 #0022
0x8C140504, // 0008 GETMET R5 R2 R260
0x5C1C0200, // 0009 MOVE R7 R1
0x5C200800, // 000A MOVE R8 R4
0x7C140600, // 000B CALL R5 3
0x94180B03, // 000C GETIDX R6 R5 R259
0x941C0B05, // 000D GETIDX R7 R5 R261
0x8C200102, // 000E GETMET R8 R0 R258
0x5C280E00, // 000F MOVE R10 R7
0x5C2C0600, // 0010 MOVE R11 R3
0x50300200, // 0011 LDBOOL R12 1 0
0x7C200800, // 0012 CALL R8 4
0x5C101000, // 0013 MOVE R4 R8
0x28200903, // 0014 GE R8 R4 R259
0x7822000B, // 0015 JMPF R8 #0022
0x8C200504, // 0016 GETMET R8 R2 R260
0x5C280E00, // 0017 MOVE R10 R7
0x5C2C0800, // 0018 MOVE R11 R4
0x7C200600, // 0019 CALL R8 3
0x94241103, // 001A GETIDX R9 R8 R259
0x94281105, // 001B GETIDX R10 R8 R261
0x602C000A, // 001C GETGBL R11 G10
0x7C2C0000, // 001D CALL R11 0
0x40301606, // 001E CONNECT R12 R11 R6
0x40301609, // 001F CONNECT R12 R11 R9
0x4030160A, // 0020 CONNECT R12 R11 R10
0x80041600, // 0021 RET 1 R11
0x6014000A, // 0022 GETGBL R5 G10
0x7C140000, // 0023 CALL R5 0
0x40180A01, // 0024 CONNECT R6 R5 R1
0x4C180000, // 0025 LDNIL 6
0x40180A06, // 0026 CONNECT R6 R5 R6
0x4C180000, // 0027 LDNIL 6
0x40180A06, // 0028 CONNECT R6 R5 R6
0x80040A00, // 0029 RET 1 R5
static const bproto find_op_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
13, // nstack
0, // nupvals
2, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &find_op_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &find_op_code, // code
be_local_const_str(find_op_str_name), // name
42, // codesize
6, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(find_op_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
const bclosure find_op_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &find_op_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// Rules
"def add_rule(pat,f) "
"if !self._rules "
"self._rules={} "
"end "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"if type(f) == 'function' "
"self._rules[pat] = f "
"else "
"raise 'value_error', 'the second argument is not a function' "
"end "
"end "
** Solidified function: add_rule
be_define_local_const_str(add_rule_str_name, "add_rule", 596540743, 0, 8, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(add_rule_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(add_rule_str_0, "_rules", -28750191, 0, 6, 0);
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
be_define_local_const_str(add_rule_str_1, "function", -1630125495, 0, 8, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(add_rule_str_2, "value_error", 773297791, 0, 11, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(add_rule_str_3, "the second argument is not a function", -340392827, 0, 37, 0);
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
static const bvalue add_rule_ktab[4] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(add_rule_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(add_rule_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(add_rule_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(add_rule_str_3) }, BE_STRING},
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
static const uint32_t add_rule_code[15] = {
0x880C0100, // 0000 GETMBR R3 R0 R256
0x740E0002, // 0001 JMPT R3 #0005
0x600C000B, // 0002 GETGBL R3 G11
0x7C0C0000, // 0003 CALL R3 0
0x90020003, // 0004 SETMBR R0 R256 R3
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
0x600C0015, // 0005 GETGBL R3 G21
0x5C100400, // 0006 MOVE R4 R2
0x7C0C0200, // 0007 CALL R3 1
0x1C0C0701, // 0008 EQ R3 R3 R257
0x780E0002, // 0009 JMPF R3 #000D
0x880C0100, // 000A GETMBR R3 R0 R256
0x980C0202, // 000B SETIDX R3 R1 R2
0x70020000, // 000C JMP #000E
0xB0060503, // 000D RAISE 1 R258 R259
0x80000000, // 000E RET 0 R0
static const bproto add_rule_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
5, // nstack
0, // nupvals
3, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &add_rule_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &add_rule_code, // code
be_local_const_str(add_rule_str_name), // name
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
15, // codesize
4, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(add_rule_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
static const bclosure add_rule_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &add_rule_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"def remove_rule(pat) "
"if self._rules "
"self._rules.remove(pat) "
"end "
"end "
** Solidified function: remove_rule
be_define_local_const_str(remove_rule_str_name, "remove_rule", -838755968, 0, 11, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(remove_rule_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(remove_rule_str_0, "_rules", -28750191, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(remove_rule_str_1, "remove", -611183107, 0, 6, 0);
static const bvalue remove_rule_ktab[2] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(remove_rule_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(remove_rule_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t remove_rule_code[7] = {
0x88080100, // 0000 GETMBR R2 R0 R256
0x780A0003, // 0001 JMPF R2 #0006
0x88080100, // 0002 GETMBR R2 R0 R256
0x8C080501, // 0003 GETMET R2 R2 R257
0x5C100200, // 0004 MOVE R4 R1
0x7C080400, // 0005 CALL R2 2
0x80000000, // 0006 RET 0 R0
static const bproto remove_rule_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
5, // nstack
0, // nupvals
2, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &remove_rule_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &remove_rule_code, // code
be_local_const_str(remove_rule_str_name), // name
7, // codesize
2, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(remove_rule_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
static const bclosure remove_rule_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &remove_rule_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// Rules trigger if match. return true if match, false if not
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"def try_rule(event, rule, f) "
"import string "
"var rl_list = self.find_op(rule) "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"var sub_event = event "
"var rl = string.split(rl_list[0],'#') "
"for it:rl "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"found=self.find_key_i(sub_event,it) "
"if found == nil return false end "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"sub_event = sub_event[found] "
"end "
"var op=rl_list[1]"
"var op2=rl_list[2]"
"if op "
"if op=='==' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"if str(sub_event) != str(op2) return false end "
"elif op=='!==' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"if str(sub_event) == str(op2) return false end "
"elif op=='=' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"if real(sub_event) != real(op2) return false end "
"elif op=='!=' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"if real(sub_event) == real(op2) return false end "
"elif op=='>' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"if real(sub_event) <= real(op2) return false end "
"elif op=='>=' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"if real(sub_event) < real(op2) return false end "
"elif op=='<' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"if real(sub_event) >= real(op2) return false end "
"elif op=='<=' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"if real(sub_event) > real(op2) return false end "
"end "
"end "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
"f(sub_event, rl_list[0], event) "
"return true "
"end "
** Solidified function: try_rule
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_name, "try_rule", 1986449405, 0, 8, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_0, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_1, "find_op", -528253920, 0, 7, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_2, "split", -2017972765, 0, 5, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_4, "#", 638357778, 0, 1, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_5, "find_key_i", 850136726, 0, 10, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_6, "stop_iteration", -121173395, 0, 14, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_9, "==", -1863000881, 0, 2, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_10, "!==", 559817114, 0, 3, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_11, "=", 940354920, 0, 1, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_12, "!=", -1866252285, 0, 2, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_13, ">", 990687777, 0, 1, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_14, ">=", 284975636, 0, 2, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_15, "<", 957132539, 0, 1, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(try_rule_str_16, "<=", -1795743310, 0, 2, 0);
static const bvalue try_rule_ktab[17] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .i=0 }, BE_INT},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_4) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_5) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_6) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .i=1 }, BE_INT},
{ { .i=2 }, BE_INT},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_9) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_10) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_11) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_12) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_13) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_14) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_15) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_16) }, BE_STRING},
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
static const uint32_t try_rule_code[143] = {
0xA4120000, // 0000 IMPORT R4 R256
0x8C140101, // 0001 GETMET R5 R0 R257
0x5C1C0400, // 0002 MOVE R7 R2
0x7C140400, // 0003 CALL R5 2
0x5C180200, // 0004 MOVE R6 R1
0x8C1C0902, // 0005 GETMET R7 R4 R258
0x94240B03, // 0006 GETIDX R9 R5 R259
0x58280004, // 0007 LDCONST R10 K4
0x7C1C0600, // 0008 CALL R7 3
0x60200000, // 0009 GETGBL R8 G0
0x5C240E00, // 000A MOVE R9 R7
0x7C200200, // 000B CALL R8 1
0xA802000D, // 000C EXBLK 0 #001B
0x5C241000, // 000D MOVE R9 R8
0x7C240000, // 000E CALL R9 0
0x8C280105, // 000F GETMET R10 R0 R261
0x5C300C00, // 0010 MOVE R12 R6
0x5C341200, // 0011 MOVE R13 R9
0x7C280600, // 0012 CALL R10 3
0x4C2C0000, // 0013 LDNIL 11
0x1C2C140B, // 0014 EQ R11 R10 R11
0x782E0002, // 0015 JMPF R11 #0019
0x502C0000, // 0016 LDBOOL R11 0 0
0xA8040001, // 0017 EXBLK 1 1
0x80041600, // 0018 RET 1 R11
0x94180C0A, // 0019 GETIDX R6 R6 R10
0x7001FFF1, // 001A JMP #000D
0x58200006, // 001B LDCONST R8 K6
0xAC200200, // 001C CATCH R8 1 0
0xB0080000, // 001D RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x94200B07, // 001E GETIDX R8 R5 R263
0x94240B08, // 001F GETIDX R9 R5 R264
0x78220066, // 0020 JMPF R8 #0088
0x1C281109, // 0021 EQ R10 R8 R265
0x782A000A, // 0022 JMPF R10 #002E
0x60280013, // 0023 GETGBL R10 G19
0x5C2C0C00, // 0024 MOVE R11 R6
0x7C280200, // 0025 CALL R10 1
0x602C0013, // 0026 GETGBL R11 G19
0x5C301200, // 0027 MOVE R12 R9
0x7C2C0200, // 0028 CALL R11 1
0x2028140B, // 0029 NE R10 R10 R11
0x782A0001, // 002A JMPF R10 #002D
0x50280000, // 002B LDBOOL R10 0 0
0x80041400, // 002C RET 1 R10
0x70020059, // 002D JMP #0088
0x1C28110A, // 002E EQ R10 R8 R266
0x782A000A, // 002F JMPF R10 #003B
0x60280013, // 0030 GETGBL R10 G19
0x5C2C0C00, // 0031 MOVE R11 R6
0x7C280200, // 0032 CALL R10 1
0x602C0013, // 0033 GETGBL R11 G19
0x5C301200, // 0034 MOVE R12 R9
0x7C2C0200, // 0035 CALL R11 1
0x1C28140B, // 0036 EQ R10 R10 R11
0x782A0001, // 0037 JMPF R10 #003A
0x50280000, // 0038 LDBOOL R10 0 0
0x80041400, // 0039 RET 1 R10
0x7002004C, // 003A JMP #0088
0x1C28110B, // 003B EQ R10 R8 R267
0x782A000A, // 003C JMPF R10 #0048
0x60280011, // 003D GETGBL R10 G17
0x5C2C0C00, // 003E MOVE R11 R6
0x7C280200, // 003F CALL R10 1
0x602C0011, // 0040 GETGBL R11 G17
0x5C301200, // 0041 MOVE R12 R9
0x7C2C0200, // 0042 CALL R11 1
0x2028140B, // 0043 NE R10 R10 R11
0x782A0001, // 0044 JMPF R10 #0047
0x50280000, // 0045 LDBOOL R10 0 0
0x80041400, // 0046 RET 1 R10
0x7002003F, // 0047 JMP #0088
0x1C28110C, // 0048 EQ R10 R8 R268
0x782A000A, // 0049 JMPF R10 #0055
0x60280011, // 004A GETGBL R10 G17
0x5C2C0C00, // 004B MOVE R11 R6
0x7C280200, // 004C CALL R10 1
0x602C0011, // 004D GETGBL R11 G17
0x5C301200, // 004E MOVE R12 R9
0x7C2C0200, // 004F CALL R11 1
0x1C28140B, // 0050 EQ R10 R10 R11
0x782A0001, // 0051 JMPF R10 #0054
0x50280000, // 0052 LDBOOL R10 0 0
0x80041400, // 0053 RET 1 R10
0x70020032, // 0054 JMP #0088
0x1C28110D, // 0055 EQ R10 R8 R269
0x782A000A, // 0056 JMPF R10 #0062
0x60280011, // 0057 GETGBL R10 G17
0x5C2C0C00, // 0058 MOVE R11 R6
0x7C280200, // 0059 CALL R10 1
0x602C0011, // 005A GETGBL R11 G17
0x5C301200, // 005B MOVE R12 R9
0x7C2C0200, // 005C CALL R11 1
0x1828140B, // 005D LE R10 R10 R11
0x782A0001, // 005E JMPF R10 #0061
0x50280000, // 005F LDBOOL R10 0 0
0x80041400, // 0060 RET 1 R10
0x70020025, // 0061 JMP #0088
0x1C28110E, // 0062 EQ R10 R8 R270
0x782A000A, // 0063 JMPF R10 #006F
0x60280011, // 0064 GETGBL R10 G17
0x5C2C0C00, // 0065 MOVE R11 R6
0x7C280200, // 0066 CALL R10 1
0x602C0011, // 0067 GETGBL R11 G17
0x5C301200, // 0068 MOVE R12 R9
0x7C2C0200, // 0069 CALL R11 1
0x1428140B, // 006A LT R10 R10 R11
0x782A0001, // 006B JMPF R10 #006E
0x50280000, // 006C LDBOOL R10 0 0
0x80041400, // 006D RET 1 R10
0x70020018, // 006E JMP #0088
0x1C28110F, // 006F EQ R10 R8 R271
0x782A000A, // 0070 JMPF R10 #007C
0x60280011, // 0071 GETGBL R10 G17
0x5C2C0C00, // 0072 MOVE R11 R6
0x7C280200, // 0073 CALL R10 1
0x602C0011, // 0074 GETGBL R11 G17
0x5C301200, // 0075 MOVE R12 R9
0x7C2C0200, // 0076 CALL R11 1
0x2828140B, // 0077 GE R10 R10 R11
0x782A0001, // 0078 JMPF R10 #007B
0x50280000, // 0079 LDBOOL R10 0 0
0x80041400, // 007A RET 1 R10
0x7002000B, // 007B JMP #0088
0x1C281110, // 007C EQ R10 R8 R272
0x782A0009, // 007D JMPF R10 #0088
0x60280011, // 007E GETGBL R10 G17
0x5C2C0C00, // 007F MOVE R11 R6
0x7C280200, // 0080 CALL R10 1
0x602C0011, // 0081 GETGBL R11 G17
0x5C301200, // 0082 MOVE R12 R9
0x7C2C0200, // 0083 CALL R11 1
0x2428140B, // 0084 GT R10 R10 R11
0x782A0001, // 0085 JMPF R10 #0088
0x50280000, // 0086 LDBOOL R10 0 0
0x80041400, // 0087 RET 1 R10
0x5C280600, // 0088 MOVE R10 R3
0x5C2C0C00, // 0089 MOVE R11 R6
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
0x94300B03, // 008A GETIDX R12 R5 R259
0x5C340200, // 008B MOVE R13 R1
0x7C280600, // 008C CALL R10 3
0x50280200, // 008D LDBOOL R10 1 0
0x80041400, // 008E RET 1 R10
static const bproto try_rule_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
14, // nstack
0, // nupvals
4, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &try_rule_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &try_rule_code, // code
be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_name), // name
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
143, // codesize
17, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(try_rule_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
static const bclosure try_rule_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &try_rule_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// Run rules, i.e. check each individual rule
// Returns true if at least one rule matched, false if none
"def exec_rules(ev_json) "
"if self._rules "
"import json "
"var ev = json.load(ev_json) "
"var ret = false "
"if ev == nil "
"print('BRY: ERROR, bad json: '+ev_json, 3) "
"else "
"for r: self._rules.keys() "
"ret = self.try_rule(ev,r,self._rules[r]) || ret "
"end "
"end "
"return ret "
"end "
"return false "
"end "
** Solidified function: exec_rules
be_define_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_name, "exec_rules", 1445221092, 0, 10, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_0, "_rules", -28750191, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_1, "json", 916562499, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_2, "load", -435725847, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_3, "BRY: ERROR, bad json: ", -1579831487, 0, 22, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_5, "keys", -112588595, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_6, "try_rule", 1986449405, 0, 8, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_7, "stop_iteration", -121173395, 0, 14, 0);
static const bvalue exec_rules_ktab[8] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_3) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .i=3 }, BE_INT},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_5) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_6) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_7) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t exec_rules_code[40] = {
0x88080100, // 0000 GETMBR R2 R0 R256
0x780A0023, // 0001 JMPF R2 #0026
0xA40A0200, // 0002 IMPORT R2 R257
0x8C0C0502, // 0003 GETMET R3 R2 R258
0x5C140200, // 0004 MOVE R5 R1
0x7C0C0400, // 0005 CALL R3 2
0x50100000, // 0006 LDBOOL R4 0 0
0x4C140000, // 0007 LDNIL 5
0x1C140605, // 0008 EQ R5 R3 R5
0x78160004, // 0009 JMPF R5 #000F
0x6014000F, // 000A GETGBL R5 G15
0x1A0601, // 000B ADD R6 R259 R1
0x581C0004, // 000C LDCONST R7 K4
0x7C140400, // 000D CALL R5 2
0x70020015, // 000E JMP #0025
0x60140000, // 000F GETGBL R5 G0
0x88180100, // 0010 GETMBR R6 R0 R256
0x8C180D05, // 0011 GETMET R6 R6 R261
0x7C180200, // 0012 CALL R6 1
0x7C140200, // 0013 CALL R5 1
0xA802000C, // 0014 EXBLK 0 #0022
0x5C180A00, // 0015 MOVE R6 R5
0x7C180000, // 0016 CALL R6 0
0x8C1C0106, // 0017 GETMET R7 R0 R262
0x5C240600, // 0018 MOVE R9 R3
0x5C280C00, // 0019 MOVE R10 R6
0x882C0100, // 001A GETMBR R11 R0 R256
0x942C1606, // 001B GETIDX R11 R11 R6
0x7C1C0800, // 001C CALL R7 4
0x741E0001, // 001D JMPT R7 #0020
0x74120000, // 001E JMPT R4 #0020
0x50100001, // 001F LDBOOL R4 0 1
0x50100200, // 0020 LDBOOL R4 1 0
0x7001FFF2, // 0021 JMP #0015
0x58140007, // 0022 LDCONST R5 K7
0xAC140200, // 0023 CATCH R5 1 0
0xB0080000, // 0024 RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x80040800, // 0025 RET 1 R4
0x50080000, // 0026 LDBOOL R2 0 0
0x80040400, // 0027 RET 1 R2
static const bproto exec_rules_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
12, // nstack
0, // nupvals
2, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &exec_rules_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &exec_rules_code, // code
be_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_name), // name
40, // codesize
8, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(exec_rules_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
const bclosure exec_rules_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &exec_rules_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
"def set_timer(delay,f) "
"if !self._timers self._timers=[] end "
"self._timers.push([self.millis(delay),f]) "
"end "
** Solidified function: set_timer
be_define_local_const_str(set_timer_str_name, "set_timer", 2135414533, 0, 9, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(set_timer_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(set_timer_str_0, "_timers", -1694866380, 0, 7, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(set_timer_str_1, "push", -2022703139, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(set_timer_str_2, "millis", 1214679063, 0, 6, 0);
static const bvalue set_timer_ktab[3] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(set_timer_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(set_timer_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(set_timer_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t set_timer_code[16] = {
0x880C0100, // 0000 GETMBR R3 R0 R256
0x740E0002, // 0001 JMPT R3 #0005
0x600C000A, // 0002 GETGBL R3 G10
0x7C0C0000, // 0003 CALL R3 0
0x90020003, // 0004 SETMBR R0 R256 R3
0x880C0100, // 0005 GETMBR R3 R0 R256
0x8C0C0701, // 0006 GETMET R3 R3 R257
0x6014000A, // 0007 GETGBL R5 G10
0x7C140000, // 0008 CALL R5 0
0x8C180102, // 0009 GETMET R6 R0 R258
0x5C200200, // 000A MOVE R8 R1
0x7C180400, // 000B CALL R6 2
0x40180A06, // 000C CONNECT R6 R5 R6
0x40180A02, // 000D CONNECT R6 R5 R2
0x7C0C0400, // 000E CALL R3 2
0x80000000, // 000F RET 0 R0
static const bproto set_timer_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
9, // nstack
0, // nupvals
3, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &set_timer_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &set_timer_code, // code
be_local_const_str(set_timer_str_name), // name
16, // codesize
3, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(set_timer_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
const bclosure set_timer_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &set_timer_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// run every 50ms tick
"def run_deferred() "
"if self._timers "
"var i=0 "
"while i<self._timers.size() "
"if self.time_reached(self._timers[i][0]) "
"f=self._timers[i][1] "
"self._timers.remove(i) "
"f() "
"else "
"i=i+1 "
"end "
"end "
"end "
"end "
** Solidified function: run_deferred
be_define_local_const_str(run_deferred_str_name, "run_deferred", 371594696, 0, 12, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(run_deferred_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(run_deferred_str_0, "_timers", -1694866380, 0, 7, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(run_deferred_str_2, "size", 597743964, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(run_deferred_str_3, "time_reached", 2075136773, 0, 12, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(run_deferred_str_5, "remove", -611183107, 0, 6, 0);
static const bvalue run_deferred_ktab[6] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(run_deferred_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .i=0 }, BE_INT},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(run_deferred_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(run_deferred_str_3) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .i=1 }, BE_INT},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(run_deferred_str_5) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t run_deferred_code[27] = {
0x88040100, // 0000 GETMBR R1 R0 R256
0x78060017, // 0001 JMPF R1 #001A
0x58040001, // 0002 LDCONST R1 K1
0x88080100, // 0003 GETMBR R2 R0 R256
0x8C080502, // 0004 GETMET R2 R2 R258
0x7C080200, // 0005 CALL R2 1
0x14080202, // 0006 LT R2 R1 R2
0x780A0011, // 0007 JMPF R2 #001A
0x8C080103, // 0008 GETMET R2 R0 R259
0x88100100, // 0009 GETMBR R4 R0 R256
0x94100801, // 000A GETIDX R4 R4 R1
0x94100901, // 000B GETIDX R4 R4 R257
0x7C080400, // 000C CALL R2 2
0x780A0009, // 000D JMPF R2 #0018
0x88080100, // 000E GETMBR R2 R0 R256
0x94080401, // 000F GETIDX R2 R2 R1
0x94080504, // 0010 GETIDX R2 R2 R260
0x880C0100, // 0011 GETMBR R3 R0 R256
0x8C0C0705, // 0012 GETMET R3 R3 R261
0x5C140200, // 0013 MOVE R5 R1
0x7C0C0400, // 0014 CALL R3 2
0x5C0C0400, // 0015 MOVE R3 R2
0x7C0C0000, // 0016 CALL R3 0
0x70020000, // 0017 JMP #0019
0x40304, // 0018 ADD R1 R1 R260
0x7001FFE8, // 0019 JMP #0003
0x80000000, // 001A RET 0 R0
static const bproto run_deferred_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
6, // nstack
0, // nupvals
1, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &run_deferred_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &run_deferred_code, // code
be_local_const_str(run_deferred_str_name), // name
27, // codesize
6, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(run_deferred_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
const bclosure run_deferred_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &run_deferred_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// Add command to list
"def add_cmd(c,f) "
"if !self._ccmd "
"self._ccmd={} "
"end "
"if type(f) == 'function' "
"self._ccmd[c]=f "
"else "
"raise 'value_error', 'the second argument is not a function' "
"end "
"end "
** Solidified function: add_cmd
be_define_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_name, "add_cmd", -933336417, 0, 7, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_0, "_ccmd", -2131545883, 0, 5, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_1, "function", -1630125495, 0, 8, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_2, "value_error", 773297791, 0, 11, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_3, "the second argument is not a function", -340392827, 0, 37, 0);
static const bvalue add_cmd_ktab[4] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_3) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t add_cmd_code[15] = {
0x880C0100, // 0000 GETMBR R3 R0 R256
0x740E0002, // 0001 JMPT R3 #0005
0x600C000B, // 0002 GETGBL R3 G11
0x7C0C0000, // 0003 CALL R3 0
0x90020003, // 0004 SETMBR R0 R256 R3
0x600C0015, // 0005 GETGBL R3 G21
0x5C100400, // 0006 MOVE R4 R2
0x7C0C0200, // 0007 CALL R3 1
0x1C0C0701, // 0008 EQ R3 R3 R257
0x780E0002, // 0009 JMPF R3 #000D
0x880C0100, // 000A GETMBR R3 R0 R256
0x980C0202, // 000B SETIDX R3 R1 R2
0x70020000, // 000C JMP #000E
0xB0060503, // 000D RAISE 1 R258 R259
0x80000000, // 000E RET 0 R0
static const bproto add_cmd_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
5, // nstack
0, // nupvals
3, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &add_cmd_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &add_cmd_code, // code
be_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_name), // name
15, // codesize
4, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
static const bclosure add_cmd_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &add_cmd_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// Remove command from list
"def remove_cmd(c) "
"if self._ccmd "
"self._ccmd.remove(c) "
"end "
"end "
** Solidified function: remove_cmd
be_define_local_const_str(remove_cmd_str_name, "remove_cmd", -462651594, 0, 10, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(remove_cmd_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(remove_cmd_str_0, "_ccmd", -2131545883, 0, 5, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(remove_cmd_str_1, "remove", -611183107, 0, 6, 0);
static const bvalue remove_cmd_ktab[2] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(remove_cmd_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(remove_cmd_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t remove_cmd_code[7] = {
0x88080100, // 0000 GETMBR R2 R0 R256
0x780A0003, // 0001 JMPF R2 #0006
0x88080100, // 0002 GETMBR R2 R0 R256
0x8C080501, // 0003 GETMET R2 R2 R257
0x5C100200, // 0004 MOVE R4 R1
0x7C080400, // 0005 CALL R2 2
0x80000000, // 0006 RET 0 R0
static const bproto remove_cmd_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
5, // nstack
0, // nupvals
2, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &remove_cmd_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &remove_cmd_code, // code
be_local_const_str(remove_cmd_str_name), // name
7, // codesize
2, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(remove_cmd_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
static const bclosure remove_cmd_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &remove_cmd_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// Execute custom command
"def exec_cmd(cmd, idx, payload) "
"if self._ccmd "
"import json "
"var payload_json = json.load(payload) "
"var cmd_found = self.find_key_i(self._ccmd, cmd) "
"if cmd_found != nil "
"self.resolvecmnd(cmd_found) " // set the command name in XdrvMailbox.command
"self._ccmd[cmd_found](cmd_found, idx, payload, payload_json) "
"return true "
"end "
"end "
"return false "
"end "
** Solidified function: exec_cmd
be_define_local_const_str(exec_cmd_str_name, "exec_cmd", 493567399, 0, 8, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(exec_cmd_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(exec_cmd_str_0, "_ccmd", -2131545883, 0, 5, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(exec_cmd_str_1, "json", 916562499, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(exec_cmd_str_2, "load", -435725847, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(exec_cmd_str_3, "find_key_i", 850136726, 0, 10, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(exec_cmd_str_4, "resolvecmnd", 993361485, 0, 11, 0);
static const bvalue exec_cmd_ktab[5] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(exec_cmd_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(exec_cmd_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(exec_cmd_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(exec_cmd_str_3) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(exec_cmd_str_4) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t exec_cmd_code[27] = {
0x88100100, // 0000 GETMBR R4 R0 R256
0x78120016, // 0001 JMPF R4 #0019
0xA4120200, // 0002 IMPORT R4 R257
0x8C140902, // 0003 GETMET R5 R4 R258
0x5C1C0600, // 0004 MOVE R7 R3
0x7C140400, // 0005 CALL R5 2
0x8C180103, // 0006 GETMET R6 R0 R259
0x88200100, // 0007 GETMBR R8 R0 R256
0x5C240200, // 0008 MOVE R9 R1
0x7C180600, // 0009 CALL R6 3
0x4C1C0000, // 000A LDNIL 7
0x201C0C07, // 000B NE R7 R6 R7
0x781E000B, // 000C JMPF R7 #0019
0x8C1C0104, // 000D GETMET R7 R0 R260
0x5C240C00, // 000E MOVE R9 R6
0x7C1C0400, // 000F CALL R7 2
0x881C0100, // 0010 GETMBR R7 R0 R256
0x941C0E06, // 0011 GETIDX R7 R7 R6
0x5C200C00, // 0012 MOVE R8 R6
0x5C240400, // 0013 MOVE R9 R2
0x5C280600, // 0014 MOVE R10 R3
0x5C2C0A00, // 0015 MOVE R11 R5
0x7C1C0800, // 0016 CALL R7 4
0x501C0200, // 0017 LDBOOL R7 1 0
0x80040E00, // 0018 RET 1 R7
0x50100000, // 0019 LDBOOL R4 0 0
0x80040800, // 001A RET 1 R4
static const bproto exec_cmd_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
12, // nstack
0, // nupvals
4, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &exec_cmd_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &exec_cmd_code, // code
be_local_const_str(exec_cmd_str_name), // name
27, // codesize
5, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(exec_cmd_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
static const bclosure exec_cmd_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &exec_cmd_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// Force gc and return allocated memory
"def gc() "
"import gc "
"gc.collect() "
"return gc.allocated() "
"end "
** Solidified function: gc
be_define_local_const_str(gc_str_name, "gc", 1042313471, 0, 2, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(gc_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(gc_str_0, "gc", 1042313471, 0, 2, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(gc_str_1, "collect", -1895928271, 0, 7, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(gc_str_2, "allocated", 429986098, 0, 9, 0);
static const bvalue gc_ktab[3] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(gc_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(gc_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(gc_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t gc_code[6] = {
0xA4060000, // 0000 IMPORT R1 R256
0x8C080301, // 0001 GETMET R2 R1 R257
0x7C080200, // 0002 CALL R2 1
0x8C080302, // 0003 GETMET R2 R1 R258
0x7C080200, // 0004 CALL R2 1
0x80040400, // 0005 RET 1 R2
static const bproto gc_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
4, // nstack
0, // nupvals
1, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &gc_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &gc_code, // code
be_local_const_str(gc_str_name), // name
6, // codesize
3, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(gc_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
const bclosure gc_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &gc_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// Event from Tasmota is:
// 1. event:string -- type of event (cmd, rule, ...)
// 2. cmd:string -- name of the command to process
// 3. index:int -- index number
// 4. payload:string -- payload as text, analyzed as json
"def event(type, cmd, idx, payload) "
"if type=='cmd' return self.exec_cmd(cmd, idx, payload) "
"elif type=='rule' return self.exec_rules(payload) "
"elif type=='mqtt_data' return nil " // not yet implemented
"elif type=='gc' return self.gc() "
"elif type=='every_50ms' return self.run_deferred() "
"elif self._drivers "
"for d:self._drivers "
"try "
"if type=='every_second' && d.every_second return d.every_second() "
"elif type=='every_100ms' && d.every_100ms return d.every_100ms() "
"elif type=='web_add_button' && d.web_add_button return d.web_add_button() "
"elif type=='web_add_main_button' && d.web_add_main_button return d.web_add_main_button() "
"elif type=='save_before_restart' && d.save_before_restart return d.save_before_restart() "
"elif type=='web_sensor' && d.web_sensor return d.web_sensor() "
"elif type=='json_append' && d.json_append return d.json_append() "
"elif type=='button_pressed' && d.button_pressed return d.button_pressed() "
"end "
"except .. as e,m "
"import string "
"self.log(string.format('BRY: exception %s - %m',3)) "
"end "
"end "
"end "
"end "
** Solidified function: event
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_name, "event", -30355297, 0, 5, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_0, "cmd", -158181397, 0, 3, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_1, "exec_cmd", 493567399, 0, 8, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_2, "rule", -64077613, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_3, "exec_rules", 1445221092, 0, 10, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_4, "mqtt_data", -1756753932, 0, 9, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_5, "gc", 1042313471, 0, 2, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_6, "every_50ms", -1911083288, 0, 10, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_7, "run_deferred", 371594696, 0, 12, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_8, "_drivers", -1034638311, 0, 8, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_9, "every_second", 2075451465, 0, 12, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_10, "every_100ms", 1546407804, 0, 11, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_11, "web_add_button", -757092238, 0, 14, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_12, "web_add_main_button", -334599632, 0, 19, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_13, "save_before_restart", 1253239338, 0, 19, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_14, "web_sensor", -1394870324, 0, 10, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_15, "json_append", -1292948012, 0, 11, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_16, "button_pressed", 1694209616, 0, 14, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_17, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_18, "log", 1062293841, 0, 3, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_19, "format", -1180859054, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_20, "BRY: exception %s - %m", -1290966132, 0, 22, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(event_str_22, "stop_iteration", -121173395, 0, 14, 0);
static const bvalue event_ktab[23] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_3) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_4) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_5) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_6) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_7) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_8) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_9) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_10) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_11) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_12) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_13) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_14) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_15) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_16) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_17) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_18) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_19) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_20) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .i=3 }, BE_INT},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(event_str_22) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t event_code[131] = {
0x1C140300, // 0000 EQ R5 R1 R256
0x78160006, // 0001 JMPF R5 #0009
0x8C140101, // 0002 GETMET R5 R0 R257
0x5C1C0400, // 0003 MOVE R7 R2
0x5C200600, // 0004 MOVE R8 R3
0x5C240800, // 0005 MOVE R9 R4
0x7C140800, // 0006 CALL R5 4
0x80040A00, // 0007 RET 1 R5
0x70020078, // 0008 JMP #0082
0x1C140302, // 0009 EQ R5 R1 R258
0x78160004, // 000A JMPF R5 #0010
0x8C140103, // 000B GETMET R5 R0 R259
0x5C1C0800, // 000C MOVE R7 R4
0x7C140400, // 000D CALL R5 2
0x80040A00, // 000E RET 1 R5
0x70020071, // 000F JMP #0082
0x1C140304, // 0010 EQ R5 R1 R260
0x78160002, // 0011 JMPF R5 #0015
0x4C140000, // 0012 LDNIL 5
0x80040A00, // 0013 RET 1 R5
0x7002006C, // 0014 JMP #0082
0x1C140305, // 0015 EQ R5 R1 R261
0x78160003, // 0016 JMPF R5 #001B
0x8C140105, // 0017 GETMET R5 R0 R261
0x7C140200, // 0018 CALL R5 1
0x80040A00, // 0019 RET 1 R5
0x70020066, // 001A JMP #0082
0x1C140306, // 001B EQ R5 R1 R262
0x78160003, // 001C JMPF R5 #0021
0x8C140107, // 001D GETMET R5 R0 R263
0x7C140200, // 001E CALL R5 1
0x80040A00, // 001F RET 1 R5
0x70020060, // 0020 JMP #0082
0x88140108, // 0021 GETMBR R5 R0 R264
0x7816005E, // 0022 JMPF R5 #0082
0x60140000, // 0023 GETGBL R5 G0
0x88180108, // 0024 GETMBR R6 R0 R264
0x7C140200, // 0025 CALL R5 1
0xA8020057, // 0026 EXBLK 0 #007F
0x5C180A00, // 0027 MOVE R6 R5
0x7C180000, // 0028 CALL R6 0
0xA8020048, // 0029 EXBLK 0 #0073
0x1C1C0309, // 002A EQ R7 R1 R265
0x781E0006, // 002B JMPF R7 #0033
0x881C0D09, // 002C GETMBR R7 R6 R265
0x781E0004, // 002D JMPF R7 #0033
0x8C1C0D09, // 002E GETMET R7 R6 R265
0x7C1C0200, // 002F CALL R7 1
0xA8040002, // 0030 EXBLK 1 2
0x80040E00, // 0031 RET 1 R7
0x7002003D, // 0032 JMP #0071
0x1C1C030A, // 0033 EQ R7 R1 R266
0x781E0006, // 0034 JMPF R7 #003C
0x881C0D0A, // 0035 GETMBR R7 R6 R266
0x781E0004, // 0036 JMPF R7 #003C
0x8C1C0D0A, // 0037 GETMET R7 R6 R266
0x7C1C0200, // 0038 CALL R7 1
0xA8040002, // 0039 EXBLK 1 2
0x80040E00, // 003A RET 1 R7
0x70020034, // 003B JMP #0071
0x1C1C030B, // 003C EQ R7 R1 R267
0x781E0006, // 003D JMPF R7 #0045
0x881C0D0B, // 003E GETMBR R7 R6 R267
0x781E0004, // 003F JMPF R7 #0045
0x8C1C0D0B, // 0040 GETMET R7 R6 R267
0x7C1C0200, // 0041 CALL R7 1
0xA8040002, // 0042 EXBLK 1 2
0x80040E00, // 0043 RET 1 R7
0x7002002B, // 0044 JMP #0071
0x1C1C030C, // 0045 EQ R7 R1 R268
0x781E0006, // 0046 JMPF R7 #004E
0x881C0D0C, // 0047 GETMBR R7 R6 R268
0x781E0004, // 0048 JMPF R7 #004E
0x8C1C0D0C, // 0049 GETMET R7 R6 R268
0x7C1C0200, // 004A CALL R7 1
0xA8040002, // 004B EXBLK 1 2
0x80040E00, // 004C RET 1 R7
0x70020022, // 004D JMP #0071
0x1C1C030D, // 004E EQ R7 R1 R269
0x781E0006, // 004F JMPF R7 #0057
0x881C0D0D, // 0050 GETMBR R7 R6 R269
0x781E0004, // 0051 JMPF R7 #0057
0x8C1C0D0D, // 0052 GETMET R7 R6 R269
0x7C1C0200, // 0053 CALL R7 1
0xA8040002, // 0054 EXBLK 1 2
0x80040E00, // 0055 RET 1 R7
0x70020019, // 0056 JMP #0071
0x1C1C030E, // 0057 EQ R7 R1 R270
0x781E0006, // 0058 JMPF R7 #0060
0x881C0D0E, // 0059 GETMBR R7 R6 R270
0x781E0004, // 005A JMPF R7 #0060
0x8C1C0D0E, // 005B GETMET R7 R6 R270
0x7C1C0200, // 005C CALL R7 1
0xA8040002, // 005D EXBLK 1 2
0x80040E00, // 005E RET 1 R7
0x70020010, // 005F JMP #0071
0x1C1C030F, // 0060 EQ R7 R1 R271
0x781E0006, // 0061 JMPF R7 #0069
0x881C0D0F, // 0062 GETMBR R7 R6 R271
0x781E0004, // 0063 JMPF R7 #0069
0x8C1C0D0F, // 0064 GETMET R7 R6 R271
0x7C1C0200, // 0065 CALL R7 1
0xA8040002, // 0066 EXBLK 1 2
0x80040E00, // 0067 RET 1 R7
0x70020007, // 0068 JMP #0071
0x1C1C0310, // 0069 EQ R7 R1 R272
0x781E0005, // 006A JMPF R7 #0071
0x881C0D10, // 006B GETMBR R7 R6 R272
0x781E0003, // 006C JMPF R7 #0071
0x8C1C0D10, // 006D GETMET R7 R6 R272
0x7C1C0200, // 006E CALL R7 1
0xA8040002, // 006F EXBLK 1 2
0x80040E00, // 0070 RET 1 R7
0xA8040001, // 0071 EXBLK 1 1
0x7002000A, // 0072 JMP #007E
0xAC1C0002, // 0073 CATCH R7 0 2
0x70020007, // 0074 JMP #007D
0xA4262200, // 0075 IMPORT R9 R273
0x8C280112, // 0076 GETMET R10 R0 R274
0x8C301313, // 0077 GETMET R12 R9 R275
0x58380014, // 0078 LDCONST R14 K20
0x583C0015, // 0079 LDCONST R15 K21
0x7C300600, // 007A CALL R12 3
0x7C280400, // 007B CALL R10 2
0x70020000, // 007C JMP #007E
0xB0080000, // 007D RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x7001FFA7, // 007E JMP #0027
0x58140016, // 007F LDCONST R5 K22
0xAC140200, // 0080 CATCH R5 1 0
0xB0080000, // 0081 RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x80000000, // 0082 RET 0 R0
static const bproto event_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
16, // nstack
0, // nupvals
5, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &event_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &event_code, // code
be_local_const_str(event_str_name), // name
131, // codesize
23, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(event_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
static const bclosure event_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &event_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// add driver to the queue of event dispatching
"def add_driver(d) "
"if self._drivers "
"self._drivers.push(d) "
"else "
"self._drivers = [d]"
"end "
"end "
** Solidified function: add_driver
be_define_local_const_str(add_driver_str_name, "add_driver", 1654458371, 0, 10, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(add_driver_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(add_driver_str_0, "_drivers", -1034638311, 0, 8, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(add_driver_str_1, "push", -2022703139, 0, 4, 0);
static const bvalue add_driver_ktab[2] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(add_driver_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(add_driver_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t add_driver_code[12] = {
0x88080100, // 0000 GETMBR R2 R0 R256
0x780A0004, // 0001 JMPF R2 #0007
0x88080100, // 0002 GETMBR R2 R0 R256
0x8C080501, // 0003 GETMET R2 R2 R257
0x5C100200, // 0004 MOVE R4 R1
0x7C080400, // 0005 CALL R2 2
0x70020003, // 0006 JMP #000B
0x6008000A, // 0007 GETGBL R2 G10
0x7C080000, // 0008 CALL R2 0
0x400C0401, // 0009 CONNECT R3 R2 R1
0x90020002, // 000A SETMBR R0 R256 R2
0x80000000, // 000B RET 0 R0
static const bproto add_driver_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
5, // nstack
0, // nupvals
2, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &add_driver_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &add_driver_code, // code
be_local_const_str(add_driver_str_name), // name
12, // codesize
2, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(add_driver_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
const bclosure add_driver_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &add_driver_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// simple wrapper to load a file
// prefixes '/' if needed, and simpler to use than `compile()`
"def load(f) "
"import string "
"try "
// check that the file ends with '.be' of '.bec'
"var fl = string.split(f,'.') "
"if (size(fl) <= 1 || (fl[-1] != 'be' && fl[-1] != 'bec')) "
"raise \"file extension is not '.be' or '.bec'\" "
"end "
"var native = f[size(f)-1] == 'c' "
// add prefix if needed
"if f[0] != '/' f = '/' + f end "
// load - works the same for .be and .bec
"var c = compile(f,'file') "
// save the compiled bytecode
"if !native "
"try "
"self.save(f+'c', c) "
"except .. as e "
"self.log(string.format('BRY: could not save compiled file %s (%s)',f+'c',e)) "
"end "
"end "
// call the compiled code
"c() "
"self.log(string.format(\"BRY: sucessfully loaded '%s'\",f)) "
"except .. as e "
"raise \"io_error\",string.format(\"Could not load file '%s'\",f) "
"end "
"end "
** Solidified function: load
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_name, "load", -435725847, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_0, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_1, "split", -2017972765, 0, 5, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_2, ".", 722245873, 0, 1, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_4, "be", 942383232, 0, 2, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_5, "bec", 1336821081, 0, 3, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_6, "file extension is not '.be' or '.bec'", -1199247657, 0, 37, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_7, "c", -435409838, 0, 1, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_9, "/", 705468254, 0, 1, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_10, "file", -1427482813, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_11, "save", -855671224, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_12, "log", 1062293841, 0, 3, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_13, "format", -1180859054, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_14, "BRY: could not save compiled file %s (%s)", 736659787, 0, 41, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_15, "BRY: sucessfully loaded '%s'", -675188639, 0, 28, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_16, "Could not load file '%s'", -708657871, 0, 24, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(load_str_17, "io_error", 1970281036, 0, 8, 0);
static const bvalue load_ktab[18] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .i=1 }, BE_INT},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_4) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_5) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_6) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_7) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .i=0 }, BE_INT},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_9) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_10) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_11) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_12) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_13) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_14) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_15) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_16) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(load_str_17) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t load_code[73] = {
0xA40A0000, // 0000 IMPORT R2 R256
0xA802003C, // 0001 EXBLK 0 #003F
0x8C0C0501, // 0002 GETMET R3 R2 R257
0x5C140200, // 0003 MOVE R5 R1
0x58180002, // 0004 LDCONST R6 K2
0x7C0C0600, // 0005 CALL R3 3
0x60100012, // 0006 GETGBL R4 G18
0x5C140600, // 0007 MOVE R5 R3
0x7C100200, // 0008 CALL R4 1
0x18100903, // 0009 LE R4 R4 R259
0x74120007, // 000A JMPT R4 #0013
0x5411FFFE, // 000B LDINT R4 -1
0x94100604, // 000C GETIDX R4 R3 R4
0x20100904, // 000D NE R4 R4 R260
0x78120004, // 000E JMPF R4 #0014
0x5411FFFE, // 000F LDINT R4 -1
0x94100604, // 0010 GETIDX R4 R3 R4
0x20100905, // 0011 NE R4 R4 R261
0x78120000, // 0012 JMPF R4 #0014
0xB0020C00, // 0013 RAISE 0 R262 R0
0x60100012, // 0014 GETGBL R4 G18
0x5C140200, // 0015 MOVE R5 R1
0x7C100200, // 0016 CALL R4 1
0x4100903, // 0017 SUB R4 R4 R259
0x94100204, // 0018 GETIDX R4 R1 R4
0x1C100907, // 0019 EQ R4 R4 R263
0x94140308, // 001A GETIDX R5 R1 R264
0x20140B09, // 001B NE R5 R5 R265
0x78160000, // 001C JMPF R5 #001E
0x61201, // 001D ADD R1 R265 R1
0x60140005, // 001E GETGBL R5 G5
0x5C180200, // 001F MOVE R6 R1
0x581C000A, // 0020 LDCONST R7 K10
0x7C140400, // 0021 CALL R5 2
0x74120011, // 0022 JMPT R4 #0035
0xA8020005, // 0023 EXBLK 0 #002A
0x8C18010B, // 0024 GETMET R6 R0 R267
0x200307, // 0025 ADD R8 R1 R263
0x5C240A00, // 0026 MOVE R9 R5
0x7C180600, // 0027 CALL R6 3
0xA8040001, // 0028 EXBLK 1 1
0x7002000A, // 0029 JMP #0035
0xAC180001, // 002A CATCH R6 0 1
0x70020007, // 002B JMP #0034
0x8C1C010C, // 002C GETMET R7 R0 R268
0x8C24050D, // 002D GETMET R9 R2 R269
0x582C000E, // 002E LDCONST R11 K14
0x300307, // 002F ADD R12 R1 R263
0x5C340C00, // 0030 MOVE R13 R6
0x7C240800, // 0031 CALL R9 4
0x7C1C0400, // 0032 CALL R7 2
0x70020000, // 0033 JMP #0035
0xB0080000, // 0034 RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x5C180A00, // 0035 MOVE R6 R5
0x7C180000, // 0036 CALL R6 0
0x8C18010C, // 0037 GETMET R6 R0 R268
0x8C20050D, // 0038 GETMET R8 R2 R269
0x5828000F, // 0039 LDCONST R10 K15
0x5C2C0200, // 003A MOVE R11 R1
0x7C200600, // 003B CALL R8 3
0x7C180400, // 003C CALL R6 2
0xA8040001, // 003D EXBLK 1 1
0x70020008, // 003E JMP #0048
0xAC0C0001, // 003F CATCH R3 0 1
0x70020005, // 0040 JMP #0047
0x8C10050D, // 0041 GETMET R4 R2 R269
0x58180010, // 0042 LDCONST R6 K16
0x5C1C0200, // 0043 MOVE R7 R1
0x7C100600, // 0044 CALL R4 3
0xB0062204, // 0045 RAISE 1 R273 R4
0x70020000, // 0046 JMP #0048
0xB0080000, // 0047 RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x80000000, // 0048 RET 0 R0
static const bproto load_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
14, // nstack
0, // nupvals
2, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &load_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &load_code, // code
be_local_const_str(load_str_name), // name
73, // codesize
18, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(load_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
const bclosure load_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &load_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// tasmota.wire_scan(addr:int [, index:int]) -> wire1 or wire2 or nil
// scan for the first occurrence of the addr, starting with bus1 then bus2
// optional: skip if index is disabled via I2CEnable
"def wire_scan(addr,idx) "
// skip if the I2C index is disabled
"if idx != nil && !self.i2c_enabled(idx) return nil end "
"if self.wire1.detect(addr) return self.wire1 end "
"if self.wire2.detect(addr) return self.wire2 end "
"return nil "
"end "
** Solidified function: wire_scan
be_define_local_const_str(wire_scan_str_name, "wire_scan", -1623691416, 0, 9, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(wire_scan_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(wire_scan_str_0, "i2c_enabled", 218388101, 0, 11, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(wire_scan_str_1, "wire1", -1082245877, 0, 5, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(wire_scan_str_2, "detect", 8884370, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(wire_scan_str_3, "wire2", -1065468258, 0, 5, 0);
static const bvalue wire_scan_ktab[4] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(wire_scan_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(wire_scan_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(wire_scan_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(wire_scan_str_3) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t wire_scan_code[25] = {
0x4C0C0000, // 0000 LDNIL 3
0x200C0403, // 0001 NE R3 R2 R3
0x780E0005, // 0002 JMPF R3 #0009
0x8C0C0100, // 0003 GETMET R3 R0 R256
0x5C140400, // 0004 MOVE R5 R2
0x7C0C0400, // 0005 CALL R3 2
0x740E0001, // 0006 JMPT R3 #0009
0x4C0C0000, // 0007 LDNIL 3
0x80040600, // 0008 RET 1 R3
0x880C0101, // 0009 GETMBR R3 R0 R257
0x8C0C0702, // 000A GETMET R3 R3 R258
0x5C140200, // 000B MOVE R5 R1
0x7C0C0400, // 000C CALL R3 2
0x780E0001, // 000D JMPF R3 #0010
0x880C0101, // 000E GETMBR R3 R0 R257
0x80040600, // 000F RET 1 R3
0x880C0103, // 0010 GETMBR R3 R0 R259
0x8C0C0702, // 0011 GETMET R3 R3 R258
0x5C140200, // 0012 MOVE R5 R1
0x7C0C0400, // 0013 CALL R3 2
0x780E0001, // 0014 JMPF R3 #0017
0x880C0103, // 0015 GETMBR R3 R0 R259
0x80040600, // 0016 RET 1 R3
0x4C0C0000, // 0017 LDNIL 3
0x80040600, // 0018 RET 1 R3
static const bproto wire_scan_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
6, // nstack
0, // nupvals
3, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &wire_scan_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &wire_scan_code, // code
be_local_const_str(wire_scan_str_name), // name
25, // codesize
4, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(wire_scan_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
static const bclosure wire_scan_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &wire_scan_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
2021-04-27 21:54:53 +01:00
def time_str(time)
import string
var tm = self.time_dump(time)
return string.format("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", tm['year'], tm['month'], tm['day'], tm['hour'], tm['min'], tm['sec'])
** Solidified function: time_str
/********** Solidified proto: time_str */
be_define_local_const_str(time_str_str_name, "time_str", -1681139684, 0, 8, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(time_str_str_source, "input", -103256197, 0, 5, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(time_str_str_0, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(time_str_str_1, "time_dump", -964556549, 0, 9, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(time_str_str_2, "format", -1180859054, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(time_str_str_3, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", -869438695, 0, 29, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(time_str_str_4, "year", -1367388900, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(time_str_str_5, "month", -696646139, 0, 5, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(time_str_str_6, "day", -464576003, 0, 3, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(time_str_str_7, "hour", -1241306097, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(time_str_str_8, "min", -913357481, 0, 3, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(time_str_str_9, "sec", -1155074638, 0, 3, 0);
static const bvalue time_str_ktab[10] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(time_str_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(time_str_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(time_str_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(time_str_str_3) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(time_str_str_4) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(time_str_str_5) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(time_str_str_6) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(time_str_str_7) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(time_str_str_8) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(time_str_str_9) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t time_str_code[14] = {
0xA40A0000, // 0000 IMPORT R2 R256
0x8C0C0101, // 0001 GETMET R3 R0 R257
0x5C140200, // 0002 MOVE R5 R1
0x7C0C0400, // 0003 CALL R3 2
0x8C100502, // 0004 GETMET R4 R2 R258
0x58180003, // 0005 LDCONST R6 K3
0x941C0704, // 0006 GETIDX R7 R3 R260
0x94200705, // 0007 GETIDX R8 R3 R261
0x94240706, // 0008 GETIDX R9 R3 R262
0x94280707, // 0009 GETIDX R10 R3 R263
0x942C0708, // 000A GETIDX R11 R3 R264
0x94300709, // 000B GETIDX R12 R3 R265
0x7C101000, // 000C CALL R4 8
0x80040800, // 000D RET 1 R4
be_define_local_proto(time_str, 13, 2, 1, 0, 0);
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// cmd high-level function
"def cmd(command) "
"import json "
"var ret = self._cmd(command) "
"var j = json.load(ret) "
"if type(j) == 'instance' "
"return j "
"else "
"return {'response':j} "
"end "
"end "
** Solidified function: cmd
be_define_local_const_str(cmd_str_name, "cmd", -158181397, 0, 3, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(cmd_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(cmd_str_0, "json", 916562499, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(cmd_str_1, "_cmd", -875145154, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(cmd_str_2, "load", -435725847, 0, 4, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(cmd_str_3, "instance", 193386898, 0, 8, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(cmd_str_4, "response", 1499316702, 0, 8, 0);
static const bvalue cmd_ktab[5] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(cmd_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(cmd_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(cmd_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(cmd_str_3) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(cmd_str_4) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t cmd_code[19] = {
0xA40A0000, // 0000 IMPORT R2 R256
0x8C0C0101, // 0001 GETMET R3 R0 R257
0x5C140200, // 0002 MOVE R5 R1
0x7C0C0400, // 0003 CALL R3 2
0x8C100502, // 0004 GETMET R4 R2 R258
0x5C180600, // 0005 MOVE R6 R3
0x7C100400, // 0006 CALL R4 2
0x60140015, // 0007 GETGBL R5 G21
0x5C180800, // 0008 MOVE R6 R4
0x7C140200, // 0009 CALL R5 1
0x1C140B03, // 000A EQ R5 R5 R259
0x78160001, // 000B JMPF R5 #000E
0x80040800, // 000C RET 1 R4
0x70020003, // 000D JMP #0012
0x6014000B, // 000E GETGBL R5 G11
0x7C140000, // 000F CALL R5 0
0x98160804, // 0010 SETIDX R5 R260 R4
0x80040A00, // 0011 RET 1 R5
0x80000000, // 0012 RET 0 R0
static const bproto cmd_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
7, // nstack
0, // nupvals
2, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &cmd_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &cmd_code, // code
be_local_const_str(cmd_str_name), // name
19, // codesize
5, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(cmd_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
static const bclosure cmd_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &cmd_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
2021-04-04 18:36:25 +01:00
"def get_light(l) "
"print('tasmota.get_light() is deprecated, use light.get()') "
"import light "
"if l != nil "
"return light.get(l) "
"else "
"return light.get() "
"end "
"end "
** Solidified function: get_light
be_define_local_const_str(get_light_str_name, "get_light", 381930476, 0, 9, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(get_light_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(get_light_str_0, "tasmota.get_light() is deprecated, use light.get()", -769213649, 0, 50, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(get_light_str_1, "light", -493019601, 0, 5, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(get_light_str_2, "get", 1410115415, 0, 3, 0);
static const bvalue get_light_ktab[3] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(get_light_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(get_light_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(get_light_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t get_light_code[16] = {
0x6008000F, // 0000 GETGBL R2 G15
0x580C0000, // 0001 LDCONST R3 K0
0x7C080200, // 0002 CALL R2 1
0xA40A0200, // 0003 IMPORT R2 R257
0x4C0C0000, // 0004 LDNIL 3
0x200C0203, // 0005 NE R3 R1 R3
0x780E0004, // 0006 JMPF R3 #000C
0x8C0C0502, // 0007 GETMET R3 R2 R258
0x5C140200, // 0008 MOVE R5 R1
0x7C0C0400, // 0009 CALL R3 2
0x80040600, // 000A RET 1 R3
0x70020002, // 000B JMP #000F
0x8C0C0502, // 000C GETMET R3 R2 R258
0x7C0C0200, // 000D CALL R3 1
0x80040600, // 000E RET 1 R3
0x80000000, // 000F RET 0 R0
static const bproto get_light_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
6, // nstack
0, // nupvals
2, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &get_light_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &get_light_code, // code
be_local_const_str(get_light_str_name), // name
16, // codesize
3, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(get_light_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
static const bclosure get_light_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &get_light_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
// set_light and get_light deprecetaion
"def set_light(v,l) "
"print('tasmota.set_light() is deprecated, use light.set()') "
"import light "
"if l != nil "
"return light.set(v,l) "
"else "
"return light.set(v) "
"end "
"end "
** Solidified function: set_light
be_define_local_const_str(set_light_str_name, "set_light", -1118891144, 0, 9, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(set_light_str_source, "string", 398550328, 0, 6, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(set_light_str_0, "tasmota.set_light() is deprecated, use light.set()", 2124937871, 0, 50, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(set_light_str_1, "light", -493019601, 0, 5, 0);
be_define_local_const_str(set_light_str_2, "set", -970520829, 0, 3, 0);
static const bvalue set_light_ktab[3] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(set_light_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(set_light_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(set_light_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t set_light_code[18] = {
0x600C000F, // 0000 GETGBL R3 G15
0x58100000, // 0001 LDCONST R4 K0
0x7C0C0200, // 0002 CALL R3 1
0xA40E0200, // 0003 IMPORT R3 R257
0x4C100000, // 0004 LDNIL 4
0x20100404, // 0005 NE R4 R2 R4
0x78120005, // 0006 JMPF R4 #000D
0x8C100702, // 0007 GETMET R4 R3 R258
0x5C180200, // 0008 MOVE R6 R1
0x5C1C0400, // 0009 MOVE R7 R2
0x7C100600, // 000A CALL R4 3
0x80040800, // 000B RET 1 R4
0x70020003, // 000C JMP #0011
0x8C100702, // 000D GETMET R4 R3 R258
0x5C180200, // 000E MOVE R6 R1
0x7C100400, // 000F CALL R4 2
0x80040800, // 0010 RET 1 R4
0x80000000, // 0011 RET 0 R0
static const bproto set_light_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
8, // nstack
0, // nupvals
3, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &set_light_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &set_light_code, // code
be_local_const_str(set_light_str_name), // name
18, // codesize
3, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(set_light_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
static const bclosure set_light_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &set_light_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
#if 1 // TODO we will do pre-compiled later
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
// Class definition
void be_load_tasmota_ntvlib(bvm *vm)
static const bnfuncinfo members[] = {
{ "_rules", NULL },
{ "_timers", NULL },
{ "_ccmd", NULL },
2021-03-20 17:44:35 +00:00
{ "_drivers", NULL },
{ "wire1", NULL },
{ "wire2", NULL },
2021-03-20 17:44:35 +00:00
{ "get_free_heap", l_getFreeHeap },
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
{ "publish", l_publish },
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
{ "_cmd", l_cmd },
2021-03-20 17:44:35 +00:00
{ "get_option", l_getoption },
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
{ "millis", l_millis },
2021-03-20 17:44:35 +00:00
{ "time_reached", l_timereached },
2021-04-27 21:54:53 +01:00
{ "rtc", l_rtc },
{ "time_dump", l_time_dump },
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
{ "yield", l_yield },
{ "delay", l_delay },
2021-03-20 17:44:35 +00:00
{ "scale_uint", l_scaleuint },
{ "log", l_logInfo },
{ "save", l_save },
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
2021-03-20 17:44:35 +00:00
{ "resp_cmnd", l_respCmnd },
{ "resp_cmnd_str", l_respCmndStr },
{ "resp_cmnd_done", l_respCmndDone },
{ "resp_cmnd_error", l_respCmndError },
{ "resp_cmnd_failed", l_respCmndFailed },
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
{ "resolvecmnd", l_resolveCmnd },
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
{ "response_append", l_respAppend },
{ "web_send_decimal", l_webSendDecimal },
2021-03-20 17:44:35 +00:00
{ "get_power", l_getpower },
{ "set_power", l_setpower },
{ "i2c_enabled", l_i2cenabled },
{ NULL, (bntvfunc) BE_CLOSURE }, /* mark section for berry closures */
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
{ "cmd", (bntvfunc) &cmd_closure },
{ "chars_in_string", (bntvfunc) &chars_in_string_closure },
{ "find_key_i", (bntvfunc) &find_key_i_closure },
{ "find_op", (bntvfunc) &find_op_closure },
{ "add_rule", (bntvfunc) &add_rule_closure },
{ "remove_rule", (bntvfunc) &remove_rule_closure },
{ "try_rule", (bntvfunc) &try_rule_closure },
{ "exec_rules", (bntvfunc) &exec_rules_closure },
{ "set_timer", (bntvfunc) &set_timer_closure },
{ "run_deferred", (bntvfunc) &run_deferred_closure },
{ "add_cmd", (bntvfunc) &add_cmd_closure },
{ "remove_cmd", (bntvfunc) &remove_cmd_closure },
{ "exec_cmd", (bntvfunc) &exec_cmd_closure },
{ "gc", (bntvfunc) &gc_closure },
{ "event", (bntvfunc) &event_closure },
{ "add_driver", (bntvfunc) &add_driver_closure },
{ "load", (bntvfunc) &load_closure },
{ "wire_scan", (bntvfunc) &wire_scan_closure },
2021-04-27 21:54:53 +01:00
{ "time_str", (bntvfunc) &time_str_closure },
2021-04-04 18:36:25 +01:00
// deprecated
{ "get_light", (bntvfunc) &get_light_closure },
{ "set_light", (bntvfunc) &set_light_closure },
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
be_regclass(vm, "Tasmota_ntv", members);
/* @const_object_info_begin
module tasmota (scope: global, depend: 1) {
2021-03-20 17:44:35 +00:00
get_free_heap, func(l_getFreeHeap)
@const_object_info_end */
#include "../generate/be_fixed_tasmota.h"