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2020-05-23 21:47:04 +01:00
* @file Adafruit_SGP30.h
* This is the documentation for Adafruit's SGP30 driver for the
* Arduino platform. It is designed specifically to work with the
* Adafruit SGP30 breakout: http://www.adafruit.com/products/3709
* These sensors use I2C to communicate, 2 pins (SCL+SDA) are required
* to interface with the breakout.
* Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
* please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
* products from Adafruit!
* Written by Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
* BSD license, all text here must be included in any redistribution.
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <Wire.h>
// the i2c address
#define SGP30_I2CADDR_DEFAULT 0x58 ///< SGP30 has only one I2C address
// commands and constants
#define SGP30_FEATURESET 0x0020 ///< The required set for this library
#define SGP30_CRC8_POLYNOMIAL 0x31 ///< Seed for SGP30's CRC polynomial
#define SGP30_CRC8_INIT 0xFF ///< Init value for CRC
#define SGP30_WORD_LEN 2 ///< 2 bytes per word
* @brief Class that stores state and functions for interacting with
* SGP30 Gas Sensor
class Adafruit_SGP30 {
boolean begin(TwoWire *theWire = &Wire, boolean initSensor = true);
boolean softReset();
boolean IAQinit();
boolean IAQmeasure();
boolean IAQmeasureRaw();
boolean getIAQBaseline(uint16_t *eco2_base, uint16_t *tvoc_base);
boolean setIAQBaseline(uint16_t eco2_base, uint16_t tvoc_base);
boolean setHumidity(uint32_t absolute_humidity);
/** The last measurement of the IAQ-calculated Total Volatile Organic
* Compounds in ppb. This value is set when you call {@link IAQmeasure()} **/
uint16_t TVOC;
/** The last measurement of the IAQ-calculated equivalent CO2 in ppm. This
* value is set when you call {@link IAQmeasure()} **/
uint16_t eCO2;
/** The last measurement of the IAQ-calculated equivalent CO2 in ppm. This
* value is set when you call {@link IAQmeasureRaw()} **/
uint16_t rawH2;
/** The last measurement of the IAQ-calculated equivalent CO2 in ppm. This
* value is set when you call {@link IAQmeasureRaw()} **/
uint16_t rawEthanol;
/** The 48-bit serial number, this value is set when you call {@link begin()}
* **/
uint16_t serialnumber[3];
TwoWire *_i2c;
uint8_t _i2caddr;
void write(uint8_t address, uint8_t *data, uint8_t n);
void read(uint8_t address, uint8_t *data, uint8_t n);
boolean readWordFromCommand(uint8_t command[], uint8_t commandLength,
uint16_t delay, uint16_t *readdata = NULL,
uint8_t readlen = 0);
uint8_t generateCRC(uint8_t data[], uint8_t datalen);