2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
2019-10-27 10:13:24 +00:00
xdrv_23_zigbee . ino - zigbee support for Tasmota
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
Copyright ( C ) 2019 Theo Arends and Stephan Hadinger
This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ifdef USE_ZIGBEE
# define XDRV_23 23
const uint32_t ZIGBEE_BUFFER_SIZE = 256 ; // Max ZNP frame is SOF+LEN+CMD1+CMD2+250+FCS = 255
const uint8_t ZIGBEE_SOF = 0xFE ;
2019-10-13 11:56:52 +01:00
const uint8_t ZIGBEE_SOF_ALT = 0xFF ;
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
2019-09-15 10:10:59 +01:00
# include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial * ZigbeeSerial = nullptr ;
# else
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
# include <TasmotaSerial.h>
TasmotaSerial * ZigbeeSerial = nullptr ;
2019-09-15 10:10:59 +01:00
# endif
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
2019-09-29 14:38:26 +01:00
const char kZigbeeCommands [ ] PROGMEM = " | " D_CMND_ZIGBEEZNPSEND " | " D_CMND_ZIGBEE_PERMITJOIN
2019-10-13 11:56:52 +01:00
2019-10-20 15:43:50 +01:00
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
2019-09-29 14:38:26 +01:00
void ( * const ZigbeeCommand [ ] ) ( void ) PROGMEM = { & CmndZigbeeZNPSend , & CmndZigbeePermitJoin ,
2019-10-13 11:56:52 +01:00
& CmndZigbeeStatus , & CmndZigbeeReset , & CmndZigbeeZCLSend ,
2019-10-20 15:43:50 +01:00
& CmndZigbeeProbe , & CmndZigbeeRead } ;
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
int32_t ZigbeeProcessInput ( class SBuffer & buf ) {
if ( ! zigbee . state_machine ) { return - 1 ; } // if state machine is stopped, send 'ignore' message
// apply the receive filter, acts as 'startsWith()'
bool recv_filter_match = true ;
bool recv_prefix_match = false ; // do the first 2 bytes match the response
if ( ( zigbee . recv_filter ) & & ( zigbee . recv_filter_len > 0 ) ) {
if ( zigbee . recv_filter_len > = 2 ) {
recv_prefix_match = false ;
if ( ( pgm_read_byte ( & zigbee . recv_filter [ 0 ] ) = = buf . get8 ( 0 ) ) & &
( pgm_read_byte ( & zigbee . recv_filter [ 1 ] ) = = buf . get8 ( 1 ) ) ) {
recv_prefix_match = true ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < zigbee . recv_filter_len ; i + + ) {
if ( pgm_read_byte ( & zigbee . recv_filter [ i ] ) ! = buf . get8 ( i ) ) {
recv_filter_match = false ;
break ;
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG , PSTR ( " ZIG: ZigbeeProcessInput: recv_prefix_match = %d, recv_filter_match = %d " ) , recv_prefix_match , recv_filter_match ) ;
// if there is a recv_callback, call it now
int32_t res = - 1 ; // default to ok
// res = 0 - proceed to next state
// res > 0 - proceed to the specified state
// res = -1 - silently ignore the message
// res <= -2 - move to error state
// pre-compute the suggested value
if ( ( zigbee . recv_filter ) & & ( zigbee . recv_filter_len > 0 ) ) {
if ( ! recv_prefix_match ) {
res = - 1 ; // ignore
} else { // recv_prefix_match
if ( recv_filter_match ) {
res = 0 ; // ok
} else {
if ( zigbee . recv_until ) {
res = - 1 ; // ignore until full match
} else {
res = - 2 ; // error, because message is expected but wrong value
} else { // we don't have any filter, ignore message by default
res = - 1 ;
if ( recv_prefix_match ) {
if ( zigbee . recv_func ) {
res = ( * zigbee . recv_func ) ( res , buf ) ;
if ( - 1 = = res ) {
// if frame was ignored up to now
if ( zigbee . recv_unexpected ) {
res = ( * zigbee . recv_unexpected ) ( res , buf ) ;
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG , PSTR ( " ZIG: ZigbeeProcessInput: res = %d " ) , res ) ;
// change state accordingly
if ( 0 = = res ) {
// if ok, continue execution
zigbee . state_waiting = false ;
} else if ( res > 0 ) {
ZigbeeGotoLabel ( res ) ; // if >0 then go to specified label
} else if ( - 1 = = res ) {
// -1 means ignore message
// just do nothing
} else {
// any other negative value means error
ZigbeeGotoLabel ( zigbee . on_error_goto ) ;
void ZigbeeInput ( void )
static uint32_t zigbee_polling_window = 0 ;
static uint8_t fcs = ZIGBEE_SOF ;
static uint32_t zigbee_frame_len = 5 ; // minimal zigbee frame lenght, will be updated when buf[1] is read
// Receive only valid ZNP frames:
// 00 - SOF = 0xFE
// 01 - Length of Data Field - 0..250
// 02 - CMD1 - first byte of command
// 03 - CMD2 - second byte of command
// 04..FD - Data Field
// FE (or last) - FCS Checksum
while ( ZigbeeSerial - > available ( ) ) {
yield ( ) ;
uint8_t zigbee_in_byte = ZigbeeSerial - > read ( ) ;
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE , PSTR ( " ZigbeeInput byte=%d len=%d " ) , zigbee_in_byte , zigbee_buffer - > len ( ) ) ;
if ( 0 = = zigbee_buffer - > len ( ) ) { // make sure all variables are correctly initialized
zigbee_frame_len = 5 ;
fcs = ZIGBEE_SOF ;
2019-10-13 11:56:52 +01:00
// there is a rare race condition when an interrupt occurs when receiving the first byte
// in this case the first bit (lsb) is missed and Tasmota receives 0xFF instead of 0xFE
// We forgive this mistake, and next bytes are automatically resynchronized
if ( ZIGBEE_SOF_ALT = = zigbee_in_byte ) {
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_INFO , PSTR ( " ZigbeeInput forgiven first byte %02X (only for statistics) " ) , zigbee_in_byte ) ;
zigbee_in_byte = ZIGBEE_SOF ;
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
if ( ( 0 = = zigbee_buffer - > len ( ) ) & & ( ZIGBEE_SOF ! = zigbee_in_byte ) ) {
// waiting for SOF (Start Of Frame) byte, discard anything else
2019-09-15 10:10:59 +01:00
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_INFO , PSTR ( " ZigbeeInput discarding byte %02X " ) , zigbee_in_byte ) ;
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
continue ; // discard
if ( zigbee_buffer - > len ( ) < zigbee_frame_len ) {
zigbee_buffer - > add8 ( zigbee_in_byte ) ;
zigbee_polling_window = millis ( ) ; // Wait for more data
fcs ^ = zigbee_in_byte ;
if ( zigbee_buffer - > len ( ) > = zigbee_frame_len ) {
zigbee_polling_window = 0 ; // Publish now
break ;
// recalculate frame length
if ( 02 = = zigbee_buffer - > len ( ) ) {
// We just received the Lenght byte
uint8_t len_byte = zigbee_buffer - > get8 ( 1 ) ;
if ( len_byte > 250 ) len_byte = 250 ; // ZNP spec says len is 250 max
zigbee_frame_len = len_byte + 5 ; // SOF + LEN + CMD1 + CMD2 + FCS = 5 bytes overhead
if ( zigbee_buffer - > len ( ) & & ( millis ( ) > ( zigbee_polling_window + ZIGBEE_POLLING ) ) ) {
char hex_char [ ( zigbee_buffer - > len ( ) * 2 ) + 2 ] ;
ToHex_P ( ( unsigned char * ) zigbee_buffer - > getBuffer ( ) , zigbee_buffer - > len ( ) , hex_char , sizeof ( hex_char ) ) ;
2019-09-15 10:10:59 +01:00
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG , PSTR ( " ZIG: Bytes follor_read_metric = %0d " ) , ZigbeeSerial - > getLoopReadMetric ( ) ) ;
# endif
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
// buffer received, now check integrity
if ( zigbee_buffer - > len ( ) ! = zigbee_frame_len ) {
// Len is not correct, log and reject frame
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_INFO , PSTR ( D_JSON_ZIGBEEZNPRECEIVED " : received frame of wrong size %s, len %d, expected %d " ) , hex_char , zigbee_buffer - > len ( ) , zigbee_frame_len ) ;
} else if ( 0x00 ! = fcs ) {
// FCS is wrong, packet is corrupt, log and reject frame
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_INFO , PSTR ( D_JSON_ZIGBEEZNPRECEIVED " : received bad FCS frame %s, %d " ) , hex_char , fcs ) ;
} else {
// frame is correct
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG , PSTR ( D_JSON_ZIGBEEZNPRECEIVED " : received correct frame %s " ) , hex_char ) ;
SBuffer znp_buffer = zigbee_buffer - > subBuffer ( 2 , zigbee_frame_len - 3 ) ; // remove SOF, LEN and FCS
2019-10-13 11:56:52 +01:00
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
ToHex_P ( ( unsigned char * ) znp_buffer . getBuffer ( ) , znp_buffer . len ( ) , hex_char , sizeof ( hex_char ) ) ;
2019-09-22 17:32:17 +01:00
Response_P ( PSTR ( " { \" " D_JSON_ZIGBEEZNPRECEIVED " \" : \" %s \" } " ) , hex_char ) ;
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
XdrvRulesProcess ( ) ;
2019-10-13 11:56:52 +01:00
# endif
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
// now process the message
ZigbeeProcessInput ( znp_buffer ) ;
zigbee_buffer - > setLen ( 0 ) ; // empty buffer
void ZigbeeInit ( void )
zigbee . active = false ;
if ( ( pin [ GPIO_ZIGBEE_RX ] < 99 ) & & ( pin [ GPIO_ZIGBEE_TX ] < 99 ) ) {
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE , PSTR ( " Zigbee: GPIOs Rx:%d Tx:%d " ) , pin [ GPIO_ZIGBEE_RX ] , pin [ GPIO_ZIGBEE_TX ] ) ;
2019-09-15 10:10:59 +01:00
ZigbeeSerial = new SoftwareSerial ( ) ;
ZigbeeSerial - > begin ( 115200 , pin [ GPIO_ZIGBEE_RX ] , pin [ GPIO_ZIGBEE_TX ] , SWSERIAL_8N1 , false , 256 ) ; // ZNP is 115200, RTS/CTS (ignored), 8N1
ZigbeeSerial - > enableIntTx ( false ) ;
zigbee_buffer = new SBuffer ( ZIGBEE_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
# else
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
ZigbeeSerial = new TasmotaSerial ( pin [ GPIO_ZIGBEE_RX ] , pin [ GPIO_ZIGBEE_TX ] , 0 , 0 , 256 ) ; // set a receive buffer of 256 bytes
2019-09-15 10:10:59 +01:00
ZigbeeSerial - > begin ( 115200 ) ;
if ( ZigbeeSerial - > hardwareSerial ( ) ) {
ClaimSerial ( ) ;
zigbee_buffer = new PreAllocatedSBuffer ( sizeof ( serial_in_buffer ) , serial_in_buffer ) ;
} else {
zigbee_buffer = new SBuffer ( ZIGBEE_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
# endif
zigbee . active = true ;
zigbee . init_phase = true ; // start the state machine
zigbee . state_machine = true ; // start the state machine
ZigbeeSerial - > flush ( ) ;
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
* Commands
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2019-10-13 11:56:52 +01:00
uint32_t strToUInt ( const JsonVariant & val ) {
// if the string starts with 0x, it is considered Hex, otherwise it is an int
if ( val . is < unsigned int > ( ) ) {
return val . as < unsigned int > ( ) ;
} else {
if ( val . is < char * > ( ) ) {
return strtoull ( val . as < char * > ( ) , nullptr , 0 ) ;
return 0 ; // couldn't parse anything
const unsigned char ZIGBEE_FACTORY_RESET [ ] PROGMEM = " 2112000F0100 " ; // Z_SREQ | Z_SYS, SYS_OSAL_NV_DELETE, 0x0F00 id, 0x0001 len
// Do a factory reset of the CC2530
void CmndZigbeeReset ( void ) {
if ( ZigbeeSerial ) {
switch ( XdrvMailbox . payload ) {
case 1 :
restart_flag = 2 ;
break ;
default :
ResponseCmndChar ( D_JSON_ONE_TO_RESET ) ;
2019-10-06 11:40:58 +01:00
void CmndZigbeeStatus ( void ) {
2019-09-29 14:38:26 +01:00
if ( ZigbeeSerial ) {
2019-10-06 11:40:58 +01:00
String dump = zigbee_devices . dump ( XdrvMailbox . payload ) ;
Response_P ( PSTR ( " { \" %s%d \" :%s} " ) , XdrvMailbox . command , XdrvMailbox . payload , dump . c_str ( ) ) ;
2019-09-29 14:38:26 +01:00
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
void CmndZigbeeZNPSend ( void )
if ( ZigbeeSerial & & ( XdrvMailbox . data_len > 0 ) ) {
uint8_t code ;
char * codes = RemoveSpace ( XdrvMailbox . data ) ;
int32_t size = strlen ( XdrvMailbox . data ) ;
SBuffer buf ( ( size + 1 ) / 2 ) ;
2019-10-15 07:27:32 +01:00
while ( size > 1 ) {
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
char stemp [ 3 ] ;
strlcpy ( stemp , codes , sizeof ( stemp ) ) ;
code = strtol ( stemp , nullptr , 16 ) ;
buf . add8 ( code ) ;
size - = 2 ;
codes + = 2 ;
ZigbeeZNPSend ( buf . getBuffer ( ) , buf . len ( ) ) ;
ResponseCmndDone ( ) ;
void ZigbeeZNPSend ( const uint8_t * msg , size_t len ) {
if ( ( len < 2 ) | | ( len > 252 ) ) {
// abort, message cannot be less than 2 bytes for CMD1 and CMD2
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG , PSTR ( D_JSON_ZIGBEEZNPSENT " : bad message len %d " ) , len ) ;
return ;
uint8_t data_len = len - 2 ; // removing CMD1 and CMD2
if ( ZigbeeSerial ) {
uint8_t fcs = data_len ;
ZigbeeSerial - > write ( ZIGBEE_SOF ) ; // 0xFE
ZigbeeSerial - > write ( data_len ) ;
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE , PSTR ( " ZNPSend LEN %02X " ) , data_len ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
uint8_t b = pgm_read_byte ( msg + i ) ;
ZigbeeSerial - > write ( b ) ;
fcs ^ = b ;
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE , PSTR ( " ZNPSend byt %02X " ) , b ) ;
ZigbeeSerial - > write ( fcs ) ; // finally send fcs checksum byte
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE , PSTR ( " ZNPSend FCS %02X " ) , fcs ) ;
2019-10-13 11:56:52 +01:00
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
// Now send a MQTT message to report the sent message
char hex_char [ ( len * 2 ) + 2 ] ;
Response_P ( PSTR ( " { \" " D_JSON_ZIGBEEZNPSENT " \" : \" %s \" } " ) ,
ToHex_P ( msg , len , hex_char , sizeof ( hex_char ) ) ) ;
XdrvRulesProcess ( ) ;
2019-10-13 11:56:52 +01:00
# endif
2019-10-20 15:43:50 +01:00
void ZigbeeZCLSend ( uint16_t dtsAddr , uint16_t clusterId , uint8_t endpoint , uint8_t cmdId , bool clusterSpecific , const uint8_t * msg , size_t len , bool disableDefResp = true , uint8_t transacId = 1 ) {
2019-10-13 11:56:52 +01:00
SBuffer buf ( 25 + len ) ;
buf . add8 ( Z_SREQ | Z_AF ) ; // 24
buf . add8 ( AF_DATA_REQUEST ) ; // 01
buf . add16 ( dtsAddr ) ;
buf . add8 ( endpoint ) ; // dest endpoint
buf . add8 ( 0x01 ) ; // source endpoint
buf . add16 ( clusterId ) ;
buf . add8 ( transacId ) ; // transacId
buf . add8 ( 0x30 ) ; // 30 options
buf . add8 ( 0x1E ) ; // 1E radius
buf . add8 ( 3 + len ) ;
2019-10-20 15:43:50 +01:00
buf . add8 ( ( disableDefResp ? 0x10 : 0x00 ) | ( clusterSpecific ? 0x01 : 0x00 ) ) ; // Frame Control Field
2019-10-13 11:56:52 +01:00
buf . add8 ( transacId ) ; // Transaction Sequance Number
buf . add8 ( cmdId ) ;
2019-10-20 15:43:50 +01:00
if ( len > 0 ) {
buf . addBuffer ( msg , len ) ; // add the payload
2019-10-13 11:56:52 +01:00
ZigbeeZNPSend ( buf . getBuffer ( ) , buf . len ( ) ) ;
inline int8_t hexValue ( char c ) {
if ( ( c > = ' 0 ' ) & & ( c < = ' 9 ' ) ) {
return c - ' 0 ' ;
if ( ( c > = ' A ' ) & & ( c < = ' F ' ) ) {
return 10 + c - ' A ' ;
if ( ( c > = ' a ' ) & & ( c < = ' f ' ) ) {
return 10 + c - ' a ' ;
return - 1 ;
uint32_t parseHex ( const char * * data , size_t max_len = 8 ) {
uint32_t ret = 0 ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < max_len ; i + + ) {
int8_t v = hexValue ( * * data ) ;
if ( v < 0 ) { break ; } // non hex digit, we stop parsing
ret = ( ret < < 4 ) | v ;
* data + = 1 ;
return ret ;
void CmndZigbeeZCLSend ( void ) {
char parm_uc [ 12 ] ; // used to convert JSON keys to uppercase
2019-10-20 15:43:50 +01:00
// ZigbeeZCLSend { "dst":"0x1234", "endpoint":"0x01", "cmd":"AABBCC" }
2019-10-13 11:56:52 +01:00
char dataBufUc [ XdrvMailbox . data_len ] ;
UpperCase ( dataBufUc , XdrvMailbox . data ) ;
RemoveSpace ( dataBufUc ) ;
if ( strlen ( dataBufUc ) < 8 ) { ResponseCmndChar ( D_JSON_INVALID_JSON ) ; return ; }
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuf ;
JsonObject & json = jsonBuf . parseObject ( dataBufUc ) ;
if ( ! json . success ( ) ) { ResponseCmndChar ( D_JSON_INVALID_JSON ) ; return ; }
// params
uint16_t dstAddr = 0xFFFF ; // 0xFFFF is braodcast, so considered invalid
uint16_t clusterId = 0x0000 ; // 0x0000 is a valid default value
uint8_t endpoint = 0x00 ; // 0x00 is invalid for the dst endpoint
uint8_t cmd = ZCL_READ_ATTRIBUTES ; // default command is READ_ATTRIBUTES
bool clusterSpecific = false ;
const char * data = " " ; // empty string is valid
UpperCase_P ( parm_uc , PSTR ( " device " ) ) ;
if ( json . containsKey ( parm_uc ) ) { dstAddr = strToUInt ( json [ parm_uc ] ) ; }
UpperCase_P ( parm_uc , PSTR ( " endpoint " ) ) ;
if ( json . containsKey ( parm_uc ) ) { endpoint = strToUInt ( json [ parm_uc ] ) ; }
UpperCase_P ( parm_uc , PSTR ( " cmd " ) ) ;
if ( json . containsKey ( parm_uc ) ) { data = json [ parm_uc ] . as < const char * > ( ) ; }
// Parse 'cmd' in the form "AAAA_BB/CCCCCCCC" or "AAAA!BB/CCCCCCCC"
// where AA is the cluster number, BBBB the command number, CCCC... the payload
// First delimiter is '_' for a global command, or '!' for a cluster specific commanc
clusterId = parseHex ( & data , 4 ) ;
// delimiter
if ( ( ' _ ' = = * data ) | | ( ' ! ' = = * data ) ) {
if ( ' ! ' = = * data ) { clusterSpecific = true ; }
data + + ;
} else {
ResponseCmndChar ( " Wrong delimiter for payload " ) ;
return ;
// parse cmd number
cmd = parseHex ( & data , 2 ) ;
// move to end of payload
// delimiter is optional
if ( ' / ' = = * data ) { data + + ; } // skip delimiter
size_t size = strlen ( data ) ;
SBuffer buf ( ( size + 2 ) / 2 ) ; // actual bytes buffer for data
while ( * data ) {
uint8_t code = parseHex ( & data , 2 ) ;
buf . add8 ( code ) ;
if ( 0 = = endpoint ) {
// endpoint is not specified, let's try to find it from shortAddr
endpoint = zigbee_devices . findClusterEndpointIn ( dstAddr , clusterId ) ;
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG , PSTR ( " CmndZigbeeZCLSend: guessing endpoint 0x%02X " ) , endpoint ) ;
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG , PSTR ( " CmndZigbeeZCLSend: dstAddr 0x%04X, cluster 0x%04X, endpoint 0x%02X, cmd 0x%02X, data %s " ) ,
dstAddr , clusterId , endpoint , cmd , data ) ;
if ( 0 = = endpoint ) {
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_INFO , PSTR ( " CmndZigbeeZCLSend: unspecified endpoint " ) ) ;
return ;
// everything is good, we can send the command
ZigbeeZCLSend ( dstAddr , clusterId , endpoint , cmd , clusterSpecific , buf . getBuffer ( ) , buf . len ( ) ) ;
ResponseCmndDone ( ) ;
// Probe a specific device to get its endpoints and supported clusters
void CmndZigbeeProbe ( void ) {
char dataBufUc [ XdrvMailbox . data_len ] ;
UpperCase ( dataBufUc , XdrvMailbox . data ) ;
RemoveSpace ( dataBufUc ) ;
if ( strlen ( dataBufUc ) < 3 ) { ResponseCmndChar ( " Invalid destination " ) ; return ; }
// TODO, for now ignore friendly names
uint16_t shortaddr = strtoull ( dataBufUc , nullptr , 0 ) ;
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG , PSTR ( " CmndZigbeeScan: short addr 0x%04X " ) , shortaddr ) ;
// everything is good, we can send the command
Z_SendActiveEpReq ( shortaddr ) ;
ResponseCmndDone ( ) ;
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
2019-10-20 15:43:50 +01:00
// Send an attribute read command to a device, specifying cluster and list of attributes
void CmndZigbeeRead ( void ) {
char parm_uc [ 12 ] ; // used to convert JSON keys to uppercase
// ZigbeeRead {"Device":"0xF289","Cluster":0,"Endpoint":3,"Attr":5}
// ZigbeeRead {"Device":"0xF289","Cluster":"0x0000","Endpoint":"0x0003","Attr":"0x0005"}
// ZigbeeRead {"Device":"0xF289","Cluster":0,"Endpoint":3,"Attr":[5,6,7,4]}
char dataBufUc [ XdrvMailbox . data_len ] ;
UpperCase ( dataBufUc , XdrvMailbox . data ) ;
RemoveSpace ( dataBufUc ) ;
if ( strlen ( dataBufUc ) < 8 ) { ResponseCmndChar ( D_JSON_INVALID_JSON ) ; return ; }
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuf ;
JsonObject & json = jsonBuf . parseObject ( dataBufUc ) ;
if ( ! json . success ( ) ) { ResponseCmndChar ( D_JSON_INVALID_JSON ) ; return ; }
// params
uint16_t dstAddr = 0x0000 ; // default to local address
uint16_t cluster = 0x0000 ; // default to general clsuter
uint8_t endpoint = 0x00 ; // 0x00 is invalid for the dst endpoint
size_t attrs_len = 0 ;
uint8_t * attrs = nullptr ; // empty string is valid
dstAddr = strToUInt ( json [ UpperCase_P ( parm_uc , PSTR ( " device " ) ) ] ) ;
endpoint = strToUInt ( json [ UpperCase_P ( parm_uc , PSTR ( " endpoint " ) ) ] ) ;
cluster = strToUInt ( json [ UpperCase_P ( parm_uc , PSTR ( " cluster " ) ) ] ) ;
UpperCase_P ( parm_uc , PSTR ( " Attr " ) ) ;
if ( json . containsKey ( parm_uc ) ) {
const JsonVariant & attr_data = json [ parm_uc ] ;
if ( attr_data . is < JsonArray > ( ) ) {
JsonArray & attr_arr = attr_data ;
attrs_len = attr_arr . size ( ) * 2 ;
attrs = new uint8_t [ attrs_len ] ;
uint32_t i = 0 ;
for ( auto value : attr_arr ) {
uint16_t val = strToUInt ( value ) ;
attrs [ i + + ] = val & 0xFF ;
attrs [ i + + ] = val > > 8 ;
} else {
attrs_len = 2 ;
attrs = new uint8_t [ attrs_len ] ;
uint16_t val = strToUInt ( attr_data ) ;
attrs [ 0 ] = val & 0xFF ; // little endian
attrs [ 1 ] = val > > 8 ;
ZigbeeZCLSend ( dstAddr , cluster , endpoint , ZCL_READ_ATTRIBUTES , false , attrs , attrs_len , false /* we do want a response */ ) ;
if ( attrs ) { delete [ ] attrs ; }
2019-09-29 14:38:26 +01:00
// Allow or Deny pairing of new Zigbee devices
2019-09-15 10:10:59 +01:00
void CmndZigbeePermitJoin ( void )
uint32_t payload = XdrvMailbox . payload ;
if ( payload < 0 ) { payload = 0 ; }
if ( ( 99 ! = payload ) & & ( payload > 1 ) ) { payload = 1 ; }
if ( 1 = = payload ) {
} else if ( 99 = = payload ) {
} else {
ResponseCmndDone ( ) ;
2019-08-31 20:23:32 +01:00
* Interface
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
bool Xdrv23 ( uint8_t function )
bool result = false ;
if ( zigbee . active ) {
switch ( function ) {
case FUNC_LOOP :
if ( ZigbeeSerial ) { ZigbeeInput ( ) ; }
if ( zigbee . state_machine ) {
ZigbeeStateMachine_Run ( ) ;
break ;
ZigbeeInit ( ) ;
break ;
result = DecodeCommand ( kZigbeeCommands , ZigbeeCommand ) ;
break ;
return result ;
# endif // USE_ZIGBEE