2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
es-ES.h - localization for Spanish - Spain for Tasmota
2019-12-31 13:23:34 +00:00
Copyright (C) 2020 Adrian Scillato
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef _LANGUAGE_ES_ES_H_
#define _LANGUAGE_ES_ES_H_
/*************************** ATTENTION *******************************\
* Due to memory constraints only UTF-8 is supported.
* To save code space keep text as short as possible.
* Time and Date provided by SDK can not be localized (yet).
* Use online command StateText to translate ON, OFF, HOLD and TOGGLE.
* Use online command Prefix to translate cmnd, stat and tele.
2019-12-28 22:23:38 +00:00
* Updated until v8.1.0.1
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define LANGUAGE_MODULE_NAME // Enable to display "Module Generic" (ie Spanish), Disable to display "Generic Module" (ie English)
#define LANGUAGE_LCID 1034
// HTML (ISO 639-1) Language Code
#define D_HTML_LANGUAGE "es"
// "2017-03-07T11:08:02" - ISO8601:2004
#define D_DAY3LIST "DomLunMarMieJueVieSab"
#define D_MONTH3LIST "EneFebMarAbrMayJunJulAgoSepOctNovDic"
// Non JSON decimal separator
// Common
#define D_ADMIN "Admin"
#define D_AIR_QUALITY "Calidad del Aire"
#define D_AP "AP" // Access Point
#define D_AS "como"
#define D_AUTO "AUTO"
#define D_BLINK "Blink"
#define D_BLINKOFF "BlinkOff"
#define D_BOOT_COUNT "Conteo Reinicios"
#define D_BRIGHTLIGHT "Brillante"
#define D_BSSID "BSSId"
#define D_BUTTON "Botón"
#define D_BY "por" // Written by me
#define D_BYTES "Bytes"
#define D_CELSIUS "Celsius"
#define D_CHANNEL "Canal"
#define D_CO2 "CO2"
#define D_CODE "código" // Button code
#define D_COLDLIGHT "Fría"
#define D_COMMAND "Comando"
#define D_CONNECTED "Conectado"
2019-12-28 22:23:38 +00:00
#define D_CORS_DOMAIN "Sitio WEB para CORS"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_COUNT "Conteo"
#define D_COUNTER "Contador"
2019-12-30 15:42:53 +00:00
#define D_CT_POWER "CT Power"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_CURRENT "Corriente" // As in Voltage and Current
#define D_DATA "Datos"
#define D_DARKLIGHT "Oscuro"
#define D_DEBUG "Debug"
2020-03-16 15:52:22 +00:00
#define D_DEWPOINT "Dew point"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_DISABLED "Deshabilitado"
#define D_DISTANCE "Distancia"
2019-12-28 22:23:38 +00:00
#define D_DNS_SERVER "Servidor DNS"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_DONE "Listo"
#define D_DST_TIME "DST"
2019-12-30 17:44:08 +00:00
#define D_ECO2 "eCO₂"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_EMULATION "Emulación"
#define D_ENABLED "Habilitado"
#define D_ERASE "Borrar"
#define D_ERROR "Error"
#define D_FAHRENHEIT "Fahrenheit"
#define D_FAILED "Falló"
#define D_FALLBACK "Fallback"
#define D_FALLBACK_TOPIC "FallbackTopic"
#define D_FALSE "Falso"
#define D_FILE "Archivo"
#define D_FLOW_RATE "Caudal"
#define D_FREE_MEMORY "Memoria Libre"
2020-05-12 13:19:10 +01:00
#define D_PSR_MAX_MEMORY "PS-RAM Memory"
#define D_PSR_FREE_MEMORY "PS-RAM free Memory"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_FREQUENCY "Frecuencia"
#define D_GAS "Gas"
#define D_GATEWAY "Gateway"
#define D_GROUP "Grupo"
#define D_HOST "Host"
#define D_HOSTNAME "Hostname"
#define D_HUMIDITY "Humedad"
#define D_ILLUMINANCE "Luminancia"
#define D_IMMEDIATE "inmediato" // Button immediate
#define D_INDEX "Índice"
#define D_INFO "Información"
#define D_INFRARED "Infrarrojo"
#define D_INITIALIZED "Inicializado"
#define D_IP_ADDRESS "Dirección IP"
#define D_LIGHT "Luz"
#define D_LWT "LWT"
#define D_MODULE "Módulo"
2019-12-28 22:23:38 +00:00
#define D_MOISTURE "Humedad del Suelo"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_MQTT "MQTT"
#define D_MULTI_PRESS "multi-press"
#define D_NOISE "Ruido"
#define D_NONE "Ninguno"
#define D_OFF "Apagado"
#define D_OFFLINE "Offline"
#define D_OK "Ok"
#define D_ON "Encendido"
#define D_ONLINE "Online"
#define D_PASSWORD "Clave"
#define D_PORT "Puerto"
#define D_POWER_FACTOR "Factor de Potencia"
#define D_POWERUSAGE "Potencia"
#define D_POWERUSAGE_ACTIVE "Potencia Activa"
#define D_POWERUSAGE_APPARENT "Potencia Aparente"
#define D_POWERUSAGE_REACTIVE "Potencia Reactiva"
#define D_PRESSURE "Presión"
#define D_PRESSUREATSEALEVEL "Presión al nivel del mar"
#define D_PROGRAM_FLASH_SIZE "Tamaño de Flash de Programa"
#define D_PROGRAM_SIZE "Tamaño Programa"
#define D_PROJECT "Proyecto"
#define D_RAIN "Lluvia"
2020-01-23 22:17:15 +00:00
#define D_RANGE "Range"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_RECEIVED "Recibido"
#define D_RESTART "Reiniciar"
#define D_RESTARTING "Reiniciando"
#define D_RESTART_REASON "Causa Reinicio"
#define D_RESTORE "Restauración"
#define D_RETAINED "Grabado"
#define D_RULE "Regla"
#define D_SAVE "Grabar"
#define D_SENSOR "Sensor"
#define D_SSID "SSId"
#define D_START "Iniciar"
#define D_STD_TIME "STD"
#define D_STOP "Detener"
#define D_SUBNET_MASK "Máscara Subred"
#define D_SUBSCRIBE_TO "Suscribir a"
#define D_UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM "Desuscribirse de"
#define D_SUCCESSFUL "Exitosa"
#define D_SUNRISE "Salida del Sol"
#define D_SUNSET "Puesta del Sol"
#define D_TEMPERATURE "Temperatura"
#define D_TO "a"
#define D_TOGGLE "Conmutar"
#define D_TOPIC "Topic"
#define D_TOTAL_USAGE "Total Usado"
#define D_TRANSMIT "Transmitir"
#define D_TRUE "Verdadero"
#define D_TVOC "TVOC"
#define D_UPGRADE "Actualización"
#define D_UPLOAD "Carga"
#define D_UPTIME "Tiempo Encendido"
#define D_USER "Usuario"
#define D_UTC_TIME "UTC"
#define D_UV_INDEX "Índice UV"
#define D_UV_INDEX_1 "Bajo"
#define D_UV_INDEX_2 "Medio"
#define D_UV_INDEX_3 "Alto"
#define D_UV_INDEX_4 "Peligroso"
#define D_UV_INDEX_5 "Quemaduras 1 a 2 grad"
#define D_UV_INDEX_6 "Quemaduras 3 grad"
#define D_UV_INDEX_7 "Fuera de Rango"
#define D_UV_LEVEL "Nivel UV"
#define D_UV_POWER "UV Power"
#define D_VERSION "Versión"
#define D_VOLTAGE "Tensión"
#define D_WEIGHT "Peso"
#define D_WARMLIGHT "Cálida"
#define D_WEB_SERVER "Servidor Web"
// tasmota.ino
#define D_WARNING_MINIMAL_VERSION "Cuidado, esta versión no guarda los cambios"
#define D_LEVEL_10 "level 1-0"
#define D_LEVEL_01 "level 0-1"
#define D_SERIAL_LOGGING_DISABLED "Log serial deshabilitado"
#define D_SYSLOG_LOGGING_REENABLED "Syslog re-habilitado"
#define D_SET_BAUDRATE_TO "Baudrate a"
#define D_RECEIVED_TOPIC "Topic Recibido"
#define D_DATA_SIZE "Tamaño de Datos"
#define D_ANALOG_INPUT "Entrada Analógica"
// support.ino
#define D_OSWATCH "osWatch"
#define D_BLOCKED_LOOP "Ciclo Bloqueado"
#define D_WPS_FAILED_WITH_STATUS "WPSconfig FALLÓ con estado"
#define D_ACTIVE_FOR_3_MINUTES "activo por 3 minutos"
#define D_FAILED_TO_START "falló inicio"
#define D_PATCH_ISSUE_2186 "Patch issue 2186"
#define D_CONNECTING_TO_AP "Connectando a AP"
#define D_IN_MODE "en modo"
#define D_CONNECT_FAILED_NO_IP_ADDRESS "Falló Conexión, Dirección IP no recibida"
#define D_CONNECT_FAILED_AP_NOT_REACHED "Falló Conexión, AP no pudo ser contactado"
2020-04-07 15:31:22 +01:00
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_CONNECT_FAILED_AP_TIMEOUT "Falló Conexión, timeout de AP"
#define D_ATTEMPTING_CONNECTION "Intentando conectar..."
#define D_CHECKING_CONNECTION "Probando conexión..."
#define D_QUERY_DONE "Consulta lista. Servicio MQTT encontrado"
#define D_MQTT_SERVICE_FOUND "Servicio MQTT encontrado en"
#define D_FOUND_AT "encontrado en"
#define D_SYSLOG_HOST_NOT_FOUND "Syslog Host no encontrado"
// settings.ino
#define D_SAVED_TO_FLASH_AT "Grabado a la flash en"
#define D_LOADED_FROM_FLASH_AT "Cargado desde flash en"
#define D_USE_DEFAULTS "Usar valores por defecto"
#define D_ERASED_SECTOR "Sector borrado"
// xdrv_02_webserver.ino
#define D_NOSCRIPT "Habilitar JavaScript para usar Tasmota"
#define D_MINIMAL_FIRMWARE_PLEASE_UPGRADE "Firmware MÍNIMO<br>actualice por favor"
#define D_WEBSERVER_ACTIVE_ON "Servidor web activo en"
#define D_WITH_IP_ADDRESS "con dirección IP"
#define D_WEBSERVER_STOPPED "Servidor web detenido"
#define D_FILE_NOT_FOUND "Archivo No Encontrado"
#define D_REDIRECTED "Redireccionado al portal captivo"
#define D_WIFIMANAGER_SET_ACCESSPOINT_AND_STATION "Wifimanager como AccessPoint y Estación"
#define D_WIFIMANAGER_SET_ACCESSPOINT "Wifimanager como AccessPoint"
#define D_TRYING_TO_CONNECT "Intentado conectar dispositivo a la red"
#define D_RESTART_IN "Reinicio en"
#define D_SECONDS "segundos"
#define D_DEVICE_WILL_RESTART "El dispositivo se reiniciará en unos segundos"
#define D_BUTTON_TOGGLE "Alternar ON/OFF"
#define D_CONFIGURATION "Configuración"
#define D_INFORMATION "Información"
#define D_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE "Actualizar Firmware"
#define D_CONSOLE "Consola"
#define D_CONFIRM_RESTART "Confirmar Reinicio"
#define D_CONFIGURE_MODULE "Configuración del Módulo"
#define D_CONFIGURE_WIFI "Configuración WiFi"
#define D_CONFIGURE_MQTT "Configuración MQTT"
#define D_CONFIGURE_DOMOTICZ "Configuración Domoticz"
#define D_CONFIGURE_LOGGING "Configuración Logging"
#define D_CONFIGURE_OTHER "Configuración Extra"
#define D_CONFIRM_RESET_CONFIGURATION "Confirmar Reset Configuración"
#define D_RESET_CONFIGURATION "Reset de Configuración"
#define D_BACKUP_CONFIGURATION "Backup de Configuración"
#define D_RESTORE_CONFIGURATION "Restaurar Configuración"
#define D_MAIN_MENU "Menú Principal"
#define D_MODULE_PARAMETERS "Parámetros del módulo"
#define D_MODULE_TYPE "Tipo de módulo"
#define D_PULLUP_ENABLE "Botón/Llave sin pull-up"
#define D_ADC "ADC"
#define D_GPIO "GPIO"
#define D_SERIAL_IN "Serial In"
#define D_SERIAL_OUT "Serial Out"
#define D_WIFI_PARAMETERS "Parámetros Wifi"
#define D_SCAN_FOR_WIFI_NETWORKS "Buscar redes wifi"
#define D_SCAN_DONE "Busqueda finalizada"
#define D_NO_NETWORKS_FOUND "Ninguna red encontrada"
#define D_REFRESH_TO_SCAN_AGAIN "Recargar página para buscar nuevamente"
#define D_DUPLICATE_ACCESSPOINT "AccessPoint duplicado"
#define D_SKIPPING_LOW_QUALITY "Ignorado por baja calidad"
#define D_RSSI "RSSI"
#define D_WEP "WEP"
#define D_WPA_PSK "WPA PSK"
#define D_WPA2_PSK "WPA2 PSK"
#define D_AP1_SSID "SSId AP1"
#define D_AP1_PASSWORD "Clave AP1"
#define D_AP2_SSID "SSId AP2"
#define D_AP2_PASSWORD "Clave AP2"
#define D_MQTT_PARAMETERS "Parámetros MQTT"
#define D_CLIENT "Cliente"
#define D_FULL_TOPIC "Full Topic"
#define D_LOGGING_PARAMETERS "Parámetros Logging"
#define D_SERIAL_LOG_LEVEL "Nivel de log por Serial"
#define D_MQTT_LOG_LEVEL "Nivel de log por Mqtt"
#define D_WEB_LOG_LEVEL "Nivel de log por Web"
#define D_SYS_LOG_LEVEL "Nivel de log por Syslog"
#define D_MORE_DEBUG "Más Debug"
#define D_SYSLOG_HOST "Host del Syslog"
#define D_SYSLOG_PORT "Puerto del Syslog"
#define D_TELEMETRY_PERIOD "Período de Telemetría"
#define D_OTHER_PARAMETERS "Otros parámetros"
#define D_TEMPLATE "Plantilla"
#define D_ACTIVATE "Activar"
2020-05-17 16:10:17 +01:00
#define D_DEVICE_NAME "Device Name"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_WEB_ADMIN_PASSWORD "Clave Administrador Web"
#define D_MQTT_ENABLE "Habilitar MQTT"
#define D_FRIENDLY_NAME "Nombre Amigable"
#define D_BELKIN_WEMO "Belkin WeMo"
#define D_HUE_BRIDGE "Hue Bridge"
#define D_SINGLE_DEVICE "dispositivo simple"
#define D_MULTI_DEVICE "dispositivo múltiple"
#define D_CONFIGURE_TEMPLATE "Configurar Plantilla"
#define D_TEMPLATE_PARAMETERS "Parámetros de Plantilla"
#define D_TEMPLATE_NAME "Nombre"
#define D_BASE_TYPE "Basada en"
#define D_TEMPLATE_FLAGS "Opciones"
#define D_SAVE_CONFIGURATION "Grabar configuración"
#define D_CONFIGURATION_SAVED "Configuración grabada"
#define D_CONFIGURATION_RESET "Configuración restablecida"
#define D_PROGRAM_VERSION "Versión del Programa"
#define D_BUILD_DATE_AND_TIME "Fecha y Hora de Compilación"
#define D_CORE_AND_SDK_VERSION "Versión Core/SDK"
#define D_FLASH_WRITE_COUNT "Contador de escritura en Flash"
#define D_MAC_ADDRESS "Dirección MAC"
#define D_MQTT_HOST "Host MQTT"
#define D_MQTT_PORT "Puerto MQTT"
#define D_MQTT_CLIENT "Cliente MQTT"
#define D_MQTT_USER "Usuario MQTT"
#define D_MQTT_TOPIC "Topic MQTT"
#define D_MQTT_GROUP_TOPIC "Group Topic MQTT"
#define D_MQTT_FULL_TOPIC "Full Topic MQTT"
#define D_MDNS_DISCOVERY "mDNS Discovery"
#define D_MDNS_ADVERTISE "mDNS Advertise"
#define D_ESP_CHIP_ID "ESP Chip Id"
#define D_FLASH_CHIP_ID "Flash Chip Id"
#define D_FLASH_CHIP_SIZE "Tamaño Flash"
#define D_FREE_PROGRAM_SPACE "Memoria de Programa Libre"
#define D_UPGRADE_BY_WEBSERVER "Actualizar por servidor web"
#define D_OTA_URL "OTA Url"
#define D_START_UPGRADE "Comenzar actualización"
#define D_UPGRADE_BY_FILE_UPLOAD "Actualizar cargando archivo bin"
#define D_UPLOAD_STARTED "Cargando archivo"
#define D_UPGRADE_STARTED "Actualización iniciada"
#define D_UPLOAD_DONE "Carga finalizada"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_1 "Ningún archivo seleccionado"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_2 "Espacio insuficiente"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_3 "Magic byte no corresponde a 0xE9"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_4 "El tamaño de la memoria de programa es mayor que la de la flash"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_5 "Error de comparación del buffer de carga"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_6 "Carga fallida. Habilitar logging 3"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_7 "Carga cancelada"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_8 "Archivo no válido"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_9 "Archivo muy grande"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_10 "No inició chip RF"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_11 "No se pudo borrar en el chip RF"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_12 "No se puedo escribir en el chip RF"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_13 "No se pudo decodificar firmware RF"
2019-12-20 14:12:44 +00:00
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_14 "Not compatible"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_UPLOAD_ERROR_CODE "Código de error de carga"
#define D_ENTER_COMMAND "Ingresar comando"
#define D_ENABLE_WEBLOG_FOR_RESPONSE "Habilitar weblog 2 si desea respuesta"
#define D_NEED_USER_AND_PASSWORD "Se necesita user=<username>&password=<password>"
// xdrv_01_mqtt.ino
#define D_FINGERPRINT "Verificar TLS fingerprint..."
#define D_TLS_CONNECT_FAILED_TO "Falló Conexión TLS a"
#define D_RETRY_IN "Reintentando"
#define D_VERIFIED "Verificado Fingerprint"
#define D_INSECURE "Conexión insegura por Fingerprint inválido"
#define D_CONNECT_FAILED_TO "Falló Conexión a"
// xplg_wemohue.ino
#define D_MULTICAST_DISABLED "Multicast deshabilitado"
#define D_MULTICAST_REJOINED "Multicast (re)conectado"
#define D_MULTICAST_JOIN_FAILED "Conexión Multicast fallida"
#define D_FAILED_TO_SEND_RESPONSE "Falla al enviar respuesta"
#define D_WEMO "WeMo"
#define D_WEMO_BASIC_EVENT "Evento base de WeMo"
#define D_WEMO_EVENT_SERVICE "Evento de servicio de WeMo"
#define D_WEMO_META_SERVICE "Meta Servicio de WeMo"
#define D_WEMO_SETUP "Configuración de WeMo"
#define D_RESPONSE_SENT "Respuesta enviada"
#define D_HUE "Hue"
#define D_HUE_BRIDGE_SETUP "Configuración Hue"
#define D_HUE_API_NOT_IMPLEMENTED "API de Hue no implementada"
#define D_HUE_API "Hue API"
#define D_HUE_POST_ARGS "Hue POST args"
#define D_3_RESPONSE_PACKETS_SENT "3 paquetes de respuesta enviados"
// xdrv_07_domoticz.ino
#define D_DOMOTICZ_PARAMETERS "Parámetros Domoticz"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_IDX "Idx"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_KEY_IDX "Key idx"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_SWITCH_IDX "Switch idx"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_SENSOR_IDX "Sensor idx"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_TEMP "Temp"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_TEMP_HUM "Temp,Hum"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_TEMP_HUM_BARO "Temp,Hum,Baro"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_POWER_ENERGY "Potencia,Energía"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_ILLUMINANCE "Luminancia"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_COUNT "Contador/PM1"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_VOLTAGE "Voltaje/PM2,5"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_CURRENT "Corriente/PM10"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_AIRQUALITY "Calidad del Aire"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_P1_SMART_METER "Medidor Inteligente P1"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_UPDATE_TIMER "Intervalo de refresco"
// xdrv_09_timers.ino
#define D_CONFIGURE_TIMER "Configuración Temporizadores"
#define D_TIMER_PARAMETERS "Parámetros de Temporizadores"
#define D_TIMER_ENABLE "Habilitar Temporizadores"
#define D_TIMER_ARM "Activo"
#define D_TIMER_TIME "Hora"
#define D_TIMER_DAYS "Días"
#define D_TIMER_REPEAT "Repetir"
#define D_TIMER_OUTPUT "Salida"
#define D_TIMER_ACTION "Estado"
// xdrv_10_knx.ino
#define D_CONFIGURE_KNX "Configuración de KNX"
#define D_KNX_PARAMETERS "Parámetros de KNX"
#define D_KNX_GENERAL_CONFIG "General"
#define D_KNX_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS "Dirección Física"
#define D_KNX_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_NOTE "( Debe ser única en la red KNX )"
#define D_KNX_ENABLE "Habilitar KNX"
#define D_KNX_GROUP_ADDRESS_TO_WRITE "Datos a Enviar a las Direcciones de Grupo"
#define D_ADD "Agregar"
#define D_DELETE "Eliminar"
#define D_REPLY "Responder"
#define D_KNX_GROUP_ADDRESS_TO_READ "Direcciones de Grupo para Recibir Datos"
#define D_RECEIVED_FROM "Recibido desde"
#define D_KNX_COMMAND_WRITE "Escribir"
#define D_KNX_COMMAND_READ "Leer"
#define D_KNX_COMMAND_OTHER "Otro"
#define D_SENT_TO "enviada a"
#define D_KNX_WARNING "La dirección de grupo ( 0 / 0 / 0 ) está reservada y no puede ser utilizada."
#define D_KNX_ENHANCEMENT "Mejora de Comunicación"
#define D_KNX_TX_SLOT "KNX TX"
#define D_KNX_RX_SLOT "KNX RX"
// xdrv_03_energy.ino
#define D_ENERGY_TODAY "Energía Hoy"
#define D_ENERGY_YESTERDAY "Energía Ayer"
#define D_ENERGY_TOTAL "Energía Total"
// xdrv_27_shutter.ino
#define D_OPEN "Abrir"
#define D_CLOSE "Cerrar"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_SHUTTER "Cortina"
// xdrv_28_pcf8574.ino
#define D_CONFIGURE_PCF8574 "Configurar PCF8574"
#define D_PCF8574_PARAMETERS "Parámetros de PCF8574"
#define D_INVERT_PORTS "Invertir Puertos"
#define D_DEVICE "Dispositivo"
#define D_DEVICE_INPUT "Entrada"
#define D_DEVICE_OUTPUT "Salida"
// xsns_05_ds18b20.ino
#define D_SENSOR_BUSY "Sensor ocupado"
#define D_SENSOR_CRC_ERROR "Error CRC del Sensor"
#define D_SENSORS_FOUND "Sensores encontrados"
// xsns_06_dht.ino
#define D_TIMEOUT_WAITING_FOR "Espera de timeout por"
#define D_START_SIGNAL_LOW "iniciar señal baja"
#define D_START_SIGNAL_HIGH "iniciar señal alta"
#define D_PULSE "pulso"
#define D_CHECKSUM_FAILURE "Falló Checksum"
// xsns_07_sht1x.ino
#define D_SENSOR_DID_NOT_ACK_COMMAND "Sensor no ha enviado el comando ACK"
#define D_SHT1X_FOUND "SHT1X encontrado"
// xsns_18_pms5003.ino
#define D_STANDARD_CONCENTRATION "CF-1 PM" // Standard Particle CF-1 Particle Matter
#define D_ENVIRONMENTAL_CONCENTRATION "PM" // Environmetal Particle Matter
#define D_PARTICALS_BEYOND "Partículas"
2020-05-06 20:30:36 +01:00
// xsns_27_apds9960.ino
#define D_GESTURE "Gesto"
#define D_COLOR_RED "Rojo"
#define D_COLOR_GREEN "Verde"
#define D_COLOR_BLUE "Azul"
#define D_CCT "CCT"
#define D_PROXIMITY "Proximidad"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
// xsns_32_mpu6050.ino
#define D_AX_AXIS "Accel. X-Axis"
#define D_AY_AXIS "Accel. Y-Axis"
#define D_AZ_AXIS "Accel. Z-Axis"
#define D_GX_AXIS "Gyro X-Axis"
#define D_GY_AXIS "Gyro Y-Axis"
#define D_GZ_AXIS "Gyro Z-Axis"
// xsns_34_hx711.ino
#define D_HX_CAL_REMOVE "Remover Peso"
#define D_HX_CAL_REFERENCE "Poner Peso de Referencia"
#define D_HX_CAL_DONE "Calibrado"
#define D_HX_CAL_FAIL "Falló Calibración"
#define D_RESET_HX711 "Restablecer Escala"
#define D_CONFIGURE_HX711 "Configurar Escala"
#define D_HX711_PARAMETERS "Parámetros de Escala"
#define D_ITEM_WEIGHT "Peso"
#define D_REFERENCE_WEIGHT "Peso de Referencia"
#define D_CALIBRATE "Calibrar"
#define D_CALIBRATION "Calibración"
#define D_TX20_WIND_DIRECTION "Dirección del Viento"
#define D_TX20_WIND_SPEED "Vel. del Viento"
2020-02-24 16:25:03 +00:00
#define D_TX20_WIND_SPEED_MIN "Vel. Min. del Viento"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_TX20_WIND_SPEED_MAX "Vel. Max. del Viento"
#define D_TX20_NORTH "N"
#define D_TX20_EAST "E"
#define D_TX20_SOUTH "S"
#define D_TX20_WEST "O"
2020-03-16 15:52:22 +00:00
// xsns_53_sml.ino
2020-03-15 12:10:24 +00:00
#define D_TPWRIN "Energía Total-Entrada"
#define D_TPWROUT "Energía Total-Salida"
#define D_TPWRCURR "Potencia-En/Sal"
#define D_TPWRCURR1 "Potencia-Entr p1"
#define D_TPWRCURR2 "Potencia-Entr p2"
#define D_TPWRCURR3 "Potencia-Entr p3"
2020-03-14 21:40:07 +00:00
#define D_Strom_L1 "Corriente L1"
#define D_Strom_L2 "Corriente L2"
#define D_Strom_L3 "Corriente L3"
#define D_Spannung_L1 "Voltaje L1"
#define D_Spannung_L2 "Voltaje L2"
#define D_Spannung_L3 "Voltaje L3"
#define D_METERNR "Número de Medidor"
#define D_METERSID "ID de Servicio"
#define D_GasIN "Contador"
#define D_H2oIN "Contador"
#define D_StL1L2L3 "Corriente L1+L2+L3"
2020-03-15 12:10:24 +00:00
#define D_SpL1L2L3 "Voltaje L1+L2+L3/3"
2020-03-14 18:30:21 +00:00
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
// tasmota_template.h - keep them as short as possible to be able to fit them in GUI drop down box
#define D_SENSOR_NONE "Ninguno"
2019-12-28 22:23:38 +00:00
#define D_SENSOR_USER "Por Usuario"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_SENSOR_DHT11 "DHT11"
#define D_SENSOR_AM2301 "AM2301"
#define D_SENSOR_SI7021 "SI7021"
#define D_SENSOR_DS18X20 "DS18x20"
#define D_SENSOR_I2C_SCL "I2C SCL"
#define D_SENSOR_I2C_SDA "I2C SDA"
#define D_SENSOR_WS2812 "WS2812"
#define D_SENSOR_DFR562 "MP3 Player"
#define D_SENSOR_SWITCH "Llave" // Suffix "1"
#define D_SENSOR_BUTTON "Botón" // Suffix "1"
#define D_SENSOR_RELAY "Relé" // Suffix "1i"
#define D_SENSOR_LED "Led" // Suffix "1i"
#define D_SENSOR_LED_LINK "LedLink" // Suffix "i"
#define D_SENSOR_PWM "PWM" // Suffix "1"
#define D_SENSOR_COUNTER "Contador" // Suffix "1"
#define D_SENSOR_MHZ_RX "MHZ Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_MHZ_TX "MHZ Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_PZEM004_RX "PZEM004 Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_PZEM016_RX "PZEM016 Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_PZEM017_RX "PZEM017 Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_SAIR_RX "SAir Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_SAIR_TX "SAir Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_BACKLIGHT "Backlight"
2020-04-08 18:47:45 +01:00
#define D_SENSOR_PMS5003_TX "PMS5003 Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_PMS5003_RX "PMS5003 Rx"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_SENSOR_SDS0X1_RX "SDS0X1 Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_SDS0X1_TX "SDS0X1 Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_SBR_RX "SerBr Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_SBR_TX "SerBr Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_SR04_TRIG "SR04 Tri/TX"
#define D_SENSOR_SR04_ECHO "SR04 Ech/RX"
#define D_SENSOR_SDM120_TX "SDMx20 Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_SDM120_RX "SDMx20 Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_SDM630_TX "SDM630 Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_SDM630_RX "SDM630 Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_TM1638_CLK "TM16 CLK"
#define D_SENSOR_TM1638_DIO "TM16 DIO"
#define D_SENSOR_TM1638_STB "TM16 STB"
#define D_SENSOR_HX711_SCK "HX711 SCK"
#define D_SENSOR_HX711_DAT "HX711 DAT"
2020-02-20 17:50:43 +00:00
#define D_SENSOR_TX2X_TX "TX2x"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_MGC3130_XFER "MGC3130 Xfr"
#define D_SENSOR_MGC3130_RESET "MGC3130 Rst"
#define D_SENSOR_RF_SENSOR "RF Sensor"
#define D_SENSOR_AZ_RX "AZ Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_AZ_TX "AZ Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_MAX31855_CS "MX31855 CS"
#define D_SENSOR_MAX31855_CLK "MX31855 CLK"
#define D_SENSOR_MAX31855_DO "MX31855 DO"
#define D_SENSOR_NRG_SEL "HLWBL SEL" // Suffix "i"
#define D_SENSOR_HLW_CF "HLW8012 CF"
#define D_SENSOR_HJL_CF "BL0937 CF"
#define D_SENSOR_MCP39F5_TX "MCP39F5 Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_MCP39F5_RX "MCP39F5 Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_MCP39F5_RST "MCP39F5 Rst"
#define D_SENSOR_CSE7766_TX "CSE7766 Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_CSE7766_RX "CSE7766 Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_PN532_TX "PN532 Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_PN532_RX "PN532 Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_SM16716_CLK "SM16716 CLK"
#define D_SENSOR_SM16716_DAT "SM16716 DAT"
#define D_SENSOR_SM16716_POWER "SM16716 PWR"
#define D_SENSOR_MY92X1_DI "MY92x1 DI"
#define D_SENSOR_MY92X1_DCKI "MY92x1 DCKI"
#define D_SENSOR_ARIRFRCV "ALux IrRcv"
#define D_SENSOR_ARIRFSEL "ALux IrSel"
#define D_SENSOR_TXD "Serial Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_RXD "Serial Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_ROTARY "Rotary" // Suffix "1A"
#define D_SENSOR_HRE_CLOCK "HRE Clock"
#define D_SENSOR_HRE_DATA "HRE Data"
#define D_SENSOR_ADE7953_IRQ "ADE7953 IRQ"
#define D_SENSOR_BUZZER "Buzzer"
#define D_SENSOR_ZIGBEE_TXD "Zigbee Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_ZIGBEE_RXD "Zigbee Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_SOLAXX1_TX "SolaxX1 Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_SOLAXX1_RX "SolaxX1 Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_IBEACON_TX "iBeacon TX"
#define D_SENSOR_IBEACON_RX "iBeacon RX"
#define D_SENSOR_RDM6300_RX "RDM6300 RX"
#define D_SENSOR_CC1101_CS "CC1101 CS"
#define D_SENSOR_A4988_DIR "A4988 DIR"
#define D_SENSOR_A4988_STP "A4988 STP"
#define D_SENSOR_A4988_ENA "A4988 ENA"
#define D_SENSOR_A4988_MS1 "A4988 MS1"
#define D_SENSOR_A4988_MS2 "A4988 MS2"
#define D_SENSOR_A4988_MS3 "A4988 MS3"
#define D_SENSOR_DDS2382_TX "DDS238-2 Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_DDS2382_RX "DDS238-2 Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_DDSU666_TX "DDSU666 Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_DDSU666_RX "DDSU666 Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_SM2135_CLK "SM2135 Clk"
#define D_SENSOR_SM2135_DAT "SM2135 Dat"
#define D_SENSOR_DEEPSLEEP "DeepSleep"
#define D_SENSOR_EXS_ENABLE "EXS Enable"
2019-12-17 02:16:25 +00:00
#define D_SENSOR_SLAVE_TX "Slave TX"
#define D_SENSOR_SLAVE_RX "Slave RX"
2020-02-06 16:05:37 +00:00
#define D_SENSOR_HM10_RX "HM10 RX"
#define D_SENSOR_HM10_TX "HM10 TX"
2020-01-23 16:18:44 +00:00
#define D_SENSOR_LE01MR_RX "LE-01MR Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_LE01MR_TX "LE-01MR Tx"
2020-02-27 20:31:19 +00:00
#define D_SENSOR_CC1101_GDO0 "CC1101 GDO0"
#define D_SENSOR_CC1101_GDO2 "CC1101 GDO2"
2020-02-28 00:28:06 +00:00
2020-03-18 10:24:56 +00:00
2020-05-05 17:36:12 +01:00
#define D_SENSOR_AS3935 "AS3935"
2020-05-06 20:33:07 +01:00
#define D_SENSOR_WINDMETER_SPEED "WindMeter Spd"
2020-05-05 17:36:12 +01:00
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
2020-05-07 23:34:25 +01:00
#define D_UNIT_CELSIUS "C"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_UNIT_CENTIMETER "cm"
2020-05-07 23:34:25 +01:00
#define D_UNIT_DEGREE "°"
2020-05-07 23:53:13 +01:00
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_UNIT_HERTZ "Hz"
2019-12-30 17:44:08 +00:00
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "h"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_UNIT_GALLONS "gal"
#define D_UNIT_GALLONS_PER_MIN "g/m"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
2020-05-07 23:34:25 +01:00
#define D_UNIT_KELVIN "K"
2020-04-11 00:48:37 +01:00
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER "km"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
2019-12-30 17:44:08 +00:00
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kΩ"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
2019-12-30 17:44:08 +00:00
#define D_UNIT_MICROMETER "µm"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_UNIT_MILLIMETER "mm"
#define D_UNIT_MINUTE "Min"
2020-05-07 23:34:25 +01:00
#define D_UNIT_PERCENT "%%"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_UNIT_PRESSURE "hPa"
#define D_UNIT_SECOND "seg"
#define D_UNIT_SECTORS "sectores"
#define D_UNIT_VA "VA"
#define D_UNIT_VAR "VAr"
#define D_UNIT_VOLT "V"
#define D_UNIT_WATT "W"
#define D_UNIT_WATTHOUR "Wh"
2020-01-23 16:18:44 +00:00
//SDM220, SDM120, LE01MR
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_PHASE_ANGLE "Ángulo de Fase"
#define D_IMPORT_ACTIVE "P. Activa Entrante"
#define D_EXPORT_ACTIVE "P. Activa Saliente"
#define D_IMPORT_REACTIVE "P. Reactiva Entrante"
#define D_EXPORT_REACTIVE "P. Reactiva Saliente"
#define D_TOTAL_REACTIVE "P. Reactiva Total"
#define D_UNIT_KWARH "kVArH"
#define D_UNIT_ANGLE "Grados"
2020-02-10 16:29:42 +00:00
#define D_TOTAL_ACTIVE "P. Total Activa"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_PV1_VOLTAGE "PV1 Voltaje"
#define D_PV1_CURRENT "PV1 Corriente"
#define D_PV1_POWER "PV1 Potencia"
2020-02-10 16:29:42 +00:00
#define D_PV2_VOLTAGE "PV2 Voltaje"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#define D_PV2_CURRENT "PV2 Corriente"
#define D_PV2_POWER "PV2 Potencia"
#define D_SOLAR_POWER "Potencia Solar"
#define D_INVERTER_POWER "Potencia del Inversor"
#define D_STATUS "Estado"
#define D_WAITING "En Espera"
#define D_CHECKING "Revisando"
#define D_WORKING "Funcionando"
#define D_FAILURE "Falla"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_0 "Sin código de Error"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_1 "Falla por Pérdida de Red"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_2 "Falla por Voltaje de Red"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_3 "Falla por Frecuencia de Red"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_4 "Falla por Voltaje en PV"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_5 "Falla de Aislación"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_6 "Falla por sobretemperatura"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_7 "Falla de Ventilador"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_8 "Falla del Dispositivo"
2019-12-28 17:25:43 +00:00
2019-12-28 22:23:38 +00:00
#define D_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT "Editar Script"
#define D_SCRIPT "Editar Script"
#define D_SDCARD_UPLOAD "Subir Archivo"
#define D_SDCARD_DIR "Directorio en Tarjeta SD"
#define D_UPL_DONE "Listo"
#define D_SCRIPT_CHARS_LEFT "Caracteres disponibles"
#define D_SCRIPT_CHARS_NO_MORE "No hay mas espacio"
#define D_SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD "Descargar"
#define D_SCRIPT_ENABLE "Habilitar Script"
#define D_SCRIPT_UPLOAD "Cargar"
#define D_SCRIPT_UPLOAD_FILES "Cargar Archivos"
2019-12-28 17:25:43 +00:00
2020-04-25 23:43:50 +01:00
#define D_AS3935_GAIN "gain:"
#define D_AS3935_ENERGY "energy:"
#define D_AS3935_DISTANCE "distance:"
#define D_AS3935_DISTURBER "disturber:"
#define D_AS3935_VRMS "µVrms:"
#define D_AS3935_APRX "aprx.:"
#define D_AS3935_AWAY "away"
#define D_AS3935_LIGHT "lightning"
#define D_AS3935_OUT "lightning out of range"
#define D_AS3935_NOT "distance not determined"
#define D_AS3935_ABOVE "lightning overhead"
#define D_AS3935_NOISE "noise detected"
#define D_AS3935_DISTDET "disturber detected"
#define D_AS3935_INTNOEV "Interrupt with no Event!"
#define D_AS3935_NOMESS "listening..."
#define D_AS3935_ON "On"
#define D_AS3935_OFF "Off"
#define D_AS3935_INDOORS "Indoors"
#define D_AS3935_OUTDOORS "Outdoors"
#define D_AS3935_CAL_FAIL "calibration failed"
#define D_AS3935_CAL_OK "calibration set to:"
2020-05-07 09:54:29 +01:00
#define D_SENSOR_BOILER_OT_RX "OpenTherm RX"
#define D_SENSOR_BOILER_OT_TX "OpenTherm TX"
2019-12-17 02:09:34 +00:00
#endif // _LANGUAGE_ES_ES_H_