This list shows the recommended way of learning the library:
1. Check the [Online demos]( to see LVGL in action (3 minutes)
2. Read the [Introduction]( page of the documentation (5 minutes)
3. Get familiar with the basics on the [Quick overview]( page (15 minutes)
4. Set up a [Simulator]( (10 minutes)
5. Try out some [Examples](
6. Port LVGL to a board. See the [Porting]( guide or check the ready to use [Projects](
7. Read the [Overview]( page to get a better understanding of the library (2-3 hours)
8. Check the documentation of the [Widgets]( to see their features and usage
9. If you have questions go to the [Forum](
10. Read the [Contributing]( guide to see how you can help to improve LVGL (15 minutes)
## Examples
For more examples see the [lv_examples]( repository.
### Button with label
lv_obj_t * btn = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); /*Add a button to the current screen*/
lv_obj_set_pos(btn, 10, 10); /*Set its position*/
lv_obj_set_size(btn, 100, 50); /*Set its size*/
lv_obj_set_event_cb(btn, btn_event_cb); /*Assign a callback to the button*/
lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(btn, NULL); /*Add a label to the button*/
lv_label_set_text(label, "Button"); /*Set the labels text*/
![LVGL button with label example](
### LVGL from Micropython
Learn more about [Micropython](
# Create a Button and a Label
scr = lv.obj()
btn = lv.btn(scr)
btn.align(lv.scr_act(), lv.ALIGN.CENTER, 0, 0)
label = lv.label(btn)
# Load the screen
## Contributing
LVGL is an open project and contribution is very welcome. There are many ways to contribute from simply speaking about your project, through writing examples, improving the documentation, fixing bugs to hosing your own project under in LVGL.
For a detailed description of contribution opportunities visit the [Contributing]( section of the documentation.