2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
xdrv_10_scripter . ino - script support for Sonoff - Tasmota
Copyright ( C ) 2019 Gerhard Mutz and Theo Arends
This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ifdef USE_SCRIPT
# ifndef USE_RULES
for documentation see up to date docs in file SCRIPTER . md
uses about 17 k of flash
to do
optimize code for space
goal is fast execution time , minimal use of ram and intuitive syntax
therefore = >
case sensitive cmds and vars ( lowercase uses time and code )
no math hierarchy ( costs ram and execution time , better group with brackets , anyhow better readable for beginners )
( will probably make math hierarchy an ifdefed option )
keywords if then else endif , or , and are better readable for beginners ( others may use { } )
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# define XDRV_10 10
# define SCRIPT_DEBUG 0
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# ifndef MAXVARS
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# define MAXVARS 50
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# endif
# ifndef MAXSVARS
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# define MAXSVARS 5
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# define MAXFILT 5
# define SCRIPT_EOL '\n'
# define SCRIPT_MAXPERM (MAX_RULE_MEMS*10)-4 / sizeof(float)
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
// offsets epoch readings by 1.1.2019 00:00:00 to fit into float with second resolution
# define EPOCH_OFFSET 1546300800
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# include <SPI.h>
# include <SD.h>
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# define FAT_SCRIPT_SIZE 4096
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# define FAT_SCRIPT_NAME "script.txt"
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# warning ("FATFS long filenames not supported");
# endif
# warning ("FATFS standard spi should be used");
# endif
# endif
# include <LinkedList.h> // Import LinkedList library
typedef struct {
String Event ;
String Topic ;
String Key ;
} MQTT_Subscription ;
LinkedList < MQTT_Subscription > subscriptions ;
# include <renderer.h>
extern VButton * buttons [ MAXBUTTONS ] ;
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# endif
typedef union {
uint8_t data ;
struct {
uint8_t is_string : 1 ; // string or number
uint8_t is_permanent : 1 ;
uint8_t is_timer : 1 ;
uint8_t is_autoinc : 1 ;
uint8_t changed : 1 ;
uint8_t settable : 1 ;
uint8_t is_filter : 1 ;
uint8_t constant : 1 ;
} ;
struct T_INDEX {
uint8_t index ;
} ;
struct M_FILT {
uint8_t numvals ;
uint8_t index ;
float maccu ;
float rbuff [ 1 ] ;
} ;
typedef union {
uint8_t data ;
struct {
uint8_t nutu8 : 1 ;
uint8_t nutu7 : 1 ;
uint8_t nutu6 : 1 ;
uint8_t nutu5 : 1 ;
uint8_t nutu4 : 1 ;
uint8_t nutu3 : 1 ;
uint8_t is_dir : 1 ;
uint8_t is_open : 1 ;
} ;
# define SFS_MAX 4
// global memory
struct SCRIPT_MEM {
float * fvars ; // number var pointer
float * s_fvars ; // shadow var pointer
struct T_INDEX * type ; // type and index pointer
struct M_FILT * mfilt ;
char * glob_vnp ; // var name pointer
uint8_t * vnp_offset ;
char * glob_snp ; // string vars pointer
char * scriptptr ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
char * section_ptr ;
char * scriptptr_bu ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
char * script_ram ;
uint16_t script_size ;
uint8_t * script_pram ;
uint16_t script_pram_size ;
uint8_t numvars ;
void * script_mem ;
uint16_t script_mem_size ;
uint8_t script_dprec ;
uint8_t var_not_found ;
uint8_t glob_error ;
uint8_t max_ssize ;
uint8_t script_loglevel ;
uint8_t flags ;
File files [ SFS_MAX ] ;
FILE_FLAGS file_flags [ SFS_MAX ] ;
uint8_t script_sd_found ;
char flink [ 2 ] [ 14 ] ;
# endif
} glob_script_mem ;
int16_t last_findex ;
uint8_t tasm_cmd_activ = 0 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
uint8_t fast_script = 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
uint32_t script_lastmillis ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
int8_t script_button [ MAX_KEYS ] ;
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
char * GetNumericResult ( char * lp , uint8_t lastop , float * fp , JsonObject * jo ) ;
char * GetStringResult ( char * lp , uint8_t lastop , char * cp , JsonObject * jo ) ;
char * ForceStringVar ( char * lp , char * dstr ) ;
void send_download ( void ) ;
uint8_t reject ( char * name ) ;
void ScriptEverySecond ( void ) {
if ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ) {
struct T_INDEX * vtp = glob_script_mem . type ;
float delta = ( millis ( ) - script_lastmillis ) / 1000 ;
script_lastmillis = millis ( ) ;
for ( uint8_t count = 0 ; count < glob_script_mem . numvars ; count + + ) {
if ( vtp [ count ] . bits . is_timer ) {
// decrements timers
float * fp = & glob_script_mem . fvars [ vtp [ count ] . index ] ;
if ( * fp > 0 ) {
// decrement
* fp - = delta ;
if ( * fp < 0 ) * fp = 0 ;
if ( vtp [ count ] . bits . is_autoinc ) {
// increments timers
float * fp = & glob_script_mem . fvars [ vtp [ count ] . index ] ;
if ( * fp > = 0 ) {
* fp + = delta ;
Run_Scripter ( " >S " , 2 , 0 ) ;
void RulesTeleperiod ( void ) {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) & & mqtt_data [ 0 ] ) Run_Scripter ( " >T " , 2 , mqtt_data ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# ifdef USE_24C256
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
// i2c eeprom
# include <Eeprom24C128_256.h>
# define EEPROM_ADDRESS 0x50
// strange bug, crashes with powers of 2 ??? 4096 crashes
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# define EEP_SCRIPT_SIZE 4095
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
static Eeprom24C128_256 eeprom ( EEPROM_ADDRESS ) ;
// eeprom.writeBytes(address, length, buffer);
# define EEP_WRITE(A,B,C) eeprom.writeBytes(A,B,(uint8_t*)C);
// eeprom.readBytes(address, length, buffer);
# define EEP_READ(A,B,C) eeprom.readBytes(A,B,(uint8_t*)C);
# endif
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# define SCRIPT_SKIP_SPACES while (*lp==' ' || *lp=='\t') lp++;
# define SCRIPT_SKIP_EOL while (*lp==SCRIPT_EOL) lp++;
// allocates all variables and presets them
int16_t Init_Scripter ( void ) {
char * script ;
script = glob_script_mem . script_ram ;
// scan lines for >DEF
uint16_t lines = 0 , nvars = 0 , svars = 0 , vars = 0 ;
char * lp = script ;
char vnames [ MAXVARS * 10 ] ;
char * vnames_p = vnames ;
char * vnp [ MAXVARS ] ;
char * * vnp_p = vnp ;
char strings [ MAXSVARS * SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
struct M_FILT mfilt [ MAXFILT ] ;
char * strings_p = strings ;
char * snp [ MAXSVARS ] ;
char * * snp_p = snp ;
uint8_t numperm = 0 , numflt = 0 , count ;
glob_script_mem . max_ssize = SCRIPT_SVARSIZE ;
glob_script_mem . scriptptr = 0 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( ! * script ) return - 999 ;
float fvalues [ MAXVARS ] ;
struct T_INDEX vtypes [ MAXVARS ] ;
char init = 0 ;
while ( 1 ) {
// check line
// skip leading spaces
// skip empty line
if ( * lp = = ' \n ' | | * lp = = ' \r ' ) goto next_line ;
// skip comment
if ( * lp = = ' ; ' ) goto next_line ;
if ( init ) {
// init section
if ( * lp = = ' > ' ) {
init = 0 ;
break ;
char * op = strchr ( lp , ' = ' ) ;
if ( op ) {
vtypes [ vars ] . bits . data = 0 ;
// found variable definition
if ( * lp = = ' p ' & & * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' : ' ) {
lp + = 2 ;
if ( numperm < SCRIPT_MAXPERM ) {
vtypes [ vars ] . bits . is_permanent = 1 ;
numperm + + ;
} else {
vtypes [ vars ] . bits . is_permanent = 0 ;
if ( * lp = = ' t ' & & * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' : ' ) {
lp + = 2 ;
vtypes [ vars ] . bits . is_timer = 1 ;
} else {
vtypes [ vars ] . bits . is_timer = 0 ;
if ( * lp = = ' i ' & & * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' : ' ) {
lp + = 2 ;
vtypes [ vars ] . bits . is_autoinc = 1 ;
} else {
vtypes [ vars ] . bits . is_autoinc = 0 ;
if ( ( * lp = = ' m ' | | * lp = = ' M ' ) & & * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' : ' ) {
uint8_t flg = * lp ;
lp + = 2 ;
if ( flg = = ' M ' ) mfilt [ numflt ] . numvals = 8 ;
else mfilt [ numflt ] . numvals = 5 ;
vtypes [ vars ] . bits . is_filter = 1 ;
mfilt [ numflt ] . index = 0 ;
if ( flg = = ' M ' ) {
mfilt [ numflt ] . numvals | = 0x80 ;
vtypes [ vars ] . index = numflt ;
numflt + + ;
if ( numflt > MAXFILT ) {
return - 6 ;
} else {
vtypes [ vars ] . bits . is_filter = 0 ;
* vnp_p + + = vnames_p ;
while ( lp < op ) {
* vnames_p + + = * lp + + ;
* vnames_p + + = 0 ;
// init variable
op + + ;
if ( * op ! = ' " ' ) {
float fv ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( * op = = ' 0 ' & & * ( op + 1 ) = = ' x ' ) {
op + = 2 ;
fv = strtol ( op , & op , 16 ) ;
} else {
fv = CharToFloat ( op ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
fvalues [ nvars ] = fv ;
vtypes [ vars ] . bits . is_string = 0 ;
if ( ! vtypes [ vars ] . bits . is_filter ) vtypes [ vars ] . index = nvars ;
nvars + + ;
if ( nvars > MAXNVARS ) {
return - 1 ;
if ( vtypes [ vars ] . bits . is_filter ) {
while ( isdigit ( * op ) | | * op = = ' . ' | | * op = = ' - ' ) {
op + + ;
while ( * op = = ' ' ) op + + ;
if ( isdigit ( * op ) ) {
// lenght define follows
uint8_t flen = atoi ( op ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
mfilt [ numflt - 1 ] . numvals & = 0x80 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
mfilt [ numflt - 1 ] . numvals | = flen & 0x7f ;
} else {
// string vars
op + + ;
* snp_p + + = strings_p ;
while ( * op ! = ' \" ' ) {
if ( * op = = SCRIPT_EOL ) break ;
* strings_p + + = * op + + ;
* strings_p + + = 0 ;
vtypes [ vars ] . bits . is_string = 1 ;
vtypes [ vars ] . index = svars ;
svars + + ;
if ( svars > MAXSVARS ) {
return - 2 ;
vars + + ;
if ( vars > MAXVARS ) {
return - 3 ;
} else {
if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " >D " , 2 ) ) {
lp + = 2 ;
if ( isdigit ( * lp ) ) {
uint8_t ssize = atoi ( lp ) + 1 ;
if ( ssize < 10 | | ssize > SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ) ssize = SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ;
glob_script_mem . max_ssize = ssize ;
init = 1 ;
// next line
next_line :
lp = strchr ( lp , SCRIPT_EOL ) ;
if ( ! lp ) break ;
lp + + ;
uint16_t fsize = 0 ;
for ( count = 0 ; count < numflt ; count + + ) {
fsize + = sizeof ( struct M_FILT ) + ( ( mfilt [ count ] . numvals & 0x7f ) - 1 ) * sizeof ( float ) ;
// now copy vars to memory
uint16_t script_mem_size =
// number and number shadow vars
( sizeof ( float ) * nvars ) +
( sizeof ( float ) * nvars ) +
// var names
( vnames_p - vnames ) +
// vars offsets
( sizeof ( uint8_t ) * vars ) +
// strings
( glob_script_mem . max_ssize * svars ) +
// type array
( sizeof ( struct T_INDEX ) * vars ) +
fsize ;
script_mem_size + = 16 ;
uint8_t * script_mem ;
script_mem = ( uint8_t * ) calloc ( script_mem_size , 1 ) ;
if ( ! script_mem ) {
return - 4 ;
glob_script_mem . script_mem = script_mem ;
glob_script_mem . script_mem_size = script_mem_size ;
// now copy all vars
// numbers
glob_script_mem . fvars = ( float * ) script_mem ;
uint16_t size = sizeof ( float ) * nvars ;
memcpy ( script_mem , fvalues , size ) ;
script_mem + = size ;
glob_script_mem . s_fvars = ( float * ) script_mem ;
size = sizeof ( float ) * nvars ;
memcpy ( script_mem , fvalues , size ) ;
script_mem + = size ;
glob_script_mem . mfilt = ( struct M_FILT * ) script_mem ;
script_mem + = fsize ;
// memory types
glob_script_mem . type = ( struct T_INDEX * ) script_mem ;
size = sizeof ( struct T_INDEX ) * vars ;
memcpy ( script_mem , vtypes , size ) ;
script_mem + = size ;
// var name strings
char * namep = ( char * ) script_mem ;
glob_script_mem . glob_vnp = ( char * ) script_mem ;
size = vnames_p - vnames ;
memcpy ( script_mem , vnames , size ) ;
script_mem + = size ;
glob_script_mem . vnp_offset = ( uint8_t * ) script_mem ;
size = vars * sizeof ( uint8_t ) ;
script_mem + = size ;
// strings
char * snamep = ( char * ) script_mem ;
glob_script_mem . glob_snp = ( char * ) script_mem ;
size = glob_script_mem . max_ssize * svars ;
script_mem + = size ;
// now must recalc memory offsets
uint16_t index = 0 ;
uint8_t * cp = glob_script_mem . vnp_offset ;
for ( count = 0 ; count < vars ; count + + ) {
* cp + + = index ;
while ( * namep ) {
index + + ;
namep + + ;
namep + + ;
index + + ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( index > 255 ) {
free ( glob_script_mem . script_mem ) ;
return - 5 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
// variables usage info
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_INFO , PSTR ( " Script: nv=%d, tv=%d, vns=%d, ram=%d " ) , nvars , svars , index , glob_script_mem . script_mem_size ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
// copy string variables
char * cp1 = glob_script_mem . glob_snp ;
char * sp = strings ;
for ( count = 0 ; count < svars ; count + + ) {
strcpy ( cp1 , sp ) ;
sp + = strlen ( sp ) + 1 ;
cp1 + = glob_script_mem . max_ssize ;
// setup filter vars
uint8_t * mp = ( uint8_t * ) glob_script_mem . mfilt ;
for ( count = 0 ; count < numflt ; count + + ) {
struct M_FILT * mflp = ( struct M_FILT * ) mp ;
mflp - > numvals = mfilt [ count ] . numvals ;
mp + = sizeof ( struct M_FILT ) + ( ( mfilt [ count ] . numvals & 0x7f ) - 1 ) * sizeof ( float ) ;
glob_script_mem . numvars = vars ;
glob_script_mem . script_dprec = SCRIPT_FLOAT_PRECISION ;
glob_script_mem . script_loglevel = LOG_LEVEL_INFO ;
struct T_INDEX * dvtp = glob_script_mem . type ;
for ( uint8_t count = 0 ; count < glob_script_mem . numvars ; count + + ) {
if ( dvtp [ count ] . bits . is_string ) {
} else {
char string [ 32 ] ;
dtostrfd ( glob_script_mem . fvars [ dvtp [ count ] . index ] , glob_script_mem . script_dprec , string ) ;
toLog ( string ) ;
# endif
// now preset permanent vars
float * fp = ( float * ) glob_script_mem . script_pram ;
struct T_INDEX * vtp = glob_script_mem . type ;
for ( uint8_t count = 0 ; count < glob_script_mem . numvars ; count + + ) {
if ( vtp [ count ] . bits . is_permanent & & ! vtp [ count ] . bits . is_string ) {
uint8_t index = vtp [ count ] . index ;
if ( ! isnan ( * fp ) ) {
glob_script_mem . fvars [ index ] = * fp ;
} else {
* fp = glob_script_mem . fvars [ index ] ;
fp + + ;
sp = ( char * ) fp ;
for ( uint8_t count = 0 ; count < glob_script_mem . numvars ; count + + ) {
if ( vtp [ count ] . bits . is_permanent & & vtp [ count ] . bits . is_string ) {
uint8_t index = vtp [ count ] . index ;
char * dp = glob_script_mem . glob_snp + ( index * glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ;
uint8_t slen = strlen ( sp ) ;
strlcpy ( dp , sp , glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ;
sp + = slen + 1 ;
if ( ! glob_script_mem . script_sd_found ) {
if ( SD . begin ( USE_SCRIPT_FATFS ) ) {
glob_script_mem . script_sd_found = 1 ;
} else {
glob_script_mem . script_sd_found = 0 ;
for ( uint8_t cnt = 0 ; cnt < SFS_MAX ; cnt + + ) {
glob_script_mem . file_flags [ cnt ] . is_open = 0 ;
# endif
ClaimSerial ( ) ;
SetSerialBaudrate ( 9600 ) ;
# endif
// store start of actual program here
glob_script_mem . scriptptr = lp - 1 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
glob_script_mem . scriptptr_bu = glob_script_mem . scriptptr ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
return 0 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# ifdef USE_LIGHT
# ifdef USE_WS2812
void ws2812_set_array ( float * array , uint8_t len ) {
Ws2812ForceSuspend ( ) ;
for ( uint8_t cnt = 0 ; cnt < len ; cnt + + ) {
if ( cnt > Settings . light_pixels ) break ;
uint32_t col = array [ cnt ] ;
Ws2812SetColor ( cnt + 1 , col > > 16 , col > > 8 , col , 0 ) ;
Ws2812ForceUpdate ( ) ;
# endif
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# define NUM_RES 0xfe
# define STR_RES 0xfd
# define VAR_NV 0xff
# define NTYPE 0
# define STYPE 0x80
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# ifndef FLT_MAX
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# define FLT_MAX 99999999
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
float median_array ( float * array , uint8_t len ) {
uint8_t ind [ len ] ;
uint8_t mind = 0 , index = 0 , flg ;
float min = FLT_MAX ;
for ( uint8_t hcnt = 0 ; hcnt < len / 2 + 1 ; hcnt + + ) {
for ( uint8_t mcnt = 0 ; mcnt < len ; mcnt + + ) {
flg = 0 ;
for ( uint8_t icnt = 0 ; icnt < index ; icnt + + ) {
if ( ind [ icnt ] = = mcnt ) {
flg = 1 ;
if ( ! flg ) {
if ( array [ mcnt ] < min ) {
min = array [ mcnt ] ;
mind = mcnt ;
ind [ index ] = mind ;
index + + ;
min = FLT_MAX ;
return array [ ind [ len / 2 ] ] ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
float * Get_MFAddr ( uint8_t index , uint8_t * len ) {
* len = 0 ;
uint8_t * mp = ( uint8_t * ) glob_script_mem . mfilt ;
for ( uint8_t count = 0 ; count < MAXFILT ; count + + ) {
struct M_FILT * mflp = ( struct M_FILT * ) mp ;
if ( count = = index ) {
* len = mflp - > numvals & 0x7f ;
return mflp - > rbuff ;
mp + = sizeof ( struct M_FILT ) + ( ( mflp - > numvals & 0x7f ) - 1 ) * sizeof ( float ) ;
return 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
float Get_MFVal ( uint8_t index , uint8_t bind ) {
uint8_t * mp = ( uint8_t * ) glob_script_mem . mfilt ;
for ( uint8_t count = 0 ; count < MAXFILT ; count + + ) {
struct M_FILT * mflp = ( struct M_FILT * ) mp ;
if ( count = = index ) {
uint8_t maxind = mflp - > numvals & 0x7f ;
if ( ! bind ) {
return mflp - > index ;
if ( bind < 1 | | bind > maxind ) bind = maxind ;
return mflp - > rbuff [ bind - 1 ] ;
mp + = sizeof ( struct M_FILT ) + ( ( mflp - > numvals & 0x7f ) - 1 ) * sizeof ( float ) ;
return 0 ;
void Set_MFVal ( uint8_t index , uint8_t bind , float val ) {
uint8_t * mp = ( uint8_t * ) glob_script_mem . mfilt ;
for ( uint8_t count = 0 ; count < MAXFILT ; count + + ) {
struct M_FILT * mflp = ( struct M_FILT * ) mp ;
if ( count = = index ) {
uint8_t maxind = mflp - > numvals & 0x7f ;
if ( ! bind ) {
mflp - > index = val ;
} else {
if ( bind < 1 | | bind > maxind ) bind = maxind ;
mflp - > rbuff [ bind - 1 ] = val ;
return ;
mp + = sizeof ( struct M_FILT ) + ( ( mflp - > numvals & 0x7f ) - 1 ) * sizeof ( float ) ;
float Get_MFilter ( uint8_t index ) {
uint8_t * mp = ( uint8_t * ) glob_script_mem . mfilt ;
for ( uint8_t count = 0 ; count < MAXFILT ; count + + ) {
struct M_FILT * mflp = ( struct M_FILT * ) mp ;
if ( count = = index ) {
if ( mflp - > numvals & 0x80 ) {
// moving average
return mflp - > maccu / ( mflp - > numvals & 0x7f ) ;
} else {
// median, sort array indices
return median_array ( mflp - > rbuff , mflp - > numvals ) ;
mp + = sizeof ( struct M_FILT ) + ( ( mflp - > numvals & 0x7f ) - 1 ) * sizeof ( float ) ;
return 0 ;
void Set_MFilter ( uint8_t index , float invar ) {
uint8_t * mp = ( uint8_t * ) glob_script_mem . mfilt ;
for ( uint8_t count = 0 ; count < MAXFILT ; count + + ) {
struct M_FILT * mflp = ( struct M_FILT * ) mp ;
if ( count = = index ) {
if ( mflp - > numvals & 0x80 ) {
// moving average
mflp - > maccu - = mflp - > rbuff [ mflp - > index ] ;
mflp - > maccu + = invar ;
mflp - > rbuff [ mflp - > index ] = invar ;
mflp - > index + + ;
if ( mflp - > index > = ( mflp - > numvals & 0x7f ) ) mflp - > index = 0 ;
} else {
// median
mflp - > rbuff [ mflp - > index ] = invar ;
mflp - > index + + ;
if ( mflp - > index > = mflp - > numvals ) mflp - > index = 0 ;
break ;
mp + = sizeof ( struct M_FILT ) + ( ( mflp - > numvals & 0x7f ) - 1 ) * sizeof ( float ) ;
# define MEDIAN_SIZE 5
float buffer [ MEDIAN_SIZE ] ;
int8_t index ;
} script_mf [ MEDIAN_FILTER_NUM ] ;
float DoMedian5 ( uint8_t index , float in ) {
if ( index > = MEDIAN_FILTER_NUM ) index = 0 ;
struct MEDIAN_FILTER * mf = & script_mf [ index ] ;
mf - > buffer [ mf - > index ] = in ;
mf - > index + + ;
if ( mf - > index > = MEDIAN_SIZE ) mf - > index = 0 ;
return median_array ( mf - > buffer , MEDIAN_SIZE ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# ifdef USE_LIGHT
//#ifdef USE_WS2812
uint32_t HSVToRGB ( uint16_t hue , uint8_t saturation , uint8_t value ) {
float r = 0 , g = 0 , b = 0 ;
struct HSV {
float H ;
float S ;
float V ;
} hsv ;
hsv . H = hue ;
hsv . S = ( float ) saturation / 100.0 ;
hsv . V = ( float ) value / 100.0 ;
if ( hsv . S = = 0 ) {
r = hsv . V ;
g = hsv . V ;
b = hsv . V ;
} else {
int i ;
float f , p , q , t ;
if ( hsv . H = = 360 )
hsv . H = 0 ;
hsv . H = hsv . H / 60 ;
i = ( int ) trunc ( hsv . H ) ;
f = hsv . H - i ;
p = hsv . V * ( 1.0 - hsv . S ) ;
q = hsv . V * ( 1.0 - ( hsv . S * f ) ) ;
t = hsv . V * ( 1.0 - ( hsv . S * ( 1.0 - f ) ) ) ;
switch ( i )
case 0 :
r = hsv . V ;
g = t ;
b = p ;
break ;
case 1 :
r = q ;
g = hsv . V ;
b = p ;
break ;
case 2 :
r = p ;
g = hsv . V ;
b = t ;
break ;
case 3 :
r = p ;
g = q ;
b = hsv . V ;
break ;
case 4 :
r = t ;
g = p ;
b = hsv . V ;
break ;
default :
r = hsv . V ;
g = p ;
b = q ;
break ;
uint8_t ir , ig , ib ;
ir = r * 255 ;
ig = g * 255 ;
ib = b * 255 ;
uint32_t rgb = ( ir < < 16 ) | ( ig < < 8 ) | ib ;
return rgb ;
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
// vtype => ff=nothing found, fe=constant number,fd = constant string else bit 7 => 80 = string, 0 = number
// no flash strings here for performance reasons!!!
char * isvar ( char * lp , uint8_t * vtype , struct T_INDEX * tind , float * fp , char * sp , JsonObject * jo ) {
uint16_t count , len = 0 ;
uint8_t nres = 0 ;
char vname [ 32 ] ;
float fvar = 0 ;
tind - > index = 0 ;
tind - > bits . data = 0 ;
if ( isdigit ( * lp ) | | ( * lp = = ' - ' & & isdigit ( * ( lp + 1 ) ) ) | | * lp = = ' . ' ) {
// isnumber
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( fp ) {
if ( * lp = = ' 0 ' & & * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' x ' ) {
lp + = 2 ;
* fp = strtol ( lp , 0 , 16 ) ;
} else {
* fp = CharToFloat ( lp ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( * lp = = ' - ' ) lp + + ;
while ( isdigit ( * lp ) | | * lp = = ' . ' ) {
if ( * lp = = 0 | | * lp = = SCRIPT_EOL ) break ;
lp + + ;
tind - > bits . constant = 1 ;
tind - > bits . is_string = 0 ;
* vtype = NUM_RES ;
return lp ;
if ( * lp = = ' " ' ) {
lp + + ;
while ( * lp ! = ' " ' ) {
if ( * lp = = 0 | | * lp = = SCRIPT_EOL ) break ;
uint8_t iob = * lp ;
if ( iob = = ' \\ ' ) {
lp + + ;
if ( * lp = = ' t ' ) {
iob = ' \t ' ;
} else if ( * lp = = ' n ' ) {
iob = ' \n ' ;
} else if ( * lp = = ' r ' ) {
iob = ' \r ' ;
} else if ( * lp = = ' \\ ' ) {
iob = ' \\ ' ;
} else {
lp - - ;
if ( sp ) * sp + + = iob ;
} else {
if ( sp ) * sp + + = iob ;
lp + + ;
if ( sp ) * sp = 0 ;
* vtype = STR_RES ;
tind - > bits . constant = 1 ;
tind - > bits . is_string = 1 ;
return lp + 1 ;
if ( * lp = = ' - ' ) {
// inverted var
nres = 1 ;
lp + + ;
const char * term = " \n \r ])=+-/*%><!^&|} " ;
for ( count = 0 ; count < sizeof ( vname ) ; count + + ) {
char iob = lp [ count ] ;
if ( ! iob | | strchr ( term , iob ) ) {
vname [ count ] = 0 ;
break ;
vname [ count ] = iob ;
len + = 1 ;
if ( ! vname [ 0 ] ) {
// empty string
* vtype = VAR_NV ;
tind - > index = VAR_NV ;
glob_script_mem . var_not_found = 1 ;
return lp ;
struct T_INDEX * vtp = glob_script_mem . type ;
char dvnam [ 32 ] ;
strcpy ( dvnam , vname ) ;
uint8_t olen = len ;
last_findex = - 1 ;
char * ja = strchr ( dvnam , ' [ ' ) ;
if ( ja ) {
* ja = 0 ;
ja + + ;
olen = strlen ( dvnam ) ;
for ( count = 0 ; count < glob_script_mem . numvars ; count + + ) {
char * cp = glob_script_mem . glob_vnp + glob_script_mem . vnp_offset [ count ] ;
uint8_t slen = strlen ( cp ) ;
if ( slen = = olen & & * cp = = dvnam [ 0 ] ) {
if ( ! strncmp ( cp , dvnam , olen ) ) {
uint8_t index = vtp [ count ] . index ;
* tind = vtp [ count ] ;
tind - > index = count ; // overwrite with global var index
if ( vtp [ count ] . bits . is_string = = 0 ) {
* vtype = NTYPE | index ;
if ( vtp [ count ] . bits . is_filter ) {
if ( ja ) {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
lp + = olen + 1 ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
last_findex = fvar ;
fvar = Get_MFVal ( index , fvar ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
len = 1 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else {
fvar = Get_MFilter ( index ) ;
} else {
fvar = glob_script_mem . fvars [ index ] ;
if ( nres ) fvar = - fvar ;
if ( fp ) * fp = fvar ;
} else {
* vtype = STYPE | index ;
if ( sp ) strlcpy ( sp , glob_script_mem . glob_snp + ( index * glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) , SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ) ;
return lp + len ;
if ( jo ) {
// look for json input
const char * str_value ;
uint8_t aindex ;
String vn ;
char * ja = strchr ( vname , ' [ ' ) ;
if ( ja ) {
// json array
* ja = 0 ;
ja + + ;
// fetch array index
float fvar ;
GetNumericResult ( ja , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
aindex = fvar ;
if ( aindex < 1 | | aindex > 6 ) aindex = 1 ;
aindex - - ;
if ( jo - > success ( ) ) {
char * subtype = strchr ( vname , ' # ' ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
char * subtype2 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( subtype ) {
* subtype = 0 ;
subtype + + ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
subtype2 = strchr ( subtype , ' # ' ) ;
if ( subtype2 ) {
* subtype2 = 0 ;
* subtype2 + + ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
vn = vname ;
str_value = ( * jo ) [ vn ] ;
if ( ( * jo ) [ vn ] . success ( ) ) {
if ( subtype ) {
JsonObject & jobj1 = ( * jo ) [ vn ] ;
if ( jobj1 . success ( ) ) {
vn = subtype ;
jo = & jobj1 ;
str_value = ( * jo ) [ vn ] ;
if ( ( * jo ) [ vn ] . success ( ) ) {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
// 2. stage
if ( subtype2 ) {
JsonObject & jobj2 = ( * jo ) [ vn ] ;
if ( ( * jo ) [ vn ] . success ( ) ) {
vn = subtype2 ;
jo = & jobj2 ;
str_value = ( * jo ) [ vn ] ;
if ( ( * jo ) [ vn ] . success ( ) ) {
goto skip ;
} else {
goto chknext ;
} else {
goto chknext ;
// end
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
goto skip ;
} else {
goto chknext ;
skip :
if ( ja ) {
// json array
str_value = ( * jo ) [ vn ] [ aindex ] ;
if ( str_value & & * str_value ) {
if ( ( * jo ) . is < char * > ( vn ) ) {
if ( ! strncmp ( str_value , " ON " , 2 ) ) {
if ( fp ) * fp = 1 ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( str_value , " OFF " , 3 ) ) {
if ( fp ) * fp = 0 ;
} else {
* vtype = STR_RES ;
tind - > bits . constant = 1 ;
tind - > bits . is_string = 1 ;
if ( sp ) strlcpy ( sp , str_value , SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ) ;
return lp + len ;
} else {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( fp ) {
if ( ! strncmp ( vn . c_str ( ) , " Epoch " , 5 ) ) {
* fp = atoi ( str_value ) - ( uint32_t ) EPOCH_OFFSET ;
} else {
* fp = CharToFloat ( ( char * ) str_value ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
* vtype = NUM_RES ;
tind - > bits . constant = 1 ;
tind - > bits . is_string = 0 ;
return lp + len ;
chknext :
switch ( vname [ 0 ] ) {
case ' b ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " boot " , 4 ) ) {
if ( rules_flag . system_boot ) {
rules_flag . system_boot = 0 ;
fvar = 1 ;
goto exit ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " bt[ " , 3 ) ) {
// tasmota button state
GetNumericResult ( vname + 3 , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
uint32_t index = fvar ;
if ( index < 1 | | index > MAX_KEYS ) index = 1 ;
fvar = script_button [ index - 1 ] ;
script_button [ index - 1 ] | = 0x80 ;
len + + ;
goto exit ;
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
break ;
case ' c ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " chg[ " , 4 ) ) {
// var changed
struct T_INDEX ind ;
uint8_t vtype ;
isvar ( vname + 4 , & vtype , & ind , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( ! ind . bits . constant ) {
uint8_t index = glob_script_mem . type [ ind . index ] . index ;
if ( glob_script_mem . fvars [ index ] ! = glob_script_mem . s_fvars [ index ] ) {
// var has changed
glob_script_mem . s_fvars [ index ] = glob_script_mem . fvars [ index ] ;
fvar = 1 ;
len + + ;
goto exit ;
} else {
fvar = 0 ;
len + + ;
goto exit ;
break ;
case ' d ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " day " , 3 ) ) {
fvar = RtcTime . day_of_month ;
goto exit ;
break ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
case ' e ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " epoch " , 5 ) ) {
fvar = UtcTime ( ) - ( uint32_t ) EPOCH_OFFSET ;
goto exit ;
break ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
case ' f ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " fo( " , 3 ) ) {
lp + = 3 ;
char str [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , str , 0 ) ;
while ( * lp = = ' ' ) lp + + ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
uint8_t mode = fvar ;
fvar = - 1 ;
for ( uint8_t cnt = 0 ; cnt < SFS_MAX ; cnt + + ) {
if ( ! glob_script_mem . file_flags [ cnt ] . is_open ) {
if ( mode = = 0 ) {
glob_script_mem . files [ cnt ] = SD . open ( str , FILE_READ ) ;
if ( glob_script_mem . files [ cnt ] . isDirectory ( ) ) {
glob_script_mem . files [ cnt ] . rewindDirectory ( ) ;
glob_script_mem . file_flags [ cnt ] . is_dir = 1 ;
} else {
glob_script_mem . file_flags [ cnt ] . is_dir = 0 ;
else glob_script_mem . files [ cnt ] = SD . open ( str , FILE_WRITE ) ;
if ( glob_script_mem . files [ cnt ] ) {
fvar = cnt ;
glob_script_mem . file_flags [ cnt ] . is_open = 1 ;
} else {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
AddLog_P ( LOG_LEVEL_INFO , PSTR ( " file open failed " ) ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
break ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " fc( " , 3 ) ) {
lp + = 3 ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
uint8_t ind = fvar ;
if ( ind > = SFS_MAX ) ind = SFS_MAX - 1 ;
glob_script_mem . files [ ind ] . close ( ) ;
glob_script_mem . file_flags [ ind ] . is_open = 0 ;
fvar = 0 ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " ff( " , 3 ) ) {
lp + = 3 ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
uint8_t ind = fvar ;
if ( ind > = SFS_MAX ) ind = SFS_MAX - 1 ;
glob_script_mem . files [ ind ] . flush ( ) ;
fvar = 0 ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " fw( " , 3 ) ) {
lp + = 3 ;
char str [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = ForceStringVar ( lp , str ) ;
while ( * lp = = ' ' ) lp + + ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
uint8_t ind = fvar ;
if ( ind > = SFS_MAX ) ind = SFS_MAX - 1 ;
if ( glob_script_mem . file_flags [ ind ] . is_open ) {
fvar = glob_script_mem . files [ ind ] . print ( str ) ;
} else {
fvar = 0 ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " fr( " , 3 ) ) {
lp + = 3 ;
struct T_INDEX ind ;
uint8_t vtype ;
uint8_t sindex = 0 ;
lp = isvar ( lp , & vtype , & ind , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( vtype ! = VAR_NV ) {
// found variable as result
if ( ( vtype & STYPE ) = = 0 ) {
// error
fvar = 0 ;
goto exit ;
} else {
// string result
sindex = glob_script_mem . type [ ind . index ] . index ;
} else {
// error
fvar = 0 ;
goto exit ;
while ( * lp = = ' ' ) lp + + ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
uint8_t find = fvar ;
if ( find > = SFS_MAX ) find = SFS_MAX - 1 ;
uint8_t index = 0 ;
char str [ glob_script_mem . max_ssize + 1 ] ;
char * cp = str ;
if ( glob_script_mem . file_flags [ find ] . is_open ) {
if ( glob_script_mem . file_flags [ find ] . is_dir ) {
while ( true ) {
File entry = glob_script_mem . files [ find ] . openNextFile ( ) ;
if ( entry ) {
if ( ! reject ( ( char * ) entry . name ( ) ) ) {
strcpy ( str , entry . name ( ) ) ;
entry . close ( ) ;
break ;
} else {
* cp = 0 ;
break ;
entry . close ( ) ;
index = strlen ( str ) ;
} else {
while ( glob_script_mem . files [ find ] . available ( ) ) {
uint8_t buf [ 1 ] ;
glob_script_mem . files [ find ] . read ( buf , 1 ) ;
if ( buf [ 0 ] = = ' \t ' | | buf [ 0 ] = = ' , ' | | buf [ 0 ] = = ' \n ' | | buf [ 0 ] = = ' \r ' ) {
break ;
} else {
* cp + + = buf [ 0 ] ;
index + + ;
if ( index > = glob_script_mem . max_ssize - 1 ) break ;
* cp = 0 ;
} else {
strcpy ( str , " file error " ) ;
lp + + ;
strlcpy ( glob_script_mem . glob_snp + ( sindex * glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) , str , glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ;
fvar = index ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " fd( " , 3 ) ) {
lp + = 3 ;
char str [ glob_script_mem . max_ssize + 1 ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , str , 0 ) ;
SD . remove ( str ) ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " fe( " , 3 ) ) {
lp + = 3 ;
char str [ glob_script_mem . max_ssize + 1 ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , str , 0 ) ;
// execute script
File ef = SD . open ( str ) ;
if ( ef ) {
uint16_t fsiz = ef . size ( ) ;
if ( fsiz < 2048 ) {
char * script = ( char * ) calloc ( fsiz + 16 , 1 ) ;
if ( script ) {
ef . read ( ( uint8_t * ) script , fsiz ) ;
execute_script ( script ) ;
free ( script ) ;
fvar = 1 ;
ef . close ( ) ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " fmd( " , 4 ) ) {
lp + = 4 ;
char str [ glob_script_mem . max_ssize + 1 ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , str , 0 ) ;
fvar = SD . mkdir ( str ) ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " frd( " , 4 ) ) {
lp + = 4 ;
char str [ glob_script_mem . max_ssize + 1 ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , str , 0 ) ;
fvar = SD . rmdir ( str ) ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " fx( " , 3 ) ) {
lp + = 3 ;
char str [ glob_script_mem . max_ssize + 1 ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , str , 0 ) ;
if ( SD . exists ( str ) ) fvar = 1 ;
else fvar = 0 ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
# endif
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " fl1( " , 4 ) | | ! strncmp ( vname , " fl2( " , 4 ) ) {
uint8_t lknum = * ( lp + 2 ) & 3 ;
lp + = 4 ;
char str [ glob_script_mem . max_ssize + 1 ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , str , 0 ) ;
if ( lknum < 1 | | lknum > 2 ) lknum = 1 ;
strlcpy ( glob_script_mem . flink [ lknum - 1 ] , str , 14 ) ;
lp + + ;
fvar = 0 ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " fsm " , 3 ) ) {
fvar = glob_script_mem . script_sd_found ;
goto exit ;
break ;
case ' g ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " gtmp " , 4 ) ) {
fvar = global_temperature ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " ghum " , 4 ) ) {
fvar = global_humidity ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " gprs " , 4 ) ) {
fvar = global_pressure ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " gtopic " , 6 ) ) {
if ( sp ) strlcpy ( sp , Settings . mqtt_grptopic , glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ;
goto strexit ;
break ;
case ' h ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " hours " , 5 ) ) {
fvar = RtcTime . hour ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " heap " , 4 ) ) {
fvar = ESP . getFreeHeap ( ) ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " hn( " , 3 ) ) {
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp + 3 , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
if ( fvar < 0 | | fvar > 255 ) fvar = 0 ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
if ( sp ) {
sprintf ( sp , " %02x " , ( uint8_t ) fvar ) ;
goto strexit ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " hx( " , 3 ) ) {
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp + 3 , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
if ( sp ) {
sprintf ( sp , " %08x " , ( uint32_t ) fvar ) ;
goto strexit ;
# ifdef USE_LIGHT
//#ifdef USE_WS2812
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " hsvrgb( " , 7 ) ) {
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp + 7 , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
if ( fvar < 0 | | fvar > 360 ) fvar = 0 ;
// arg2
float fvar2 ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar2 , 0 ) ;
if ( fvar2 < 0 | | fvar2 > 100 ) fvar2 = 0 ;
// arg3
float fvar3 ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar3 , 0 ) ;
if ( fvar3 < 0 | | fvar3 > 100 ) fvar3 = 0 ;
fvar = HSVToRGB ( fvar , fvar2 , fvar3 ) ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
break ;
case ' i ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " int( " , 4 ) ) {
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp + 4 , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
fvar = floor ( fvar ) ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
break ;
case ' l ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " loglvl " , 6 ) ) {
fvar = glob_script_mem . script_loglevel ;
tind - > index = SCRIPT_LOGLEVEL ;
exit_settable :
if ( fp ) * fp = fvar ;
* vtype = NTYPE ;
tind - > bits . settable = 1 ;
tind - > bits . is_string = 0 ;
return lp + len ;
break ;
case ' m ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " med( " , 4 ) ) {
float fvar1 ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp + 4 , OPER_EQU , & fvar1 , 0 ) ;
// arg2
float fvar2 ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar2 , 0 ) ;
fvar = DoMedian5 ( fvar1 , fvar2 ) ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " micros " , 6 ) ) {
fvar = micros ( ) ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " millis " , 6 ) ) {
fvar = millis ( ) ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " mins " , 4 ) ) {
fvar = RtcTime . minute ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " month " , 5 ) ) {
fvar = RtcTime . month ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " mqttc " , 5 ) ) {
if ( rules_flag . mqtt_connected ) {
rules_flag . mqtt_connected = 0 ;
fvar = 1 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " mqttd " , 5 ) ) {
if ( rules_flag . mqtt_disconnected ) {
rules_flag . mqtt_disconnected = 0 ;
fvar = 1 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " mqtts " , 5 ) ) {
fvar = ! global_state . mqtt_down ;
goto exit ;
break ;
case ' p ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " pin[ " , 4 ) ) {
// raw pin level
GetNumericResult ( vname + 4 , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
fvar = digitalRead ( ( uint8_t ) fvar ) ;
// skip ] bracket
len + + ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " pn[ " , 3 ) ) {
GetNumericResult ( vname + 3 , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
fvar = pin [ ( uint8_t ) fvar ] ;
// skip ] bracket
len + + ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " pd[ " , 3 ) ) {
GetNumericResult ( vname + 3 , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
uint8_t gpiopin = fvar ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < GPIO_SENSOR_END ; i + + ) {
if ( pin [ i ] = = gpiopin ) {
fvar = i ;
// skip ] bracket
len + + ;
goto exit ;
fvar = 999 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " prefix1 " , 7 ) ) {
if ( sp ) strlcpy ( sp , Settings . mqtt_prefix [ 0 ] , glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ;
goto strexit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " prefix2 " , 7 ) ) {
if ( sp ) strlcpy ( sp , Settings . mqtt_prefix [ 1 ] , glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ;
goto strexit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " prefix3 " , 7 ) ) {
if ( sp ) strlcpy ( sp , Settings . mqtt_prefix [ 2 ] , glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ;
goto strexit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " pow( " , 4 ) ) {
// arg1
float fvar1 ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp + 4 , OPER_EQU , & fvar1 , 0 ) ;
// arg2
float fvar2 ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar2 , 0 ) ;
lp + + ;
fvar = FastPrecisePow ( fvar1 , fvar2 ) ;
len = 0 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " pwr[ " , 4 ) ) {
GetNumericResult ( vname + 4 , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
uint8_t index = fvar ;
if ( index < = devices_present ) {
fvar = bitRead ( power , index - 1 ) ;
} else {
fvar = - 1 ;
len + = 1 ;
goto exit ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " pc[ " , 3 ) ) {
GetNumericResult ( vname + 3 , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
uint8_t index = fvar ;
if ( index < 1 | | index > MAX_COUNTERS ) index = 1 ;
fvar = RtcSettings . pulse_counter [ index - 1 ] ;
len + = 1 ;
goto exit ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
break ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
case ' r ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " ram " , 3 ) ) {
fvar = glob_script_mem . script_mem_size + ( glob_script_mem . script_size ) + ( MAX_RULE_MEMS * 10 ) ;
goto exit ;
break ;
case ' s ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " secs " , 4 ) ) {
fvar = RtcTime . second ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " sw[ " , 3 ) ) {
// tasmota switch state
GetNumericResult ( vname + 3 , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
fvar = SwitchLastState ( ( uint8_t ) fvar ) ;
// skip ] bracket
len + + ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " stack " , 5 ) ) {
fvar = GetStack ( ) ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " slen " , 4 ) ) {
fvar = strlen ( glob_script_mem . script_ram ) ;
goto exit ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " sl( " , 3 ) ) {
lp + = 3 ;
char str [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , str , 0 ) ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
fvar = strlen ( str ) ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " sb( " , 3 ) ) {
lp + = 3 ;
char str [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , str , 0 ) ;
float fvar1 ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar1 , 0 ) ;
float fvar2 ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar2 , 0 ) ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
if ( fvar1 < 0 ) {
fvar1 = strlen ( str ) + fvar1 ;
memcpy ( sp , & str [ ( uint8_t ) fvar1 ] , ( uint8_t ) fvar2 ) ;
sp [ ( uint8_t ) fvar2 ] = ' \0 ' ;
goto strexit ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " st( " , 3 ) ) {
lp + = 3 ;
char str [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , str , 0 ) ;
while ( * lp = = ' ' ) lp + + ;
char token [ 2 ] ;
token [ 0 ] = * lp + + ;
token [ 1 ] = 0 ;
while ( * lp = = ' ' ) lp + + ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
// skip ) bracket
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
if ( sp ) {
// get stringtoken
char * st = strtok ( str , token ) ;
if ( ! st ) {
* sp = 0 ;
} else {
for ( uint8_t cnt = 1 ; cnt < = fvar ; cnt + + ) {
if ( cnt = = fvar ) {
strcpy ( sp , st ) ;
break ;
st = strtok ( NULL , token ) ;
if ( ! st ) {
* sp = 0 ;
break ;
goto strexit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " s( " , 2 ) ) {
lp + = 2 ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
char str [ glob_script_mem . max_ssize + 1 ] ;
dtostrfd ( fvar , glob_script_mem . script_dprec , str ) ;
if ( sp ) strlcpy ( sp , str , glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ;
lp + + ;
len = 0 ;
goto strexit ;
# if defined(USE_TIMERS) && defined(USE_SUNRISE)
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " sunrise " , 7 ) ) {
fvar = SunMinutes ( 0 ) ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " sunset " , 6 ) ) {
fvar = SunMinutes ( 1 ) ;
goto exit ;
# endif
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " sht[ " , 4 ) ) {
GetNumericResult ( vname + 4 , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
uint8_t index = fvar ;
if ( index < = shutters_present ) {
fvar = Settings . shutter_position [ index - 1 ] ;
} else {
fvar = - 1 ;
len + = 1 ;
goto exit ;
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
break ;
case ' t ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " time " , 4 ) ) {
fvar = MinutesPastMidnight ( ) ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " tper " , 4 ) ) {
fvar = Settings . tele_period ;
tind - > index = SCRIPT_TELEPERIOD ;
goto exit_settable ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " tinit " , 5 ) ) {
if ( rules_flag . time_init ) {
rules_flag . time_init = 0 ;
fvar = 1 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " tset " , 4 ) ) {
if ( rules_flag . time_set ) {
rules_flag . time_set = 0 ;
fvar = 1 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " tstamp " , 6 ) ) {
if ( sp ) strlcpy ( sp , GetDateAndTime ( DT_LOCAL ) . c_str ( ) , glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ;
goto strexit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " topic " , 5 ) ) {
if ( sp ) strlcpy ( sp , Settings . mqtt_topic , glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ;
goto strexit ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " tbut[ " , 5 ) ) {
GetNumericResult ( vname + 5 , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
uint8_t index = fvar ;
if ( index < 1 | | index > MAXBUTTONS ) index = 1 ;
index - - ;
if ( buttons [ index ] ) {
fvar = buttons [ index ] - > vpower & 0x80 ;
} else {
fvar = - 1 ;
len + = 1 ;
goto exit ;
# endif
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
break ;
case ' u ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " uptime " , 6 ) ) {
fvar = MinutesUptime ( ) ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " upsecs " , 6 ) ) {
fvar = uptime ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " upd[ " , 4 ) ) {
// var was updated
struct T_INDEX ind ;
uint8_t vtype ;
isvar ( vname + 4 , & vtype , & ind , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( ! ind . bits . constant ) {
if ( ! ind . bits . changed ) {
fvar = 0 ;
len + + ;
goto exit ;
} else {
glob_script_mem . type [ ind . index ] . bits . changed = 0 ;
fvar = 1 ;
len + + ;
goto exit ;
goto notfound ;
break ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
case ' w ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " wday " , 4 ) ) {
fvar = RtcTime . day_of_week ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " wific " , 5 ) ) {
if ( rules_flag . wifi_connected ) {
rules_flag . wifi_connected = 0 ;
fvar = 1 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " wifid " , 5 ) ) {
if ( rules_flag . wifi_disconnected ) {
rules_flag . wifi_disconnected = 0 ;
fvar = 1 ;
goto exit ;
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " wifis " , 5 ) ) {
fvar = ! global_state . wifi_down ;
goto exit ;
break ;
case ' y ' :
if ( ! strncmp ( vname , " year " , 4 ) ) {
fvar = RtcTime . year ;
goto exit ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// nothing valid found
notfound :
if ( fp ) * fp = 0 ;
* vtype = VAR_NV ;
tind - > index = VAR_NV ;
glob_script_mem . var_not_found = 1 ;
return lp ;
// return constant numbers
exit :
if ( fp ) * fp = fvar ;
* vtype = NUM_RES ;
tind - > bits . constant = 1 ;
tind - > bits . is_string = 0 ;
return lp + len ;
// return constant strings
strexit :
* vtype = STYPE ;
tind - > bits . constant = 1 ;
tind - > bits . is_string = 1 ;
return lp + len ;
char * getop ( char * lp , uint8_t * operand ) {
switch ( * lp ) {
case ' = ' :
if ( * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' = ' ) {
* operand = OPER_EQUEQU ;
return lp + 2 ;
} else {
* operand = OPER_EQU ;
return lp + 1 ;
break ;
case ' + ' :
if ( * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' = ' ) {
* operand = OPER_PLSEQU ;
return lp + 2 ;
} else {
* operand = OPER_PLS ;
return lp + 1 ;
break ;
case ' - ' :
if ( * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' = ' ) {
* operand = OPER_MINEQU ;
return lp + 2 ;
} else {
* operand = OPER_MIN ;
return lp + 1 ;
break ;
case ' * ' :
if ( * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' = ' ) {
* operand = OPER_MULEQU ;
return lp + 2 ;
} else {
* operand = OPER_MUL ;
return lp + 1 ;
break ;
case ' / ' :
if ( * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' = ' ) {
* operand = OPER_DIVEQU ;
return lp + 2 ;
} else {
* operand = OPER_DIV ;
return lp + 1 ;
break ;
case ' ! ' :
if ( * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' = ' ) {
* operand = OPER_NOTEQU ;
return lp + 2 ;
break ;
case ' > ' :
if ( * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' = ' ) {
* operand = OPER_GRTEQU ;
return lp + 2 ;
} else {
* operand = OPER_GRT ;
return lp + 1 ;
break ;
case ' < ' :
if ( * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' = ' ) {
* operand = OPER_LOWEQU ;
return lp + 2 ;
} else {
* operand = OPER_LOW ;
return lp + 1 ;
break ;
case ' % ' :
if ( * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' = ' ) {
* operand = OPER_PERCEQU ;
return lp + 2 ;
} else {
* operand = OPER_PERC ;
return lp + 1 ;
break ;
case ' ^ ' :
if ( * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' = ' ) {
* operand = OPER_XOREQU ;
return lp + 2 ;
} else {
* operand = OPER_XOR ;
return lp + 1 ;
break ;
case ' & ' :
if ( * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' = ' ) {
* operand = OPER_ANDEQU ;
return lp + 2 ;
} else {
* operand = OPER_AND ;
return lp + 1 ;
break ;
case ' | ' :
if ( * ( lp + 1 ) = = ' = ' ) {
* operand = OPER_OREQU ;
return lp + 2 ;
} else {
* operand = OPER_OR ;
return lp + 1 ;
break ;
* operand = 0 ;
return lp ;
# if defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_3_0) || defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_4_0) || defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_4_1)
// All version before core 2.4.2
// https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/2557
extern " C " {
# include <cont.h>
extern cont_t g_cont ;
uint16_t GetStack ( void ) {
register uint32_t * sp asm ( " a1 " ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
return ( 4 * ( sp - g_cont . stack ) ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# else
extern " C " {
# include <cont.h>
extern cont_t * g_pcont ;
uint16_t GetStack ( void ) {
register uint32_t * sp asm ( " a1 " ) ;
return ( 4 * ( sp - g_pcont - > stack ) ) ;
# endif
char * GetStringResult ( char * lp , uint8_t lastop , char * cp , JsonObject * jo ) {
uint8_t operand = 0 ;
uint8_t vtype ;
char * slp ;
struct T_INDEX ind ;
char str [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] , str1 [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
while ( 1 ) {
lp = isvar ( lp , & vtype , & ind , 0 , str1 , jo ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( vtype ! = STR_RES & & ! ( vtype & STYPE ) ) {
// numeric type
glob_script_mem . glob_error = 1 ;
return lp ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
switch ( lastop ) {
case OPER_EQU :
strlcpy ( str , str1 , sizeof ( str ) ) ;
break ;
case OPER_PLS :
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
strncat ( str , str1 , sizeof ( str ) ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
break ;
slp = lp ;
lp = getop ( lp , & operand ) ;
switch ( operand ) {
case OPER_LOW :
case OPER_GRT :
lp = slp ;
strcpy ( cp , str ) ;
return lp ;
break ;
default :
break ;
lastop = operand ;
if ( ! operand ) {
strcpy ( cp , str ) ;
return lp ;
char * GetNumericResult ( char * lp , uint8_t lastop , float * fp , JsonObject * jo ) {
uint8_t operand = 0 ;
float fvar1 , fvar ;
char * slp ;
uint8_t vtype ;
struct T_INDEX ind ;
while ( 1 ) {
// get 1. value
if ( * lp = = ' ( ' ) {
lp + + ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar1 , jo ) ;
lp + + ;
//if (*lp==')') lp++;
} else {
lp = isvar ( lp , & vtype , & ind , & fvar1 , 0 , jo ) ;
if ( vtype ! = NUM_RES & & vtype & STYPE ) {
// string type
glob_script_mem . glob_error = 1 ;
switch ( lastop ) {
case OPER_EQU :
fvar = fvar1 ;
break ;
case OPER_PLS :
fvar + = fvar1 ;
break ;
case OPER_MIN :
fvar - = fvar1 ;
break ;
case OPER_MUL :
fvar * = fvar1 ;
break ;
case OPER_DIV :
fvar / = fvar1 ;
break ;
case OPER_PERC :
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
fvar = fmodf ( fvar , fvar1 ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
break ;
case OPER_XOR :
fvar = ( uint32_t ) fvar ^ ( uint32_t ) fvar1 ;
break ;
case OPER_AND :
fvar = ( uint32_t ) fvar & ( uint32_t ) fvar1 ;
break ;
case OPER_OR :
fvar = ( uint32_t ) fvar | ( uint32_t ) fvar1 ;
break ;
default :
break ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
slp = lp ;
lp = getop ( lp , & operand ) ;
switch ( operand ) {
case OPER_LOW :
case OPER_GRT :
lp = slp ;
* fp = fvar ;
return lp ;
break ;
default :
break ;
lastop = operand ;
if ( ! operand ) {
* fp = fvar ;
return lp ;
char * ForceStringVar ( char * lp , char * dstr ) {
float fvar ;
char * slp = lp ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
glob_script_mem . glob_error = 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , dstr , 0 ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( glob_script_mem . glob_error ) {
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
// mismatch
lp = GetNumericResult ( slp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
dtostrfd ( fvar , 6 , dstr ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
glob_script_mem . glob_error = 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
return lp ;
// replace vars in cmd %var%
void Replace_Cmd_Vars ( char * srcbuf , char * dstbuf , uint16_t dstsize ) {
char * cp ;
uint16_t count ;
uint8_t vtype ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
uint8_t dprec = glob_script_mem . script_dprec ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
float fvar ;
cp = srcbuf ;
struct T_INDEX ind ;
char string [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
dstsize - = 2 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
for ( count = 0 ; count < dstsize ; count + + ) {
if ( * cp = = ' % ' ) {
cp + + ;
if ( * cp = = ' % ' ) {
dstbuf [ count ] = * cp + + ;
} else {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( isdigit ( * cp ) ) {
dprec = * cp & 0xf ;
cp + + ;
} else {
dprec = glob_script_mem . script_dprec ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
cp = isvar ( cp , & vtype , & ind , & fvar , string , 0 ) ;
if ( vtype ! = VAR_NV ) {
// found variable as result
if ( vtype = = NUM_RES | | ( vtype & STYPE ) = = 0 ) {
// numeric result
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
dtostrfd ( fvar , dprec , string ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else {
// string result
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
uint8_t slen = strlen ( string ) ;
if ( count + slen < dstsize - 1 ) {
strcpy ( & dstbuf [ count ] , string ) ;
count + = slen - 1 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
cp + + ;
} else {
strcpy ( & dstbuf [ count ] , " ??? " ) ;
count + = 2 ;
while ( * cp ! = ' % ' ) {
if ( * cp = = 0 | | * cp = = SCRIPT_EOL ) {
dstbuf [ count + 1 ] = 0 ;
return ;
cp + + ;
cp + + ;
} else {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( * cp = = ' \\ ' ) {
cp + + ;
if ( * cp = = ' n ' ) {
dstbuf [ count ] = ' \n ' ;
} else if ( * cp = = ' r ' ) {
dstbuf [ count ] = ' \r ' ;
} else if ( * cp = = ' \\ ' ) {
dstbuf [ count ] = ' \\ ' ;
} else {
dstbuf [ count ] = * cp ;
} else {
dstbuf [ count ] = * cp ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( * cp = = 0 ) {
break ;
cp + + ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
dstbuf [ count ] = 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
void toLog ( const char * str ) {
if ( ! str ) return ;
snprintf_P ( log_data , sizeof ( log_data ) , PSTR ( " %s " ) , str ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
void toLogN ( const char * cp , uint8_t len ) {
if ( ! cp ) return ;
char str [ 32 ] ;
if ( len > = sizeof ( str ) ) len = len > = sizeof ( str ) ;
strlcpy ( str , cp , len ) ;
toSLog ( str ) ;
void toLogEOL ( const char * s1 , const char * str ) {
if ( ! str ) return ;
uint8_t index = 0 ;
char * cp = log_data ;
strcpy ( cp , s1 ) ;
cp + = strlen ( s1 ) ;
while ( * str ) {
if ( * str = = SCRIPT_EOL ) break ;
* cp + + = * str + + ;
* cp = 0 ;
void toSLog ( const char * str ) {
if ( ! str ) return ;
while ( * str ) {
Serial . write ( * str ) ;
str + + ;
# endif
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
char * Evaluate_expression ( char * lp , uint8_t and_or , uint8_t * result , JsonObject * jo ) {
float fvar , * dfvar , fvar1 ;
uint8_t numeric ;
struct T_INDEX ind ;
uint8_t vtype = 0 , lastop ;
uint8_t res = 0 ;
if ( * lp = = ' ( ' ) {
lp + + ;
lp = Evaluate_expression ( lp , and_or , result , jo ) ;
lp + + ;
// check for next and or
if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " or " , 2 ) ) {
lp + = 2 ;
and_or = 1 ;
lp = Evaluate_expression ( lp , and_or , result , jo ) ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " and " , 3 ) ) {
lp + = 3 ;
and_or = 2 ;
lp = Evaluate_expression ( lp , and_or , result , jo ) ;
return lp ;
// compare
dfvar = & fvar ;
glob_script_mem . glob_error = 0 ;
char * slp = lp ;
numeric = 1 ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , dfvar , 0 ) ;
if ( glob_script_mem . glob_error = = 1 ) {
// was string, not number
char cmpstr [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = slp ;
numeric = 0 ;
// get the string
lp = isvar ( lp , & vtype , & ind , 0 , cmpstr , 0 ) ;
lp = getop ( lp , & lastop ) ;
// compare string
char str [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , str , jo ) ;
if ( lastop = = OPER_EQUEQU | | lastop = = OPER_NOTEQU ) {
uint8_t res = 0 ;
res = strcmp ( cmpstr , str ) ;
if ( lastop = = OPER_EQUEQU ) res = ! res ;
if ( ! and_or ) {
* result = res ;
} else if ( and_or = = 1 ) {
* result | = res ;
} else {
* result & = res ;
} else {
// numeric
// evaluate operand
lp = getop ( lp , & lastop ) ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar1 , jo ) ;
switch ( lastop ) {
res = ( * dfvar = = fvar1 ) ;
break ;
res = ( * dfvar ! = fvar1 ) ;
break ;
case OPER_LOW :
res = ( * dfvar < fvar1 ) ;
break ;
res = ( * dfvar < = fvar1 ) ;
break ;
case OPER_GRT :
res = ( * dfvar > fvar1 ) ;
break ;
res = ( * dfvar > = fvar1 ) ;
break ;
default :
// error
break ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ! and_or ) {
* result = res ;
} else if ( and_or = = 1 ) {
* result | = res ;
} else {
* result & = res ;
exit :
char tbuff [ 128 ] ;
sprintf ( tbuff , " p1=%d,p2=%d,cmpres=%d line: " , ( int32_t ) * dfvar , ( int32_t ) fvar1 , * result ) ;
toLogEOL ( tbuff , lp ) ;
# endif
return lp ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
//#define IFTHEN_DEBUG
# define IF_NEST 8
// execute section of scripter
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
int16_t Run_Scripter ( const char * type , int8_t tlen , char * js ) {
if ( tasm_cmd_activ & & tlen > 0 ) return 0 ;
uint8_t vtype = 0 , sindex , xflg , floop = 0 , globvindex , fromscriptcmd = 0 ;
int8_t globaindex ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
struct T_INDEX ind ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
uint8_t operand , lastop , numeric = 1 , if_state [ IF_NEST ] , if_exe [ IF_NEST ] , if_result [ IF_NEST ] , and_or , ifstck = 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if_state [ ifstck ] = 0 ;
if_result [ ifstck ] = 0 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if_exe [ ifstck ] = 1 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
char cmpstr [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
uint8_t check = 0 ;
if ( tlen < 0 ) {
tlen = abs ( tlen ) ;
check = 1 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
float * dfvar , * cv_count , cv_max , cv_inc ;
char * cv_ptr ;
float fvar = 0 , fvar1 , sysvar , swvar ;
uint8_t section = 0 , sysv_type = 0 , swflg = 0 ;
if ( ! glob_script_mem . scriptptr ) {
return - 99 ;
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer ; // on heap
JsonObject & jobj = jsonBuffer . parseObject ( js ) ;
JsonObject * jo ;
if ( js ) jo = & jobj ;
else jo = 0 ;
char * lp = glob_script_mem . scriptptr ;
while ( 1 ) {
// check line
// skip leading spaces
startline :
// skip empty line
// skip comment
if ( * lp = = ' ; ' ) goto next_line ;
if ( ! * lp ) break ;
if ( section ) {
// we are in section
if ( * lp = = ' > ' ) {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
return 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( * lp = = ' # ' ) {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
return 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
glob_script_mem . var_not_found = 0 ;
char tbuff [ 128 ] ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
sprintf ( tbuff , " stack=%d,exe=%d,state=%d,cmpres=%d line: " , ifstck , if_exe [ ifstck ] , if_state [ ifstck ] , if_result [ ifstck ] ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
toLogEOL ( tbuff , lp ) ;
# endif
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
//if (if_state[s_ifstck]==3 && if_result[s_ifstck]) goto next_line;
//if (if_state[s_ifstck]==2 && !if_result[s_ifstck]) goto next_line;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " if " , 2 ) ) {
lp + = 2 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ifstck < IF_NEST - 1 ) ifstck + + ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if_state [ ifstck ] = 1 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if_result [ ifstck ] = 0 ;
if ( ifstck = = 1 ) if_exe [ ifstck ] = 1 ;
else if_exe [ ifstck ] = if_exe [ ifstck - 1 ] ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
and_or = 0 ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " then " , 4 ) & & if_state [ ifstck ] = = 1 ) {
lp + = 4 ;
if_state [ ifstck ] = 2 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( if_exe [ ifstck - 1 ] ) if_exe [ ifstck ] = if_result [ ifstck ] ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " else " , 4 ) & & if_state [ ifstck ] = = 2 ) {
lp + = 4 ;
if_state [ ifstck ] = 3 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( if_exe [ ifstck - 1 ] ) if_exe [ ifstck ] = ! if_result [ ifstck ] ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " endif " , 5 ) & & if_state [ ifstck ] > = 2 ) {
lp + = 5 ;
if ( ifstck > 0 ) {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if_state [ ifstck ] = 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
ifstck - - ;
goto next_line ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " or " , 2 ) & & if_state [ ifstck ] = = 1 ) {
lp + = 2 ;
and_or = 1 ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " and " , 3 ) & & if_state [ ifstck ] = = 1 ) {
lp + = 3 ;
and_or = 2 ;
if ( * lp = = ' { ' & & if_state [ ifstck ] = = 1 ) {
lp + = 1 ; // then
if_state [ ifstck ] = 2 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( if_exe [ ifstck - 1 ] ) if_exe [ ifstck ] = if_result [ ifstck ] ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else if ( * lp = = ' { ' & & if_state [ ifstck ] = = 3 ) {
lp + = 1 ; // after else
} else if ( * lp = = ' } ' & & if_state [ ifstck ] > = 2 ) {
lp + + ; // must check for else
char * slp = lp ;
uint8_t iselse = 0 ;
for ( uint8_t count = 0 ; count < 8 ; count + + ) {
if ( * lp = = ' } ' ) {
// must be endif
break ;
if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " else " , 4 ) ) {
// is before else, no endif
if_state [ ifstck ] = 3 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( if_exe [ ifstck - 1 ] ) if_exe [ ifstck ] = ! if_result [ ifstck ] ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
lp + = 4 ;
iselse = 1 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( * lp = = ' { ' ) lp + + ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
break ;
lp + + ;
if ( ! iselse ) {
lp = slp ;
// endif
if ( ifstck > 0 ) {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if_state [ ifstck ] = 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
ifstck - - ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
goto next_line ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " for " , 3 ) ) {
// start for next loop, fetch 3 params
// simple implementation, zero loop count not supported
lp + = 3 ;
lp = isvar ( lp , & vtype , & ind , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( ( vtype ! = VAR_NV ) & & ( vtype & STYPE ) = = 0 ) {
// numeric var
uint8_t index = glob_script_mem . type [ ind . index ] . index ;
cv_count = & glob_script_mem . fvars [ index ] ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , cv_count , 0 ) ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & cv_max , 0 ) ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & cv_inc , 0 ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
cv_ptr = lp ;
floop = 1 ;
} else {
// error
toLogEOL ( " for error " , lp ) ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " next " , 4 ) & & floop > 0 ) {
// for next loop
* cv_count + = cv_inc ;
if ( * cv_count < = cv_max ) {
lp = cv_ptr ;
} else {
lp + = 4 ;
floop = 0 ;
if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " switch " , 6 ) ) {
lp + = 6 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
char * slp = lp ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & swvar , 0 ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( glob_script_mem . glob_error = = 1 ) {
// was string, not number
lp = slp ;
// get the string
lp = isvar ( lp , & vtype , & ind , 0 , cmpstr , 0 ) ;
swflg = 0x81 ;
} else {
swflg = 1 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " case " , 4 ) & & swflg > 0 ) {
lp + = 4 ;
float cvar ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ! ( swflg & 0x80 ) ) {
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & cvar , 0 ) ;
if ( swvar ! = cvar ) {
swflg = 2 ;
} else {
swflg = 1 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
char str [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , str , 0 ) ;
if ( ! strcmp ( cmpstr , str ) ) {
swflg = 0x81 ;
} else {
swflg = 0x82 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " ends " , 4 ) & & swflg > 0 ) {
lp + = 4 ;
swflg = 0 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ( swflg & 3 ) = = 2 ) goto next_line ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( * lp = = SCRIPT_EOL ) {
goto next_line ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ! if_exe [ ifstck ] & & if_state [ ifstck ] ! = 1 ) goto next_line ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
sprintf ( tbuff , " stack=%d,exe=%d,state=%d,cmpres=%d execute line: " , ifstck , if_exe [ ifstck ] , if_state [ ifstck ] , if_result [ ifstck ] ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
toLogEOL ( tbuff , lp ) ;
# endif
if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " break " , 5 ) ) {
if ( floop ) {
// should break loop
floop = 0 ;
} else {
section = 0 ;
break ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " dp " , 2 ) & & isdigit ( * ( lp + 2 ) ) ) {
lp + = 2 ;
// number precision
glob_script_mem . script_dprec = atoi ( lp ) ;
goto next_line ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " delay( " , 6 ) ) {
lp + = 5 ;
// delay
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
delay ( fvar ) ;
goto next_line ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " spinm( " , 6 ) ) {
lp + = 6 ;
// set pin mode
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
int8_t pinnr = fvar ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
int8_t mode = fvar ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
pinMode ( pinnr , mode & 3 ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
goto next_line ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " spin( " , 5 ) ) {
lp + = 5 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
// set pin
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
int8_t pinnr = fvar ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
int8_t mode = fvar ;
digitalWrite ( pinnr , mode & 1 ) ;
goto next_line ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " svars( " , 5 ) ) {
lp + = 5 ;
// save vars
Scripter_save_pvars ( ) ;
goto next_line ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# ifdef USE_LIGHT
# ifdef USE_WS2812
else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " ws2812( " , 7 ) ) {
lp + = 7 ;
lp = isvar ( lp , & vtype , & ind , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( vtype ! = VAR_NV ) {
// found variable as result
uint8_t index = glob_script_mem . type [ ind . index ] . index ;
if ( ( vtype & STYPE ) = = 0 ) {
// numeric result
if ( glob_script_mem . type [ index ] . bits . is_filter ) {
uint8_t len = 0 ;
float * fa = Get_MFAddr ( index , & len ) ;
//Serial.printf(">> 2 %d\n",(uint32_t)*fa);
if ( fa & & len ) ws2812_set_array ( fa , len ) ;
goto next_line ;
# endif
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " => " , 2 ) | | ! strncmp ( lp , " -> " , 2 ) | | ! strncmp ( lp , " +> " , 2 ) | | ! strncmp ( lp , " print " , 5 ) ) {
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
// execute cmd
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
uint8_t sflag = 0 , pflg = 0 , svmqtt , swll ;
if ( * lp = = ' p ' ) {
pflg = 1 ;
lp + = 5 ;
else {
if ( * lp = = ' - ' ) sflag = 1 ;
if ( * lp = = ' + ' ) sflag = 2 ;
lp + = 2 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
char * slp = lp ;
# define SCRIPT_CMDMEM 512
char * cmdmem = ( char * ) malloc ( SCRIPT_CMDMEM ) ;
if ( cmdmem ) {
char * cmd = cmdmem ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
uint16_t count ;
for ( count = 0 ; count < SCRIPT_CMDMEM / 2 - 2 ; count + + ) {
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
//if (*lp=='\r' || *lp=='\n' || *lp=='}') {
if ( ! * lp | | * lp = = ' \r ' | | * lp = = ' \n ' ) {
cmd [ count ] = 0 ;
break ;
cmd [ count ] = * lp + + ;
//snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), tmp);
// replace vars in cmd
char * tmp = cmdmem + SCRIPT_CMDMEM / 2 ;
Replace_Cmd_Vars ( cmd , tmp , SCRIPT_CMDMEM / 2 ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ! strncmp ( tmp , " print " , 5 ) | | pflg ) {
if ( pflg ) toLog ( tmp ) ;
else toLog ( & tmp [ 5 ] ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ! sflag ) {
tasm_cmd_activ = 1 ;
snprintf_P ( log_data , sizeof ( log_data ) , PSTR ( " Script: performs \" %s \" " ) , tmp ) ;
AddLog ( glob_script_mem . script_loglevel & 0x7f ) ;
} else if ( sflag = = 2 ) {
// allow recursive call
} else {
tasm_cmd_activ = 1 ;
svmqtt = Settings . flag . mqtt_enabled ;
swll = Settings . weblog_level ;
Settings . flag . mqtt_enabled = 0 ;
Settings . weblog_level = 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
ExecuteCommand ( ( char * ) tmp , SRC_RULE ) ;
tasm_cmd_activ = 0 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( sflag = = 1 ) {
Settings . flag . mqtt_enabled = svmqtt ;
Settings . weblog_level = swll ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( cmdmem ) free ( cmdmem ) ;
lp = slp ;
goto next_line ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " =# " , 2 ) ) {
// subroutine
lp + = 1 ;
char * slp = lp ;
uint8_t plen = 0 ;
while ( * lp ) {
if ( * lp = = ' \n ' | | * lp = = ' \r ' | | * lp = = ' ( ' ) {
break ;
lp + + ;
plen + + ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( fromscriptcmd ) {
char * sp = glob_script_mem . scriptptr ;
glob_script_mem . scriptptr = glob_script_mem . scriptptr_bu ;
Run_Scripter ( slp , plen , 0 ) ;
glob_script_mem . scriptptr = sp ;
} else {
Run_Scripter ( slp , plen , 0 ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
lp = slp ;
goto next_line ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lp , " =( " , 2 ) ) {
lp + = 2 ;
char str [ 128 ] ;
str [ 0 ] = ' > ' ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & str [ 1 ] , 0 ) ;
lp + + ;
execute_script ( str ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
// check for variable result
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( if_state [ ifstck ] = = 1 ) {
// evaluate exxpression
lp = Evaluate_expression ( lp , and_or , & if_result [ ifstck ] , jo ) ;
if ( * lp = = ' { ' & & if_state [ ifstck ] = = 1 ) {
lp + = 1 ; // then
if_state [ ifstck ] = 2 ;
if ( if_exe [ ifstck - 1 ] ) if_exe [ ifstck ] = if_result [ ifstck ] ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
goto next_line ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else {
lp = isvar ( lp , & vtype , & ind , & sysvar , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( vtype ! = VAR_NV ) {
// found variable as result
globvindex = ind . index ; // save destination var index here
globaindex = last_findex ;
uint8_t index = glob_script_mem . type [ ind . index ] . index ;
if ( ( vtype & STYPE ) = = 0 ) {
// numeric result
if ( ind . bits . settable ) {
dfvar = & sysvar ;
sysv_type = ind . index ;
} else {
dfvar = & glob_script_mem . fvars [ index ] ;
sysv_type = 0 ;
numeric = 1 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
lp = getop ( lp , & lastop ) ;
char * slp = lp ;
glob_script_mem . glob_error = 0 ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , jo ) ;
if ( glob_script_mem . glob_error = = 1 ) {
// mismatch was string, not number
// get the string and convert to number
lp = isvar ( slp , & vtype , & ind , 0 , cmpstr , jo ) ;
fvar = CharToFloat ( cmpstr ) ;
switch ( lastop ) {
case OPER_EQU :
if ( glob_script_mem . var_not_found ) {
if ( ! js ) toLogEOL ( " var not found: " , lp ) ;
goto next_line ;
* dfvar = fvar ;
break ;
* dfvar + = fvar ;
break ;
* dfvar - = fvar ;
break ;
* dfvar * = fvar ;
break ;
* dfvar / = fvar ;
break ;
* dfvar = fmodf ( * dfvar , fvar ) ;
break ;
* dfvar = ( uint32_t ) * dfvar & ( uint32_t ) fvar ;
break ;
* dfvar = ( uint32_t ) * dfvar | ( uint32_t ) fvar ;
break ;
* dfvar = ( uint32_t ) * dfvar ^ ( uint32_t ) fvar ;
break ;
default :
// error
break ;
// var was changed
glob_script_mem . type [ globvindex ] . bits . changed = 1 ;
if ( glob_script_mem . type [ globvindex ] . bits . is_filter ) {
if ( globaindex > = 0 ) {
Set_MFVal ( glob_script_mem . type [ globvindex ] . index , globaindex , * dfvar ) ;
} else {
Set_MFilter ( glob_script_mem . type [ globvindex ] . index , * dfvar ) ;
if ( sysv_type ) {
switch ( sysv_type ) {
glob_script_mem . script_loglevel = * dfvar ;
break ;
if ( * dfvar < 10 ) * dfvar = 10 ;
if ( * dfvar > 300 ) * dfvar = 300 ;
Settings . tele_period = * dfvar ;
break ;
sysv_type = 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
// string result
numeric = 0 ;
sindex = index ;
// string result
char str [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = getop ( lp , & lastop ) ;
char * slp = lp ;
glob_script_mem . glob_error = 0 ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , str , jo ) ;
if ( ! js & & glob_script_mem . glob_error ) {
// mismatch
lp = GetNumericResult ( slp , OPER_EQU , & fvar , 0 ) ;
dtostrfd ( fvar , 6 , str ) ;
glob_script_mem . glob_error = 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ! glob_script_mem . var_not_found ) {
// var was changed
glob_script_mem . type [ globvindex ] . bits . changed = 1 ;
if ( lastop = = OPER_EQU ) {
strlcpy ( glob_script_mem . glob_snp + ( sindex * glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) , str , glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ;
} else if ( lastop = = OPER_PLSEQU ) {
strncat ( glob_script_mem . glob_snp + ( sindex * glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) , str , glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( * lp = = ' { ' & & if_state [ ifstck ] = = 3 ) {
lp + = 1 ; // else
goto next_line ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else {
// decode line
if ( * lp = = ' > ' & & tlen = = 1 ) {
// called from cmdline
lp + + ;
section = 1 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
fromscriptcmd = 1 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
goto startline ;
if ( ! strncmp ( lp , type , tlen ) ) {
// found section
section = 1 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
glob_script_mem . section_ptr = lp ;
if ( check ) {
return 99 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
// check for subroutine
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
char * ctype = ( char * ) type ;
if ( * ctype = = ' # ' ) {
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
// check for parameter
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
ctype + = tlen ;
if ( * ctype = = ' ( ' & & * ( lp + tlen ) = = ' ( ' ) {
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
float fparam ;
numeric = 1 ;
glob_script_mem . glob_error = 0 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
GetNumericResult ( ( char * ) ctype , OPER_EQU , & fparam , 0 ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( glob_script_mem . glob_error = = 1 ) {
// was string, not number
numeric = 0 ;
// get the string
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
GetStringResult ( ( char * ) ctype + 1 , OPER_EQU , cmpstr , 0 ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
lp + = tlen ;
if ( * lp = = ' ( ' ) {
// fetch destination
lp + + ;
lp = isvar ( lp , & vtype , & ind , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( vtype ! = VAR_NV ) {
// found variable as result
uint8_t index = glob_script_mem . type [ ind . index ] . index ;
if ( ( vtype & STYPE ) = = 0 ) {
// numeric result
dfvar = & glob_script_mem . fvars [ index ] ;
if ( numeric ) {
* dfvar = fparam ;
} else {
// mismatch
* dfvar = CharToFloat ( cmpstr ) ;
} else {
// string result
sindex = index ;
if ( ! numeric ) {
strlcpy ( glob_script_mem . glob_snp + ( sindex * glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) , cmpstr , glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ;
} else {
// mismatch
dtostrfd ( fparam , 6 , glob_script_mem . glob_snp + ( sindex * glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
} else {
lp + = tlen ;
if ( * ctype = = ' ( ' | | ( * lp ! = SCRIPT_EOL & & * lp ! = ' ? ' ) ) {
// revert
section = 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
// next line
next_line :
if ( * lp = = SCRIPT_EOL ) {
lp + + ;
} else {
lp = strchr ( lp , SCRIPT_EOL ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ! lp ) {
if ( section ) {
return 0 ;
} else {
return - 1 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
lp + + ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
return - 1 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
uint8_t script_xsns_index = 0 ;
void ScripterEvery100ms ( void ) {
if ( Settings . rule_enabled & & ( uptime > 4 ) ) {
mqtt_data [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
uint16_t script_tele_period_save = tele_period ;
tele_period = 2 ;
XsnsNextCall ( FUNC_JSON_APPEND , script_xsns_index ) ;
tele_period = script_tele_period_save ;
if ( strlen ( mqtt_data ) ) {
mqtt_data [ 0 ] = ' { ' ;
snprintf_P ( mqtt_data , sizeof ( mqtt_data ) , PSTR ( " %s} " ) , mqtt_data ) ;
Run_Scripter ( " >T " , 2 , mqtt_data ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( fast_script = = 99 ) Run_Scripter ( " >F " , 2 , 0 ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
//mems[MAX_RULE_MEMS] is 50 bytes in 6.5
// can hold 11 floats or floats + strings
// should report overflow later
void Scripter_save_pvars ( void ) {
int16_t mlen = 0 ;
float * fp = ( float * ) glob_script_mem . script_pram ;
mlen + = sizeof ( float ) ;
struct T_INDEX * vtp = glob_script_mem . type ;
for ( uint8_t count = 0 ; count < glob_script_mem . numvars ; count + + ) {
if ( vtp [ count ] . bits . is_permanent & & ! vtp [ count ] . bits . is_string ) {
uint8_t index = vtp [ count ] . index ;
mlen + = sizeof ( float ) ;
if ( mlen > MAX_RULE_MEMS * 10 ) {
vtp [ count ] . bits . is_permanent = 0 ;
return ;
* fp + + = glob_script_mem . fvars [ index ] ;
char * cp = ( char * ) fp ;
for ( uint8_t count = 0 ; count < glob_script_mem . numvars ; count + + ) {
if ( vtp [ count ] . bits . is_permanent & & vtp [ count ] . bits . is_string ) {
uint8_t index = vtp [ count ] . index ;
char * sp = glob_script_mem . glob_snp + ( index * glob_script_mem . max_ssize ) ;
uint8_t slen = strlen ( sp ) ;
mlen + = slen + 1 ;
if ( mlen > MAX_RULE_MEMS * 10 ) {
vtp [ count ] . bits . is_permanent = 0 ;
return ;
strcpy ( cp , sp ) ;
cp + = slen + 1 ;
// works only with webserver
# define WEB_HANDLE_SCRIPT "s10"
# define D_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT "Edit script"
# define D_SCRIPT "edit script"
# define D_SDCARD_UPLOAD "file upload"
# define D_SDCARD_DIR "sd card directory"
# define D_UPL_DONE "Done"
" <p><form action=' " WEB_HANDLE_SCRIPT " ' method='get'><button> " D_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT " </button></form></p> " ;
" <fieldset><legend><b> " D_SCRIPT " </b></legend> "
" <form method='post' action=' " WEB_HANDLE_SCRIPT " '> " ;
const char HTTP_FORM_SCRIPT1 [ ] PROGMEM =
" <div style='text-align:right' id='charNum'> </div> "
" <input style='width:3%%;' id='c%d' name='c%d' type='checkbox'%s><b>script enable</b><br/> "
" <br><textarea id='t1' name='t1' rows='8' cols='80' maxlength='%d' style='font-size: 12pt' > " ;
const char HTTP_FORM_SCRIPT1b [ ] PROGMEM =
" </textarea> "
" <script type='text/javascript'> "
" eb('charNum').innerHTML='-'; "
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
" var ta=eb('t1'); "
" ta.addEventListener('keydown',function(e){ "
" e = e || window.event; "
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
" var ml=this.getAttribute('maxlength'); "
" var cl=this.value.length; "
" if(cl>=ml){ "
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
" eb('charNum').innerHTML='no more chars'; "
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
" }else{ "
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
" eb('charNum').innerHTML=ml-cl+' chars left'; "
" } "
#if 0
// catch shift ctrl v
" if ((e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && e.shiftKey && e.which === 86) { "
// clipboard fails here
" var paste = window.clipboardData.getData('Text'); "
//"var paste = e.view.clipboardData.getData('Text');"
" var out= \" \" ; "
" var re=/ \\ r \\ n| \\ n \\ r| \\ n| \\ r/g; "
" var allLines=paste.replace(re, \" \\ n \" ).split( \" \\ n \" ); "
" allLines.forEach((line) => { "
" if(line.length>0) { "
" if(line.charAt(0)!=';'){ "
" out+=line+' \\ n'; "
" } "
" } "
" }); "
" alert(out); "
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
" } "
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
" return true; "
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
" }); "
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
// this works only once on a reloaded page
" ta.addEventListener('paste',function(e){ "
" let paste = (e.clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData('text'); "
" var ml=this.getAttribute('maxlength'); "
" if(paste.length>=ml){ "
" var out= \" \" ; "
" var re=/ \\ r \\ n| \\ n \\ r| \\ n| \\ r/g; "
" var allLines=paste.replace(re, \" \\ n \" ).split( \" \\ n \" ); "
" allLines.forEach((line) => { "
" if(line.length>0) { "
" if(line.charAt(0)!=';'){ "
" out+=line+' \\ n'; "
" } "
" } "
" }); "
" event.preventDefault(); "
" eb('t1').textContent=out; "
" } "
// "alert(out);"
// this pastes the text on the wrong position ????
//"const selection = Window.getSelection();"
//"if (!selection.rangeCount) return false;"
//"return true;"
" }); "
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
" </script> " ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
" <br/> "
" <button name='save' type='submit' formmethod='post' formenctype='multipart/form-data' formaction='/ta' class='button bgrn'> " D_SAVE " </button> "
" </form></fieldset> " ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
const char HTTP_FORM_SCRIPT1c [ ] PROGMEM =
" <button name='d%d' type='submit' class='button bgrn'>Download '%s'</button> " ;
# ifdef SDCARD_DIR
const char HTTP_FORM_SCRIPT1d [ ] PROGMEM =
" <button method='post' name='upl' type='submit' class='button bgrn'>SD card directory</button> " ;
# else
const char HTTP_FORM_SCRIPT1d [ ] PROGMEM =
" <button method='post' name='upl' type='submit' class='button bgrn'>Upload files</button> " ;
# endif
# ifdef SDCARD_DIR
# else
# endif
" <div id='f1' name='f1' style='display:block;'> "
" <fieldset><legend><b> %s " " </b></legend> " ;
" <form method='post' action='u3' enctype='multipart/form-data'> "
" <br/><input type='file' name='u3'><br/> "
" <br/><button type='submit' onclick='eb( \" f1 \" ).style.display= \" none \" ;eb( \" f2 \" ).style.display= \" block \" ;this.form.submit();'> " D_START " %s</button></form> " ;
const char HTTP_FORM_FILE_UPGb [ ] PROGMEM =
" </fieldset> "
" </div> "
" <div id='f2' name='f2' style='display:none;text-align:center;'><b> " D_UPLOAD_STARTED " ...</b></div> " ;
const char HTTP_FORM_SDC_DIRa [ ] PROGMEM =
" <div style='text-align:left'> " ;
const char HTTP_FORM_SDC_DIRb [ ] PROGMEM =
" <pre><a href='%s' file='%s'>%s</a> %d</pre> " ;
const char HTTP_FORM_SDC_DIRd [ ] PROGMEM =
" <pre><a href='%s' file='%s'>%s</a></pre> " ;
const char HTTP_FORM_SDC_DIRc [ ] PROGMEM =
" </div> " ;
" http://%s/upl?download=%s/%s " ;
# endif
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# undef REJCMPL
# define REJCMPL 6
# else
# undef REJCMPL
# define REJCMPL 8
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
uint8_t reject ( char * name ) {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( * name = = ' _ ' ) return 1 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( * name = = ' . ' ) return 1 ;
# ifndef ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_3_0
if ( ! strncasecmp ( name , " SPOTLI~1 " , REJCMPL ) ) return 1 ;
if ( ! strncasecmp ( name , " TRASHE~1 " , REJCMPL ) ) return 1 ;
if ( ! strncasecmp ( name , " FSEVEN~1 " , REJCMPL ) ) return 1 ;
if ( ! strncasecmp ( name , " SYSTEM~1 " , REJCMPL ) ) return 1 ;
# else
if ( ! strcasecmp ( name , " SPOTLI~1 " ) ) return 1 ;
if ( ! strcasecmp ( name , " TRASHE~1 " ) ) return 1 ;
if ( ! strcasecmp ( name , " FSEVEN~1 " ) ) return 1 ;
if ( ! strcasecmp ( name , " SYSTEM~1 " ) ) return 1 ;
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
return 0 ;
void ListDir ( char * path , uint8_t depth ) {
char name [ 32 ] ;
char npath [ 128 ] ;
char format [ 12 ] ;
sprintf ( format , " %%-%ds " , 24 - depth ) ;
File dir = SD . open ( path ) ;
if ( dir ) {
dir . rewindDirectory ( ) ;
if ( strlen ( path ) > 1 ) {
snprintf_P ( npath , sizeof ( npath ) , PSTR ( " http://%s/upl?download=%s " ) , WiFi . localIP ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , path ) ;
for ( uint8_t cnt = strlen ( npath ) - 1 ; cnt > 0 ; cnt - - ) {
if ( npath [ cnt ] = = ' / ' ) {
if ( npath [ cnt - 1 ] = = ' = ' ) npath [ cnt + 1 ] = 0 ;
else npath [ cnt ] = 0 ;
break ;
WSContentSend_P ( HTTP_FORM_SDC_DIRd , npath , path , " .. " ) ;
while ( true ) {
File entry = dir . openNextFile ( ) ;
if ( ! entry ) {
break ;
char * pp = path ;
if ( ! * ( pp + 1 ) ) pp + + ;
char * cp = name ;
// osx formatted disks contain a lot of stuff we dont want
if ( reject ( ( char * ) entry . name ( ) ) ) goto fclose ;
for ( uint8_t cnt = 0 ; cnt < depth ; cnt + + ) {
* cp + + = ' - ' ;
// unfortunately no time date info in class File
sprintf ( cp , format , entry . name ( ) ) ;
if ( entry . isDirectory ( ) ) {
snprintf_P ( npath , sizeof ( npath ) , HTTP_FORM_SDC_HREF , WiFi . localIP ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , pp , entry . name ( ) ) ;
WSContentSend_P ( HTTP_FORM_SDC_DIRd , npath , entry . name ( ) , name ) ;
uint8_t plen = strlen ( path ) ;
if ( plen > 1 ) {
strcat ( path , " / " ) ;
strcat ( path , entry . name ( ) ) ;
ListDir ( path , depth + 4 ) ;
path [ plen ] = 0 ;
} else {
snprintf_P ( npath , sizeof ( npath ) , HTTP_FORM_SDC_HREF , WiFi . localIP ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , pp , entry . name ( ) ) ;
WSContentSend_P ( HTTP_FORM_SDC_DIRb , npath , entry . name ( ) , name , entry . size ( ) ) ;
fclose :
entry . close ( ) ;
dir . close ( ) ;
char path [ 48 ] ;
void Script_FileUploadConfiguration ( void )
uint8_t depth = 0 ;
strcpy ( path , " / " ) ;
if ( ! HttpCheckPriviledgedAccess ( ) ) { return ; }
if ( WebServer - > hasArg ( " download " ) ) {
String stmp = WebServer - > arg ( " download " ) ;
char * cp = ( char * ) stmp . c_str ( ) ;
if ( DownloadFile ( cp ) ) {
// is directory
strcpy ( path , cp ) ;
WSContentSendStyle ( ) ;
WSContentSend_P ( HTTP_FORM_FILE_UPG , " upload " ) ;
# ifdef SDCARD_DIR
WSContentSend_P ( HTTP_FORM_SDC_DIRa ) ;
if ( glob_script_mem . script_sd_found ) {
ListDir ( path , depth ) ;
WSContentSend_P ( HTTP_FORM_SDC_DIRc ) ;
# endif
WSContentSend_P ( HTTP_FORM_FILE_UPGb ) ;
WSContentStop ( ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
Web . upload_error = 0 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
File upload_file ;
void ScriptFileUploadSuccess ( void ) {
WSContentStart_P ( S_INFORMATION ) ;
WSContentSendStyle ( ) ;
WSContentSend_P ( PSTR ( " <div style='text-align:center;'><b> " D_UPLOAD " <font color='# " ) ) ;
WSContentSend_P ( PSTR ( " %06x'> " D_SUCCESSFUL " </font></b><br/> " ) , WebColor ( COL_TEXT_SUCCESS ) ) ;
WSContentSend_P ( PSTR ( " </div><br/> " ) ) ;
WSContentSend_P ( PSTR ( " <p><form action='%s' method='get'><button>%s</button></form></p> " ) , " /upl " , D_UPL_DONE ) ;
WSContentStop ( ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
void script_upload ( void ) {
//AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("HTP: file upload"));
HTTPUpload & upload = WebServer - > upload ( ) ;
if ( upload . status = = UPLOAD_FILE_START ) {
char npath [ 48 ] ;
sprintf ( npath , " %s/%s " , path , upload . filename . c_str ( ) ) ;
SD . remove ( npath ) ;
upload_file = SD . open ( npath , FILE_WRITE ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ! upload_file ) Web . upload_error = 1 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else if ( upload . status = = UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE ) {
if ( upload_file ) upload_file . write ( upload . buf , upload . currentSize ) ;
} else if ( upload . status = = UPLOAD_FILE_END ) {
if ( upload_file ) upload_file . close ( ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( Web . upload_error ) {
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
AddLog_P ( LOG_LEVEL_INFO , PSTR ( " HTP: upload error " ) ) ;
} else {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
Web . upload_error = 1 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
WebServer - > send ( 500 , " text/plain " , " 500: couldn't create file " ) ;
uint8_t DownloadFile ( char * file ) {
File download_file ;
WiFiClient download_Client ;
if ( ! SD . exists ( file ) ) {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
AddLog_P ( LOG_LEVEL_INFO , PSTR ( " file not found " ) ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
return 0 ;
download_file = SD . open ( file , FILE_READ ) ;
if ( ! download_file ) {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
AddLog_P ( LOG_LEVEL_INFO , PSTR ( " could not open file " ) ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
return 0 ;
if ( download_file . isDirectory ( ) ) {
download_file . close ( ) ;
return 1 ;
uint32_t flen = download_file . size ( ) ;
download_Client = WebServer - > client ( ) ;
WebServer - > setContentLength ( flen ) ;
char attachment [ 100 ] ;
char * cp ;
for ( uint8_t cnt = strlen ( file ) ; cnt > = 0 ; cnt - - ) {
if ( file [ cnt ] = = ' / ' ) {
cp = & file [ cnt + 1 ] ;
break ;
snprintf_P ( attachment , sizeof ( attachment ) , PSTR ( " attachment; filename=%s " ) , cp ) ;
WebServer - > sendHeader ( F ( " Content-Disposition " ) , attachment ) ;
WSSend ( 200 , CT_STREAM , " " ) ;
uint8_t buff [ 512 ] ;
uint16_t bread ;
// transfer is about 150kb/s
uint8_t cnt = 0 ;
while ( download_file . available ( ) ) {
bread = download_file . read ( buff , sizeof ( buff ) ) ;
uint16_t bw = download_Client . write ( ( const char * ) buff , bread ) ;
if ( ! bw ) break ;
cnt + + ;
if ( cnt > 7 ) {
cnt = 0 ;
if ( glob_script_mem . script_loglevel & 0x80 ) {
// this indeed multitasks, but is slower 50 kB/s
loop ( ) ;
download_file . close ( ) ;
download_Client . stop ( ) ;
return 0 ;
# endif
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
void HandleScriptTextareaConfiguration ( void ) {
if ( ! HttpCheckPriviledgedAccess ( ) ) { return ; }
if ( WebServer - > hasArg ( " save " ) ) {
ScriptSaveSettings ( ) ;
HandleConfiguration ( ) ;
return ;
void HandleScriptConfiguration ( void ) {
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( ! HttpCheckPriviledgedAccess ( ) ) { return ; }
if ( WebServer - > hasArg ( " d1 " ) ) {
DownloadFile ( glob_script_mem . flink [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( WebServer - > hasArg ( " d2 " ) ) {
DownloadFile ( glob_script_mem . flink [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( WebServer - > hasArg ( " upl " ) ) {
Script_FileUploadConfiguration ( ) ;
# endif
WSContentSendStyle ( ) ;
WSContentSend_P ( HTTP_FORM_SCRIPT ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
uint16_t ssize = glob_script_mem . script_size ;
if ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 1 ) ) ssize * = 2 ;
WSContentSend_P ( HTTP_FORM_SCRIPT1 , 1 , 1 , bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ? " checked " : " " , ssize ) ;
# else
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
WSContentSend_P ( HTTP_FORM_SCRIPT1 , 1 , 1 , bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ? " checked " : " " , glob_script_mem . script_size ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
// script is to larg for WSContentSend_P
if ( glob_script_mem . script_ram [ 0 ] ) {
_WSContentSend ( glob_script_mem . script_ram ) ;
WSContentSend_P ( HTTP_FORM_SCRIPT1b ) ;
if ( glob_script_mem . script_sd_found ) {
WSContentSend_P ( HTTP_FORM_SCRIPT1d ) ;
if ( glob_script_mem . flink [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) WSContentSend_P ( HTTP_FORM_SCRIPT1c , 1 , glob_script_mem . flink [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( glob_script_mem . flink [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) WSContentSend_P ( HTTP_FORM_SCRIPT1c , 2 , glob_script_mem . flink [ 1 ] ) ;
# endif
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
WSContentStop ( ) ;
void ScriptSaveSettings ( void ) {
if ( WebServer - > hasArg ( " c1 " ) ) {
bitWrite ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 , 1 ) ;
} else {
bitWrite ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 , 0 ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
String str = WebServer - > arg ( " t1 " ) ;
if ( * str . c_str ( ) ) {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
str . replace ( " \r \n " , " \n " ) ;
str . replace ( " \r " , " \n " ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 1 ) ) {
char * sp = ( char * ) str . c_str ( ) ;
char * sp1 = sp ;
char * dp = sp ;
uint8_t flg = 0 ;
while ( * sp ) {
while ( * sp = = ' ' ) sp + + ;
sp1 = sp ;
sp = strchr ( sp , ' \n ' ) ;
if ( ! sp ) {
flg = 1 ;
} else {
* sp = 0 ;
if ( * sp1 ! = ' ; ' ) {
uint8_t slen = strlen ( sp1 ) ;
if ( slen ) {
strcpy ( dp , sp1 ) ;
dp + = slen ;
* dp + + = ' \n ' ;
if ( flg ) {
* dp = 0 ;
break ;
sp + + ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# endif
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
strlcpy ( glob_script_mem . script_ram , str . c_str ( ) , glob_script_mem . script_size ) ;
# ifdef USE_24C256
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( glob_script_mem . flags & 1 ) {
EEP_WRITE ( 0 , EEP_SCRIPT_SIZE , glob_script_mem . script_ram ) ;
# endif
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( glob_script_mem . flags & 1 ) {
SD . remove ( FAT_SCRIPT_NAME ) ;
File file = SD . open ( FAT_SCRIPT_NAME , FILE_WRITE ) ;
file . write ( glob_script_mem . script_ram , FAT_SCRIPT_SIZE ) ;
file . close ( ) ;
# endif
if ( glob_script_mem . script_mem ) {
Scripter_save_pvars ( ) ;
free ( glob_script_mem . script_mem ) ;
glob_script_mem . script_mem = 0 ;
glob_script_mem . script_mem_size = 0 ;
if ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ) {
int16_t res = Init_Scripter ( ) ;
if ( res ) {
snprintf_P ( log_data , sizeof ( log_data ) , PSTR ( " script init error: %d " ) , res ) ;
return ;
Run_Scripter ( " >B " , 2 , 0 ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
fast_script = Run_Scripter ( " >F " , - 2 , 0 ) ;
# endif
# if defined(USE_SCRIPT_HUE) && defined(USE_WEBSERVER) && defined(USE_EMULATION) && defined(USE_EMULATION_HUE) && defined(USE_LIGHT)
# define HUE_DEV_MVNUM 5
# define HUE_DEV_NSIZE 16
struct HUE_SCRIPT {
char name [ HUE_DEV_NSIZE ] ;
uint8_t type ;
uint8_t index [ HUE_DEV_MVNUM ] ;
uint8_t vindex [ HUE_DEV_MVNUM ] ;
} hue_script [ 32 ] ;
" { \" state \" : "
" { \" on \" :{state}, "
" {light_status} "
" \" alert \" : \" none \" , "
" \" effect \" : \" none \" , "
" \" reachable \" :true} "
" , \" type \" : \" {type} \" , "
" \" name \" : \" {j1 \" , "
" \" modelid \" : \" {m1} \" , "
" \" uniqueid \" : \" {j2 \" , "
" \" swversion \" : \" \" } " ;
" { \" state \" : "
" { \" temperature \" : 2674, "
" \" lastupdated \" : \" 2019-08-04T12:13:04 \" }, "
" \" config \" : { "
" \" on \" : true, "
" \" battery \" : 100, "
" \" reachable \" : true, "
" \" alert \" : \" none \" , "
" \" ledindication \" : false, "
" \" usertest \" : false, "
" \" pending \" : [] "
" }, "
" \" name \" : \" {j1 \" , "
" \" type \" : \" ZLLTemperature \" , "
" \" modelid \" : \" SML001 \" , "
" \" manufacturername \" : \" Philips \" , "
" \" swversion \" : \" \" , "
" \" uniqueid \" : \" {j2 \" } " ;
" { \" state \" :{ "
" \" presence \" :{state}, "
" \" lastupdated \" : \" 2017-10-01T12:37:30 \" "
" }, "
" \" swupdate \" :{ "
" \" state \" : \" noupdates \" , "
" \" lastinstall \" : null "
" }, "
" \" config \" :{ "
" \" on \" :true, "
" \" battery \" :100, "
" \" reachable \" :true, "
" \" alert \" : \" none \" , "
" \" ledindication \" :false, "
" \" usertest \" :false, "
" \" sensitivity \" :2, "
" \" sensitivitymax \" :2, "
" \" pending \" :[] "
" }, "
" \" name \" : \" {j1 \" , "
" \" type \" : \" ZLLPresence \" , "
" \" modelid \" : \" SML001 \" , "
" \" manufacturername \" : \" Philips \" , "
" \" swversion \" : \" \" , "
" \" uniqueid \" : \" {j2 \" "
" } " ;
Color Ligh
Dimmable Light
Color Temperature Light
Extended Color Light
On / Off light
temperature ZLLTemperature
lightlevel ZLLLightLevel
presence ZLLPresence
case ' T ' :
response - > replace ( " {type} " , " ZLLTemperature " ) ;
temp = glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ 2 ] - 1 ] ;
light_status + = " \" temperature \" : " ;
light_status + = String ( temp * 100 ) ;
light_status + = " , " ;
break ;
case ' L ' :
response - > replace ( " {type} " , " ZLLLightLevel " ) ;
temp = glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ 2 ] - 1 ] ;
light_status + = " \" lightlevel \" : " ;
light_status + = String ( temp ) ;
light_status + = " , " ;
break ;
case ' P ' :
response - > replace ( " {type} " , " ZLLPresence " ) ;
temp = glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ 0 ] - 1 ] ;
light_status + = " \" presence \" : " ;
if ( temp = = 0 ) light_status + = " false " ;
else light_status + = " true " ;
light_status + = " , " ;
break ;
void Script_HueStatus ( String * response , uint16_t hue_devs ) {
if ( hue_script [ hue_devs ] . type = = ' p ' ) {
response - > replace ( " {j1 " , hue_script [ hue_devs ] . name ) ;
response - > replace ( " {j2 " , GetHueDeviceId ( hue_devs ) ) ;
uint8_t pwr = glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ 0 ] - 1 ] ;
response - > replace ( " {state} " , ( pwr ? " true " : " false " ) ) ;
return ;
uint8_t pwr = glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ 0 ] - 1 ] ;
response - > replace ( " {state} " , ( pwr ? " true " : " false " ) ) ;
String light_status = " " ;
if ( hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ 1 ] > 0 ) {
// bri
light_status + = " \" bri \" : " ;
uint32_t bri = glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ 1 ] - 1 ] ;
if ( bri > 254 ) bri = 254 ;
if ( bri < 1 ) bri = 1 ;
light_status + = String ( bri ) ;
light_status + = " , " ;
if ( hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ 2 ] > 0 ) {
// hue
uint32_t hue = glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ 2 ] - 1 ] ;
//hue = changeUIntScale(hue, 0, 359, 0, 65535);
light_status + = " \" hue \" : " ;
light_status + = String ( hue ) ;
light_status + = " , " ;
if ( hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ 3 ] > 0 ) {
// sat
uint32_t sat = glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ 3 ] - 1 ] ;
if ( sat > 254 ) sat = 254 ;
if ( sat < 1 ) sat = 1 ;
light_status + = " \" sat \" : " ;
light_status + = String ( sat ) ;
light_status + = " , " ;
if ( hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ 4 ] > 0 ) {
// ct
uint32_t ct = glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ 4 ] - 1 ] ;
light_status + = " \" ct \" : " ;
light_status + = String ( ct ) ;
light_status + = " , " ;
float temp ;
switch ( hue_script [ hue_devs ] . type ) {
case ' C ' :
response - > replace ( " {type} " , " Color Ligh " ) ; // alexa ok
response - > replace ( " {m1 " , " LST001 " ) ;
break ;
case ' D ' :
response - > replace ( " {type} " , " Dimmable Light " ) ; // alexa NO
response - > replace ( " {m1 " , " LWB004 " ) ;
break ;
case ' T ' :
response - > replace ( " {type} " , " Color Temperature Light " ) ; // alexa NO
response - > replace ( " {m1 " , " LTW011 " ) ;
break ;
case ' E ' :
response - > replace ( " {type} " , " Extended color light " ) ; // alexa ok
response - > replace ( " {m1 " , " LCT007 " ) ;
break ;
case ' S ' :
response - > replace ( " {type} " , " On/Off light " ) ; // alexa ok
response - > replace ( " {m1 " , " LCT007 " ) ;
break ;
default :
response - > replace ( " {type} " , " color light " ) ;
response - > replace ( " {m1 " , " LST001 " ) ;
break ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
response - > replace ( " {light_status} " , light_status ) ;
response - > replace ( " {j1 " , hue_script [ hue_devs ] . name ) ;
response - > replace ( " {j2 " , GetHueDeviceId ( hue_devs ) ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
void Script_Check_Hue ( String * response ) {
if ( ! bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ) return ;
uint8_t hue_script_found = Run_Scripter ( " >H " , - 2 , 0 ) ;
if ( hue_script_found ! = 99 ) return ;
char line [ 128 ] ;
char tmp [ 128 ] ;
uint8_t hue_devs = 0 ;
uint8_t vindex = 0 ;
char * cp ;
char * lp = glob_script_mem . section_ptr + 2 ;
while ( lp ) {
while ( * lp = = SCRIPT_EOL ) {
lp + + ;
if ( ! * lp | | * lp = = ' # ' | | * lp = = ' > ' ) {
break ;
if ( * lp ! = ' ; ' ) {
// check this line
memcpy ( line , lp , sizeof ( line ) ) ;
line [ sizeof ( line ) - 1 ] = 0 ;
cp = line ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( line ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! * cp | | * cp = = ' \n ' | | * cp = = ' \r ' ) {
* cp = 0 ;
break ;
cp + + ;
Replace_Cmd_Vars ( line , tmp , sizeof ( tmp ) ) ;
// check for hue defintions
// NAME, TYPE , vars
cp = tmp ;
cp = strchr ( cp , ' , ' ) ;
if ( ! cp ) break ;
* cp = 0 ;
// copy name
strlcpy ( hue_script [ hue_devs ] . name , tmp , HUE_DEV_NSIZE ) ;
cp + + ;
while ( * cp = = ' ' ) cp + + ;
// get type
hue_script [ hue_devs ] . type = * cp ;
for ( vindex = 0 ; vindex < HUE_DEV_MVNUM ; vindex + + ) {
hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ vindex ] = 0 ;
vindex = 0 ;
while ( 1 ) {
cp = strchr ( cp , ' , ' ) ;
if ( ! cp ) break ;
// get vars, on,hue,sat,bri,ct,
cp + + ;
while ( * cp = = ' ' ) cp + + ;
vindex = = 0xff ;
if ( ! strncmp ( cp , " on= " , 3 ) ) {
cp + = 3 ;
vindex = 0 ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( cp , " bri= " , 4 ) ) {
cp + = 4 ;
vindex = 1 ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( cp , " hue= " , 4 ) ) {
cp + = 4 ;
vindex = 2 ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( cp , " sat= " , 4 ) ) {
cp + = 4 ;
vindex = 3 ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( cp , " ct= " , 3 ) ) {
cp + = 3 ;
vindex = 4 ;
} else {
// error
vindex = = 0xff ;
break ;
if ( vindex ! = 0xff ) {
struct T_INDEX ind ;
uint8_t vtype ;
char vname [ 16 ] ;
for ( uint32_t cnt = 0 ; cnt < sizeof ( vname ) - 1 ; cnt + + ) {
if ( * cp = = ' , ' | | * cp = = 0 ) {
vname [ cnt ] = 0 ;
break ;
vname [ cnt ] = * cp + + ;
isvar ( vname , & vtype , & ind , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( vtype ! = VAR_NV ) {
// found variable as result
if ( vtype = = NUM_RES | | ( vtype & STYPE ) = = 0 ) {
hue_script [ hue_devs ] . vindex [ vindex ] = ind . index ;
hue_script [ hue_devs ] . index [ vindex ] = glob_script_mem . type [ ind . index ] . index + 1 ;
} else {
// break;
// append response
if ( response ) {
if ( devices_present ) {
* response + = " , \" " ;
else {
if ( hue_devs > 0 ) * response + = " , \" " ;
* response + = String ( EncodeLightId ( hue_devs + devices_present + 1 ) ) + " \" : " ;
Script_HueStatus ( response , hue_devs ) ;
hue_devs + + ;
if ( * lp = = SCRIPT_EOL ) {
lp + + ;
} else {
lp = strchr ( lp , SCRIPT_EOL ) ;
if ( ! lp ) break ;
lp + + ;
#if 0
if ( response ) {
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG , PSTR ( " Hue: %d " ) , hue_devs ) ;
toLog ( " >>>> " ) ;
toLog ( response - > c_str ( ) ) ;
toLog ( response - > c_str ( ) + LOGSZ ) ;
# endif
" { \" success \" :{ \" /lights/{id/state/{cm \" :{re}} " ;
" { \" success \" :{ \" /lights/{id/state/{cm \" :{re}} " ;
const char sHUE_ERROR_JSON [ ] PROGMEM =
" [{ \" error \" :{ \" type \" :901, \" address \" : \" / \" , \" description \" : \" Internal Error \" }}] " ;
// get alexa arguments
void Script_Handle_Hue ( String * path ) {
String response ;
int code = 200 ;
uint16_t tmp = 0 ;
uint16_t hue = 0 ;
uint8_t sat = 0 ;
uint8_t bri = 254 ;
uint16_t ct = 0 ;
bool resp = false ;
uint8_t device = DecodeLightId ( atoi ( path - > c_str ( ) ) ) ;
uint8_t index = device - devices_present - 1 ;
if ( WebServer - > args ( ) ) {
response = " [ " ;
StaticJsonBuffer < 400 > jsonBuffer ;
JsonObject & hue_json = jsonBuffer . parseObject ( WebServer - > arg ( ( WebServer - > args ( ) ) - 1 ) ) ;
if ( hue_json . containsKey ( " on " ) ) {
response . replace ( " {id " , String ( EncodeLightId ( device ) ) ) ;
response . replace ( " {cm " , " on " ) ;
bool on = hue_json [ " on " ] ;
switch ( on )
case false : glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ index ] . index [ 0 ] - 1 ] = 0 ;
response . replace ( " {re " , " false " ) ;
break ;
case true : glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ index ] . index [ 0 ] - 1 ] = 1 ;
response . replace ( " {re " , " true " ) ;
break ;
glob_script_mem . type [ hue_script [ index ] . vindex [ 0 ] ] . bits . changed = 1 ;
resp = true ;
if ( hue_json . containsKey ( " bri " ) ) { // Brightness is a scale from 1 (the minimum the light is capable of) to 254 (the maximum). Note: a brightness of 1 is not off.
tmp = hue_json [ " bri " ] ;
bri = tmp ;
if ( 254 < = bri ) { bri = 255 ; }
if ( resp ) { response + = " , " ; }
response . replace ( " {id " , String ( EncodeLightId ( device ) ) ) ;
response . replace ( " {cm " , " bri " ) ;
response . replace ( " {re " , String ( tmp ) ) ;
glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ index ] . index [ 1 ] - 1 ] = bri ;
glob_script_mem . type [ hue_script [ index ] . vindex [ 1 ] ] . bits . changed = 1 ;
resp = true ;
if ( hue_json . containsKey ( " xy " ) ) { // Saturation of the light. 254 is the most saturated (colored) and 0 is the least saturated (white).
float x , y ;
x = hue_json [ " xy " ] [ 0 ] ;
y = hue_json [ " xy " ] [ 1 ] ;
const String & x_str = hue_json [ " xy " ] [ 0 ] ;
const String & y_str = hue_json [ " xy " ] [ 1 ] ;
uint8_t rr , gg , bb ;
LightStateClass : : XyToRgb ( x , y , & rr , & gg , & bb ) ;
LightStateClass : : RgbToHsb ( rr , gg , bb , & hue , & sat , nullptr ) ;
if ( resp ) { response + = " , " ; }
response . replace ( " {id " , String ( device ) ) ;
response . replace ( " {cm " , " xy " ) ;
response . replace ( " {re " , " [ " + x_str + " , " + y_str + " ] " ) ;
glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ index ] . index [ 2 ] - 1 ] = hue ;
glob_script_mem . type [ hue_script [ index ] . vindex [ 2 ] ] . bits . changed = 1 ;
glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ index ] . index [ 3 ] - 1 ] = sat ;
glob_script_mem . type [ hue_script [ index ] . vindex [ 3 ] ] . bits . changed = 1 ;
resp = true ;
if ( hue_json . containsKey ( " hue " ) ) { // The hue value is a wrapping value between 0 and 65535. Both 0 and 65535 are red, 25500 is green and 46920 is blue.
tmp = hue_json [ " hue " ] ;
//hue = changeUIntScale(tmp, 0, 65535, 0, 359);
//tmp = changeUIntScale(hue, 0, 359, 0, 65535);
hue = tmp ;
if ( resp ) { response + = " , " ; }
response . replace ( " {id " , String ( EncodeLightId ( device ) ) ) ;
response . replace ( " {cm " , " hue " ) ;
response . replace ( " {re " , String ( tmp ) ) ;
glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ index ] . index [ 2 ] - 1 ] = hue ;
glob_script_mem . type [ hue_script [ index ] . vindex [ 2 ] ] . bits . changed = 1 ;
resp = true ;
if ( hue_json . containsKey ( " sat " ) ) { // Saturation of the light. 254 is the most saturated (colored) and 0 is the least saturated (white).
tmp = hue_json [ " sat " ] ;
sat = tmp ;
if ( 254 < = sat ) { sat = 255 ; }
if ( resp ) { response + = " , " ; }
response . replace ( " {id " , String ( EncodeLightId ( device ) ) ) ;
response . replace ( " {cm " , " sat " ) ;
response . replace ( " {re " , String ( tmp ) ) ;
glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ index ] . index [ 3 ] - 1 ] = sat ;
glob_script_mem . type [ hue_script [ index ] . vindex [ 3 ] ] . bits . changed = 1 ;
resp = true ;
if ( hue_json . containsKey ( " ct " ) ) { // Color temperature 153 (Cold) to 500 (Warm)
ct = hue_json [ " ct " ] ;
if ( resp ) { response + = " , " ; }
response . replace ( " {id " , String ( EncodeLightId ( device ) ) ) ;
response . replace ( " {cm " , " ct " ) ;
response . replace ( " {re " , String ( ct ) ) ;
glob_script_mem . fvars [ hue_script [ index ] . index [ 4 ] - 1 ] = ct ;
glob_script_mem . type [ hue_script [ index ] . vindex [ 4 ] ] . bits . changed = 1 ;
resp = true ;
response + = " ] " ;
} else {
response = FPSTR ( sHUE_ERROR_JSON ) ;
AddLog_P2 ( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE , PSTR ( D_LOG_HTTP D_HUE " Result (%s) " ) , response . c_str ( ) ) ;
WSSend ( code , CT_JSON , response ) ;
if ( resp ) {
Run_Scripter ( " >E " , 2 , 0 ) ;
# endif // hue interface
bool Script_SubCmd ( void ) {
if ( ! bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ) return false ;
if ( tasm_cmd_activ ) return false ;
char command [ CMDSZ ] ;
strlcpy ( command , XdrvMailbox . topic , CMDSZ ) ;
uint32_t pl = XdrvMailbox . payload ;
char pld [ 64 ] ;
strlcpy ( pld , XdrvMailbox . data , sizeof ( pld ) ) ;
char cmdbuff [ 128 ] ;
char * cp = cmdbuff ;
* cp + + = ' # ' ;
strcpy ( cp , XdrvMailbox . topic ) ;
uint8_t tlen = strlen ( XdrvMailbox . topic ) ;
cp + = tlen ;
if ( XdrvMailbox . index > 0 ) {
* cp + + = XdrvMailbox . index | 0x30 ;
tlen + + ;
if ( ( XdrvMailbox . payload > 0 ) | | ( XdrvMailbox . data_len > 0 ) ) {
* cp + + = ' ( ' ;
strncpy ( cp , XdrvMailbox . data , XdrvMailbox . data_len ) ;
cp + = XdrvMailbox . data_len ;
* cp + + = ' ) ' ;
* cp = 0 ;
uint32_t res = Run_Scripter ( cmdbuff , tlen + 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( res ) return false ;
else {
if ( pl > = 0 ) {
Response_P ( S_JSON_COMMAND_NVALUE , command , pl ) ;
} else {
Response_P ( S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE , command , pld ) ;
return true ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# endif
void execute_script ( char * script ) {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
char * svd_sp = glob_script_mem . scriptptr ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
strcat ( script , " \n # " ) ;
glob_script_mem . scriptptr = script ;
Run_Scripter ( " > " , 1 , 0 ) ;
glob_script_mem . scriptptr = svd_sp ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# define D_CMND_SCRIPT "Script"
# define D_CMND_SUBSCRIBE "Subscribe"
# define D_CMND_UNSUBSCRIBE "Unsubscribe"
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
const char kScriptCommands [ ] PROGMEM = D_CMND_SCRIPT " | " D_CMND_SUBSCRIBE " | " D_CMND_UNSUBSCRIBE ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
bool ScriptCommand ( void ) {
char command [ CMDSZ ] ;
bool serviced = true ;
uint8_t index = XdrvMailbox . index ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( tasm_cmd_activ ) return false ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
int command_code = GetCommandCode ( command , sizeof ( command ) , XdrvMailbox . topic , kScriptCommands ) ;
if ( - 1 = = command_code ) {
serviced = false ; // Unknown command
else if ( ( CMND_SCRIPT = = command_code ) & & ( index > 0 ) ) {
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( ( XdrvMailbox . payload > = 0 ) & & ( XdrvMailbox . payload < 4 ) ) {
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
switch ( XdrvMailbox . payload ) {
case 0 : // Off
case 1 : // On
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
bitWrite ( Settings . rule_enabled , index - 1 , XdrvMailbox . payload ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
bitWrite ( Settings . rule_enabled , 1 , 0 ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
bitWrite ( Settings . rule_enabled , 1 , 1 ) ;
break ;
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else {
if ( ' > ' = = XdrvMailbox . data [ 0 ] ) {
// execute script
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
snprintf_P ( mqtt_data , sizeof ( mqtt_data ) , PSTR ( " { \" %s \" : \" %s \" } " ) , command , XdrvMailbox . data ) ;
if ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ) {
for ( uint8_t count = 0 ; count < XdrvMailbox . data_len ; count + + ) {
if ( XdrvMailbox . data [ count ] = = ' ; ' ) XdrvMailbox . data [ count ] = ' \n ' ;
execute_script ( XdrvMailbox . data ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
return serviced ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
snprintf_P ( mqtt_data , sizeof ( mqtt_data ) , PSTR ( " { \" %s \" : \" %s \" , \" Free \" :%d} " ) , command , GetStateText ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ) , glob_script_mem . script_size - strlen ( glob_script_mem . script_ram ) ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
} else if ( CMND_SUBSCRIBE = = command_code ) { //MQTT Subscribe command. Subscribe <Event>, <Topic> [, <Key>]
String result = ScriptSubscribe ( XdrvMailbox . data , XdrvMailbox . data_len ) ;
Response_P ( S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE , command , result . c_str ( ) ) ;
} else if ( CMND_UNSUBSCRIBE = = command_code ) { //MQTT Un-subscribe command. UnSubscribe <Event>
String result = ScriptUnsubscribe ( XdrvMailbox . data , XdrvMailbox . data_len ) ;
Response_P ( S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE , command , result . c_str ( ) ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
return serviced ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
uint16_t xFAT_DATE ( uint16_t year , uint8_t month , uint8_t day ) {
return ( year - 1980 ) < < 9 | month < < 5 | day ;
uint16_t xFAT_TIME ( uint8_t hour , uint8_t minute , uint8_t second ) {
return hour < < 11 | minute < < 5 | second > > 1 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
void dateTime ( uint16_t * date , uint16_t * time ) {
// return date using FAT_DATE macro to format fields
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
* date = xFAT_DATE ( RtcTime . year , RtcTime . month , RtcTime . day_of_month ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
// return time using FAT_TIME macro to format fields
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
* time = xFAT_TIME ( RtcTime . hour , RtcTime . minute , RtcTime . second ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# endif
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
* Script : Process received MQTT message .
* If the message is in our subscription list , trigger an event with the value parsed from MQTT data
* Input :
* void - We are going to access XdrvMailbox data directly .
* Return :
* true - The message is consumed .
* false - The message is not in our list .
bool ScriptMqttData ( void )
bool serviced = false ;
//toLog(">>> 1");
toLog ( XdrvMailbox . data ) ;
if ( XdrvMailbox . data_len < 1 | | XdrvMailbox . data_len > 256 ) {
return false ;
String sTopic = XdrvMailbox . topic ;
String sData = XdrvMailbox . data ;
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Script: MQTT Topic %s, Event %s"), XdrvMailbox.topic, XdrvMailbox.data);
MQTT_Subscription event_item ;
//Looking for matched topic
for ( uint32_t index = 0 ; index < subscriptions . size ( ) ; index + + ) {
event_item = subscriptions . get ( index ) ;
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Script: Match MQTT message Topic %s with subscription topic %s"), sTopic.c_str(), event_item.Topic.c_str());
if ( sTopic . startsWith ( event_item . Topic ) ) {
//This topic is subscribed by us, so serve it
serviced = true ;
String value ;
String lkey ;
if ( event_item . Key . length ( ) = = 0 ) { //If did not specify Key
value = sData ;
} else { //If specified Key, need to parse Key/Value from JSON data
StaticJsonBuffer < 400 > jsonBuf ;
JsonObject & jsonData = jsonBuf . parseObject ( sData ) ;
String key1 = event_item . Key ;
String key2 ;
if ( ! jsonData . success ( ) ) break ; //Failed to parse JSON data, ignore this message.
int dot ;
if ( ( dot = key1 . indexOf ( ' . ' ) ) > 0 ) {
key2 = key1 . substring ( dot + 1 ) ;
key1 = key1 . substring ( 0 , dot ) ;
lkey = key2 ;
if ( ! jsonData [ key1 ] [ key2 ] . success ( ) ) break ; //Failed to get the key/value, ignore this message.
value = ( const char * ) jsonData [ key1 ] [ key2 ] ;
} else {
if ( ! jsonData [ key1 ] . success ( ) ) break ;
value = ( const char * ) jsonData [ key1 ] ;
lkey = key1 ;
value . trim ( ) ;
char sbuffer [ 128 ] ;
if ( ! strncmp ( lkey . c_str ( ) , " Epoch " , 5 ) ) {
uint32_t ep = atoi ( value . c_str ( ) ) - ( uint32_t ) EPOCH_OFFSET ;
snprintf_P ( sbuffer , sizeof ( sbuffer ) , PSTR ( " >%s=%d \n " ) , event_item . Event . c_str ( ) , ep ) ;
} else {
snprintf_P ( sbuffer , sizeof ( sbuffer ) , PSTR ( " >%s= \" %s \" \n " ) , event_item . Event . c_str ( ) , value . c_str ( ) ) ;
execute_script ( sbuffer ) ;
return serviced ;
* Subscribe a MQTT topic ( with or without key ) and assign an event name to it
* Command Subscribe format :
* Subscribe < event_name > , < topic > [ , < key > ]
* This command will subscribe a < topic > and give it an event name < event_name > .
* The optional parameter < key > is for parse the specified key / value from MQTT message
* payload with JSON format .
* Subscribe
* Subscribe command without any parameter will list all topics currently subscribed .
* Input :
* data - A char buffer with all the parameters
* data_len - Length of the parameters
* Return :
* A string include subscribed event , topic and key .
String ScriptSubscribe ( const char * data , int data_len )
MQTT_Subscription subscription_item ;
String events ;
if ( data_len > 0 ) {
char parameters [ data_len + 1 ] ;
memcpy ( parameters , data , data_len ) ;
parameters [ data_len ] = ' \0 ' ;
String event_name , topic , key ;
char * pos = strtok ( parameters , " , " ) ;
if ( pos ) {
event_name = Trim ( pos ) ;
pos = strtok ( nullptr , " , " ) ;
if ( pos ) {
topic = Trim ( pos ) ;
pos = strtok ( nullptr , " , " ) ;
if ( pos ) {
key = Trim ( pos ) ;
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Script: Subscribe command with parameters: %s, %s, %s."), event_name.c_str(), topic.c_str(), key.c_str());
if ( event_name . length ( ) > 0 & & topic . length ( ) > 0 ) {
//Search all subscriptions
for ( uint32_t index = 0 ; index < subscriptions . size ( ) ; index + + ) {
if ( subscriptions . get ( index ) . Event . equals ( event_name ) ) {
//If find exists one, remove it.
String stopic = subscriptions . get ( index ) . Topic + " /# " ;
MqttUnsubscribe ( stopic . c_str ( ) ) ;
subscriptions . remove ( index ) ;
break ;
//Add "/#" to the topic
if ( ! topic . endsWith ( " # " ) ) {
if ( topic . endsWith ( " / " ) ) {
topic . concat ( " # " ) ;
} else {
topic . concat ( " /# " ) ;
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Script: New topic: %s."), topic.c_str());
//MQTT Subscribe
subscription_item . Event = event_name ;
subscription_item . Topic = topic . substring ( 0 , topic . length ( ) - 2 ) ; //Remove "/#" so easy to match
subscription_item . Key = key ;
subscriptions . add ( subscription_item ) ;
MqttSubscribe ( topic . c_str ( ) ) ;
events . concat ( event_name + " , " + topic
+ ( key . length ( ) > 0 ? " , " : " " )
+ key ) ;
} else {
} else {
//If did not specify the event name, list all subscribed event
for ( uint32_t index = 0 ; index < subscriptions . size ( ) ; index + + ) {
subscription_item = subscriptions . get ( index ) ;
events . concat ( subscription_item . Event + " , " + subscription_item . Topic
+ ( subscription_item . Key . length ( ) > 0 ? " , " : " " )
+ subscription_item . Key + " ; " ) ;
return events ;
* Unsubscribe specified MQTT event . If no event specified , Unsubscribe all .
* Command Unsubscribe format :
* Unsubscribe [ < event_name > ]
* Input :
* data - Event name
* data_len - Length of the parameters
* Return :
* list all the events unsubscribed .
String ScriptUnsubscribe ( const char * data , int data_len )
MQTT_Subscription subscription_item ;
String events ;
if ( data_len > 0 ) {
for ( uint32_t index = 0 ; index < subscriptions . size ( ) ; index + + ) {
subscription_item = subscriptions . get ( index ) ;
if ( subscription_item . Event . equalsIgnoreCase ( data ) ) {
String stopic = subscription_item . Topic + " /# " ;
MqttUnsubscribe ( stopic . c_str ( ) ) ;
events = subscription_item . Event ;
subscriptions . remove ( index ) ;
break ;
} else {
//If did not specify the event name, unsubscribe all event
String stopic ;
while ( subscriptions . size ( ) > 0 ) {
events . concat ( subscriptions . get ( 0 ) . Event + " ; " ) ;
stopic = subscriptions . get ( 0 ) . Topic + " /# " ;
MqttUnsubscribe ( stopic . c_str ( ) ) ;
subscriptions . remove ( 0 ) ;
return events ;
void Script_Check_HTML_Setvars ( void ) {
if ( ! HttpCheckPriviledgedAccess ( ) ) { return ; }
if ( WebServer - > hasArg ( " sv " ) ) {
String stmp = WebServer - > arg ( " sv " ) ;
char cmdbuf [ 64 ] ;
memset ( cmdbuf , 0 , sizeof ( cmdbuf ) ) ;
char * cp = cmdbuf ;
* cp + + = ' > ' ;
strncpy ( cp , stmp . c_str ( ) , sizeof ( cmdbuf ) - 1 ) ;
char * cp1 = strchr ( cp , ' _ ' ) ;
if ( ! cp1 ) return ;
* cp1 = 0 ;
char vname [ 32 ] ;
strncpy ( vname , cp , sizeof ( vname ) ) ;
* cp1 = ' = ' ;
cp1 + + ;
struct T_INDEX ind ;
uint8_t vtype ;
isvar ( vname , & vtype , & ind , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( vtype ! = NUM_RES & & vtype & STYPE ) {
// string type must insert quotes
uint8_t tlen = strlen ( cp1 ) ;
memmove ( cp1 + 1 , cp1 , tlen ) ;
* cp1 = ' \" ' ;
* ( cp1 + tlen + 1 ) = ' \" ' ;
execute_script ( cmdbuf ) ;
Run_Scripter ( " >E " , 2 , 0 ) ;
" <button type='submit' style= \" width:%d%% \" onclick='seva(%d, \" %s \" )'>%s</button> " ;
" <td style= \" width:%d%% \" ><button type='submit' onclick='seva(%d, \" %s \" )'>%s</button></td> " ;
" <img width= \" %d%% \" ></img> " ;
" <div> " ;
" <table style='width:100%%'><tr> " ;
" </div> " ;
" </tr></table> " ;
" <div><span class='p'>%s</span><center><b>%s</b><span class='q'>%s</span></div> "
" <div><input type='range' min='%d' max='%d' value='%d' onchange='seva(value, \" %s \" )'></div> " ;
" <div><center><label><b>%s</b><input type='checkbox' %s onchange='seva(%d, \" %s \" )'></label></div> " ;
" <div><center><label><b>%s</b><input type='text' value='%s' style='width:200px' onfocusin='pr(0)' onfocusout='pr(1)' onchange='siva(value, \" %s \" )'></label></div> " ;
" <div><center><label><b>%s</b><input min='%s' max='%s' step='%s' value='%s' type='number' style='width:200px' onfocusin='pr(0)' onfocusout='pr(1)' onchange='siva(value, \" %s \" )'></label></div> " ;
void ScriptGetVarname ( char * nbuf , char * sp , uint32_t blen ) {
uint32_t cnt ;
for ( cnt = 0 ; cnt < blen - 1 ; cnt + + ) {
if ( * sp = = ' ' | | * sp = = ' ) ' ) {
break ;
nbuf [ cnt ] = * sp + + ;
nbuf [ cnt ] = 0 ;
void ScriptWebShow ( void ) {
uint8_t web_script = Run_Scripter ( " >W " , - 2 , 0 ) ;
if ( web_script = = 99 ) {
char line [ 128 ] ;
char tmp [ 128 ] ;
uint8_t optflg = 0 ;
char * lp = glob_script_mem . section_ptr + 2 ;
while ( lp ) {
while ( * lp = = SCRIPT_EOL ) {
lp + + ;
if ( ! * lp | | * lp = = ' # ' | | * lp = = ' > ' ) {
break ;
if ( * lp ! = ' ; ' ) {
// send this line to web
memcpy ( line , lp , sizeof ( line ) ) ;
line [ sizeof ( line ) - 1 ] = 0 ;
char * cp = line ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( line ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! * cp | | * cp = = ' \n ' | | * cp = = ' \r ' ) {
* cp = 0 ;
break ;
cp + + ;
char * lin = line ;
if ( * lin = = ' @ ' ) {
lin + + ;
optflg = 1 ;
} else {
optflg = 0 ;
// check for input elements
if ( ! strncmp ( lin , " sl( " , 3 ) ) {
// insert slider sl(min max var left mid right)
char * lp = lin ;
float min ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp + 3 , OPER_EQU , & min , 0 ) ;
// arg2
float max ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & max , 0 ) ;
float val ;
char * slp = lp ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & val , 0 ) ;
char vname [ 16 ] ;
ScriptGetVarname ( vname , slp , sizeof ( vname ) ) ;
char left [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , left , 0 ) ;
char mid [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , mid , 0 ) ;
char right [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , right , 0 ) ;
WSContentSend_PD ( SCRIPT_MSG_SLIDER , left , mid , right , ( uint32_t ) min , ( uint32_t ) max , ( uint32_t ) val , vname ) ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lin , " ck( " , 3 ) ) {
char * lp = lin + 3 ;
char * slp = lp ;
float val ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & val , 0 ) ;
char vname [ 16 ] ;
ScriptGetVarname ( vname , slp , sizeof ( vname ) ) ;
char label [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , label , 0 ) ;
const char * cp ;
uint8_t uval ;
if ( val > 0 ) {
cp = " checked='checked' " ;
uval = 0 ;
} else {
cp = " " ;
uval = 1 ;
WSContentSend_PD ( SCRIPT_MSG_CHKBOX , label , ( char * ) cp , uval , vname ) ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lin , " bu( " , 3 ) ) {
char * lp = lin + 3 ;
uint8_t bcnt = 0 ;
char * found = lin ;
while ( bcnt < 4 ) {
found = strstr ( found , " bu( " ) ;
if ( ! found ) break ;
found + = 3 ;
bcnt + + ;
uint8_t proz = 100 / bcnt ;
if ( ! optflg & & bcnt > 1 ) proz - = 2 ;
if ( optflg ) WSContentSend_PD ( SCRIPT_MSG_BUT_START_TBL ) ;
else WSContentSend_PD ( SCRIPT_MSG_BUT_START ) ;
for ( uint32_t cnt = 0 ; cnt < bcnt ; cnt + + ) {
float val ;
char * slp = lp ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & val , 0 ) ;
char vname [ 16 ] ;
ScriptGetVarname ( vname , slp , sizeof ( vname ) ) ;
char ontxt [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , ontxt , 0 ) ;
char offtxt [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , offtxt , 0 ) ;
char * cp ;
uint8_t uval ;
if ( val > 0 ) {
cp = ontxt ;
uval = 0 ;
} else {
cp = offtxt ;
uval = 1 ;
if ( bcnt > 1 & & cnt = = bcnt - 1 ) {
if ( ! optflg ) proz + = 2 ;
if ( ! optflg ) {
WSContentSend_PD ( SCRIPT_MSG_BUTTONa , proz , uval , vname , cp ) ;
} else {
WSContentSend_PD ( SCRIPT_MSG_BUTTONa_TBL , proz , uval , vname , cp ) ;
if ( bcnt > 1 & & cnt < bcnt - 1 ) {
if ( ! optflg ) WSContentSend_PD ( SCRIPT_MSG_BUTTONb , 2 ) ;
lp + = 4 ;
if ( optflg ) WSContentSend_PD ( SCRIPT_MSG_BUT_STOP_TBL ) ;
else WSContentSend_PD ( SCRIPT_MSG_BUT_STOP ) ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lin , " tx( " , 3 ) ) {
char * lp = lin + 3 ;
char * slp = lp ;
char str [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = ForceStringVar ( lp , str ) ;
char label [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , label , 0 ) ;
char vname [ 16 ] ;
ScriptGetVarname ( vname , slp , sizeof ( vname ) ) ;
WSContentSend_PD ( SCRIPT_MSG_TEXTINP , label , str , vname ) ;
} else if ( ! strncmp ( lin , " nm( " , 3 ) ) {
char * lp = lin ;
float min ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp + 3 , OPER_EQU , & min , 0 ) ;
float max ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & max , 0 ) ;
float step ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & step , 0 ) ;
float val ;
char * slp = lp ;
lp = GetNumericResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , & val , 0 ) ;
char vname [ 16 ] ;
ScriptGetVarname ( vname , slp , sizeof ( vname ) ) ;
char label [ SCRIPT_MAXSSIZE ] ;
lp = GetStringResult ( lp , OPER_EQU , label , 0 ) ;
char vstr [ 16 ] , minstr [ 16 ] , maxstr [ 16 ] , stepstr [ 16 ] ;
dtostrfd ( val , 4 , vstr ) ;
dtostrfd ( min , 4 , minstr ) ;
dtostrfd ( max , 4 , maxstr ) ;
dtostrfd ( step , 4 , stepstr ) ;
WSContentSend_PD ( SCRIPT_MSG_NUMINP , label , minstr , maxstr , stepstr , vstr , vname ) ;
} else {
Replace_Cmd_Vars ( lin , tmp , sizeof ( tmp ) ) ;
if ( optflg ) {
WSContentSend_PD ( PSTR ( " <div>%s</div> " ) , tmp ) ;
} else {
WSContentSend_PD ( PSTR ( " {s}%s{e} " ) , tmp ) ;
if ( * lp = = SCRIPT_EOL ) {
lp + + ;
} else {
lp = strchr ( lp , SCRIPT_EOL ) ;
if ( ! lp ) break ;
lp + + ;
void script_send_email_body ( BearSSL : : WiFiClientSecure_light * client ) {
uint8_t msect = Run_Scripter ( " >m " , - 2 , 0 ) ;
if ( msect = = 99 ) {
char line [ 128 ] ;
char tmp [ 128 ] ;
char * lp = glob_script_mem . section_ptr + 2 ;
while ( lp ) {
while ( * lp = = SCRIPT_EOL ) {
lp + + ;
if ( ! * lp | | * lp = = ' # ' | | * lp = = ' > ' ) {
break ;
if ( * lp ! = ' ; ' ) {
// send this line to smtp
memcpy ( line , lp , sizeof ( line ) ) ;
line [ sizeof ( line ) - 1 ] = 0 ;
char * cp = line ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( line ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! * cp | | * cp = = ' \n ' | | * cp = = ' \r ' ) {
* cp = 0 ;
break ;
cp + + ;
Replace_Cmd_Vars ( line , tmp , sizeof ( tmp ) ) ;
client - > println ( tmp ) ;
if ( * lp = = SCRIPT_EOL ) {
lp + + ;
} else {
lp = strchr ( lp , SCRIPT_EOL ) ;
if ( ! lp ) break ;
lp + + ;
} else {
client - > println ( " * " ) ;
# endif
void ScriptJsonAppend ( void ) {
uint8_t web_script = Run_Scripter ( " >J " , - 2 , 0 ) ;
if ( web_script = = 99 ) {
char line [ 128 ] ;
char tmp [ 128 ] ;
char * lp = glob_script_mem . section_ptr + 2 ;
while ( lp ) {
while ( * lp = = SCRIPT_EOL ) {
lp + + ;
if ( ! * lp | | * lp = = ' # ' | | * lp = = ' > ' ) {
break ;
if ( * lp ! = ' ; ' ) {
// send this line to mqtt
memcpy ( line , lp , sizeof ( line ) ) ;
line [ sizeof ( line ) - 1 ] = 0 ;
char * cp = line ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( line ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! * cp | | * cp = = ' \n ' | | * cp = = ' \r ' ) {
* cp = 0 ;
break ;
cp + + ;
Replace_Cmd_Vars ( line , tmp , sizeof ( tmp ) ) ;
ResponseAppend_P ( PSTR ( " %s " ) , tmp ) ;
if ( * lp = = SCRIPT_EOL ) {
lp + + ;
} else {
lp = strchr ( lp , SCRIPT_EOL ) ;
if ( ! lp ) break ;
lp + + ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
* Interface
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
bool Xdrv10 ( uint8_t function )
bool result = false ;
switch ( function ) {
// set defaults to rules memory
glob_script_mem . script_ram = Settings . rules [ 0 ] ;
glob_script_mem . script_size = MAX_SCRIPT_SIZE ;
glob_script_mem . flags = 0 ;
glob_script_mem . script_pram = ( uint8_t * ) Settings . mems [ 0 ] ;
glob_script_mem . script_pram_size = MAX_RULE_MEMS * 10 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
for ( uint32_t cnt = 0 ; cnt < MAX_KEYS ; cnt + + ) {
script_button [ cnt ] = - 1 ;
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# ifdef USE_24C256
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( i2c_flg ) {
if ( I2cDevice ( EEPROM_ADDRESS ) ) {
// found 32kb eeprom
char * script ;
script = ( char * ) calloc ( EEP_SCRIPT_SIZE + 4 , 1 ) ;
if ( ! script ) break ;
glob_script_mem . script_ram = script ;
glob_script_mem . script_size = EEP_SCRIPT_SIZE ;
EEP_READ ( 0 , EEP_SCRIPT_SIZE , script ) ;
if ( * script = = 0xff ) {
memset ( script , EEP_SCRIPT_SIZE , 0 ) ;
script [ EEP_SCRIPT_SIZE - 1 ] = 0 ;
// use rules storage for permanent vars
glob_script_mem . script_pram = ( uint8_t * ) Settings . rules [ 0 ] ;
glob_script_mem . script_pram_size = MAX_SCRIPT_SIZE ;
glob_script_mem . flags = 1 ;
# endif
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
if ( SD . begin ( USE_SCRIPT_FATFS ) ) {
glob_script_mem . script_sd_found = 1 ;
char * script ;
script = ( char * ) calloc ( FAT_SCRIPT_SIZE + 4 , 1 ) ;
if ( ! script ) break ;
glob_script_mem . script_ram = script ;
glob_script_mem . script_size = FAT_SCRIPT_SIZE ;
if ( SD . exists ( FAT_SCRIPT_NAME ) ) {
File file = SD . open ( FAT_SCRIPT_NAME , FILE_READ ) ;
file . read ( ( uint8_t * ) script , FAT_SCRIPT_SIZE ) ;
file . close ( ) ;
script [ FAT_SCRIPT_SIZE - 1 ] = 0 ;
// use rules storage for permanent vars
glob_script_mem . script_pram = ( uint8_t * ) Settings . rules [ 0 ] ;
glob_script_mem . script_pram_size = MAX_SCRIPT_SIZE ;
glob_script_mem . flags = 1 ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# if defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_3_0) || defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_4_2)
// for unkonwn reasons is not defined in 2.52
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
SdFile : : dateTimeCallback ( dateTime ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
} else {
glob_script_mem . script_sd_found = 0 ;
# endif
// assure permanent memory is 4 byte aligned
{ uint32_t ptr = ( uint32_t ) glob_script_mem . script_pram ;
ptr & = 0xfffffffc ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
ptr + = 4 ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
glob_script_mem . script_pram = ( uint8_t * ) ptr ;
glob_script_mem . script_pram_size - = 4 ;
if ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ) Init_Scripter ( ) ;
break ;
case FUNC_INIT :
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ) {
Run_Scripter ( " >B " , 2 , 0 ) ;
fast_script = Run_Scripter ( " >F " , - 2 , 0 ) ;
# if defined(USE_SCRIPT_HUE) && defined(USE_WEBSERVER) && defined(USE_EMULATION) && defined(USE_EMULATION_HUE) && defined(USE_LIGHT)
Script_Check_Hue ( 0 ) ;
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
break ;
ScripterEvery100ms ( ) ;
break ;
ScriptEverySecond ( ) ;
break ;
result = ScriptCommand ( ) ;
break ;
if ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ) Run_Scripter ( " >E " , 2 , mqtt_data ) ;
break ;
break ;
WebServer - > on ( " / " WEB_HANDLE_SCRIPT , HandleScriptConfiguration ) ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
WebServer - > on ( " /ta " , HTTP_POST , HandleScriptTextareaConfiguration ) ;
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
WebServer - > on ( " /u3 " , HTTP_POST , [ ] ( ) { WebServer - > sendHeader ( " Location " , " /u3 " ) ; WebServer - > send ( 303 ) ; } , script_upload ) ;
WebServer - > on ( " /u3 " , HTTP_GET , ScriptFileUploadSuccess ) ;
WebServer - > on ( " /upl " , HTTP_GET , Script_FileUploadConfiguration ) ;
# endif
break ;
# endif // USE_WEBSERVER
if ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ) {
Run_Scripter ( " >R " , 2 , 0 ) ;
Scripter_save_pvars ( ) ;
break ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
if ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ) {
result = ScriptMqttData ( ) ;
break ;
if ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ) {
ScriptWebShow ( ) ;
break ;
if ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ) {
ScriptJsonAppend ( ) ;
break ;
if ( bitRead ( Settings . rule_enabled , 0 ) ) {
if ( ( script_button [ XdrvMailbox . index ] & 1 ) ! = ( XdrvMailbox . payload & 1 ) ) {
script_button [ XdrvMailbox . index ] = XdrvMailbox . payload ;
Run_Scripter ( " >b " , 2 , 0 ) ;
break ;
# endif
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
return result ;
2019-10-23 12:11:53 +01:00
2019-07-05 12:44:24 +01:00
# endif // Do not USE_RULES
# endif // USE_SCRIPT