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2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
xdrv_52_3_berry_embedded.ino - Berry scripting language, embedded code
Copyright (C) 2021 Stephan Hadinger, Berry language by Guan Wenliang https://github.com/Skiars/berry
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifdef USE_BERRY
* Handlers for Berry calls and async
2021-04-11 14:39:59 +01:00
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
const char berry_prog[] =
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
// create a 'ntv' module to allow functions to be registered in a safe namespace
// "ntv = module('ntv') "
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
// auto-import modules
// // import alias
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
"import energy "
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
// Phase 1
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
"class Tasmota: Tasmota_ntv "
// for now the variables are built, need to find a way to push in Flash
// "def init() "
// "end "
// // add `chars_in_string(s:string,c:string) -> int``
// // looks for any char in c, and return the position of the first char
// // or -1 if not found
// // inv is optional and inverses the behavior, i.e. look for chars not in the list
// "def chars_in_string(s,c,inv) "
// "var inverted = inv ? true : false "
// "for i:0..size(s)-1 "
// "var found = false "
// "for j:0..size(c)-1 "
// "if s[i] == c[j] found = true end "
// "end "
// "if inverted != found return i end "
// "end "
// "return -1 "
// "end "
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
// // find a key in map, case insensitive, return actual key or nil if not found
// "def find_key_i(m,keyi) "
// "import string "
// "var keyu = string.toupper(keyi) "
// "if classof(m) == map "
// "for k:m.keys() "
// "if string.toupper(k)==keyu || keyi=='?' "
// "return k "
// "end "
// "end "
// "end "
// "end "
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
// # split the item when there is an operator, returns a list of (left,op,right)
// // # ex: "Dimmer>50" -> ["Dimmer",tasmota_gt,"50"]
// "def find_op(item) "
// "import string "
// "var op_chars = '=<>!' "
// "var pos = self.chars_in_string(item, op_chars) "
// "if pos >= 0 "
// "var op_split = string.split(item,pos) "
// "var op_left = op_split[0] "
// "var op_rest = op_split[1] "
// "pos = self.chars_in_string(op_rest, op_chars, true) "
// "if pos >= 0 "
// "var op_split2 = string.split(op_rest,pos) "
// "var op_middle = op_split2[0] "
// "var op_right = op_split2[1] "
// "return [op_left,op_middle,op_right] "
// "end "
// "end "
// "return [item, nil, nil] "
// "end "
2021-03-20 17:44:35 +00:00
// // Rules
// "def add_rule(pat,f) "
// "if !self._rules "
// "self._rules={} "
// "end "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// "if type(f) == 'function' "
// "self._rules[pat] = f "
// "else "
// "raise 'value_error', 'the second argument is not a function' "
// "end "
// "end "
// "def remove_rule(pat) "
// "if self._rules "
// "self._rules.remove(pat) "
// "end "
// "end "
2021-04-11 14:39:59 +01:00
// // Rules trigger if match. return true if match, false if not
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// "def try_rule(event, rule, f) "
// "import string "
// "var rl_list = self.find_op(rule) "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// "var sub_event = event "
// "var rl = string.split(rl_list[0],'#') "
// "for it:rl "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// "found=self.find_key_i(sub_event,it) "
// "if found == nil return false end "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// "sub_event = sub_event[found] "
// "end "
// "var op=rl_list[1]"
// "var op2=rl_list[2]"
// "if op "
// "if op=='==' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// "if str(sub_event) != str(op2) return false end "
// "elif op=='!==' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// "if str(sub_event) == str(op2) return false end "
// "elif op=='=' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// "if real(sub_event) != real(op2) return false end "
// "elif op=='!=' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// "if real(sub_event) == real(op2) return false end "
// "elif op=='>' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// "if real(sub_event) <= real(op2) return false end "
// "elif op=='>=' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// "if real(sub_event) < real(op2) return false end "
// "elif op=='<' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// "if real(sub_event) >= real(op2) return false end "
// "elif op=='<=' "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// "if real(sub_event) > real(op2) return false end "
// "end "
// "end "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// "f(sub_event, rl_list[0], event) "
// "return true "
// "end "
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
// // Run rules, i.e. check each individual rule
// // Returns true if at least one rule matched, false if none
// "def exec_rules(ev_json) "
// "if self._rules "
// "import json "
// "var ev = json.load(ev_json) "
// "var ret = false "
// "if ev == nil "
// "print('BRY: ERROR, bad json: '+ev_json, 3) "
// "else "
// "for r: self._rules.keys() "
// "ret = self.try_rule(ev,r,self._rules[r]) || ret "
// "end "
// "end "
// "return ret "
// "end "
// "return false "
// "end "
2021-04-11 14:39:59 +01:00
// "def set_timer(delay,f) "
// "if !self._timers self._timers=[] end "
// "self._timers.push([self.millis(delay),f]) "
// "end "
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
// // run every 50ms tick
// "def run_deferred() "
// "if self._timers "
// "var i=0 "
// "while i<self._timers.size() "
// "if self.time_reached(self._timers[i][0]) "
// "f=self._timers[i][1] "
// "self._timers.remove(i) "
// "f() "
// "else "
// "i=i+1 "
// "end "
// "end "
// "end "
// "end "
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
2021-03-20 17:44:35 +00:00
// // Delay function, internally calls yield() every 10ms to avoid WDT
// "def delay(ms) "
// "var tend = self.millis(ms) "
// "while !self.time_reached(tend) "
// "self.yield() "
// "end "
// "end "
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
// // Add command to list
// "def add_cmd(c,f) "
// "if !self._ccmd "
// "self._ccmd={} "
// "end "
// "if type(f) == 'function' "
// "self._ccmd[c]=f "
// "else "
// "raise 'value_error', 'the second argument is not a function' "
// "end "
// "end "
// // Remove command from list
// "def remove_cmd(c) "
// "if self._ccmd "
// "self._ccmd.remove(c) "
// "end "
// "end "
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
// // Execute custom command
// "def exec_cmd(cmd, idx, payload) "
// "if self._ccmd "
// "import json "
// "var payload_json = json.load(payload) "
// "var cmd_found = self.find_key_i(self._ccmd, cmd) "
// "if cmd_found != nil "
// "self.resolvecmnd(cmd_found) " // set the command name in XdrvMailbox.command
// "self._ccmd[cmd_found](cmd_found, idx, payload, payload_json) "
// "return true "
// "end "
// "end "
// "return false "
// "end "
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
// // Force gc and return allocated memory
// "def gc() "
// "import gc "
// "gc.collect() "
// "return gc.allocated() "
// // "end "
// // simple wrapper to load a file
// // prefixes '/' if needed, and simpler to use than `compile()`
// "def load(f) "
// "import string "
// "try "
// // check that the file ends with '.be' of '.bec'
// "var fl = string.split(f,'.') "
// "if (size(fl) <= 1 || (fl[-1] != 'be' && fl[-1] != 'bec')) "
// "raise \"file extension is not '.be' or '.bec'\" "
// "end "
// "var native = f[size(f)-1] == 'c' "
// // add prefix if needed
// "if f[0] != '/' f = '/' + f end "
// // load - works the same for .be and .bec
// "var c = compile(f,'file') "
// // save the compiled bytecode
// "if !native "
// "try "
// "self.save(f+'c', c) "
// "except .. as e "
// "self.log(string.format('BRY: could not save compiled file %s (%s)',f+'c',e)) "
// "end "
// "end "
// // call the compiled code
// "c() "
// "self.log(string.format(\"BRY: sucessfully loaded '%s'\",f)) "
// "except .. as e "
2021-04-11 14:39:59 +01:00
// "raise \"io_error\",string.format(\"Could not load file '%s'\",f) "
// "end "
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
// "end "
// //
// // Event from Tasmota is:
// // 1. event:string -- type of event (cmd, rule, ...)
// // 2. cmd:string -- name of the command to process
// // 3. index:int -- index number
// // 4. payload:string -- payload as text, analyzed as json
// // //
// "def event(type, cmd, idx, payload) "
// "if type=='cmd' return self.exec_cmd(cmd, idx, payload) "
// "elif type=='rule' return self.exec_rules(payload) "
// "elif type=='mqtt_data' return nil " // not yet implemented
// "elif type=='gc' return self.gc() "
// "elif type=='every_50ms' return self.run_deferred() "
// "elif self._drivers "
// "for d:self._drivers "
// "try "
// "if type=='every_second' && d.every_second return d.every_second() "
// "elif type=='every_100ms' && d.every_100ms return d.every_100ms() "
// "elif type=='web_add_button' && d.web_add_button return d.web_add_button() "
// "elif type=='web_add_main_button' && d.web_add_main_button return d.web_add_main_button() "
// "elif type=='save_before_restart' && d.save_before_restart return d.save_before_restart() "
// "elif type=='web_sensor' && d.web_sensor return d.web_sensor() "
// "elif type=='json_append' && d.json_append return d.json_append() "
// "elif type=='button_pressed' && d.button_pressed return d.button_pressed() "
// "end "
// "except .. as e,m "
// "import string "
// "self.log(string.format('BRY: exception %s - %m',3)) "
// "end "
// "end "
// "end "
// "end "
2021-03-20 17:44:35 +00:00
// add driver to the queue of event dispatching
// "def add_driver(d) "
// "if self._drivers "
// "self._drivers.push(d) "
// "else "
// "self._drivers = [d]"
// "end "
// "end "
2021-03-20 17:44:35 +00:00
// // tasmota.wire_scan(addr:int [, index:int]) -> wire1 or wire2 or nil
// // scan for the first occurrence of the addr, starting with bus1 then bus2
// // optional: skip if index is disabled via I2CEnable
// "def wire_scan(addr,idx) "
// // skip if the I2C index is disabled
// "if idx != nil && !self.i2c_enabled(idx) return nil end "
// "if self.wire1.detect(addr) return self.wire1 end "
// "if self.wire2.detect(addr) return self.wire2 end "
// "return nil "
// "end "
2021-04-04 18:36:25 +01:00
// // set_light and get_light deprecetaion
// "def set_light(v,l) "
// "print('tasmota.set_light() is deprecated, use light.set()') "
// "import light "
// "if l != nil "
// "return light.set(v,l) "
// "else "
// "return light.set(v) "
// "end "
// "end "
// "def get_light(l) "
// "print('tasmota.get_light() is deprecated, use light.get()') "
// "import light "
// "if l != nil "
// "return light.get(l) "
// "else "
// "return light.get() "
// "end "
// "end "
2021-04-03 18:53:52 +01:00
// // cmd high-level function
// "def cmd(command) "
// "import json "
// "var ret = self._cmd(command) "
// "var j = json.load(ret) "
// "if type(j) == 'instance' "
// "return j "
// "else "
// "return {'response':j} "
// "end "
// "end "
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
"end "
2021-04-11 14:14:10 +01:00
// // Monkey patch `Driver` class - To be continued
// "class Driver2 : Driver "
// "def add_cmd(c, f) "
// "var tasmota = self.get_tasmota() "
// "tasmota.add_cmd(c, / cmd, idx, payload, payload_json -> f(self, cmd, idx, payload, payload_json)) "
// "end "
// "end "
// "Driver = Driver2 "
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
// Instantiate tasmota object
"tasmota = Tasmota() "
"def log(m,l) tasmota.log(m,l) end "
"def load(f) tasmota.load(f) end "
2021-03-21 09:03:58 +00:00
#ifdef USE_LVGL
// instanciate singleton
// "class lvgl : lvgl_ntv "
// "end "
// "lv = lvgl() "
"import lvgl as lv "
// temporarily put udisplay descriptions here (will be solidified later)
"udisplay = module('udisplay') "
"udisplay.ILI9341_M5Stack_Core = ':H,ILI9341,320,240,16,SPI,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,40 :S,2,1,1,2,40,20 :I EF,3,03,80,02 CF,3,00,C1,30 ED,4,64,03,12,81 E8,3,85,00,78 CB,5,39,2C,00,34,02 F7,1,20 EA,2,00,00 C0,1,23 C1,1,10 C5,2,3e,28 C7,1,86 36,1,48 37,1,00 3A,1,55 B1,2,00,18 B6,3,08,82,27 F2,1,00 26,1,01 E0,0F,0F,31,2B,0C,0E,08,4E,F1,37,07,10,03,0E,09,00 E1,0F,00,0E,14,03,11,07,31,C1,48,08,0F,0C,31,36,0F 11,80 29,80 :o,28 :O,29 :A,2A,2B,2C :R,36 :0,08,00,00,00 :1,68,00,00,01 :2,C8,00,00,02 :3,A8,00,00,03 #' "
"udisplay.ILI9341 = ':H,ILI9341,240,320,16,SPI,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,40 :S,2,1,1,0,40,20 :I EF,3,03,80,02 CF,3,00,C1,30 ED,4,64,03,12,81 E8,3,85,00,78 CB,5,39,2C,00,34,02 F7,1,20 EA,2,00,00 C0,1,23 C1,1,10 C5,2,3e,28 C7,1,86 36,1,48 37,1,00 3A,1,55 B1,2,00,18 B6,3,08,82,27 F2,1,00 26,1,01 E0,0F,0F,31,2B,0C,0E,08,4E,F1,37,07,10,03,0E,09,00 E1,0F,00,0E,14,03,11,07,31,C1,48,08,0F,0C,31,36,0F 11,80 29,80 :o,28 :O,29 :A,2A,2B,2C,16 :R,36 :0,48,00,00,00 :1,28,00,00,01 :2,88,00,00,02 :3,E8,00,00,03 :i,20,21 #' "
"udisplay.ILI9342 = ':H,ILI9342,320,240,16,SPI,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,40 :S,2,1,3,0,100,100 :I EF,3,03,80,02 CF,3,00,C1,30 ED,4,64,03,12,81 E8,3,85,00,78 CB,5,39,2C,00,34,02 F7,1,20 EA,2,00,00 C0,1,23 C1,1,10 C5,2,3e,28 C7,1,86 36,1,48 37,1,00 3A,1,55 B1,2,00,18 B6,3,08,82,27 F2,1,00 26,1,01 E0,0F,0F,31,2B,0C,0E,08,4E,F1,37,07,10,03,0E,09,00 E1,0F,00,0E,14,03,11,07,31,C1,48,08,0F,0C,31,36,0F 21,80 11,80 29,80 :o,28 :O,29 :A,2A,2B,2C,16 :R,36 :0,08,00,00,00 :1,A8,00,00,01 :2,C8,00,00,02 :3,68,00,00,03 :i,21,20 :TI2,38,22,21 #' "
"udisplay.ILI9488 = ':H,ILI9488,480,320,16,SPI,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,10 :S,2,1,1,0,40,20 :I E0,0F,00,03,09,08,16,0A,3F,78,4C,09,0A,08,16,1A,0F E1,0F,00,16,19,03,0F,05,32,45,46,04,0E,0D,35,37,0F C0,2,17,15 C1,1,41 C5,3,00,12,80 36,1,48 3A,1,66 B0,1,80 B1,1,A0 B4,1,02 B6,2,02,02 E9,1,00 F7,4,A9,51,2C,82 11,80 29,0 :o,28 :O,29 :A,2A,2B,2C,16 :R,36 ;:0,48,00,00,00 :0,28,00,00,01 :1,28,00,00,00 :2,E8,00,00,03 :3,88,00,00,02 :P,18 :i,20,21 :TI1,38,*,* #' "
#endif // USE_LVGL
2021-03-21 09:03:58 +00:00
// Wire class
// "class Wire : Wire_ntv "
// // read bytes as `bytes()` object
// "def read_bytes(addr,reg,size) "
// "self._begin_transmission(addr) "
// "self._write(reg) "
// "self._end_transmission(false) "
// "self._request_from(addr,size) "
// "var ret=bytes(size) "
// "while (self._available()) "
// "ret..self._read() "
// "end "
// "return ret "
// "end "
// // write bytes from `bytes` object
// "def write_bytes(addr,reg,b) "
// "self._begin_transmission(addr) "
// "self._write(reg) "
// "self._write(b) "
// "self._end_transmission() "
// "end "
// "end "
2021-03-21 09:03:58 +00:00
2021-04-11 14:14:10 +01:00
#ifdef USE_I2C
"tasmota.wire1 = Wire(1) "
"tasmota.wire2 = Wire(2) "
"wire1 = tasmota.wire1 "
"wire2 = tasmota.wire2 "
2021-04-11 14:14:10 +01:00
#endif // USE_I2C
2021-04-03 17:06:40 +01:00
// auto-import gpio
"import gpio "
2021-04-11 14:14:10 +01:00
2021-04-04 18:36:25 +01:00
#ifdef USE_LIGHT
"import light "
#endif // USE_LIGHT
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
const char berry_autoexec[] =
// load "autoexec.be" using import, which loads either .be or .bec file
2021-04-19 20:07:46 +01:00
"import string "
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
"try "
2021-04-19 20:07:46 +01:00
" load('autoexec.be') "
2021-04-11 14:39:59 +01:00
"except .. as e,m "
2021-04-19 20:07:46 +01:00
" if e=='io_error' && string.find(m, \"autoexec.be\")>0 "
" log(\"BRY: no autoexec.be\") "
" else "
" log(\"BRY: exception in autoexec.be: \"+e+\": \"+m) "
" end "
2021-03-13 21:42:24 +00:00
"end "
2021-02-28 19:50:37 +00:00
#endif // USE_BERRY