- Corrected a compiler/linker error when an application or a library uses bluetooth classic due to the redefinition of `btInUse`.
## [1.3.0] - 2021-08-02
### Added
-`NimBLECharacteristic::removeDescriptor`: Dynamically remove a descriptor from a characterisic. Takes effect after all connections are closed and sends a service changed indication.
-`NimBLEService::removeCharacteristic`: Dynamically remove a characteristic from a service. Takes effect after all connections are closed and sends a service changed indication
-`NimBLEServerCallbacks::onMTUChange`: This is callback is called when the MTU is updated after connection with a client.
- ESP32C3 support
- Whitelist API:
-`NimBLEDevice::whiteListAdd`: Add a device to the whitelist.
-`NimBLEDevice::whiteListRemove`: Remove a device from the whitelist.
-`NimBLEDevice::onWhiteList`: Check if the device is on the whitelist.
-`NimBLEDevice::getWhiteListCount`: Gets the size of the whitelist
-`NimBLEDevice::getWhiteListAddress`: Get the address of a device on the whitelist by index value.
- Bond management API:
-`NimBLEDevice::getNumBonds`: Gets the number of bonds stored.
-`NimBLEDevice::isBonded`: Checks if the device is bonded.
-`NimBLEDevice::deleteAllBonds`: Deletes all bonds.
-`NimBLEDevice::getBondedAddress`: Gets the address of a bonded device by the index value.
-`NimBLECharacteristic::getCallbacks` to retrieve the current callback handler.
- Connection Information class: `NimBLEConnInfo`.
-`NimBLEScan::clearDuplicateCache`: This can be used to reset the cache of advertised devices so they will be immediately discovered again.
### Changed
- FreeRTOS files have been removed as they are not used by the library.
- Services, characteristics and descriptors can now be created statically and added after.
- Excess logging and some asserts removed.
- Use ESP_LOGx macros to enable using local log level filtering.
### Fixed
-`NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks::onSubscribe` Is now called after the connection is added to the vector.
- Corrected bonding failure when reinitializing the BLE stack.
- Writing to a characterisic with a std::string value now correctly writes values with null characters.
- Retrieving remote descriptors now uses the characterisic end handle correctly.
- Missing data in long writes to remote descriptors.
- Hanging on task notification when sending an indication from the characteristic callback.
- BLE controller memory could be released when using Arduino as a component.
-`NimBLEAdvertisementData::addTxPower`: Adds transmission power to the advertisement.
-`NimBLEAdvertisementData::setPreferredParams`: Adds connection parameters to the advertisement.
-`NimBLEAdvertisementData::setURI`: Adds URI data to the advertisement.
-`NimBLEAdvertising` New methods:
-`NimBLEAdvertising::setName`: Set the name advertised.
-`NimBLEAdvertising::setManufacturerData`: Adds manufacturer data to the advertisement.
-`NimBLEAdvertising::setURI`: Adds URI data to the advertisement.
-`NimBLEAdvertising::setServiceData`: Adds service data to the advertisement.
-`NimBLEAdvertising::addTxPower`: Adds transmission power to the advertisement.
-`NimBLEAdvertising::reset`: Stops the current advertising and resets the advertising data to the default values.
-`NimBLEDevice::setScanFilterMode`: Set the controller duplicate filter mode for filtering scanned devices.
-`NimBLEDevice::setScanDuplicateCacheSize`: Sets the number of advertisements filtered before the cache is reset.
-`NimBLEScan::setMaxResults`: This allows for setting a maximum number of advertised devices stored in the results vector.
-`NimBLEAdvertisedDevice` New data retrieval methods added:
-`haveAdvInterval/getAdvInterval`: checks if the interval is advertised / gets the advertisement interval value.
-`haveConnParams/getMinInterval/getMaxInterval`: checks if the parameters are advertised / get min value / get max value.
-`haveURI/getURI`: checks if a URI is advertised / gets the URI data.
-`haveTargetAddress/getTargetAddressCount/getTargetAddress(index)`: checks if a target address is present / gets a count of the addresses targeted / gets the address of the target at index.
### Changed
-`nimconfig.h` (Arduino) is now easier to use.
-`NimBLEServer::getServiceByUUID` Now takes an extra parameter of instanceID to support multiple services with the same UUID.
-`NimBLEService::getCharacteristic` Now takes an extra parameter of instanceID to support multiple characteristics with the same UUID.
-`NimBLEAdvertising` Transmission power is no longer advertised by default and can be added to the advertisement by calling `NimBLEAdvertising::addTxPower`
-`NimBLEAdvertising` Custom scan response data can now be used without custom advertisment.
-`NimBLEScan` Now uses the controller duplicate filter.
-`NimBLEAdvertisedDevice` Has been refactored to store the complete advertisement payload and no longer parses the data from each advertisement.
Instead the data will be parsed on-demand when the user application asks for specific data.
### Fixed
-`NimBLEHIDDevice` Characteristics now use encryption, this resolves an issue with communicating with devices requiring encryption for HID devices.