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2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
# Partition manager for ESP32 - ESP32C3 - ESP32S2
# use : `import partition`
# Provides low-level objects and a Web UI
var partition = module('partition')
# Class for a partition table entry
# typedef struct {
# uint16_t magic;
# uint8_t type;
# uint8_t subtype;
# uint32_t offset;
# uint32_t size;
# uint8_t label[16];
# uint32_t flags;
# } esp_partition_info_t_simplified;
# class Partition_info
# def init(raw)
# # check if the parition is an OTA partition
# # if yes, return OTA number (starting at 0)
# # if no, return nil
# def is_ota()
# # # check if the parition is a SPIFFS partition
# # returns bool
# def is_spiffs()
# # get the actual image size give of the partition
# # returns -1 if the partition is not an app ota partition
# def get_image_size()
# def tostring()
# def tobytes()
2021-06-07 18:07:44 +01:00
- OTA Data
- Selection of the active OTA partition
typedef struct {
uint32_t ota_seq;
uint8_t seq_label[20];
uint32_t ota_state;
uint32_t crc; /* CRC32 of ota_seq field only */
} esp_ota_select_entry_t;
- Excerp from esp_ota_ops.c
esp32_idf use two sector for store information about which partition is running
it defined the two sector as ota data partition,two structure esp_ota_select_entry_t is saved in the two sector
named data in first sector as otadata[0], second sector data as otadata[1]
if otadata[0].ota_seq == otadata[1].ota_seq == 0xFFFFFFFF,means ota info partition is in init status
so it will boot factory application(if there is),if there's no factory application,it will boot ota[0] application
if otadata[0].ota_seq != 0 and otadata[1].ota_seq != 0,it will choose a max seq ,and get value of max_seq%max_ota_app_number
and boot a subtype (mask 0x0F) value is (max_seq - 1)%max_ota_app_number,so if want switch to run ota[x],can use next formulas.
for example, if otadata[0].ota_seq = 4, otadata[1].ota_seq = 5, and there are 8 ota application,
current running is (5-1)%8 = 4,running ota[4],so if we want to switch to run ota[7],
we should add otadata[0].ota_seq (is 4) to 4 ,(8-1)%8=7,then it will boot ota[7]
if A=(B - C)%D
then B=(A + C)%D + D*n ,n= (0,1,2...)
so current ota app sub type id is x , dest bin subtype is y,total ota app count is n
seq will add (x + n*1 + 1 - seq)%n
# class Partition_otadata
# var maxota #- number of highest OTA partition, default 1 (double ota0/ota1) -#
# var offset #- offset of the otadata partition (0x2000 in length), default 0xE000 -#
# var active_otadata #- which otadata block is active, 0 or 1, i.e. 0xE000 or 0xF000 -#
# var seq0 #- ota_seq of first block -#
# var seq1 #- ota_seq of second block -#
# #- crc32 for ota_seq as 32 bits unsigned, with init vector -1 -#
# static def crc32_ota_seq(seq)
# #---------------------------------------------------------------------#
# # Rest of the class
# #---------------------------------------------------------------------#
# def init(maxota, offset)
# #- update ota_max, needs to recompute everything -#
# def set_ota_max(n)
# # change the active OTA partition
# def set_active(n)
# #- load otadata from SPI Flash -#
# def load()
# # Save partition information to SPI Flash
# def save()
# # Produce a human-readable representation of the object with relevant information
# def tostring()
2021-06-07 18:07:44 +01:00
2021-06-06 17:32:34 +01:00
- Class for a partition table entry
#class Partition
# var raw #- raw bytes of the partition table in flash -#
# var md5 #- md5 hash of partition list -#
# var slots
# var otadata #- instance of Partition_otadata() -#
# def init()
# # Load partition information from SPI Flash
# def load()
# def get_ota_slot(n)
# #- compute the highest ota<x> partition -#
# def ota_max()
# def load_otadata()
# # get the active OTA app partition number
# def get_active()
# #- change the active partition -#
# def set_active(n)
# #- convert to human readble -#
# def tostring()
# #- convert the slots to raw bytes, ready to falsh to parition page -#
# def tobytes()
# #- write back to flash -#
# def save()
# #- invalidate SPIFFS partition to force format at next boot -#
# #- we simply erase the first byte of the first 2 blocks in the SPIFFS partition -#
# def invalidate_spiffs()
2021-06-06 17:32:34 +01:00
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
# Partition_manager_UI
# WebUI for the partition manager
class Partition_manager_UI
static app_size_min = 896 # Min OTA size - let's set it at a safe 896KB for minimal Tasmota32 with TLS
2022-03-17 20:54:41 +00:00
static app_size_max = 3072 # Max OTA size - (4096 - 896 - 128)
# create a method for adding a button to the main menu
# the button 'Partition Manager' redirects to '/part_mgr?'
def web_add_button()
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
import webserver
"<form id=but_part_mgr style='display: block;' action='part_mgr' method='get'><button>Partition Manager</button></form>")
#- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
# Show a single OTA Partition
#- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
def page_show_partition(slot, active, ota_num, maxota)
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
import webserver
import string
#- define `bdis` style for gray disabled buttons -#
webserver.content_send(string.format("<legend><b title='Start: 0x%03X 000'>&nbsp;%s%s</b></legend>",
slot.start / 0x1000, slot.label, active ? " (active)" : ""))
webserver.content_send(string.format("<p><b>Partition size: </b>%i KB</p>", slot.size / 1024))
var used = slot.get_image_size()
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
if used > slot.size slot.used = -1 end # we may have a leftover of a previous firmware but the slot shrank - in this case the slot is inknown
if used >= 0
webserver.content_send(string.format("<p><b>Used: </b>%i KB</p>", used / 1024))
webserver.content_send(string.format("<p><b>Free: </b>%i KB</p>", (slot.size - used) / 1024))
2022-04-25 13:54:45 +01:00
webserver.content_send("<p><b>Used</b>: unknown</p>")
webserver.content_send("<p><b>Free</b>: unknown</p>")
if maxota != nil && maxota > 0
if !active && used > 0
webserver.content_send("<p><form id=setactive style='display: block;' action='/part_mgr' method='post' ")
webserver.content_send("onsubmit='return confirm(\"This will change the active partition and cause a restart.\");'>")
webserver.content_send("<button name='setactive' class='button bgrn'>Switch To This Partition</button>")
webserver.content_send(string.format("<input name='ota' type='hidden' value='%d'>", ota_num))
# put a fake disabled button
webserver.content_send("<p><form style='display: block;'>")
if used >= 0
webserver.content_send("<button name='setactive' class='button bdis' disabled title=\"No need to click, it's already the active partition\">Current Active Partition</button>")
webserver.content_send("<button name='setactive' class='button bdis' disabled>Empty Partition</button>")
#- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
# Show a single OTA Partition
#- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
def page_show_spiffs(slot, free_mem)
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
import webserver
import string
webserver.content_send(string.format("<fieldset><legend><b title='Start: 0x%03X 000'>&nbsp;%s</b></legend>",
slot.start / 0x1000, slot.label))
webserver.content_send(string.format("<p><b>Partition size:</b> %i KB</p>", slot.size / 1024))
if free_mem != nil
webserver.content_send(string.format("<p><b>Max size: </b>%i KB</p>", (slot.size + free_mem) / 1024))
webserver.content_send(string.format("<p><b>Unallocated: </b>%i KB</p>", free_mem / 1024))
#- display Resize button -#
webserver.content_send("<hr><p><b>New size:</b> (multiple of 16 KB)</p>")
webserver.content_send("<form action='/part_mgr' method='post' ")
webserver.content_send("onsubmit='return confirm(\"This will DELETE the content of the file system and cause a restart.\");'>")
webserver.content_send(string.format("<input type='number' min='0' max='%d' step='16' name='spiffs_size' value='%i'>", (slot.size + free_mem) / 1024, ((slot.size + free_mem) / 1024 / 16)*16))
webserver.content_send("<p></p><button name='resize' class='button bred'>Resize SPIFFS</button></form></p>")
#- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
#- Show each partition one after the other - only OTA and SPIFFS
#- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
def page_show_partitions(p)
# display ota partitions
for slot: p.slots
# is the slot app?
var ota_num = slot.is_ota()
if ota_num != nil
# we have an OTA partition
self.page_show_partition(slot, ota_num == p.otadata.active_otadata, ota_num, p.otadata.maxota)
elif slot.is_factory()
self.page_show_partition(slot, false, nil, nil)
elif slot.is_spiffs()
var flash_size = tasmota.memory()['flash'] * 1024
var used_size = (slot.start + slot.size)
self.page_show_spiffs(slot, slot == p.slots[-1] ? flash_size - used_size : nil)
#- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
#- Display the Re-partition section - both OTA different sizes
#- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
def page_show_repartition_asym(p)
import webserver
import string
if p.get_active() != 0
webserver.content_send("<p style='width:320px;'>Re-partition can be done only if 'app0' is active.</p>")
# we can proceed
var app0 = p.get_ota_slot(0)
var app0_size_kb = ((app0.size / 1024 + 63) / 64) * 64 # rounded to upper 64kb
var app0_used_kb = (((app0.get_image_size()) / 1024 / 64) + 1) * 64
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
var app1 = p.get_ota_slot(1)
var app1_size_kb = ((app1.size / 1024 + 63) / 64) * 64 # rounded to upper 64kb
# var app1_used_kb = (((app1.get_image_size()) / 1024 / 64) + 1) * 64 # we don't actually need it
var flash_size_kb = tasmota.memory()['flash']
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
webserver.content_send("<p><b>Resize app Partitions.</b><br>It is highly recommended to set<br>both partition with the same size.<br>SPIFFS is adjusted accordinlgy.</p>")
webserver.content_send("<form action='/part_mgr' method='post' ")
webserver.content_send("onsubmit='return confirm(\"This will DELETE the content of the file system and cause a restart.\");'>")
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
webserver.content_send(string.format("<p><b>Min:</b> %i KB</p>", app0_used_kb))
webserver.content_send(string.format("<p><b>Max:</b> %i KB</p>", self.app_size_max))
webserver.content_send("<p><b>New:</b> (multiple of 64 KB)</p>")
webserver.content_send(string.format("<input type='number' min='%d' max='%d' step='64' name='app0' value='%i'>", app0_used_kb, self.app_size_max, app0_size_kb))
webserver.content_send(string.format("<p><b>Min:</b> %i KB</p>", self.app_size_min))
webserver.content_send(string.format("<p><b>Max:</b> %i KB</p>", self.app_size_max))
webserver.content_send("<p><b>New:</b> (multiple of 64 KB)</p>")
webserver.content_send(string.format("<input type='number' min='%d' max='%d' step='64' name='app1' value='%i'>", self.app_size_min, self.app_size_max, app1_size_kb))
webserver.content_send("<p></p><button name='resize' class='button bred'>Resize Partitions</button></form></p>")
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
# Display the complete page
def page_part_mgr()
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
import webserver
import string
import partition_core
if !webserver.check_privileged_access() return nil end
var p = partition_core.Partition()
webserver.content_start("Partition Manager") #- title of the web page -#
webserver.content_send_style() #- send standard Tasmota styles -#
# webserver.content_send("<p style='width:340px;'><b style='color:#f56'>Warning:</b> This can brick your device. Don't use unless you know what you are doing.</p>")
webserver.content_send("<fieldset><legend><b>&nbsp;Partition Manager</b></legend><p></p>")
webserver.content_send("<p style='width:320px;'><b style='color:#f56'>Warning:</b> This can brick your device.</p>")
if p.otadata.maxota > 0
webserver.content_button(webserver.BUTTON_MANAGEMENT) #- button back to management page -#
webserver.content_stop() #- end of web page -#
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
# Web Controller, called by POST to `/part_mgr`
def page_part_ctl()
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
import webserver
import string
import partition_core
if !webserver.check_privileged_access() return nil end
#- check that the partition is valid -#
var p = partition_core.Partition()
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
# Switch OTA partition from one to another
if webserver.has_arg("ota")
#- OTA switch partition -#
var ota_target = int(webserver.arg("ota"))
if ota_target < 0 || ota_target > p.ota_max() raise "value_error", string.format("Invalid partition #%d", ota_target) end
var ota_slot = p.get_ota_slot(ota_target)
if ota_slot == nil || ota_slot.get_image_size() < 0
raise "value_error", string.format("Invalid OTA slot #%d", ota_target)
print(string.format("Trying to change active partition to %d", ota_target))
#- do the change -#
p.otadata.save() #- write to disk -#
#- and force restart -#
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
# Resize the SPIFFS partition, generally to extend it to full free size
elif webserver.has_arg("spiffs_size")
#- SPIFFS size change -#
var spiffs_size_kb = int(webserver.arg("spiffs_size"))
var spiffs_slot = p.slots[-1] # last slot
var spiffs_max_size = ((tasmota.memory()['flash'] - (spiffs_slot.start / 1024)) / 16) * 16
if spiffs_slot == nil || !spiffs_slot.is_spiffs() raise "value_error", "Last slot is not SPIFFS type" end
var flash_size_kb = tasmota.memory()['flash']
if spiffs_size_kb < 0 || spiffs_size_kb > spiffs_max_size
raise "value_error", string.format("Invalid spiffs_size %i, should be between 0 and %i", spiffs_size_kb, spiffs_max_size)
if spiffs_size_kb == spiffs_slot.size/1024 raise "value_error", "SPIFFS size unchanged, abort" end
#- write the new SPIFFS partition size -#
spiffs_slot.size = spiffs_size_kb * 1024
p.invalidate_spiffs() # erase SPIFFS or data is corrupt
#- and force restart -#
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
# Repartition symmetrical OTA with a new SPIFFS size
elif webserver.has_arg("repartition")
if p.get_active() != 0 raise "value_error", "Can't repartition unless active partition is app0" end
#- complete repartition -#
var app0 = p.get_ota_slot(0)
var app1 = p.get_ota_slot(1)
var spiffs = p.slots[-1]
if !spiffs.is_spiffs() raise 'internal_error', 'No SPIFFS partition found' end
if app0 == nil || app1 == nil
raise "internal_error", "Unable to find partitions app0 and app1"
if p.ota_max() != 1
raise "internal_error", "There are more than 2 OTA partition, abort"
var app0_size_kb = ((app0.size / 1024 + 63) / 64) * 64 # rounded to upper 64kb
var app0_used_kb = (((app0.get_image_size()) / 1024 / 64) + 1) * 64
var flash_size_kb = tasmota.memory()['flash']
var part_size_kb = int(webserver.arg("repartition"))
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
if part_size_kb < app0_used_kb || part_size_kb > self.app_size_max
raise "value_error", string.printf("Invalid partition size %i KB, should be between %i and %i", part_size_kb, app0_used_kb, self.app_size_max)
if part_size_kb == app0_size_kb raise "value_error", "No change to partition size, abort" end
#- all good, proceed -#
# resize app0
app0.size = part_size_kb * 1024
# change app1
app1.start = app0.start + app0.size
app1.size = part_size_kb * 1024
# change spiffs
spiffs.start = app1.start + app1.size
spiffs.size = flash_size_kb * 1024 - spiffs.start
p.invalidate_spiffs() # erase SPIFFS or data is corrupt
#- and force restart -#
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
# Repartition OTA with a new SPIFFS size
elif webserver.has_arg("app0") && webserver.has_arg("app1")
if p.get_active() != 0 raise "value_error", "Can't repartition unless active partition is app0" end
#- complete repartition -#
var app0 = p.get_ota_slot(0)
var app1 = p.get_ota_slot(1)
var spiffs = p.slots[-1]
if !spiffs.is_spiffs() raise 'internal_error', 'No SPIFFS partition found' end
if app0 == nil || app1 == nil
raise "internal_error", "Unable to find partitions app0 and app1"
if p.ota_max() != 1
raise "internal_error", "There are more than 2 OTA partition, abort"
var app0_size_kb = ((app0.size / 1024 + 63) / 64) * 64 # rounded to upper 64kb
var app0_used_kb = (((app0.get_image_size()) / 1024 / 64) + 1) * 64
var app1_size_kb = ((app1.size / 1024 + 63) / 64) * 64 # rounded to upper 64kb
var flash_size_kb = tasmota.memory()['flash']
var part0_size_kb = int(webserver.arg("app0"))
if part0_size_kb < app0_used_kb || part0_size_kb > self.app_size_max
raise "value_error", string.printf("Invalid partition size app%i %i KB, should be between %i and %i", 0, part0_size_kb, app0_used_kb, self.app_size_max)
var part1_size_kb = int(webserver.arg("app1"))
if part1_size_kb < self.app_size_min || part1_size_kb > self.app_size_max
raise "value_error", string.printf("Invalid partition size app%i %i KB, should be between %i and %i", 1, part1_size_kb, self.app_size_min, self.app_size_max)
if part0_size_kb == app0_size_kb && part1_size_kb == app1_size_kb raise "value_error", "No change to partition sizes, abort" end
#- all good, proceed -#
# resize app0
app0.size = part0_size_kb * 1024
# change app1
app1.start = app0.start + app0.size
app1.size = part1_size_kb * 1024
# change spiffs
spiffs.start = app1.start + app1.size
spiffs.size = flash_size_kb * 1024 - spiffs.start
p.invalidate_spiffs() # erase SPIFFS or data is corrupt
#- and force restart -#
raise "value_error", "Unknown command"
except .. as e, m
print(string.format("BRY: Exception> '%s' - %s", e, m))
#- display error page -#
webserver.content_start("Parameter error") #- title of the web page -#
webserver.content_send_style() #- send standard Tasmota styles -#
webserver.content_send(string.format("<p style='width:340px;'><b>Exception:</b><br>'%s'<br>%s</p>", e, m))
# webserver.content_send("<p></p></fieldset><p></p>")
webserver.content_button(webserver.BUTTON_MANAGEMENT) #- button back to management page -#
webserver.content_stop() #- end of web page -#
#- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
# respond to web_add_handler() event to register web listeners
#- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
#- this is called at Tasmota start-up, as soon as Wifi/Eth is up and web server running -#
def web_add_handler()
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
import webserver
#- we need to register a closure, not just a function, that captures the current instance -#
webserver.on("/part_mgr", / -> self.page_part_mgr(), webserver.HTTP_GET)
webserver.on("/part_mgr", / -> self.page_part_ctl(), webserver.HTTP_POST)
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
partition.Partition_manager_UI = Partition_manager_UI
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
#- create and register driver in Tasmota -#
if tasmota
import partition_core
2022-01-12 18:20:55 +00:00
var partition_manager_ui = partition.Partition_manager_UI()
## can be removed if put in 'autoexec.bat'
2021-06-06 17:32:34 +01:00
return partition
2021-06-18 21:50:24 +01:00
#- Example
2021-06-06 17:32:34 +01:00
import partition
# read
2021-06-18 21:50:24 +01:00
p = partition.Partition()
2021-06-06 17:32:34 +01:00