2022-08-18 18:23:11 +01:00
# GiEX garden watering https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004222098040.html
EF00/0101,WaterMode # duration=0 / capacity=1
EF00/0102,WaterState # off=0 / on=1
EF00/0365,IrrigationStartTime # (string) ex: "08:12:26"
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EF00/0366,IrrigationStopTime # (string) ex: "08:13:36"
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EF00/0267,CycleIrrigationNumTimes # number of cycle irrigation times, set to 0 for single cycle
EF00/0268,IrrigationTarget # duration in minutes or capacity in Liters (depending on mode)
EF00/0269,CycleIrrigationInterval # cycle irrigation interval (minutes, max 1440)
EF00/026A,CurrentTemperature # (value ignored because isn't a valid tempurature reading. Misdocumented and usage unclear)
2022-08-19 22:16:21 +01:00
EF00/026C=0001/0021,mul:2 # match to BatteryPercentage
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EF00/026F,WaterConsumed # water consumed (Litres)
EF00/0372,LastIrrigationDuration # (string) Ex: "00:01:10,0"