Has been **deprecated** as now the internally stored characteristic value is updated when notification/indication is recieved.
`NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::subscribe` and `NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::unsubscribe` have been implemented to replace it.
A callback is no longer requred to get the most recent value unless timing is important. Instead, the application can call `NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::getValue` to
The `notifiy_callback` function is now defined as a `std::function` to take advantage of using `std::bind` to specifiy a class member function for the callback.
`NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readValue` and `NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::getValue` take an optional timestamp parameter which will update it's value with
These methods will now check the respective vectors for the attribute object and, if not found, will retrieve (only)
the specified attribute from the peripheral.
These changes allow more control for the user to manage the resources used for the attributes.
`NimBLEClient::connect()` can now be called without an address or advertised device parameter. This will connect to the
device with the address previously set when last connected or set with `NimBLEDevice::setPeerAddress()`.
# General
To reduce resource use all instances of `std::map` have been replaced with `std::vector`.
Use of `FreeRTOS::Semaphore` has been removed as it was consuming too much ram, the related files have been left in place to accomodate application use.
Operators `==`, `!=` and `std::string` have been added to `NimBLEAddress` and `NimBLEUUID` for easier comparison and logging.
New constructor for `NimBLEUUID(uint32_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint64_t)` added to lower memory use vs string construction. See: [#21](https://github.com/h2zero/NimBLE-Arduino/pull/21).
Security/pairing operations are now handled in the respective `NimBLEClientCallbacks` and `NimBLEServerCallbacks` classes, `NimBLESecurity`(deprecated) remains for backward compatibility.
Configuration options have been added to add or remove debugging information, when disabled (default) significatly reduces binary size.
In ESP-IDF the options are in menuconfig: `Main menu -> ESP-NimBLE-cpp configuration`.
For Arduino the options must be commented / uncommented in nimconfig.h.