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xdrv_23_zigbee_converters.ino - zigbee support for Tasmota
2019-12-31 13:23:34 +00:00
Copyright (C) 2020 Theo Arends and Stephan Hadinger
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
enum Z_DataTypes {
Znodata = 0x00,
Zdata8 = 0x08, Zdata16, Zdata24, Zdata32, Zdata40, Zdata48, Zdata56, Zdata64,
Zbool = 0x10,
Zmap8 = 0x18, Zmap16, Zmap24, Zmap32, Zmap40, Zmap48, Zmap56, Zmap64,
Zuint8 = 0x20, Zuint16, Zuint24, Zuint32, Zuint40, Zuint48, Zuint56, Zuint64,
Zint8 = 0x28, Zint16, Zint24, Zint32, Zint40, Zint48, Zint56, Zint64,
Zenum8 = 0x30, Zenum16 = 0x31,
Zsemi = 0x38, Zsingle = 0x39, Zdouble = 0x3A,
Zoctstr = 0x41, Zstring = 0x42, Zoctstr16 = 0x43, Zstring16 = 0x44,
Arrray = 0x48,
Zstruct = 0x4C,
Zset = 0x50, Zbag = 0x51,
ZToD = 0xE0, Zdate = 0xE1, ZUTC = 0xE2,
ZclusterId = 0xE8, ZattribId = 0xE9, ZbacOID = 0xEA,
ZEUI64 = 0xF0, Zkey128 = 0xF1,
Zunk = 0xFF
// get the lenth in bytes for a data-type
// return 0 if unknown of type specific
// Note: this code is smaller than a static array
uint8_t Z_getDatatypeLen(uint8_t t) {
if ( ((t >= 0x08) && (t <= 0x0F)) || // data8 - data64
((t >= 0x18) && (t <= 0x2F)) ) { // map/uint/int
return (t & 0x07) + 1;
2020-04-25 10:37:36 +01:00
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
switch (t) {
case Zbool:
case Zenum8:
return 1;
case Zenum16:
case Zsemi:
case ZclusterId:
case ZattribId:
return 2;
case Zsingle:
case ZToD:
case Zdate:
case ZUTC:
case ZbacOID:
return 4;
case Zdouble:
case ZEUI64:
return 8;
case Zkey128:
return 16;
case Znodata:
return 0;
// return value:
// 0 = keep initial value
// 1 = remove initial value
typedef int32_t (*Z_AttrConverter)(const class ZCLFrame *zcl, uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const String &new_name, uint16_t cluster, uint16_t attr);
typedef struct Z_AttributeConverter {
uint8_t type;
uint8_t cluster_short;
uint16_t attribute;
const char * name;
int16_t multiplier; // multiplier for numerical value, (if > 0 multiply by x, if <0 device by x)
uint8_t cb; // callback func from Z_ConvOperators
// Z_AttrConverter func;
} Z_AttributeConverter;
// Cluster numbers are store in 8 bits format to save space,
// the following tables allows the conversion from 8 bits index Cx...
// to the 16 bits actual cluster number
enum Cx_cluster_short {
Cx0000, Cx0001, Cx0002, Cx0003, Cx0004, Cx0005, Cx0006, Cx0007,
Cx0008, Cx0009, Cx000A, Cx000B, Cx000C, Cx000D, Cx000E, Cx000F,
Cx0010, Cx0011, Cx0012, Cx0013, Cx0014, Cx001A, Cx0020, Cx0100,
Cx0101, Cx0102, Cx0300, Cx0400, Cx0401, Cx0402, Cx0403, Cx0404,
Cx0405, Cx0406, Cx0B01, Cx0B05,
const uint16_t Cx_cluster[] PROGMEM = {
0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x0006, 0x0007,
0x0008, 0x0009, 0x000A, 0x000B, 0x000C, 0x000D, 0x000E, 0x000F,
0x0010, 0x0011, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014, 0x001A, 0x0020, 0x0100,
0x0101, 0x0102, 0x0300, 0x0400, 0x0401, 0x0402, 0x0403, 0x0404,
0x0405, 0x0406, 0x0B01, 0x0B05,
uint16_t CxToCluster(uint8_t cx) {
if (cx < ARRAY_SIZE(Cx_cluster)) {
return pgm_read_word(&Cx_cluster[cx]);
return 0xFFFF;
enum Z_ConvOperators {
Z_Nop, // copy value
Z_AddPressureUnit, // add pressure unit attribute (non numerical)
Z_ManufKeep, // copy and record Manufacturer attribute
Z_ModelKeep, // copy and record ModelId attribute
Z_AqaraSensor, // decode prioprietary Aqara Sensor message
Z_AqaraVibration, // decode Aqara vibration modes
Z_AqaraCube, // decode Aqara cube
ZF(ZCLVersion) ZF(AppVersion) ZF(StackVersion) ZF(HWVersion) ZF(Manufacturer) ZF(ModelId)
ZF(DateCode) ZF(PowerSource) ZF(SWBuildID) ZF(Power) ZF(SwitchType) ZF(Dimmer)
ZF(MainsVoltage) ZF(MainsFrequency) ZF(BatteryVoltage) ZF(BatteryPercentage)
ZF(CurrentTemperature) ZF(MinTempExperienced) ZF(MaxTempExperienced) ZF(OverTempTotalDwell)
ZF(SceneCount) ZF(CurrentScene) ZF(CurrentGroup) ZF(SceneValid)
ZF(AlarmCount) ZF(Time) ZF(TimeStatus) ZF(TimeZone) ZF(DstStart) ZF(DstEnd)
2020-06-05 21:27:47 +01:00
ZF(DstShift) ZF(StandardTime) ZF(LocalTime) ZF(LastSetTime) ZF(ValidUntilTime) ZF(TimeEpoch)
ZF(LocationType) ZF(LocationMethod) ZF(LocationAge) ZF(QualityMeasure) ZF(NumberOfDevices)
ZF(AnalogInActiveText) ZF(AnalogInDescription) ZF(AnalogInInactiveText) ZF(AnalogInMaxValue)
ZF(AnalogInMinValue) ZF(AnalogInOutOfService) ZF(AqaraRotate) ZF(AnalogInPriorityArray)
ZF(AnalogInReliability) ZF(AnalogInRelinquishDefault) ZF(AnalogInResolution) ZF(AnalogInStatusFlags)
ZF(AnalogInEngineeringUnits) ZF(AnalogInApplicationType) ZF(Aqara_FF05)
ZF(AnalogOutDescription) ZF(AnalogOutMaxValue) ZF(AnalogOutMinValue) ZF(AnalogOutOutOfService)
ZF(AnalogOutValue) ZF(AnalogOutPriorityArray) ZF(AnalogOutReliability) ZF(AnalogOutRelinquishDefault)
ZF(AnalogOutResolution) ZF(AnalogOutStatusFlags) ZF(AnalogOutEngineeringUnits) ZF(AnalogOutApplicationType)
ZF(AnalogDescription) ZF(AnalogOutOfService) ZF(AnalogValue) ZF(AnalogPriorityArray) ZF(AnalogReliability)
ZF(AnalogRelinquishDefault) ZF(AnalogStatusFlags) ZF(AnalogEngineeringUnits) ZF(AnalogApplicationType)
ZF(BinaryInActiveText) ZF(BinaryInDescription) ZF(BinaryInInactiveText) ZF(BinaryInOutOfService)
ZF(BinaryInPolarity) ZF(BinaryInValue) ZF(BinaryInPriorityArray) ZF(BinaryInReliability)
ZF(BinaryInStatusFlags) ZF(BinaryInApplicationType)
ZF(BinaryOutActiveText) ZF(BinaryOutDescription) ZF(BinaryOutInactiveText) ZF(BinaryOutMinimumOffTime)
ZF(BinaryOutMinimumOnTime) ZF(BinaryOutOutOfService) ZF(BinaryOutPolarity) ZF(BinaryOutValue)
ZF(BinaryOutPriorityArray) ZF(BinaryOutReliability) ZF(BinaryOutRelinquishDefault) ZF(BinaryOutStatusFlags)
ZF(BinaryActiveText) ZF(BinaryDescription) ZF(BinaryInactiveText) ZF(BinaryMinimumOffTime)
ZF(BinaryMinimumOnTime) ZF(BinaryOutOfService) ZF(BinaryValue) ZF(BinaryPriorityArray) ZF(BinaryReliability)
ZF(BinaryRelinquishDefault) ZF(BinaryStatusFlags) ZF(BinaryApplicationType)
ZF(MultiInStateText) ZF(MultiInDescription) ZF(MultiInNumberOfStates) ZF(MultiInOutOfService)
ZF(MultiInValue) ZF(MultiInReliability) ZF(MultiInStatusFlags) ZF(MultiInApplicationType)
ZF(MultiOutStateText) ZF(MultiOutDescription) ZF(MultiOutNumberOfStates) ZF(MultiOutOutOfService)
ZF(MultiOutValue) ZF(MultiOutPriorityArray) ZF(MultiOutReliability) ZF(MultiOutRelinquishDefault)
ZF(MultiOutStatusFlags) ZF(MultiOutApplicationType)
ZF(MultiStateText) ZF(MultiDescription) ZF(MultiNumberOfStates) ZF(MultiOutOfService) ZF(MultiValue)
ZF(MultiReliability) ZF(MultiRelinquishDefault) ZF(MultiStatusFlags) ZF(MultiApplicationType)
ZF(TotalProfileNum) ZF(MultipleScheduling) ZF(EnergyFormatting) ZF(EnergyRemote) ZF(ScheduleMode)
ZF(CheckinInterval) ZF(LongPollInterval) ZF(ShortPollInterval) ZF(FastPollTimeout) ZF(CheckinIntervalMin)
ZF(LongPollIntervalMin) ZF(FastPollTimeoutMax)
ZF(PhysicalClosedLimit) ZF(MotorStepSize) ZF(Status) ZF(ClosedLimit) ZF(Mode)
ZF(LockState) ZF(LockType) ZF(ActuatorEnabled) ZF(DoorState) ZF(DoorOpenEvents)
ZF(DoorClosedEvents) ZF(OpenPeriod)
ZF(AqaraVibrationMode) ZF(AqaraVibrationsOrAngle) ZF(AqaraVibration505) ZF(AqaraAccelerometer)
ZF(WindowCoveringType) ZF(PhysicalClosedLimitLift) ZF(PhysicalClosedLimitTilt) ZF(CurrentPositionLift)
ZF(CurrentPositionTilt) ZF(NumberofActuationsLift) ZF(NumberofActuationsTilt) ZF(ConfigStatus)
ZF(CurrentPositionLiftPercentage) ZF(CurrentPositionTiltPercentage) ZF(InstalledOpenLimitLift)
ZF(InstalledClosedLimitLift) ZF(InstalledOpenLimitTilt) ZF(InstalledClosedLimitTilt) ZF(VelocityLift)
ZF(AccelerationTimeLift) ZF(DecelerationTimeLift) ZF(IntermediateSetpointsLift)
ZF(Hue) ZF(Sat) ZF(RemainingTime) ZF(X) ZF(Y) ZF(DriftCompensation) ZF(CompensationText) ZF(CT)
ZF(ColorMode) ZF(NumberOfPrimaries) ZF(Primary1X) ZF(Primary1Y) ZF(Primary1Intensity) ZF(Primary2X)
ZF(Primary2Y) ZF(Primary2Intensity) ZF(Primary3X) ZF(Primary3Y) ZF(Primary3Intensity) ZF(WhitePointX)
ZF(WhitePointY) ZF(ColorPointRX) ZF(ColorPointRY) ZF(ColorPointRIntensity) ZF(ColorPointGX) ZF(ColorPointGY)
ZF(ColorPointGIntensity) ZF(ColorPointBX) ZF(ColorPointBY) ZF(ColorPointBIntensity)
ZF(Illuminance) ZF(IlluminanceMinMeasuredValue) ZF(IlluminanceMaxMeasuredValue) ZF(IlluminanceTolerance)
ZF(IlluminanceLightSensorType) ZF(IlluminanceLevelStatus) ZF(IlluminanceTargetLevel)
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
ZF(Temperature) ZF(TemperatureMinMeasuredValue) ZF(TemperatureMaxMeasuredValue) ZF(TemperatureTolerance)
ZF(PressureUnit) ZF(Pressure) ZF(PressureMinMeasuredValue) ZF(PressureMaxMeasuredValue) ZF(PressureTolerance)
ZF(PressureScaledValue) ZF(PressureMinScaledValue) ZF(PressureMaxScaledValue) ZF(PressureScaledTolerance)
ZF(FlowRate) ZF(FlowMinMeasuredValue) ZF(FlowMaxMeasuredValue) ZF(FlowTolerance)
ZF(Humidity) ZF(HumidityMinMeasuredValue) ZF(HumidityMaxMeasuredValue) ZF(HumidityTolerance)
ZF(Occupancy) ZF(OccupancySensorType)
ZF(CompanyName) ZF(MeterTypeID) ZF(DataQualityID) ZF(CustomerName) ZF(Model) ZF(PartNumber)
ZF(SoftwareRevision) ZF(POD) ZF(AvailablePower) ZF(PowerThreshold) ZF(ProductRevision) ZF(UtilityName)
ZF(NumberOfResets) ZF(PersistentMemoryWrites) ZF(LastMessageLQI) ZF(LastMessageRSSI)
// list of post-processing directives
const Z_AttributeConverter Z_PostProcess[] PROGMEM = {
{ Zuint8, Cx0000, 0x0000, Z(ZCLVersion), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0000, 0x0001, Z(AppVersion), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0000, 0x0002, Z(StackVersion), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0000, 0x0003, Z(HWVersion), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0000, 0x0004, Z(Manufacturer), 1, Z_ManufKeep }, // record Manufacturer
{ Zstring, Cx0000, 0x0005, Z(ModelId), 1, Z_ModelKeep }, // record Model
{ Zstring, Cx0000, 0x0006, Z(DateCode), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0000, 0x0007, Z(PowerSource), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0000, 0x4000, Z(SWBuildID), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zunk, Cx0000, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
// Cmd 0x0A - Cluster 0x0000, attribute 0xFF01 - proprietary
{ Zmap8, Cx0000, 0xFF01, nullptr, 0, Z_AqaraSensor }, // Occupancy (map8)
// Power Configuration cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0001, 0x0000, Z(MainsVoltage), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0001, 0x0001, Z(MainsFrequency), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0001, 0x0020, Z(BatteryVoltage), -10,Z_Nop }, // divide by 10
{ Zuint8, Cx0001, 0x0021, Z(BatteryPercentage), -2, Z_Nop }, // divide by 2
// Device Temperature Configuration cluster
{ Zint16, Cx0002, 0x0000, Z(CurrentTemperature), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint16, Cx0002, 0x0001, Z(MinTempExperienced), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint16, Cx0002, 0x0002, Z(MaxTempExperienced), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0002, 0x0003, Z(OverTempTotalDwell), 1, Z_Nop },
// Scenes cluster
{ Zuint8, Cx0005, 0x0000, Z(SceneCount), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0005, 0x0001, Z(CurrentScene), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0005, 0x0002, Z(CurrentGroup), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0005, 0x0003, Z(SceneValid), 1, Z_Nop },
//{ Zmap8, Cx0005, 0x0004, Z(NameSupport), 1, Z_Nop },
// On/off cluster
{ Zbool, Cx0006, 0x0000, Z(Power), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0006, 0x8000, Z(Power), 1, Z_Nop }, // See 7280
// On/Off Switch Configuration cluster
{ Zenum8, Cx0007, 0x0000, Z(SwitchType), 1, Z_Nop },
// Level Control cluster
{ Zuint8, Cx0008, 0x0000, Z(Dimmer), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0001, Z(RemainingTime", 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0010, Z(OnOffTransitionTime", 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zuint8, Cx0008, 0x0011, Z(OnLevel", 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0012, Z(OnTransitionTime", 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0013, Z(OffTransitionTime", 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0014, Z(DefaultMoveRate", 1, Z_Nop },
// Alarms cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0009, 0x0000, Z(AlarmCount), 1, Z_Nop },
// Time cluster
{ ZUTC, Cx000A, 0x0000, Z(Time), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000A, 0x0001, Z(TimeStatus), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint32, Cx000A, 0x0002, Z(TimeZone), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000A, 0x0003, Z(DstStart), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000A, 0x0004, Z(DstEnd), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint32, Cx000A, 0x0005, Z(DstShift), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000A, 0x0006, Z(StandardTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000A, 0x0007, Z(LocalTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ ZUTC, Cx000A, 0x0008, Z(LastSetTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ ZUTC, Cx000A, 0x0009, Z(ValidUntilTime), 1, Z_Nop },
2020-06-05 21:27:47 +01:00
{ ZUTC, Cx000A, 0xFF00, Z(TimeEpoch), 1, Z_Nop }, // Tasmota specific, epoch
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
// RSSI Location cluster
{ Zdata8, Cx000B, 0x0000, Z(LocationType), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000B, 0x0001, Z(LocationMethod), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx000B, 0x0002, Z(LocationAge), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx000B, 0x0003, Z(QualityMeasure), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx000B, 0x0004, Z(NumberOfDevices), 1, Z_Nop },
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
// Analog Input cluster
// { 0xFF, Cx000C, 0x0004, Z(AnalogInActiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000C, 0x001C, Z(AnalogInDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
// { 0xFF, Cx000C, 0x002E, Z(AnalogInInactiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000C, 0x0041, Z(AnalogInMaxValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000C, 0x0045, Z(AnalogInMinValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx000C, 0x0051, Z(AnalogInOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000C, 0x0055, Z(AqaraRotate), 1, Z_Nop },
// { 0xFF, Cx000C, 0x0057, Z(AnalogInPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000C, 0x0067, Z(AnalogInReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
// { 0xFF, Cx000C, 0x0068, Z(AnalogInRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000C, 0x006A, Z(AnalogInResolution), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000C, 0x006F, Z(AnalogInStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum16, Cx000C, 0x0075, Z(AnalogInEngineeringUnits),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000C, 0x0100, Z(AnalogInApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx000C, 0xFF05, Z(Aqara_FF05), 1, Z_Nop },
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
2020-03-01 10:25:59 +00:00
// Analog Output cluster
{ Zstring, Cx000D, 0x001C, Z(AnalogOutDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x0041, Z(AnalogOutMaxValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x0045, Z(AnalogOutMinValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx000D, 0x0051, Z(AnalogOutOutOfService),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x0055, Z(AnalogOutValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx000D, 0x0057, Z(AnalogOutPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000D, 0x0067, Z(AnalogOutReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x0068, Z(AnalogOutRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x006A, Z(AnalogOutResolution), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000D, 0x006F, Z(AnalogOutStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum16, Cx000D, 0x0075, Z(AnalogOutEngineeringUnits),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000D, 0x0100, Z(AnalogOutApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
2020-03-01 10:25:59 +00:00
// Analog Value cluster
{ Zstring, Cx000E, 0x001C, Z(AnalogDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx000E, 0x0051, Z(AnalogOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000E, 0x0055, Z(AnalogValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zunk, Cx000E, 0x0057, Z(AnalogPriorityArray), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000E, 0x0067, Z(AnalogReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000E, 0x0068, Z(AnalogRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000E, 0x006F, Z(AnalogStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum16, Cx000E, 0x0075, Z(AnalogEngineeringUnits),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000E, 0x0100, Z(AnalogApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
2020-03-01 10:25:59 +00:00
// Binary Input cluster
{ Zstring, Cx000F, 0x0004, Z(BinaryInActiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000F, 0x001C, Z(BinaryInDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000F, 0x002E, Z(BinaryInInactiveText),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx000F, 0x0051, Z(BinaryInOutOfService),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000F, 0x0054, Z(BinaryInPolarity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000F, 0x0055, Z(BinaryInValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { 0xFF, Cx000F, 0x0057, Z(BinaryInPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000F, 0x0067, Z(BinaryInReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000F, 0x006F, Z(BinaryInStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000F, 0x0100, Z(BinaryInApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
// Binary Output cluster
{ Zstring, Cx0010, 0x0004, Z(BinaryOutActiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0010, 0x001C, Z(BinaryOutDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0010, 0x002E, Z(BinaryOutInactiveText),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0010, 0x0042, Z(BinaryOutMinimumOffTime),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0010, 0x0043, Z(BinaryOutMinimumOnTime),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0010, 0x0051, Z(BinaryOutOutOfService),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0010, 0x0054, Z(BinaryOutPolarity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0010, 0x0055, Z(BinaryOutValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx0010, 0x0057, Z(BinaryOutPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0010, 0x0067, Z(BinaryOutReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0010, 0x0068, Z(BinaryOutRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0010, 0x006F, Z(BinaryOutStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0010, 0x0100, Z(BinaryOutApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
// Binary Value cluster
{ Zstring, Cx0011, 0x0004, Z(BinaryActiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0011, 0x001C, Z(BinaryDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0011, 0x002E, Z(BinaryInactiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0011, 0x0042, Z(BinaryMinimumOffTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0011, 0x0043, Z(BinaryMinimumOnTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0011, 0x0051, Z(BinaryOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0011, 0x0055, Z(BinaryValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx0011, 0x0057, Z(BinaryPriorityArray), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0011, 0x0067, Z(BinaryReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0011, 0x0068, Z(BinaryRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0011, 0x006F, Z(BinaryStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0011, 0x0100, Z(BinaryApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
// Multistate Input cluster
// { Zunk, Cx0012, 0x000E, Z(MultiInStateText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0012, 0x001C, Z(MultiInDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0012, 0x004A, Z(MultiInNumberOfStates),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0012, 0x0051, Z(MultiInOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0012, 0x0055, Z(MultiInValue), 0, Z_AqaraCube },
{ Zenum8, Cx0012, 0x0067, Z(MultiInReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0012, 0x006F, Z(MultiInStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0012, 0x0100, Z(MultiInApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
// Multistate output
// { Zunk, Cx0013, 0x000E, Z(MultiOutStateText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0013, 0x001C, Z(MultiOutDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0013, 0x004A, Z(MultiOutNumberOfStates),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0013, 0x0051, Z(MultiOutOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0013, 0x0055, Z(MultiOutValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx0013, 0x0057, Z(MultiOutPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0013, 0x0067, Z(MultiOutReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0013, 0x0068, Z(MultiOutRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0013, 0x006F, Z(MultiOutStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0013, 0x0100, Z(MultiOutApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
// Multistate Value cluster
// { Zunk, Cx0014, 0x000E, Z(MultiStateText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0014, 0x001C, Z(MultiDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0014, 0x004A, Z(MultiNumberOfStates), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0014, 0x0051, Z(MultiOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0014, 0x0055, Z(MultiValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0014, 0x0067, Z(MultiReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0014, 0x0068, Z(MultiRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0014, 0x006F, Z(MultiStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0014, 0x0100, Z(MultiApplicationType), 1, Z_Nop },
// Power Profile cluster
{ Zuint8, Cx001A, 0x0000, Z(TotalProfileNum), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx001A, 0x0001, Z(MultipleScheduling), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx001A, 0x0002, Z(EnergyFormatting), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx001A, 0x0003, Z(EnergyRemote), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx001A, 0x0004, Z(ScheduleMode), 1, Z_Nop },
// Poll Control cluster
{ Zuint32, Cx0020, 0x0000, Z(CheckinInterval), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0020, 0x0001, Z(LongPollInterval), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0020, 0x0002, Z(ShortPollInterval), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0020, 0x0003, Z(FastPollTimeout), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0020, 0x0004, Z(CheckinIntervalMin), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0020, 0x0005, Z(LongPollIntervalMin), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0020, 0x0006, Z(FastPollTimeoutMax), 1, Z_Nop },
// Shade Configuration cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0100, 0x0000, Z(PhysicalClosedLimit), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0100, 0x0001, Z(MotorStepSize), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0100, 0x0002, Z(Status), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0100, 0x0010, Z(ClosedLimit), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0100, 0x0011, Z(Mode), 1, Z_Nop },
// Door Lock cluster
{ Zenum8, Cx0101, 0x0000, Z(LockState), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0101, 0x0001, Z(LockType), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0101, 0x0002, Z(ActuatorEnabled), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0101, 0x0003, Z(DoorState), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0101, 0x0004, Z(DoorOpenEvents), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0101, 0x0005, Z(DoorClosedEvents), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0101, 0x0006, Z(OpenPeriod), 1, Z_Nop },
// Aqara Lumi Vibration Sensor
{ Zuint16, Cx0101, 0x0055, Z(AqaraVibrationMode), 0, Z_AqaraVibration },
{ Zuint16, Cx0101, 0x0503, Z(AqaraVibrationsOrAngle), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0101, 0x0505, Z(AqaraVibration505), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint48, Cx0101, 0x0508, Z(AqaraAccelerometer), 0, Z_AqaraVibration },
// Window Covering cluster
{ Zenum8, Cx0102, 0x0000, Z(WindowCoveringType), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0001, Z(PhysicalClosedLimitLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0002, Z(PhysicalClosedLimitTilt),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0003, Z(CurrentPositionLift), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0004, Z(CurrentPositionTilt), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0005, Z(NumberofActuationsLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0006, Z(NumberofActuationsTilt),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0102, 0x0007, Z(ConfigStatus), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0102, 0x0008, Z(CurrentPositionLiftPercentage),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0102, 0x0009, Z(CurrentPositionTiltPercentage),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0010, Z(InstalledOpenLimitLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0011, Z(InstalledClosedLimitLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0012, Z(InstalledOpenLimitTilt),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0013, Z(InstalledClosedLimitTilt),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0014, Z(VelocityLift), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0015, Z(AccelerationTimeLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0016, Z(DecelerationTimeLift), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0102, 0x0017, Z(Mode), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0102, 0x0018, Z(IntermediateSetpointsLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0102, 0x0019, Z(IntermediateSetpointsTilt),1, Z_Nop },
// Color Control cluster
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0000, Z(Hue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0001, Z(Sat), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0002, Z(RemainingTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0003, Z(X), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0004, Z(Y), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0300, 0x0005, Z(DriftCompensation), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0300, 0x0006, Z(CompensationText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0007, Z(CT), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0300, 0x0008, Z(ColorMode), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0010, Z(NumberOfPrimaries), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0011, Z(Primary1X), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0012, Z(Primary1Y), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0013, Z(Primary1Intensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0015, Z(Primary2X), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0016, Z(Primary2Y), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0017, Z(Primary2Intensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0019, Z(Primary3X), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x001A, Z(Primary3Y), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x001B, Z(Primary3Intensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0030, Z(WhitePointX), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0031, Z(WhitePointY), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0032, Z(ColorPointRX), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0033, Z(ColorPointRY), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0034, Z(ColorPointRIntensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0036, Z(ColorPointGX), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0037, Z(ColorPointGY), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0038, Z(ColorPointGIntensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x003A, Z(ColorPointBX), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x003B, Z(ColorPointBY), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x003C, Z(ColorPointBIntensity), 1, Z_Nop },
// Illuminance Measurement cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0400, 0x0000, Z(Illuminance), 1, Z_Nop }, // Illuminance (in Lux)
{ Zuint16, Cx0400, 0x0001, Z(IlluminanceMinMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0400, 0x0002, Z(IlluminanceMaxMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0400, 0x0003, Z(IlluminanceTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zenum8, Cx0400, 0x0004, Z(IlluminanceLightSensorType), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0400, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
// Illuminance Level Sensing cluster
{ Zenum8, Cx0401, 0x0000, Z(IlluminanceLevelStatus), 1, Z_Nop }, // Illuminance (in Lux)
{ Zenum8, Cx0401, 0x0001, Z(IlluminanceLightSensorType), 1, Z_Nop }, // LightSensorType
{ Zuint16, Cx0401, 0x0010, Z(IlluminanceTargetLevel), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0401, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
// Temperature Measurement cluster
{ Zint16, Cx0402, 0x0000, Z(Temperature), -100, Z_Nop }, // divide by 100
{ Zint16, Cx0402, 0x0001, Z(TemperatureMinMeasuredValue), -100, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0402, 0x0002, Z(TemperatureMaxMeasuredValue), -100, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0402, 0x0003, Z(TemperatureTolerance), -100, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0402, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
// Pressure Measurement cluster
{ Zunk, Cx0403, 0x0000, Z(PressureUnit), 0, Z_AddPressureUnit }, // Pressure Unit
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0000, Z(Pressure), 1, Z_Nop }, // Pressure
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0001, Z(PressureMinMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0002, Z(PressureMaxMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0403, 0x0003, Z(PressureTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0010, Z(PressureScaledValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0011, Z(PressureMinScaledValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0012, Z(PressureMaxScaledValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0403, 0x0013, Z(PressureScaledTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint8, Cx0403, 0x0014, Z(PressureScale), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0403, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other Pressure values
// Flow Measurement cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0404, 0x0000, Z(FlowRate), -10, Z_Nop }, // Flow (in m3/h)
{ Zuint16, Cx0404, 0x0001, Z(FlowMinMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0404, 0x0002, Z(FlowMaxMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0404, 0x0003, Z(FlowTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0404, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
// Relative Humidity Measurement cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0405, 0x0000, Z(Humidity), -100, Z_Nop }, // Humidity
{ Zuint16, Cx0405, 0x0001, Z(HumidityMinMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0405, 0x0002, Z(HumidityMaxMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0405, 0x0003, Z(HumidityTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0405, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
// Occupancy Sensing cluster
{ Zmap8, Cx0406, 0x0000, Z(Occupancy), 1, Z_Nop }, // Occupancy (map8)
{ Zenum8, Cx0406, 0x0001, Z(OccupancySensorType), 1, Z_Nop }, // OccupancySensorType
{ Zunk, Cx0406, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
// Meter Identification cluster
{ Zstring, Cx0B01, 0x0000, Z(CompanyName), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0B01, 0x0001, Z(MeterTypeID), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0B01, 0x0004, Z(DataQualityID), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0B01, 0x0005, Z(CustomerName), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0B01, 0x0006, Z(Model), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0B01, 0x0007, Z(PartNumber), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0B01, 0x0008, Z(ProductRevision), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0B01, 0x000A, Z(SoftwareRevision), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0B01, 0x000B, Z(UtilityName), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0B01, 0x000C, Z(POD), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint24, Cx0B01, 0x000D, Z(AvailablePower), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint24, Cx0B01, 0x000E, Z(PowerThreshold), 1, Z_Nop },
// Diagnostics cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0B05, 0x0000, Z(NumberOfResets), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0B05, 0x0001, Z(PersistentMemoryWrites),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0B05, 0x011C, Z(LastMessageLQI), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0B05, 0x011D, Z(LastMessageRSSI), 1, Z_Nop },
typedef union ZCLHeaderFrameControl_t {
struct {
uint8_t frame_type : 2; // 00 = across entire profile, 01 = cluster specific
uint8_t manuf_specific : 1; // Manufacturer Specific Sub-field
uint8_t direction : 1; // 0 = tasmota to zigbee, 1 = zigbee to tasmota
uint8_t disable_def_resp : 1; // don't send back default response
uint8_t reserved : 3;
} b;
uint32_t d8; // raw 8 bits field
} ZCLHeaderFrameControl_t;
class ZCLFrame {
ZCLFrame(uint8_t frame_control, uint16_t manuf_code, uint8_t transact_seq, uint8_t cmd_id,
const char *buf, size_t buf_len, uint16_t clusterid, uint16_t groupaddr,
uint16_t srcaddr, uint8_t srcendpoint, uint8_t dstendpoint, uint8_t wasbroadcast,
uint8_t linkquality, uint8_t securityuse, uint8_t seqnumber,
uint32_t timestamp):
_manuf_code(manuf_code), _transact_seq(transact_seq), _cmd_id(cmd_id),
_payload(buf_len ? buf_len : 250), // allocate the data frame from source or preallocate big enough
_cluster_id(clusterid), _groupaddr(groupaddr),
_srcaddr(srcaddr), _srcendpoint(srcendpoint), _dstendpoint(dstendpoint), _wasbroadcast(wasbroadcast),
_linkquality(linkquality), _securityuse(securityuse), _seqnumber(seqnumber),
_frame_control.d8 = frame_control;
_payload.addBuffer(buf, buf_len);
void log(void) {
char hex_char[_payload.len()*2+2];
ToHex_P((unsigned char*)_payload.getBuffer(), _payload.len(), hex_char, sizeof(hex_char));
"\"groupid\":%d," "\"clusterid\":%d," "\"srcaddr\":\"0x%04X\","
"\"srcendpoint\":%d," "\"dstendpoint\":%d," "\"wasbroadcast\":%d,"
"\"" D_CMND_ZIGBEE_LINKQUALITY "\":%d," "\"securityuse\":%d," "\"seqnumber\":%d,"
_groupaddr, _cluster_id, _srcaddr,
_srcendpoint, _dstendpoint, _wasbroadcast,
_linkquality, _securityuse, _seqnumber,
_frame_control, _manuf_code, _transact_seq, _cmd_id,
if (Settings.flag3.tuya_serial_mqtt_publish) {
MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(TELE, PSTR(D_RSLT_SENSOR));
} else {
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "%s"), mqtt_data);
static ZCLFrame parseRawFrame(const SBuffer &buf, uint8_t offset, uint8_t len, uint16_t clusterid, uint16_t groupid,
uint16_t srcaddr, uint8_t srcendpoint, uint8_t dstendpoint, uint8_t wasbroadcast,
uint8_t linkquality, uint8_t securityuse, uint8_t seqnumber,
uint32_t timestamp) { // parse a raw frame and build the ZCL frame object
uint32_t i = offset;
ZCLHeaderFrameControl_t frame_control;
uint16_t manuf_code = 0;
uint8_t transact_seq;
uint8_t cmd_id;
frame_control.d8 = buf.get8(i++);
if (frame_control.b.manuf_specific) {
manuf_code = buf.get16(i);
i += 2;
transact_seq = buf.get8(i++);
cmd_id = buf.get8(i++);
ZCLFrame zcl_frame(frame_control.d8, manuf_code, transact_seq, cmd_id,
(const char *)(buf.buf() + i), len + offset - i,
clusterid, groupid,
srcaddr, srcendpoint, dstendpoint, wasbroadcast,
linkquality, securityuse, seqnumber,
return zcl_frame;
bool isClusterSpecificCommand(void) {
return _frame_control.b.frame_type & 1;
static void generateAttributeName(const JsonObject& json, uint16_t cluster, uint16_t attr, char *key, size_t key_len);
void parseReportAttributes(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset = 0);
void parseReadAttributes(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset = 0);
void parseReadAttributesResponse(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset = 0);
void parseResponse(void);
void parseClusterSpecificCommand(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset = 0);
void postProcessAttributes(uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json);
inline void setGroupId(uint16_t groupid) {
_groupaddr = groupid;
inline void setClusterId(uint16_t clusterid) {
_cluster_id = clusterid;
inline uint8_t getCmdId(void) const {
return _cmd_id;
inline uint16_t getClusterId(void) const {
return _cluster_id;
inline uint16_t getSrcEndpoint(void) const {
return _srcendpoint;
const SBuffer &getPayload(void) const {
return _payload;
uint16_t getManufCode(void) const {
return _manuf_code;
ZCLHeaderFrameControl_t _frame_control = { .d8 = 0 };
uint16_t _manuf_code = 0; // optional
uint8_t _transact_seq = 0; // transaction sequence number
uint8_t _cmd_id = 0;
SBuffer _payload;
uint16_t _cluster_id = 0;
uint16_t _groupaddr = 0;
// information from decoded ZCL frame
uint16_t _srcaddr;
uint8_t _srcendpoint;
uint8_t _dstendpoint;
uint8_t _wasbroadcast;
uint8_t _linkquality;
uint8_t _securityuse;
uint8_t _seqnumber;
uint32_t _timestamp;
// Zigbee ZCL converters
// from https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-shepherd-converters/blob/638d29f0cace6343052b9a4e7fd60980fa785479/converters/fromZigbee.js#L55
// Input voltage in mV, i.e. 3000 = 3.000V
// Output percentage from 0 to 100 as int
uint8_t toPercentageCR2032(uint32_t voltage) {
uint32_t percentage;
if (voltage < 2100) {
percentage = 0;
} else if (voltage < 2440) {
percentage = 6 - ((2440 - voltage) * 6) / 340;
} else if (voltage < 2740) {
percentage = 18 - ((2740 - voltage) * 12) / 300;
} else if (voltage < 2900) {
percentage = 42 - ((2900 - voltage) * 24) / 160;
} else if (voltage < 3000) {
percentage = 100 - ((3000 - voltage) * 58) / 100;
} else if (voltage >= 3000) {
percentage = 100;
return percentage;
// Appends the attribute value to Write or to Report
// Adds to buf:
// - 2 bytes: attribute identigier
// - 1 byte: attribute type
// - n bytes: value (typically between 1 and 4 bytes, or bigger for strings)
// returns number of bytes of attribute, or <0 if error
// status: shall we insert a status OK (0x00) as required by ReadResponse
int32_t encodeSingleAttribute(class SBuffer &buf, const JsonVariant &val, float val_f, uint16_t attr, uint8_t attrtype, bool status = false) {
uint32_t len = Z_getDatatypeLen(attrtype); // pre-compute lenght, overloaded for variable length attributes
uint32_t u32;
int32_t i32;
float f32;
if (&val) {
u32 = val.as<uint32_t>();
i32 = val.as<int32_t>();
f32 = val.as<float>();
} else {
u32 = val_f;
i32 = val_f;
f32 = val_f;
buf.add16(attr); // prepend with attribute identifier
if (status) {
buf.add8(Z_SUCCESS); // status OK = 0x00
buf.add8(attrtype); // prepend with attribute type
switch (attrtype) {
// unsigned 8
case Zbool: // bool
case Zuint8: // uint8
case Zenum8: // enum8
case Zdata8: // data8
case Zmap8: // map8
// unsigned 16
case Zuint16: // uint16
case Zenum16: // enum16
case Zdata16: // data16
case Zmap16: // map16
// unisgned 32
case Zuint32: // uint32
case Zdata32: // data32
case Zmap32: // map32
case ZUTC: // UTC - epoch 32 bits, seconds since 1-Jan-2000
// signed 8
case Zint8: // int8
case Zint16: // int16
case Zint32: // int32
case Zsingle: // float
uint32_t *f_ptr;
buf.add32( *((uint32_t*)&f32) ); // cast float as uint32_t
case Zstring:
case Zstring16:
const char * val_str = (&val) ? val.as<const char*>() : ""; // avoid crash if &val is null
if (nullptr == val_str) { return -2; }
size_t val_len = strlen(val_str);
if (val_len > 32) { val_len = 32; }
len = val_len + 1;
if (Zstring16 == attrtype) {
buf.add8(0); // len is on 2 bytes
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < val_len; i++) {
// remove the attribute type we just added
buf.setLen(buf.len() - (status ? 4 : 3));
return -1;
return len + (status ? 4 : 3);
uint32_t parseSingleAttribute(JsonObject& json, char *attrid_str, class SBuffer &buf,
uint32_t offset, uint32_t buflen) {
uint32_t i = offset;
uint32_t attrtype = buf.get8(i++);
// fallback - enter a null value
json[attrid_str] = (char*) nullptr;
uint32_t len = Z_getDatatypeLen(attrtype); // pre-compute lenght, overloaded for variable length attributes
// now parse accordingly to attr type
switch (attrtype) {
// case Znodata: // nodata
// case Zunk: // unk
// break;
case Zbool: // bool
case Zuint8: // uint8
case Zenum8: // enum8
uint8_t uint8_val = buf.get8(i);
// i += 1;
if (0xFF != uint8_val) {
json[attrid_str] = uint8_val;
case Zuint16: // uint16
case Zenum16: // enum16
uint16_t uint16_val = buf.get16(i);
// i += 2;
if (0xFFFF != uint16_val) {
json[attrid_str] = uint16_val;
case Zuint32: // uint32
case ZUTC: // UTC
uint32_t uint32_val = buf.get32(i);
// i += 4;
if (0xFFFFFFFF != uint32_val) {
json[attrid_str] = uint32_val;
// Note: uint40, uint48, uint56, uint64 are displayed as Hex
// Note: int40, int48, int56, int64 are displayed as Hex
case Zuint40: // uint40
case Zuint48: // uint48
case Zuint56: // uint56
case Zuint64: // uint64
case Zint40: // int40
case Zint48: // int48
case Zint56: // int56
case Zint64: // int64
// uint8_t len = attrtype - 0x27; // 5 - 8
// print as HEX
char hex[2*len+1];
ToHex_P(buf.buf(i), len, hex, sizeof(hex));
json[attrid_str] = hex;
// i += len;
case Zint8: // int8
int8_t int8_val = buf.get8(i);
// i += 1;
if (0x80 != int8_val) {
json[attrid_str] = int8_val;
case Zint16: // int16
int16_t int16_val = buf.get16(i);
// i += 2;
if (0x8000 != int16_val) {
json[attrid_str] = int16_val;
case Zint32: // int32
int32_t int32_val = buf.get32(i);
// i += 4;
if (0x80000000 != int32_val) {
json[attrid_str] = int32_val;
case Zoctstr: // octet string, 1 byte len
case Zstring: // char string, 1 byte len
case Zoctstr16: // octet string, 2 bytes len
case Zstring16: // char string, 2 bytes len
// For strings, default is to try to do a real string, but reverts to octet stream if null char is present or on some exceptions
bool parse_as_string = true;
len = (attrtype <= 0x42) ? buf.get8(i) : buf.get16(i); // len is 8 or 16 bits
i += (attrtype <= 0x42) ? 1 : 2; // increment pointer
if (i + len > buf.len()) { // make sure we don't get past the buffer
len = buf.len() - i;
// check if we can safely use a string
if ((0x41 == attrtype) || (0x43 == attrtype)) { parse_as_string = false; }
if (parse_as_string) {
char str[len+1];
strncpy(str, buf.charptr(i), len);
str[len] = 0x00;
json[attrid_str] = str;
} else {
// print as HEX
char hex[2*len+1];
ToHex_P(buf.buf(i), len, hex, sizeof(hex));
json[attrid_str] = hex;
// i += len;
// break;
// i += buf.get8(i) + 1;
case Zdata8: // data8
case Zmap8: // map8
uint8_t uint8_val = buf.get8(i);
// i += 1;
json[attrid_str] = uint8_val;
case Zdata16: // data16
case Zmap16: // map16
uint16_t uint16_val = buf.get16(i);
// i += 2;
json[attrid_str] = uint16_val;
case Zdata32: // data32
case Zmap32: // map32
uint32_t uint32_val = buf.get32(i);
// i += 4;
json[attrid_str] = uint32_val;
case Zsingle: // float
uint32_t uint32_val = buf.get32(i);
float * float_val = (float*) &uint32_val;
// i += 4;
json[attrid_str] = *float_val;
case ZToD: // ToD
case Zdate: // date
case ZclusterId: // clusterId
case ZattribId: // attribId
case ZbacOID: // bacOID
case ZEUI64: // EUI64
case Zkey128: // key128
case Zsemi: // semi (float on 2 bytes)
// Other un-implemented data types
case Zdata24: // data24
case Zdata40: // data40
case Zdata48: // data48
case Zdata56: // data56
case Zdata64: // data64
// map<x>
case Zmap24: // map24
case Zmap40: // map40
case Zmap48: // map48
case Zmap56: // map56
case Zmap64: // map64
case Zdouble: // double precision
uint64_t uint64_val = buf.get64(i);
double * double_val = (double*) &uint64_val;
// i += 8;
json[attrid_str] = *double_val;
i += len;
// String pp; // pretty print
// json[attrid_str].prettyPrintTo(pp);
// // now store the attribute
// AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "ZCL attribute decoded, id %s, type 0x%02X, val=%s"),
// attrid_str, attrtype, pp.c_str());
return i - offset; // how much have we increased the index
// Generate an attribute name based on cluster number, attribute, and suffix if duplicates
void ZCLFrame::generateAttributeName(const JsonObject& json, uint16_t cluster, uint16_t attr, char *key, size_t key_len) {
uint32_t suffix = 1;
snprintf_P(key, key_len, PSTR("%04X/%04X"), cluster, attr);
while (json.containsKey(key)) {
snprintf_P(key, key_len, PSTR("%04X/%04X+%d"), cluster, attr, suffix); // add "0008/0001+2" suffix if duplicate
// First pass, parse all attributes in their native format
void ZCLFrame::parseReportAttributes(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset) {
uint32_t i = offset;
uint32_t len = _payload.len();
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
while (len >= i + 3) {
uint16_t attrid = _payload.get16(i);
i += 2;
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
char key[16];
generateAttributeName(json, _cluster_id, attrid, key, sizeof(key));
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
// exception for Xiaomi lumi.weather - specific field to be treated as octet and not char
if ((0x0000 == _cluster_id) && (0xFF01 == attrid)) {
if (0x42 == _payload.get8(i)) {
_payload.set8(i, 0x41); // change type from 0x42 to 0x41
i += parseSingleAttribute(json, key, _payload, i, len);
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
void ZCLFrame::parseReadAttributes(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset) {
uint32_t i = offset;
uint32_t len = _payload.len();
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
json[F(D_CMND_ZIGBEE_CLUSTER)] = _cluster_id;
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
JsonArray &attr_list = json.createNestedArray(F("Read"));
JsonObject &attr_names = json.createNestedObject(F("ReadNames"));
while (len - i >= 2) {
uint16_t attrid = _payload.get16(i);
2020-04-25 10:37:36 +01:00
// find the attribute name
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(Z_PostProcess); i++) {
const Z_AttributeConverter *converter = &Z_PostProcess[i];
uint16_t conv_cluster = CxToCluster(pgm_read_byte(&converter->cluster_short));
uint16_t conv_attribute = pgm_read_word(&converter->attribute);
if ((conv_cluster == _cluster_id) && (conv_attribute == attrid)) {
attr_names[(const __FlashStringHelper*) converter->name] = true;
i += 2;
void ZCLFrame::parseReadAttributesResponse(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset) {
uint32_t i = offset;
uint32_t len = _payload.len();
while (len >= i + 4) {
uint16_t attrid = _payload.get16(i);
i += 2;
uint8_t status = _payload.get8(i++);
if (0 == status) {
char key[16];
generateAttributeName(json, _cluster_id, attrid, key, sizeof(key));
i += parseSingleAttribute(json, key, _payload, i, len);
void ZCLFrame::parseResponse(void) {
if (_payload.len() < 2) { return; } // wrong format
uint8_t cmd = _payload.get8(0);
uint8_t status = _payload.get8(1);
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.createObject();
// "Device"
char s[12];
snprintf_P(s, sizeof(s), PSTR("0x%04X"), _srcaddr);
// "Name"
const char * friendlyName = zigbee_devices.getFriendlyName(_srcaddr);
if (friendlyName) {
json[F(D_JSON_ZIGBEE_NAME)] = (char*) friendlyName;
// "Command"
snprintf_P(s, sizeof(s), PSTR("%04X!%02X"), _cluster_id, cmd);
json[F(D_JSON_ZIGBEE_CMD)] = s;
// "Status"
json[F(D_JSON_ZIGBEE_STATUS)] = status;
// "StatusMessage"
json[F(D_JSON_ZIGBEE_STATUS_MSG)] = getZigbeeStatusMessage(status);
// Add Endpoint
json[F(D_CMND_ZIGBEE_ENDPOINT)] = _srcendpoint;
// Add Group if non-zero
if (_groupaddr) {
json[F(D_CMND_ZIGBEE_GROUP)] = _groupaddr;
// Add linkquality
json[F(D_CMND_ZIGBEE_LINKQUALITY)] = _linkquality;
String msg("");
Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_ZIGBEE_RESPONSE "\":%s}"), msg.c_str());
// Parse non-normalized attributes
void ZCLFrame::parseClusterSpecificCommand(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset) {
convertClusterSpecific(json, _cluster_id, _cmd_id, _frame_control.b.direction, _payload);
sendHueUpdate(_srcaddr, _groupaddr, _cluster_id, _cmd_id, _frame_control.b.direction);
// ======================================================================
// Record Manuf
int32_t Z_ManufKeepFunc(const class ZCLFrame *zcl, uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const String &new_name, uint16_t cluster, uint16_t attr) {
json[new_name] = value;
zigbee_devices.setManufId(shortaddr, value.as<const char*>());
return 1;
int32_t Z_ModelKeepFunc(const class ZCLFrame *zcl, uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const String &new_name, uint16_t cluster, uint16_t attr) {
json[new_name] = value;
zigbee_devices.setModelId(shortaddr, value.as<const char*>());
return 1;
// Add pressure unit
int32_t Z_AddPressureUnitFunc(const class ZCLFrame *zcl, uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const String &new_name, uint16_t cluster, uint16_t attr) {
json[new_name] = F(D_UNIT_PRESSURE);
return 0; // keep original key
// Convert int to float and divide by 100
int32_t Z_FloatDiv100Func(const class ZCLFrame *zcl, uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const String &new_name, uint16_t cluster, uint16_t attr) {
json[new_name] = ((float)value) / 100.0f;
return 1; // remove original key
// Convert int to float and divide by 10
int32_t Z_FloatDiv10Func(const class ZCLFrame *zcl, uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const String &new_name, uint16_t cluster, uint16_t attr) {
json[new_name] = ((float)value) / 10.0f;
return 1; // remove original key
2020-03-01 10:25:59 +00:00
// Convert int to float and divide by 10
int32_t Z_FloatDiv2Func(const class ZCLFrame *zcl, uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const String &new_name, uint16_t cluster, uint16_t attr) {
2020-03-01 10:25:59 +00:00
json[new_name] = ((float)value) / 2.0f;
return 1; // remove original key
// Publish a message for `"Occupancy":0` when the timer expired
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
int32_t Z_OccupancyCallback(uint16_t shortaddr, uint16_t groupaddr, uint16_t cluster, uint8_t endpoint, uint32_t value) {
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.createObject();
json[F(OCCUPANCY)] = 0;
zigbee_devices.jsonPublishNow(shortaddr, json);
// Aqara Cube
int32_t Z_AqaraCubeFunc(const class ZCLFrame *zcl, uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const String &new_name, uint16_t cluster, uint16_t attr) {
json[new_name] = value; // copy the original value
int32_t val = value;
const __FlashStringHelper *aqara_cube = F("AqaraCube");
const __FlashStringHelper *aqara_cube_side = F("AqaraCubeSide");
const __FlashStringHelper *aqara_cube_from_side = F("AqaraCubeFromSide");
switch (val) {
case 0:
json[aqara_cube] = F("shake");
case 2:
json[aqara_cube] = F("wakeup");
case 3:
json[aqara_cube] = F("fall");
case 64 ... 127:
json[aqara_cube] = F("flip90");
json[aqara_cube_side] = val % 8;
json[aqara_cube_from_side] = (val - 64) / 8;
case 128 ... 132:
json[aqara_cube] = F("flip180");
json[aqara_cube_side] = val - 128;
case 256 ... 261:
json[aqara_cube] = F("slide");
json[aqara_cube_side] = val - 256;
case 512 ... 517:
json[aqara_cube] = F("tap");
json[aqara_cube_side] = val - 512;
// Source: https://github.com/kirovilya/ioBroker.zigbee
// +---+
// | 2 |
// +---+---+---+
// | 4 | 0 | 1 |
// +---+---+---+
// |M5I|
// +---+
// | 3 |
// +---+
// Side 5 is with the MI logo, side 3 contains the battery door.
// presentValue = 0 = shake
// presentValue = 2 = wakeup
// presentValue = 3 = fly/fall
// presentValue = y + x * 8 + 64 = 90º Flip from side x on top to side y on top
// presentValue = x + 128 = 180º flip to side x on top
// presentValue = x + 256 = push/slide cube while side x is on top
// presentValue = x + 512 = double tap while side x is on top
return 1;
// Aqara Vibration Sensor - special proprietary attributes
int32_t Z_AqaraVibrationFunc(const class ZCLFrame *zcl, uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const String &new_name, uint16_t cluster, uint16_t attr) {
//json[new_name] = value;
switch (attr) {
case 0x0055:
int32_t ivalue = value;
const __FlashStringHelper * svalue;
switch (ivalue) {
case 1: svalue = F("vibrate"); break;
case 2: svalue = F("tilt"); break;
case 3: svalue = F("drop"); break;
default: svalue = F("unknown"); break;
json[new_name] = svalue;
// case 0x0503:
// break;
// case 0x0505:
// break;
case 0x0508:
// see https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/295 and http://faire-ca-soi-meme.fr/domotique/2018/09/03/test-xiaomi-aqara-vibration-sensor/
// report accelerometer measures
String hex = value;
SBuffer buf2 = SBuffer::SBufferFromHex(hex.c_str(), hex.length());
int16_t x, y, z;
z = buf2.get16(0);
y = buf2.get16(2);
x = buf2.get16(4);
JsonArray& xyz = json.createNestedArray(new_name);
// calculate angles
float X = x;
float Y = y;
float Z = z;
int32_t Angle_X = 0.5f + atanf(X/sqrtf(z*z+y*y)) * f_180pi;
int32_t Angle_Y = 0.5f + atanf(Y/sqrtf(x*x+z*z)) * f_180pi;
int32_t Angle_Z = 0.5f + atanf(Z/sqrtf(x*x+y*y)) * f_180pi;
JsonArray& angles = json.createNestedArray(F("AqaraAngles"));
return 1; // remove original key
int32_t Z_AqaraSensorFunc(const class ZCLFrame *zcl, uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const String &new_name, uint16_t cluster, uint16_t attr) {
String hex = value;
SBuffer buf2 = SBuffer::SBufferFromHex(hex.c_str(), hex.length());
uint32_t i = 0;
uint32_t len = buf2.len();
char tmp[] = "tmp"; // for obscure reasons, it must be converted from const char* to char*, otherwise ArduinoJson gets confused
JsonVariant sub_value;
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
const char * modelId_c = zigbee_devices.getModelId(shortaddr); // null if unknown
String modelId((char*) modelId_c);
while (len - i >= 2) {
uint8_t attrid = buf2.get8(i++);
i += parseSingleAttribute(json, tmp, buf2, i, len);
float val = json[tmp];
2020-03-01 10:25:59 +00:00
bool translated = false; // were we able to translate to a known format?
if (0x01 == attrid) {
json[F(D_JSON_VOLTAGE)] = val / 1000.0f;
json[F("Battery")] = toPercentageCR2032(val);
2020-03-01 10:25:59 +00:00
} else if ((nullptr != modelId) && (0 == zcl->getManufCode())) {
translated = true;
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
if (modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.sensor_ht")) ||
modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.weather"))) { // Temp sensor
2020-03-01 10:25:59 +00:00
// Filter according to prefix of model name
// onla Aqara Temp/Humidity has manuf_code of zero. If non-zero we skip the parameters
if (0x64 == attrid) {
json[F(D_JSON_TEMPERATURE)] = val / 100.0f;
} else if (0x65 == attrid) {
json[F(D_JSON_HUMIDITY)] = val / 100.0f;
} else if (0x66 == attrid) {
json[F(D_JSON_PRESSURE)] = val / 100.0f;
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
} else if (modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.sensor_smoke"))) { // gas leak
2020-03-01 10:25:59 +00:00
if (0x64 == attrid) {
json[F("SmokeDensity")] = val;
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
} else if (modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.sensor_natgas"))) { // gas leak
2020-03-01 10:25:59 +00:00
if (0x64 == attrid) {
json[F("GasDensity")] = val;
} else {
translated = false; // we didn't find a match
// } else if (0x115F == zcl->getManufCode()) { // Aqara Motion Sensor, still unknown field
if (!translated) {
if (attrid >= 100) { // payload is always above 0x64 or 100
char attr_name[12];
snprintf_P(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), PSTR("Xiaomi_%02X"), attrid);
json[attr_name] = val;
return 1; // remove original key
// ======================================================================
// apply the transformation from the converter
int32_t Z_ApplyConverter(const class ZCLFrame *zcl, uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const String &new_name,
uint16_t cluster, uint16_t attr, int16_t multiplier, uint16_t cb) {
// apply multiplier if needed
if (1 == multiplier) { // copy unchanged
json[new_name] = value;
} else if (0 != multiplier) {
if (multiplier > 0) {
json[new_name] = ((float)value) * multiplier;
} else {
2020-06-05 17:24:31 +01:00
json[new_name] = ((float)value) / (-multiplier);
// apply callback if needed
Z_AttrConverter func = nullptr;
switch (cb) {
case Z_Nop:
return 1; // drop original key
case Z_AddPressureUnit:
func = &Z_AddPressureUnitFunc;
case Z_ManufKeep:
func = &Z_ManufKeepFunc;
case Z_ModelKeep:
func = &Z_ModelKeepFunc;
case Z_AqaraSensor:
func = &Z_AqaraSensorFunc;
case Z_AqaraVibration:
func = &Z_AqaraVibrationFunc;
case Z_AqaraCube:
func = &Z_AqaraCubeFunc;
if (func) {
return (*func)(zcl, shortaddr, json, name, value, new_name, cluster, attr);
void ZCLFrame::postProcessAttributes(uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json) {
// iterate on json elements
for (auto kv : json) {
String key_string = kv.key;
const char * key = key_string.c_str();
JsonVariant& value = kv.value;
// Check that format looks like "CCCC/AAAA" or "CCCC/AAAA+d"
char * delimiter = strchr(key, '/');
char * delimiter2 = strchr(key, '+');
if (delimiter) {
uint16_t attribute;
uint16_t suffix = 1;
uint16_t cluster = strtoul(key, &delimiter, 16);
if (!delimiter2) {
attribute = strtoul(delimiter+1, nullptr, 16);
} else {
attribute = strtoul(delimiter+1, &delimiter2, 16);
suffix = strtoul(delimiter2+1, nullptr, 10);
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
// see if we need to update the Hue bulb status
if ((cluster == 0x0006) && ((attribute == 0x0000) || (attribute == 0x8000))) {
bool power = value;
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
zigbee_devices.updateHueState(shortaddr, &power, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
} else if ((cluster == 0x0008) && (attribute == 0x0000)) {
uint8_t dimmer = value;
zigbee_devices.updateHueState(shortaddr, nullptr, nullptr, &dimmer, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
} else if ((cluster == 0x0300) && (attribute == 0x0000)) {
uint16_t hue8 = value;
uint16_t hue = changeUIntScale(hue8, 0, 254, 0, 360); // change range from 0..254 to 0..360
zigbee_devices.updateHueState(shortaddr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
nullptr, &hue, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
} else if ((cluster == 0x0300) && (attribute == 0x0001)) {
uint8_t sat = value;
zigbee_devices.updateHueState(shortaddr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &sat,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
} else if ((cluster == 0x0300) && (attribute == 0x0003)) {
uint16_t x = value;
zigbee_devices.updateHueState(shortaddr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, &x, nullptr, nullptr);
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
} else if ((cluster == 0x0300) && (attribute == 0x0004)) {
uint16_t y = value;
zigbee_devices.updateHueState(shortaddr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &y, nullptr), nullptr;
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
} else if ((cluster == 0x0300) && (attribute == 0x0007)) {
uint16_t ct = value;
zigbee_devices.updateHueState(shortaddr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
&ct, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
} else if ((cluster == 0x0300) && (attribute == 0x0008)) {
uint8_t colormode = value;
zigbee_devices.updateHueState(shortaddr, nullptr, &colormode, nullptr, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
2020-03-14 13:17:30 +00:00
// Iterate on filter
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(Z_PostProcess) / sizeof(Z_PostProcess[0]); i++) {
const Z_AttributeConverter *converter = &Z_PostProcess[i];
2020-04-16 18:36:14 +01:00
uint16_t conv_cluster = CxToCluster(pgm_read_byte(&converter->cluster_short));
uint16_t conv_attribute = pgm_read_word(&converter->attribute);
int16_t conv_multiplier = pgm_read_word(&converter->multiplier);
uint16_t conv_cb = pgm_read_word(&converter->cb); // callback id
if ((conv_cluster == cluster) &&
((conv_attribute == attribute) || (conv_attribute == 0xFFFF)) ) {
2020-03-15 13:27:15 +00:00
String new_name_str = (const __FlashStringHelper*) converter->name;
if (suffix > 1) { new_name_str += suffix; } // append suffix number
// apply the transformation
int32_t drop = Z_ApplyConverter(this, shortaddr, json, key, value, new_name_str, conv_cluster, conv_attribute, conv_multiplier, conv_cb);
if (drop) {
#endif // USE_ZIGBEE