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#include "Adafruit_CCS811.h"
@brief Setups the I2C interface and hardware and checks for communication.
@param addr Optional I2C address the sensor can be found on. Default is 0x5A
@returns True if device is set up, false on any failure
sint8_t Adafruit_CCS811::begin(uint8_t addr)
_i2caddr = addr;
//check that the HW id is correct
if(this->read8(CCS811_HW_ID) != CCS811_HW_ID_CODE) {
return -1;
//try to start the app
this->write(CCS811_BOOTLOADER_APP_START, NULL, 0);
//make sure there are no errors and we have entered application mode
if(checkError()) {
return -2;
if(!_status.FW_MODE) {
return -3;
//default to read every second
return 0;
@brief sample rate of the sensor.
void Adafruit_CCS811::setDriveMode(uint8_t mode)
_meas_mode.DRIVE_MODE = mode;
this->write8(CCS811_MEAS_MODE, _meas_mode.get());
@brief enable the data ready interrupt pin on the device.
void Adafruit_CCS811::enableInterrupt()
_meas_mode.INT_DATARDY = 1;
this->write8(CCS811_MEAS_MODE, _meas_mode.get());
@brief disable the data ready interrupt pin on the device
void Adafruit_CCS811::disableInterrupt()
_meas_mode.INT_DATARDY = 0;
this->write8(CCS811_MEAS_MODE, _meas_mode.get());
@brief checks if data is available to be read.
@returns True if data is ready, false otherwise.
bool Adafruit_CCS811::available()
return false;
else return true;
@brief read and store the sensor data. This data can be accessed with getTVOC() and geteCO2()
@returns 0 if no error, error code otherwise.
uint8_t Adafruit_CCS811::readData()
return false;
uint8_t buf[8];
this->read(CCS811_ALG_RESULT_DATA, buf, 8);
_eCO2 = ((uint16_t)buf[0] << 8) | ((uint16_t)buf[1]);
_TVOC = ((uint16_t)buf[2] << 8) | ((uint16_t)buf[3]);
return buf[5];
else return 0;
@brief set the humidity and temperature compensation for the sensor.
@param humidity the humidity data as a percentage. For 55% humidity, pass in integer 55.
@param temperature the temperature in degrees C as a decimal number. For 25.5 degrees C, pass in 25.5
void Adafruit_CCS811::setEnvironmentalData(uint8_t humidity, double temperature)
/* Humidity is stored as an unsigned 16 bits in 1/512%RH. The
default value is 50% = 0x64, 0x00. As an example 48.5%
humidity would be 0x61, 0x00.*/
/* Temperature is stored as an unsigned 16 bits integer in 1/512
degrees; there is an offset: 0 maps to -25°C. The default value is
25°C = 0x64, 0x00. As an example 23.5% temperature would be
0x61, 0x00.
The internal algorithm uses these values (or default values if
not set by the application) to compensate for changes in
relative humidity and ambient temperature.*/
uint8_t hum_perc = humidity << 1;
float fractional = modf(temperature, &temperature);
uint16_t temp_high = (((uint16_t)temperature + 25) << 9);
uint16_t temp_low = ((uint16_t)(fractional / 0.001953125) & 0x1FF);
uint16_t temp_conv = (temp_high | temp_low);
uint8_t buf[] = {hum_perc, 0x00,
(uint8_t)((temp_conv >> 8) & 0xFF), (uint8_t)(temp_conv & 0xFF)};
this->write(CCS811_ENV_DATA, buf, 4);
@brief calculate the temperature using the onboard NTC resistor.
@returns temperature as a double.
double Adafruit_CCS811::calculateTemperature()
uint8_t buf[4];
this->read(CCS811_NTC, buf, 4);
uint32_t vref = ((uint32_t)buf[0] << 8) | buf[1];
uint32_t vntc = ((uint32_t)buf[2] << 8) | buf[3];
//from ams ccs811 app note
uint32_t rntc = vntc * CCS811_REF_RESISTOR / vref;
double ntc_temp;
ntc_temp = log((double)rntc / CCS811_REF_RESISTOR); // 1
ntc_temp /= 3380; // 2
ntc_temp += 1.0 / (25 + 273.15); // 3
ntc_temp = 1.0 / ntc_temp; // 4
ntc_temp -= 273.15; // 5
return ntc_temp - _tempOffset;
@brief set interrupt thresholds
@param low_med the level below which an interrupt will be triggered.
@param med_high the level above which the interrupt will ge triggered.
@param hysteresis optional histeresis level. Defaults to 50
void Adafruit_CCS811::setThresholds(uint16_t low_med, uint16_t med_high, uint8_t hysteresis)
uint8_t buf[] = {(uint8_t)((low_med >> 8) & 0xF), (uint8_t)(low_med & 0xF),
(uint8_t)((med_high >> 8) & 0xF), (uint8_t)(med_high & 0xF), hysteresis};
this->write(CCS811_THRESHOLDS, buf, 5);
@brief trigger a software reset of the device
void Adafruit_CCS811::SWReset()
//reset sequence from the datasheet
uint8_t seq[] = {0x11, 0xE5, 0x72, 0x8A};
this->write(CCS811_SW_RESET, seq, 4);
@brief read the status register and store any errors.
@returns the error bits from the status register of the device.
bool Adafruit_CCS811::checkError()
return _status.ERROR;
@brief write one byte of data to the specified register
@param reg the register to write to
@param value the value to write
void Adafruit_CCS811::write8(byte reg, byte value)
this->write(reg, &value, 1);
@brief read one byte of data from the specified register
@param reg the register to read
@returns one byte of register data
uint8_t Adafruit_CCS811::read8(byte reg)
uint8_t ret;
this->read(reg, &ret, 1);
return ret;
void Adafruit_CCS811::_i2c_init()
#ifdef ESP8266
void Adafruit_CCS811::read(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t num)
uint8_t value;
uint8_t pos = 0;
//on arduino we need to read in 32 byte chunks
while(pos < num){
uint8_t read_now = min((uint8_t)32, (uint8_t)(num - pos));
Wire.write((uint8_t)reg + pos);
Wire.requestFrom((uint8_t)_i2caddr, read_now);
for(int i=0; i<read_now; i++){
buf[pos] = Wire.read();
void Adafruit_CCS811::write(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t num)
Wire.write((uint8_t *)buf, num);