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2018-04-05 05:07:25 +01:00
This is a library for the ESP8266 to enable KNXnet/IP communication. It uses UDP multicast on
It is intended to be used with the Arduino platform for the ESP8266.
## Prerequisities / Dependencies ##
* You need version 2.4.0 of the esp8266 board libraries.
* I only tested with lwip v1.4. v2 might work, you need to test yourself.
* You need the [ESPAsyncUDP](https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncUDP) library.
* You need a KNXnet/IP **router**. A gateway will **not** work. Alternatively use [knxd](https://github.com/knxd/knxd).
## Caveats ##
Receiving packets should work immediately.
Sending sometimes only works after a substantial amount of time (max 5 minutes in my experiments). In my case, this was fixed by disabling IGMP snooping on the switch(es).
## How to use ##
The library is under development. API may change multiple times in the future.
API documentation is available [here](https://github.com/envy/esp-knx-ip/wiki/API)
A simple example:
#include <esp-knx-ip.h>
const char* ssid = "my-ssid"; // your network SSID (name)
const char* pass = "my-pw"; // your network password
config_id_t my_GA;
config_id_t param_id;
int8_t some_var = 0;
void setup()
// Register a callback that is called when a configurable group address is receiving a telegram
knx.register_callback("Set/Get callback", my_callback);
knx.register_callback("Write callback", my_other_callback);
int default_val = 21;
param_id = knx.config_register_int("My Parameter", default_val);
// Register a configurable group address for sending out answers
my_GA = knx.config_register_ga("Answer GA");
knx.load(); // Try to load a config from EEPROM
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
knx.start(); // Start everything. Must be called after WiFi connection has been established
void loop()
void my_callback(message_t const &msg, void *arg)
switch (msg.ct)
// Save received data
some_var = knx.data_to_1byte_int(msg.data);
// Answer with saved data
knx.answer1ByteInt(msg.received_on, some_var);
void my_other_callback(message_t const &msg, void *arg)
switch (msg.ct)
// Write an answer somewhere else
int value = knx.config_get_int(param_id);
address_t ga = knx.config_get_ga(my_GA);
knx.answer1ByteInt(ga, (int8_t)value);
## How to configure (buildtime) ##
Open the `esp-knx-ip.h` and take a look at the config options at the top inside the block marked `CONFIG`
## How to configure (runtime) ##
Simply visit the IP of your ESP with a webbrowser. You can configure the following:
* KNX physical address
* Which group address should trigger which callback
* Which group address are to be used by the program (e.g. for status replies)
The configuration is dynamically generated from the code.