Fix command WebSend

Fix command WebSend intermittent results (#5273)
This commit is contained in:
Theo Arends 2019-02-19 12:51:38 +01:00
parent 32c1e2d13c
commit 06c97c4e19
2 changed files with 43 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
* Add property LinkCount to state and status 11 message representing number of Wifi Link re-connections
* Add property MqttCount to status 6 message representing number of Mqtt re-connections
* Add property Downtime to state and status 11 message representing the duration of wifi connection loss
* Fix command WebSend intermittent results (#5273)
* 20190211
* Initial support for online template change using command Template or GUI Configure Other (#5177)

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@ -2146,23 +2146,22 @@ String UrlEncode(const String& text)
int WebSend(char *buffer)
/* [sonoff] POWER1 ON --> Sends http://sonoff/cm?cmnd=POWER1 ON
* [,admin:joker] POWER1 ON --> Sends http://hostname:80/cm?user=admin&password=joker&cmnd=POWER1 ON
* [sonoff] /any/link/starting/with/a/slash.php?log=123 --> Sends http://sonoff/any/link/starting/with/a/slash.php?log=123
* [sonoff,admin:joker] /any/link/starting/with/a/slash.php?log=123 --> Sends http://sonoff/any/link/starting/with/a/slash.php?log=123
// [sonoff] POWER1 ON --> Sends http://sonoff/cm?cmnd=POWER1 ON
// [,admin:joker] POWER1 ON --> Sends http://hostname:80/cm?user=admin&password=joker&cmnd=POWER1 ON
// [sonoff] /any/link/starting/with/a/slash.php?log=123 --> Sends http://sonoff/any/link/starting/with/a/slash.php?log=123
// [sonoff,admin:joker] /any/link/starting/with/a/slash.php?log=123 --> Sends http://sonoff/any/link/starting/with/a/slash.php?log=123
char *host;
char *port;
char *user;
char *password;
char *command;
uint16_t nport = 80;
int status = 1; // Wrong parameters
// buffer = | [ : 80 , admin : joker ] POWER1 ON |
host = strtok_r(buffer, "]", &command); // host = | [ : 80 , admin : joker |, command = | POWER1 ON |
if (host && command) {
String url = F("http:"); // url = |http:|
host = Trim(host); // host = |[ : 80 , admin : joker|
host++; // host = | : 80 , admin : joker| - Skip [
host = strtok_r(host, ",", &user); // host = | : 80 |, user = | admin : joker|
@ -2170,66 +2169,62 @@ int WebSend(char *buffer)
host = Trim(host); // host = ||
if (port) {
port = Trim(port); // port = |80|
nport = atoi(port);
url += port; // url = |http:80|
url += F("//"); // url = |http://| or |http:80//|
url += host; // url = ||
if (user) {
user = strtok_r(user, ":", &password); // user = | admin |, password = | joker|
user = Trim(user); // user = |admin|
if (password) { password = Trim(password); } // password = |joker|
command = Trim(command); // command = |POWER1 ON| or |/any/link/starting/with/a/slash.php?log=123|
String nuri = "";
if (command[0] != '/') {
nuri = "/cm?";
url += F("/cm?"); // url = ||
if (user && password) {
nuri += F("user=");
nuri += user;
nuri += F("&password=");
nuri += password;
nuri += F("&");
url += F("user="); // url = ||
url += user; // url = ||
url += F("&password="); // url = ||
url += password; // url = ||
url += F("&"); // url = ||
nuri += F("cmnd=");
url += F("cmnd="); // url = || or ||
nuri += command;
String uri = UrlEncode(nuri);
url += command; // url = | ON|
IPAddress host_ip;
if (WiFi.hostByName(host, host_ip)) {
WiFiClient client;
bool connected = false;
uint8_t retry = 2;
while ((retry > 0) && !connected) {
connected = client.connect(host_ip, nport);
if (connected) break;
if (connected) {
String url = F("GET ");
url += uri;
url += F(" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
// url += IPAddress(host_ip).toString();
url += host; // (#4331)
if (port) {
url += F(":");
url += port;
url += F("\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
//snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("DBG: Url |%s|"), url.c_str());
//snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("DBG: Uri |%s|"), url.c_str());
HTTPClient http;
if (http.begin(UrlEncode(url))) { // UrlEncode(url) = ||
int http_code = http.GET(); // Start connection and send HTTP header
if (http_code > 0) { // http_code will be negative on error
if (http_code == HTTP_CODE_OK || http_code == HTTP_CODE_MOVED_PERMANENTLY) {
// Return received data to the user - Adds 900+ bytes to the code
String result = http.getString(); // File found at server - may need lot of ram or trigger out of memory!
uint16_t j = 0;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
char text = result.charAt(i);
if (text > 31) { // Remove control characters like linefeed
mqtt_data[j] = result.charAt(i);
if (j == sizeof(mqtt_data) -2) { break; }
mqtt_data[j] = '\0';
status = 0; // No error - Done
} else {
status = 2; // Connection failed
} else {
status = 3; // Host not found
status = 3; // Host not found or connection error
return status;