Add MQTT OTA binary file transfer

This commit is contained in:
Theo Arends 2021-05-12 18:34:32 +02:00
parent ccb7fc7da7
commit 2209046c6f
2 changed files with 200 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ uint32_t FileUploadChunckSize(void) {
const uint32_t PubSubClientHeaderSize = 5; // MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE
return (((MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE - PubSubClientHeaderSize - FMqtt.topic_size - FileTransferHeaderSize) / 4) * 3) -2;
// return (((MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE - PubSubClientHeaderSize - FMqtt.topic_size - FileTransferHeaderSize) / 4) * 3) -2;
return MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE - PubSubClientHeaderSize - FMqtt.topic_size - FileTransferHeaderSize;
void CmndFileUpload(void) {
@ -77,23 +78,33 @@ void CmndFileUpload(void) {
const char* base64_data = nullptr;
uint32_t rcv_id = 0;
char* dataBuf = (char*);
if (strlen(dataBuf) > 8) { // Workaround exception if empty JSON like {} - Needs checks
JsonParser parser((char*) dataBuf);
JsonParserObject root = parser.getRootObject();
if (root) {
JsonParserToken val = root[PSTR("ID")];
if (val) { rcv_id = val.getUInt(); }
val = root[PSTR("TYPE")];
if (val) { FMqtt.file_type = val.getUInt(); }
val = root[PSTR("SIZE")];
if (val) { FMqtt.file_size = val.getUInt(); }
val = root[PSTR("MD5")];
if (val) { FMqtt.file_md5 = val.getStr(); }
val = root[PSTR("DATA")];
if (val) { base64_data = val.getStr(); }
bool binary_data = false;
if (XdrvMailbox.index > 199) { // Check for raw data
XdrvMailbox.index -= 200;
binary_data = true;
if (!binary_data) {
if (strlen(dataBuf) > 8) { // Workaround exception if empty JSON like {} - Needs checks
JsonParser parser((char*) dataBuf);
JsonParserObject root = parser.getRootObject();
if (root) {
JsonParserToken val = root[PSTR("ID")];
if (val) { rcv_id = val.getUInt(); }
val = root[PSTR("TYPE")];
if (val) { FMqtt.file_type = val.getUInt(); }
val = root[PSTR("SIZE")];
if (val) { FMqtt.file_size = val.getUInt(); }
val = root[PSTR("MD5")];
if (val) { FMqtt.file_md5 = val.getStr(); }
val = root[PSTR("DATA")];
if (val) { base64_data = val.getStr(); }
} else {
rcv_id = FMqtt.file_id;
if ((0 == FMqtt.file_id) && (rcv_id > 0) && (FMqtt.file_size > 0) && (FMqtt.file_type > 0)) {
@ -139,24 +150,36 @@ void CmndFileUpload(void) {
if (FMqtt.file_buffer) {
if ((FMqtt.file_pos < FMqtt.file_size) && base64_data) {
if ((FMqtt.file_pos < FMqtt.file_size) && (binary_data || base64_data)) {
// Save upload into buffer - Handle possible buffer overflows
uint32_t rcvd_bytes = decode_base64_length((unsigned char*)base64_data);
unsigned char decode_output[rcvd_bytes];
decode_base64((unsigned char*)base64_data, (unsigned char*)decode_output);
uint32_t bytes_left = FMqtt.file_size - FMqtt.file_pos;
uint32_t read_bytes = (bytes_left < rcvd_bytes) ? bytes_left : rcvd_bytes;
FMqtt.md5.add(decode_output, read_bytes);
if (UPL_TASMOTA == FMqtt.file_type) {
Update.write(decode_output, read_bytes);
} else {
uint8_t* buffer = FMqtt.file_buffer + FMqtt.file_pos;
memcpy(buffer, decode_output, read_bytes);
unsigned char* raw_data = (unsigned char*);
uint32_t rcvd_bytes = XdrvMailbox.data_len;
if (!binary_data) {
raw_data = (unsigned char*)malloc(XdrvMailbox.data_len);
if (raw_data) {
rcvd_bytes = decode_base64((unsigned char*)base64_data, (unsigned char*)raw_data);
FMqtt.file_pos += read_bytes;
if (raw_data) {
uint32_t bytes_left = FMqtt.file_size - FMqtt.file_pos;
uint32_t read_bytes = (bytes_left < rcvd_bytes) ? bytes_left : rcvd_bytes;
FMqtt.md5.add(raw_data, read_bytes);
if (UPL_TASMOTA == FMqtt.file_type) {
Update.write(raw_data, read_bytes);
} else {
uint8_t* buffer = FMqtt.file_buffer + FMqtt.file_pos;
memcpy(buffer, raw_data, read_bytes);
if (!binary_data) {
FMqtt.file_pos += read_bytes;
if ((FMqtt.file_pos > rcvd_bytes) && ((FMqtt.file_pos % 102400) <= rcvd_bytes)) {
TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = LOG_LEVEL_NONE; // Enable logging
@ -168,8 +191,12 @@ void CmndFileUpload(void) {
if ((FMqtt.file_pos < FMqtt.file_size) || (FMqtt.file_md5.length() != 32)) {
TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE; // Hide upload data logging
uint32_t chunk_size = FileUploadChunckSize();
if (!binary_data) {
chunk_size = ((chunk_size / 4) * 3) -2; // Calculate base64 chunk size
// {"Id":116,"MaxSize":"765"}
Response_P(PSTR("{\"Id\":%d,\"MaxSize\":%d}"), FMqtt.file_id, FileUploadChunckSize());
Response_P(PSTR("{\"Id\":%d,\"MaxSize\":%d}"), FMqtt.file_id, chunk_size);
} else {
if (strcasecmp(FMqtt.file_md5.c_str(), FMqtt.md5.toString().c_str())) {

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@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" - Upload Tasmota firmware file
Copyright (C) 2021 Theo Arends
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
- Python 3.x and Pip:
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
pip3 install paho-mqtt json
Edit file and change parameters in User Configuration Section
Then execute command
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import time
import base64
import hashlib
import json
# **** Start of User Configuration Section
broker = "domus1" # MQTT broker ip address or name
broker_port = 1883 # MQTT broker port
mytopic = "demo" # Tasmota MQTT topic
#myfile = "../../build_output/firmware/tasmota32.bin" # Tasmota esp32 firmware file name
myfile = "../../build_output/firmware/tasmota.bin.gz" # Tasmota esp8266 firmware file name
myfiletype = 1 # Tasmota firmware file type
# **** End of User Configuration Section
# Derive fulltopic from broker LWT message
mypublish = "cmnd/"+mytopic+"/fileupload"
mysubscribe = "stat/"+mytopic+"/FILEUPLOAD" # Case sensitive
Ack_flag = False
file_id = 114 # Even id between 2 and 254
file_chunk_size = 700 # Default Tasmota MQTT max message size
# The callback for when mysubscribe message is received
def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
global Ack_flag
global file_chunk_size
rcv_code = ""
rcv_id = 0
# print("Received message =",str(msg.payload.decode("utf-8")))
root = json.loads(msg.payload.decode("utf-8"))
if "Command" in root: rcv_code = root["Command"]
if rcv_code == "Error":
print("Error: Command error")
if "Id" in root: rcv_id = root["Id"]
if rcv_id == file_id:
if "MaxSize" in root: file_chunk_size = root["MaxSize"]
Ack_flag = False
def wait_for_ack():
global Ack_flag
timeout = 100
while Ack_flag and timeout > 0:
timeout = timeout -1
if Ack_flag:
print("Error: Ack timeout")
return Ack_flag
client = mqtt.Client()
client.on_message = on_message
client.connect(broker, broker_port)
client.loop_start() # Start loop to process received messages
time_start = time.time()
print("Uploading file "+myfile+" to "+mytopic+" ...")
fo = open(myfile,"rb"), 2) # os.SEEK_END
file_size = fo.tell(), 0) # os.SEEK_SET
client.publish(mypublish, "{\"File\":\""+myfile+"\",\"Id\":"+str("%3d"%file_id)+",\"Type\":"+str(myfiletype)+",\"Size\":"+str(file_size)+"}")
Ack_flag = True
out_hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
Run_flag = True
while Run_flag:
if wait_for_ack(): # We use Ack here
Run_flag = False
chunk =
if chunk:
out_hash_md5.update(chunk) # Update hash
# base64_encoded_data = base64.b64encode(chunk)
# base64_data = base64_encoded_data.decode('utf-8')
# Message length used by Tasmota (FileTransferHeaderSize)
# client.publish(mypublish, "{\"Id\":"+str("%3d"%file_id)+",\"Data\":\""+base64_data+"\"}")
client.publish(mypublish+"201", chunk)
Ack_flag = True
md5_hash = out_hash_md5.hexdigest()
client.publish(mypublish, "{\"Id\":"+str("%3d"%file_id)+",\"Md5\":\""+md5_hash+"\"}")
Run_flag = False
time_taken = time.time() - time_start
print("Done in "+str("%.2f"%time_taken)+" seconds")
client.disconnect() # Disconnect
client.loop_stop() # Stop loop