Checked Sonoff 4CH Pro functionality

This commit is contained in:
arendst 2018-02-04 22:44:15 +01:00
parent d2aeb8439a
commit 265e0a03f7
1 changed files with 41 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -1916,129 +1916,130 @@ void ButtonHandler()
char scmnd[20];
uint8_t maxdev = (devices_present > MAX_KEYS) ? MAX_KEYS : devices_present;
for (byte i = 0; i < maxdev; i++) {
for (byte button_index = 0; button_index < maxdev; button_index++) {
button = NOT_PRESSED;
button_present = 0;
if (!i && ((SONOFF_DUAL == Settings.module) || (CH4 == Settings.module))) {
if (!button_index && ((SONOFF_DUAL == Settings.module) || (CH4 == Settings.module))) {
button_present = 1;
if (dual_button_code) {
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR(D_LOG_APPLICATION D_BUTTON " " D_CODE " %04X"), dual_button_code);
button = PRESSED;
if (0xF500 == dual_button_code) { // Button hold
holdbutton[i] = (Settings.param[P_HOLD_TIME] * (STATES / 10)) -1;
holdbutton[button_index] = (Settings.param[P_HOLD_TIME] * (STATES / 10)) -1;
dual_button_code = 0;
} else {
if ((pin[GPIO_KEY1 +i] < 99) && !blockgpio0) {
if ((pin[GPIO_KEY1 +button_index] < 99) && !blockgpio0) {
button_present = 1;
button = digitalRead(pin[GPIO_KEY1 +i]);
button = digitalRead(pin[GPIO_KEY1 +button_index]);
if (button_present) {
if (SONOFF_4CHPRO == Settings.module) {
if (holdbutton[i]) {
if (holdbutton[button_index]) {
boolean button_pressed = false;
if ((PRESSED == button) && (NOT_PRESSED == lastbutton[i])) {
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR(D_LOG_APPLICATION D_BUTTON " %d " D_LEVEL_10), i +1);
if ((PRESSED == button) && (NOT_PRESSED == lastbutton[button_index])) {
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR(D_LOG_APPLICATION D_BUTTON "%d " D_LEVEL_10), button_index +1);
holdbutton[i] = STATES;
holdbutton[button_index] = STATES;
button_pressed = true;
if ((NOT_PRESSED == button) && (PRESSED == lastbutton[i])) {
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR(D_LOG_APPLICATION D_BUTTON " %d " D_LEVEL_01), i +1);
if ((NOT_PRESSED == button) && (PRESSED == lastbutton[button_index])) {
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR(D_LOG_APPLICATION D_BUTTON "%d " D_LEVEL_01), button_index +1);
if (!holdbutton[i]) { // Do not allow within 1 second
if (!holdbutton[button_index]) { // Do not allow within 1 second
button_pressed = true;
if (button_pressed) {
if (!send_button_power(0, i +1, 2)) { // Execute Toggle command via MQTT if ButtonTopic is set
ExecuteCommandPower(i +1, POWER_TOGGLE); // Execute Toggle command internally
if (!send_button_power(0, button_index +1, POWER_TOGGLE)) { // Execute Toggle command via MQTT if ButtonTopic is set
ExecuteCommandPower(button_index +1, POWER_TOGGLE); // Execute Toggle command internally
} else {
if ((PRESSED == button) && (NOT_PRESSED == lastbutton[i])) {
if ((PRESSED == button) && (NOT_PRESSED == lastbutton[button_index])) {
if (Settings.flag.button_single) { // Allow only single button press for immediate action
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR(D_LOG_APPLICATION D_BUTTON " %d " D_IMMEDIATE), i +1);
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR(D_LOG_APPLICATION D_BUTTON "%d " D_IMMEDIATE), button_index +1);
if (!send_button_power(0, i +1, 2)) { // Execute Toggle command via MQTT if ButtonTopic is set
ExecuteCommandPower(i +1, POWER_TOGGLE); // Execute Toggle command internally
if (!send_button_power(0, button_index +1, POWER_TOGGLE)) { // Execute Toggle command via MQTT if ButtonTopic is set
ExecuteCommandPower(button_index +1, POWER_TOGGLE); // Execute Toggle command internally
} else {
multipress[i] = (multiwindow[i]) ? multipress[i] +1 : 1;
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR(D_LOG_APPLICATION D_BUTTON " %d " D_MULTI_PRESS " %d"), i +1, multipress[i]);
multipress[button_index] = (multiwindow[button_index]) ? multipress[button_index] +1 : 1;
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR(D_LOG_APPLICATION D_BUTTON "%d " D_MULTI_PRESS " %d"), button_index +1, multipress[button_index]);
multiwindow[i] = STATES /2; // 0.5 second multi press window
multiwindow[button_index] = STATES /2; // 0.5 second multi press window
blinks = 201;
if (NOT_PRESSED == button) {
holdbutton[i] = 0;
holdbutton[button_index] = 0;
} else {
if (Settings.flag.button_single) { // Allow only single button press for immediate action
if (holdbutton[i] == Settings.param[P_HOLD_TIME] * (STATES / 10) * 4) { // Button hold for four times longer
if (holdbutton[button_index] == Settings.param[P_HOLD_TIME] * (STATES / 10) * 4) { // Button hold for four times longer
// Settings.flag.button_single = 0;
snprintf_P(scmnd, sizeof(scmnd), PSTR(D_CMND_SETOPTION "13 0")); // Disable single press only
} else {
if (holdbutton[i] == Settings.param[P_HOLD_TIME] * (STATES / 10)) { // Button hold
multipress[i] = 0;
if (holdbutton[button_index] == Settings.param[P_HOLD_TIME] * (STATES / 10)) { // Button hold
multipress[button_index] = 0;
if (!Settings.flag.button_restrict) { // No button restriction
snprintf_P(scmnd, sizeof(scmnd), PSTR(D_CMND_RESET " 1"));
} else {
send_button_power(0, i +1, 3); // Execute Hold command via MQTT if ButtonTopic is set
send_button_power(0, button_index +1, 3); // Execute Hold command via MQTT if ButtonTopic is set
if (!Settings.flag.button_single) { // Allow multi-press
if (multiwindow[i]) {
if (multiwindow[button_index]) {
} else {
if (!restart_flag && !holdbutton[i] && (multipress[i] > 0) && (multipress[i] < MAX_BUTTON_COMMANDS +3)) {
if (!restart_flag && !holdbutton[button_index] && (multipress[button_index] > 0) && (multipress[button_index] < MAX_BUTTON_COMMANDS +3)) {
boolean single_press = false;
if (multipress[i] < 3) { // Single or Double press
if (multipress[button_index] < 3) { // Single or Double press
if ((SONOFF_DUAL_R2 == Settings.module) || (SONOFF_DUAL == Settings.module) || (CH4 == Settings.module)) {
single_press = true;
} else {
single_press = (Settings.flag.button_swap +1 == multipress[i]);
multipress[i] = 1;
single_press = (Settings.flag.button_swap +1 == multipress[button_index]);
multipress[button_index] = 1;
if (single_press && send_button_power(0, i + multipress[i], 2)) { // Execute Toggle command via MQTT if ButtonTopic is set
if (single_press && send_button_power(0, button_index + multipress[button_index], POWER_TOGGLE)) { // Execute Toggle command via MQTT if ButtonTopic is set
// Success
} else {
if (multipress[i] < 3) { // Single or Double press
if (multipress[button_index] < 3) { // Single or Double press
if (WifiState()) { // WPSconfig, Smartconfig or Wifimanager active
restart_flag = 1;
} else {
ExecuteCommandPower(i + multipress[i], POWER_TOGGLE); // Execute Toggle command internally
ExecuteCommandPower(button_index + multipress[button_index], POWER_TOGGLE); // Execute Toggle command internally
} else { // 3 - 7 press
if (!Settings.flag.button_restrict) {
snprintf_P(scmnd, sizeof(scmnd), kCommands[multipress[i] -3]);
snprintf_P(scmnd, sizeof(scmnd), kCommands[multipress[button_index] -3]);
multipress[i] = 0;
multipress[button_index] = 0;
lastbutton[i] = button;
lastbutton[button_index] = button;