Berry update to more compact representation of solidified code

This commit is contained in:
Stephan Hadinger 2021-06-27 15:16:22 +02:00
parent 94992f0597
commit 2f751f7080
5 changed files with 281 additions and 309 deletions

View File

@ -34,88 +34,86 @@
** Solidified function: get_tasmota
/********** Solidified proto: get_tasmota */
be_define_local_const_str(get_tasmota_str_name, "get_tasmota", 334356779, 11);
be_define_local_const_str(get_tasmota_str_source, "input", -103256197, 5);
be_define_local_const_str(get_tasmota_str_0, "global", 503252654, 6);
be_define_local_const_str(get_tasmota_str_1, "tasmota", 424643812, 7);
static const bvalue get_tasmota_ktab[2] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(get_tasmota_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(get_tasmota_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t get_tasmota_code[3] = {
0xA4060000, // 0000 IMPORT R1 R256
0x88080301, // 0001 GETMBR R2 R1 R257
0x80040400, // 0002 RET 1 R2
be_define_local_proto(get_tasmota, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0);
be_local_closure(get_tasmota, /* name */
3, /* nstack */
1, /* argc */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* upvals */
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("global", 503252654, 6) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("tasmota", 424643812, 7) }, BE_STRING},
(be_nested_const_str("get_tasmota", 334356779, 11)),
(be_nested_const_str("stdin", -1529146723, 5)),
( &(const binstruction[ 3]) { /* code */
0xA4060000, // 0000 IMPORT R1 R256
0x88080301, // 0001 GETMBR R2 R1 R257
0x80040400, // 0002 RET 1 R2
** Solidified function: add_cmd
/********** Solidified proto: add_cmd_0 */
static const bupvaldesc add_cmd_0_upvals[2] = {
be_local_const_upval(1, 2),
be_local_const_upval(1, 0),
be_define_local_const_str(add_cmd_0_str_name, "add_cmd_0", 607256038, 8);
be_define_local_const_str(add_cmd_0_str_source, "input", -103256197, 5);
static const uint32_t add_cmd_0_code[8] = {
0x68100000, // 0000 GETUPV R4 U0
0x68140001, // 0001 GETUPV R5 U1
0x5C180000, // 0002 MOVE R6 R0
0x5C1C0200, // 0003 MOVE R7 R1
0x5C200400, // 0004 MOVE R8 R2
0x5C240600, // 0005 MOVE R9 R3
0x7C100A00, // 0006 CALL R4 5
0x80040800, // 0007 RET 1 R4
be_define_local_proto(add_cmd_0, 10, 4, 0, 0, 1);
/********** Solidified proto: add_cmd */
static const bproto *add_cmd_subproto[1] = {
be_define_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_name, "add_cmd", -933336417, 7);
be_define_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_source, "input", -103256197, 5);
be_define_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_0, "get_tasmota", 334356779, 11);
be_define_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_1, "add_cmd", -933336417, 7);
static const bvalue add_cmd_ktab[2] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(add_cmd_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t add_cmd_code[8] = {
0x8C0C0100, // 0000 GETMET R3 R0 R256
0x7C0C0200, // 0001 CALL R3 1
0x8C100701, // 0002 GETMET R4 R3 R257
0x5C180200, // 0003 MOVE R6 R1
0x841C0000, // 0004 CLOSURE R7 P0
0x7C100600, // 0005 CALL R4 3
0xA0000000, // 0006 CLOSE 0
0x80000000, // 0007 RET 0 R0
be_define_local_proto(add_cmd, 8, 3, 1, 1, 0);
be_local_closure(add_cmd, /* name */
8, /* nstack */
3, /* argc */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
1, /* has sup protos */
10, /* nstack */
4, /* argc */
1, /* has upvals */
( &(const bupvaldesc[ 2]) { /* upvals */
be_local_const_upval(1, 2),
be_local_const_upval(1, 0),
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
0, /* has constants */
NULL, /* no const */
(be_nested_const_str("<lambda>", 607256038, 8)),
(be_nested_const_str("stdin", -1529146723, 5)),
( &(const binstruction[ 8]) { /* code */
0x68100000, // 0000 GETUPV R4 U0
0x68140001, // 0001 GETUPV R5 U1
0x5C180000, // 0002 MOVE R6 R0
0x5C1C0200, // 0003 MOVE R7 R1
0x5C200400, // 0004 MOVE R8 R2
0x5C240600, // 0005 MOVE R9 R3
0x7C100A00, // 0006 CALL R4 5
0x80040800, // 0007 RET 1 R4
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* upvals */
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("get_tasmota", 334356779, 11) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("add_cmd", -933336417, 7) }, BE_STRING},
(be_nested_const_str("add_cmd", -933336417, 7)),
(be_nested_const_str("stdin", -1529146723, 5)),
( &(const binstruction[ 8]) { /* code */
0x8C0C0100, // 0000 GETMET R3 R0 R256
0x7C0C0200, // 0001 CALL R3 1
0x8C100701, // 0002 GETMET R4 R3 R257
0x5C180200, // 0003 MOVE R6 R1
0x841C0000, // 0004 CLOSURE R7 P0
0x7C100600, // 0005 CALL R4 3
0xA0000000, // 0006 CLOSE 0
0x80000000, // 0007 RET 0 R0
#include "../generate/be_fixed_be_class_tasmota_driver.h"

View File

@ -1423,35 +1423,36 @@ static const bclosure exec_cmd_closure = {
"return gc.allocated() "
"end "
** Solidified function: gc
/********** Solidified proto: gc */
be_define_local_const_str(gc_str_name, "gc", 1042313471, 2);
be_define_local_const_str(gc_str_source, "string", 398550328, 6);
be_define_local_const_str(gc_str_0, "gc", 1042313471, 2);
be_define_local_const_str(gc_str_1, "collect", -1895928271, 7);
be_define_local_const_str(gc_str_2, "allocated", 429986098, 9);
static const bvalue gc_ktab[3] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(gc_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(gc_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(gc_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t gc_code[6] = {
0xA4060000, // 0000 IMPORT R1 R256
0x8C080301, // 0001 GETMET R2 R1 R257
0x7C080200, // 0002 CALL R2 1
0x8C080302, // 0003 GETMET R2 R1 R258
0x7C080200, // 0004 CALL R2 1
0x80040400, // 0005 RET 1 R2
be_define_local_proto(gc, 4, 1, 1, 0, 0);
be_local_closure(gc, /* name */
4, /* nstack */
1, /* argc */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 3]) { /* upvals */
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("gc", 1042313471, 2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("collect", -1895928271, 7) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("allocated", 429986098, 9) }, BE_STRING},
(be_nested_const_str("gc", 1042313471, 2)),
(be_nested_const_str("string", 398550328, 6)),
( &(const binstruction[ 6]) { /* code */
0xA4060000, // 0000 IMPORT R1 R256
0x8C080301, // 0001 GETMET R2 R1 R257
0x7C080200, // 0002 CALL R2 1
0x8C080302, // 0003 GETMET R2 R1 R258
0x7C080200, // 0004 CALL R2 1
0x80040400, // 0005 RET 1 R2

View File

@ -37,93 +37,57 @@ extern int b_wire_detect(bvm *vm);
"return ret "
"end "
** Solidified function: read_bytes
be_define_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_name, "read_bytes", -718234123, 10);
be_define_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_source, "string", 398550328, 6);
be_define_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_0, "_begin_transmission", -1515506120, 19);
be_define_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_1, "_write", -2079504471, 6);
be_define_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_2, "_end_transmission", -1057486896, 17);
be_define_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_3, "_request_from", -329818692, 13);
be_define_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_4, "_available", 1306196581, 10);
be_define_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_5, "_read", 346717030, 5);
static const bvalue read_bytes_ktab[6] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_3) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_4) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_5) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t read_bytes_code[24] = {
0x8C100100, // 0000 GETMET R4 R0 R256
0x5C180200, // 0001 MOVE R6 R1
0x7C100400, // 0002 CALL R4 2
0x8C100101, // 0003 GETMET R4 R0 R257
0x5C180400, // 0004 MOVE R6 R2
0x7C100400, // 0005 CALL R4 2
0x8C100102, // 0006 GETMET R4 R0 R258
0x50180000, // 0007 LDBOOL R6 0 0
0x7C100400, // 0008 CALL R4 2
0x8C100103, // 0009 GETMET R4 R0 R259
0x5C180200, // 000A MOVE R6 R1
0x5C1C0600, // 000B MOVE R7 R3
0x7C100600, // 000C CALL R4 3
0x60100002, // 000D GETGBL R4 G2
0x5C140600, // 000E MOVE R5 R3
0x7C100200, // 000F CALL R4 1
0x8C140104, // 0010 GETMET R5 R0 R260
0x7C140200, // 0011 CALL R5 1
0x78160003, // 0012 JMPF R5 #0017
0x8C140105, // 0013 GETMET R5 R0 R261
0x7C140200, // 0014 CALL R5 1
0x40140805, // 0015 CONNECT R5 R4 R5
0x7001FFF8, // 0016 JMP #0010
0x80040800, // 0017 RET 1 R4
static const bproto read_bytes_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
8, // nstack
0, // nupvals
4, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &read_bytes_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &read_bytes_code, // code
be_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_name), // name
24, // codesize
6, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(read_bytes_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
const bclosure read_bytes_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &read_bytes_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
be_local_closure(read_bytes, /* name */
8, /* nstack */
4, /* argc */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 6]) { /* upvals */
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("_begin_transmission", -1515506120, 19) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("_write", -2079504471, 6) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("_end_transmission", -1057486896, 17) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("_request_from", -329818692, 13) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("_available", 1306196581, 10) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("_read", 346717030, 5) }, BE_STRING},
(be_nested_const_str("read_bytes", -718234123, 10)),
(be_nested_const_str("string", 398550328, 6)),
( &(const binstruction[24]) { /* code */
0x8C100100, // 0000 GETMET R4 R0 R256
0x5C180200, // 0001 MOVE R6 R1
0x7C100400, // 0002 CALL R4 2
0x8C100101, // 0003 GETMET R4 R0 R257
0x5C180400, // 0004 MOVE R6 R2
0x7C100400, // 0005 CALL R4 2
0x8C100102, // 0006 GETMET R4 R0 R258
0x50180000, // 0007 LDBOOL R6 0 0
0x7C100400, // 0008 CALL R4 2
0x8C100103, // 0009 GETMET R4 R0 R259
0x5C180200, // 000A MOVE R6 R1
0x5C1C0600, // 000B MOVE R7 R3
0x7C100600, // 000C CALL R4 3
0x60100002, // 000D GETGBL R4 G2
0x5C140600, // 000E MOVE R5 R3
0x7C100200, // 000F CALL R4 1
0x8C140104, // 0010 GETMET R5 R0 R260
0x7C140200, // 0011 CALL R5 1
0x78160003, // 0012 JMPF R5 #0017
0x8C140105, // 0013 GETMET R5 R0 R261
0x7C140200, // 0014 CALL R5 1
0x40140805, // 0015 CONNECT R5 R4 R5
0x7001FFF8, // 0016 JMP #0010
0x80040800, // 0017 RET 1 R4
@ -135,75 +99,42 @@ const bclosure read_bytes_closure = {
"self._end_transmission() "
"end "
** Solidified function: write_bytes
be_define_local_const_str(write_bytes_str_name, "write_bytes", 1227543792, 11);
be_define_local_const_str(write_bytes_str_source, "string", 398550328, 6);
be_define_local_const_str(write_bytes_str_0, "_begin_transmission", -1515506120, 19);
be_define_local_const_str(write_bytes_str_1, "_write", -2079504471, 6);
be_define_local_const_str(write_bytes_str_2, "_end_transmission", -1057486896, 17);
static const bvalue write_bytes_ktab[3] = {
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(write_bytes_str_0) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(write_bytes_str_1) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_local_const_str(write_bytes_str_2) }, BE_STRING},
static const uint32_t write_bytes_code[12] = {
0x8C100100, // 0000 GETMET R4 R0 R256
0x5C180200, // 0001 MOVE R6 R1
0x7C100400, // 0002 CALL R4 2
0x8C100101, // 0003 GETMET R4 R0 R257
0x5C180400, // 0004 MOVE R6 R2
0x7C100400, // 0005 CALL R4 2
0x8C100101, // 0006 GETMET R4 R0 R257
0x5C180600, // 0007 MOVE R6 R3
0x7C100400, // 0008 CALL R4 2
0x8C100102, // 0009 GETMET R4 R0 R258
0x7C100200, // 000A CALL R4 1
0x80000000, // 000B RET 0 R0
static const bproto write_bytes_proto = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
8, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
7, // nstack
0, // nupvals
4, // argc
0, // varg
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
NULL, // bupvaldesc *upvals
(bvalue*) &write_bytes_ktab, // ktab
NULL, // bproto **ptab
(binstruction*) &write_bytes_code, // code
be_local_const_str(write_bytes_str_name), // name
12, // codesize
3, // nconst
0, // nproto
be_local_const_str(write_bytes_str_source), // source
#if BE_DEBUG_RUNTIME_INFO /* debug information */
NULL, // lineinfo
0, // nlineinfo
NULL, // varinfo
0, // nvarinfo
const bclosure write_bytes_closure = {
NULL, // bgcobject *next
36, // type
GC_CONST, // marked
0, // nupvals
NULL, // bgcobject *gray
(bproto*) &write_bytes_proto, // proto
{ NULL } // upvals
be_local_closure(write_bytes, /* name */
7, /* nstack */
4, /* argc */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 3]) { /* upvals */
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("_begin_transmission", -1515506120, 19) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("_write", -2079504471, 6) }, BE_STRING},
{ { .s=be_nested_const_str("_end_transmission", -1057486896, 17) }, BE_STRING},
(be_nested_const_str("write_bytes", 1227543792, 11)),
(be_nested_const_str("string", 398550328, 6)),
( &(const binstruction[12]) { /* code */
0x8C100100, // 0000 GETMET R4 R0 R256
0x5C180200, // 0001 MOVE R6 R1
0x7C100400, // 0002 CALL R4 2
0x8C100101, // 0003 GETMET R4 R0 R257
0x5C180400, // 0004 MOVE R6 R2
0x7C100400, // 0005 CALL R4 2
0x8C100101, // 0006 GETMET R4 R0 R257
0x5C180600, // 0007 MOVE R6 R3
0x7C100400, // 0008 CALL R4 2
0x8C100102, // 0009 GETMET R4 R0 R258
0x7C100200, // 000A CALL R4 1
0x80000000, // 000B RET 0 R0

View File

@ -45,63 +45,44 @@ static const char * m_type_ktab(int type)
static void m_solidify_proto(bvm *vm, bproto *pr, const char * func_name, int builtins)
static void m_solidify_proto(bvm *vm, bproto *pr, const char * func_name, int builtins, int indent)
// const char * func_name = str(pr->name);
const char * func_source = str(pr->source);
logfmt("%*sbe_nested_proto(\n", indent, "");
indent += 2;
logfmt("%*s%d, /* nstack */\n", indent, "", pr->nstack);
logfmt("%*s%d, /* argc */\n", indent, "", pr->argc);
logfmt("%*s%d, /* has upvals */\n", indent, "", (pr->nupvals > 0) ? 1 : 0);
if (pr->nupvals > 0) {
logfmt("%*s( &(const bupvaldesc[%2d]) { /* upvals */\n", indent, "", pr->nupvals);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pr->nupvals; i++) {
logfmt("%*s be_local_const_upval(%i, %i),\n", indent, "", pr->upvals[i].instack, pr->upvals[i].idx);
logfmt("%*s}),\n", indent, "");
} else {
logfmt("%*sNULL, /* no upvals */\n", indent, "");
logfmt("%*s%d, /* has sup protos */\n", indent, "", (pr->nproto > 0) ? 1 : 0);
if (pr->nproto > 0) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pr->nproto; i++) {
size_t sub_len = strlen(func_name) + 10;
char sub_name[sub_len];
snprintf(sub_name, sizeof(sub_name), "%s_%d", func_name, i);
m_solidify_proto(vm, pr->ptab[i], sub_name, builtins);
m_solidify_proto(vm, pr->ptab[i], sub_name, builtins, indent);
} else {
logfmt("%*sNULL, /* no sub protos */\n", indent, "");
logfmt("\n/********** Solidified proto: %s */\n", func_name);
if (pr->nproto > 0) {
logfmt("static const bproto *%s_subproto[%i] = {\n", func_name, pr->nproto);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pr->nproto; i++) {
logfmt(" &%s_%d_proto,\n", func_name, i);
// logfmt(" be_local_const_upval(%i, %i),\n", pr->upvals[i].instack, pr->upvals[i].idx); TODO
if (pr->nupvals > 0) {
logfmt("static const bupvaldesc %s_upvals[%i] = {\n", func_name, pr->nupvals);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pr->nupvals; i++) {
logfmt(" be_local_const_upval(%i, %i),\n", pr->upvals[i].instack, pr->upvals[i].idx);
// logfmt("// upval[%d] = { .instack = %i, .idx = %i }\n", i, pr->upvals[i].instack, pr->upvals[i].idx);
/* create static strings for name and source */
logfmt("be_define_local_const_str(%s_str_name, \"%s\", %i, %u);\n",
func_name, str(pr->name), be_strhash(pr->name), str_len(pr->name));
logfmt("be_define_local_const_str(%s_str_source, \"%s\", %i, %u);\n",
func_name, func_source, be_strhash(pr->source), str_len(pr->source));
/* create static strings first */
for (int i = 0; i < pr->nconst; i++) {
if (pr->ktab[i].type == BE_STRING) {
logfmt("be_define_local_const_str(%s_str_%i, \"",
func_name, i);
size_t len = strlen(str(pr->ktab[i].v.s));
if (len >= 255) {
be_raise(vm, "internal_error", "Strings greater than 255 chars not supported yet");
logfmt("\", %i, %zu);\n", be_strhash(pr->ktab[i].v.s), len >= 255 ? 255 : len);
logfmt("%*s%d, /* has constants */\n", indent, "", (pr->nconst > 0) ? 1 : 0);
if (pr->nconst > 0) {
logfmt("static const bvalue %s_ktab[%i] = {\n", func_name, pr->nconst);
logfmt("%*s( &(const bvalue[%2d]) { /* upvals */\n", indent, "", pr->nconst);
for (int k = 0; k < pr->nconst; k++) {
int type = pr->ktab[k].type;
const char *type_name = m_type_ktab(type);
@ -111,26 +92,37 @@ static void m_solidify_proto(bvm *vm, bproto *pr, const char * func_name, int bu
be_raise(vm, "internal_error", error);
if (type == BE_STRING) {
logfmt(" { { .s=be_local_const_str(%s_str_%i) }, %s},\n", func_name, k, type_name);
logfmt("%*s { { .s=be_nested_const_str(\"", indent, "");
size_t len = strlen(str(pr->ktab[k].v.s));
if (len >= 255) {
be_raise(vm, "internal_error", "Strings greater than 255 chars not supported yet");
logfmt("\", %i, %zu) }, %s},\n", be_strhash(pr->ktab[k].v.s), len >= 255 ? 255 : len, type_name);
} else if (type == BE_INT) {
logfmt(" { { .i=%" BE_INT_FMTLEN "i }, %s},\n", pr->ktab[k].v.i, type_name);
logfmt("%*s { { .i=%" BE_INT_FMTLEN "i }, %s},\n", indent, "", pr->ktab[k].v.i, type_name);
} else if (type == BE_REAL) {
logfmt(" { { .p=(void*)0x%08X }, %s},\n", (uint32_t) pr->ktab[k].v.p, type_name);
logfmt("%*s { { .p=(void*)0x%08X }, %s},\n", indent, "", (uint32_t) pr->ktab[k].v.p, type_name);
logfmt(" { { .p=(void*)0x%016llX }, %s},\n", (uint64_t) pr->ktab[k].v.p, type_name);
logfmt("%*s { { .p=(void*)0x%016llX }, %s},\n", indent, "", (uint64_t) pr->ktab[k].v.p, type_name);
} else if (type == BE_BOOL) {
logfmt(" { { .b=%i }, %s},\n", pr->ktab[k].v.b, type_name);
logfmt("%*s { { .b=%i }, %s},\n", indent, "", pr->ktab[k].v.b, type_name);
logfmt("%*s}),\n", indent, "");
} else {
logfmt("%*sNULL, /* no const */\n", indent, "");
logfmt("static const uint32_t %s_code[%i] = {\n", func_name, pr->codesize);
logfmt("%*s(be_nested_const_str(\"%s\", %i, %i)),\n", indent, "", str(pr->name), be_strhash(pr->name), str_len(pr->name));
logfmt("%*s(be_nested_const_str(\"%s\", %i, %i)),\n", indent, "", func_source, be_strhash(pr->source), str_len(pr->source));
logfmt("%*s( &(const binstruction[%2d]) { /* code */\n", indent, "", pr->codesize);
for (int pc = 0; pc < pr->codesize; pc++) {
uint32_t ins = pr->code[pc];
logfmt(" 0x%04X, //", ins);
logfmt("%*s 0x%04X, //", indent, "", ins);
be_print_inst(ins, pc);
bopcode op = IGET_OP(ins);
if (op == OP_GETGBL || op == OP_SETGBL) {
@ -143,10 +135,10 @@ static void m_solidify_proto(bvm *vm, bproto *pr, const char * func_name, int bu
logfmt("%*s})\n", indent, "");
indent -= 2;
logfmt("%*s)", indent, "");
logfmt("be_define_local_proto(%s, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n",
func_name, pr->nstack, pr->argc, (pr->nconst > 0) ? 1 : 0, (pr->nproto > 0) ? 1 : 0, (pr->nupvals > 0) ? 1 : 0);
static void m_solidify_closure(bvm *vm, bclosure *cl, int builtins)
@ -163,11 +155,14 @@ static void m_solidify_closure(bvm *vm, bclosure *cl, int builtins)
logfmt("** Solidified function: %s\n", func_name);
m_solidify_proto(vm, pr, func_name, builtins);
int indent = 2;
logfmt("be_local_closure(%s, /* name */\n", func_name);
m_solidify_proto(vm, pr, func_name, builtins, indent);
// closure
logfmt("be_define_local_closure(%s);\n\n", func_name);

View File

@ -263,6 +263,18 @@ typedef struct bntvmodule {
.s = _s \
/* new version for more compact literals */
#define be_nested_const_str(_s, _hash, _len) \
(bstring*) &(const bcstring) { \
.next = (bgcobject *)NULL, \
.type = BE_STRING, \
.marked = GC_CONST, \
.extra = 0, \
.slen = _len, \
.hash = 0, \
.s = _s \
#define be_local_const_str(_name) (bstring*) &be_local_const_str_##_name
/* conditional macro see */
@ -316,6 +328,30 @@ typedef struct bntvmodule {
/* new version for more compact literals */
#define be_nested_proto(_nstack, _argc, _has_upval, _upvals, _has_subproto, _protos, _has_const, _ktab, _fname, _source, _code) \
& (const bproto) { \
NULL, /* bgcobject *next */ \
BE_PROTO, /* type BE_PROTO */ \
0x08, /* marked outside of GC */ \
(_nstack), /* nstack */ \
BE_IIF(_has_upval)(sizeof(*_upvals)/sizeof(bupvaldesc),0), /* nupvals */ \
(_argc), /* argc */ \
0, /* varg */ \
NULL, /* bgcobject *gray */ \
(bupvaldesc*) _upvals, /* bupvaldesc *upvals */ \
(bvalue*) _ktab, /* ktab */ \
(struct bproto**) _protos, /* bproto **ptab */ \
(binstruction*) _code, /* code */ \
_fname, /* name */ \
sizeof(*_code)/sizeof(binstruction), /* codesize */ \
BE_IIF(_has_const)(sizeof(*_ktab)/sizeof(bvalue),0), /* nconst */ \
BE_IIF(_has_subproto)(sizeof(*_protos)/sizeof(bproto*),0), /* proto */ \
_source, /* source */ \
#define be_define_local_closure(_name) \
const bclosure _name##_closure = { \
NULL, /* bgcobject *next */ \
@ -327,6 +363,17 @@ typedef struct bntvmodule {
{ NULL } /* upvals */ \
/* new version for more compact literals */
#define be_local_closure(_name, _proto) \
const bclosure _name##_closure = { \
NULL, /* bgcobject *next */ \
GC_CONST, /* marked GC_CONST */ \
0, /* nupvals */ \
NULL, /* bgcobject *gray */ \
(bproto*) _proto, /* proto */ \
{ NULL } /* upvals */ \
/* debug hook typedefs */
#define BE_HOOK_LINE 1