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New functions shutter: ramp up/down, MQTT reporting
- code optimization - shuttermotordelay now defines ramp up and ramp down duration - shutterposition reported through MQTT during movement (HASS support) - improved stop (no underrun anymore)
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ void (* const ShutterCommand[])(void) PROGMEM = {
const char JSON_SHUTTER_POS[] PROGMEM = "\"" D_PRFX_SHUTTER "%d\":{\"Position\":%d,\"direction\":%d}";
const char MSG_SHUTTER_POS[] PROGMEM = "SHT: " D_PRFX_SHUTTER " %d: Real. %d, Stop: %d, dir %d, pulsetimer: %d, motordelay %d, rtc: %s [s], freq %d";
#include <Ticker.h>
@ -147,8 +148,6 @@ void ShutterInit(void)
Shutter.old_power = power;
bool relay_in_interlock = false;
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: Accuracy digits: %d"), Settings.shutter_accuracy);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SHUTTERS; i++) {
// upgrade to 0.1sec calculation base.
if ( Settings.shutter_accuracy == 0) {
@ -223,6 +222,9 @@ void ShutterInit(void)
// terminate loop at first INVALID shutter.
if (shutters_present < 4) {
Shutter.max_pwm_frequency = Settings.shuttercoeff[4][4];
Settings.shutter_accuracy = 1;
@ -237,22 +239,25 @@ void ShutterUpdatePosition(void)
if (Shutter.direction[i] != 0) {
//char stemp1[20];
// frequency start at 0. Stepper will start moving with first change of the Speed
// Counter should be initiated to 0 to count movement.
// 0..1000 in step 100 = 10 steps with 0.05 sec = 0.5sec total ramp time from start to
// full speed.
if (Shutter.mode == SHT_OFF_ON__OPEN_CLOSE && pin[GPIO_PWM1+i] < 99 && Shutter.pwm_frequency != Shutter.max_pwm_frequency) {
Shutter.pwm_frequency += Shutter.max_pwm_frequency/20;
Shutter.pwm_frequency = (Shutter.pwm_frequency > Shutter.max_pwm_frequency ? Shutter.max_pwm_frequency : Shutter.pwm_frequency);
if (pin[GPIO_PWM1+i] < 99 && pin[GPIO_CNTR1+i] < 99 ) {
// Calculate position with counter. Much more accurate and no need for motordelay workaround
// aading some counters to stop early
Shutter.real_position[i] = Shutter.start_position[i] + ( ((int32_t)RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i]+Shutter.max_pwm_frequency/100) * Shutter.direction[i] * 2000 / Shutter.max_pwm_frequency );
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: real %d, start %d, counter %d, max_freq %d, dir %d, freq %d"),Shutter.real_position[i], Shutter.start_position[i] ,RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i],Shutter.max_pwm_frequency , Shutter.direction[i] ,Shutter.max_pwm_frequency );
} else {
Shutter.real_position[i] = Shutter.start_position[i] + ( (Shutter.time[i] - Shutter.motordelay[i]) * (Shutter.direction[i] > 0 ? 100 : -Shutter.close_velocity[i]));
if (Shutter.mode == SHT_OFF_ON__OPEN_CLOSE && pin[GPIO_PWM1+i] < 99) {
uint16_t freq_change = Shutter.max_pwm_frequency/(Shutter.motordelay[i]+1);
// ramp up phase. calculate frequency
Shutter.pwm_frequency = tmin(freq_change * Shutter.time[i],Shutter.max_pwm_frequency);
// ramp down at the end of the movement time will not be exactly motordelay
Shutter.pwm_frequency = tmax(tmin(freq_change * (Shutter.target_position[i]-Shutter.real_position[i])*Shutter.direction[i]/30, Shutter.pwm_frequency),10);
analogWrite(pin[GPIO_PWM1+i], 50);
Shutter.real_position[i] = Shutter.start_position[i] + ( (Shutter.time[i] - Shutter.motordelay[i]) * (Shutter.direction[i] > 0 ? 100 : -Shutter.close_velocity[i]));
// avoid real position leaving the boundaries.
// Shutter.real_position[i] = Shutter.real_position[i] < 0 ? 0 : (Shutter.real_position[i] > Shutter.open_max[i] ? Shutter.open_max[i] : Shutter.real_position[i]) ;
if (Shutter.real_position[i] * Shutter.direction[i] >= Shutter.target_position[i] * Shutter.direction[i] ) {
// calculate relay number responsible for current movement.
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Stop Condition detected: real: %d, Target: %d, direction: %d"),Shutter.real_position[i], Shutter.target_position[i],Shutter.direction[i]);
@ -273,22 +278,16 @@ void ShutterUpdatePosition(void)
// see wiki to connect PWM and COUNTER
if (pin[GPIO_PWM1+i] < 99 && pin[GPIO_CNTR1+i] < 99 ) {
int16_t missing_steps = ((Shutter.target_position[i]-Shutter.start_position[i])*Shutter.direction[i]*Shutter.max_pwm_frequency/2000) - RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i];
Shutter.pwm_frequency = 0;
//slow down for acurate position
analogWrite(pin[GPIO_PWM1+i], 50);
//prepare for stop PWM
Shutter.motordelay[i] = -2 + Shutter.motordelay[i] + missing_steps/(Shutter.max_pwm_frequency/20);
Shutter.motordelay[i] = Shutter.motordelay[i] > 0 ? Shutter.motordelay[i] : 0;
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Missing steps %d, adjust motordelay %d, counter %d, temp realpos %d"), missing_steps, Shutter.motordelay[i],RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i] ,Shutter.real_position[i]);
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Remain steps %d, counter %d, freq %d"), missing_steps, RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i] ,Shutter.pwm_frequency);
Shutter.pwm_frequency = 0;
while (RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i] < (uint32_t)(Shutter.target_position[i]-Shutter.start_position[i])*Shutter.direction[i]*Shutter.max_pwm_frequency/2000) {
analogWrite(pin[GPIO_PWM1+i], 0);
Shutter.real_position[i] = ((int32_t)RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i]*Shutter.direction[i]*2000 / Shutter.max_pwm_frequency)+Shutter.start_position[i];
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT:Realpos %d, pulsecount %d, startpos %d, int32 %d"), Shutter.real_position[i],RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i], Shutter.start_position[i], ((int32_t)RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i]*Shutter.direction[i]*2000 / Shutter.max_pwm_frequency));
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT:Real %d, pulsecount %d, start %d"), Shutter.real_position[i],RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i], Shutter.start_position[i]);
if ((1 << (Settings.shutter_startrelay[i]-1)) & power) {
@ -307,7 +306,7 @@ void ShutterUpdatePosition(void)
Settings.shutter_position[i] = ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter.real_position[i], i);
dtostrfd((float)Shutter.time[i] / 20, 1, stemp2);
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Shutter %d: Real Pos. %d, Stoppos: %ld, relay: %d, direction %d, pulsetimer: %d, motordelay %d, rtcshutter: %s [s]"), i+1, Shutter.real_position[i], Settings.shutter_position[i], cur_relay -1, Shutter.direction[i], Settings.pulse_timer[cur_relay -1], Shutter.motordelay[i],stemp2);
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(MSG_SHUTTER_POS), i+1, Shutter.real_position[i], Settings.shutter_position[i], Shutter.direction[i], Settings.pulse_timer[cur_relay -1], Shutter.motordelay[i],stemp2,Shutter.pwm_frequency);
Shutter.start_position[i] = Shutter.real_position[i];
// sending MQTT result to broker
@ -339,24 +338,10 @@ bool ShutterState(uint8_t device)
void ShutterStartInit(uint8_t index, int8_t direction, int32_t target_pos)
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: dir %d, delta1 %d, delta2 %d, grant %d"),direction, (Shutter.open_max[index] - Shutter.real_position[index]) / Shutter.close_velocity[index], Shutter.real_position[index] / Shutter.close_velocity[index], 2+Shutter.motordelay[index]);
if (direction == 1 && (Shutter.open_max[index] - Shutter.real_position[index]) / Shutter.close_velocity[index] <= 2+Shutter.motordelay[index]) {
// shutter alread 100% cannot move further
// store relay number variable
if ( ( direction == 1 && (Shutter.open_max[index] - Shutter.real_position[index]) / 100 <= 2 )
|| ( direction == -1 && Shutter.real_position[index] / Shutter.close_velocity[index] <= 2)) {
Shutter.skip_relay_change = 1 ;
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: 100%% endstop already reached: Relay %d"),Shutter.skip_relay_change);
} else if (direction == -1 && Shutter.real_position[index] / Shutter.close_velocity[index] <= 2+Shutter.motordelay[index]) {
// shutter already at 0% connot move into minus
// store relay number variable
Shutter.skip_relay_change = 1;
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: 0%% endstop already reached: Relay %d"),Shutter.skip_relay_change);
} else {
Shutter.direction[index] = direction;
Shutter.target_position[index] = target_pos;
Shutter.start_position[index] = Shutter.real_position[index];
Shutter.time[index] = 0;
Shutter.skip_relay_change = 0;
if (pin[GPIO_PWM1+index] < 99) {
Shutter.pwm_frequency = 0;
@ -366,6 +351,12 @@ void ShutterStartInit(uint8_t index, int8_t direction, int32_t target_pos)
RtcSettings.pulse_counter[index] = 0;
Shutter.target_position[index] = target_pos;
Shutter.start_position[index] = Shutter.real_position[index];
Shutter.time[index] = 0;
Shutter.skip_relay_change = 0;
Shutter.direction[index] = direction;
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: real %d, start %d, counter %d, max_freq %d, dir %d, freq %d"),Shutter.real_position[index], Shutter.start_position[index] ,RtcSettings.pulse_counter[index],Shutter.max_pwm_frequency , Shutter.direction[index] ,Shutter.max_pwm_frequency );
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: Start shutter: %d from %d to %d in directin %d"), index, Shutter.start_position[index], Shutter.target_position[index], Shutter.direction[index]);
@ -380,13 +371,19 @@ void ShutterReportPosition(void)
uint16_t shutter_moving = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < shutters_present; i++) {
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: Shutter %d: Real Pos: %d"), i+1,Shutter.real_position[i]);
if (Shutter.direction[i] != 0) {
char stemp1[20];
char stemp2[10];
uint8_t position = ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter.real_position[i], i);
dtostrfd((float)Shutter.time[i] / 20, 2, stemp2);
shutter_moving = 1;
//Settings.shutter_position[i] = Settings.shuttercoeff[2][i] * 5 > Shutter.real_position[i] ? Shutter.real_position[i] / Settings.shuttercoeff[2][i] : (Shutter.real_position[i]-Settings.shuttercoeff[0,i]) / Settings.shuttercoeff[1][i];
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: Shutter %d: Real Pos: %d, Target %d, source: %s, start-pos: %d %%, direction: %d, motordelay %d, rtcshutter: %s [s]"), i+1,Shutter.real_position[i], Shutter.target_position[i], GetTextIndexed(stemp1, sizeof(stemp1), last_source, kCommandSource), Settings.shutter_position[i], Shutter.direction[i], Shutter.motordelay[i], stemp2 );
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(MSG_SHUTTER_POS), i+1, Shutter.real_position[i], Settings.shutter_position[i], Shutter.direction[i], Settings.pulse_timer[cur_relay -1], Shutter.motordelay[i],stemp2,Shutter.pwm_frequency);
ResponseAppend_P(JSON_SHUTTER_POS, i+1, position, Shutter.direction[i]);
MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_TELE, mqtt_data);
if (rules_flag.shutter_moving > shutter_moving) {
@ -490,7 +487,7 @@ void CmndShutterStop(void)
uint32_t index = XdrvMailbox.index -1;
if (Shutter.direction[index] != 0) {
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: Stop moving shutter %d: direction: %d"), XdrvMailbox.index, Shutter.direction[index]);
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: Stop moving %d: dir: %d"), XdrvMailbox.index, Shutter.direction[index]);
// set stop position 10 steps ahead (0.5sec to allow normal stop)
int32_t temp_realpos = Shutter.start_position[index] + ( (Shutter.time[index]+10) * (Shutter.direction[index] > 0 ? 100 : -Shutter.close_velocity[index]));
XdrvMailbox.payload = ShutterRealToPercentPosition(temp_realpos, index);
@ -508,7 +505,7 @@ void CmndShutterPosition(void)
if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= shutters_present)) {
uint32_t index = XdrvMailbox.index -1;
//limit the payload
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Position in: payload %s (%d), payload %d, index %d, source %d"), XdrvMailbox.data , XdrvMailbox.data_len, XdrvMailbox.payload , XdrvMailbox.index, last_source );
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Pos. in: payload %s (%d), payload %d, idx %d, src %d"), XdrvMailbox.data , XdrvMailbox.data_len, XdrvMailbox.payload , XdrvMailbox.index, last_source );
if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 1 && XdrvMailbox.payload <=0) {
UpperCase(XdrvMailbox.data, XdrvMailbox.data);
@ -525,7 +522,7 @@ void CmndShutterPosition(void)
//target_pos_percent = Settings.shutter_invert[index] ? 100 - target_pos_percent : target_pos_percent;
Shutter.target_position[index] = ShutterPercentToRealPosition(target_pos_percent, index);
//Shutter.target_position[index] = XdrvMailbox.payload < 5 ? Settings.shuttercoeff[2][index] * XdrvMailbox.payload : Settings.shuttercoeff[1][index] * XdrvMailbox.payload + Settings.shuttercoeff[0,index];
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: lastsource %d:, realpos %d, target %d, payload %d"), last_source, Shutter.real_position[index] ,Shutter.target_position[index],target_pos_percent);
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: lastsource %d:, real %d, target %d, payload %d"), last_source, Shutter.real_position[index] ,Shutter.target_position[index],target_pos_percent);
if ( (target_pos_percent >= 0) && (target_pos_percent <= 100) && abs(Shutter.target_position[index] - Shutter.real_position[index] ) / Shutter.close_velocity[index] > 2) {
int8_t new_shutterdirection = Shutter.real_position[index] < Shutter.target_position[index] ? 1 : -1;
@ -541,18 +538,20 @@ void CmndShutterPosition(void)
if (Shutter.direction[index] != new_shutterdirection ) {
ShutterStartInit(index, new_shutterdirection, Shutter.target_position[index]);
if (Shutter.mode == SHT_OFF_ON__OPEN_CLOSE) {
ExecuteCommandPower(Settings.shutter_startrelay[index], 0, SRC_SHUTTER);
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Delay5 5s, xdrv %d"), XdrvMailbox.payload);
ShutterStartInit(index, new_shutterdirection, Shutter.target_position[index]);
// Code for shutters with circuit safe configuration, switch the direction Relay
ExecuteCommandPower(Settings.shutter_startrelay[index] +1, new_shutterdirection == 1 ? 0 : 1, SRC_SHUTTER);
// power on
ExecuteCommandPower(Settings.shutter_startrelay[index], 1, SRC_SHUTTER);
} else {
// now start the motor for the right direction, work for momentary and normal shutters.
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: Start shutter in direction %d"), Shutter.direction[index]);
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: Start in dir %d"), Shutter.direction[index]);
ShutterStartInit(index, new_shutterdirection, Shutter.target_position[index]);
ExecuteCommandPower(Settings.shutter_startrelay[index] + (new_shutterdirection == 1 ? 0 : 1), 1, SRC_SHUTTER);
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Delay6 5s, xdrv %d"), XdrvMailbox.payload);
@ -615,7 +614,6 @@ void CmndShutterRelay(void)
} else {
Shutter.mask ^= 3 << (Settings.shutter_startrelay[XdrvMailbox.index -1] - 1);
AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: Relay %d is %d"), XdrvMailbox.index, XdrvMailbox.payload);
Settings.shutter_startrelay[XdrvMailbox.index -1] = XdrvMailbox.payload;
// if payload is 0 to disable the relay there must be a reboot. Otherwhise does not work
@ -630,10 +628,8 @@ void CmndShutterSetHalfway(void)
if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 100)) {
Settings.shutter_set50percent[XdrvMailbox.index -1] = Settings.shutter_invert[XdrvMailbox.index -1] ? 100 - XdrvMailbox.payload : XdrvMailbox.payload;
ResponseCmndIdxNumber(XdrvMailbox.payload); // ????
} else {
ResponseCmndIdxNumber(Settings.shutter_set50percent[XdrvMailbox.index -1]);
ResponseCmndIdxNumber(Settings.shutter_invert[XdrvMailbox.index -1] ? 100 - Settings.shutter_set50percent[XdrvMailbox.index -1] : Settings.shutter_set50percent[XdrvMailbox.index -1]);
@ -641,6 +637,9 @@ void CmndShutterFrequency(void)
if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 10000)) {
Shutter.max_pwm_frequency = XdrvMailbox.payload;
if (shutters_present < 4) {
Settings.shuttercoeff[4][4] = Shutter.max_pwm_frequency;
ResponseCmndNumber(XdrvMailbox.payload); // ????
} else {
@ -669,7 +668,7 @@ void CmndShutterInvert(void)
void CmndShutterCalibration(void) // ????
if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= MAX_SHUTTERS)) {
if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= shutters_present)) {
if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) {
uint32_t i = 0;
char *str_ptr;
@ -712,8 +711,10 @@ bool Xdrv27(uint8_t function)
result = DecodeCommand(kShutterCommands, ShutterCommand);
Reference in New Issue