mirror of https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota.git
Merge pull request #13238 from s-hadinger/berry_save_bytecode
Berry smart compile to bytecode
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ static int m_path_last_modified(bvm *vm)
void * f = be_fopen(path, "r");
if (f) {
be_pushint(vm, be_last_modified(f));
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ be_local_closure(time_str, /* name */
be_local_closure(load, /* name */
14, /* nstack */
15, /* nstack */
2, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
@ -708,95 +708,117 @@ be_local_closure(load, /* name */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[16]) { /* constants */
( &(const bvalue[18]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_string("string", 398550328, 6),
/* K1 */ be_nested_string("split", -2017972765, 5),
/* K2 */ be_nested_string(".", 722245873, 1),
/* K3 */ be_const_int(1),
/* K4 */ be_nested_string("be", 942383232, 2),
/* K5 */ be_nested_string("bec", 1336821081, 3),
/* K6 */ be_nested_string("io_error", 1970281036, 8),
/* K7 */ be_nested_string("file extension is not '.be' or '.bec'", -1199247657, 37),
/* K8 */ be_nested_string("c", -435409838, 1),
/* K9 */ be_nested_string("r", -150190315, 1),
/* K10 */ be_nested_string("close", 667630371, 5),
/* K11 */ be_nested_string("file", -1427482813, 4),
/* K12 */ be_nested_string("save", -855671224, 4),
/* K13 */ be_nested_string("log", 1062293841, 3),
/* K14 */ be_nested_string("format", -1180859054, 6),
/* K15 */ be_nested_string("BRY: could not save compiled file %s (%s)", 736659787, 41),
/* K1 */ be_nested_string("path", -2071507658, 4),
/* K2 */ be_nested_string("find", -1108310694, 4),
/* K3 */ be_nested_string(".", 722245873, 1),
/* K4 */ be_const_int(0),
/* K5 */ be_nested_string(".be", 1325797348, 3),
/* K6 */ be_nested_string("split", -2017972765, 5),
/* K7 */ be_const_int(1),
/* K8 */ be_nested_string("be", 942383232, 2),
/* K9 */ be_nested_string("bec", 1336821081, 3),
/* K10 */ be_nested_string("io_error", 1970281036, 8),
/* K11 */ be_nested_string("file extension is not '.be' or '.bec'", -1199247657, 37),
/* K12 */ be_nested_string("c", -435409838, 1),
/* K13 */ be_nested_string("last_modified", 772177145, 13),
/* K14 */ be_nested_string("file", -1427482813, 4),
/* K15 */ be_nested_string("save", -855671224, 4),
/* K16 */ be_nested_string("format", -1180859054, 6),
/* K17 */ be_nested_string("BRY: could not save compiled file %s (%s)", 736659787, 41),
(be_nested_const_str("load", -435725847, 4)),
(be_nested_const_str("Tasmota.be", 825809411, 10)),
( &(const binstruction[68]) { /* code */
0xA40A0000, // 0000 IMPORT R2 K0
0x8C0C0501, // 0001 GETMET R3 R2 K1
0x5C140200, // 0002 MOVE R5 R1
0x58180002, // 0003 LDCONST R6 K2
0x7C0C0600, // 0004 CALL R3 3
0x6010000C, // 0005 GETGBL R4 G12
0x5C140600, // 0006 MOVE R5 R3
0x7C100200, // 0007 CALL R4 1
0x18100903, // 0008 LE R4 R4 K3
0x74120007, // 0009 JMPT R4 #0012
0x5411FFFE, // 000A LDINT R4 -1
0x94100604, // 000B GETIDX R4 R3 R4
0x20100904, // 000C NE R4 R4 K4
0x78120004, // 000D JMPF R4 #0013
0x5411FFFE, // 000E LDINT R4 -1
0x94100604, // 000F GETIDX R4 R3 R4
0x20100905, // 0010 NE R4 R4 K5
0x78120000, // 0011 JMPF R4 #0013
0xB0060D07, // 0012 RAISE 1 K6 K7
0x6010000C, // 0013 GETGBL R4 G12
0x5C140200, // 0014 MOVE R5 R1
0x7C100200, // 0015 CALL R4 1
0x04100903, // 0016 SUB R4 R4 K3
0x94100204, // 0017 GETIDX R4 R1 R4
0x1C100908, // 0018 EQ R4 R4 K8
0xA8020007, // 0019 EXBLK 0 #0022
0x60140011, // 001A GETGBL R5 G17
0x5C180200, // 001B MOVE R6 R1
0x581C0009, // 001C LDCONST R7 K9
0x7C140400, // 001D CALL R5 2
0x8C180B0A, // 001E GETMET R6 R5 K10
0x7C180200, // 001F CALL R6 1
0xA8040001, // 0020 EXBLK 1 1
0x70020006, // 0021 JMP #0029
0x58140006, // 0022 LDCONST R5 K6
0xAC140200, // 0023 CATCH R5 1 0
0x70020002, // 0024 JMP #0028
0x50140000, // 0025 LDBOOL R5 0 0
0x80040A00, // 0026 RET 1 R5
0x70020000, // 0027 JMP #0029
0xB0080000, // 0028 RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x6014000D, // 0029 GETGBL R5 G13
0x5C180200, // 002A MOVE R6 R1
0x581C000B, // 002B LDCONST R7 K11
0x7C140400, // 002C CALL R5 2
0x74120011, // 002D JMPT R4 #0040
0xA8020005, // 002E EXBLK 0 #0035
0x8C18010C, // 002F GETMET R6 R0 K12
0x00200308, // 0030 ADD R8 R1 K8
0x5C240A00, // 0031 MOVE R9 R5
0x7C180600, // 0032 CALL R6 3
0xA8040001, // 0033 EXBLK 1 1
0x7002000A, // 0034 JMP #0040
0xAC180001, // 0035 CATCH R6 0 1
0x70020007, // 0036 JMP #003F
0x8C1C010D, // 0037 GETMET R7 R0 K13
0x8C24050E, // 0038 GETMET R9 R2 K14
0x582C000F, // 0039 LDCONST R11 K15
0x00300308, // 003A ADD R12 R1 K8
0x5C340C00, // 003B MOVE R13 R6
0x7C240800, // 003C CALL R9 4
0x7C1C0400, // 003D CALL R7 2
0x70020000, // 003E JMP #0040
0xB0080000, // 003F RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x5C180A00, // 0040 MOVE R6 R5
0x7C180000, // 0041 CALL R6 0
0x50180200, // 0042 LDBOOL R6 1 0
0x80040C00, // 0043 RET 1 R6
(be_nested_const_str("input", -103256197, 5)),
( &(const binstruction[88]) { /* code */
0xA40A0000, // 0000 IMPORT R2 K0
0xA40E0200, // 0001 IMPORT R3 K1
0x8C100502, // 0002 GETMET R4 R2 K2
0x5C180200, // 0003 MOVE R6 R1
0x581C0003, // 0004 LDCONST R7 K3
0x7C100600, // 0005 CALL R4 3
0x14100904, // 0006 LT R4 R4 K4
0x78120000, // 0007 JMPF R4 #0009
0x00040305, // 0008 ADD R1 R1 K5
0x8C100506, // 0009 GETMET R4 R2 K6
0x5C180200, // 000A MOVE R6 R1
0x581C0003, // 000B LDCONST R7 K3
0x7C100600, // 000C CALL R4 3
0x6014000C, // 000D GETGBL R5 G12
0x5C180800, // 000E MOVE R6 R4
0x7C140200, // 000F CALL R5 1
0x18140B07, // 0010 LE R5 R5 K7
0x74160007, // 0011 JMPT R5 #001A
0x5415FFFE, // 0012 LDINT R5 -1
0x94140805, // 0013 GETIDX R5 R4 R5
0x20140B08, // 0014 NE R5 R5 K8
0x78160004, // 0015 JMPF R5 #001B
0x5415FFFE, // 0016 LDINT R5 -1
0x94140805, // 0017 GETIDX R5 R4 R5
0x20140B09, // 0018 NE R5 R5 K9
0x78160000, // 0019 JMPF R5 #001B
0xB006150B, // 001A RAISE 1 K10 K11
0x5415FFFE, // 001B LDINT R5 -1
0x94140205, // 001C GETIDX R5 R1 R5
0x1C140B0C, // 001D EQ R5 R5 K12
0x8C18070D, // 001E GETMET R6 R3 K13
0x5C200200, // 001F MOVE R8 R1
0x7C180400, // 0020 CALL R6 2
0x78160005, // 0021 JMPF R5 #0028
0x4C1C0000, // 0022 LDNIL R7
0x1C1C0C07, // 0023 EQ R7 R6 R7
0x781E0001, // 0024 JMPF R7 #0027
0x501C0000, // 0025 LDBOOL R7 0 0
0x80040E00, // 0026 RET 1 R7
0x70020014, // 0027 JMP #003D
0x8C1C070D, // 0028 GETMET R7 R3 K13
0x0024030C, // 0029 ADD R9 R1 K12
0x7C1C0400, // 002A CALL R7 2
0x4C200000, // 002B LDNIL R8
0x1C200C08, // 002C EQ R8 R6 R8
0x78220004, // 002D JMPF R8 #0033
0x4C200000, // 002E LDNIL R8
0x1C200E08, // 002F EQ R8 R7 R8
0x78220001, // 0030 JMPF R8 #0033
0x50200000, // 0031 LDBOOL R8 0 0
0x80041000, // 0032 RET 1 R8
0x4C200000, // 0033 LDNIL R8
0x20200E08, // 0034 NE R8 R7 R8
0x78220006, // 0035 JMPF R8 #003D
0x4C200000, // 0036 LDNIL R8
0x1C200C08, // 0037 EQ R8 R6 R8
0x74220001, // 0038 JMPT R8 #003B
0x28200E06, // 0039 GE R8 R7 R6
0x78220001, // 003A JMPF R8 #003D
0x0004030C, // 003B ADD R1 R1 K12
0x50140200, // 003C LDBOOL R5 1 0
0x601C000D, // 003D GETGBL R7 G13
0x5C200200, // 003E MOVE R8 R1
0x5824000E, // 003F LDCONST R9 K14
0x7C1C0400, // 0040 CALL R7 2
0x74160011, // 0041 JMPT R5 #0054
0xA8020005, // 0042 EXBLK 0 #0049
0x8C20010F, // 0043 GETMET R8 R0 K15
0x0028030C, // 0044 ADD R10 R1 K12
0x5C2C0E00, // 0045 MOVE R11 R7
0x7C200600, // 0046 CALL R8 3
0xA8040001, // 0047 EXBLK 1 1
0x7002000A, // 0048 JMP #0054
0xAC200001, // 0049 CATCH R8 0 1
0x70020007, // 004A JMP #0053
0x60240001, // 004B GETGBL R9 G1
0x8C280510, // 004C GETMET R10 R2 K16
0x58300011, // 004D LDCONST R12 K17
0x0034030C, // 004E ADD R13 R1 K12
0x5C381000, // 004F MOVE R14 R8
0x7C280800, // 0050 CALL R10 4
0x7C240200, // 0051 CALL R9 1
0x70020000, // 0052 JMP #0054
0xB0080000, // 0053 RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x5C200E00, // 0054 MOVE R8 R7
0x7C200000, // 0055 CALL R8 0
0x50200200, // 0056 LDBOOL R8 1 0
0x80041000, // 0057 RET 1 R8
@ -237,37 +237,48 @@ class Tasmota
def load(f)
import string
import path
# if the filename has no '.' append '.be'
if string.find(f, '.') < 0
f += ".be"
# check that the file ends with '.be' of '.bec'
var fl = string.split(f,'.')
if (size(fl) <= 1 || (fl[-1] != 'be' && fl[-1] != 'bec'))
raise "io_error", "file extension is not '.be' or '.bec'"
var native = f[size(f)-1] == 'c'
# load - works the same for .be and .bec
# try if file exists
var ff = open(f, 'r')
except 'io_error'
return false # signals that file does not exist
var is_bytecode = f[-1] == 'c' # file is Berry source and not bytecode
var f_time = path.last_modified(f)
if is_bytecode
if f_time == nil return false end # file does not exist
# f is the right file, continue
var f_time_bc = path.last_modified(f + "c") # timestamp for bytecode
if f_time == nil && f_time_bc == nil return false end
if f_time_bc != nil && (f_time == nil || f_time_bc >= f_time)
# bytecode exists and is more recent than berry source, use bytecode
f = f + "c" # use bytecode name
is_bytecode = true
var c = compile(f,'file')
var c = compile(f, 'file')
# save the compiled bytecode
if !native
if !is_bytecode
self.save(f+'c', c)
self.save(f + 'c', c)
except .. as e
self.log(string.format('BRY: could not save compiled file %s (%s)',f+'c',e))
print(string.format('BRY: could not save compiled file %s (%s)',f+'c',e))
# call the compiled code
# call successfuls
return true
def event(event_type, cmd, idx, payload, raw)
Reference in New Issue