mirror of https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota.git
Disable IR receive while sending
This commit is contained in:
@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ const char kIrRemoteProtocols[] PROGMEM = "UNKNOWN|RC5|RC6|NEC";
#include <IRsend.h>
IRsend *irsend = nullptr;
bool irsend_active = false;
void IrSendInit(void)
@ -185,12 +184,12 @@ void IrReceiveCheck(void)
Uint64toHex(results.value, hvalue, 32); // UNKNOWN is always 32 bits hash
AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_IRR "Echo %d, RawLen %d, Overflow %d, Bits %d, Value 0x%s, Decode %d"),
irsend_active, results.rawlen, results.overflow, results.bits, hvalue, results.decode_type);
AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_IRR "RawLen %d, Overflow %d, Bits %d, Value 0x%s, Decode %d"),
results.rawlen, results.overflow, results.bits, hvalue, results.decode_type);
unsigned long now = millis();
// if ((now - ir_lasttime > IR_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE) && (UNKNOWN != results.decode_type) && (results.bits > 0)) {
if (!irsend_active && (now - ir_lasttime > IR_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE)) {
if (now - ir_lasttime > IR_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE) {
ir_lasttime = now;
char svalue[64];
@ -291,7 +290,7 @@ uint32_t IrRemoteCmndIrSendJson(void)
AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IRS: protocol_text %s, protocol %s, bits %d, data %s (0x%s), repeat %d, protocol_code %d"),
protocol_text, protocol, bits, ulltoa(data, dvalue, 10), Uint64toHex(data, hvalue, bits), repeat, protocol_code);
irsend_active = true;
if (irrecv != nullptr) { irrecv->disableIRIn(); }
switch (protocol_code) { // Equals IRremoteESP8266.h enum decode_type_t
#ifdef USE_IR_SEND_RC5
case RC5:
@ -306,9 +305,10 @@ uint32_t IrRemoteCmndIrSendJson(void)
irsend->sendNEC(data, (bits > NEC_BITS) ? NEC_BITS : bits, repeat); break;
irsend_active = false;
if (irrecv != nullptr) { irrecv->enableIRIn(); }
if (irrecv != nullptr) { irrecv->enableIRIn(); }
return IE_NO_ERROR;
@ -373,7 +373,6 @@ bool Xdrv05(uint8_t function)
IrReceiveCheck(); // check if there's anything on IR side
#endif // USE_IR_RECEIVE
irsend_active = false; // re-enable IR reception
if (PinUsed(GPIO_IRSEND)) {
@ -117,7 +117,6 @@ protected:
IRsend *irsend = nullptr;
bool irsend_active = false;
// some ACs send toggle messages rather than state. we need to help IRremoteESP8266 keep track of the state
// have a flag that is a variable, can be later used to convert this functionality to an option (as in SetOptionXX)
bool irhvac_stateful = true;
@ -291,7 +290,7 @@ void IrReceiveCheck(void)
uint32_t now = millis();
// if ((now - ir_lasttime > IR_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE) && (UNKNOWN != results.decode_type) && (results.bits > 0)) {
if (!irsend_active && (now - ir_lasttime > IR_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE)) {
if (now - ir_lasttime > IR_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE) {
ir_lasttime = now;
Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_IRRECEIVED "\":%s"), sendIRJsonState(results).c_str());
@ -530,11 +529,11 @@ uint32_t IrRemoteCmndIrSendJson(void)
// AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IRS: protocol %d, bits %d, data 0x%s (%s), repeat %d"),
// protocol, bits, ulltoa(data, dvalue, 10), Uint64toHex(data, hvalue, bits), repeat);
irsend_active = true; // deactivate receive
if (irrecv != nullptr) { irrecv->disableIRIn(); }
bool success = irsend->send(protocol, data, bits, repeat);
if (irrecv != nullptr) { irrecv->enableIRIn(); }
if (!success) {
irsend_active = false;
return IE_NO_ERROR;
@ -555,10 +554,11 @@ uint32_t IrRemoteSendGC(char ** pp, uint32_t count, uint32_t repeat) {
GC[i] = strtol(strtok_r(nullptr, ",", pp), nullptr, 0);
if (!GC[i]) { return IE_INVALID_RAWDATA; }
irsend_active = true;
if (irrecv != nullptr) { irrecv->disableIRIn(); }
for (uint32_t r = 0; r <= repeat; r++) {
irsend->sendGC(GC, count+1);
if (irrecv != nullptr) { irrecv->enableIRIn(); }
return IE_NO_ERROR;
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ uint32_t IrRemoteSendRawFormatted(char ** pp, uint32_t count, uint32_t repeat) {
raw_array[i++] = mark; // Mark
irsend_active = true;
if (irrecv != nullptr) { irrecv->disableIRIn(); }
for (uint32_t r = 0; r <= repeat; r++) {
// AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("sendRaw count=%d, space=%d, mark=%d, freq=%d"), count, space, mark, freq);
irsend->sendRaw(raw_array, i, freq);
@ -617,6 +617,7 @@ uint32_t IrRemoteSendRawFormatted(char ** pp, uint32_t count, uint32_t repeat) {
irsend->space(40000); // since we don't know the inter-message gap, place an arbitrary 40ms gap
if (irrecv != nullptr) { irrecv->enableIRIn(); }
} else if (6 == count) { // NEC Protocol
// IRsend raw,0,8620,4260,544,411,1496,010101101000111011001110000000001100110000000001100000000000000010001100
uint16_t raw_array[strlen(*pp)*2+3]; // Header + bits + end
@ -635,7 +636,7 @@ uint32_t IrRemoteSendRawFormatted(char ** pp, uint32_t count, uint32_t repeat) {
raw_array[i++] = parm[2]; // Trailing mark
irsend_active = true;
if (irrecv != nullptr) { irrecv->disableIRIn(); }
for (uint32_t r = 0; r <= repeat; r++) {
// AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("sendRaw %d %d %d %d %d %d"), raw_array[0], raw_array[1], raw_array[2], raw_array[3], raw_array[4], raw_array[5]);
irsend->sendRaw(raw_array, i, freq);
@ -643,6 +644,7 @@ uint32_t IrRemoteSendRawFormatted(char ** pp, uint32_t count, uint32_t repeat) {
irsend->space(inter_message); // since we don't know the inter-message gap, place an arbitrary 40ms gap
if (irrecv != nullptr) { irrecv->enableIRIn(); }
else { return IE_INVALID_RAWDATA; } // Invalid number of parameters
return IE_NO_ERROR;
@ -711,10 +713,11 @@ uint32_t IrRemoteSendRawStandard(char ** pp, uint16_t freq, uint32_t count, uint
// AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Arr %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d"), arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3], arr[4], arr[5], arr[6], arr[7]);
if (0 == count) { return IE_INVALID_RAWDATA; }
irsend_active = true;
if (irrecv != nullptr) { irrecv->disableIRIn(); }
for (uint32_t r = 0; r <= repeat; r++) {
irsend->sendRaw(arr, count, freq);
if (irrecv != nullptr) { irrecv->enableIRIn(); }
if (nullptr != arr) {
@ -836,7 +839,6 @@ bool Xdrv05(uint8_t function)
if (PinUsed(GPIO_IRRECV)) {
IrReceiveCheck(); // check if there's anything on IR side
irsend_active = false; // re-enable IR reception
if (PinUsed(GPIO_IRSEND)) {
Reference in New Issue