mirror of https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota.git
Merge branch 'development' of github.com:arendst/Tasmota into pr_tm1638
This commit is contained in:
@ -75,16 +75,16 @@
#define D_CORS_DOMAIN "CORS Domain"
#define D_COUNT "Szám"
#define D_COUNTER "Számláló"
#define D_CT_POWER "CT Power"
#define D_CT_POWER "CT erősség"
#define D_CURRENT "Áramerősség" // As in Voltage and Current
#define D_DATA "Adat"
#define D_DARKLIGHT "Min. fényerő"
#define D_DEBUG "Debug"
#define D_DEWPOINT "Dew point"
#define D_DEWPOINT "Harmatpont"
#define D_DISABLED "Letiltva"
#define D_DISTANCE "Távolság"
#define D_DNS_SERVER "DNS szerver"
#define D_DO "Disolved Oxygen"
#define D_DO "Oldott oxygén"
#define D_DONE "Kész"
#define D_DST_TIME "nyári idő"
#define D_EC "EC"
@ -99,11 +99,11 @@
#define D_FALLBACK_TOPIC "fallback topik"
#define D_FALSE "Hamis"
#define D_FILE "Fájl"
#define D_FLOW_RATE "Flow rate"
#define D_FLOW_RATE "Átfolyás ráta"
#define D_FRAGMENTATION "frag." // Lower case abbreviated version of fragmentation used in "memory fragmentation"
#define D_FREE_MEMORY "Szabad memória"
#define D_PSR_MAX_MEMORY "PS-RAM Memory"
#define D_PSR_FREE_MEMORY "PS-RAM free Memory"
#define D_PSR_MAX_MEMORY "PS-RAM memória"
#define D_PSR_FREE_MEMORY "PS-RAM szabad memória"
#define D_FREQUENCY "Frekvencia"
#define D_GAS "Gáz"
#define D_GATEWAY "Átjáró"
@ -122,12 +122,12 @@
#define D_LWT "LWT"
#define D_LQI "LQI" // Zigbee Link Quality Index
#define D_MODULE "Modul"
#define D_MOISTURE "Moisture"
#define D_MOISTURE "Páratartalom"
#define D_MQTT "MQTT"
#define D_MULTI_PRESS "több lenyomás"
#define D_MULTI_PRESS "többes lenyomás"
#define D_NOISE "Zaj"
#define D_NONE "nincs"
#define D_O2 "Oxygen"
#define D_O2 "Oxygén"
#define D_OFF "Ki"
#define D_OFFLINE "Offline"
#define D_OK "OK"
@ -148,13 +148,13 @@
#define D_PROGRAM_SIZE "Program méret"
#define D_PROJECT "Projekt"
#define D_RAIN "Eső"
#define D_RANGE "Range"
#define D_RANGE "Tartomány"
#define D_RECEIVED "Érkezett"
#define D_RESTART "Újraindítás"
#define D_RESTARTING "Újraindítás"
#define D_RESTART_REASON "Utolsó újraindulás oka"
#define D_RESTORE "Visszaállítás"
#define D_RETAINED "retained"
#define D_RETAINED "megtartott"
#define D_RULE "Szabály"
#define D_SAVE "Mentés"
#define D_SENSOR "Szenzor"
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
#define D_STOP "Leállítás"
#define D_SUBNET_MASK "Alhálózati maszk"
#define D_SUBSCRIBE_TO "Feliratkozás a(z)"
#define D_UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM "Unsubscribe from"
#define D_UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM "Leiratkozás a(z)"
#define D_SUCCESSFUL "Sikeres"
#define D_SUNRISE "Napkelte"
#define D_SUNSET "Napnyugta"
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
#define D_TO "-nak"
#define D_TOGGLE "Megfordítás"
#define D_TOPIC "Topic"
#define D_TOTAL_USAGE "Total Usage"
#define D_TOTAL_USAGE "Teljes használat"
#define D_TRANSMIT "Továbbít"
#define D_TRUE "Igaz"
#define D_TVOC "TVOC"
@ -310,8 +310,8 @@
#define D_OTHER_PARAMETERS "Egyéb beállítások"
#define D_TEMPLATE "Template"
#define D_ACTIVATE "Activate"
#define D_DEVICE_NAME "Device Name"
#define D_ACTIVATE "Aktiválás"
#define D_DEVICE_NAME "Eszköz neve"
#define D_WEB_ADMIN_PASSWORD "Web admin jelszó"
#define D_MQTT_ENABLE "MQTT engedélyezése"
@ -321,11 +321,11 @@
#define D_SINGLE_DEVICE "single device"
#define D_MULTI_DEVICE "multi device"
#define D_CONFIGURE_TEMPLATE "Configure Template"
#define D_TEMPLATE_PARAMETERS "Template parameters"
#define D_TEMPLATE_NAME "Name"
#define D_BASE_TYPE "Based on"
#define D_TEMPLATE_FLAGS "Options"
#define D_CONFIGURE_TEMPLATE "Template beállítása"
#define D_TEMPLATE_PARAMETERS "Template paraméterek"
#define D_TEMPLATE_NAME "Név"
#define D_BASE_TYPE "Alapul ezen"
#define D_TEMPLATE_FLAGS "Opciók"
#define D_SAVE_CONFIGURATION "Beállítások mentése"
#define D_CONFIGURATION_SAVED "Beállítások elmentve"
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_11 "Az RF chip törlése sikertelen"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_12 "Az RF chip írása sikertelen"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_13 "Az RF firmware dekódolása sikertelen"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_14 "Not compatible"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERR_14 "Nem kompatibilis"
#define D_UPLOAD_ERROR_CODE "Feltöltési hibakód"
#define D_ENTER_COMMAND "Kérem a parancsot..."
@ -462,30 +462,30 @@
// xdrv_23_zigbee
#define D_ZIGBEE_PERMITJOIN_ACTIVE "Devices allowed to join"
#define D_ZIGBEE_MAPPING_TITLE "Tasmota Zigbee Mapping"
#define D_ZIGBEE_NOT_STARTED "Zigbee not started"
#define D_ZIGBEE_MAPPING_IN_PROGRESS_SEC "Mapping in progress (%d s. remaining)"
#define D_ZIGBEE_MAP_REFRESH "Zigbee Map Refresh"
#define D_ZIGBEE_MAP "Zigbee Map"
#define D_ZIGBEE_PERMITJOIN "Zigbee Permit Join"
#define D_ZIGBEE_GENERATE_KEY "generating random Zigbee network key"
#define D_ZIGBEE_UNKNOWN_DEVICE "Unknown device"
#define D_ZIGBEE_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE "Unknown attribute"
#define D_ZIGBEE_INVALID_PARAM "Invalid parameter"
#define D_ZIGBEE_MISSING_PARAM "Missing parameters"
#define D_ZIGBEE_UNKNWON_ATTRIBUTE "Unknown attribute name (ignored): %s"
#define D_ZIGBEE_TOO_MANY_CLUSTERS "No more than one cluster id per command"
#define D_ZIGBEE_WRONG_DELIMITER "Wrong delimiter for payload"
#define D_ZIGBEE_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND "Unrecognized zigbee command: %s"
#define D_ZIGBEE_TOO_MANY_COMMANDS "Only 1 command allowed (%d)"
#define D_ZIGBEE_NO_ATTRIBUTE "No attribute in list"
#define D_ZIGBEE_UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE "Unsupported attribute type"
#define D_ZIGBEE_JSON_REQUIRED "Config requires JSON objects"
#define D_ZIGBEE_RESET_1_OR_2 "1 or 2 to reset"
#define D_ZIGBEE_EEPROM_FOUND_AT_ADDRESS "ZBBridge EEPROM found at address"
#define D_ZIGBEE_RANDOMIZING_ZBCONFIG "Randomizing Zigbee parameters, please check with 'ZbConfig'"
#define D_ZIGBEE_PERMITJOIN_ACTIVE "Eszközök kapcsolódhatnak"
#define D_ZIGBEE_MAPPING_TITLE "Tasmota Zigbee leképezés"
#define D_ZIGBEE_NOT_STARTED "Zigbee nincs elindítva"
#define D_ZIGBEE_MAPPING_IN_PROGRESS_SEC "Leképezés folyamatban (%d mp. van hátra)"
#define D_ZIGBEE_MAPPING_NOT_PRESENT "Nincs leképezés"
#define D_ZIGBEE_MAP_REFRESH "Zigbee térkép frissítés"
#define D_ZIGBEE_MAP "Zigbee térkép"
#define D_ZIGBEE_PERMITJOIN "Zigbee kapcsolódási engedély"
#define D_ZIGBEE_GENERATE_KEY "véletlen Zigbee hálózati kulcs generálása"
#define D_ZIGBEE_UNKNOWN_DEVICE "Ismeretlen eszköz"
#define D_ZIGBEE_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE "Ismeretlen tulajdonság"
#define D_ZIGBEE_INVALID_PARAM "Érvénytelen paraméter"
#define D_ZIGBEE_MISSING_PARAM "Hiányzó paraméter(ek)"
#define D_ZIGBEE_UNKNWON_ATTRIBUTE "Ismeretlen tulajdonság név (kihagyva): %s"
#define D_ZIGBEE_TOO_MANY_CLUSTERS "Egynél több klaszter id nem lehet parancsonként"
#define D_ZIGBEE_WRONG_DELIMITER "Hibás adatcsomag elválasztó"
#define D_ZIGBEE_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND "Nem értelmezhető Zigbee parancs: %s"
#define D_ZIGBEE_TOO_MANY_COMMANDS "Csak egy parancs engedélyezett (%d)"
#define D_ZIGBEE_NO_ATTRIBUTE "A tulajdonság nincs a listában"
#define D_ZIGBEE_UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE "Nem támogatott tulajdonság típus"
#define D_ZIGBEE_JSON_REQUIRED "Beállítás JSON objektumot vár"
#define D_ZIGBEE_RESET_1_OR_2 "1 vagy 2 a visszaállításhoz"
#define D_ZIGBEE_EEPROM_FOUND_AT_ADDRESS "ZBBridge EEPROM található a címen"
#define D_ZIGBEE_RANDOMIZING_ZBCONFIG "Zigbee paramétereknek véletlennek kell lenniük, ellenőrizd a 'ZbConfig'-gal"
// xdrv_03_energy.ino
#define D_ENERGY_TODAY "Mai energia"
@ -493,17 +493,17 @@
#define D_ENERGY_TOTAL "Összes energia"
// xdrv_27_shutter.ino
#define D_OPEN "Open"
#define D_CLOSE "Close"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_SHUTTER "Shutter"
#define D_OPEN "Nyitva"
#define D_CLOSE "Zárva"
#define D_DOMOTICZ_SHUTTER "Redőny"
// xdrv_28_pcf8574.ino
#define D_CONFIGURE_PCF8574 "Configure PCF8574"
#define D_PCF8574_PARAMETERS "PCF8574 parameters"
#define D_INVERT_PORTS "Invert Ports"
#define D_DEVICE "Device"
#define D_DEVICE_INPUT "Input"
#define D_DEVICE_OUTPUT "Output"
#define D_CONFIGURE_PCF8574 "PCF8574 beállítása"
#define D_PCF8574_PARAMETERS "PCF8574 paraméterei"
#define D_INVERT_PORTS "Inverz portok"
#define D_DEVICE "Eszköz"
#define D_DEVICE_INPUT "Bemenet"
#define D_DEVICE_OUTPUT "Kimenet"
// xsns_05_ds18b20.ino
#define D_SENSOR_BUSY "Szenzor foglalt"
@ -528,9 +528,9 @@
// xsns_27_apds9960.ino
#define D_GESTURE "Gesztus"
#define D_COLOR_RED "Red"
#define D_COLOR_GREEN "Green"
#define D_COLOR_BLUE "Blue"
#define D_COLOR_RED "Piros (R)"
#define D_COLOR_GREEN "Zöld (G)"
#define D_COLOR_BLUE "Kék (B)"
#define D_CCT "CCT"
#define D_PROXIMITY "közelség"
@ -566,24 +566,24 @@
#define D_TX20_WEST "NY"
// xsns_53_sml.ino
#define D_TPWRIN "Energy Total-In"
#define D_TPWROUT "Energy Total-Out"
#define D_TPWRCURR "Active Power-In/Out"
#define D_TPWRCURR1 "Active Power-In p1"
#define D_TPWRCURR2 "Active Power-In p2"
#define D_TPWRCURR3 "Active Power-In p3"
#define D_Strom_L1 "Current L1"
#define D_Strom_L2 "Current L2"
#define D_Strom_L3 "Current L3"
#define D_Spannung_L1 "Voltage L1"
#define D_Spannung_L2 "Voltage L2"
#define D_Spannung_L3 "Voltage L3"
#define D_TPWRIN "Összes bejövő energia"
#define D_TPWROUT "Összes kimenő energia"
#define D_TPWRCURR "Aktív teljesítmény Be/Ki"
#define D_TPWRCURR1 "Aktív teljesítmény-Be p1"
#define D_TPWRCURR2 "Aktív teljesítmény-Be p2"
#define D_TPWRCURR3 "Aktív teljesítmény-Be p3"
#define D_Strom_L1 "Áramerősség L1"
#define D_Strom_L2 "Áramerősség L2"
#define D_Strom_L3 "Áramerősség L3"
#define D_Spannung_L1 "Feszültség L1"
#define D_Spannung_L2 "Feszültség L2"
#define D_Spannung_L3 "Feszültség L3"
#define D_METERNR "Meter_number"
#define D_METERSID "Service ID"
#define D_GasIN "Counter"
#define D_H2oIN "Counter"
#define D_StL1L2L3 "Current L1+L2+L3"
#define D_SpL1L2L3 "Voltage L1+L2+L3/3"
#define D_GasIN "Számláló"
#define D_H2oIN "Számláló"
#define D_StL1L2L3 "Áramerősség L1+L2+L3"
#define D_SpL1L2L3 "Feszültség L1+L2+L3/3"
// tasmota_template.h - keep them as short as possible to be able to fit them in GUI drop down box
#define D_SENSOR_NONE "Nincs"
@ -803,7 +803,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "h"
#define D_UNIT_GALLONS "gal"
#define D_UNIT_GALLONS_PER_MIN "g/m"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "növ."
#define D_UNIT_KELVIN "K"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER "km"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
@ -850,121 +850,121 @@
#define D_TOTAL_REACTIVE "Összes reaktív"
#define D_UNIT_KWARH "kVArh"
#define D_UNIT_ANGLE "fok"
#define D_TOTAL_ACTIVE "Total Active"
#define D_TOTAL_ACTIVE "Összes aktív"
#define D_PV1_VOLTAGE "PV1 Voltage"
#define D_PV1_CURRENT "PV1 Current"
#define D_PV1_POWER "PV1 Power"
#define D_PV2_VOLTAGE "PV2 Voltage"
#define D_PV2_CURRENT "PV2 Current"
#define D_PV2_POWER "PV2 Power"
#define D_SOLAR_POWER "Solar Power"
#define D_INVERTER_POWER "Inverter Power"
#define D_STATUS "Status"
#define D_WAITING "Waiting"
#define D_CHECKING "Checking"
#define D_WORKING "Working"
#define D_FAILURE "Failure"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_0 "No Error Code"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_1 "Grid Lost Fault"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_2 "Grid Voltage Fault"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_3 "Grid Frequency Fault"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_4 "Pv Voltage Fault"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_5 "Isolation Fault"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_6 "Over Temperature Fault"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_7 "Fan Fault"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_8 "Other Device Fault"
#define D_PV1_VOLTAGE "PV1 feszültség"
#define D_PV1_CURRENT "PV1 áramerősség"
#define D_PV1_POWER "PV1 teljesítmény"
#define D_PV2_VOLTAGE "PV2 feszültség"
#define D_PV2_CURRENT "PV2 áramerősség"
#define D_PV2_POWER "PV2 teljesítmény"
#define D_SOLAR_POWER "Solar teljesítmény"
#define D_INVERTER_POWER "Inverter teljesítmény"
#define D_STATUS "Állapot"
#define D_WAITING "Várakozás"
#define D_CHECKING "Ellenőrzés"
#define D_WORKING "Folyamatban"
#define D_FAILURE "Hiba"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_0 "Nincs hibakód"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_1 "Hálózat elvesztése hiba"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_2 "Hálózat feszültség hiba"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_3 "Hálózat frekvencia hiba"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_4 "Pv feszültség hiba"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_5 "Elválasztási hiba"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_6 "Túlmelegedés hiba"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_7 "Ventillátor hiba"
#define D_SOLAX_ERROR_8 "Egyéb eszközhiba"
#define D_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT "Edit script"
#define D_SCRIPT "edit script"
#define D_SDCARD_UPLOAD "file upload"
#define D_UFSDIR "ufs directory"
#define D_UPL_DONE "Done"
#define D_SCRIPT_CHARS_LEFT "chars left"
#define D_SCRIPT_CHARS_NO_MORE "no more chars"
#define D_SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD "Download"
#define D_SCRIPT_ENABLE "script enable"
#define D_SCRIPT_UPLOAD "Upload"
#define D_SCRIPT_UPLOAD_FILES "Upload files"
#define D_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT "Script szerkesztése"
#define D_SCRIPT "script szerkesztése"
#define D_SDCARD_UPLOAD "fájl feltöltés"
#define D_UFSDIR "ufs mappa"
#define D_UPL_DONE "Kész"
#define D_SCRIPT_CHARS_LEFT "karakter még"
#define D_SCRIPT_CHARS_NO_MORE "nincs több karakter"
#define D_SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD "Letöltés"
#define D_SCRIPT_ENABLE "script engedélyezés"
#define D_SCRIPT_UPLOAD "Feltöltés"
#define D_SCRIPT_UPLOAD_FILES "Fájlok feltöltése"
#define D_MANAGE_FILE_SYSTEM "Manage File system"
#define D_FS_SIZE "Size"
#define D_FS_FREE "Free"
#define D_MANAGE_FILE_SYSTEM "Fájlrendszer kezelése"
#define D_FS_SIZE "Méret"
#define D_FS_FREE "Szabad"
#define D_AS3935_GAIN "gain:"
#define D_AS3935_ENERGY "energy:"
#define D_AS3935_DISTANCE "distance:"
#define D_AS3935_DISTURBER "disturber:"
#define D_AS3935_GAIN "nyereség:"
#define D_AS3935_ENERGY "enegia:"
#define D_AS3935_DISTANCE "távolság:"
#define D_AS3935_DISTURBER "zavaró:"
#define D_AS3935_VRMS "µVrms:"
#define D_AS3935_APRX "aprx.:"
#define D_AS3935_AWAY "away"
#define D_AS3935_LIGHT "lightning"
#define D_AS3935_OUT "lightning out of range"
#define D_AS3935_NOT "distance not determined"
#define D_AS3935_ABOVE "lightning overhead"
#define D_AS3935_NOISE "noise detected"
#define D_AS3935_DISTDET "disturber detected"
#define D_AS3935_INTNOEV "Interrupt with no Event!"
#define D_AS3935_FLICKER "IRQ flicker!"
#define D_AS3935_POWEROFF "Power Off"
#define D_AS3935_NOMESS "listening..."
#define D_AS3935_ON "On"
#define D_AS3935_OFF "Off"
#define D_AS3935_INDOORS "Indoors"
#define D_AS3935_OUTDOORS "Outdoors"
#define D_AS3935_CAL_FAIL "calibration failed"
#define D_AS3935_CAL_OK "calibration set to:"
#define D_AS3935_APRX "kb.:"
#define D_AS3935_AWAY "távol"
#define D_AS3935_LIGHT "villám"
#define D_AS3935_OUT "villám hatókörön kívül"
#define D_AS3935_NOT "távolság nem meghatározható"
#define D_AS3935_ABOVE "villám felül"
#define D_AS3935_NOISE "zaj érzékelve"
#define D_AS3935_DISTDET "zavarás érzékelve"
#define D_AS3935_INTNOEV "Megszakítás esemény nélkül!"
#define D_AS3935_FLICKER "IRQ zörgés!"
#define D_AS3935_POWEROFF "Kikapcsolva"
#define D_AS3935_NOMESS "hallgatózás..."
#define D_AS3935_ON "Be"
#define D_AS3935_OFF "Ki"
#define D_AS3935_INDOORS "Beltér"
#define D_AS3935_OUTDOORS "Kültér"
#define D_AS3935_CAL_FAIL "kalibráció nem sikerült"
#define D_AS3935_CAL_OK "kalibráció beállítva:"
#define D_SENSOR_BOILER_OT_RX "OpenTherm RX"
#define D_SENSOR_BOILER_OT_TX "OpenTherm TX"
// xnrg_15_teleinfo Denky (Teleinfo)
#define D_CONTRACT "Contract"
#define D_POWER_LOAD "Power load"
#define D_CURRENT_TARIFF "Current Tariff"
#define D_TARIFF "Tariff"
#define D_MAX_POWER "Max Power"
#define D_MAX_CURRENT "Max Current"
#define D_CONTRACT "Szerződés"
#define D_POWER_LOAD "Teljesítény"
#define D_CURRENT_TARIFF "Áramerősség díja"
#define D_TARIFF "Díj"
#define D_OVERLOAD "Túlterhelés"
#define D_MAX_POWER "Max teljesítmény"
#define D_MAX_CURRENT "Max áramerősség"
// xsns_79_as608.ino
#define D_FP_ENROLL_PLACEFINGER "Place finger"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_REMOVEFINGER "Remove finger"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_PLACESAMEFINGER "Place same finger again"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_RETRY "Error so retry"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_RESTART "Restart"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_ERROR "Error"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_PLACEFINGER "Helyezze oda az ujját"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_REMOVEFINGER "Vegye el az ujját"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_PLACESAMEFINGER "Ugyanazt az ujját tegye oda ismét"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_RETRY "Hiba, próbálkozzon újra"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_RESTART "Újrindítás"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_ERROR "Hiba"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_RESET "Reset"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_ACTIVE "Active"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_INACTIVE "Inactive"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_ACTIVE "Aktív"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_INACTIVE "Inaktív"
// Indexed by Adafruit_Fingerprint.h defines
#define D_FP_PACKETRECIEVEERR "Comms error" // 0x01 Error when receiving data package
#define D_FP_PACKETRECIEVEERR "Komm. hiba" // 0x01 Error when receiving data package
#define D_FP_NOFINGER "" // 0x02 No finger on the sensor
#define D_FP_IMAGEFAIL "Imaging error" // 0x03 Failed to enroll the finger
#define D_FP_IMAGEMESS "Image too messy" // 0x06 Failed to generate character file due to overly disorderly fingerprint image
#define D_FP_FEATUREFAIL "Fingerprint too small" // 0x07 Failed to generate character file due to the lack of character point or small fingerprint image
#define D_FP_NOMATCH "No match" // 0x08 Finger doesn't match
#define D_FP_NOTFOUND "Did not find a match" // 0x09 Failed to find matching finger
#define D_FP_ENROLLMISMATCH "Fingerprint did not match" // 0x0A Failed to combine the character files
#define D_FP_BADLOCATION "Bad location" // 0x0B Addressed PageID is beyond the finger library
#define D_FP_DBRANGEFAIL "DB range error" // 0x0C Error when reading template from library or invalid template
#define D_FP_UPLOADFEATUREFAIL "Upload feature error" // 0x0D Error when uploading template
#define D_FP_PACKETRESPONSEFAIL "Packet response error" // 0x0E Module failed to receive the following data packages
#define D_FP_UPLOADFAIL "Upload error" // 0x0F Error when uploading image
#define D_FP_DELETEFAIL "Delete error" // 0x10 Failed to delete the template
#define D_FP_DBCLEARFAIL "DB Clear error" // 0x11 Failed to clear finger library
#define D_FP_PASSFAIL "Password error" // 0x13 Find whether the fingerprint passed or failed
#define D_FP_INVALIDIMAGE "Image invalid" // 0x15 Failed to generate image because of lac of valid primary image
#define D_FP_FLASHERR "Flash write error" // 0x18 Error when writing flash
#define D_FP_INVALIDREG "Invalid number" // 0x1A Invalid register number
#define D_FP_ADDRCODE "Address code" // 0x20 Address code
#define D_FP_PASSVERIFY "Password verified" // 0x21 Verify the fingerprint passed
#define D_FP_UNKNOWNERROR "Error" // Any other error
#define D_FP_IMAGEFAIL "Kép hiba" // 0x03 Failed to enroll the finger
#define D_FP_IMAGEMESS "Túl zajos kép" // 0x06 Failed to generate character file due to overly disorderly fingerprint image
#define D_FP_FEATUREFAIL "Ujjlenyomat túl kicsi" // 0x07 Failed to generate character file due to the lack of character point or small fingerprint image
#define D_FP_NOMATCH "Nincs találat" // 0x08 Finger doesn't match
#define D_FP_NOTFOUND "Nincs találat" // 0x09 Failed to find matching finger
#define D_FP_ENROLLMISMATCH "Nincs találat" // 0x0A Failed to combine the character files
#define D_FP_BADLOCATION "Helytelen pozíció" // 0x0B Addressed PageID is beyond the finger library
#define D_FP_DBRANGEFAIL "DB tartomány hiba" // 0x0C Error when reading template from library or invalid template
#define D_FP_UPLOADFEATUREFAIL "Feltöltési hiba" // 0x0D Error when uploading template
#define D_FP_PACKETRESPONSEFAIL "Válaszcsomag hiba" // 0x0E Module failed to receive the following data packages
#define D_FP_UPLOADFAIL "Feltöltési hiba" // 0x0F Error when uploading image
#define D_FP_DELETEFAIL "Törlési hiba" // 0x10 Failed to delete the template
#define D_FP_DBCLEARFAIL "Könyvtár törlési hiba" // 0x11 Failed to clear finger library
#define D_FP_PASSFAIL "Jelszó hiba" // 0x13 Find whether the fingerprint passed or failed
#define D_FP_INVALIDIMAGE "Érvénytelen kép" // 0x15 Failed to generate image because of lac of valid primary image
#define D_FP_FLASHERR "Flash írási hiba" // 0x18 Error when writing flash
#define D_FP_INVALIDREG "Érvénytelen szám" // 0x1A Invalid register number
#define D_FP_ADDRCODE "Cím kód" // 0x20 Address code
#define D_FP_PASSVERIFY "Jelszó ellenőrizve" // 0x21 Verify the fingerprint passed
#define D_FP_UNKNOWNERROR "Hiba" // Any other error
// xsns_83_neopool.ino
#define D_NEOPOOL_MACH_NONE "NeoPool" // Machine names
@ -989,7 +989,7 @@
#define D_NEOPOOL_TYPE "Type" // Sensor & relais names
#define D_NEOPOOL_TYPE "Típus" // Sensor & relais names
#define D_NEOPOOL_REDOX "Redox"
#define D_NEOPOOL_CHLORINE "Chlorine"
#define D_NEOPOOL_CONDUCTIVITY "Conductivity"
@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@
#define D_NEOPOOL_RELAY_RX "Redox level"
#define D_NEOPOOL_RELAY_CL "Chlorine pump"
#define D_NEOPOOL_RELAY_CD "Brine pump"
#define D_NEOPOOL_TIME "Time"
#define D_NEOPOOL_TIME "Idő"
#define D_NEOPOOL_FILT_MODE "Filtration"
#define D_NEOPOOL_POLARIZATION "Pol" // Sensor status
#define D_NEOPOOL_PR_OFF "PrOff"
@ -953,6 +953,7 @@ void DisplayText(void)
extern FS *ufsp;
void Display_Text_From_File(const char *file) {
File fp;
if (!ufsp) return;
fp = ufsp->open(file, FS_FILE_READ);
if (fp >= 0) {
char *savptr = XdrvMailbox.data;
@ -490,6 +490,8 @@ uint8_t smltbuf[MAX_METERS][SML_BSIZ];
#define METER_ID_SIZE 24
char meter_id[MAX_METERS][METER_ID_SIZE];
#define VBUS_SYNC 0xaa
#define SML_SYNC 0x77
#define EBUS_SYNC 0xaa
#define EBUS_ESC 0xa9
@ -823,41 +825,44 @@ uint8_t Serial_peek() {
uint8_t sml_logindex;
char log_data[128];
void Dump2log(void) {
int16_t index=0,hcnt=0;
int16_t index = 0, hcnt = 0;
uint32_t d_lastms;
uint8_t dchars[16];
uint8_t type = meter_desc_p[(dump2log&7) - 1].type;
//if (!SML_SAVAILABLE) return;
if (dump2log&8) {
// combo mode
log_data[index] = ':';
log_data[index]=' ';
log_data[index] = ' ';
while ((millis()-d_lastms)<40) {
d_lastms = millis();
while ((millis() - d_lastms) < 40) {
uint8_t c=SML_SREAD;
sprintf(&log_data[index],"%02x ",c);
uint8_t c = SML_SREAD;
sprintf(&log_data[index], "%02x ", c);
dchars[hcnt] = c;
index += 3;
if (hcnt>15) {
if (hcnt > 15) {
// line complete, build asci chars
log_data[index] = '=';
log_data[index] = '>';
log_data[index]=' ';
log_data[index] = ' ';
for (uint8_t ccnt=0; ccnt<16; ccnt++) {
for (uint8_t ccnt = 0; ccnt < 16; ccnt++) {
if (isprint(dchars[ccnt])) {
log_data[index] = dchars[ccnt];
} else {
log_data[index]=' ';
log_data[index] = ' ';
@ -865,89 +870,116 @@ void Dump2log(void) {
if (index>0) {
if (index > 0) {
log_data[index] = 0;
AddLogData(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log_data);
index = 0;
hcnt = 0;
} else {
if (meter_desc_p[(dump2log&7)-1].type=='o') {
if (type == 'o') {
// obis
char c=SML_SREAD&0x7f;
if (c=='\n' || c=='\r') {
AddLogData(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log_data);
log_data[1]=' ';
char c = SML_SREAD&0x7f;
if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
if (sml_logindex > 2) {
AddLogData(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log_data);
log_data[sml_logindex] = 0;
log_data[0] = ':';
log_data[1] = ' ';
sml_logindex = 2;
if (sml_logindex<sizeof(log_data)-2) {
log_data[sml_logindex] = c;
if (sml_logindex < sizeof(log_data) - 2) {
} else {
//while (SML_SAVAILABLE) {
log_data[index]=' ';
while ((millis()-d_lastms)<40) {
unsigned char c;
if (meter_desc_p[(dump2log&7)-1].type=='e') {
// ebus
sprintf(&log_data[index],"%02x ",c);
if (c==EBUS_SYNC) {
index = index == 5 ? 0 : index;
} else if (meter_desc_p[(dump2log&7)-1].type=='v') {
// vbus
if (c==EBUS_SYNC) {
index = 0;
AddLogData(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log_data);
sprintf(&log_data[index],"%02x ",c);
if (index<sizeof(log_data)-3) {
} else {
// sml
if (sml_start==0x77) {
} else {
if (c==0x77) {
sprintf(&log_data[index],"%02x ",c);
} else if (type == 'v') {
// vbus
uint8_t c;
if (c == VBUS_SYNC) {
AddLogData(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log_data);
log_data[0] = ':';
log_data[1] = ' ';
sml_logindex = 2;
sprintf(&log_data[sml_logindex], "%02x ", c);
if (sml_logindex < sizeof(log_data) - 7) {
sml_logindex += 3;
if (index>2 && (meter_desc_p[(dump2log&7)-1].type!='v')) {
} else if (type == 'e') {
// ebus
uint8_t c, p;
if (c == EBUS_SYNC) {
if (p != EBUS_SYNC && sml_logindex > 5) {
// new packet, plot last one
AddLogData(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log_data);
strcpy(&log_data[0], ": aa ");
sml_logindex = 5;
sprintf(&log_data[sml_logindex], "%02x ", c);
if (sml_logindex < sizeof(log_data) - 7) {
sml_logindex += 3;
} else if (type == 's') {
// sml
uint8_t c;
if (c == SML_SYNC) {
AddLogData(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log_data);
log_data[0] = ':';
log_data[1] = ' ';
sml_logindex = 2;
sprintf(&log_data[sml_logindex], "%02x ", c);
if (sml_logindex < sizeof(log_data) - 7) {
sml_logindex += 3;
} else {
// raw dump
d_lastms = millis();
log_data[0] = ':';
log_data[1] = ' ';
sml_logindex = 2;
while ((millis() - d_lastms) < 40) {
sprintf(&log_data[sml_logindex], "%02x ", SML_SREAD);
sml_logindex += 3;
if (sml_logindex > 2) {
AddLogData(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log_data);
void Hexdump(uint8_t *sbuff, uint32_t slen) {
char cbuff[slen*3+10];
char *cp = cbuff;
*cp++ = '>';
*cp++ = ' ';
for (uint32_t cnt = 0; cnt < slen; cnt ++) {
sprintf(cp, "%02x ", sbuff[cnt]);
cp += 3;
AddLogData(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, cbuff);
#ifdef ED300L
uint8_t sml_status[MAX_METERS];
uint8_t g_mindex;
@ -2733,6 +2765,13 @@ void SML_Send_Seq(uint32_t meter,char *seq) {
if (dump2log) {
uint8_t type = meter_desc_p[(dump2log&7) - 1].type;
if (type == 'm' || type == 'M') {
Hexdump(sbuff, slen);
#endif // USE_SCRIPT
Reference in New Issue