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Merge pull request #9137 from s-hadinger/zigbee_aug_21
Zigbee size optimization
This commit is contained in:
@ -1123,6 +1123,7 @@ enum ZCL_Global_Commands {
#define ZF(s) static const char ZS_ ## s[] PROGMEM = #s;
#define Z(s) ZS_ ## s
#define Z_(s) Zo_ ## s
// ZDP Enumeration, see Zigbee spec 2.4.5
String getZDPStatusMessage(uint8_t status) {
@ -0,0 +1,831 @@
xdrv_23_zigbee_5__constants.ino - zigbee support for Tasmota
Copyright (C) 2020 Theo Arends and Stephan Hadinger
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Below is a compilation of Strings used in Zigbee commands and converters.
// Instead of using pointer to strings (4 bytes), we are using an offset (16 bits)
// into an array of strings - which leads to a 1/3 more compact structure.
// To generate the code below use https://tasmota.hadinger.fr/util
// and copy/paste the entire arrays `Z_PostProcess` and `Z_Commands` concatenated
// Note: the 'C' syntax is irrelevant, the parser only looks for `Z_(<string>)`
// In addition the Python3 code used is below:
/*Python code to generate code below
import re
pat = r"Z\(([^\)]+)\)" # extract text in Z() macro
def clean(s):
return s.strip(" \t\n\r")
def strings_to_pmem(arg):
#strings = arg.split("\n")
strings = re.findall(pat, arg)
# do some basic cleaning
strings_cleaned = [ clean(x) for x in strings if clean(x) != ""]
# remove duplicates
strings_cleaned = list(dict.fromkeys(strings_cleaned))
out_s = "const char Z_strings[] PROGMEM = \n"
out_i = "enum Z_offsets {\n"
index = 0;
# add a first empty string
out_s += " \"\\x00\"\n"
out_i += " Zo_ = " + str(index) + ",\n"
index += 1
for s in strings_cleaned:
out_s += " \"" + s + "\" \"\\x00\"\n"
out_i += " Zo_" + s + " = " + str(index) + ",\n"
index += len(s) + 1 # add one for null char
out_s += " \"\\x00\";"
out_i += "};"
return ("", out_s, out_i)
const char Z_strings[] PROGMEM =
"ZCLVersion" "\x00"
"AppVersion" "\x00"
"StackVersion" "\x00"
"HWVersion" "\x00"
"Manufacturer" "\x00"
"ModelId" "\x00"
"DateCode" "\x00"
"PowerSource" "\x00"
"GenericDeviceClass" "\x00"
"GenericDeviceType" "\x00"
"ProductCode" "\x00"
"ProductURL" "\x00"
"SWBuildID" "\x00"
"MainsVoltage" "\x00"
"MainsFrequency" "\x00"
"BatteryVoltage" "\x00"
"BatteryPercentage" "\x00"
"CurrentTemperature" "\x00"
"MinTempExperienced" "\x00"
"MaxTempExperienced" "\x00"
"OverTempTotalDwell" "\x00"
"IdentifyTime" "\x00"
"GroupNameSupport" "\x00"
"SceneCount" "\x00"
"CurrentScene" "\x00"
"CurrentGroup" "\x00"
"SceneValid" "\x00"
"NameSupport" "\x00"
"Power" "\x00"
"StartUpOnOff" "\x00"
"SwitchType" "\x00"
"Dimmer" "\x00"
"DimmerOptions" "\x00"
"DimmerRemainingTime" "\x00"
"OnOffTransitionTime" "\x00"
"OnLevel" "\x00"
"OnTransitionTime" "\x00"
"OffTransitionTime" "\x00"
"DefaultMoveRate" "\x00"
"AlarmCount" "\x00"
"Time" "\x00"
"TimeStatus" "\x00"
"TimeZone" "\x00"
"DstStart" "\x00"
"DstEnd" "\x00"
"DstShift" "\x00"
"StandardTime" "\x00"
"LocalTime" "\x00"
"LastSetTime" "\x00"
"ValidUntilTime" "\x00"
"TimeEpoch" "\x00"
"LocationType" "\x00"
"LocationMethod" "\x00"
"LocationAge" "\x00"
"QualityMeasure" "\x00"
"NumberOfDevices" "\x00"
"AnalogInActiveText" "\x00"
"AnalogInDescription" "\x00"
"AnalogInInactiveText" "\x00"
"AnalogInMaxValue" "\x00"
"AnalogInMinValue" "\x00"
"AnalogInOutOfService" "\x00"
"AqaraRotate" "\x00"
"AnalogInPriorityArray" "\x00"
"AnalogInReliability" "\x00"
"AnalogInRelinquishDefault" "\x00"
"AnalogInResolution" "\x00"
"AnalogInStatusFlags" "\x00"
"AnalogInEngineeringUnits" "\x00"
"AnalogInApplicationType" "\x00"
"Aqara_FF05" "\x00"
"AnalogOutDescription" "\x00"
"AnalogOutMaxValue" "\x00"
"AnalogOutMinValue" "\x00"
"AnalogOutOutOfService" "\x00"
"AnalogOutValue" "\x00"
"AnalogOutPriorityArray" "\x00"
"AnalogOutReliability" "\x00"
"AnalogOutRelinquishDefault" "\x00"
"AnalogOutResolution" "\x00"
"AnalogOutStatusFlags" "\x00"
"AnalogOutEngineeringUnits" "\x00"
"AnalogOutApplicationType" "\x00"
"AnalogDescription" "\x00"
"AnalogOutOfService" "\x00"
"AnalogValue" "\x00"
"AnalogPriorityArray" "\x00"
"AnalogReliability" "\x00"
"AnalogRelinquishDefault" "\x00"
"AnalogStatusFlags" "\x00"
"AnalogEngineeringUnits" "\x00"
"AnalogApplicationType" "\x00"
"BinaryInActiveText" "\x00"
"BinaryInDescription" "\x00"
"BinaryInInactiveText" "\x00"
"BinaryInOutOfService" "\x00"
"BinaryInPolarity" "\x00"
"BinaryInValue" "\x00"
"BinaryInPriorityArray" "\x00"
"BinaryInReliability" "\x00"
"BinaryInStatusFlags" "\x00"
"BinaryInApplicationType" "\x00"
"BinaryOutActiveText" "\x00"
"BinaryOutDescription" "\x00"
"BinaryOutInactiveText" "\x00"
"BinaryOutMinimumOffTime" "\x00"
"BinaryOutMinimumOnTime" "\x00"
"BinaryOutOutOfService" "\x00"
"BinaryOutPolarity" "\x00"
"BinaryOutValue" "\x00"
"BinaryOutPriorityArray" "\x00"
"BinaryOutReliability" "\x00"
"BinaryOutRelinquishDefault" "\x00"
"BinaryOutStatusFlags" "\x00"
"BinaryOutApplicationType" "\x00"
"BinaryActiveText" "\x00"
"BinaryDescription" "\x00"
"BinaryInactiveText" "\x00"
"BinaryMinimumOffTime" "\x00"
"BinaryMinimumOnTime" "\x00"
"BinaryOutOfService" "\x00"
"BinaryValue" "\x00"
"BinaryPriorityArray" "\x00"
"BinaryReliability" "\x00"
"BinaryRelinquishDefault" "\x00"
"BinaryStatusFlags" "\x00"
"BinaryApplicationType" "\x00"
"MultiInStateText" "\x00"
"MultiInDescription" "\x00"
"MultiInNumberOfStates" "\x00"
"MultiInOutOfService" "\x00"
"MultiInValue" "\x00"
"MultiInReliability" "\x00"
"MultiInStatusFlags" "\x00"
"MultiInApplicationType" "\x00"
"MultiOutStateText" "\x00"
"MultiOutDescription" "\x00"
"MultiOutNumberOfStates" "\x00"
"MultiOutOutOfService" "\x00"
"MultiOutValue" "\x00"
"MultiOutPriorityArray" "\x00"
"MultiOutReliability" "\x00"
"MultiOutRelinquishDefault" "\x00"
"MultiOutStatusFlags" "\x00"
"MultiOutApplicationType" "\x00"
"MultiStateText" "\x00"
"MultiDescription" "\x00"
"MultiNumberOfStates" "\x00"
"MultiOutOfService" "\x00"
"MultiValue" "\x00"
"MultiReliability" "\x00"
"MultiRelinquishDefault" "\x00"
"MultiStatusFlags" "\x00"
"MultiApplicationType" "\x00"
"TotalProfileNum" "\x00"
"MultipleScheduling" "\x00"
"EnergyFormatting" "\x00"
"EnergyRemote" "\x00"
"ScheduleMode" "\x00"
"CheckinInterval" "\x00"
"LongPollInterval" "\x00"
"ShortPollInterval" "\x00"
"FastPollTimeout" "\x00"
"CheckinIntervalMin" "\x00"
"LongPollIntervalMin" "\x00"
"FastPollTimeoutMax" "\x00"
"PhysicalClosedLimit" "\x00"
"MotorStepSize" "\x00"
"Status" "\x00"
"ClosedLimit" "\x00"
"Mode" "\x00"
"LockState" "\x00"
"LockType" "\x00"
"ActuatorEnabled" "\x00"
"DoorState" "\x00"
"DoorOpenEvents" "\x00"
"DoorClosedEvents" "\x00"
"OpenPeriod" "\x00"
"AqaraVibrationMode" "\x00"
"AqaraVibrationsOrAngle" "\x00"
"AqaraVibration505" "\x00"
"AqaraAccelerometer" "\x00"
"WindowCoveringType" "\x00"
"PhysicalClosedLimitLift" "\x00"
"PhysicalClosedLimitTilt" "\x00"
"CurrentPositionLift" "\x00"
"CurrentPositionTilt" "\x00"
"NumberofActuationsLift" "\x00"
"NumberofActuationsTilt" "\x00"
"ConfigStatus" "\x00"
"CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" "\x00"
"CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" "\x00"
"InstalledOpenLimitLift" "\x00"
"InstalledClosedLimitLift" "\x00"
"InstalledOpenLimitTilt" "\x00"
"InstalledClosedLimitTilt" "\x00"
"VelocityLift" "\x00"
"AccelerationTimeLift" "\x00"
"DecelerationTimeLift" "\x00"
"IntermediateSetpointsLift" "\x00"
"IntermediateSetpointsTilt" "\x00"
"Hue" "\x00"
"Sat" "\x00"
"RemainingTime" "\x00"
"X" "\x00"
"Y" "\x00"
"DriftCompensation" "\x00"
"CompensationText" "\x00"
"CT" "\x00"
"ColorMode" "\x00"
"NumberOfPrimaries" "\x00"
"Primary1X" "\x00"
"Primary1Y" "\x00"
"Primary1Intensity" "\x00"
"Primary2X" "\x00"
"Primary2Y" "\x00"
"Primary2Intensity" "\x00"
"Primary3X" "\x00"
"Primary3Y" "\x00"
"Primary3Intensity" "\x00"
"WhitePointX" "\x00"
"WhitePointY" "\x00"
"ColorPointRX" "\x00"
"ColorPointRY" "\x00"
"ColorPointRIntensity" "\x00"
"ColorPointGX" "\x00"
"ColorPointGY" "\x00"
"ColorPointGIntensity" "\x00"
"ColorPointBX" "\x00"
"ColorPointBY" "\x00"
"ColorPointBIntensity" "\x00"
"Illuminance" "\x00"
"IlluminanceMinMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"IlluminanceMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"IlluminanceTolerance" "\x00"
"IlluminanceLightSensorType" "\x00"
"IlluminanceLevelStatus" "\x00"
"IlluminanceTargetLevel" "\x00"
"Temperature" "\x00"
"TemperatureMinMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"TemperatureMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"TemperatureTolerance" "\x00"
"PressureUnit" "\x00"
"Pressure" "\x00"
"PressureMinMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"PressureMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"PressureTolerance" "\x00"
"PressureScaledValue" "\x00"
"PressureMinScaledValue" "\x00"
"PressureMaxScaledValue" "\x00"
"PressureScaledTolerance" "\x00"
"PressureScale" "\x00"
"FlowRate" "\x00"
"FlowMinMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"FlowMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"FlowTolerance" "\x00"
"Humidity" "\x00"
"HumidityMinMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"HumidityMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"HumidityTolerance" "\x00"
"Occupancy" "\x00"
"OccupancySensorType" "\x00"
"ZoneState" "\x00"
"ZoneType" "\x00"
"ZoneStatus" "\x00"
"CompanyName" "\x00"
"MeterTypeID" "\x00"
"DataQualityID" "\x00"
"CustomerName" "\x00"
"Model" "\x00"
"PartNumber" "\x00"
"ProductRevision" "\x00"
"SoftwareRevision" "\x00"
"UtilityName" "\x00"
"POD" "\x00"
"AvailablePower" "\x00"
"PowerThreshold" "\x00"
"NumberOfResets" "\x00"
"PersistentMemoryWrites" "\x00"
"LastMessageLQI" "\x00"
"LastMessageRSSI" "\x00"
"Identify" "\x00"
"xxxx" "\x00"
"IdentifyQuery" "\x00"
"AddGroup" "\x00"
"xxxx00" "\x00"
"ViewGroup" "\x00"
"GetGroup" "\x00"
"01xxxx" "\x00"
"GetAllGroups" "\x00"
"00" "\x00"
"RemoveGroup" "\x00"
"RemoveAllGroups" "\x00"
"ViewScene" "\x00"
"xxxxyy" "\x00"
"RemoveScene" "\x00"
"RemoveAllScenes" "\x00"
"RecallScene" "\x00"
"GetSceneMembership" "\x00"
"PowerOffEffect" "\x00"
"xxyy" "\x00"
"PowerOnRecall" "\x00"
"PowerOnTimer" "\x00"
"xxyyyyzzzz" "\x00"
"xx0A00" "\x00"
"DimmerUp" "\x00"
"00190200" "\x00"
"DimmerDown" "\x00"
"01190200" "\x00"
"DimmerStop" "\x00"
"ResetAlarm" "\x00"
"xxyyyy" "\x00"
"ResetAllAlarms" "\x00"
"xx000A00" "\x00"
"HueSat" "\x00"
"xxyy0A00" "\x00"
"Color" "\x00"
"xxxxyyyy0A00" "\x00"
"xxxx0A00" "\x00"
"ShutterOpen" "\x00"
"ShutterClose" "\x00"
"ShutterStop" "\x00"
"ShutterLift" "\x00"
"xx" "\x00"
"ShutterTilt" "\x00"
"Shutter" "\x00"
"DimmerMove" "\x00"
"xx0A" "\x00"
"DimmerStepUp" "\x00"
"00xx0A00" "\x00"
"DimmerStepDown" "\x00"
"01xx0A00" "\x00"
"DimmerStep" "\x00"
"xx190A00" "\x00"
"01" "\x00"
"HueMove" "\x00"
"xx19" "\x00"
"HueStepUp" "\x00"
"HueStepDown" "\x00"
"03xx0A00" "\x00"
"HueStep" "\x00"
"SatMove" "\x00"
"SatStep" "\x00"
"xx190A" "\x00"
"ColorMove" "\x00"
"xxxxyyyy" "\x00"
"ColorStep" "\x00"
"ColorTempMoveUp" "\x00"
"01xxxx000000000000" "\x00"
"ColorTempMoveDown" "\x00"
"03xxxx000000000000" "\x00"
"ColorTempMoveStop" "\x00"
"00xxxx000000000000" "\x00"
"ColorTempMove" "\x00"
"xxyyyy000000000000" "\x00"
"ColorTempStepUp" "\x00"
"01xxxx0A0000000000" "\x00"
"ColorTempStepDown" "\x00"
"03xxxx0A0000000000" "\x00"
"ColorTempStep" "\x00"
"xxyyyy0A0000000000" "\x00"
"ArrowClick" "\x00"
"ArrowHold" "\x00"
"ArrowRelease" "\x00"
"ZoneStatusChange" "\x00"
"xxxxyyzz" "\x00"
"xxyyzzzz" "\x00"
"AddScene" "\x00"
"xxyyyyzz" "\x00"
"StoreScene" "\x00"
enum Z_offsets {
Zo_ = 0,
Zo_ZCLVersion = 1,
Zo_AppVersion = 12,
Zo_StackVersion = 23,
Zo_HWVersion = 36,
Zo_Manufacturer = 46,
Zo_ModelId = 59,
Zo_DateCode = 67,
Zo_PowerSource = 76,
Zo_GenericDeviceClass = 88,
Zo_GenericDeviceType = 107,
Zo_ProductCode = 125,
Zo_ProductURL = 137,
Zo_SWBuildID = 148,
Zo_MainsVoltage = 158,
Zo_MainsFrequency = 171,
Zo_BatteryVoltage = 186,
Zo_BatteryPercentage = 201,
Zo_CurrentTemperature = 219,
Zo_MinTempExperienced = 238,
Zo_MaxTempExperienced = 257,
Zo_OverTempTotalDwell = 276,
Zo_IdentifyTime = 295,
Zo_GroupNameSupport = 308,
Zo_SceneCount = 325,
Zo_CurrentScene = 336,
Zo_CurrentGroup = 349,
Zo_SceneValid = 362,
Zo_NameSupport = 373,
Zo_Power = 385,
Zo_StartUpOnOff = 391,
Zo_SwitchType = 404,
Zo_Dimmer = 415,
Zo_DimmerOptions = 422,
Zo_DimmerRemainingTime = 436,
Zo_OnOffTransitionTime = 456,
Zo_OnLevel = 476,
Zo_OnTransitionTime = 484,
Zo_OffTransitionTime = 501,
Zo_DefaultMoveRate = 519,
Zo_AlarmCount = 535,
Zo_Time = 546,
Zo_TimeStatus = 551,
Zo_TimeZone = 562,
Zo_DstStart = 571,
Zo_DstEnd = 580,
Zo_DstShift = 587,
Zo_StandardTime = 596,
Zo_LocalTime = 609,
Zo_LastSetTime = 619,
Zo_ValidUntilTime = 631,
Zo_TimeEpoch = 646,
Zo_LocationType = 656,
Zo_LocationMethod = 669,
Zo_LocationAge = 684,
Zo_QualityMeasure = 696,
Zo_NumberOfDevices = 711,
Zo_AnalogInActiveText = 727,
Zo_AnalogInDescription = 746,
Zo_AnalogInInactiveText = 766,
Zo_AnalogInMaxValue = 787,
Zo_AnalogInMinValue = 804,
Zo_AnalogInOutOfService = 821,
Zo_AqaraRotate = 842,
Zo_AnalogInPriorityArray = 854,
Zo_AnalogInReliability = 876,
Zo_AnalogInRelinquishDefault = 896,
Zo_AnalogInResolution = 922,
Zo_AnalogInStatusFlags = 941,
Zo_AnalogInEngineeringUnits = 961,
Zo_AnalogInApplicationType = 986,
Zo_Aqara_FF05 = 1010,
Zo_AnalogOutDescription = 1021,
Zo_AnalogOutMaxValue = 1042,
Zo_AnalogOutMinValue = 1060,
Zo_AnalogOutOutOfService = 1078,
Zo_AnalogOutValue = 1100,
Zo_AnalogOutPriorityArray = 1115,
Zo_AnalogOutReliability = 1138,
Zo_AnalogOutRelinquishDefault = 1159,
Zo_AnalogOutResolution = 1186,
Zo_AnalogOutStatusFlags = 1206,
Zo_AnalogOutEngineeringUnits = 1227,
Zo_AnalogOutApplicationType = 1253,
Zo_AnalogDescription = 1278,
Zo_AnalogOutOfService = 1296,
Zo_AnalogValue = 1315,
Zo_AnalogPriorityArray = 1327,
Zo_AnalogReliability = 1347,
Zo_AnalogRelinquishDefault = 1365,
Zo_AnalogStatusFlags = 1389,
Zo_AnalogEngineeringUnits = 1407,
Zo_AnalogApplicationType = 1430,
Zo_BinaryInActiveText = 1452,
Zo_BinaryInDescription = 1471,
Zo_BinaryInInactiveText = 1491,
Zo_BinaryInOutOfService = 1512,
Zo_BinaryInPolarity = 1533,
Zo_BinaryInValue = 1550,
Zo_BinaryInPriorityArray = 1564,
Zo_BinaryInReliability = 1586,
Zo_BinaryInStatusFlags = 1606,
Zo_BinaryInApplicationType = 1626,
Zo_BinaryOutActiveText = 1650,
Zo_BinaryOutDescription = 1670,
Zo_BinaryOutInactiveText = 1691,
Zo_BinaryOutMinimumOffTime = 1713,
Zo_BinaryOutMinimumOnTime = 1737,
Zo_BinaryOutOutOfService = 1760,
Zo_BinaryOutPolarity = 1782,
Zo_BinaryOutValue = 1800,
Zo_BinaryOutPriorityArray = 1815,
Zo_BinaryOutReliability = 1838,
Zo_BinaryOutRelinquishDefault = 1859,
Zo_BinaryOutStatusFlags = 1886,
Zo_BinaryOutApplicationType = 1907,
Zo_BinaryActiveText = 1932,
Zo_BinaryDescription = 1949,
Zo_BinaryInactiveText = 1967,
Zo_BinaryMinimumOffTime = 1986,
Zo_BinaryMinimumOnTime = 2007,
Zo_BinaryOutOfService = 2027,
Zo_BinaryValue = 2046,
Zo_BinaryPriorityArray = 2058,
Zo_BinaryReliability = 2078,
Zo_BinaryRelinquishDefault = 2096,
Zo_BinaryStatusFlags = 2120,
Zo_BinaryApplicationType = 2138,
Zo_MultiInStateText = 2160,
Zo_MultiInDescription = 2177,
Zo_MultiInNumberOfStates = 2196,
Zo_MultiInOutOfService = 2218,
Zo_MultiInValue = 2238,
Zo_MultiInReliability = 2251,
Zo_MultiInStatusFlags = 2270,
Zo_MultiInApplicationType = 2289,
Zo_MultiOutStateText = 2312,
Zo_MultiOutDescription = 2330,
Zo_MultiOutNumberOfStates = 2350,
Zo_MultiOutOutOfService = 2373,
Zo_MultiOutValue = 2394,
Zo_MultiOutPriorityArray = 2408,
Zo_MultiOutReliability = 2430,
Zo_MultiOutRelinquishDefault = 2450,
Zo_MultiOutStatusFlags = 2476,
Zo_MultiOutApplicationType = 2496,
Zo_MultiStateText = 2520,
Zo_MultiDescription = 2535,
Zo_MultiNumberOfStates = 2552,
Zo_MultiOutOfService = 2572,
Zo_MultiValue = 2590,
Zo_MultiReliability = 2601,
Zo_MultiRelinquishDefault = 2618,
Zo_MultiStatusFlags = 2641,
Zo_MultiApplicationType = 2658,
Zo_TotalProfileNum = 2679,
Zo_MultipleScheduling = 2695,
Zo_EnergyFormatting = 2714,
Zo_EnergyRemote = 2731,
Zo_ScheduleMode = 2744,
Zo_CheckinInterval = 2757,
Zo_LongPollInterval = 2773,
Zo_ShortPollInterval = 2790,
Zo_FastPollTimeout = 2808,
Zo_CheckinIntervalMin = 2824,
Zo_LongPollIntervalMin = 2843,
Zo_FastPollTimeoutMax = 2863,
Zo_PhysicalClosedLimit = 2882,
Zo_MotorStepSize = 2902,
Zo_Status = 2916,
Zo_ClosedLimit = 2923,
Zo_Mode = 2935,
Zo_LockState = 2940,
Zo_LockType = 2950,
Zo_ActuatorEnabled = 2959,
Zo_DoorState = 2975,
Zo_DoorOpenEvents = 2985,
Zo_DoorClosedEvents = 3000,
Zo_OpenPeriod = 3017,
Zo_AqaraVibrationMode = 3028,
Zo_AqaraVibrationsOrAngle = 3047,
Zo_AqaraVibration505 = 3070,
Zo_AqaraAccelerometer = 3088,
Zo_WindowCoveringType = 3107,
Zo_PhysicalClosedLimitLift = 3126,
Zo_PhysicalClosedLimitTilt = 3150,
Zo_CurrentPositionLift = 3174,
Zo_CurrentPositionTilt = 3194,
Zo_NumberofActuationsLift = 3214,
Zo_NumberofActuationsTilt = 3237,
Zo_ConfigStatus = 3260,
Zo_CurrentPositionLiftPercentage = 3273,
Zo_CurrentPositionTiltPercentage = 3303,
Zo_InstalledOpenLimitLift = 3333,
Zo_InstalledClosedLimitLift = 3356,
Zo_InstalledOpenLimitTilt = 3381,
Zo_InstalledClosedLimitTilt = 3404,
Zo_VelocityLift = 3429,
Zo_AccelerationTimeLift = 3442,
Zo_DecelerationTimeLift = 3463,
Zo_IntermediateSetpointsLift = 3484,
Zo_IntermediateSetpointsTilt = 3510,
Zo_Hue = 3536,
Zo_Sat = 3540,
Zo_RemainingTime = 3544,
Zo_X = 3558,
Zo_Y = 3560,
Zo_DriftCompensation = 3562,
Zo_CompensationText = 3580,
Zo_CT = 3597,
Zo_ColorMode = 3600,
Zo_NumberOfPrimaries = 3610,
Zo_Primary1X = 3628,
Zo_Primary1Y = 3638,
Zo_Primary1Intensity = 3648,
Zo_Primary2X = 3666,
Zo_Primary2Y = 3676,
Zo_Primary2Intensity = 3686,
Zo_Primary3X = 3704,
Zo_Primary3Y = 3714,
Zo_Primary3Intensity = 3724,
Zo_WhitePointX = 3742,
Zo_WhitePointY = 3754,
Zo_ColorPointRX = 3766,
Zo_ColorPointRY = 3779,
Zo_ColorPointRIntensity = 3792,
Zo_ColorPointGX = 3813,
Zo_ColorPointGY = 3826,
Zo_ColorPointGIntensity = 3839,
Zo_ColorPointBX = 3860,
Zo_ColorPointBY = 3873,
Zo_ColorPointBIntensity = 3886,
Zo_Illuminance = 3907,
Zo_IlluminanceMinMeasuredValue = 3919,
Zo_IlluminanceMaxMeasuredValue = 3947,
Zo_IlluminanceTolerance = 3975,
Zo_IlluminanceLightSensorType = 3996,
Zo_IlluminanceLevelStatus = 4023,
Zo_IlluminanceTargetLevel = 4046,
Zo_Temperature = 4069,
Zo_TemperatureMinMeasuredValue = 4081,
Zo_TemperatureMaxMeasuredValue = 4109,
Zo_TemperatureTolerance = 4137,
Zo_PressureUnit = 4158,
Zo_Pressure = 4171,
Zo_PressureMinMeasuredValue = 4180,
Zo_PressureMaxMeasuredValue = 4205,
Zo_PressureTolerance = 4230,
Zo_PressureScaledValue = 4248,
Zo_PressureMinScaledValue = 4268,
Zo_PressureMaxScaledValue = 4291,
Zo_PressureScaledTolerance = 4314,
Zo_PressureScale = 4338,
Zo_FlowRate = 4352,
Zo_FlowMinMeasuredValue = 4361,
Zo_FlowMaxMeasuredValue = 4382,
Zo_FlowTolerance = 4403,
Zo_Humidity = 4417,
Zo_HumidityMinMeasuredValue = 4426,
Zo_HumidityMaxMeasuredValue = 4451,
Zo_HumidityTolerance = 4476,
Zo_Occupancy = 4494,
Zo_OccupancySensorType = 4504,
Zo_ZoneState = 4524,
Zo_ZoneType = 4534,
Zo_ZoneStatus = 4543,
Zo_CompanyName = 4554,
Zo_MeterTypeID = 4566,
Zo_DataQualityID = 4578,
Zo_CustomerName = 4592,
Zo_Model = 4605,
Zo_PartNumber = 4611,
Zo_ProductRevision = 4622,
Zo_SoftwareRevision = 4638,
Zo_UtilityName = 4655,
Zo_POD = 4667,
Zo_AvailablePower = 4671,
Zo_PowerThreshold = 4686,
Zo_NumberOfResets = 4701,
Zo_PersistentMemoryWrites = 4716,
Zo_LastMessageLQI = 4739,
Zo_LastMessageRSSI = 4754,
Zo_Identify = 4770,
Zo_xxxx = 4779,
Zo_IdentifyQuery = 4784,
Zo_AddGroup = 4798,
Zo_xxxx00 = 4807,
Zo_ViewGroup = 4814,
Zo_GetGroup = 4824,
Zo_01xxxx = 4833,
Zo_GetAllGroups = 4840,
Zo_00 = 4853,
Zo_RemoveGroup = 4856,
Zo_RemoveAllGroups = 4868,
Zo_ViewScene = 4884,
Zo_xxxxyy = 4894,
Zo_RemoveScene = 4901,
Zo_RemoveAllScenes = 4913,
Zo_RecallScene = 4929,
Zo_GetSceneMembership = 4941,
Zo_PowerOffEffect = 4960,
Zo_xxyy = 4975,
Zo_PowerOnRecall = 4980,
Zo_PowerOnTimer = 4994,
Zo_xxyyyyzzzz = 5007,
Zo_xx0A00 = 5018,
Zo_DimmerUp = 5025,
Zo_00190200 = 5034,
Zo_DimmerDown = 5043,
Zo_01190200 = 5054,
Zo_DimmerStop = 5063,
Zo_ResetAlarm = 5074,
Zo_xxyyyy = 5085,
Zo_ResetAllAlarms = 5092,
Zo_xx000A00 = 5107,
Zo_HueSat = 5116,
Zo_xxyy0A00 = 5123,
Zo_Color = 5132,
Zo_xxxxyyyy0A00 = 5138,
Zo_xxxx0A00 = 5151,
Zo_ShutterOpen = 5160,
Zo_ShutterClose = 5172,
Zo_ShutterStop = 5185,
Zo_ShutterLift = 5197,
Zo_xx = 5209,
Zo_ShutterTilt = 5212,
Zo_Shutter = 5224,
Zo_DimmerMove = 5232,
Zo_xx0A = 5243,
Zo_DimmerStepUp = 5248,
Zo_00xx0A00 = 5261,
Zo_DimmerStepDown = 5270,
Zo_01xx0A00 = 5285,
Zo_DimmerStep = 5294,
Zo_xx190A00 = 5305,
Zo_01 = 5314,
Zo_HueMove = 5317,
Zo_xx19 = 5325,
Zo_HueStepUp = 5330,
Zo_HueStepDown = 5340,
Zo_03xx0A00 = 5352,
Zo_HueStep = 5361,
Zo_SatMove = 5369,
Zo_SatStep = 5377,
Zo_xx190A = 5385,
Zo_ColorMove = 5392,
Zo_xxxxyyyy = 5402,
Zo_ColorStep = 5411,
Zo_ColorTempMoveUp = 5421,
Zo_01xxxx000000000000 = 5437,
Zo_ColorTempMoveDown = 5456,
Zo_03xxxx000000000000 = 5474,
Zo_ColorTempMoveStop = 5493,
Zo_00xxxx000000000000 = 5511,
Zo_ColorTempMove = 5530,
Zo_xxyyyy000000000000 = 5544,
Zo_ColorTempStepUp = 5563,
Zo_01xxxx0A0000000000 = 5579,
Zo_ColorTempStepDown = 5598,
Zo_03xxxx0A0000000000 = 5616,
Zo_ColorTempStep = 5635,
Zo_xxyyyy0A0000000000 = 5649,
Zo_ArrowClick = 5668,
Zo_ArrowHold = 5679,
Zo_ArrowRelease = 5689,
Zo_ZoneStatusChange = 5702,
Zo_xxxxyyzz = 5719,
Zo_xxyyzzzz = 5728,
Zo_AddScene = 5737,
Zo_xxyyyyzz = 5746,
Zo_StoreScene = 5755,
#endif // USE_ZIGBEE
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ typedef struct Z_AttributeConverter {
uint8_t type;
uint8_t cluster_short;
uint16_t attribute;
const char * name;
uint16_t name_offset;
int8_t multiplier; // multiplier for numerical value, (if > 0 multiply by x, if <0 device by x)
uint8_t cb; // callback func from Z_ConvOperators
// Z_AttrConverter func;
@ -141,470 +141,376 @@ enum Z_ConvOperators {
Z_BatteryPercentage, // memorize Battery Percentage in RAM
ZF(ZCLVersion) ZF(AppVersion) ZF(StackVersion) ZF(HWVersion) ZF(Manufacturer) ZF(ModelId)
ZF(GenericDeviceClass) ZF(GenericDeviceType) ZF(ProductCode) ZF(ProductURL)
ZF(DateCode) ZF(PowerSource) ZF(SWBuildID) ZF(Power) ZF(SwitchType) ZF(Dimmer) ZF(DimmerOptions)
ZF(DimmerRemainingTime) ZF(OnOffTransitionTime) ZF(StartUpOnOff)
ZF(MainsVoltage) ZF(MainsFrequency) ZF(BatteryVoltage) ZF(BatteryPercentage)
ZF(CurrentTemperature) ZF(MinTempExperienced) ZF(MaxTempExperienced) ZF(OverTempTotalDwell)
ZF(IdentifyTime) ZF(GroupNameSupport)
ZF(SceneCount) ZF(CurrentScene) ZF(CurrentGroup) ZF(SceneValid)
ZF(AlarmCount) ZF(Time) ZF(TimeStatus) ZF(TimeZone) ZF(DstStart) ZF(DstEnd)
ZF(DstShift) ZF(StandardTime) ZF(LocalTime) ZF(LastSetTime) ZF(ValidUntilTime) ZF(TimeEpoch)
ZF(LocationType) ZF(LocationMethod) ZF(LocationAge) ZF(QualityMeasure) ZF(NumberOfDevices)
ZF(AnalogInActiveText) ZF(AnalogInDescription) ZF(AnalogInInactiveText) ZF(AnalogInMaxValue)
ZF(AnalogInMinValue) ZF(AnalogInOutOfService) ZF(AqaraRotate) ZF(AnalogInPriorityArray)
ZF(AnalogInReliability) ZF(AnalogInRelinquishDefault) ZF(AnalogInResolution) ZF(AnalogInStatusFlags)
ZF(AnalogInEngineeringUnits) ZF(AnalogInApplicationType) ZF(Aqara_FF05)
ZF(AnalogOutDescription) ZF(AnalogOutMaxValue) ZF(AnalogOutMinValue) ZF(AnalogOutOutOfService)
ZF(AnalogOutValue) ZF(AnalogOutPriorityArray) ZF(AnalogOutReliability) ZF(AnalogOutRelinquishDefault)
ZF(AnalogOutResolution) ZF(AnalogOutStatusFlags) ZF(AnalogOutEngineeringUnits) ZF(AnalogOutApplicationType)
ZF(AnalogDescription) ZF(AnalogOutOfService) ZF(AnalogValue) ZF(AnalogPriorityArray) ZF(AnalogReliability)
ZF(AnalogRelinquishDefault) ZF(AnalogStatusFlags) ZF(AnalogEngineeringUnits) ZF(AnalogApplicationType)
ZF(BinaryInActiveText) ZF(BinaryInDescription) ZF(BinaryInInactiveText) ZF(BinaryInOutOfService)
ZF(BinaryInPolarity) ZF(BinaryInValue) ZF(BinaryInPriorityArray) ZF(BinaryInReliability)
ZF(BinaryInStatusFlags) ZF(BinaryInApplicationType)
ZF(BinaryOutActiveText) ZF(BinaryOutDescription) ZF(BinaryOutInactiveText) ZF(BinaryOutMinimumOffTime)
ZF(BinaryOutMinimumOnTime) ZF(BinaryOutOutOfService) ZF(BinaryOutPolarity) ZF(BinaryOutValue)
ZF(BinaryOutPriorityArray) ZF(BinaryOutReliability) ZF(BinaryOutRelinquishDefault) ZF(BinaryOutStatusFlags)
ZF(BinaryActiveText) ZF(BinaryDescription) ZF(BinaryInactiveText) ZF(BinaryMinimumOffTime)
ZF(BinaryMinimumOnTime) ZF(BinaryOutOfService) ZF(BinaryValue) ZF(BinaryPriorityArray) ZF(BinaryReliability)
ZF(BinaryRelinquishDefault) ZF(BinaryStatusFlags) ZF(BinaryApplicationType)
ZF(MultiInStateText) ZF(MultiInDescription) ZF(MultiInNumberOfStates) ZF(MultiInOutOfService)
ZF(MultiInValue) ZF(MultiInReliability) ZF(MultiInStatusFlags) ZF(MultiInApplicationType)
ZF(MultiOutStateText) ZF(MultiOutDescription) ZF(MultiOutNumberOfStates) ZF(MultiOutOutOfService)
ZF(MultiOutValue) ZF(MultiOutPriorityArray) ZF(MultiOutReliability) ZF(MultiOutRelinquishDefault)
ZF(MultiOutStatusFlags) ZF(MultiOutApplicationType)
ZF(MultiStateText) ZF(MultiDescription) ZF(MultiNumberOfStates) ZF(MultiOutOfService) ZF(MultiValue)
ZF(MultiReliability) ZF(MultiRelinquishDefault) ZF(MultiStatusFlags) ZF(MultiApplicationType)
ZF(TotalProfileNum) ZF(MultipleScheduling) ZF(EnergyFormatting) ZF(EnergyRemote) ZF(ScheduleMode)
ZF(CheckinInterval) ZF(LongPollInterval) ZF(ShortPollInterval) ZF(FastPollTimeout) ZF(CheckinIntervalMin)
ZF(LongPollIntervalMin) ZF(FastPollTimeoutMax)
ZF(PhysicalClosedLimit) ZF(MotorStepSize) ZF(Status) ZF(ClosedLimit) ZF(Mode)
ZF(LockState) ZF(LockType) ZF(ActuatorEnabled) ZF(DoorState) ZF(DoorOpenEvents)
ZF(DoorClosedEvents) ZF(OpenPeriod)
ZF(AqaraVibrationMode) ZF(AqaraVibrationsOrAngle) ZF(AqaraVibration505) ZF(AqaraAccelerometer)
ZF(WindowCoveringType) ZF(PhysicalClosedLimitLift) ZF(PhysicalClosedLimitTilt) ZF(CurrentPositionLift)
ZF(CurrentPositionTilt) ZF(NumberofActuationsLift) ZF(NumberofActuationsTilt) ZF(ConfigStatus)
ZF(CurrentPositionLiftPercentage) ZF(CurrentPositionTiltPercentage) ZF(InstalledOpenLimitLift)
ZF(InstalledClosedLimitLift) ZF(InstalledOpenLimitTilt) ZF(InstalledClosedLimitTilt) ZF(VelocityLift)
ZF(AccelerationTimeLift) ZF(DecelerationTimeLift) ZF(IntermediateSetpointsLift)
ZF(Hue) ZF(Sat) ZF(RemainingTime) ZF(X) ZF(Y) ZF(DriftCompensation) ZF(CompensationText) ZF(CT)
ZF(ColorMode) ZF(NumberOfPrimaries) ZF(Primary1X) ZF(Primary1Y) ZF(Primary1Intensity) ZF(Primary2X)
ZF(Primary2Y) ZF(Primary2Intensity) ZF(Primary3X) ZF(Primary3Y) ZF(Primary3Intensity) ZF(WhitePointX)
ZF(WhitePointY) ZF(ColorPointRX) ZF(ColorPointRY) ZF(ColorPointRIntensity) ZF(ColorPointGX) ZF(ColorPointGY)
ZF(ColorPointGIntensity) ZF(ColorPointBX) ZF(ColorPointBY) ZF(ColorPointBIntensity)
ZF(Illuminance) ZF(IlluminanceMinMeasuredValue) ZF(IlluminanceMaxMeasuredValue) ZF(IlluminanceTolerance)
ZF(IlluminanceLightSensorType) ZF(IlluminanceLevelStatus) ZF(IlluminanceTargetLevel)
ZF(Temperature) ZF(TemperatureMinMeasuredValue) ZF(TemperatureMaxMeasuredValue) ZF(TemperatureTolerance)
ZF(PressureUnit) ZF(Pressure) ZF(PressureMinMeasuredValue) ZF(PressureMaxMeasuredValue) ZF(PressureTolerance)
ZF(PressureScaledValue) ZF(PressureMinScaledValue) ZF(PressureMaxScaledValue) ZF(PressureScaledTolerance)
ZF(FlowRate) ZF(FlowMinMeasuredValue) ZF(FlowMaxMeasuredValue) ZF(FlowTolerance)
ZF(Humidity) ZF(HumidityMinMeasuredValue) ZF(HumidityMaxMeasuredValue) ZF(HumidityTolerance)
ZF(Occupancy) ZF(OccupancySensorType)
ZF(ZoneState) ZF(ZoneType) ZF(ZoneStatus)
ZF(CompanyName) ZF(MeterTypeID) ZF(DataQualityID) ZF(CustomerName) ZF(Model) ZF(PartNumber)
ZF(SoftwareRevision) ZF(POD) ZF(AvailablePower) ZF(PowerThreshold) ZF(ProductRevision) ZF(UtilityName)
ZF(NumberOfResets) ZF(PersistentMemoryWrites) ZF(LastMessageLQI) ZF(LastMessageRSSI)
// list of post-processing directives
const Z_AttributeConverter Z_PostProcess[] PROGMEM = {
{ Zuint8, Cx0000, 0x0000, Z(ZCLVersion), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0000, 0x0001, Z(AppVersion), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0000, 0x0002, Z(StackVersion), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0000, 0x0003, Z(HWVersion), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0000, 0x0004, Z(Manufacturer), 1, Z_ManufKeep }, // record Manufacturer
{ Zstring, Cx0000, 0x0005, Z(ModelId), 1, Z_ModelKeep }, // record Model
{ Zstring, Cx0000, 0x0006, Z(DateCode), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0000, 0x0007, Z(PowerSource), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0000, 0x0008, Z(GenericDeviceClass), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0000, 0x0009, Z(GenericDeviceType), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0000, 0x000A, Z(ProductCode), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0000, 0x000B, Z(ProductURL), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0000, 0x4000, Z(SWBuildID), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0000, 0x0000, Z_(ZCLVersion), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0000, 0x0001, Z_(AppVersion), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0000, 0x0002, Z_(StackVersion), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0000, 0x0003, Z_(HWVersion), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0000, 0x0004, Z_(Manufacturer), 1, Z_ManufKeep }, // record Manufacturer
{ Zstring, Cx0000, 0x0005, Z_(ModelId), 1, Z_ModelKeep }, // record Model
{ Zstring, Cx0000, 0x0006, Z_(DateCode), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0000, 0x0007, Z_(PowerSource), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0000, 0x0008, Z_(GenericDeviceClass), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0000, 0x0009, Z_(GenericDeviceType), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0000, 0x000A, Z_(ProductCode), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0000, 0x000B, Z_(ProductURL), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0000, 0x4000, Z_(SWBuildID), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx0000, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
// Cmd 0x0A - Cluster 0x0000, attribute 0xFF01 - proprietary
{ Zmap8, Cx0000, 0xFF01, nullptr, 0, Z_AqaraSensor }, // Occupancy (map8)
{ Zmap8, Cx0000, 0xFF01, Z_(), 0, Z_AqaraSensor }, // Occupancy (map8)
// Power Configuration cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0001, 0x0000, Z(MainsVoltage), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0001, 0x0001, Z(MainsFrequency), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0001, 0x0020, Z(BatteryVoltage), -10,Z_Nop }, // divide by 10
{ Zuint8, Cx0001, 0x0021, Z(BatteryPercentage), -2, Z_BatteryPercentage }, // divide by 2
{ Zuint16, Cx0001, 0x0000, Z_(MainsVoltage), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0001, 0x0001, Z_(MainsFrequency), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0001, 0x0020, Z_(BatteryVoltage), -10,Z_Nop }, // divide by 10
{ Zuint8, Cx0001, 0x0021, Z_(BatteryPercentage), -2, Z_BatteryPercentage }, // divide by 2
// Device Temperature Configuration cluster
{ Zint16, Cx0002, 0x0000, Z(CurrentTemperature), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint16, Cx0002, 0x0001, Z(MinTempExperienced), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint16, Cx0002, 0x0002, Z(MaxTempExperienced), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0002, 0x0003, Z(OverTempTotalDwell), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint16, Cx0002, 0x0000, Z_(CurrentTemperature), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint16, Cx0002, 0x0001, Z_(MinTempExperienced), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint16, Cx0002, 0x0002, Z_(MaxTempExperienced), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0002, 0x0003, Z_(OverTempTotalDwell), 1, Z_Nop },
// Identify cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0003, 0x0000, Z(IdentifyTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0003, 0x0000, Z_(IdentifyTime), 1, Z_Nop },
// Groups cluster
{ Zmap8, Cx0004, 0x0000, Z(GroupNameSupport), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0004, 0x0000, Z_(GroupNameSupport), 1, Z_Nop },
// Scenes cluster
{ Zuint8, Cx0005, 0x0000, Z(SceneCount), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0005, 0x0001, Z(CurrentScene), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0005, 0x0002, Z(CurrentGroup), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0005, 0x0003, Z(SceneValid), 1, Z_Nop },
//{ Zmap8, Cx0005, 0x0004, Z(NameSupport), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0005, 0x0000, Z_(SceneCount), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0005, 0x0001, Z_(CurrentScene), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0005, 0x0002, Z_(CurrentGroup), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0005, 0x0003, Z_(SceneValid), 1, Z_Nop },
//{ Zmap8, Cx0005, 0x0004, Z_(NameSupport), 1, Z_Nop },
// On/off cluster
{ Zbool, Cx0006, 0x0000, Z(Power), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0006, 0x4003, Z(StartUpOnOff), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0006, 0x8000, Z(Power), 1, Z_Nop }, // See 7280
{ Zbool, Cx0006, 0x0000, Z_(Power), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0006, 0x4003, Z_(StartUpOnOff), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0006, 0x8000, Z_(Power), 1, Z_Nop }, // See 7280
// On/Off Switch Configuration cluster
{ Zenum8, Cx0007, 0x0000, Z(SwitchType), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0007, 0x0000, Z_(SwitchType), 1, Z_Nop },
// Level Control cluster
{ Zuint8, Cx0008, 0x0000, Z(Dimmer), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0008, 0x000F, Z(DimmerOptions), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0001, Z(DimmerRemainingTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0010, Z(OnOffTransitionTime), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zuint8, Cx0008, 0x0011, Z(OnLevel), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0012, Z(OnTransitionTime), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0013, Z(OffTransitionTime), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0014, Z(DefaultMoveRate), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0008, 0x0000, Z_(Dimmer), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0008, 0x000F, Z_(DimmerOptions), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0001, Z_(DimmerRemainingTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0010, Z_(OnOffTransitionTime), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zuint8, Cx0008, 0x0011, Z_(OnLevel), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0012, Z_(OnTransitionTime), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0013, Z_(OffTransitionTime), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zuint16, Cx0008, 0x0014, Z_(DefaultMoveRate), 1, Z_Nop },
// Alarms cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0009, 0x0000, Z(AlarmCount), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0009, 0x0000, Z_(AlarmCount), 1, Z_Nop },
// Time cluster
{ ZUTC, Cx000A, 0x0000, Z(Time), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000A, 0x0001, Z(TimeStatus), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint32, Cx000A, 0x0002, Z(TimeZone), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000A, 0x0003, Z(DstStart), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000A, 0x0004, Z(DstEnd), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint32, Cx000A, 0x0005, Z(DstShift), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000A, 0x0006, Z(StandardTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000A, 0x0007, Z(LocalTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ ZUTC, Cx000A, 0x0008, Z(LastSetTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ ZUTC, Cx000A, 0x0009, Z(ValidUntilTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ ZUTC, Cx000A, 0xFF00, Z(TimeEpoch), 1, Z_Nop }, // Tasmota specific, epoch
{ ZUTC, Cx000A, 0x0000, Z_(Time), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000A, 0x0001, Z_(TimeStatus), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint32, Cx000A, 0x0002, Z_(TimeZone), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000A, 0x0003, Z_(DstStart), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000A, 0x0004, Z_(DstEnd), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint32, Cx000A, 0x0005, Z_(DstShift), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000A, 0x0006, Z_(StandardTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000A, 0x0007, Z_(LocalTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ ZUTC, Cx000A, 0x0008, Z_(LastSetTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ ZUTC, Cx000A, 0x0009, Z_(ValidUntilTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ ZUTC, Cx000A, 0xFF00, Z_(TimeEpoch), 1, Z_Nop }, // Tasmota specific, epoch
// RSSI Location cluster
{ Zdata8, Cx000B, 0x0000, Z(LocationType), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000B, 0x0001, Z(LocationMethod), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx000B, 0x0002, Z(LocationAge), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx000B, 0x0003, Z(QualityMeasure), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx000B, 0x0004, Z(NumberOfDevices), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zdata8, Cx000B, 0x0000, Z_(LocationType), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000B, 0x0001, Z_(LocationMethod), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx000B, 0x0002, Z_(LocationAge), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx000B, 0x0003, Z_(QualityMeasure), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx000B, 0x0004, Z_(NumberOfDevices), 1, Z_Nop },
// Analog Input cluster
// { 0xFF, Cx000C, 0x0004, Z(AnalogInActiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000C, 0x001C, Z(AnalogInDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
// { 0xFF, Cx000C, 0x002E, Z(AnalogInInactiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000C, 0x0041, Z(AnalogInMaxValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000C, 0x0045, Z(AnalogInMinValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx000C, 0x0051, Z(AnalogInOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000C, 0x0055, Z(AqaraRotate), 1, Z_Nop },
// { 0xFF, Cx000C, 0x0057, Z(AnalogInPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000C, 0x0067, Z(AnalogInReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
// { 0xFF, Cx000C, 0x0068, Z(AnalogInRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000C, 0x006A, Z(AnalogInResolution), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000C, 0x006F, Z(AnalogInStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum16, Cx000C, 0x0075, Z(AnalogInEngineeringUnits),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000C, 0x0100, Z(AnalogInApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx000C, 0xFF05, Z(Aqara_FF05), 1, Z_Nop },
// { 0xFF, Cx000C, 0x0004, Z_(AnalogInActiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000C, 0x001C, Z_(AnalogInDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
// { 0xFF, Cx000C, 0x002E, Z_(AnalogInInactiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000C, 0x0041, Z_(AnalogInMaxValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000C, 0x0045, Z_(AnalogInMinValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx000C, 0x0051, Z_(AnalogInOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000C, 0x0055, Z_(AqaraRotate), 1, Z_Nop },
// { 0xFF, Cx000C, 0x0057, Z_(AnalogInPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000C, 0x0067, Z_(AnalogInReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
// { 0xFF, Cx000C, 0x0068, Z_(AnalogInRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000C, 0x006A, Z_(AnalogInResolution), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000C, 0x006F, Z_(AnalogInStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum16, Cx000C, 0x0075, Z_(AnalogInEngineeringUnits),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000C, 0x0100, Z_(AnalogInApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx000C, 0xFF05, Z_(Aqara_FF05), 1, Z_Nop },
// Analog Output cluster
{ Zstring, Cx000D, 0x001C, Z(AnalogOutDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x0041, Z(AnalogOutMaxValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x0045, Z(AnalogOutMinValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx000D, 0x0051, Z(AnalogOutOutOfService),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x0055, Z(AnalogOutValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx000D, 0x0057, Z(AnalogOutPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000D, 0x0067, Z(AnalogOutReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x0068, Z(AnalogOutRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x006A, Z(AnalogOutResolution), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000D, 0x006F, Z(AnalogOutStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum16, Cx000D, 0x0075, Z(AnalogOutEngineeringUnits),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000D, 0x0100, Z(AnalogOutApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000D, 0x001C, Z_(AnalogOutDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x0041, Z_(AnalogOutMaxValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x0045, Z_(AnalogOutMinValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx000D, 0x0051, Z_(AnalogOutOutOfService),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x0055, Z_(AnalogOutValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx000D, 0x0057, Z_(AnalogOutPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000D, 0x0067, Z_(AnalogOutReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x0068, Z_(AnalogOutRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000D, 0x006A, Z_(AnalogOutResolution), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000D, 0x006F, Z_(AnalogOutStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum16, Cx000D, 0x0075, Z_(AnalogOutEngineeringUnits),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000D, 0x0100, Z_(AnalogOutApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
// Analog Value cluster
{ Zstring, Cx000E, 0x001C, Z(AnalogDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx000E, 0x0051, Z(AnalogOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000E, 0x0055, Z(AnalogValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zunk, Cx000E, 0x0057, Z(AnalogPriorityArray), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000E, 0x0067, Z(AnalogReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000E, 0x0068, Z(AnalogRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000E, 0x006F, Z(AnalogStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum16, Cx000E, 0x0075, Z(AnalogEngineeringUnits),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000E, 0x0100, Z(AnalogApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000E, 0x001C, Z_(AnalogDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx000E, 0x0051, Z_(AnalogOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000E, 0x0055, Z_(AnalogValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zunk, Cx000E, 0x0057, Z_(AnalogPriorityArray), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000E, 0x0067, Z_(AnalogReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zsingle, Cx000E, 0x0068, Z_(AnalogRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000E, 0x006F, Z_(AnalogStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum16, Cx000E, 0x0075, Z_(AnalogEngineeringUnits),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000E, 0x0100, Z_(AnalogApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
// Binary Input cluster
{ Zstring, Cx000F, 0x0004, Z(BinaryInActiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000F, 0x001C, Z(BinaryInDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000F, 0x002E, Z(BinaryInInactiveText),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx000F, 0x0051, Z(BinaryInOutOfService),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000F, 0x0054, Z(BinaryInPolarity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000F, 0x0055, Z(BinaryInValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { 0xFF, Cx000F, 0x0057, Z(BinaryInPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000F, 0x0067, Z(BinaryInReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000F, 0x006F, Z(BinaryInStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000F, 0x0100, Z(BinaryInApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000F, 0x0004, Z_(BinaryInActiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000F, 0x001C, Z_(BinaryInDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000F, 0x002E, Z_(BinaryInInactiveText),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx000F, 0x0051, Z_(BinaryInOutOfService),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000F, 0x0054, Z_(BinaryInPolarity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx000F, 0x0055, Z_(BinaryInValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { 0xFF, Cx000F, 0x0057, Z_(BinaryInPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx000F, 0x0067, Z_(BinaryInReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx000F, 0x006F, Z_(BinaryInStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx000F, 0x0100, Z_(BinaryInApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
// Binary Output cluster
{ Zstring, Cx0010, 0x0004, Z(BinaryOutActiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0010, 0x001C, Z(BinaryOutDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0010, 0x002E, Z(BinaryOutInactiveText),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0010, 0x0042, Z(BinaryOutMinimumOffTime),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0010, 0x0043, Z(BinaryOutMinimumOnTime),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0010, 0x0051, Z(BinaryOutOutOfService),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0010, 0x0054, Z(BinaryOutPolarity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0010, 0x0055, Z(BinaryOutValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx0010, 0x0057, Z(BinaryOutPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0010, 0x0067, Z(BinaryOutReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0010, 0x0068, Z(BinaryOutRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0010, 0x006F, Z(BinaryOutStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0010, 0x0100, Z(BinaryOutApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0010, 0x0004, Z_(BinaryOutActiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0010, 0x001C, Z_(BinaryOutDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0010, 0x002E, Z_(BinaryOutInactiveText),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0010, 0x0042, Z_(BinaryOutMinimumOffTime),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0010, 0x0043, Z_(BinaryOutMinimumOnTime),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0010, 0x0051, Z_(BinaryOutOutOfService),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0010, 0x0054, Z_(BinaryOutPolarity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0010, 0x0055, Z_(BinaryOutValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx0010, 0x0057, Z_(BinaryOutPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0010, 0x0067, Z_(BinaryOutReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0010, 0x0068, Z_(BinaryOutRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0010, 0x006F, Z_(BinaryOutStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0010, 0x0100, Z_(BinaryOutApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
// Binary Value cluster
{ Zstring, Cx0011, 0x0004, Z(BinaryActiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0011, 0x001C, Z(BinaryDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0011, 0x002E, Z(BinaryInactiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0011, 0x0042, Z(BinaryMinimumOffTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0011, 0x0043, Z(BinaryMinimumOnTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0011, 0x0051, Z(BinaryOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0011, 0x0055, Z(BinaryValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx0011, 0x0057, Z(BinaryPriorityArray), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0011, 0x0067, Z(BinaryReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0011, 0x0068, Z(BinaryRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0011, 0x006F, Z(BinaryStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0011, 0x0100, Z(BinaryApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0011, 0x0004, Z_(BinaryActiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0011, 0x001C, Z_(BinaryDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0011, 0x002E, Z_(BinaryInactiveText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0011, 0x0042, Z_(BinaryMinimumOffTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0011, 0x0043, Z_(BinaryMinimumOnTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0011, 0x0051, Z_(BinaryOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0011, 0x0055, Z_(BinaryValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx0011, 0x0057, Z_(BinaryPriorityArray), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0011, 0x0067, Z_(BinaryReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0011, 0x0068, Z_(BinaryRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0011, 0x006F, Z_(BinaryStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0011, 0x0100, Z_(BinaryApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
// Multistate Input cluster
// { Zunk, Cx0012, 0x000E, Z(MultiInStateText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0012, 0x001C, Z(MultiInDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0012, 0x004A, Z(MultiInNumberOfStates),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0012, 0x0051, Z(MultiInOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0012, 0x0055, Z(MultiInValue), 0, Z_AqaraCube },
{ Zenum8, Cx0012, 0x0067, Z(MultiInReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0012, 0x006F, Z(MultiInStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0012, 0x0100, Z(MultiInApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx0012, 0x000E, Z_(MultiInStateText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0012, 0x001C, Z_(MultiInDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0012, 0x004A, Z_(MultiInNumberOfStates),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0012, 0x0051, Z_(MultiInOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0012, 0x0055, Z_(MultiInValue), 0, Z_AqaraCube },
{ Zenum8, Cx0012, 0x0067, Z_(MultiInReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0012, 0x006F, Z_(MultiInStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0012, 0x0100, Z_(MultiInApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
// Multistate output
// { Zunk, Cx0013, 0x000E, Z(MultiOutStateText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0013, 0x001C, Z(MultiOutDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0013, 0x004A, Z(MultiOutNumberOfStates),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0013, 0x0051, Z(MultiOutOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0013, 0x0055, Z(MultiOutValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx0013, 0x0057, Z(MultiOutPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0013, 0x0067, Z(MultiOutReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0013, 0x0068, Z(MultiOutRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0013, 0x006F, Z(MultiOutStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0013, 0x0100, Z(MultiOutApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx0013, 0x000E, Z_(MultiOutStateText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0013, 0x001C, Z_(MultiOutDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0013, 0x004A, Z_(MultiOutNumberOfStates),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0013, 0x0051, Z_(MultiOutOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0013, 0x0055, Z_(MultiOutValue), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx0013, 0x0057, Z_(MultiOutPriorityArray),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0013, 0x0067, Z_(MultiOutReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0013, 0x0068, Z_(MultiOutRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0013, 0x006F, Z_(MultiOutStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0013, 0x0100, Z_(MultiOutApplicationType),1, Z_Nop },
// Multistate Value cluster
// { Zunk, Cx0014, 0x000E, Z(MultiStateText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0014, 0x001C, Z(MultiDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0014, 0x004A, Z(MultiNumberOfStates), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0014, 0x0051, Z(MultiOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0014, 0x0055, Z(MultiValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0014, 0x0067, Z(MultiReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0014, 0x0068, Z(MultiRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0014, 0x006F, Z(MultiStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0014, 0x0100, Z(MultiApplicationType), 1, Z_Nop },
// { Zunk, Cx0014, 0x000E, Z_(MultiStateText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0014, 0x001C, Z_(MultiDescription), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0014, 0x004A, Z_(MultiNumberOfStates), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0014, 0x0051, Z_(MultiOutOfService), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0014, 0x0055, Z_(MultiValue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0014, 0x0067, Z_(MultiReliability), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0014, 0x0068, Z_(MultiRelinquishDefault),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0014, 0x006F, Z_(MultiStatusFlags), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0014, 0x0100, Z_(MultiApplicationType), 1, Z_Nop },
// Power Profile cluster
{ Zuint8, Cx001A, 0x0000, Z(TotalProfileNum), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx001A, 0x0001, Z(MultipleScheduling), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx001A, 0x0002, Z(EnergyFormatting), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx001A, 0x0003, Z(EnergyRemote), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx001A, 0x0004, Z(ScheduleMode), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx001A, 0x0000, Z_(TotalProfileNum), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx001A, 0x0001, Z_(MultipleScheduling), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx001A, 0x0002, Z_(EnergyFormatting), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx001A, 0x0003, Z_(EnergyRemote), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx001A, 0x0004, Z_(ScheduleMode), 1, Z_Nop },
// Poll Control cluster
{ Zuint32, Cx0020, 0x0000, Z(CheckinInterval), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0020, 0x0001, Z(LongPollInterval), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0020, 0x0002, Z(ShortPollInterval), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0020, 0x0003, Z(FastPollTimeout), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0020, 0x0004, Z(CheckinIntervalMin), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0020, 0x0005, Z(LongPollIntervalMin), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0020, 0x0006, Z(FastPollTimeoutMax), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0020, 0x0000, Z_(CheckinInterval), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0020, 0x0001, Z_(LongPollInterval), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0020, 0x0002, Z_(ShortPollInterval), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0020, 0x0003, Z_(FastPollTimeout), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0020, 0x0004, Z_(CheckinIntervalMin), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0020, 0x0005, Z_(LongPollIntervalMin), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0020, 0x0006, Z_(FastPollTimeoutMax), 1, Z_Nop },
// Shade Configuration cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0100, 0x0000, Z(PhysicalClosedLimit), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0100, 0x0001, Z(MotorStepSize), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0100, 0x0002, Z(Status), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0100, 0x0010, Z(ClosedLimit), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0100, 0x0011, Z(Mode), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0100, 0x0000, Z_(PhysicalClosedLimit), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0100, 0x0001, Z_(MotorStepSize), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0100, 0x0002, Z_(Status), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0100, 0x0010, Z_(ClosedLimit), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0100, 0x0011, Z_(Mode), 1, Z_Nop },
// Door Lock cluster
{ Zenum8, Cx0101, 0x0000, Z(LockState), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0101, 0x0001, Z(LockType), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0101, 0x0002, Z(ActuatorEnabled), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0101, 0x0003, Z(DoorState), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0101, 0x0004, Z(DoorOpenEvents), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0101, 0x0005, Z(DoorClosedEvents), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0101, 0x0006, Z(OpenPeriod), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0101, 0x0000, Z_(LockState), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0101, 0x0001, Z_(LockType), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zbool, Cx0101, 0x0002, Z_(ActuatorEnabled), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0101, 0x0003, Z_(DoorState), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0101, 0x0004, Z_(DoorOpenEvents), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0101, 0x0005, Z_(DoorClosedEvents), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0101, 0x0006, Z_(OpenPeriod), 1, Z_Nop },
// Aqara Lumi Vibration Sensor
{ Zuint16, Cx0101, 0x0055, Z(AqaraVibrationMode), 0, Z_AqaraVibration },
{ Zuint16, Cx0101, 0x0503, Z(AqaraVibrationsOrAngle), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0101, 0x0505, Z(AqaraVibration505), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint48, Cx0101, 0x0508, Z(AqaraAccelerometer), 0, Z_AqaraVibration },
{ Zuint16, Cx0101, 0x0055, Z_(AqaraVibrationMode), 0, Z_AqaraVibration },
{ Zuint16, Cx0101, 0x0503, Z_(AqaraVibrationsOrAngle), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint32, Cx0101, 0x0505, Z_(AqaraVibration505), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint48, Cx0101, 0x0508, Z_(AqaraAccelerometer), 0, Z_AqaraVibration },
// Window Covering cluster
{ Zenum8, Cx0102, 0x0000, Z(WindowCoveringType), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0001, Z(PhysicalClosedLimitLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0002, Z(PhysicalClosedLimitTilt),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0003, Z(CurrentPositionLift), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0004, Z(CurrentPositionTilt), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0005, Z(NumberofActuationsLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0006, Z(NumberofActuationsTilt),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0102, 0x0007, Z(ConfigStatus), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0102, 0x0008, Z(CurrentPositionLiftPercentage),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0102, 0x0009, Z(CurrentPositionTiltPercentage),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0010, Z(InstalledOpenLimitLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0011, Z(InstalledClosedLimitLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0012, Z(InstalledOpenLimitTilt),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0013, Z(InstalledClosedLimitTilt),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0014, Z(VelocityLift), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0015, Z(AccelerationTimeLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0016, Z(DecelerationTimeLift), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0102, 0x0017, Z(Mode), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0102, 0x0018, Z(IntermediateSetpointsLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0102, 0x0019, Z(IntermediateSetpointsTilt),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0102, 0x0000, Z_(WindowCoveringType), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0001, Z_(PhysicalClosedLimitLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0002, Z_(PhysicalClosedLimitTilt),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0003, Z_(CurrentPositionLift), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0004, Z_(CurrentPositionTilt), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0005, Z_(NumberofActuationsLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0006, Z_(NumberofActuationsTilt),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0102, 0x0007, Z_(ConfigStatus), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0102, 0x0008, Z_(CurrentPositionLiftPercentage),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0102, 0x0009, Z_(CurrentPositionTiltPercentage),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0010, Z_(InstalledOpenLimitLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0011, Z_(InstalledClosedLimitLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0012, Z_(InstalledOpenLimitTilt),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0013, Z_(InstalledClosedLimitTilt),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0014, Z_(VelocityLift), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0015, Z_(AccelerationTimeLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0102, 0x0016, Z_(DecelerationTimeLift), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zmap8, Cx0102, 0x0017, Z_(Mode), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0102, 0x0018, Z_(IntermediateSetpointsLift),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0102, 0x0019, Z_(IntermediateSetpointsTilt),1, Z_Nop },
// Color Control cluster
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0000, Z(Hue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0001, Z(Sat), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0002, Z(RemainingTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0003, Z(X), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0004, Z(Y), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0300, 0x0005, Z(DriftCompensation), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0300, 0x0006, Z(CompensationText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0007, Z(CT), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0300, 0x0008, Z(ColorMode), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0010, Z(NumberOfPrimaries), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0011, Z(Primary1X), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0012, Z(Primary1Y), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0013, Z(Primary1Intensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0015, Z(Primary2X), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0016, Z(Primary2Y), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0017, Z(Primary2Intensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0019, Z(Primary3X), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x001A, Z(Primary3Y), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x001B, Z(Primary3Intensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0030, Z(WhitePointX), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0031, Z(WhitePointY), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0032, Z(ColorPointRX), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0033, Z(ColorPointRY), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0034, Z(ColorPointRIntensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0036, Z(ColorPointGX), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0037, Z(ColorPointGY), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0038, Z(ColorPointGIntensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x003A, Z(ColorPointBX), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x003B, Z(ColorPointBY), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x003C, Z(ColorPointBIntensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0000, Z_(Hue), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0001, Z_(Sat), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0002, Z_(RemainingTime), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0003, Z_(X), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0004, Z_(Y), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0300, 0x0005, Z_(DriftCompensation), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0300, 0x0006, Z_(CompensationText), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0007, Z_(CT), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zenum8, Cx0300, 0x0008, Z_(ColorMode), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0010, Z_(NumberOfPrimaries), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0011, Z_(Primary1X), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0012, Z_(Primary1Y), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0013, Z_(Primary1Intensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0015, Z_(Primary2X), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0016, Z_(Primary2Y), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0017, Z_(Primary2Intensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0019, Z_(Primary3X), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x001A, Z_(Primary3Y), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x001B, Z_(Primary3Intensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0030, Z_(WhitePointX), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0031, Z_(WhitePointY), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0032, Z_(ColorPointRX), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0033, Z_(ColorPointRY), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0034, Z_(ColorPointRIntensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0036, Z_(ColorPointGX), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x0037, Z_(ColorPointGY), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x0038, Z_(ColorPointGIntensity), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x003A, Z_(ColorPointBX), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0300, 0x003B, Z_(ColorPointBY), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0300, 0x003C, Z_(ColorPointBIntensity), 1, Z_Nop },
// Illuminance Measurement cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0400, 0x0000, Z(Illuminance), 1, Z_Nop }, // Illuminance (in Lux)
{ Zuint16, Cx0400, 0x0001, Z(IlluminanceMinMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0400, 0x0002, Z(IlluminanceMaxMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0400, 0x0003, Z(IlluminanceTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zenum8, Cx0400, 0x0004, Z(IlluminanceLightSensorType), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0400, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
{ Zuint16, Cx0400, 0x0000, Z_(Illuminance), 1, Z_Nop }, // Illuminance (in Lux)
{ Zuint16, Cx0400, 0x0001, Z_(IlluminanceMinMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0400, 0x0002, Z_(IlluminanceMaxMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0400, 0x0003, Z_(IlluminanceTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zenum8, Cx0400, 0x0004, Z_(IlluminanceLightSensorType), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0400, 0xFFFF, Z_(), 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
// Illuminance Level Sensing cluster
{ Zenum8, Cx0401, 0x0000, Z(IlluminanceLevelStatus), 1, Z_Nop }, // Illuminance (in Lux)
{ Zenum8, Cx0401, 0x0001, Z(IlluminanceLightSensorType), 1, Z_Nop }, // LightSensorType
{ Zuint16, Cx0401, 0x0010, Z(IlluminanceTargetLevel), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0401, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
{ Zenum8, Cx0401, 0x0000, Z_(IlluminanceLevelStatus), 1, Z_Nop }, // Illuminance (in Lux)
{ Zenum8, Cx0401, 0x0001, Z_(IlluminanceLightSensorType), 1, Z_Nop }, // LightSensorType
{ Zuint16, Cx0401, 0x0010, Z_(IlluminanceTargetLevel), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0401, 0xFFFF, Z_(), 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
// Temperature Measurement cluster
{ Zint16, Cx0402, 0x0000, Z(Temperature), -100, Z_Nop }, // divide by 100
{ Zint16, Cx0402, 0x0001, Z(TemperatureMinMeasuredValue), -100, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0402, 0x0002, Z(TemperatureMaxMeasuredValue), -100, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0402, 0x0003, Z(TemperatureTolerance), -100, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0402, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
{ Zint16, Cx0402, 0x0000, Z_(Temperature), -100, Z_Nop }, // divide by 100
{ Zint16, Cx0402, 0x0001, Z_(TemperatureMinMeasuredValue), -100, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0402, 0x0002, Z_(TemperatureMaxMeasuredValue), -100, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0402, 0x0003, Z_(TemperatureTolerance), -100, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0402, 0xFFFF, Z_(), 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
// Pressure Measurement cluster
{ Zunk, Cx0403, 0x0000, Z(PressureUnit), 0, Z_AddPressureUnit }, // Pressure Unit
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0000, Z(Pressure), 1, Z_Nop }, // Pressure
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0001, Z(PressureMinMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0002, Z(PressureMaxMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0403, 0x0003, Z(PressureTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0010, Z(PressureScaledValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0011, Z(PressureMinScaledValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0012, Z(PressureMaxScaledValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0403, 0x0013, Z(PressureScaledTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint8, Cx0403, 0x0014, Z(PressureScale), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0403, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other Pressure values
{ Zunk, Cx0403, 0x0000, Z_(PressureUnit), 0, Z_AddPressureUnit }, // Pressure Unit
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0000, Z_(Pressure), 1, Z_Nop }, // Pressure
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0001, Z_(PressureMinMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0002, Z_(PressureMaxMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0403, 0x0003, Z_(PressureTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0010, Z_(PressureScaledValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0011, Z_(PressureMinScaledValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint16, Cx0403, 0x0012, Z_(PressureMaxScaledValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0403, 0x0013, Z_(PressureScaledTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zint8, Cx0403, 0x0014, Z_(PressureScale), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0403, 0xFFFF, Z_(), 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other Pressure values
// Flow Measurement cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0404, 0x0000, Z(FlowRate), -10, Z_Nop }, // Flow (in m3/h)
{ Zuint16, Cx0404, 0x0001, Z(FlowMinMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0404, 0x0002, Z(FlowMaxMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0404, 0x0003, Z(FlowTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0404, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
{ Zuint16, Cx0404, 0x0000, Z_(FlowRate), -10, Z_Nop }, // Flow (in m3/h)
{ Zuint16, Cx0404, 0x0001, Z_(FlowMinMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0404, 0x0002, Z_(FlowMaxMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0404, 0x0003, Z_(FlowTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0404, 0xFFFF, Z_(), 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
// Relative Humidity Measurement cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0405, 0x0000, Z(Humidity), -100, Z_Nop }, // Humidity
{ Zuint16, Cx0405, 0x0001, Z(HumidityMinMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0405, 0x0002, Z(HumidityMaxMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0405, 0x0003, Z(HumidityTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0405, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
{ Zuint16, Cx0405, 0x0000, Z_(Humidity), -100, Z_Nop }, // Humidity
{ Zuint16, Cx0405, 0x0001, Z_(HumidityMinMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0405, 0x0002, Z_(HumidityMaxMeasuredValue), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zuint16, Cx0405, 0x0003, Z_(HumidityTolerance), 1, Z_Nop }, //
{ Zunk, Cx0405, 0xFFFF, Z_(), 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
// Occupancy Sensing cluster
{ Zmap8, Cx0406, 0x0000, Z(Occupancy), 1, Z_Nop }, // Occupancy (map8)
{ Zenum8, Cx0406, 0x0001, Z(OccupancySensorType), 1, Z_Nop }, // OccupancySensorType
{ Zunk, Cx0406, 0xFFFF, nullptr, 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
{ Zmap8, Cx0406, 0x0000, Z_(Occupancy), 1, Z_Nop }, // Occupancy (map8)
{ Zenum8, Cx0406, 0x0001, Z_(OccupancySensorType), 1, Z_Nop }, // OccupancySensorType
{ Zunk, Cx0406, 0xFFFF, Z_(), 0, Z_Nop }, // Remove all other values
// IAS Cluster (Intruder Alarm System)
{ Zenum8, Cx0500, 0x0000, Z(ZoneState), 1, Z_Nop }, // Occupancy (map8)
{ Zenum16, Cx0500, 0x0001, Z(ZoneType), 1, Z_Nop }, // Occupancy (map8)
{ Zmap16, Cx0500, 0x0002, Z(ZoneStatus), 1, Z_Nop }, // Occupancy (map8)
{ Zenum8, Cx0500, 0x0000, Z_(ZoneState), 1, Z_Nop }, // Occupancy (map8)
{ Zenum16, Cx0500, 0x0001, Z_(ZoneType), 1, Z_Nop }, // Occupancy (map8)
{ Zmap16, Cx0500, 0x0002, Z_(ZoneStatus), 1, Z_Nop }, // Occupancy (map8)
// Meter Identification cluster
{ Zstring, Cx0B01, 0x0000, Z(CompanyName), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0B01, 0x0001, Z(MeterTypeID), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0B01, 0x0004, Z(DataQualityID), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0B01, 0x0005, Z(CustomerName), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0B01, 0x0006, Z(Model), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0B01, 0x0007, Z(PartNumber), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0B01, 0x0008, Z(ProductRevision), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0B01, 0x000A, Z(SoftwareRevision), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0B01, 0x000B, Z(UtilityName), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0B01, 0x000C, Z(POD), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint24, Cx0B01, 0x000D, Z(AvailablePower), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint24, Cx0B01, 0x000E, Z(PowerThreshold), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0B01, 0x0000, Z_(CompanyName), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0B01, 0x0001, Z_(MeterTypeID), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0B01, 0x0004, Z_(DataQualityID), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0B01, 0x0005, Z_(CustomerName), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0B01, 0x0006, Z_(Model), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0B01, 0x0007, Z_(PartNumber), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0B01, 0x0008, Z_(ProductRevision), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zoctstr, Cx0B01, 0x000A, Z_(SoftwareRevision), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0B01, 0x000B, Z_(UtilityName), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zstring, Cx0B01, 0x000C, Z_(POD), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint24, Cx0B01, 0x000D, Z_(AvailablePower), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zint24, Cx0B01, 0x000E, Z_(PowerThreshold), 1, Z_Nop },
// Diagnostics cluster
{ Zuint16, Cx0B05, 0x0000, Z(NumberOfResets), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0B05, 0x0001, Z(PersistentMemoryWrites),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0B05, 0x011C, Z(LastMessageLQI), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0B05, 0x011D, Z(LastMessageRSSI), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0B05, 0x0000, Z_(NumberOfResets), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint16, Cx0B05, 0x0001, Z_(PersistentMemoryWrites),1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0B05, 0x011C, Z_(LastMessageLQI), 1, Z_Nop },
{ Zuint8, Cx0B05, 0x011D, Z_(LastMessageRSSI), 1, Z_Nop },
@ -630,13 +536,13 @@ const __FlashStringHelper* zigbeeFindAttributeByName(const char *command,
uint8_t *cb) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(Z_PostProcess); i++) {
const Z_AttributeConverter *converter = &Z_PostProcess[i];
if (nullptr == converter->name) { continue; } // avoid strcasecmp_P() from crashing
if (0 == strcasecmp_P(command, converter->name)) {
if (0 == pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset)) { continue; } // avoid strcasecmp_P() from crashing
if (0 == strcasecmp_P(command, Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset))) {
if (cluster) { *cluster = CxToCluster(pgm_read_byte(&converter->cluster_short)); }
if (attribute) { *attribute = pgm_read_word(&converter->attribute); }
if (multiplier) { *multiplier = pgm_read_byte(&converter->multiplier); }
if (cb) { *cb = pgm_read_byte(&converter->cb); }
return (const __FlashStringHelper*) converter->name;
return (const __FlashStringHelper*) (Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset));
return nullptr;
@ -1132,7 +1038,7 @@ void ZCLFrame::parseReadAttributes(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset) {
uint16_t conv_attribute = pgm_read_word(&converter->attribute);
if ((conv_cluster == _cluster_id) && (conv_attribute == attrid)) {
attr_names[(const __FlashStringHelper*) converter->name] = true;
attr_names[(const __FlashStringHelper*) (Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset))] = true;
@ -1178,7 +1084,7 @@ void ZCLFrame::parseReadConfigAttributes(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset) {
uint16_t conv_attribute = pgm_read_word(&converter->attribute);
if ((conv_cluster == _cluster_id) && (conv_attribute == attrid)) {
attr_details[(const __FlashStringHelper*) converter->name] = true;
attr_details[(const __FlashStringHelper*) (Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset))] = true;
@ -1611,7 +1517,7 @@ void ZCLFrame::postProcessAttributes(uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json) {
if ((conv_cluster == cluster) &&
((conv_attribute == attribute) || (conv_attribute == 0xFFFF)) ) {
String new_name_str = (const __FlashStringHelper*) converter->name;
String new_name_str = (const __FlashStringHelper*) (Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset));
if (suffix > 1) { new_name_str += suffix; } // append suffix number
// else if (Settings.flag4.zb_index_ep) {
// if (zigbee_devices.countEndpoints(shortaddr) > 0) {
@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
typedef struct Z_CommandConverter {
const char * tasmota_cmd;
uint16_t tasmota_cmd_offset;
uint16_t cluster;
uint8_t cmd; // normally 8 bits, 0xFF means it's a parameter
uint8_t direction; // direction of the command. 0x01 client->server, 0x02 server->client, 0x03 both, 0x80 requires custom decoding
const char * param;
uint16_t param_offset;
} Z_CommandConverter;
typedef struct Z_XYZ_Var { // Holds values for vairables X, Y and Z
@ -40,29 +40,6 @@ typedef struct Z_XYZ_Var { // Holds values for vairables X, Y and Z
uint8_t z_type = 0;
} Z_XYZ_Var;
ZF(Identify) ZF(IdentifyQuery)
ZF(AddGroup) ZF(ViewGroup) ZF(GetGroup) ZF(GetAllGroups) ZF(RemoveGroup) ZF(RemoveAllGroups)
ZF(AddScene) ZF(ViewScene) ZF(RemoveScene) ZF(RemoveAllScenes) ZF(RecallScene) ZF(StoreScene) ZF(GetSceneMembership)
//ZF(Power) ZF(Dimmer)
ZF(PowerOffEffect) ZF(PowerOnRecall) ZF(PowerOnTimer)
ZF(DimmerUp) ZF(DimmerDown) ZF(DimmerStop)
ZF(ResetAlarm) ZF(ResetAllAlarms)
//ZF(Hue) ZF(Sat) ZF(CT)
ZF(HueSat) ZF(Color)
ZF(ShutterOpen) ZF(ShutterClose) ZF(ShutterStop) ZF(ShutterLift) ZF(ShutterTilt) ZF(Shutter)
ZF(DimmerMove) ZF(DimmerStep) ZF(DimmerStepUp) ZF(DimmerStepDown)
ZF(HueMove) ZF(HueStep) ZF(HueStepUp) ZF(HueStepDown) ZF(SatMove) ZF(SatStep) ZF(ColorMove) ZF(ColorStep)
ZF(ColorTempMoveUp) ZF(ColorTempMoveDown) ZF(ColorTempMoveStop) ZF(ColorTempMove)
ZF(ColorTempStep) ZF(ColorTempStepUp) ZF(ColorTempStepDown)
ZF(ArrowClick) ZF(ArrowHold) ZF(ArrowRelease) ZF(ZoneStatusChange)
ZF(xxxx00) ZF(xxxx) ZF(01xxxx) ZF(03xxxx) ZF(00) ZF(01) ZF() ZF(xxxxyy) ZF(00190200) ZF(01190200) ZF(xxyyyy) ZF(xx)
ZF(xx000A00) ZF(xx0A00) ZF(xxyy0A00) ZF(xxxxyyyy0A00) ZF(xxxx0A00) ZF(xx0A) ZF(xxyy)
ZF(xx190A00) ZF(xx19) ZF(xx190A) ZF(xxxxyyyy) ZF(xxxxyyzz) ZF(xxyyzzzz) ZF(xxyyyyzz) ZF(xxyyyyzzzz)
ZF(01xxxx000000000000) ZF(03xxxx000000000000) ZF(00xxxx000000000000) ZF(xxyyyy000000000000)
ZF(00xx0A00) ZF(01xx0A00) ZF(03xx0A00) ZF(01xxxx0A0000000000) ZF(03xxxx0A0000000000) ZF(xxyyyy0A0000000000)
// Cluster specific commands
// Note: the table is both for sending commands, but also displaying received commands
// - tasmota_cmd: the human-readable name of the command as entered or displayed, use '|' to split into multiple commands when displayed
@ -72,91 +49,91 @@ ZF(00xx0A00) ZF(01xx0A00) ZF(03xx0A00) ZF(01xxxx0A0000000000) ZF(03xxxx0A0000000
// - param: the paylod template, x/y/z are substituted with arguments, little endian. For command display, payload must match until x/y/z character or until the end of the paylod. '??' means ignore.
const Z_CommandConverter Z_Commands[] PROGMEM = {
// Identify cluster
{ Z(Identify), 0x0003, 0x00, 0x01, Z(xxxx) }, // Identify device, time in seconds
{ Z(IdentifyQuery), 0x0003, 0x01, 0x01, Z() }, // Identify Query (no param)
{ Z_(Identify), 0x0003, 0x00, 0x01, Z_(xxxx) }, // Identify device, time in seconds
{ Z_(IdentifyQuery), 0x0003, 0x01, 0x01, Z_() }, // Identify Query (no param)
// Group adress commands
{ Z(AddGroup), 0x0004, 0x00, 0x01, Z(xxxx00) }, // Add group id, group name is not supported
{ Z(ViewGroup), 0x0004, 0x01, 0x01, Z(xxxx) }, // Ask for the group name
{ Z(GetGroup), 0x0004, 0x02, 0x01, Z(01xxxx) }, // Get one group membership
{ Z(GetAllGroups), 0x0004, 0x02, 0x01, Z(00) }, // Get all groups membership
{ Z(RemoveGroup), 0x0004, 0x03, 0x01, Z(xxxx) }, // Remove one group
{ Z(RemoveAllGroups),0x0004, 0x04, 0x01, Z() }, // Remove all groups
{ Z_(AddGroup), 0x0004, 0x00, 0x01, Z_(xxxx00) }, // Add group id, group name is not supported
{ Z_(ViewGroup), 0x0004, 0x01, 0x01, Z_(xxxx) }, // Ask for the group name
{ Z_(GetGroup), 0x0004, 0x02, 0x01, Z_(01xxxx) }, // Get one group membership
{ Z_(GetAllGroups), 0x0004, 0x02, 0x01, Z_(00) }, // Get all groups membership
{ Z_(RemoveGroup), 0x0004, 0x03, 0x01, Z_(xxxx) }, // Remove one group
{ Z_(RemoveAllGroups),0x0004, 0x04, 0x01, Z_() }, // Remove all groups
// Scenes
//{ "AddScene", 0x0005, 0x00, 0x01, "xxxxyy0100" },
{ Z(ViewScene), 0x0005, 0x01, 0x01, Z(xxxxyy) },
{ Z(RemoveScene), 0x0005, 0x02, 0x01, Z(xxxxyy) },
{ Z(RemoveAllScenes),0x0005, 0x03, 0x01, Z(xxxx) },
{ Z(RecallScene), 0x0005, 0x05, 0x01, Z(xxxxyy) },
{ Z(GetSceneMembership),0x0005, 0x06, 0x01, Z(xxxx) },
{ Z_(ViewScene), 0x0005, 0x01, 0x01, Z_(xxxxyy) },
{ Z_(RemoveScene), 0x0005, 0x02, 0x01, Z_(xxxxyy) },
{ Z_(RemoveAllScenes),0x0005, 0x03, 0x01, Z_(xxxx) },
{ Z_(RecallScene), 0x0005, 0x05, 0x01, Z_(xxxxyy) },
{ Z_(GetSceneMembership),0x0005, 0x06, 0x01, Z_(xxxx) },
// Light & Shutter commands
{ Z(PowerOffEffect), 0x0006, 0x40, 0x81, Z(xxyy) }, // Power Off With Effect
{ Z(PowerOnRecall), 0x0006, 0x41, 0x81, Z() }, // Power On With Recall Global Scene
{ Z(PowerOnTimer), 0x0006, 0x42, 0x81, Z(xxyyyyzzzz) }, // Power On with Timed Off
{ Z(Power), 0x0006, 0xFF, 0x01, Z() }, // 0=Off, 1=On, 2=Toggle
{ Z(Dimmer), 0x0008, 0x04, 0x01, Z(xx0A00) }, // Move to Level with On/Off, xx=0..254 (255 is invalid)
{ Z(DimmerUp), 0x0008, 0x06, 0x01, Z(00190200) }, // Step up by 10%, 0.2 secs
{ Z(DimmerDown), 0x0008, 0x06, 0x01, Z(01190200) }, // Step down by 10%, 0.2 secs
{ Z(DimmerStop), 0x0008, 0x03, 0x01, Z() }, // Stop any Dimmer animation
{ Z(ResetAlarm), 0x0009, 0x00, 0x01, Z(xxyyyy) }, // Reset alarm (alarm code + cluster identifier)
{ Z(ResetAllAlarms), 0x0009, 0x01, 0x01, Z() }, // Reset all alarms
{ Z(Hue), 0x0300, 0x00, 0x01, Z(xx000A00) }, // Move to Hue, shortest time, 1s
{ Z(Sat), 0x0300, 0x03, 0x01, Z(xx0A00) }, // Move to Sat
{ Z(HueSat), 0x0300, 0x06, 0x01, Z(xxyy0A00) }, // Hue, Sat
{ Z(Color), 0x0300, 0x07, 0x01, Z(xxxxyyyy0A00) }, // x, y (uint16)
{ Z(CT), 0x0300, 0x0A, 0x01, Z(xxxx0A00) }, // Color Temperature Mireds (uint16)
{ Z(ShutterOpen), 0x0102, 0x00, 0x01, Z() },
{ Z(ShutterClose), 0x0102, 0x01, 0x01, Z() },
{ Z(ShutterStop), 0x0102, 0x02, 0x01, Z() },
{ Z(ShutterLift), 0x0102, 0x05, 0x01, Z(xx) }, // Lift percentage, 0%=open, 100%=closed
{ Z(ShutterTilt), 0x0102, 0x08, 0x01, Z(xx) }, // Tilt percentage
{ Z(Shutter), 0x0102, 0xFF, 0x01, Z() },
{ Z_(PowerOffEffect), 0x0006, 0x40, 0x81, Z_(xxyy) }, // Power Off With Effect
{ Z_(PowerOnRecall), 0x0006, 0x41, 0x81, Z_() }, // Power On With Recall Global Scene
{ Z_(PowerOnTimer), 0x0006, 0x42, 0x81, Z_(xxyyyyzzzz) }, // Power On with Timed Off
{ Z_(Power), 0x0006, 0xFF, 0x01, Z_() }, // 0=Off, 1=On, 2=Toggle
{ Z_(Dimmer), 0x0008, 0x04, 0x01, Z_(xx0A00) }, // Move to Level with On/Off, xx=0..254 (255 is invalid)
{ Z_(DimmerUp), 0x0008, 0x06, 0x01, Z_(00190200) }, // Step up by 10%, 0.2 secs
{ Z_(DimmerDown), 0x0008, 0x06, 0x01, Z_(01190200) }, // Step down by 10%, 0.2 secs
{ Z_(DimmerStop), 0x0008, 0x03, 0x01, Z_() }, // Stop any Dimmer animation
{ Z_(ResetAlarm), 0x0009, 0x00, 0x01, Z_(xxyyyy) }, // Reset alarm (alarm code + cluster identifier)
{ Z_(ResetAllAlarms), 0x0009, 0x01, 0x01, Z_() }, // Reset all alarms
{ Z_(Hue), 0x0300, 0x00, 0x01, Z_(xx000A00) }, // Move to Hue, shortest time, 1s
{ Z_(Sat), 0x0300, 0x03, 0x01, Z_(xx0A00) }, // Move to Sat
{ Z_(HueSat), 0x0300, 0x06, 0x01, Z_(xxyy0A00) }, // Hue, Sat
{ Z_(Color), 0x0300, 0x07, 0x01, Z_(xxxxyyyy0A00) }, // x, y (uint16)
{ Z_(CT), 0x0300, 0x0A, 0x01, Z_(xxxx0A00) }, // Color Temperature Mireds (uint16)
{ Z_(ShutterOpen), 0x0102, 0x00, 0x01, Z_() },
{ Z_(ShutterClose), 0x0102, 0x01, 0x01, Z_() },
{ Z_(ShutterStop), 0x0102, 0x02, 0x01, Z_() },
{ Z_(ShutterLift), 0x0102, 0x05, 0x01, Z_(xx) }, // Lift percentage, 0%=open, 100%=closed
{ Z_(ShutterTilt), 0x0102, 0x08, 0x01, Z_(xx) }, // Tilt percentage
{ Z_(Shutter), 0x0102, 0xFF, 0x01, Z_() },
// Blitzwolf PIR
{ Z(Occupancy), 0xEF00, 0x01, 0x82, Z()}, // Specific decoder for Blitzwolf PIR, empty name means special treatment
{ Z_(Occupancy), 0xEF00, 0x01, 0x82, Z_()}, // Specific decoder for Blitzwolf PIR, empty name means special treatment
// Decoders only - normally not used to send, and names may be masked by previous definitions
{ Z(Dimmer), 0x0008, 0x00, 0x01, Z(xx) },
{ Z(DimmerMove), 0x0008, 0x01, 0x01, Z(xx0A) },
{ Z(DimmerStepUp), 0x0008, 0x02, 0x01, Z(00xx0A00) },
{ Z(DimmerStepDown), 0x0008, 0x02, 0x01, Z(01xx0A00) },
{ Z(DimmerStep), 0x0008, 0x02, 0x01, Z(xx190A00) },
{ Z(DimmerMove), 0x0008, 0x05, 0x01, Z(xx0A) },
{ Z(DimmerUp), 0x0008, 0x06, 0x01, Z(00) },
{ Z(DimmerDown), 0x0008, 0x06, 0x01, Z(01) },
{ Z(DimmerStop), 0x0008, 0x07, 0x01, Z() },
{ Z(HueMove), 0x0300, 0x01, 0x01, Z(xx19) },
{ Z(HueStepUp), 0x0300, 0x02, 0x01, Z(01xx0A00) },
{ Z(HueStepDown), 0x0300, 0x02, 0x01, Z(03xx0A00) },
{ Z(HueStep), 0x0300, 0x02, 0x01, Z(xx190A00) },
{ Z(SatMove), 0x0300, 0x04, 0x01, Z(xx19) },
{ Z(SatStep), 0x0300, 0x05, 0x01, Z(xx190A) },
{ Z(ColorMove), 0x0300, 0x08, 0x01, Z(xxxxyyyy) },
{ Z(ColorStep), 0x0300, 0x09, 0x01, Z(xxxxyyyy0A00) },
{ Z(ColorTempMoveUp), 0x0300, 0x4B, 0x01, Z(01xxxx000000000000) },
{ Z(ColorTempMoveDown),0x0300, 0x4B, 0x01, Z(03xxxx000000000000) },
{ Z(ColorTempMoveStop),0x0300, 0x4B, 0x01, Z(00xxxx000000000000) },
{ Z(ColorTempMove), 0x0300, 0x4B, 0x01, Z(xxyyyy000000000000) },
{ Z(ColorTempStepUp), 0x0300, 0x4C, 0x01, Z(01xxxx0A0000000000) },
{ Z(ColorTempStepDown),0x0300, 0x4C, 0x01, Z(03xxxx0A0000000000) },
{ Z(ColorTempStep), 0x0300, 0x4C, 0x01, Z(xxyyyy0A0000000000) }, //xx = 0x01 up, 0x03 down, yyyy = step
{ Z_(Dimmer), 0x0008, 0x00, 0x01, Z_(xx) },
{ Z_(DimmerMove), 0x0008, 0x01, 0x01, Z_(xx0A) },
{ Z_(DimmerStepUp), 0x0008, 0x02, 0x01, Z_(00xx0A00) },
{ Z_(DimmerStepDown), 0x0008, 0x02, 0x01, Z_(01xx0A00) },
{ Z_(DimmerStep), 0x0008, 0x02, 0x01, Z_(xx190A00) },
{ Z_(DimmerMove), 0x0008, 0x05, 0x01, Z_(xx0A) },
{ Z_(DimmerUp), 0x0008, 0x06, 0x01, Z_(00) },
{ Z_(DimmerDown), 0x0008, 0x06, 0x01, Z_(01) },
{ Z_(DimmerStop), 0x0008, 0x07, 0x01, Z_() },
{ Z_(HueMove), 0x0300, 0x01, 0x01, Z_(xx19) },
{ Z_(HueStepUp), 0x0300, 0x02, 0x01, Z_(01xx0A00) },
{ Z_(HueStepDown), 0x0300, 0x02, 0x01, Z_(03xx0A00) },
{ Z_(HueStep), 0x0300, 0x02, 0x01, Z_(xx190A00) },
{ Z_(SatMove), 0x0300, 0x04, 0x01, Z_(xx19) },
{ Z_(SatStep), 0x0300, 0x05, 0x01, Z_(xx190A) },
{ Z_(ColorMove), 0x0300, 0x08, 0x01, Z_(xxxxyyyy) },
{ Z_(ColorStep), 0x0300, 0x09, 0x01, Z_(xxxxyyyy0A00) },
{ Z_(ColorTempMoveUp), 0x0300, 0x4B, 0x01, Z_(01xxxx000000000000) },
{ Z_(ColorTempMoveDown),0x0300, 0x4B, 0x01, Z_(03xxxx000000000000) },
{ Z_(ColorTempMoveStop),0x0300, 0x4B, 0x01, Z_(00xxxx000000000000) },
{ Z_(ColorTempMove), 0x0300, 0x4B, 0x01, Z_(xxyyyy000000000000) },
{ Z_(ColorTempStepUp), 0x0300, 0x4C, 0x01, Z_(01xxxx0A0000000000) },
{ Z_(ColorTempStepDown),0x0300, 0x4C, 0x01, Z_(03xxxx0A0000000000) },
{ Z_(ColorTempStep), 0x0300, 0x4C, 0x01, Z_(xxyyyy0A0000000000) }, //xx = 0x01 up, 0x03 down, yyyy = step
// Tradfri
{ Z(ArrowClick), 0x0005, 0x07, 0x01, Z(xx) }, // xx == 0x01 = left, 0x00 = right
{ Z(ArrowHold), 0x0005, 0x08, 0x01, Z(xx) }, // xx == 0x01 = left, 0x00 = right
{ Z(ArrowRelease), 0x0005, 0x09, 0x01, Z() },
{ Z_(ArrowClick), 0x0005, 0x07, 0x01, Z_(xx) }, // xx == 0x01 = left, 0x00 = right
{ Z_(ArrowHold), 0x0005, 0x08, 0x01, Z_(xx) }, // xx == 0x01 = left, 0x00 = right
{ Z_(ArrowRelease), 0x0005, 0x09, 0x01, Z_() },
// Response for Indetify cluster
{ Z(IdentifyQuery), 0x0003, 0x00, 0x02, Z(xxxx) }, // timeout in seconds
{ Z_(IdentifyQuery), 0x0003, 0x00, 0x02, Z_(xxxx) }, // timeout in seconds
// IAS - Intruder Alarm System + leak/fire detection
{ Z(ZoneStatusChange),0x0500, 0x00, 0x82, Z(xxxxyyzz) }, // xxxx = zone status, yy = extended status, zz = zone id, Delay is ignored
{ Z_(ZoneStatusChange),0x0500, 0x00, 0x82, Z_(xxxxyyzz) }, // xxxx = zone status, yy = extended status, zz = zone id, Delay is ignored
// responses for Group cluster commands
{ Z(AddGroup), 0x0004, 0x00, 0x82, Z(xxyyyy) }, // xx = status, yy = group id
{ Z(ViewGroup), 0x0004, 0x01, 0x82, Z(xxyyyy) }, // xx = status, yy = group id, name ignored
{ Z(GetGroup), 0x0004, 0x02, 0x82, Z(xxyyzzzz) }, // xx = capacity, yy = count, zzzz = first group id, following groups ignored
{ Z(RemoveGroup), 0x0004, 0x03, 0x82, Z(xxyyyy) }, // xx = status, yy = group id
{ Z_(AddGroup), 0x0004, 0x00, 0x82, Z_(xxyyyy) }, // xx = status, yy = group id
{ Z_(ViewGroup), 0x0004, 0x01, 0x82, Z_(xxyyyy) }, // xx = status, yy = group id, name ignored
{ Z_(GetGroup), 0x0004, 0x02, 0x82, Z_(xxyyzzzz) }, // xx = capacity, yy = count, zzzz = first group id, following groups ignored
{ Z_(RemoveGroup), 0x0004, 0x03, 0x82, Z_(xxyyyy) }, // xx = status, yy = group id
// responses for Scene cluster commands
{ Z(AddScene), 0x0005, 0x00, 0x82, Z(xxyyyyzz) }, // xx = status, yyyy = group id, zz = scene id
{ Z(ViewScene), 0x0005, 0x01, 0x82, Z(xxyyyyzz) }, // xx = status, yyyy = group id, zz = scene id
{ Z(RemoveScene), 0x0005, 0x02, 0x82, Z(xxyyyyzz) }, // xx = status, yyyy = group id, zz = scene id
{ Z(RemoveAllScenes),0x0005, 0x03, 0x82, Z(xxyyyy) }, // xx = status, yyyy = group id
{ Z(StoreScene), 0x0005, 0x04, 0x82, Z(xxyyyyzz) }, // xx = status, yyyy = group id, zz = scene id
{ Z(GetSceneMembership),0x0005, 0x06, 0x82,Z(xxyyzzzz) }, // specific
{ Z_(AddScene), 0x0005, 0x00, 0x82, Z_(xxyyyyzz) }, // xx = status, yyyy = group id, zz = scene id
{ Z_(ViewScene), 0x0005, 0x01, 0x82, Z_(xxyyyyzz) }, // xx = status, yyyy = group id, zz = scene id
{ Z_(RemoveScene), 0x0005, 0x02, 0x82, Z_(xxyyyyzz) }, // xx = status, yyyy = group id, zz = scene id
{ Z_(RemoveAllScenes),0x0005, 0x03, 0x82, Z_(xxyyyy) }, // xx = status, yyyy = group id
{ Z_(StoreScene), 0x0005, 0x04, 0x82, Z_(xxyyyyzz) }, // xx = status, yyyy = group id, zz = scene id
{ Z_(GetSceneMembership),0x0005, 0x06, 0x82,Z_(xxyyzzzz) }, // specific
@ -376,7 +353,7 @@ void convertClusterSpecific(JsonObject& json, uint16_t cluster, uint8_t cmd, boo
// Match if:
// - payload exactly matches conv->param (conv->param may be longer)
// - payload matches conv->param until 'x', 'y' or 'z'
const char * p = conv->param;
const char * p = Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&conv->param_offset);
//AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(">>>++1 param = %s"), p);
bool match = true;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < payload.len(); i++) {
@ -396,8 +373,8 @@ void convertClusterSpecific(JsonObject& json, uint16_t cluster, uint8_t cmd, boo
p += 2;
if (match) {
command_name = (const __FlashStringHelper*) conv->tasmota_cmd;
parseXYZ(conv->param, payload, &xyz);
command_name = (const __FlashStringHelper*) (Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&conv->tasmota_cmd_offset));
parseXYZ(Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&conv->param_offset), payload, &xyz);
if (0xFF == conv_cmd) {
// shift all values
xyz.z = xyz.y;
@ -541,10 +518,10 @@ const __FlashStringHelper* zigbeeFindCommand(const char *command, uint16_t *clus
uint8_t conv_direction = pgm_read_byte(&conv->direction);
uint8_t conv_cmd = pgm_read_byte(&conv->cmd);
uint16_t conv_cluster = pgm_read_word(&conv->cluster);
if ((conv_direction & 0x01) && (0 == strcasecmp_P(command, conv->tasmota_cmd))) {
if ((conv_direction & 0x01) && (0 == strcasecmp_P(command, Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&conv->tasmota_cmd_offset)))) {
*cluster = conv_cluster;
*cmd = conv_cmd;
return (const __FlashStringHelper*) conv->param;
return (const __FlashStringHelper*) (Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&conv->param_offset));
@ -253,9 +253,9 @@ void ZbSendReportWrite(const JsonObject &val_pubwrite, uint16_t device, uint16_t
type_id = local_type_id;
} else if (converter->name) {
} else if (pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset)) {
// AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Comparing '%s' with '%s'"), attr_name, converter->name);
if (0 == strcasecmp_P(key, converter->name)) {
if (0 == strcasecmp_P(key, Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset))) {
// match
cluster_id = local_cluster_id;
attr_id = local_attr_id;
@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ void ZbSendRead(const JsonVariant &val_attr, uint16_t device, uint16_t groupaddr
uint16_t local_cluster_id = CxToCluster(pgm_read_byte(&converter->cluster_short));
// uint8_t local_type_id = pgm_read_byte(&converter->type);
if ((converter->name) && (0 == strcasecmp_P(key, converter->name))) {
if ((pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset)) && (0 == strcasecmp_P(key, Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset)))) {
// match name
// check if there is a conflict with cluster
Reference in New Issue